Comm2 Lab Activities Complete

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 To be able to generate Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) using TIMS modeling
 To be able to understand how the amount of bandwidth affects signal degradation and
the number of errors.
 To be able to view the time domain
 Ta be able to observe the snap shot and eye patterns
 To be able to determine the two generator synchronization and alignment with the
“sliding window correlator”

 TIMS Modeling System
 Audio Oscillator module
 Sequence Generator module
 Error Counting Utilities module
 Tunable LPF module

Procedure/Data and Results:

T1 before inserting the SEQUENCE GENERATOR set the on-board DIP switch SW2 to generate a
short sequence (both toggles of the on-board switch SW2 UP)). Then patch up the model. Set
the AUDIO OSCILLATOR, acting as the bit clock, to about 2 kHz.

T2 observe the TTL sequence on CH1-A. Try triggering the oscilloscope to the sequence itself
(CH1-A). Notice that you may be able to obtain a stable picture, but it may change when the re-
set button is pressed (this re-starts the sequence each time from the same point, referred to as
the ‘start of sequence’).

T3 try triggering off the bit clock. Notice that it is difficult (impossible?) to obtain a stable
display of the sequence (show figure).

T4 change the mode of oscilloscope triggering. Instead of using the signal itself, use the start-of-
sequence SYNC signal from the SEQUENCE GENERATOR, connected to ‘ext. trig’ of the

T5 have a look with your oscilloscope at a yellow analog output from the SEQUENCE
GENERATOR. The DC offset has been removed, and the amplitude is now suitable for processing
by analog modules (e.g., by a filter representing an analog channel). Observe also that the
polarity has been reversed with respect to the TTL version. This is just a consequence of the
internal circuitry; if not noticed it can cause misunderstandings!

T6 select a short sequence from the SEQUENCE GENERATOR.

T7 connect an analog version of the sequence (YELLOW) to the input of a TUNEABLE LPF.

T8 on the front panel of the TUNEABLE LPF set the toggle switch to the WIDE position. Obtain
the widest bandwidth by rotating the TUNE control fully clockwise.

T9 with the oscilloscope still triggered by the ‘start-of-sequence’ SYNC signal, observe both the
filter input and output on separate oscilloscope channels. Adjust the gain control on the
TUNEABLE LPF so the amplitudes are approximately equal.

T10with the oscilloscope still triggered by the ‘start-of-sequence’ SYN’ signal observe both the
filter input and output on separate oscilloscope channels. Adjust the gain control on the
TUNEABLE LPF so the amplitudes are approximately equal.

T11 monitor the filter corner frequency, by measuring the CLK signal from the TUNEABLE LPF
with the FREQUENCY COUNTER. Slowly reduce the bandwidth, and compare the difference
between the two displays. Notice that, with reducing bandwidth:
a) identification of individual bits becomes more difficult
b) there is an increasing delay between input and output.


T12 before plugging in the SEQUENCE GENERATOR modules, set them both to the same short

T13 patch together as above, but omit the link from the ‘GENERATOR #1’ SYNC to ‘GENERATOR
#2’ RESET. Do not forget to connect the ‘start-of-sequence’ SYNC signal of the GENERATOR #1
to the ‘ext. trig’ of the oscilloscope.

T14 press the ‘GENERATOR #2’ RESET push button several times. Observe on the oscilloscope
that the two output sequences are synchronized in time but the data bits do not line-up
correctly. Try to synchronize the sequences manually by repeating this exercise many times. It is
a hit-and-miss operation, and is likely to be successful only irregularly.

T15 connect the SYNC of the ‘GENERATOR #1’ to the RESET of the ‘GENERATOR #2’. Observe on
the oscilloscope that the two output sequences are now synchronized in time and their data
are aligned.
T16 break the synchronizing path between the two generators. What happens to the
alignment?( This is an important observation to make. Please take this as one of the discussion

Outputs (two generator alignment)


T17 before patching up select the shortest length sequence on each SEQUENCE GENERATOR.

T18 patch together as above. Do not close the link from the X-OR output of the ERROR

T19 view CH1-A and CH2-A simultaneously. The two output sequences are synchronized in time
but the data bits are probably not aligned, Press the RESET push button of the RECEIEVER
GENERATOR repeatedly. Notice that once in awhile it is possible to achieve alignment. With a
longer sequence this would be a rare event indeed.

T20 switch to CH1-B; observe the error sequence produced by the X-OR operation on the two
data sequences.

T21 now close the alignment link by connecting the error signal at the X-OR output to RESET

T22 confirm that the error is now zero. Confirm that, if the RESET push button of the RECEIVER
GENERATOR is repeatedly pressed, the error signal appears for a short time and then
T23 repeat the previous task with a long sequence. Note that the system takes a longer time to
acquire alignment.

T24 having achieved alignment, disconnect the error signal from the RESET-input of the
RECEIVER GENERATOR, and observe that the two sequences remain in alignment.

Q1 you have seen the first ‘n’ bits of a sequence, using the start-of-the –sequence signal to
initiate the oscilloscope sweep. How could you show the next ‘n’ bits of the same sequence?

Q2 estimate the bandwidth of the sequence as a function of bit rate clock frequency. Describe a
method for estimating the ,aximum rate at which a binary sequence can be transmitted hrough
alowpass filter. Relate its predictions with your observations.

Q3 explain what is meant when two sequences are ‘synchronized’ and ‘aligned’.

Q4 was there any obvious misalignment between the TTL sequence input to, and the
bandlimited sequence output from, the TUNEABLE LPF? Explain.

Q5 in the last model examined, explain why the sequence alignment takes longer when the
sequence length is increased.
Q6 suppose the TIMS SEQUENCE GENERATOR is driven by an 8.333kHz TTL clock. What would
the TIMS FREQUENCY COUNTER read if connected to the output sequence? Explain.

Q7 what should an rms meter read oif connected to a TTL pseudo random binary sequence?

Q8 with a 2.083kHz clock what is the delay, for a 2048 bit sequence, between consecutive

Laboratory Activity # 2
ASK - Amplitude Shift Keying

 To generate and demodulate an amplitude shift keyed (ASK) signal.
 TIMS modeling system
 Audio Oscillator
 Sequence Generator
 Dual Analog Switch
 Multiplier
 Utilities
 Adder
 Tuneable LPF
 Oscilloscope
 Oscilloscope Probes
 Connectors


T1.1 Model the switch by using one half of a Dual Analog Switch module. The carrier
frequency would need to be in the audio range. The TTL output from the sequence
generator is connected directly to the control input of the Dual Analog Switch. Use
the 8.333 kHz sinusoidal message from the master signals module. If you need the
Tunable LPF for band limiting of the ASK, use the sinusoidal output from an Audio
Oscillator as the carrier. For a synchronized message as above, tune the oscillator
close to 8.333 kHz, and lock it there with the sample clock connected to its synch

T1.2 A Multiplier module can be used as the switch. The carrier can come from any
suitable sinusoidal source. It could be at any available TIMS frequency. The other
input to the Multiplier needs to be the message sequence. Neither the TTL nor the
analog sequence is at an appropriate voltage level. Each requires amplitude
scaling. This can be implemented in an Adder, which will invert the sequence
polarity. DC from the Variable DC module can be used to re-set the DC level. The
required signal will be at a level of either 0V or +2 V, the latter being optimum for
the (analog) Multiplier.

T2.0 Use the Tunable LPF to obtain bandwidth of ASK signal, remember to select
appropriate ASK frequencies.
T3.1 Having a very definite envelope, an envelope detector can be used as the first step
in recovering the original sequence. Connect ASK input to the comparator and to
the Tunable LPF input. Evaluate results.
T3.2 A synchronous demodulator can be used for demodulation.

T3.3 Connect ASK input to the Adder module and to the Decision Maker module to
regenerate bi-polar sequence from the recovered envelope.

Remember to:

 Convert the uni-polar, bandlimited output of the envelope detector to bi-

polar (using the ADDER), to suit the Decision Maker.
 Set the on-board switch SW1, of the Decision Maker, to NRZ-L. This
configures it to accept bi-polar inputs.
 Adjust the decision point of the Decision Maker.
 In the first instance, use a stolen carrier and bit clock.
Data and Results:



The generation and demodulation of binary FSK signal.


TIMS Oscilloscope
Audio Oscillator Module Oscilloscope Probes
Sequence Generator Module Connectors
Tuneable LPF Module Power Cords
VCO Module Bit Clock Regen. Module
Adder Module Dual Analog Switch Module
Utilities Module Multiplier Module


1. Generation of Frequency Shift keying (FSK) Signal

Use the VCO module to generate a continuous phase FSK signal. Patch up the figure

Figure 1. CPFSK

2. Patch up the figure below. It is an alternative way of generating a FSK signal.

Figure 2. Alternative FSK Modulator

3. Asynchronous Receiver

Set the on-board switch SW1. Put the left hand toggle Up, and right toggle down.
This tunes BPF1 to 2.083 kHz, and BPF2 anywhere in the range1< fo <5 kHz, depending on
the VCO. The FSK signal generated will be used as the input for the BIT CLOCK REGEN. The
bit clock that will be used for the BIT CLOCK REGEN will be coming from the TTL of the VCO,
and then it will output two signals each of which will pass through the UTILITIES and the
TUNEABLE LPF module. The two signals generated will be the MARK and SPACE.

4. PLL- Phase Locked Loop

The generated FSK signal will be used as the input for the MULTIPLIER module (X) and
then the (Y) in the MULTIPLIER module will be shorted with the sine of the VCO module. The
output from the MULTIPLIER module will be use as the input for the loop filter in the BIT
CLOCK REGEN module. The output from the loop filter will be the message out to be plug in
the control panel in the VCO module.

Data and Results:


FSK Demodulation
There are different methods used in demodulating FSK signals which can be classified into two:
asynchronous (coherent) and synchronous (non-coherent). Asynchronous modulation is a
method wherein the signal is converted first into an amplitude shift keying (ASK) since the FSK
is just the sum of the two signals. The two signals will be demodulated independently and with
the use of a decision circuit it selects one of the two inputs and also reshapes the signal from a
bandlimited form to a rectangular form. The bandwidth of each is dependent on the message
bit rate. While in synchronous modulation, a two channel receiver with a decision circuit is used
in demodulating FSK. The decision circuit examines the two outputs and decides which is the
most likely. This type of demodulator is more complex compared to asynchronous. The
bandwidth of each is dependent on the message bit rate and a minimum frequency of
separation is required for two tones.

Phase Locked Loop

A phase locked loop is a system that generates a sinusoidal signal that is synchronized with a
given periodic system. The ‘message’ will decrease in amplitude when its opposite signal’s
frequency become narrower. The message is out of phase with the input signal especially when
the signal is wider and a bit in phase when the signal becomes narrower.

Activity # 4
BPSK – Binary Phase Shift Keying


To be able to generate a binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) signal. To be able to do

bandlimitting. To be able to demodulate a synchronous phase ambiguity.


 TIMS Modeling System

 Oscilloscope
 Audio Oscillator
 Phase Shifter
 Sequence Generator
 Line Code Encoder
 Multiplier
 Tuneable LPF
 Decision Maker
 Line Code Decoder


T1 Patch up the modulator of [Figure]; acquaint yourself with a BPSK signal. Examine the
transitions as the phase between bit clock and carrier is altered. Vary the bandwidth of
the PRBS with the TUNEABLE LPF. Notice the envelope.

T2 Patch up the demodulator of [Figure]. The received signal will have come from the
transmitter of the previous figure. Observe the output from the TUNEABLE LPF, and
confirm its appearance with respect to that transmitted. If the sequence is inverted
then toggle the front panel 1800 switch of the receiver PHASE SHIFTER.

T3 Set the on-board switch SW1 of the DECISION MAKER to accept NRZ-L coding. Use the
gain control of the TUNEABLE LPF to set the input at about the TIMS ANALOG REFERENCE
LEVEL OF ±2 VOLT PEAK. Adjust the decision point. Check the output.

T4 Observe the TTL output from the LINE CODE DECODER. Confirm that the phase of the
receiver carrier (for the NRZ-L line code) is still important.

T5 Investigate a change of bandwidth of the transmitted signal. Notice that, as the

bandwidth is changed, the amplitude of the demodulated sequence at the DECISION
MAKER input will change. This you might expect; but, under certain conditions, it can
increase as the bandwidth is decreased. How could this be? See tutorial question Q6.
Results and Data:


Activity # 5
Detection with the Decision Maker

The student should be able to familiarize himself with the Decision Maker module. He
should also be able to demonstrate the superiority of a gated detector as compared with a
simple comparator.

 Sequence Generator
 Audio Oscillator
 Decision Maker
 Utilities
 Oscilloscope
 TIMS Modeling System
 Noise Generator
 Adder
 Baseband Channel Filter
 Tuneable LPF


T1 Before plugging in the SEQUENCE GENERATOR module, select the minimum length
sequence with the on-board switch SW2 (both toggles up).

T2 Model the complete system illustrated in [figure], except for the DECISION MAKER.

T3 Set the AUDIO OSCILLATOR to about 2 kHz. This will suit the DECISION MAKER, which
has been designed for operation with clock rates of this order.

T4 Ensure the oscilloscope is triggering on the SYNC signal from the SEQUENCE GENERATOR.
Check the sequence on CH1-A.


T5 Set the TUNEABLE LPF to its widest bandwidth. Check the signal on CH1 -B is roughly of
the same shape. The COMPARATOR should have no trouble regenerating the sequence.

T6 Check the COMPARATOR output against the original sequence by looking at CH1-A and
CH2-A simultaneously. Satisfy yourself that regeneration is acceptable.
T7 Now carry out some observations of the COMPARATOR output as either or both the
channel bandwidth is varied and noise is added. Get some appreciation of the
limitations of the COMPARATOR as a regenerator.


T8 Read about the DECISION MAKER module in the TIMS Advanced Modules User Manual.
Before plugging it in, ensure that:
 the on-board switch SW2 is switched to 'INT'
 the 'NRZ-L' waveform is selected with on-board switch SW1 (upper rear
of the board)
This configures the DECISION MAKER to accept bipolat non-return-to-zero
waveforms, as you have from the analog output of the SEQUENCE GENERATOR

T9 Change the oscilloscope triggering, and display an eye pattern.

T10 Patch the DECISION MAKER into the system, including the Z-MOD connection to the

T11 Rotate the front panel DECISION POINT control knob of the DECISION MAKER. There
should be a highlighted point moving across both oscilloscope traces. If the spot cannot
be seen, try varying the oscilloscope intensity control. If still no spot, seek help from
your Laboratory Manager. As a last resort, refer to the appropriate user manuals.
There are settings on the DECISION MAKER circuit board to suit most oscilloscopes, and
once set (by the Laboratory Manager) they require no further adjustments.

Note: make sure a TTL bit clock is connected to B.CLK in.

T12 Locate the high intensity spot on the oscilloscope display. This shows the sampling

T13 Adjust the front panel control of the DECISION MAKER so that the sampling instant is
positioned at the best decision point within the bit period; ie, where the vertical eye
opening is greatest.

T14 The regenerated sequence will be displayed on CH2-B. Compare it with the input
sequence on CH1-A. There will, of course, be a time offset between the two, due to the
delay introduced by the filter, and the regeneration process itself.

T15 Now carry out some observations of the DECISION MAKER output, as you did for the
COMPARATOR output, as either or both the channel bandwidth is varied and noise is
added. Get some idea of the performance of the DECISION MAKER, as compared with
that of the simple COMPARATOR, as a regenerator.
Results and Data:



 To be able to know and generate the macro Channel Model
 To be able to set up a noisy band limited channel for subsequent experiments.
 To be able to measure of filter’s characteristics, signal-to-noise ratio with the wideband
true rms meter.
 Ta be able to observe the the different levels of signal-to-noise ratio with speech

 TIMS Modelling System
 Audio Oscillator module
 Sequence Generator module
 Wideband true RMS meter
 Noise Generator
 Baseband Channel Filters module
 Buffer Amplifiers
 Adder

Procedure/Data and Results:

T1 decide upon a frequency range, and the approximate frequency increments to be made
over this range. A preliminary sweep is useful. It could locate the corner frequency, and the
frequency increments you choose near the corner (where the amplitude-frequency change is
fastest) could be closer together.

T2 set the AUSIO OSCILLATOR frequency to the low end of the sweep range, set the filter imput
voltage to a convenient value using the BUFFER AMPLIFIER. A round figure is often chosen to
make subsequent calculations easier – say 1 volt rms. Note that the input voltage cab be read,
without the need to change patching leads, by switching the straight-through condition –
position #1. Record the chosen input voltage amplitude.

T3 switch back to the chosen filter, and record the output voltage amplitude and the frequency.
(Show the figure)

T4 tune to the next frequency. Check that the input amplitude has remained constant; adjust, if
necessary, with the BUFFER AMPLIFIER. Record the output voltage amplitude and the
measurement frequency.

T5 repeat the previous Task until the full frequency range has been covered (Show the figure).
T6 make a graph of your results. Choose your scales wisely. Compare with the theoretical


this experiment use a BASEBAND CHANNEL FILTERS module.

T8 reduce to zero the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal into the channel, using the ‘G’ gain
control of the INPUT ADDER.

T9 set the front panel attenuator of the NOISE GENERATOR to maximum output.

T10 adjsut the gain control ‘g’ of the INPUT ADDER to maximum, adjust the ‘G’ control of the
OUTPUT ADDER for about 1 volt rms. Record the reading. The level of signal into the BASEBAND
CHANNEL FILTERS module may exceed the TIMS ANANLOG REFERENCE LEVEL, and be close to
overloading it – but we neeed as much noise out as possible. If you suspect overloading, then
reduce the noise 2bD with the attenuator, and check that the expected change is reflected by
the rms meter reading. If not, use the INPUT ADDER to reduce the level a little, and check again
(show the figure).

T11 switch the BASEBAND CHANNEL FILTERS module to the straight-through connection –
switch position #1. Look at the noise on the oscilloscope.

T12 switch the BASEBAND CHANNEL FILTERS module to any or all of the lowpass characteristics.
Look at the noise on the oscilloscope

T13 reduce to zero the amplitude of the noise into the channel by removing its patch cord from
the INPUT ADDER, thus not disturbing the ADDER adjustment.

T14 set the AUDIO OSCILLATOR to any convenient frequency within the passband of the
channel. Adjust the gain ‘G’ of the INPUT ADDER until the WIDEBAND TRUE RMS METER reads
the same value as it did earlier for the noise level.

T15 turn to your note book, and calculate what the WIDEBAND TRUE RMS METER will read
when the noise is reconnected.

T16 replace the noise patch cord into the INPUT ADDER. Record what the meter reads.

T17 calculate and record the signal-to-noise ration in dB.

T18 measure the signal-plus-noise, then the noise alone, and calculate the SNR in dB. Compare
with the result of the previous Task.
T19 increase the signal level, thus changing the SNR. Measure both (S/N), and (S + N/N) and
predict each from the ,measurement of the other, Repeat for different SNR.


T20 obtain speech either from TRUNKS or a SPEECH MODULE. Listen to it using the
HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER alone. Switch the in-built LPF in and out and observe any change of
the speech quality. Comment. The filter has a cut-off of 3KHz – confirm this by measurement
(show the figure).

T21 pass the speech through macro CHANNEL MODEL module, using the BASEBAND CHANNEL
FILTERS module as the band limiter. Add noise and observe, qualitatively, the sound of different
levels of signal;-to-noise ratio (show the figure).

T22 what can you say about the intelligibility of the speech when corrupted by noise? If you are
using band limited speech, but wideband noise you can make observations about the effect
upon intelligibility of restricting the noise to the same bandwidth as the speech. Do this, and
report your conclusions.

T23 how easy is it t measure the signal power, when it is speech? Comment. Remember: it is
easy to introduce a precise change to the SNR (how?), but with speech the measurement of
absolute level of SNR is not as straight forward as with a sinusoidal message (show the figure).

Q1 When plotting filter amplitude responses it is customary to use decibel scales for the
amplitude, versus a logarithmic frequency scale. Discuss some of the advantages of this form of
presentation over alternatives.
Q2 An analog channel is overloaded with a single sine wave test signal. Is this always
immediately obvious if examined with an oscilloscope?
Is it obvious with:
a. A single measurement using a voltmeter?
b. Two or more measurements with a voltmeter?
Explain you answers to (a) and (b).

Q3 suppose an rms voltmeter reads 1 volt at the output of a noisy channel when the signal is
removed from the input, what would it read of the bandwidth was halved> State any
assumptions which were necessary for this answer.
Q4 a sinusoidal waveform has a peak-to-peak amplitude of 5 volts. What is its rms value?
Q5 what would an rms meter read if connected to a square wave:
a. Alternating between 0 and 5 volt?
b. Alternating between 5volt?
Q6 the measuring instrument used in this experiment was an rms volt meter. Could you derive
a conversion factor so that the instrument could be used as a direct reading (relative) power
Q7 suppose a meter id reading 1 volt rms on a pure tone. Wideband noise is now added until
the meter reading increases by 10%?
a. What would be the signal-to-noise ration in dB?
b. What would the rms volt meter on noise alone? What answer is meant to show that
measuring small;; changes to signal-to-noise ratios is difficult unless the signal-to-
noise ratio is already small. Do you agree? How small?

Q8 wideband white noise is passed through a lowpass filter to a meter. If the filter bandwidth is
decreased by one half, what would be the change of the reading of the meter if:
a. It responds to power – answer in dB
b. It is a true rms volt meter – give the percent change

Q9 explain how you might measure, or at ;east demonstrate the existence of a time delay
through any of the filters?

Activity # 7

 To be able to investigate of the sample-and-hold operation as a first step towards
digitization of an analog waveform.
 To be able to observe the message reconstruction by lowpass filtering

Materials/Equipments used:
 TIMS modeling system
 Digital Oscilloscope
 Integrate and Dump module
 Tuneable LPF module


T1 acquire an INTEGRATE & DUMP module. This is a multiple-purpose module. Within it is a

sub-system which performs sample-and-hold operations. Before plugging it in, set the on-board
switch SW1 to the S&H 1 position (‘0’). Analog signals connected to the input socket labeled
I&D 1 will now undergo a sample-and-hold (S&H 1) operation, the result appearing at the I & D
1 output socket. Ignore the duplicate S & H 2 option available at the I & D 2 sockets.

T2 patch up the module.

T3 select a sweep speed to show two or three periods of the message – say 0.1 ms/cm. set
equal gains of both channels – say 1 volt/cm. with the patching shown in figure 3 you might
expect to obtain oscilloscope displays similar to that of figure 2. Try it.

T4 note the output from the socket labeled READY. Sketch it with respect to the clock and
output signal, showing time relationships.

T5 use a TUNEABLE LPF module to reconstruct the message. Decide on, then set a ‘suitable’
bandwidth. Report your findings.

T6 do as suggested above. Use the oscilloscope to view both the input and output sine
waves simultaneously. Synchronize the oscilloscope (externally) to the source of the message.
As an engineering estimate, if the distortion is not obvious, then one could say the signal-to-
distortion ratio is better than 30dB (probably better than 40dB).

T7 replace the 8.333kHz sampling signal from the MASTER SIGNALS module with the TTL
output from a VCO. Monitor the VCO frequency with the FREQUENCY COUNTER. Starting with
the VCO set to its highest frequency on the LO range (about 15kHz), slowly reduce it, while
watching the reconstructed message waveshape. As soon as distortion is evident note the VCO
frequency. Knowing the reconstruction filter amplitude characteristics, how does this agree
with the Nyquist criterion?
Results and Data:


Q1 assuming a sine wave is accomplish by a small third harmonic component, how large
would this have to be before its presence could be detected using only an oscilloscope? This
question would not please the purists, because it raises more questions than it asks. But
attempt an answer, you could even set up the signal using TIMS and demonstrate your reply.

Q2 recall the experiment entitled Modelling an equation within Volume A1 – Fundamental

Analog Experiments. There was demonstrate the cancellation of a component in a signal.
Describe how this technique might be used in the present case to make a measurement of
signal-to-distortion ratio.

Q3 define the ‘slot bandwidth’ of a lowpass filter. Redefine the Nyquist criterion in terms of
practiced filter characteristics.

Q4 sample-and-hold (flat-top sampling) can be shown to introduce distortion of the

message if it is reconstructed by using a lowpass filter alone. From your general reading, or
otherwise, is it possible to eliminate this distortion by further message processing? Hint: key
words are aperture effect, sinx/x correction.

Activity # 8
QAM and 4-PSK


To be able to review of the quadrature amplitude modulator (QAM) in digital

communications; as a generator of a quadrature phase shift keyed (QPSK, or 4-PSK) signal.
Demodulation of QPSK.


 TIMS Modeling System

 Oscilloscope
 Decision Maker module
 Multiplier module
 Sequence Generator module
 Adder module
 !00kHz Channel Filter module
 Phase shifter module
 Tuneable LPF module

Procedure/Results and Data:


T1 patch up the modulator accordingly. Set the on-board switch SW 1 of the phase shifter
to HI. Select channel #3 of the 100kGHz CHANNEL FILTERS module (this is a bandpass
filter of adequate bandwidth). Show figures.

T2 there are no critical adjustments to be made. Set 5the signals from each input of the
ADDER to be, say, 1 volt peak at the ADDER output.

T3 for interest predict the waveforms (amplitude and shape) at all interfaces, then confirm
by inspection. What will be a suitable oscilloscope trigger in each case.

T4 set the oscilloscope in X-Y mode. With no input, select equal gains per channel. Locate
the 'spot' in the center of the screen; then connect the two data streams entering the
QAM to the scope X and Y.

T5 patch up the single channel demodulator of Figure, including the z-mod facility of the
DECISION MAKER. Use an eye pattern to locate decision point.

T6 while watching the 'I' channel at the transmitter, sue the PHASE SHIFTER to match the
demodulator output with it.

T7 while watching the 'Q' channel at the transmitter, sue the PHASE SHIFTER to match the
demodulator output with it.


Activity #9

 To be able to observe carrier recovery from a modulate signal, using a phase locked

Materials/Equipments used:
 TIMS modeling system
 Digital Oscilloscope
 Bit clock Regen module
 Multiplier module
 VCO module


T1 patch up the model of Figure 2 without the SQUARER. Select the the modulated signals
appearing at TRUNKS on the 100kHz carrier.

T2 use the oscilloscope to view bith the incoming signal and the sinusoidal output of the
VCO. Trigger to the latter.

T3 with the gain of the VCO set fully anti-clockwise (zero loop gain – no negative feedback)
tune the VCO to near 100kHz. Watch the two oscilloscope traces. See if you can judge when the
VCO is near the carrier frequency.

T4 when you think you have tuned the VCO close to the incoming carrier then introduce
some negative feedback. Watch for indications of phase lock, if and when it occirs report the
frequency of the recovered carrier.

T5 in your notes describe the technique you have adopted for obtaining and confirming
phase lock with the PLL.

T6 is your recovered carrier free of linear or non-linear modulation? What technique did
you use to check this?

T7 introduce the SQUARER to the model, and repeat the previous Tasks, this time working
with the TRUNKS signal based on a 50kHz carrier.
Results and Data:


Q1 how would be the scheme illustrated in Fugure 1 be modified if the received signal
already had a spectral component at carrier frequency?

Q2 it is essential that the MULTIPLIER following the filter of the SQUARER be AC coupled.
Why is this?

Q3 what is the purpose of the filter following the SQUARER in Figure 1?

Activity # 10-A
PCM Encoding

Introduction to pulse code modulation (PCM) and the PCM ENCODER module. Coding of
a message into a train of digital words in binary format.

 TIMS Modeling System
 Oscilloscope
 PCM Encoder


T1 Select the TIMS companding A4-law with the on-board COMP jumper (in preparation for
a later part of the experiment).

T2 Locate the on-board switch Sw2. Put the LEFT HAND toggle DOWN and the RIGHT
HAND toggle UP. This sets the frequency of a message from the module at SYNC.
MESSAGE. This message is synchronized to a sub-multiple of the MASTER CLOCK
frequency. For more detail, see the Appendix to this experiment.

T3 Insert the module into the TIMS frame. Switch the front panel toggle switch to 4-BIT
LINEAR (ie.,no companding).

T4 Patch the 8.333 kHz TTL SAMPLE CLOCK from the MASTER SIGNALS module to the CLK
input of the PCM ENCODER module.

T5 Connect the Vin input socket to ground of the variable DC module.

T6 Connect the frame synchronization signal FS to the oscilloscope ext. synch. input.

T7 On CH1-A display the frame synchronization signal FS. Adjust the sweep speed to show
three frame markers. These mark the end of each frame.

T8 On CH2-A display the CLK signal.

T9 Record the number of clock periods per frame.

T10 On CH2-B display the PCM DATA from the PCM DATA output socket.

T11 Identify the binary word in slots 4, 3, 2, and 1.


T12 Remove the ground connection, and connect the output of the VARIABLE DC module to
Vin. Sweep the DC voltage slowly backwards and forwards over its complete range, and
note how the data pattern changes in discrete jumps.

T13 If you have a WIDEBAND TRUE RMS METER module use this to monitor the DC
amplitude at Vin - otherwise use the oscilloscope (CH!-B). Adjust V in to its maximum
negative value. Record the DC voltage and the pattern of the 4-bit binary number.

T14 Slowly increase the amplitude of the DC input signal until there is a sudden change to
the PCM output signal format. Record the format of the new digital word, and the input
amplitude at which the change occurred.

T15 Continue this process over the full range of the DC supply.

T16 Draw a diagram showing the quantizing levels and their associated binary numbers.


T17 Change to 7-bit linear encoding by use of the front panel toggle switch.

T18 Make sufficient measurements so that you can answer all of the above questions in the
section titled 4-bit data format above. Making one or two assumptions (such as ?) you
should be able to deduce the coding scheme used.

T19 Change to 4-bit companding by use of the front panel toggle switch.

T20 The TIMS A4 companding law has already been selected (first task). Make the necessary
measurements to determine the nature of the law.


T21 Take a periodic message from the SYNC. MESSAGE socket. This was set as the second task.

T22 Adjust the oscilloscope to display the message. Record its frequency and shape. Check
if these are compatible with the Nyquist criterion; adjust the amplitude if necessary with

T23 Now look at the PCM DATA output. Synchronize the oscilloscope (as previously) to the
frame (FS) signal. Display two or three frames on CH1-A, and the PCM DATA output on
Data and Results:


Activity # 10-B
PCM Decoding

 Decode a PCM signal.
 Determine the quantizing scheme used at the encoder.
 Message reconstruction.
 Companding, comparison of 7-bit linear with 4-bit companded PCM.
 TIMS modeling system
 PCM Encoder
 PCM Decoder
 Oscilloscope
 Oscilloscope Probes
 Connectors

 Set up a PCM source input as done in the PCM Encoding experiment.

 Before plugging in PCM Encoder module, set the toggles of the on-board SYNC
message switch SW2. Set the left hand toggle DOWN, and the right hand toggle UP.
 Use the 8.333 kHz TTL signal from the Master Signals module for the CLK.
 Select, with the front toggle switch, the 4-bit Linear coding scheme.
 Synchronize the oscilloscope externally to the frame synchronization signal at FS. Set
the sweep speed to 0.5 ms/cm.
 Connect CH1-A of the Scope Selector to the PCM output of the PCM Encoder.
 Choose a large negative DC for the message (from the variable DC module).
 Vary the DC output and show the appearance of new patterns on CH1-A. When
finished, return the DC to its maximum negative value (control fully anti-clockwise).
 Use the front panel toggle switch to select the 4-bit linear decoding scheme (to
match that of the transmitter).
 “Steal” a 8.333 kHz TTL clock signal from the transmitter and connect it to the CLK
 In the first instance, “steal” the frame synchronization signal FS from the transmitter
by connecting it to the frame synchronization input FS of the receiver. At the same
time ensure that the FS Select toggle switch on the receiver is set to EXT FS.
 Ensure both channels of the oscilloscope are set to accept DC; set their gains to 1
volt/cm. With their inputs grounded set their traces in the center of their respective
halves of the screen. Remove the grounds.
 Connect CH2-A to the sample-and-hold output of the PCM Decoder.
 Connect the PCM Data output signal from the transmitter to the PCM Data input of
the receiver.
 Slowly vary the DC output from the Variable DC module back and forth over its
complete range. Observe the behavior of the two traces. The input to the encoder
moves continuously. The output from the decoder moves in discrete steps. There
are 16 amplitude quantizing steps of the PCM Encoder.
 Compare the quantizing levels just measured with those determined in the
experiment entitled PCM Encoding.
 Compare the quantizing levels just measured with those determined on the
experiment entitled PCM encoding.
 Reset the coding scheme on both modules to 7-bit. Sweep the input DC signal over
the complete range as before. Notice the “granularity” in the output is almost
unnoticeable compared with the 4-bit case.
 Change to a periodic message by connecting the SYNC Message of the PCM Encoder
via a Buffer Amplifier to its input Vin. An amplitude of 2 Vpp is suitable. Slow down
the oscilloscope sweep speed to 1ms/cm. Observe and record the signal at CH2-A.
 Change the coding scheme from 4-bit to 7-bit. That is, change the front panel toggle
switch of both the PCM Encoder and the PCM Decoder from 4-bit to 7-bit. Observe,
record, and explain the change to the waveform on CH2-A.
 Change to the complex message from the PCM Encoder as described.
 Include the built-in LPF in the output of the PCM Decoder, and observe the
reconstructed message. Make comparisons between the 4-bit linear and the 7-bit
linear coding schemes. Try different message amplitudes into the PCM Encoder.
 Use the front panel toggle switches (on both modules) to select 4-bit companding.
Use both low and high level messages into the PCM Encoder. Check the quantizing
 Change the FS Select switch on the front panel of the PCM Decoder module from

Data and Results:

Activity # 11

 Create a time division multiplexed pulse code modulated –PCM-TDM – signal by
interlacing two PCM signals.
 Demultiplexing of PCM-TDM.
 TIMS modeling system
 2 PCM Encoders
 2 PCM Decoders
 Oscilloscope
 Oscilloscope Probes
 Connectors

 Patch up the model according to the figure given. Initially set both encoders to 4-bit
 Set the Variable DC output to one end of its range. Reduce the gains of both Buffer
Amplifiers to zero.
 With the oscilloscope triggered to the FS signal, and displaying it on CH2-B, set the
sweep speed to display two or three frames across the screen. Line up the FS signal
with the graticule so that the positions of the 8 slots of each frame can be identified.
remember the FS signal marks the end of a frame.
 View CH1-A and CH2-A. set each channel to a different pattern, using the two Buffer
 Identify the alternate “0” and “1” pattern in each output in the LSB position.
 Observe the PCM output from PCM 1 as MASTER, and PCM 2 as SLAVE, while making
and breaking a patch between the MASTER and SLAVE sockets.
 Make a permanent connection between MASTER and SLAVE.
 Patch together the two PCM data outputs and check your expectations.
 Check what has happened to the alternating “0” and “1” embedded frame
synchronization bits which were, before combination of the two channels, at the
end of each frame.
 Show that the frame synchronization bit is a “1” for the MASTER channel, and a “0”
for the SLAVE.
 Change one of the messages to a periodic waveform. Adjust its amplitude to about 2
volt peak.
 Patch up the demodulator; note that each module receives the same clock, “stolen”
from the transmitter. Each module receives an external FS signal (the embedded
frame synchronization circuitry is disabled). The coding schemes selected for each
channel match those at the transmitter.
 Two outputs are available from each PCM Decoder – the quantized samples, and the
reconstructed message from the built-in LPF.
 Switch the FS select toggle on either or both PCM Decoder modules to EMBED, and
show synchronization is maintained.

Data and Results:

Laboratory Activity # 12
Spread Spectrum - DSSS

1. To demonstrate some of the principles of a direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)

1. TIMS modeling system
2. Audio Oscillator
3. Sequence Generator
4. Multipliers
5. Adder
6. Tuneable LPF
7. Oscilloscope
8. Oscilloscope Probes
9. Connectors

1. Model the block diagram of a spread BPSK signal. The ADDER is included for inserting
noise from a NOISE GENERATOR.
2. Before inserting the SEQUENCE GENERATOR modules, select a short sequence for the
message (both toggles of the on-board switch SW2 UP), and the same long sequence for
PN generators (both toggles of the on-board switch SW2 DOWN).
3. Initially use the 100 kHz TTL available from MASTER SIGNAL, divide by 12, using a
DIGITAL UTILITIES module (not shown), for the PN generator clock.
4. Reduce the noise output from the ADDER to zero.
5. Instead of connecting the bi-polar message sequence to the X input of the first
MULTIPLIER, connect instead the 2 kHz MESSAGE (sinusoidal) signal. This makes the
output from the first MULTIPLIER a DSBSC signal, easily recognizable on the oscilloscope.
Check this.
6. Instead of connecting the PN sequence, to the X input of the second MULTIPLIER,
connect instead the VARIABLE DC module set to near +2volt. This makes the second
MULTIPLIER a voltage controlled amplifier with a gain of about unity. Thus the ‘DSSS
output’ will be a well recognizable DSBSC based on a 2 kHz message. Check your levels
with this recognizable signal.
7. Using the PICO spectrum ANALYSER, examine the output spectrum. Confirm it is a
8. Synchronize the oscilloscope to the SYNCH signal (START-OF-SEQUENCE) of the message
generator. Examine signals throughout the system. Some will be familiar, others not.
There are no adjustments to be made, accept for the output amplitude from the ADDER.
9. Using the PICO SPECTRUM ANALYSER examine the output spectrum. With an 8.333 kHz
PN clock, confirm that the output spectrum – the DSSS signal – has its energy
concentrated over about 8 kHz either side of the 100 kHz carrier.
10. Now add noise. Adjust the noise level so that, while observing the spectrum of the
ADDER output, the DSSS signal can be seen above the noise level.
11. While still observing the spectrum, increase the spread of the DSSS signal. This is done
by increasing the PN sequence clock rate by choosing a lower division of the 100 kHz TTL
– choose divide – by – 2, for a 50 kHz clock.
12. Model the receiver. Both the 100 kHz carrier and the PN sequence are stolen from the
transmitter. Not shown is a PHASE SHIFTER for the 100 kHz carrier. This is used to
maximize the output amplitude (it will also change its polarity).
13. The bandwidth of the output filter is chosen to suit the message. Use a TUNABLE LPF
(shown in figure 5), or the 3 kHz LPF in the HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER. For restoration of
the output to a TTL format a DECISION MAKER would be included, but this is not
necessary for this experiment. Visual comparison of the sent and received sequences is
14. Observe the output, when the transmitter is connected to the input. Probably there will
be ‘nothing’ resembling the expected output sequence. Varying the phase of the 100
kHz carrier should not change things.
15. Bring the two sequences into alignment by momentarily connecting the start – of –
sequence SYNC output of the transmitter SEQUENCE GENERATOR to the RESET input of
16. Re-examine the output from the demodulator. The message should have been
recovered (being a short sequence, this is easy to confirm visually). Adjust the
bandwidth of the demodulator output filter for minimum bandwidth consistent with
reasonable waveshape. Remember, a DECISION MAKER could be used to regenerate a
perfect copy of the original, but this is not necessary for our present purpose.
17. With the system set up and showing the demodulated sequence at the receiver output,
replace the noise with a 100 kHz sinusoidal from a VCO. This represents an interfering
signal (a very elementary for of jamming). Monitor the VCO with the FREQUENCY
18. While watching the demodulator output, sweep the VCO frequency through its full
frequency range.

Data and Results:



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