Jan. 11 Move On Check In: Worship Services
Jan. 11 Move On Check In: Worship Services
Jan. 11 Move On Check In: Worship Services
Four unique
are offered on
8 a.m.
Informal worship
with a personal
touch. Sharing
prayer concerns
is welcomed.
8:50 a.m.
Worship that
includes a
childrens time
and music
from the Agape
11 a.m.
Worship with
music from the
Chancel Choir.
5 p.m.
Spark Worship
participants to
engage through
their five senses
with God and
one another.
Tuesday, Jan. 20
The evening knitting group will meet Tuesday, Jan. 20 at
6 p.m. in the Cornerstone Coffee Shop.
Wednesday, Jan. 21
At 10 a.m., Searcy Feely will have a special program to
which the community is invited. The program is titled
After Ferguson with discussion led by Jim Bryan. He
will be joined by Dr. C.W. Dawson of Dawson Journey
Ministries. He is president of African American Clergy
Coalition of Mid-MO, adjunct professor of philosophy at
Columbia College and United Theological Seminary and
board member of MO Faith Voices.
Starting with dinner at 5 p.m., Wednesday Night Live has
programming for all ages! On the menu Jan. 21: Noodles
& Co. Order your meal by noon on Tuesday at
MUMC Hosts Room at the Inn Jan. 11-Feb. 1 & Feb. 15-22
Room at the Inn (RATI) COMO Emergency Winter
Shelter will be open through March 10. Missouri United
Methodist Church is the host church Jan. 11-Feb. 1 and
Feb. 15-22. If you would like further information about
activities, donations, or to sign up as a volunteer, go to our
website (roomattheinncomo.org).
Critical Donations: We especially need perishables like
milk, juice, bread, and cheese, as well as bottled water.
Volunteer Training: Upcoming training sessions:
Monday, Feb. 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church
The Missouri United Methodist Foundation Board will be accepting applications for grants at the January meeting. Applications
should address the religious, charitable and educational activities
of the church. Application forms are available at the church office.
All applications must be received no later than Sunday, Jan. 18,
K-1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th-5th Grade
CLC 103
CLC 102
CLC 104
CLC 105
Sunday at 5 p.m.
Join us for Spark Worship in the Chapel
Spirit on Tap will not meet this week..
Questions? Contact Rev. Trista at
[email protected].
Find us on Twitter/Facebook @sparkatmoumc.
Letters to MUMC
There are several people I would lie to thank for their acts
of kindness during November and December when I had
one illness after another. First, to the person who delivered
my poinsettia, thank you. Id also like to thank Jan Harrison
for the hot meal and Rev. Larry Williams for his visit at my
home. May God bless each of you, Christine Heidenreich
Columbia, MO
USPS No. 355460
We invite you to join us for Worship: Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. in McMurry Chapel;
8:50 and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary; and 5 p.m. in the Chapel. Sunday small groups and classes for all ages at 10 a.m.
Photo Disclaimer: Services and events hosted by the church are considered public. The church has permission to use images of church members for promotion, publicity and
outreach materials unless advised through a non-consent form. The church will not attach names to the photographs of individuals or groups unless prior permission is given. To obtain a
non-consent form, please contact the church office.
Want to get the Church Newsletter via email? Have you changed email addresses? Go to: www.moumc.org/subscribe to subscribe or update.
The church provides bus transportation to the 11 a.m. Sunday worship service.
Call 443-3111 before noon on Fridays. Bus service is available to all.
The Messenger (USPS No. 355460) is published weekly except the last week of the year by Missouri United Methodist Church at 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO. Periodical postage paid at Columbia, MO.
POSTMASTER: for change of address, send to Missouri United Methodist Church Messenger, 204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, MO 65201-4899, Jan. 15, 2015.
MUMC Staff: ClergyAmy L. Gearhart, Senior Pastor; Hank Jenkins, Youth Ministry Pastor; Molly Moore, Pastor of Church Life & Growth; Trista
Soendker Nicholson, Pastor of New Generations; Larry A. Williams, Pastor of Administration. Program StaffNancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life
Leader; Courtney Gaunt, Director, Discovery Days; Teressa Gilbreth, Director of Communications; Marty Hook, Director of Music; Jo Lee, Director of
Connections; Anna Zacherl, Assistant Director, Discovery Days. Administrative StaffJill Arnold, Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor; Kathy Carson,
Administrative Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator; Brad Hegemann, Financial Assistant; Eric Hucker, Worship Technologies Assistant; Mark Pease, Facilities
Assistant; Katie Popejoy, Administrative Assistant. Music StaffCraig Datz, Organist; Kaye Miller, Bell Area Director; Rochelle Parker, Associate Organist;
Marilyn Rowe, Serendipity Choir.