Entertainment Computing: Kristian Kiili, Timo Lainema, Sara de Freitas, Sylvester Arnab
Entertainment Computing: Kristian Kiili, Timo Lainema, Sara de Freitas, Sylvester Arnab
Entertainment Computing: Kristian Kiili, Timo Lainema, Sara de Freitas, Sylvester Arnab
Entertainment Computing
journal homepage: ees.elsevier.com/entcom
Tampere University of Technology, Pohjoisranta 11 A, P.O. Box 300, 28101 Pori, Finland
Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, FI-20500 Turku, Finland
Serious Games Institute, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 4 June 2013
Revised 3 July 2014
Accepted 1 August 2014
Available online 22 August 2014
Game-based learning
Game analysis
Serious games
Technology-enhanced learning
Flow experience
User experience
a b s t r a c t
The challenge of educational game design is to develop solutions that appeal to as many players as possible, but are still educationally effective. One foundation for analyzing and designing educational
engagement is the ow theory. This article presents a ow framework that describes the dimensions
of ow experience that can be used to analyze the quality of educational games. The framework also provides design-support for producing good educational games, because it can be used to reveal ways to
optimize learning effects and user experience. However, the framework only works as a link between
educational theory and game design, which is useful for game analysis but does not provide the means
for a complete game design. To evaluate the elements included in the proposed framework, we analyzed
university students experiences in participating in a business simulation game. We found that the
students ow experience in the game was high and the ndings indicated that sense of control, clear
goals and challenge-skill dimensions of ow scored the highest. Overall, the results indicate that the ow
framework is a useful tool to aid the analysis of game-based learning experiences.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The purpose of games is to create appealing and compelling
experiences to players. Thus, games can be seen as artefacts or a
cultural form that arouse meaningful immersive experiences
[1,2]. According to Dewey [3] experience is a result of interplay
between the present situation and our prior experiences. More
recently, neuroscientists such as Gerard Edelman have explained
learning as building upon existing mental maps [4]. Consequently,
players do not have identical playing experiences, but each players
experience is totally unique. Thus, the analysis of the subjective
playing experience is crucial part of the game design process. The
enjoyment level that an educational game offers is a key factor in
determining whether the player will be engaged in the gameplay
and achieve the objectives of the game. Thus, the ability to quantify
the playing experience is important goal for both industry and
In general, we need a reliable way to measure the overall
engagement level of games and to pinpoint specic areas of the
experience that should be improved. Several constructs have been
proposed to describe playing experience, but denitional agreement has not been achieved. The most common concepts that have
Corresponding author.
1875-9521/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2. Background
2.1. User experience
There have been some efforts in creating models of user experience [e.g. 1316]. In particular there is a need for designers of educational artefacts to understand how users interact with different
types of artefacts and how this interaction affects users educational experiences. While some work in simulation design [e.g.
17] has explored this, the need to consider this from an educational
gaming perspective is relatively under-theorized, which presents
problems for replicating good design and developing improving
standards of design.
The user experience is often paralleled with usability [e.g. 18],
although the user experience does not consider enough the deeper
principles of experience design or the emotional side of product
use. It is obvious that user experience approach extends usability
techniques [19] that aim more at the removal of obstacles from
technical perspective than at providing engaging and rewarding
experiences for users. In this paper usability or playability in a
game context is considered as being only one factor among others
that affects user experience. This view is in line with Forlizzi and
Battarbee [14] who have argued that user experience should be
considered also from physical, sensual, cognitive, emotional, and
aesthetic perspectives.
Fig. 1 shows the authors macro-level conception about user
experience. The aesthetical, emotional and sensual aspects are
not distinguished in macro-level. However, in micro-level they
game are transparent and allow the player to focus on higher order
cognition rather than solely upon tasks. However, designers should
ensure that they do not over simplify the gameplay in the way that
players can only supercially rush through the game without deeper processing of the game content.
The challenge dimension can be explained with the three-channel model of ow [5,10]. Challenges and skills that are theoretically
the most important dimensions of ow are represented on the axes
of the model (Fig. 3). The letter P represents a person playing, for
example, snooker. At the beginning (P1), the player has only little
knowledge about snooker and can only perform basic shots. However, the player enjoys the activity (is occasionally in ow) because
he feels that the difculty is just right for his rudimentary skills.
While training his basic shots, the players skills are bound to
improve, and he will feel bored (P2) performing such shots. Or
he might notice that playing against an opponent is still too hard
and he will realize that there are much greater challenges than
performing basic shots individually. His poor performance may
cause feelings of anxiety (P3).
Boredom and anxiety are negative experiences that motivate
the player to strive for the ow state. If the player is bored (P2),
he has to increase the challenge he is facing. The player can set a
more difcult goal that matches his skills. For example, he could
play against an appropriate opponent that he can barely win
against in order to get back to the ow state (P4). In contrast, if
the player feels anxiety (P3), he must increase his skills in order
to get back to the ow state (P4). The player could, for example,
develop his playing strategy and train to perform safety shots. In
general, it can be said that ow emerges in the space between anxiety and boredom. The ow channel can be extended by providing
some guidance to the player, or by providing the possibility of solving problems collaboratively. The need to adopt constructivist as
well as associative learning is reected in this need for cognitive
as well as task-centered approaches to learning in-game. Thus,
Vygotskys zone of proximal development [35] is added to the original model. The zone of proximal development refers to the
difference between what a learner can do without help and what
he or she can do with help. For example, in the snooker case, the
player could ask for help from more procient players to help
him to develop his cue technique and playing strategy. The
extended model also acknowledges the importance of situative
or social learning [51].
learner is always located in the social world, and changing locations and perspectives are part of actors learning trajectories,
developing identities, and forms of membership. Here peripherality is a positive term, suggesting an opening, a way of gaining access
to sources for understanding through growing involvement. The
learner is a newcomer who changes knowledge, skill, and discourse
and at some point becomes an old-timer. This is a process of developing identity and the learner transforms into a member of a community of practice. This process is motivated by the growing use
value of participation, and by the newcomers desires to become
more skilled and knowledgeable members of the community. The
challenge of the game design is to keep the player in a ow state
by increasing the skill level of the game while the skill level of
the player increases in order to maximize the impact of playing
and support the development of a player. This process is something
that can be quite clearly be seen in massive multiplayer games
where a novice player gradually learns to become a better player
and attains a better social status in the virtual game world. Social
status, leaderboards and different forms of character development
plays a crucial role in engaging users to playing and socializing.
What is said above does not mean that in the learning situation
the players should be left working, communicating and collaborating alone. According to Hmlinen and Oksanen [62] in authentic
learning contexts totally free collaboration does not necessarily
promote productive collaboration or high-level learning. Thus,
players need support for collaboration that can be embedded into
the game itself or provide teacher a possibility to facilitate players
collaboration. For example, collaboration scripts are used to support collaborative learning [63]. The main idea of collaboration
scripts is to improve collaboration through structuring interaction
processes among players [62].
Ketamo and Kiili [57] have shown that breaks in game playing
facilitate conceptual change in single player games. They argue
that informal discussions about the game during breaks triggered
players to reect on their playing behavior and consider the content more deeply, which led to changes in thinking. This nding
supports the idea of debrieng that has been found to be crucial
part of game based learning interventions. Both the in game and
external discussions relay on Vygotskys [35] principles arguing
that learning is best understood in light of others within an individuals world. In fact, the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
dened by Vygotsky [35] stresses that the assistance and scaffolding cues provided by the more capable persons may lead to learners intellectual growth. To summarize, the purpose of relating
mind lens is to trigger game designers to implement game elements that facilitate purposeful collaboration, sharing of knowledge and provides teachers possibilities to participate in game
3.3.5. The lens of the transferring mind
The purpose of transferring mind lens is to emphasize that
game designers should consider ways to facilitate the transfer of
learning in games in order to maximize the benets. Transfer of
learning (hereafter transfer) means the ability to apply knowledge
or procedures learned in one context to new contexts. Transfer is
usually divided into near and far transfers [64]. Near transfer refers
to ability to apply learned knowledge and procedures in closely
related settings. In contrast, far transfer refers both to the ability
to use what was learned in one setting to a clearly different one
as well as the ability to solve novel problems that share a common
structure with the knowledge initially learned.
The research has indicated that transfer of knowledge and problem-solving skills into novel situations is rare especially when far
transfer is considered [64]. For example, DeLeeuw and Mayer
[65] found that adding game-like features to a computer-based
learning activity caused students to pay attention to game details
4.1. Participants
4.3. Procedure
Table 1
Means and standard deviations of ow dimensions (N = 98).
Flow dimension
Like the players gradually learn how to master their game company, the teacher also learns how to run the game sessions and
facilitate learning outcomes. Without decent breaks the participants would satisfy in just playing the simulation game without
necessarily having very high motivation in achieving good nancial
results, reecting on their performance, and constructing new
knowledge. The observations also showed that almost without
exception the teams are extremely eagerly discussing their simulation companys challenges and decisions. This takes place under
the time pressure and our assumption is that the time intensity
of the environment leads to very high concentration in the decision-making and meaningfulness of the experience, which further
enhances the teamwork. Thus, time intensity together with joint
responsibility in the team facilitates ow and intensive peer learning. Finally, in this case we did not study the transfer of learning
and the gathered data cannot be used to consider the transfer of
learning lens of the ow framework.
5. Conclusions
In this paper we have presented the ow framework for analyzing and designing educational games. The framework describes the
dimensions of ow experience that can be used to analyze the
quality of educational games. The framework also provides
design-support for producing good educational games, because it
can be used to reveal ways to optimize learning effects and user
experience. In order to support the integration of learning objectives the framework distinguishes ve mind lenses that provide
means to consider game elements systematically from the learning
and interaction perspectives. However, the framework works only
as a link between user experience, educational theory and game
design and does not provide the means to a whole game design
project. Nevertheless, the ow framework can be used to scrutinize
game designs and reveal new ways to optimize learning effects and
user experience.
Based on the proposed ow framework we studied the playing
experiences of RealGame business simulation game. The results
showed that the framework can be used to analyze the overall quality of the playing experience, but it does not provide detailed information about the shortages or highlights of the game. If the aim is to
study reasons why the game fails to produce a good playing experience, the used ow scale needs to be extended with dimensions
related to game mechanics and audio-visual implementation or
complementary research methods has to be used. In general, the
proposed framework has the potential to inform the design of
new games as well as provide insights to redesign existing games
based on the analysis of the attributes included in the framework.
In the future we will concentrate on developing an extended
playing experience scale that takes also the game mechanics, user
interface solutions, audio-visual implementation, social aspects
and the mind lenses into account. Furthermore, one of our future
aims is to validate the framework in different game contexts.
This work has been co-funded by the EU under the FP7, in the
Games and Learning Alliance (GALA) Network of Excellence, Grant
Agreement nr. 258169.
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