02problem Set 2005

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Fin 501: Asset Pricing

Pricing Models and Derivatives

Problem Set 2
Gustav Sigurdsson
Due date: October 11, 2004

Problem (20 points)

Utility function: Under certainty, any increasing monotone transformation of a utility function is also a utility function representing
the same preferences. Under uncertainty, we must restrict this
statement to linear transformations if we are to keep the same
preference representation. Give a mathematical as well as an economic interpretation for this.
Check it with this example. Assume an initial utility function
attributes the following values to 3 outcomes:

u (B) = 100
u (M ) = 10
u (P ) = 50

a) Check that with this initial utility function, the lottery L =

(B; M; 0:50) P .
b) The proposed transformations are f (x) = a + bx; a 0; b > 0, and
g (x) = ln (x). Check that under f , L
P , but that under g,
P L.


Problem (20 points)

Inter-temporal consumption: Consider a two-date (one-period)

economy and an agent with utility function over consumption:
U (c) =


at each period. Dene the inter-temporal utility function as V (c1 ; c2 ) =

U (c1 ) + U (c2 ). Show (try it mathematically) that the agent will always prefer a smooth consumption stream to a more variable one
with the same mean, that is,
U (c) + U (c) > U (c1 ) + U (c2 )
c1 + c2
if c =
; c1 6= c2 .


Problem (20 points)

Risk aversion: Consider the following utility functions (dened

over wealth Y ):
(2) U (Y ) = ln (Y )
(1) U (Y ) =
(3) U (Y ) =

(4) U (Y ) =

exp (


(5) U (Y ) =
(6) U (Y ) =


a) Check that they are well behaved (U 0 > 0; U 00 < 0) or state

restrictions on the parameters so that they are (utility functions (1) (5)). For utility function (6), take positive and ,
and give the range of wealth over which the utility function
is well behaved.
b) Compute the absolute and relative risk aversion coe cients.
c) What is the eect of the parameter

(when relevant)?

d) Classify the functions as increasing/decreasing risk aversion

utility functions (both absolute and relative).


Problem (20 points)

Certainty equivalent:
(2) U (Y ) = ln (Y )
(3) U (Y ) =
(1) U (Y ) =

Consider the lottery L1 = (50; 000; 10; 000; 0:50). Determine the lottery L2 = (x; 0; 1) that makes an agent indierent to lottery L1 with
utility functions (1) ; (2) ; and (3) as dened. For utility function (3),
use = f0:25; 0:75g. What is the eect of changing the value of ?
Comment on your results using the notions of risk aversion and
certainty equivalent.


Problem (20 points)

Risk premium: A businesswoman runs a rm worth $ 100,000.

She faces some risk of having a re that would reduce her net
worth according to the following three states, i = 1; 2; 3, each with
probability (i) (Scenario A).
State W orth
1 0:01
50; 000 0:04
100; 000 0:95
Of course, in state 3, nothing detrimental happens, and her business retains its value of $ 100,000.
a) What is the maximum amount she will pay for insurance if she
has a logarithmic utility function over nal wealth? (Note:
The insurance pays $ 99,999 in the rst case; $ 50,000 in the
second; and nothing in the third.)
b) Do the calculations with the following alternative probabilities:

Scenario B Scenario C

Is the outcome (the comparative change in the premium) a

surprise? Why?


Problem (20 points)

Risk aversion and portfolio choice: Consider an economy with

two types of nancial assets: one risk-free and one risky asset.
The rate of return oered by the risk-free asset is rf . The rate
of return of the risky asset is r~. Note that the expected rate of
return E (~
r) > rf .
Agents are risk-averse. Let Y0 be the initial wealth. The purpose of this exercise is to determine the optimal amount a to be
invested in the risky asset as a function of the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion.
The objective of the agents is to maximize the expected utility
of terminal wealth:
max E (U (Y ))

where E is the expectation operator, U ( ) is the utility function

with U 0 > 0 and U 00 < 0, Y is the wealth at the end of the periond,
and a is the amount being invested in the risky asset.
a) Determine the nal wealth as a function of a; rf , and r~.
b) Compute the f.o.c. (rst order condition). Is this a maximum
or a minimum?
c) We are interested in determining the sign of da =dY0 . Calculate
rst the total dierential of the f.o.c. as a function of a and
Y0 . Write the expression for da =dY0 . Show that the sign of
this expression depends on the sign of its numerator.
d) You know that RA , the absolute risk aversion coe cient, is
0 = dR =dY <
equal to U 00 ( ) =U 0 ( ). What does it mean if RA
0 < 0, compare R (Y ) and R (Y (1 + r )): Is R (Y ) >
e) Assuming RA
RA (Y0 (1 + rf )) or vice-versa? Dont forget there are two possible cases: r~ rf and r~ < rf .

f ) Show that U 00 (Y0 (1 + rf ) + a (~

U 0 (Y0 (1 + rf ) + a (~
r rf )) (~

rf )) (~
r rf )
RA (Y0 (1 + rf ))
rf ) for both cases in part e).

g) Finally, compute the expectation of U 00 (Y ) (~

r rf ). Using the
f.o.c., determine its sign. What can you conclude about the
sign of da =dY0 ? What was the key assumption for the demonstration?

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