Section 6.4 Vectors and Dot Products: Name
Section 6.4 Vectors and Dot Products: Name
Section 6.4 Vectors and Dot Products: Name
Objective: In this lesson you learned how to find the dot product of two
vectors and find the angle between two vectors.
Angle between two nonzero vectors The angle θ, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π, between the two
nonzero vectors’ respective standard position vectors.
Orthogonal Meeting at right angles; essentially the same meaning as
I. The Dot Product of Two Vectors (Pages 460−461) What you should learn
How to find the dot
The dot product of u = 〈u1, u2〉 and v = 〈v1, v2〉 is product of two vectors
u • v = u1v1 + u2v2 . This product yields a scalar . and use the Properties of
the Dot Product
1. u • v = v•u
2. 0 • v = 0
3. u • (v + w) = u•v+u•w
4. v • v = ||v||2
5. c(u • v) = cu • v = u • cv
III. Finding Vector Components (Pages 463−465) What you should learn
How to write a vector as
Let u and v be nonzero vectors such that u = w1 + w2, where w1 the sum of two vector
and w2 are orthogonal and w1 is parallel to (or a scalar multiple components
of) v. The vectors w1 and w2 are called vector components
of u . The vector w1 is the projection of u onto v and is
denoted by w1 = projv u . The vector w2 is given by
w2 = u − w1 .
Homework Assignment