Patrolman Benjamin M.
Blake, Detective Walter
Koch, Patrolman Joshua I.
Masenior, Patrolman Zachary
Grawehr, Patrolman James
Vernon; Mansfield Township
- Sgt. Shawn Bates, Patrolman
Michael Camerata, Patrolman
Greg Zytko; Belvidere Patrolman David Mariani,
Patrolman Christopher Pappa-
Chorus Holiday Concert:
December 9th, 7:30pm. M.
Craig Paine Performing Arts
Lafayette College Technology Clinic Students Special
10th, 5pm. Van Wickle
visit www.ehrdogs.org or
call 973-664-0865.
Council #12430 Blood
Drive: December 12th,
8am-noon. St. Jude RC
Church, McNulty Hall, 7
Eisenhower Rd., Blairstown.
The blood drive will be held
in memory of Deacon
Michael Sullivan.
appointment, call Robert Ho
at 908-382-1525, or email
[email protected].
Christmas in the Country:
December 13th, 1pm-3pm.
Homestead, Delaware. Tree
lighting; holiday carols,
crafts & refreshments; cured
homemade bacon for gifting;
& a visit from Santa! Free
event! FMI, call 973-9970920.
Water Gap Singers Holiday Concert: December
13th, 4pm. Lutheran Church
of the Good Shepherd, 168
Rt. 94 South, Blairstown. No
admission fee. Free-will
follow. FMI, call 973-9279555 or 973-229-6049.
December 14th, 10am7pm. Hackettstown Library.
Sponsored by the Friends of
the Library. FMI, call 908887-0529 or 908-852-4936,
or visit www.hackettstown
Blairstown Hose Co. No. 1
Breakfast with Santa:
December 20th, 8:30am11:30am. Mohican Banquet
Hall, 12 Mohican Rd., Blairstown. Santa will arrive on
the fire truck at 9am.
Hospital Bethlehem emergency physician John Prestosh, DO, FACOEP, was
recently named as the 20th
president of the American
College of Osteopathic
(ACOEP) during its annual
Scientific Assembly.
Dr. Prestosh, a resident of
Nazareth, PA, has been a
member of the ACOEP board
of directors since 2006 and
has served as the Secretary
and President-elect prior to
his current appointment. Dr.
Prestosh has been a member
of St. Lukes University
Health Networks medical
staff since 1987 and was an
emergency physician at
Medical Center for nine
years. In addition, he serves
as the Program Director for
the Osteopathic Emergency
Residency program at St.
Lukes since 2001.
Dr Prestosh is an amazing
mentor, great leader, resident
advocate and extraordinary
emergency physician who
was elected as president to a
national society representing
a large number of emergency
physicians, said Jennifer
Although the original stone
houses and large barns are
now gone, the site of the old
stone spring house continues
to bubble up clear, cool water.
The wetlands on the property
are home to the state threatened wood turtle and several
rare plant species.
To learn more about the
Mount Rascal Preserve, go to
The William Penn Foundation, founded in 1945 by Otto
and Phoebe Haas, is dedicated
to improving the quality of
life in the Greater Philadelphia region through efforts
that increase educational
opportunities for children
from low-income families,
ensure a sustainable environment, foster creativity that
enhances civic life, and
advance philanthropy in the
partnership with others, the
Foundation works to advance
opportunity, ensure sustainability, and enable effective
solutions. Since inception, the
Foundation has made nearly
10,000 grants totaling over
$1.6 billion. The Foundation's
By Jennifer Lively
Ciao Amici,
Many of the traditional
For Maria McDonough, the
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About RE/MAX Town &
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RE/MAX of New Jersey
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RE/MAX of New Jersey,
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Please visit www.remaxnj.com for more information.
As we walk I observe in
nature glorious evidence of
resilience, such as a hundred
year old maple cut in half
during Hurricane Sandy. It
quickly grew shoots below its
remaining crown that leafed
out to photosynthesize and
generate enough energy to
allow the tree to recover. At
first it looked odd; like hairy
legs below a short skirt. Now
recovery is well underway.
Thats resilience.
The day after Thanksgiving, a
60-degree sunny day, I came
across forsythia in bloom.
Spring bloomers can flower in
fall, especially when the growing season puts them under
stress. Extreme heat or drought
Hello fellow readers,
can cause growth to slow or
I've become a street walker - even stop. Once cool weather
one of those folks seen waving or moisture returns, the plant
to cars driving by. Which isn't a seizes the signal that its time to
bad thing; its polite to flower. Will the wacky bloomer
acknowledge each other and a survive once the winter
smile and wave may help lift arrives? No doubt. Forsythia
someone's spirits. Often times are tough. Theres lots of
yourself. Its amazing how reserves in its roots to adjust to
even a forced smile can change whatever Mother Nature has in
your outlook and improve store. Thats resilience.
whatever is bringing you down. There are plants that thrive in
My street walking days began extreme settings such as along
as a way to calm my then foster the Dunnfield Creek Trail in
dog Miss Ellie. She was filled the Delaware Water Gap
with heightened anxiety due to Recreational Area. Mature
her first year of life: living trees are literally rooted on top
alone in a cage, unprotected of huge boulders there demonfrom the hot Georgia sun, strating remarkable resilience.
rarely fed or watered. CompasIn people resilience is a
sionate Whitney of Frelinghuy- process, rather than a trait, that
sen rescued Ellie as she has can be developed. Its learning
many animals in duress. She coping skills to balance negaand Dan had five dogs at the tive emotions with positive
time, she explained, and if I ones to help maneuver through
could foster it would be a big stress and adversity. The
help. In truth, Whitney and holiday season can be particuEllie helped rescue me as it was larly difficult as we reflect on
a particularly tough time of what once was. May I suggest a
transition. Now my calm south- wave and a smile?
ern belle surly thinks its her
Garden dilemmas?
job to take me for a walk.
Dear Editor,
During this busy holiday
season, we would like to ask
our friends and neighbors
here in Sussex and Northern
Warren Counties to offer a
helping hand to those in our
community who may not have
the resources to make their
childrens holiday wishes
come true. The 2015 Season
of Hope Toy Drive will help
more than 2,000 infants,
children and teens experience
the joy and magic of the