Hillary Clinton's Plan To Invest in The Caring Economy: Recognizing The Value of Family Caregivers and Home Care Workers
Hillary Clinton's Plan To Invest in The Caring Economy: Recognizing The Value of Family Caregivers and Home Care Workers
Hillary Clinton's Plan To Invest in The Caring Economy: Recognizing The Value of Family Caregivers and Home Care Workers
advocating for tax relief for Americans caring for the elderly. Hillary Clinton will
take up this effort and offer a tax credit to help family members offset up to
$6,000 in caregiving costs for their elderly family members.
Launch a Care Workers Initiative to create a coordinated, government-wide
initiative to address the challenges faced by care workersby developing
strategies to improve opportunities for care workers to earn the skills they need;
creating paths to professionalize the workforce through career ladders and
apprenticeships; improving the rate-setting processes in the child care and health
care systems to ensure fair wages; providing care workers with an opportunity to
come together and make their voices heard in support of a stronger system; and by
developing and enhancing matching services to connect care workers to the
families who need them.
Expand Social Security by counting the hard work of caregivers and giving
them the benefits they deserve. Millions of womenand mentake time out of
the paid workforce to raise a child, take care of an aging parent or look after an
ailing family member. Caregiving is hard work that benefits our entire economy.
However, when Americans take time off to take care of a relative, they do not
earn credits toward Social Security retirement benefits. This can reduce their
Social Security benefits at retirement, since those benefits are calculated based on
their top thirty-five years of earningsan issue that disproportionately impacts
women. For years, leaders like Congresswoman Nita Lowey have called out these
disparities. No one should face meager Social Security checks because they took
on the vital role of caregiver for part of their career. Hillary Clinton believes this
is an idea whose time has come: Americans should receive credit toward their
Social Security benefits when they are out of the paid workforce because they are
acting as caregivers.
Build on the Caregiver Respite program. Caring for a sick family member day
in and day out can exact a significant emotional and physical toll. Both caregiving
family members, and those they care for, can benefit from occasional temporary
relief. As a Senator, Clinton was the lead Senate sponsor of the Lifespan Respite
Care Act, which was enacted. It authorizes grants that continue today to improve
respite care access for family caregivers of children or adults of any age with
support needs. As president, Clinton will go beyond President Obamas Caregiver
Respite budget requestinvesting $100 million in the initiative over 10 years.