Pic Maxi Web Tom Nguyen

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-PIC-MAXI-WEB board uses C18 compiler, the codes are very similar to C
- The maximum memory that the chip can hold is 0x1FFFF
- Baud rate = 19200 bps
- Board Features:
- PIC18F97J60 microcontroller with embedded Ethernet MAC
and PHY and 128KB Flash programming space
- 1Mbit on board serial flash for web pages storage
- ICSP/ICD connector for programming and debugging with PICICD2
- Temperature sensor
- Trimmer potentiometer connected to analogue input
- 2 relays 10A/250VAC
- 4 optoisolated digital inputs
- 12 analogue inputs on terminal block
- Two buttons
- LCD16x2 with backlight
- RS232 interface
- Ethernet interface
- Complete web server and TCP-IP stack support as per
Microchip's open source TCP-IP stack
- Terminal block for power supply works with 9-25 VDC power
- UEXT Extension header to connect to other boards
For more information, look under PIC-MAXI-WEB Development
1.0 Installation
1) Install MPLAB IDE
2) Install TCP/IP STACK
Note: You need to download TCP/IP stack v5.00 from Microchip's site. Olimex
supplies only a patch due to user agreement issues. Please read the instructions
in the patch package on how to apply the patch.
2.0 Setup

1) Using PIC-ICD2-POCKET, connect to board and computer before opening

software, install as ICD2 if haven't installed the device before.
2) Open MPLAB IDE:
Programmer Select Programmer MPLAB ICD2

A window should pop up and display:

3) Backup file from board (optional):

Programmer Read, File Export and save the .HEX file
4) Writing a prebuilt image (also used to restore factory state of the board)
Locate the prebuilt folder inside the patch package. With ICD2 already
connected select File>Import... and select the file 'TCPIP Demo App-C18.hex' in
the above mentioned folder. Then Program the board.
Next you will need to load the image file for the webpage. Connect a LAN
cable, wait a bit and check the IP address displayed on the LCD. Open your
favorite browser and enter the following (for example the IP is

Press the button 'Choose file' and select the file 'MPFSImg2.bin' inside the
'prebuilt' folder. Then press 'Upload' and wait patiently for the upload to finish.
3.0 New Project & Programming Startup
1) From Local C Drive, C:\svn\Development\Olimex
- Copy New Starter Project Kit folder and rename it
- Inside are the only two folders needed for any modifications
- *IMPORTANT NOTE* Do not ever change the name of these two folders
2) Open MPLAB IDE:
Project Open TCPIP Demo App TCPIP Demo App C18
3) Do any modification needed
4.0 Building Project
After applying the patch open the file 'TCPIP Demo App-C18.mcw' in
folder 'TCPIP Demo App' with MPLAB. Please note that other project files inside
this folder and in the other folders are part of the TCP/IP stack released by
Microchip, but are not supported demos for PIC-MAXI-WEB.
1) Project Build All
2) Programmer Program
3) To run the program, Programmer Release from Reset or the icon
See if everything goes as expected. Now you can do some modifications
to the code as desired.

Source files Description:
- Initialize LCD status, registers, Ethernet driver
- Modification for web server
- Initialize Analog Inputs & display values onto the web server *ONLY*
- Any changes made to the temperature calculation, please also do the same
change to the GenericTCPClient.c & MainDemo.c
- Sends data packets to the specify port with time & date
- Listen to the PC104 heartbeat status
- Enable/Disable additional features that are already pre-programmed

- Within this file contains pre-defined register names, any additional registers that
are used should be added onto the list first
- *ONLY* edit the list between the 2 rows of stars
The above files are the main files needed to configure the MAXI board, if more
additional example files like the GenericTCPClient or Server files are needed,
please add them from the TCPIP Demo folder.
Initializing Analog Inputs
// Defining which analog input you want to initialize
// To determine which input is wanted, look in the board specification manual
// AN3 is chosen here (Onboard temperature sensor)
ADCON0bits.CHS0 = 1;
ADCON0bits.CHS1 = 1;
ADCON0bits.CHS2 = 0;
ADCON0bits.CHS3 = 0;
// AN3 should already be set up as an analog input
ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
// Wait until A/D conversion is done

// Convert temperature result into ASCII string

tmp = *((WORD*)(&ADRESL));
// do what you need to do with the value here
// Once done convert 10-bit value into ASCII string
uitoa(tmp, TEMPString);
// TEMPString is the final output value and should be initialized somewhere within
// your code as a byte. EXAMPLE:
BYTE TEMPString[8]; //Should always be 8
Using LCD
- All subroutine commands for the LCD are located in LCDBlocking.c

// Display character T at position x

// Position goes from Line 1 0 15
LCDText [x] = T

& Line 2 - 16 31

- after completing all task with the LCD, the subroutine LCDUpdate(); must be

Modifying Web Server & Homepage

Located in Olimex Project Code TCPIP Demo App Webpages2
- any changes made in HTML / Jave Script / etc. are done in this folder
- to add more subroutines to CustomHTTPApp.c, one must first create a variable
in the file Webpages2 Status

- once created return back to the TCPIP Demo App folder and double click
on Convert WebPages to MPFS-Original, its a batch file that will execute and
create a new HTTPPrint.c file.

- if done correctly, one should see the new subroutine define in the
HTTPPrint.c file, and then it can be used in the CustomHTTPApp.c

- Keep in mind that the new variable must be defined somewhere within
the index.html file also in order to be displayed into the webpage, once done
double click on Convert WebPages to MPFS.bat again before building the
project in MPLAB
Tera Term (or compatible terminal program: PuTTY, Hyper Terminal)
settings are go like the following: 19200-8N1
used for reading from the serial port of the board
used for configuring the board
- Open Tera Term Select Serial COM1 Click OK Setup Serial Port..
Baud Rate = 19200 Click OK
then run program the IP address will be printed on the terminal
in order to enter the configuration menu power on the board with BUT1
pressed, then release BUT1:

Common Errors
Section Not Fitting Errors

- If an error similar to above that is saying some certain file cannot fit when
building the project, it means that code for the project is too big to be stored onto
the device and needs to be shorter.
Note: In some situations this error can be solved by editing the linker script.
MCC18 will only link correctly if a file requires less RAM than the size of a RAM
page as defined in the linker script. So if you increase the size of a particular

section you may be able to link successfully. This, however, is not true for
FLASH memory.
- Also make sure that the proper device is selected, under Configure Select
Devices PIC18F97J60

Global Variable Errors (not sure what this is for, hope it is helpful, however)
- If one tries to program a global variable in any particular way they might run into
some problems as this is not normal C language so certain methods are need to
do that
One method would be:
extern int GlobalVariable

- *NOTE* this method will not always work, however it has been
used in the project codes before
Syntax Errors
- this is a very common error, when double clicking the error, it brings you to the
location that is causing the problem, however the pointer sometimes point below
the line with the actual error. MCC18 is famous for its ambiguous explanatory
messages so good luck.

Many thanks to Tom Nguyen for the great help with this manual :)

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