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National Survey Results

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President Joe Q6 Here’s the next one: Democrat Joe Biden
Biden’s job performance? supports a bipartisan border security and
immigration bill that is endorsed by the Border
Approve .......................................................... 39%
Patrol Union. Republican Donald Trump
Disapprove ..................................................... 55% opposes the bipartisan border security and
immigration bill that is endorsed by the Border
Not sure .......................................................... 6% Patrol Union. Having heard this, let me ask you
Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion again: if the election for President were today,
of Donald Trump? who would you vote for?
Favorable........................................................ 43% Joe Biden........................................................ 45%
Unfavorable .................................................... 50% Donald Trump ................................................. 46%
Not sure .......................................................... 7% Not sure .......................................................... 9%
Q3 If the candidates for President this fall were Q7 Here’s the next one: Democrat Joe Biden
Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald supports reducing inflation by increasing taxes
Trump, who would you vote for? on corporations and individuals who make
Joe Biden........................................................ 46% more than $400,000 a year. Republican Donald
Trump supports reducing inflation by cutting
Donald Trump ................................................. 45% Medicare and Social Security. Having heard
Not sure .......................................................... 9%
this, let me ask you again: if the election for
President were today, who would you vote for?
Q4 If the election for Congress were held today,
would you vote for the Democratic candidate or Joe Biden........................................................ 51%
the Republican candidate in your district? Donald Trump ................................................. 39%
The Democratic candidate.............................. 45% Not sure .......................................................... 10%
The Republican candidate .............................. 46% Q8 Here’s the next one: Democrat Joe Biden
Not sure .......................................................... 9%
supports a humanitarian ceasefire between
Israel and Hamas. Republican Donald Trump
Q5 I’m going to give you some more information does not support a humanitarian ceasefire
about the candidates for President, and after between Israel and Hamas. Having heard this,
each one, ask you again who you’d vote for. let me ask you again: if the election for
Here’s the first one: Democrat Joe Biden President were today, who would you vote for?
supports restoring Roe v. Wade and supports
abortion rights. Republican Donald Trump Joe Biden........................................................ 46%
takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and Donald Trump ................................................. 43%
opposes abortion rights. Having heard this, let
me ask you again: if the election for President Not sure .......................................................... 12%
were today, who would you vote for?
Joe Biden........................................................ 48%
Donald Trump ................................................. 44%
Not sure .......................................................... 8%

[email protected] / 888 621-6988

March 12-13, 2024
Survey of 837 registered voters
Q9 I’m going to give you two profiles of potential Q12 Here’s the next one: would you rather vote for a
candidates, and after each one, ask you which candidate who supports same-sex marriage
one you’d vote for. Here’s the first one: would and supports building a wall at the US-Mexico
you rather vote for a candidate who supports border, or a candidate who opposes same-sex
abortion rights and is pro-Israel, or vote for a marriage and opposes building a wall at the US
candidate who opposes abortion rights and is -Mexico border?
pro-Palestine? Would rather vote for a candidate who
Would rather vote for a candidate who supports same-sex marriage and supports
supports abortion rights and is pro-Israel ....... 48% building a wall at the US-Mexico border ......... 58%
Would rather vote for a candidate who Would rather vote for a candidate who
opposes abortion rights and is pro-Palestine . 17% opposes same-sex marriage and opposes
building a wall at the US-Mexico border ......... 14%
Not sure .......................................................... 35%
Not sure .......................................................... 28%
Q10 Here’s the next one: would you rather vote for a
candidate who supports abortion rights and Q13 In the 2020 election for President, did you vote
supports building a wall at the US-Mexico for Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Joe
border, or vote for a candidate who opposes Biden, someone else, or did you not vote in the
abortion rights and opposes building a wall at election?
the US-Mexico border? Donald Trump ................................................. 44%
Would rather vote for a candidate who
supports abortion rights and supports Joe Biden........................................................ 48%
building a wall at the US-Mexico border ......... 62% Someone else / Did not vote........................... 8%
Would rather vote for a candidate who
opposes abortion rights and opposes
Q14 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.
building a wall at the US-Mexico border ......... 9% If you are gender non-binary, press 3.

Not sure .......................................................... 29% Woman ........................................................... 52%

Q11 Here’s the next one: would you rather vote for a Man................................................................. 46%
candidate who supports abortion rights and
Gender non-binary.......................................... 2%
supports government spending that increased
inflation, or vote for a candidate who opposes Q15 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican,
abortion rights and opposes government press 2. If an independent, press 3.
spending that increased inflation? Democrat ........................................................ 34%
Would rather vote for a candidate who
supports abortion rights and supports Republican...................................................... 34%
government spending that increased inflation 36% Independent.................................................... 33%
Would rather vote for a candidate who Q16 If you are Hispanic or Latino, press 1. If white,
opposes abortion rights and opposes press 2. If African-American, press 3. If other,
government spending that increased inflation 38%
press 4.
Not sure .......................................................... 26%
Hispanic or Latino ........................................... 10%
White .............................................................. 74%
African-American ............................................ 12%
Other............................................................... 5%

[email protected] / 888 621-6988

March 12-13, 2024
Survey of 837 registered voters
Q17 If you are 18-45 years old, press 1. If 46-65, Q18 What is the highest level of education you have
press 2. If older than 65, press 3. received: high school graduate or less, some
college but did not finish, 2-year college
18 to 45........................................................... 36%
degree, 4-year college degree, or post-
46 to 65........................................................... 41% graduate degree?
Older than 65 .................................................. 23% High school graduate or less .......................... 28%
Some college but did not finish....................... 21%
2-year college degree ..................................... 12%
4-year college degree ..................................... 24%
Post-graduate degree ..................................... 16%
Q19 Mode
Landline .......................................................... 32%
Text ................................................................. 68%

[email protected] / 888 621-6988

March 12-13, 2024
Survey of 837 registered voters

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