Jan. 11 Move On Check In: Worship Services

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204 S. Ninth St. Columbia, MO 65201-4899 573-443-3111 www.moumc.org Jan. 15, 2015 Volume 28, No.


Jan. 11 Move On Check In

In Sunday morning worship, Rev. Amy gave us a Move

On Challenge. Have you gotten a chance to respond?
Jan. 11 Move On Challenge: Find some time to pray
and reflect this week on those ways youve carried shame.
What does it mean for Jesus to tell you, It is finished?
Take a moment to write down the shame youve carried;
write it is finished next to it, then journal three to five ways
your story can be repurposed and used for Gods glory.

Four unique
are offered on

8 a.m.

Informal worship
with a personal
touch. Sharing
prayer concerns
is welcomed.

8:50 a.m.

Worship that
includes a
childrens time
and music
from the Agape

11 a.m.

Worship with
music from the
Chancel Choir.

5 p.m.

Spark Worship
participants to
engage through
their five senses
with God and
one another.

This Sunday, Jan. 18

Coming Up This Week

8, 8:50 & 11 a.m. Worship

Tuesday, Jan. 20
The evening knitting group will meet Tuesday, Jan. 20 at
6 p.m. in the Cornerstone Coffee Shop.

January sermon series: Move On: Us and Them

Rev. Amy L. Gearhart
Blessing of Confirmation Class of 2015
Human Relations Day special offering

10 a.m. Adult Small Groups

CONNECT: You are invited to the NEW adult small
group meeting in CLC 111, called CONNECT. The
class will gather around the weekly current-events
based curriculum that is emailed out on a weekly
basis. Join us as we explore current events in our news
through the lens of Christianity AND United Methodism. For more info, contact Rev. Molly at molly@

CrossWalk: The CrossWalk Sunday morning small

group invites you to join them as they begin a new
study that will correlate with the Sunday sermon series
through January. Move On: When Mercy Meets Your
Mess is a 6 week video study that will challenge us to
start fresh - to really see where we are in our own faith
journey, and to move forward in it. Join us at 10 a.m. on
Sunday mornings in room CLC 110.

Wednesday, Jan. 21
At 10 a.m., Searcy Feely will have a special program to
which the community is invited. The program is titled
After Ferguson with discussion led by Jim Bryan. He
will be joined by Dr. C.W. Dawson of Dawson Journey
Ministries. He is president of African American Clergy
Coalition of Mid-MO, adjunct professor of philosophy at
Columbia College and United Theological Seminary and
board member of MO Faith Voices.
Starting with dinner at 5 p.m., Wednesday Night Live has
programming for all ages! On the menu Jan. 21: Noodles
& Co. Order your meal by noon on Tuesday at

Next Sunday, Jan. 25

8, 8:50 & 11 a.m. Worship

January sermon series: Move On: Buzz-hopping

Rev. Amy L. Gearhart

5 p.m. Spark Worship

MUMC Hosts Room at the Inn Jan. 11-Feb. 1 & Feb. 15-22
Room at the Inn (RATI) COMO Emergency Winter
Shelter will be open through March 10. Missouri United
Methodist Church is the host church Jan. 11-Feb. 1 and
Feb. 15-22. If you would like further information about
activities, donations, or to sign up as a volunteer, go to our
website (roomattheinncomo.org).
Critical Donations: We especially need perishables like
milk, juice, bread, and cheese, as well as bottled water.
Volunteer Training: Upcoming training sessions:
Monday, Feb. 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church

The Pastors Corner

Rev. Amy L. Gearhart
Getting to the Hard Places
ecently, Rev. Trista posted a Facebook picture of her familys
visit to Alabama as they made their way to the Gulf
Shore for Christmas break. Along with her enviable pictures
of playing on the beach, she posted visiting sites along the
way that are central to the story of Civil Rights in our nation
such as the Southern Poverty Law Center. I commented that
the center and all it represents in telling the important story
of the fight for Civil Rights for all
Americans is one of my favorite
hard places. Do you know what
I mean?

the telling of the story in Selma, Alabama, through the film

just released by the same name. Im reminded of the speech
Dr. King preached after the nonviolent march from Selma to
Montgomery after Bloody Sunday in 1965. These are some of
the words from his speech; yet another favorite hard place
for me:
And so I plead with you this afternoon
as we go ahead: remain committed to
nonviolence. Our aims must never be to
defeat or humiliate the white man, but to
win his friendship and understanding. We
must come to see that the end we seek
is a society at peace with itself, a society
that can live with its conscience. And that
will be a day not of the white man, not
of the black man. That will be the day of
man as man.

There are those places, memories,

stories, experiences that are so
hard to digest and comprehend,
and yet they are favorite places for
their significance and history. Civil
Rights moments and places are like
that for me. They connect me to
The end that we seek is a society at peace
the ancient words of the prophets Join me on Monday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m.
with itself.
at Douglass High School for a candlelight
for justice and the reign of God.
Join me on Monday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m.
They stir my imagination of what it walk to St. Lukes UMC (204 E. Ash)
at Douglass High School for a candlelight
must have been like to touch the
walk to St. Lukes UMC (204 E. Ash)
cloak of Jesus who came to save
where a Memorial Celebration will be
and liberate the oppressed. They
held in honor of the life, work and legacy
challenge me to those hard places
of Dr. King. Any time we gather together
of considering my own actions and words as Im called to not
nonviolent relationships, we walk
just tolerate, but welcome and celebrate the diversity of the
for our healed and whole life
world we live in.
As we approach Dr. Martin Luther King Jrs birthday
See you in church on Sunday!
observance on Jan. 19, Im glad were being stirred to the hard
place of the labor for the civil rights of all people through

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Events

All are invited to participate in the Columbia communitys

Candle Light Walk & Memorial Celebration on Monday, Jan. 19 to
celebrate Dr. King , his message and his legacy.
Candle Light Walk at 6:30 p.m. at Douglass High School at 300 N.
Providence Road.
Memorial Celebration at 7 p.m. at St. Luke UMC, 204 E. Ash.
Please call 874-6379 or email [email protected] for
more information.

Church Family News

Condolences to the family of Pat Williamson, who died on

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015. A celebration of her life will be held
in MUMCs Chapel on Friday, Jan. 16.
Condolences to the family of Rudie Slaughter Jr., who died
on Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015.


10 a.m. - Sunday School in Room 307

High school and middle school together
Sunday Night MUMC at 6 p.m. Meeting for
senior high parents and youth interested in going on
the summer mission trip.We will discuss upcoming
events, including the Spaghetti Fundraiser.
Wednesdays - WNL Small Groups at 6 p.m.
Contact Rev. Hank Jenkins,Youth Ministry Pastor, at
[email protected] or 443-3111. Facebook: MOUMY Twitter @

Tax Program Begins Jan. 26

The AARP TaxAide program hosted by MUMC is tentatively

scheduled to begin accepting appointments on a first-serve,
first-come basis on Monday, Jan. 26. The hours will be 3-7 p.m.
on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact MUMCs Site

Coordinator Jere DeVilbiss at [email protected] for more info.


Jan. 15, 2015 - Vol. 28, No. 2

Festival of Sharing 2015

As we prepare for accepting donations for the 2015 Festival of

Sharing, Sophia Circle wanted to share with everyone in the
MUMC congregation what your generous donations purchased
in 2014. In addition to the numbers of kits listed here, your
donations also paid for shipping of the international kits and
sanitary medical supplies for the Safe Motherhood kits.There
were105 womens prison packs, 23 safe motherhood kits, 60
student dental packs, 42 personal hygiene kits, 31 paper products
packs, 106 school kits and $750for beans and rice.We are so
grateful to the MUMC congregation for providing the funding for
this important mission. And, we are so appreciativefor the help
of our UMW sisters who sat at the table in the Connector to
help us by collecting donations for several of the seven months
that we were taking donations.You all helped make this possible
and we thank you!!!

Foundation Grants Available

The Missouri United Methodist Foundation Board will be accepting applications for grants at the January meeting. Applications
should address the religious, charitable and educational activities
of the church. Application forms are available at the church office.
All applications must be received no later than Sunday, Jan. 18,

Childrens Sunday School 10 a.m.

Infants (Birth-18 months)
Terrific Twos

K-1st Grade

2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th-5th Grade

CLC 103
CLC 102
CLC 104
CLC 105

College Age & Young Adult

Sunday at 5 p.m.
Join us for Spark Worship in the Chapel
Spirit on Tap will not meet this week..
Questions? Contact Rev. Trista at
[email protected].
Find us on Twitter/Facebook @sparkatmoumc.

Coming Feb. 25: United

Methodism 101

On Wednesday nights Feb.

25-April 29, join Rev. Amy at 6
p.m. for an informative study of
our United Methodist Christian tradition,
history, present and future. Teaching time is from 6-7 p.m. in
Whittler Hall with small groups following from 7-7:30 p.m. Join
us to learn and grow in our own faith as we learn more about
the ways we focus our ministry, mission, worship and Christian
life as United Methodists. Email Rev. Molly at [email protected]
or Rev. Amy at [email protected] with any questions. We hope
you will join this exciting adult study!
Jan. 15, 2015 - Vol. 28, No. 2

Nursery Coordinator Job

Missouri UMC is seeking aNursery Coordinator to work with

the staff and ministries of MUMC to provide quality and safe
childcare for families participating in the life of MUMC.This is a
5hr./week position that includes scheduling, hiring, training, and
maintaining church nursery. For more information and to apply:
Rev. Molly Moore,Pastor of Church Life and Growth

Communion Servants Needed

Are you considering new ways to connect and serve at MUMC?

If so, you are invite to be a part of our communion ministry. You
can serve on our prep team and/or as a worship communion
server. You may sign up on the bulletin tear-off or by contact
Rev. Molly at [email protected].

Coffee Shop News

If you visit the coffee
shop in January,
your tips will support the
Mission of the Month:
Guatemala Medical

Donated funds will be used to purchase medical supplies for a team of

healthcare and supportive individuals to provide medical care to those in
need in Guatemala.
Total raised for December (Haiti Water Filters/Haiti VIM): $126.

Hospital Calls/Pastoral Visits

Hospitals do not inform churches/pastors when a parishioner is admitted.

That practice was discontinued as a consequence of HIPPA legislation.
Therefore, we ask that you alert the church office when you are admitted
to a hospital, when you will have a scheduled hospital stay or when you
would like to receive a pastoral visit. The same would hold true when you
learn of someone else in our church family experiencing health and/or
life challenges.Your pastoral staff wants to walk with you and remind you
of Gods love and grace at such times. Someone is available throughout
the week to make hospital calls and pastoral visits. After hours, you can
email or leave a voice mail at 443-3111 that we can pick up the next work

Letters to MUMC
There are several people I would lie to thank for their acts
of kindness during November and December when I had
one illness after another. First, to the person who delivered
my poinsettia, thank you. Id also like to thank Jan Harrison
for the hot meal and Rev. Larry Williams for his visit at my
home. May God bless each of you, Christine Heidenreich

Stop by the coffee shop in the Connector

for your favorite specialty coffee drink!

Missouri United Methodist Church

204 S. Ninth St.
Columbia, MO 65201-4899

Columbia, MO
USPS No. 355460

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ. We do this by

welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.


Worship Attendance on Sunday, Jan. 11:

We invite you to join us for Worship: Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. in McMurry Chapel;
8:50 and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary; and 5 p.m. in the Chapel. Sunday small groups and classes for all ages at 10 a.m.

Thank You MUMC from Columbia Eve Fest

Dear Pastor Amy, Larry, Katie, and Staff,
On behalf of the Board of Directors and as Executive Director, I would like to thank-you for your
attention and generosity towards our New Years Eve festival, Columbia Eve Fest.
The hospitality and kindness extended to Columbia Eve Fest from the Missouri United Methodist
Church was a priceless gift to us as well as to the community. There was great joy and celebration
experienced by many thanks to you and your amazing staff. Thank-you for your gracious, diligent and
endless help in making Eve Fest a success! Katie, great job!
Our footprint on 9th street has been well received and embraced as a warm and safe welcome to
our participants. It was apparent our audiences appreciated the accessibility and convenience.The
compacted location has ignited more enthusiasm resulting in a
pleasing and successful turnout for a midweek festival and an
increase in attendance from the previous year. Our partnership
with you enhanced all of this!
The entertainment consisted of multi-genres and multi-cultural
diversity from the City of Columbia and from across the state.
We believe our festival is unique as it serves multi-generations
and gives families with young children, youth and our special
needs populations an opportunity to celebrate the New Year in an
alcohol-free atmosphere.
The gathering of families and friends of all ages and cultures at
Eve Fest was touching and a beautiful representation of our city.
We look forward to next year and our partnership with Missouri
United Methodist Church!

Jan. 15Evan Abernathy, Carter

Abernathy, Julia Edlund, Susan
Ferrugia 16John Cleek, Adele
Nickolaus, Ginger Schapira, Mary
Wynne Still, Beth Young 17Patricia
Blenden, Jim Jacob, Debbie Nagel,
Orrie Snook 18Ardy Battershell,
Betty Burns, John Futrell, Mary
Bess Green, Anne Dart, Qing He,
Jan Loudenslager, Yvonne Skouby
19Joshua Amelunke, Kathy Smith,
Jeff Yoakum 20Alex Ash, Mark
Baechle, Doug Mooney, Andrew
Ritts, Matt Weltig, Preston Williams
21Mary McCluskey, Dan Rader,
Jay Rader, Dudley Trice 22 Tom
Leak, David Yost 23 Chris DeMoss,
Marilynn Holm, Kerri Packard, Mary
Jane Turner, Jane Watson

Thank-you! Jane Accurso, Director of Columbia Eve Fest

Photo Disclaimer: Services and events hosted by the church are considered public. The church has permission to use images of church members for promotion, publicity and
outreach materials unless advised through a non-consent form. The church will not attach names to the photographs of individuals or groups unless prior permission is given. To obtain a
non-consent form, please contact the church office.

Want to get the Church Newsletter via email? Have you changed email addresses? Go to: www.moumc.org/subscribe to subscribe or update.
The church provides bus transportation to the 11 a.m. Sunday worship service.
Call 443-3111 before noon on Fridays. Bus service is available to all.
The Messenger (USPS No. 355460) is published weekly except the last week of the year by Missouri United Methodist Church at 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO. Periodical postage paid at Columbia, MO.
POSTMASTER: for change of address, send to Missouri United Methodist Church Messenger, 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO 65201-4899, Jan. 15, 2015.

MUMC Staff: ClergyAmy L. Gearhart, Senior Pastor; Hank Jenkins, Youth Ministry Pastor; Molly Moore, Pastor of Church Life & Growth; Trista
Soendker Nicholson, Pastor of New Generations; Larry A. Williams, Pastor of Administration. Program StaffNancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life
Leader; Courtney Gaunt, Director, Discovery Days; Teressa Gilbreth, Director of Communications; Marty Hook, Director of Music; Jo Lee, Director of
Connections; Anna Zacherl, Assistant Director, Discovery Days. Administrative StaffJill Arnold, Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor; Kathy Carson,
Administrative Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator; Brad Hegemann, Financial Assistant; Eric Hucker, Worship Technologies Assistant; Mark Pease, Facilities
Assistant; Katie Popejoy, Administrative Assistant. Music StaffCraig Datz, Organist; Kaye Miller, Bell Area Director; Rochelle Parker, Associate Organist;
Marilyn Rowe, Serendipity Choir.

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