The Effect of The Kahoot Quiz On The Student's Results in The Exam

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Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences

The Effect of the Kahoot Quiz on the Student's Results

in the Exam

Áron Tóth1, Péter Lógó1, Emma Lógó1

Department of Ergonomics and Psychology, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, H-1111 Budapest, P.O.B. 91, Hungary
Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 26 April 2018, Accepted: 22 May 2018, Published online: 28 January 2019

Students taking low-stake quizzes in a gamified environment shows improvement on their studies, thus has the potential to be an
effective part in an improved learning experience. Previous researches show that implementing gamification into the educational
system has positive outcome on the student's engagement, motivation and the overall experience of learning. In this study is a field
experiment, where quizzes were created with the Kahoot application, to bring action and visual triggers into the classroom. The aim
of this paper to measure the long-term learning effect of the Kahoot quiz in the exams. Several of the quiz questions during the
class were purposefully blended into the exam's question bank as a multiple choice or a true or false question. In this research 200
bachelor students participated in a 14-week long elective course. The data was collected weekly from the Kahoot quizzes and from
the two mandatory exams. All the results from the Kahoot quiz and the exams provided the base of the analysis. Furthermore, the
exam results were analyzed based on number of Kahoot quizzes they took part, a comparison of the results of each question based.
The results show that students who took part in more Kahoot quizzes tend to reach higher exam mark. Moreover, they marked
more correct answers and less incorrect ones. As a conclusion, using some level of game-based learning has a positive effect on the
student's results and perception of learning.
Kahoot, gamification, quiz, exam, education

1 Introduction
In the present, the educational system still uses a tradi- to bridge the gap between game design and development,
tional framework for teaching. This is in great contrast game criticism, and technical game research (Hunicke et
to the outside world where everything is digital, with al., 2004). On the side of understanding the players in more
lot of visual impact and quick updates to engage people depth, Andrzej created the Hexad Player Type, where each
towards regular use of an app, becoming a loyal customer player type is matched with their motivational game ele-
or engaging in sporting activities. In recent years, a new ment (Andrzej, 2015).
trend called gamification has evolved as an approach to Gamification means utilizing the motivational and emo-
engage and encourage active participation (Bista et al., tional power of games for other purposes not solely related
2012). By definition, gamification is the use of game ele- to the entertaining purposes of the game itself (Sailer et
ments in a non-game context (Deterding et al., 2011). It is al., 2013). One purpose could be to engage and boost stu-
important to separate play, which is a free form of action, dent activity during a lecture or even to create a positive
and games to entertain from serious games that usually change in attitudes towards studying and taking exams.
encompass real-world activities (Barata et al., 2015). This article presents an experiment where the students
Due to the novelty of the concept of gamification were asked the same questions in the Kahoot quiz and
(Hamari et al., 2014), several frameworks and concepts their exams. In Section 2, theories connected to gamifica-
have been introduced. The most well accepted is Octalysis, tion and practices, including related work, are introduced.
which builds up on eight core drives (Chou, 2015). Another Section 3 summarizes the assessment tool. Section 4 lays
well-known one is the MDA framework, which attempts out the research details, context and participants and the

Cite this article as: Tóth, Á., Lógó, P., Lógó, E. (2019) "The Effect of the Kahoot Quiz on the Student’s Results in the Exam", Periodica Polytechnica Social
and Management Sciences.
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experiment process. Section 5 presents the results from elements. This is to reach a better result when applying
the experiment. Section 6 concludes the article. gamification. They provide processes and factors to be
considered to create meaningful gamification.
2 Gamification in education One of the most known processes is the Hook Model
Gamification as a concept has been implemented into vari- (Eyal, 2014), which characterizes the four phases of a typ-
ous fields (Tóth and Tóvölgyi, 2017). Its success in different ical habit-forming product: Trigger phase, Action phase,
industries suggests that it could also be used in education Reward phase and Investment phase (Liu and Li, 2016).
to increase student engagement and drive learning behav- Secondly, the Fogg's Behavior Model is one that identifies
ior (Chapman and Rich, 2017). There are discussions on and defines three factors that control whether a behavior is
the different approaches to the term associated with edu- performed (Fogg, 2009). For a behavior to occur, the motiva-
cation and gamification, like Game Based Learning (GBL) tion, ability and trigger must converge at the same moment
or serious games, and, according to Oliver (2017), there are when reaching the activation threshold (Challco et al., 2015).
two education gamification types: structural and content. Furthermore, the Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Based on prior experiences, the success of gamification (Ryan and Deci, 2000) describes things humans find
in education lies on several pillars. The first influencing intrinsically motivating, relying on just three core ideas:
factor is the depth and the complexity of the adaptation of autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Lewis, 2014).
game design elements. The second factor can be summa- Lastly, a sub-theory of SDT comes out of the field of
rized as the learning styles. The third is the player or, in Education Organismic Integration Theory (Nicholson,
this case, the students' motivational response to the vari- 2012). It states that when people act upon internalized
ous game elements. The last effect focuses on the possibil- motivations, they will have a more positive outlook toward
ities of a gamified learning environment in practice. the activity than if they are doing something due to extrin-
sic motivation (Reiners and Wood, 2015). This theory
2.1 Levels of applying gamification in education suggests that meaningful game elements are intrinsically
The adaptation of gamification in education can happen in motivating regardless of any external rewards that may be
various levels, based on the depth of applying game design associated with them (Seaborn and Fels, 2015).
elements, theories, etc. The fourth level (4) is when the gamified system is pre-
In the basic level (1), only a gamified application is used pared based on the phases of the user journey (Chou, 2015).
to boost student activity; however, the course follows the In Level 2, the four phases of Octalysis are differentiated
traditional teaching concept. Such applications are gener- into: Discovery, Onboarding, Scaffolding and Endgame.
ally Interactive Response Systems (IRS), such as Kahoot, This is why the game experience usually evolves during the
Socrative and Plickers (Solmaz and Cetin, 2017). More detail player journey, adapting itself to the variation of the play-
on these IRSs can be found in Section 3. Even at this low er’s skills and emotions (Rapp, 2014). Therefore, the game
level, studies indicate that IRSs can heighten students' inter- varies in a way that the given game task is dynamically
est in the lesson and encourage students to become more balanced with individual skill levels, as it is described by
ambitious for success (Bicen and Kocakoyun, 2018). The Csikszentmihályi in Flow Theory (Sharek and Wiebe, 2014).
downside is that the positive effects, such as engagement, The highest, most complex level (5) takes into consid-
are only present when the gamified application is in use. eration the different student types and the different learn-
The next level (2) would be when game design ele- ing styles. The students' typology can be viewed from the
ments are added to the course to reward certain actions. game side as player types. Importantly, to avoid clouding
There are a wide variety of elements to choose from to the potential positive effects of gamification, gamified
promote behavior change. There are few popular compo- learning environments must be designed correctly, and
nents, such as points, shields and leaderboards, commonly learners' individual differences and motivations must be
named PBLs (Points, Badges & Leaderboards achieve- taken into consideration (Kocadere and Çağlar, 2018).
ment) (González et al., 2016). At this level, a comprehen-
sive understanding of the behavior is missing, which could 2.2 Perspectives for further research: Learning styles
result in negative effects (Palmer et al., 2012). and user types
In the third level (3), game design elements are added Studies agree that it can be a meaningful way to increase
based on a detailed understanding of the placements of student motivation and improve educational effectiveness
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(Bernik et al., 2017). Gamified learning environments have Studies have also been carried out to understand more
been applied from elementary education (Simões et al., about the student categorization; however, there is a lack
2013) to university level (Hamari, 2017), but when applying of studies exploring the effect of gamified elements in a
gamification, it is important to understand different learn- learning environment. There are some results showing that
ing styles. Felderman and Silverman (Chen and Lin, 2014) player types are somewhat in correlation with the students'
proposed an Index of Learning Styles (ILS) for identifying actions (Conole et al., 2015). In other studies, the students
learners in four learning styles, namely active/reflective, were categorized and analyzed based on their participa-
sensitive/intuitive, visual/verbal and sequential/global. The tion patterns (Taylor, 2000). Furthermore, another study
Learning Style Inventory (LSI) is a model created by Kolb, focused on the students' participation, and the results
where learning styles are based on a four-stage learning showed some connection between gaming habits based on
cycle consisting of: Concrete Experience (CE), Reflective the BrainHex classification (Barata et al., 2014).
Observation (RO), Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and
Active Experimentation (AE) (Lindberg and Laine, 2017). 2.3 The gamified learning environments
The model was then adopted by Honey and Mumford (1982) In recent years, gamified learning environments have
in their proposal of a typology of learners that distinctively spread to fulfill the needs of both teachers and students
describes the learning styles in each stage (Bishop, 2014). from the most basic level to the complex level. Furthermore,
Magoulas et al. (2003) introduced a complex learning sys- applications and platforms with different visual repre-
tem called INSPIRE, that unifies several processes, such as sentations and eased usability parameters meet with the
developing the educational material, assessing the learner's needs of K-6 (e.g. ClassDojo, Socrative,
knowledge level and exploiting individual traits (e.g. the all the way up to higher education (e.g. Classflow, Google
student's dominant learning style), planning the lesson con- School) (Simões et al., 2013).
tent, delivery and presentation and providing the appropri- Applying gamification in higher education can be effec-
ate navigation support to the learner (Magoulas et al., 2003). tive where a digital learning management system (LMS)
A gamified environment builds up from game design is in use, for example, Moodle or BlackBoard (Bernik et
elements based on the preferred outcome. The e-learn- al., 2017). Students can access different study materials,
ing user interfaces and choice of game elements and game communicate with each other and teachers and individu-
mechanics in relation to more personal attributes, such as ally and constantly test their knowledge online. Teachers
that of personality types and traits (Hercegfi, 2011), of an can prepare course materials and setup reviews, grade and
individual may assist the user in utilizing elements that we also monitor students' activities (Dečman, 2015). A rea-
believe are intrinsically motivating to the player, rather than son behind the popularity of Moodle could be that new
external rewards and objectives (Ferro et al., 2013). A large features and modifications can be implemented at a mini-
number of previous studies were published investigating mal cost. On the other hand, the lack of dedicated support
the effectiveness of motivating different types of users with could be a drawback (Machado and Tao, 2007).
different game design elements. If different game elements From the gamification point of view, both systems
activate different motivators in different types of users then have the possibility to implement basic (e.g. PBL, Avatar,
this could be adapted for education as well. Progress Bar) and somewhat advanced (e.g. levels) and
Scholars such as Bartle, Caillois and Fullerton identify personalized game design elements.
player typologies of games and the characteristics that play- After discussing the theories and possibilities of gam-
ers exhibit (such as competitiveness, sociability and explor- ification in education, the practical application will be
atory behaviors) within games (Ferro et al., 2013). Bartle introduced.
(1996) separates four player types: achievers, explorers,
socialisers and killers, based on the axes of acting-inter- 3 In practice
acting and players-world. Fullerton's category is based on The study focuses on measuring the effectiveness of sev-
pleasures of play from the point of view of the player. The eral low-stakes quizzes in the results of exams.
foundation of Andrzej's Hexad User Type model is rooted
in theories on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Diamond 3.1 Student-Response Systems
et al., 2015). Each of the six user type's motivations is acti- During recent years, as technology has developed, stu-
vated by different gamification elements. dent response systems have been created, which teachers
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have continually experimented with. The first generation questions based on the given lecture topic. Data was col-
of Student Response Systems (SRS) were based on spe- lected on attendance weekly, and feedback was given to
cial hardware that allowed students to give their answers the teacher on how well the students understood the lec-
using clickers, keypads, handsets or zappers (Wang et ture. After each lecture, the points collected in the quiz
al., 2016). As smartphones and laptops became common, were transferred to the Moodle course page. To complete
these systems changed. The benefit of these quiz systems the course, students had to pass two exams. To measure
is that no special equipment is needed, only devices that the effectiveness of the Kahoot quizzes, several questions
everyone carries. were asked in the exams.
Studies show that gamified quiz applications (e.g. In the research, from a total of eight Kahoot quizzes, 17
Socrative, Kahoot, Quizlet Live, Mentimeter, Poll question results were measured. The reasons for this were
Everywhere or Plickers) are welcomed by students. that not all quiz questions were suitable for the exam for-
Students became interested in using different technol- mat, and the first quiz was part of the onboarding phase
ogies, such as the QR code cards, and liked the color- to familiarize the students with the Kahoot quiz process;
ful interfaces. This significantly affected the immediate therefore, those questions were not used in the exam.
feedback in answers given to the open-ended questions
(Solmaz and Cetin, 2017). The above-mentioned applica- 4.1 Purpose of the study
tions provide several types of question-answer options, The purpose of this research is to find out how effective
quizzes and short answers to choose from. Most of these the Kahoot quiz was in the learning process of those stu-
utilize points, leaderboards and fast feedback from the dents who took part and how well they recalled the infor-
game element pool. mation during the exam, considering that they had already
Kahoot is a game-based SRS (GSRS) that was intro- answered some of the questions during the semester.
duced to the public in the fall of 2013. The main difference
between a GSRS and a SRS is that the game-based version 4.2 Research design
focuses more on engaging and motivating the students The students in the class were divided into two groups
(Wang et al., 2016). Kahoot is educational software that based on their participation in the Kahoot quiz. Since the
has the potential to prepare online questionnaires, discus- Kahoot quizzes were held in every class, the number of
sions or exams, as well as to enable students to cooperate students in each group were varied on a weekly basis.
in terms of research topics (Bicen and Kocakoyun, 2018). The data from the Kahoot quizzes and from the exams
Previous studies report an improvement in perfor- was merged into a table (see Table 1). For each question,
mance if regular, quick quizzes had been used previ- three columns were created to mark the results. The first
ously. Low-stakes quizzes have shown improved summa- column showed if the student answered correctly (1) or not
tive exam scores over the course of a semester relative to (0) during the Kahoot quiz in the class. This does not mark
not being quizzed (Iwamoto et al., 2017). In other stud- whether the student had participated in the quiz or not;
ies, using Kahoot improved student motivation (Bicen that was calculated from the Kahoot reports.
and Kocakoyun, 2018) (Tan et al., 2018). Students using The data in the other two columns was based on the
game-based student response systems compared with results of the exam. The middle column indicated if
paper forms or simple non-game-based student response the student correctly marked the same answer as in the
systems were more engaged, motivated and focused and Kahoot quiz. The column on the right marked the number
enjoyed it more (Wang et al., 2016). of incorrect answers that the student marked in the exam.
The impact of the Kahoot quiz on the learning experience
4 Methods and procedures was based on the overall results of the Kahoot, the exam
In the research, 200 bachelor students participated in a and the number of mistakes.
14-week long elective university course, which followed Table 1 Data input structure
an experimental gamified framework (see more: Toth and Weekly Kahoot
Logo, 2017). During the semester, all the classes ended Student
ID Number of
Kahoot result Exam result
with a Kahoot quiz. Participation in the quiz was not man- mistakes
datory; however, the correct answers were rewarded with 1 ─ if correct 1 ─ if correct [number of wrong
Student 1
extra points. Each quiz contained five multiple choice 0 ─ if not correct 0 ─ if not correct answers]
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5 Results Table 2 Categories based on the number of Kahoots the students

The students (N=200) were categorized according to how participated

many Kahoot quizzes they participated in (see Table 2). SUM nr. Kahoot
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Based on this, the 8+1 group was created. The students
Number of students
that did not take part in any of the eight Kahoot quizzes in group
75 19 12 17 18 14 16 12 17
became the control group (n=75), marked in the data as 0.
The overall result shows (see Fig. 1) a trend; those stu-
dents who participated in more Kahoots (took part in
class) did better on the full exam. The result cannot be
fully attributed to Kahoot, as it could be that those stu-
dents were more hardworking.
In Fig. 2, the multiple-choice questions and the True
or False questions can be viewed separately. Interestingly,
participating in more Kahoot quizzes only showed a posi-
tive effect in the multiple-choice questions. With the True
or False questions, progress was not detected.
Fig. 3 shows the percentage of correct answers, com- Fig. 1 Number of Kahoot participation divided between the correct
paring the students that did not play Kahoot with those answers and exam scores
that played. Here, the results are combined from the stu-
dents that attended one to eight Kahoots. In Fig. 3, stu-
dents that took part in any Kahoot quiz marked the cor-
rect answer in a higher percentage. Furthermore, they
made significantly less errors.

6 Conclusion
In this study, the effectiveness of weekly Kahoot quizzes
was measured in a high-stakes tests.
Based on the gathered data, it is clear that the students
that participated in Kahoot quizzes reached a better over-
all result. This could be for several reasons. For instance, Fig. 2 Average correct answers marked in the exam categorized based
on the total number of Kahoots the student participated
the students who participated in more Kahoot quizzes are
more diligent students. Secondly, for them it was easier
to recall the information because they had seen it before.
Furthermore, the students who participated in the
Kahoot quizzes tended to mark less incorrect answers in
the exam, even if they did not answer correctly during the
Kahoot quiz in class.
In the True or False questions, the difference between the
two groups was not significant. This shows that the Kahoot
quiz is more useful for students in the multiple-choice setup.
Moreover, even if in the Kahoot quiz the student did not
mark the correct answer, they had a higher rate of recall-
Fig. 3 Average correct answers in the exam based on the participation
ing the correct answer during the exam. in Kahoot
In conclusion, a Kahoot quiz done weekly at the end of
each class tended to help students recall and choose the 7 Discussion
correct answers for the questions in the exam. Therefore, More detailed research needs to be done with more param-
participating in Kahoot quizzes raised the efficiency of the eters to measure. For this, a digital exam could be a solu-
students' learning process. tion, such as an online test on the Moodle platform.
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Moreover, to understand the students' learning styles semester. This way, more data can be gathered, more cat-
and influential factors based on the theories presented egories could be created based on student types and the
in Section 2.2, a more interactive and regular task and most suitable learning method could be chosen.
challenge system needs to be implemented during the

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