Agreement On Import Licensing Procedures

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12 January 2015

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Committee on Import Licensing

Original: English


The following notification, dated 8 January 2015, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Sri Lanka.


Title / number / date of the law or regulation establishing / changing the

import licensing procedure:
I. Gazzette Extraordinay of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
No. 1837/41 dated 21 November 2013.
II. Gazette Extraordinary of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
No. 1844/49 dated 08 January 2014.
III. Gazzette Extraordinary of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
No. 1872/5 dated 21 July 2014.


If the notified measure refers to a change in an already notified import

licensing procedure, please indicate the document symbol of the
notification to which change(s) has(ve) been introduced. (In this case
please also indicate in Section 3, below, the nature of the changes (i.e. inclusion
or exclusion of some goods and a list thereof; contact point for information and/or
administrative body(ies) for submission of applications, etc.)):
I. and II. introduced some changes to notification G/LIC/N/1/LKA/2 and III.
introduced formats for Import and Export Control License and Debit Note.


Information concerning the institution / change of import licensing procedure:


List of products subject to the licensing procedure (Exact name of the

products and/or whenever possible HS code and indication of the exact HS
Nomenclature (i.e. 1996; 2002 or 2007). Abbreviations should be avoided. In
the case of a long list of products, please attach the list as an Annex in Microsoft
Word or compatible software. Please do not use PDF, or photocopies.)
I. Schedule I of the Gazette (Extraordinary) No 1813/14 of 05th June 2013 was
amended introducing new HS Codes with effect from 22nd November 2013.
Please refer to the revised list of products published in the Gazzette
Extraordinarary of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 1837/41
dated 21 November 2013 (A copy of the Gazette attached)*
II. Schedule I of the Imports (standardization & Quality control) regulations 2006
published in the Gazette (extraordinary) No 1447/28 of 1st June 2006 as
amended by the regulations published in the Gazette (Extraordinary)
No 1627/3 of 9th November 2009 has been repealed and schedule 1A and
schedule 1B included with new SLSI standards. 23 new items were included to

Available for consultation in the Market Access Division (English only). All Gazettes notifications,
Imports and Exports Control Act and its amendments referred to above can also be downloaded from the
website of the Department of Import and Export Control of Sri Lanka at

-2compulsory inspection scheme by the schedule 1B of the aforesaid Gazette.
Please refer to the revised list of products published in the Gazette Extra
ordinary of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 1844/49 dated
08 January 2014 (A copy of the Gazette attached)*
III. Formats of the Import and Export Control License and Debit Note were
published with effect from 1st August 2014, which were contained in the
Gazette Extraordinary No. 1872/5 dated 21 July 2014. (A copy of the Gazette

Contact point for information on eligibility

Department of Import and Export Control of Sri Lanka
Address: No: 75 1/3
1st Floor, Hemas Building
P.O. Box 559
Colombo 1, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 112 326774
Fax: +94 112 328486
E-mail address: [email protected]
Contact officer: [ ] Mr. [X] Mrs. Name: P.C. Kumarihamy, Assistant Controller


Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications (If more than one

please include the same information for each body.)
Department of Import and Export Control of Sri Lanka
No: 75 1/3
1st Floor, Hemas Building
P.O. Box 559
Colombo 1, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 112 326774
Fax: +94 112 328486
E-mail address: [email protected]
Contact officer: [ ] Mr. [X] Mrs. Name: P.C. Kumarihamy, Assistant Controller


Date and name of publication where licensing procedures are published

Date of publication: I.

21 November 2013
08 January 2014
21 July 2014

Source of publication (Official Gazette /journal/ website):


Indication of whether the licensing procedure is



Government Gazette,

automatic. If so please indicate: (f) the administrative purpose: [

If so please indicate:
(g) the measure being
implemented through the import licensing procedure: Sri Lanka
appied non-automatic licensing mainly for reasons of safety, health,
protection of the environment and security

Expected duration of the licensing procedure if this can be estimated with

some probability, and if not, reason why this information cannot be



Other relevant data or information: (i.e. complete title and data concerning the
legislation, inclusion or exclusion of certain products from the import licensing regime and
list thereof; changes related to the administrative body(ies) for submission of
applications, etc.)


"Members which institute licensing procedures or changes in these procedures shall notify the
Committee of such within 60 days of publication [...]" (Art. 5.1).

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