Bucky Fuller Everything I Know Transcript Session 1
Bucky Fuller Everything I Know Transcript Session 1
Bucky Fuller Everything I Know Transcript Session 1
We tried to think about the most primitive information we have regarding our extraordinary experience, is
that, I think we choose the fact that, all humanity has always been born naked, absolutely helpless, for
months, and though with beautiful equipment, as we learn later on, with no experience, and therefore,
absolutely ignorant. That's where all humanity has always started. And we've come to the point where, in
our trial and error nding our way, stimulated by a designed in hunger designed in thirst these are
conscious inputs; designed in procreative urge we have such an enormous amount of, as we learn later
on, of designed in automated processing of the inter-relationships of all the atoms in our organism,
starting then, with a consciousness of the hunger, giving a drive to go after...to seek to experiment. Man
having, then, no rulebook, nothing to tell him about that Universe, has had to really nd his way entirely by
trial and error. He had no words and no experience to assume that the other person has experience. The
at rst, very incredibly limited way of communicating. We now know, human beings being on our planet
for probably 3 1/2 million years, with, as far as we can see, not much physiological change pretty much
the same skeleton, and from what we can learn of human beings in their earliest recorded
communicating, in an important degree, people in India 5,000 years ago, and in China 5,000 years ago,
were thinking very extraordinarily well in the terms of anything we know about our experience, the way
we've been able to resolve experiences into the discovery of principles that seem to be operative in our
I'm astonished at how well the early Hindu and Chinese thinker how well he was able to process his
information, in view of the very limited amount of information humanity had as of that time in comparison
to anything we have today.
Just making a little jump in information, as we, as humanity on board of our planet, entered into what it
called World War I, the scientists around the world have ways of reporting to one another ocially; and
chemists have what they call Chemical Abstracts. Chemical Abstracts are methodical publications of
anything and everything any chemist nds that he publishes information regarding, it becomes Chemical
Abstracts. As the world entered World War I, what was called the twentieth century it's a very arbitrary
kind of accounting matter, we had some hundred I think we had (I'm doing this off the top of my head from
memory) about 175,000 known substances, approximately almost a quarter of a million substances by
the time the United States came into the war, known to chemistry. And we came out of World War I with
almost a million substances known. By the time we ended World War II, we were well up into 10 million,
and we've come out of it now where the gures really are getting astronomical. We can't really keep track
of the rate at which we are discovering more. Just to talk about differentiable substances chemically
distinct from one another. Those are typical of the information, really it is a bursting rate now in relation to
just I'm speaking just in relationship to my own life. One life in the extraordinary numbers of lives there
must have been on board of our planet. The information is multiplying at that rate during just one lifetime
indicates that something is going on here right now that is utterly unprecedented, and we're in such
indication of acceleration of experiences of human beings the integration of the accelerated, the
experienced, to produce awarenesses that are indicative of Humanity going through some very, very
important kind of transition into some kind of new relationship to Universe, I'd say, the kind of
acceleration that would occur after the child has been formed in the womb, taking the nine months, and
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suddenly begins to issue from the womb out into an entirely new world. So I think we are apparently
coming out of some common womb of designedly permitted ignorance, given faculties which we
gradually discovered and learned to employ by trial and error, and we're at the point where I now have,
which would also seem absolutely incredible to a generation before, I've now completed 37 circuits of our
earth kind of zig-zagging circuits not straight around not as a tourist just carrying, just responding to
requests to appear here and there, to lecture in Universities, or to design some structure whatever it may
be. So, that is in the everyday pattern that I am circuiting that earth. It certainly makes it in evidence that
we are dealing in a totality of humanity, not the up to my generation completely divided humanity, spread
very far apart on our planet.
My father was in the leather importing business in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States, and he
imported from two places, primarily, Buenos Aires and India for bringing in leathers for the shoe industry,
which was centered at that time in the Boston area. And his mail, or a trip that he would like to make to
Argentina took two months each way, and his trips to India in the mail took exactly three months each
way. And, it seemed absolutely logical to humanity when early in this century, Rudyard Kipling, the
English poet, said "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." It was a very, very rare
matter for any human being to make such a travel as that, taking all those months there were not many
ships that could take them there. All that has changed in my lifetime, to where I'm not just one of a very
few making these circuits of the earth, but I am one of probably, getting to be pretty close to 20 million
now who are making living a life like that around our planet, and very much of the whole young world
doing so. I keep meeting my students of various universities from around the world, half way around the
world again. They are all getting to be living as world people. So, this is a very sudden emergence into
some new kind of relationship to our Universe is being manifest. None of it was planned. There was
nobody in the time of my father or my mother, as I was brought up, prophesying any of the things I've just
Living Breakwaters
Wins 2014 Fuller
Two New Domes in
What is a circular
The year I was born Marconi invented the wireless, but it did not get into any practical use until I was 12
years of age when the rst steamship sends an S.O.S., its in distress, by wireless so think of it a great
many miles and the world began to know the ship was in distress and ships began to rush to its aid.
Absolutely unexpected! My father and mother would say "wireless! such nonsense!"
And when I was three the electron was discovered, and nobody talked about that. It wasn't in any of the
newspapers nobody was interested in electrons didn't know what an electron was that had been
I was brought up that humanity would never get to the North Pole absolutely impossible, they'd never get
to the South Pole; and our Mercator maps didn't even show anything... the Northern-most points were
kind of a rugged line, but you didn't see or know anything up beyond that.
When I was 14 man did get to the North Pole, and when I was 16 he got to the South Pole, so impossibles
are happening.
Like all other little boys, I was making paper darts, which you could make at school; and boys must have
been making them for a very long time; and we were hoping we might be able to get to ying. But the
parents, your parents were saying "Darling, it's very amusing for you to try that, but it is inherently
impossible for man to y. So when I was 7 the Wright brothers suddenly ew and my memory is vivid
enough of seven to remember that for about a year the engineering societies were trying to prove it was a
hoax because it was absolutely impossible for man to do that.
So then, not only was there the radio, but when I was 23, which you think well I guess many in this room
are not 23 yet when I was 23 the human voice came over the radio for the rst time, and that was an
incredible matter. When I was 27 we had the rst licensed radio broadcasting. When I was 38 I was asked
to go on an experimental TV program in New York where the Columbia Broadcasting had 70 sets in
various scientists' and their Board of Directors' homes, and they had experimental programs going on,
they didn't have any money for paying anybody. The man who ran it, Gilbert Seldes was a friend of mine,
and ran the studio, and so, I often appeared on his program, but we don't have television operating in the
United States until after World War II. So we're talking about when I was 45 when we had our rst
television. So this is very it couldn't be a more recent matter; and yet nobody thought at that time we were
going to have they didn't know you were going to have transistors; they didn't know man was going to
have satellites going around the earth; they didn't know we were going to have radio relay satellites, that
we were going to be able to have programs coming out of any part of the earth, going to any other part of
the earth. Absolutely not one of these steps was ever anticipated by any of the others, so that having
experienced that, I also experienced living with my fellow human beings, who I nd, no sooner has it
happened, then he says "I knew it all the time. I'm not one of those to be surprised I was sort of in on it
you know... I was a little bit responsible" There is a strange vanity of man, and I think the vanity that he
has, was essential to his being born naked and helpless, and having to make the fantastic number of
mistakes he had to make in order to really learn something. And I think he would have been so
disgruntled, so dismayed by the mistakes, the errors, that he would never have been able to carry on. He
would just have been absolutely discouraged, so he was given this strange vanity to say, to continually
sort of make himself exempt, and he was some kind of privileged, and always in. And he was able, then,
quite clearly, to deceive himself a great deal. So I nd everybody today saying "getting to the moon
anybody can do that. That's absolutely simple and logical." Now, it is obvious, and simple, and logical
provided you were born and this has happened in your lifetime, you can see how it happened. I began to
realize that with that rapid changing going on, which was not anticipated then what people called "natural"
when I was young... the natural related to the state before these great changes occurred... where we were
supposed to stay we were inherently remote from other human beings... no way you could get to other
human beings. And all the customs that developed over millions and millions of years of tribes and little
communities being isolated one from another... how you get on with one another, seeing everybody, you
saw everybody a great deal all the time. The conditions that were really brought about by that constant
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proximity, brought about human behaviors which we have now rules and everybody the older people say
that's the way you carry on; but it is really no longer germane to the conditions that are prevailing. And, I
began to realize that, for instance, to me, having been born before ying, before the Wright brothers, to
me it was a very extraordinary matter that man could y. And certainly, his rst ying was fraught with a
great deal of danger, and you admired very much the people who were able to accomplish it without
failing; and our rst automobiles that I had, my rst automobile; the automobile tires, on my rst car
would probably blow out within a hundred miles. You were stopping really very, very frequently getting out
and taking off that tire and repairing it... with ways of vulcanizing it and getting it back on. We didn't have
the easy mounting tires that we have today, so it was a very great task to do it. The engine continually
broke down. The brakes burnt out and wore out very, very rapidly, so that driving a car doing your own
cranking and cleaning your own spark plugs, and often taking out the spark plugs and priming them with
gasoline so you could get the engine going you were very intimate with your machine. And, if you were,
you knew how relatively unreliable it was. Therefore, you drove with great caution. I still drive in the terms
of brakes that fade out, and I allow certain distances, and I nd the space that I'm allowing to the next car
inviting young people who have good brakes, and who assume that they have good brakes, to drive into
that spot with great safety.
Now, that would be typical, really, of the difference between people born under one set of conditions and
those born under others. What seems safe, what seems logical. It was a very amazing matter to me,
when my own daughter, Allegra, was born, the year that Lindbergh ew across the Atlantic ocean; but
ying was still a very infrequent experience, for the average human being to view an airplane actually in
ight. You went to air meets. You knew that there were battles of half a dozen planes over Europe during
World War I, but the Lindbergh ight was great news to everybody. The biplane was still the major ship,
and I was wheeling my child in her baby carriage in Chicago's Lincoln Park in 1927, and she was lying on
her back looking at the sky, and suddenly a little biplane went overhead; and it was a very extraordinary
matter to have an airplane show up over Chicago. And, I said, "Isn't this amazing! My daughter is born with
an airplane in the sky." To her an airplane would seem very logical. Her daughter was born 21 years ago,
and she was born in New York, and her father and mother took her to (this is my granddaughter) took her
to their new home on a place called Riverdale just north of Manhattan Island across the bridge North of
Manhattan Island you get to quite high land it was called Riverdale, it's quite high. And there was that old
wooden house that was about the highest point there a three-story house, and my daughter and her
husband had an apartment on the top oor of that wooden house. It had old-fashioned glass porches on it,
and the, my grand daughter lying in her crib and coming right over Riverdale was La Guardia Field trac,
all the West-bound ights ying in the prevailing South-west, westerly winds took off right over the
house, so literally every 30 second, my grand daughter would hear "arrarrrr" going over the roof, and
everybody would say "airplane" to her. I was not surprised the rst word my grand daughter said was not
"mum" or "dad" but "air", and the parents and uncles, and aunts and grandparents would take her out in
their arms onto the glass porch. She was born in the late Fall of the year. The leaves were off the trees in
New York. She saw, and they'd get out on the glass porch and point to the airplanes; and she saw literally
thousands of airplanes before she ever saw a bird. To her an airplane in the sky was much more "normal"
than a bird, and looking from that glass porch down the West side drive of New York, went by, and it came
over the bridge and it went thru a valley that was just below their house, she saw millions of automobiles
in her rst year; and the children's books that she was given were of farm pigs, horses, ducks and all the
things that I was brought up with which seemed absolutely normal to me, because the grown-ups said
these are outside the house, and kept point to them, but my grand daughter had never seen any such
thing. She'd seen all those airplanes and those automobiles, and a pig to her was about the same as a
picture of a polio virus. She saw that the grown-ups were enjoying showing it to her, so she'd laugh along
with them, but it was absolute pure cartoon. Now, this is the way in which the world really has been
changing, and the publishers hadn't caught on to that kind of a change and they were still publishing what
was/is called a "child's book."
Now, and I'll grant that there might have been plenty of people who were born where there still were
some ducks and pigs; but that was not the prevalent condition any more. Because, during and following
World War I, the enormous capacity to produce machinery occurred, and farm machinery was developed
in a very big way, and began to do the work on the farm more readily than the human beings could with
their muscle and the people used to have to be where the food grew or they would perish. But, suddenly,
there was refrigeration and there was canning the food could reach them any distance, and they weren't
needed on the farm to produce the food, so people were all owing into the city. So my grand daughter's
experience was really the dominant experience by far the majority of experience, that she would never
have seen these things in that farm book.
So, I now assume, that when people say that something is "natural," "natural" is the way they found it
when they checked into the picture, and this picture has been changing incredibly rapidly, and with the
society in general going along all the old rules of cities and customs where you are seeing a whole lot of
each other which is really irrelevant. And so that is one reason why then, the young people of our day,
began to see things very, very differently from their parents; and to realize that the long traditions and
customs were really no longer appropriate. It wasn't a matter of the unfriendliness of a young generation
with an older generation; it was simply that the new generation was being born into a new "natural,"
which was absolutely "unnatural" to grown ups.
That's enough of what I'm saying to introduce the concept of there being very large pattern changes
affecting the lives of human beings on board of our planet. They were not in anyway anticipated by any of
the humans, yet they are overwhelming, and would have to be really read in the terms of being
evolutionary; and that Universe apparently had it in "Universe." If this is the rst time that you were ever a
lily, you might assume that you were just going to be a seed, and not realize that you were going to then
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grow up with some green leaves. Then you don't know that all of a sudden you're going to sprout a white,
beautiful bell shaped ower; and you don't know that you're going to have stamen. Each of these things
are a surprise. So that I think that humanity as a whole is going thru a great transition which is superbly
designed, as is the organization of the human, the human chemistries and associabilities of all those
atoms of which we are comprised. And, my whole thinking out loud with you from now on is going to
relate to seeking for more and more of these large patterns that are operative, that become deprecated by
human beings very rapidly because they don't like to have seemed to have been caught by surprise, and
because of that vanity factor it is not too easy to make humanity comprehend as possibly readable and
signicant and predict other such waves to come about.
Again, I nd human beings, with the news that we now are sharing around the world, which all of the
world nds disturbing, reporting everybody around the world is aware of the troubles of other peoples as
they never were before. They had troubles before, but they were never so aware of the other people's
troubles, so we have an awareness of the totality of great trouble. And, I think human beings' vanity factor
make them really feel "I am solely responsible for how this is going to come out," and "I can then deputize
my authority to one political leader, and it's up to him to really get us out or half a dozen that we elect and
expect performance," as if human beings really can master and understand in a great way that I feel they
do not. To me it has been clearly manifest that we have been very, very innocent and that we do respond,
we have to respond to the environment, whatever the environment is doing. And we can only do, I say, I
don't really have a word "articial" ...I don't really have a word "unnatural." I say, "if nature permits it, it is
natural if nature doesn't permit it, you can't do it." You may not be familiar with the fact that nature allows
that, but the fact of your unfamiliarity doesn't make it unnatural. If it is unfamiliar to us we tend to say it is
articial or unnatural.
I'm going to review two or three ways in which I discipline myself to try to get myself thinking in a little
more adequate manner concerning what we know of our Universe and what may be going on in a larger
way, and to try to get things in a little better proportion. As for instance, I would like to have a picture of
the Milky Way galaxy (may I have that picture please), and here we are looking at an array of stars, you can
see the Milky Way running thru the stars. The number of stars you are looking at is about 18,000; they are
approximately 1/6 millionths of all the stars in our Milky Way galaxy. We now know of, we have been able
to get our great telescopes trained on other galaxies and so forth, and we now have taken photographs
and are aware of a billion such galaxies of a hundred billion stars each.
Next picture, please. This picture we are looking at a galaxy very far away (may I have that next picture);
we are looking at an exploding phenomena. I spoke about those hundred million galaxies of a hundred
million stars each 99.9% of them are invisible to our naked eye, but their sizes are of great, great
magnitude. To get a little idea, our own star "Sun" is a our own earth is 8,000 miles in diameter, and the
diameter of the sun is just a hundred times that, and so our little earth looks very tiny against that
enormous big ball. But our star sun is a small star. Most of you are familiar with Orion's belt, and in
Orion's belt, one of the two bright stars is reddish in color, and this is Betelgeuse, and Betelgeuse's
diameter is greater than the diameter of the orbit of the earth around the Sun so that's a good sized star;
so we are a little planet, of a rather inferior star, which is one of a hundred billion stars in our galaxy, and
we know there are billions of galaxies, so we get an idea our little planet, and you and I are utterly
invisible. We've taken pictures of our planet coming in from the moon; when you can see through the
cloud cover, you can see the blue of the water and the brown of the land, but you can't make out any
human being; you can't make out a mountain let alone a human being; there is absolutely no visibility of a
mountain because the aberration of the deepest water ve miles below sea level, and ve miles above the
mountain top, and eight thousand miles is so, so meager that a polished steel ball is probably rougher
than that. So, we are absolutely invisible on a negligible, little tiny planet of a rather negligible star which
is one of a hundred billion of a known billion galaxies, so multiply the billion times 100 billion and you get
a little idea.
Now, as we look at things at a great distance the picture that I have this is of a bursting phenomena in the
heavens. Which looks like a tiny little light, and it keeps remaining like a tiny light, but at such a distance.
And the distances involved are so great this particular phenomena is expanding at a velocity of three
million miles an hour, which with the distance between the earth and the Sun (92 million), so that in 30
hours just little over a day, this expands the complete distance between the earth and the Sun, and yet it
remains for the thousands of years we may be looking at it, like a little tiny speck there in the sky. You get
a little sense of the size and the deceptiveness to us in the magnitude of the information in which we are
really dealing in today.
I am quite condent, and this is then just as far as you and I have been able to when I say you and I I mean
all our fellows the human beings who have been born naked and helpless and nally have discovered the
principles of refraction of light and have developed the telescope, and have been able to make a sweepout
we are getting information, as tiny as we are, we have information of approximate spherical sweepout of
observation of 11 1/2 billion light-year radius; and a light year is 6 1/2 trillion miles, so when you get to 11
1/2 billion times 6 1/2 trillion you get a little idea of the distance from which you and I are getting
information reliable information. We get the rate at which this thing is expanding. And, thru the
spectroscope we have learned about refraction of light, and thru the spectroscope we are able to take the
light from all of those observations and each chemical element has its unique frequencies when
incandescent; human beings on our planet, have been able to take inventories of the relative abundance of
chemical elements in a sweep-out of 11 1/2 billion year observation. We have that kind of capability
despite our absolutely negligible magnitude physically. That we can deal with our minds in such
magnitudes and do so quite reliably, gives a hint that the human being must have some very great
signicance in the scheme, because we don't know of any other phenomena that has this mind the human
mind. Because, what I talk about is discoverable only by virtue of the mind. There are a great many
creatures that have brains, and all the creatures that have brains disclose that the brains are always and
only synchronizing, integrating a plurality of informations from touchings and smellings and hearings and
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coordinating those into some composite information that tends to produce images. But brain is always
and only as each of those senses are, dealing in each special case experience. This is the smell of that one.
This is the height of that one. Touch whatever it may be. Finally, the human mind we nd the human mind
able to do something that the brain cannot do. So I differentiate between brain and mind completely.
What human mind is able to do is, from time to time, reviewing the special case experiences, because
they are recallable, and the brain is very good about recalling them calling them up again, is to review a
plurality of those special case experiences. From time to time mind has intuited that there is something
going on, some relationship between the special case experiences that was not being predicted or
suggested in any way by any of the special case experiences considered only by themselves.
Take the very extraordinary experience, while we're dealing in stars, of the fact well-recorded in the
earliest annals of man that he became aware of there being ve lights in the sky ve little points of light
quite bright ones, much smaller than the sun and the moon. And these ve bright ones behaved in ways
that all the other myriads of light did not. The other myriads of lights stayed in beautiful constant patterns,
as far as human beings could see, but ve of them moved around, and were a little brighter than the
others and moved around in some strange kind of way and if you kept track of them they would reappear;
and they had some regularities about them so that long-long ago in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, good
recordings were made of these behaviors of what we began to call the planets. So there were ve special
case informations that have some relationship it seems, because they were behaving the way nothing else
behaved, so they differentiated out by this unique behavior.
We have, then, the human beings gradually acquiring calculating capability. And I'd like to make great note
of this. We will go back and talk about this in much more detail later on, but if you've ever tried to do any
multiplication or division with roman numerals, you nd you don't get anywhere. So supposing you were
intrigued by some motions, or something like that, you couldn't make any calculations with roman
numerals. So that, no matter how intrigued you might be by the fact that there is something going on
there, and "I'd like to know something about it," there's really no way that you can calculate. The Arabic
numerals came into the Mediterranean world and began to supplant the roman numerals about 700 A.D.
But they were used at rst entirely as shorthand for say, instead of three marks of the roman numerals,
you just go like that '3', it was a little quicker. So they were sort of a shorthand for this larger scratching.
But I want you to realize that the roman numerals were used entirely as scoring devices. And you could
have a servant that was very ignorant, but you station him here and say "every time one of those sheep go
by I want you to make a scratch," so he kept doing this faithfully just matching/scoring/matching the
experiences. The Arabic numerals, I'm quite condent, were derived from the invention of the abacus as a
calculating device; and if you are familiar with the abacus, having rods and beads that slide on them; and
you can do it in fours or ves there are different module systems you can use. You would then have what
we call decimally, or nger wires. With ve, you ll up a column of ve and then you knock them back
again, empty it, and move one over into the next column. And, the convention is to move the
incrementation leftward and when you then close out the ve and put one over in the next column to take
its place of those ve, then you have an empty column. I'm quite certain that the navigators over the great
deserts or the navigators of the sea, who did deal in the stars as the only way to give them information
about where they are, probably developed the rst trigonometry and the rst important geometrical
calculations; did then, from time to time, lose their abacus overboard on the ship, or it was lost in the
sands, but being so familiar with it, they could draw a picture, they could see it in their mind's eye very
nicely, and they could then manipulate the concept of lling up that column and then moving over one. I'm
quite certain that the Arabic numerals represented a symbol for the content of the columns; and when
they moved over and left an empty column, they had to have the cipher, so the Arabic numerals had the
cipher. It is interesting then that the Arabic numerals were rst taken over in the Mediterranean world as
substitutes for roman numerals, the cipher had no signicance whatsoever because you couldn't eat "no"
sheep, so they didn't have a score for "no" sheep. They didn't have any need in the roman numerals, which
was just a scoring system, for something called "nothing." So that, the cipher was recognized as being
there but having no use, they just thought of it as kind of a decoration used like a period, just put at the
end or something like that. It is a matter of the slowness of the information gain that there is 500 years
between the Arabic numerals coming into the Mediterranean world and beginning to take the place of the
roman numerals before the signicance of the cipher was discovered, and published by a Latin in North
Africa, in Latin, showing that if occasioned the positioning of new numbers, the moving of your
multiplication over one column; and with it came the capability of anybody to calculate. Now, calculations
had been very much monopolized by the navigators and the priests, who were unquestionably astronomer
navigators, who came up on the land. And the temporal power had to come to them, and they found that
the temporal power, while he was a strong man, just could not cope with the kind of information they
could obtain by virtue of their calculating capabilities, so they guarded it very carefully.
We have the temporal powers if you think about it a little like in Italy where you see all those great
castellos, valley after valley; hill after hill; castle commanding its particular valley; and you have all these
little kingdoms all over these city-state-kingdoms, were everywhere all around the Mediterranean world.
And the king, or the overlord, or whatever he wanted to call himself, would have the people bring in their
sheep and their wheat, and/or whatever it may be their food, their produce and they would want to
exchange it, so that they could go home with some of the other produce. All exchanging was calculated at
the church the priests would do the calculating for them. And they probably used the abacus.
At any rate, the process of having the temporal power being vested in the church the calculating capability,
required also then that the church then in effect, tax the people for making the calculation and so you
would give so many sheep to him, and so many bags of wheat to him, but you left bags of wheat and
sheep out in back of the church; so that there was a very large take on the part of the temporal power by
virtue of controlling the calculations. As a consequence, the publication of this book explaining the way in
which you position numbers, illiteracy was rampant, so not too many people could read it, but it became
very much a threat that anybody could do their own calculation and not have to go to the authorities to do
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the calculations for them. So that, in many, many of those little kingdoms throughout the Mediterranean
world, it became a death penalty for anybody caught using the cipher. The word cipher has secret
connotations for this reason. Because people used it, they needed to use it, you understand "I've got to do
my own calculations" but if I get caught so I must be very secretive. Gradually the signicance of the cipher
permeates society, particularly the young student world that was literate. So the students of Northern
Italy and Southern Germany began to realize more and more the signicance of the cipher, and the
positioning of numbers to do their own calculations. Young peoples' faces are less familiar than the older
peoples' faces, and so the young people could get away with what the older people couldn't, so
approximately the year 1200, 500 years after the Arabic numerals came into the Mediterranean world,
that the treatise was written, that's 1200, and 300 years later it was impossible to ever again enforce the
prohibition against use of the cipher. And this is a wonderful date we're talking about 1500, ve hundred
years ago. And this is exactly when Copernicus comes in. Here was Copernicus, suddenly, with the
capability to calculate; and calculating the positions and some of the interrelationships of these, what we
call the planets, he came to the conclusion that our earth was also a planet, and behaving in relationship
to the sun the way the other planets were.
And this opened up a completely new excitation of humanity. Remember now, I'm saying, here was brain
getting all this special case business, and mind intuitively stimulated... there must be something going on
here, I'd like to nd out what it is that is going on; and suddenly we had this calculating ability, and
Copernicus coming out with a very new, fantastically new idea, that we were not standing still with all this
show going on around us, but that we were one of the planets of our sun. And so we have then, Tycho
Brahe, very inspired by Copernicus, and a man of great means, and he acquired instruments for much
better observation, and he had his great observer who was Kepler, and Kepler then made extraordinary
new, much more accurate observations of the planets. In the rst place, he discovered that they were
moving in ellipses, and not in circular orbits. If you yourself have ever made an experiment of just drawing
a circle having a pen and a string, or a pencil, you know you have a single restraint. But if you want to
make an ellipse, you have two restraints. So the fact that they were moving in ellipses indicated that there
was not only some relationship to the sun, but so some other possibly some integrated effect of the other
planets. And Kepler, then, now had beautiful data, which showed that they were a team, alright, they were
all going around the Sun but they were different sizes, they were different distances from the Sun, they all
went around the Sun at different rates, so the team was a very disorderly team; and yet he felt that the
fact that they were all on one team, they must have something more about them. But now that he had his
calculating capability, he did then what a mathematician can do, he said, "I want to nd something
common to this... and supercially there is nothing common to them. They are all different. But, I'm going
to give them a certain amount of time, very much less than one orbit, of the fastest orbiting... so I think
the amount of time was 21 days. And now he knew how far they were from the sun, each one, so on the
beginning of that 21 days, he's here, and then he knows exactly the amount of arc in 21 days. Then he has
the radius from the end of that arc back to the sun again makes a piece-of-pie shape area. He found that
in the same 21 days some of them were short, fat pie, and some were long, thin pie. But because he had
the actual mathematical data, he was then able to calculate the areas of the piece of pie. An extraordinary
intuition must have made him do such a think, must have said "as long as I have the data, might as well
calculate it," and to his absolute astonishment he found that the areas were all exactly the same in a given
amount of time. So where there was a supercial difference I want you to try to think of yourself as being
the rst human being, and with all this stimulation going on for thousands of years, you suddenly realize
that hidden in this supercial disorder was the most incredible, elegant mathematical order. Absolute
coordination. And, he would have to reason, that if they were touching each other you can understand how
gears could coordinate, but with the incredible distances intervening, how could they possibly coordinate
with this elegant mathematical manner. Well, one thing you could say about that was that there were
these great distances apart, and he knew that if he had a weight on a string, and swung it around his head,
it was in an orbit if he let go it would go in a line. The fact that they were in orbits indicated that there was
some kind of a tensive restraining, so it really got down to that there is a tensive restraint, and it could be
that the other planets got into various positions where there was a composite of their pulls, to effect, to
bring about this elliptical phenomena.
We have Galileo, like other brains, then, terribly stimulated by experiences, but suddenly with calculating
capability. So he began to measure the rates at which objects would go down inclined planes of different
angles, then free-falling bodies. And he found that these free-falling bodies were increasing in their rate of
falling. There was an acceleration. And he found the rate in which they were accelerating was actually
multiplying the number times itself it was a second power rate of acceleration.
We have, then, Isaac Newton enormously stimulated by all the foregoing events of all these other
discoverers, and he, himself, then also with mathematical capability. And he had a deep drive to somehow
understand that tensive relationship Kepler had discovered. And he, himself, then, like you and I, could
swing a weight around his head, and every time he let go off like that, then he set it off in a line like that,
but the earth pulled on it, and pulled it that way. Quite clearly the earth was much more powerful than he
was in sending it this way. Isaac Newton, then, evolved his rst law of motion. That a body will persist in a
straight line, except as affected by other bodies. And he said, "I see this other body, the earth, is very, very
powerful how much they pull must have something to do with their sizes." He then said "I am informed by
the astronomers and the navigators, we have very good information regarding the interrelationships of
the moon and the earth the tides three quarters of the earth is covered with water, and all those waters
are pulled by the moon so there are trillions of tons of water being lifted by the moon pull obviously the
pull between them is something vastly greater than my muscles involved so it's something to do with size
here. Then, Isaac Newton, having evolved his rst law of motion, a body persists in a straight line, except
as it is affected by other bodies he then conceived, hypothetically, which a mathematician can do if he has
the calculating capability the patterns of the heavens were very well charted by now by the astronomers
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and the navigators; and for any given minute of any night of the year, they knew exactly what the patterns
would be, what would be in zenith over any given point that's how you could navigate. So, Isaac Newton
had some very reliable patterns of the heavens to go by for a given time, so he chose a night when the
moon would be fairly easy to observe, and probably clear weather, and then he made an assumption that
the earth would suddenly stop pulling on the moon. In effect, he doesn't use these words, but, you would
annihilate the earth, therefore if you have that weight, and you swing it around your head, if you let go of
it, it goes over this line. So he said, if the earth suddenly stopped pulling on the moon, the moon would go
off on a given line, so he calculated what that line would be on that night at that time, and he was able,
then, to pattern it against the heavens in a clearly patternable line. Therefore, on that night, at that time,
he then measured the rate at which the moon was falling away from that line towards the earth, and he
found that the rate at which the moon was falling exactly agreed with Galileo's rate of falling bodies, that
is the accelerating rate; it was moving, apparently, to the second power, that is, multiplying the number
times itself. Therefore he said: l) we multiply the two masses times each other to get the relative amount
of interpull compared, between any other two objects, and we half the distance between the two, we will
increase the interattractiveness four-fold (that is the second power). He spoke about how this being an
inverse ratio, because he spoke about going away, so if we go twice as far away there is only one quarter
of the pull, so we have the inverse ratio to the second power of the relative proximity. There were
relatively very few literate people in his day, very few people really listened to what he was saying, but the
other astronomers did pay attention and began to apply his hypothetical relationships to other
astronomical phenomena, and gradually began to discover and explain all the astronomical interbehaviors
of these remote bodies. So we have then suddenly, human mind, all these various minds of the
generations the many generations stimulated by something going on there between that is not of it wasn't
in any one of those planets by itself at all, and we have then, Isaac Newton nding this interrelationship
which has proved to be absolutely valid, and holds as we get into the microcosm long after when Isaac
Newton didn't know we were going to get there at all there were no electromagnetics involved, this mass
interattractiveness is operative.
Isaac Newton was able to say that these two apples would pull towards each other, therefore you and I on
the planet would not tend to think about this interpull because the pull of the earth is so enormous, as the
friction of the apples on the table completely prevent demonstration of any local two bodies pulling
towards each other. One reason that it escaped man for so long. It had to be free bodies that were greatly
removed that would have to stimulate man to think this way.
Now, where I'm coming to then, is that there was nothing in the moon, in its geometrical dimensions,
there was nothing in its chemistry, there was nothing in its electromagnetics, that in any way said it was
going to attract the earth. There was nothing in the earth that said the same. It was not until you saw the
interbehavior being manifested in free space that you realized there was something going on between.
This is why I say that mind, and mind alone, has been able to discover relationships that exist in between
that are not of any of the special case phenomena. And brain is always dealing in special case. So brains
deal in special case and mind is dealing in discovering relationships existing in between. This then comes
to the word SYNERGY. SYNERGY means: behaviors of whole systems, and a minimum system would be
two, behaviors of whole systems unpredicted by behavior of any of the parts of the system, when the
parts are considered separately, one from the other. And the word Synergy, I nd going around the world,
I've spoken to more than ve hundred colleges and universities around the world, in the rst three
hundred I checked my audiences asking how many were familiar with the word Synergy, and less than 3%
and properly known by only about 1% said, so it became evident to me that the word Synergy was not
popular, but is the only word that means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by behavior of any of the
parts when considered only separately. The fact then that the great interbehaviors, in fact all great
generalized principles discovered by science, are relationships existing between, that are not of the parts
themselves. That's why scientic discoveries are few and far apart. Because you are always just nding
relationships, and these relationships can only and will always be expressed mathematically. They are
completely generalizable mathematically.
So, I nd then, the Universe is quite clearly these important generalized principles that we discover. A
generalized principle in science is one which no exception has ever been found to the mathematics of the
Our brains are always dealing in special case, and each special case is inherently terminal, nite,
syntropic, physical. Therefore brain wants to have things begin and end, and brain would like to have a
beginning and an end of the Universe; a beginning and an end of the world. But mind, then discovers
principles which must have no exceptions, which means that they are inherently eternal, and not the kind
of word that brain is familiar with. It is implicit that they are eternal; they must never have any exceptions.
We nd then a plurality of these eternal generalized principles operative, and if you become, then,
preoccupied with the family of known generalized principles, then you become deeply impressed to realize
that, being eternal, they are all concurrently operative, and none of them has ever been found to contradict
any of the others. In fact they are all found to be interaccommodative. They all have absolute regularities,
and the regularities are interaccommodative. When you and I use the word design, we use it to mean a
complex in which the various components are ordered in respect one with the other. That's a design in
contradistinction to randomness. There is a deliberate, deliberate placement and ordering. So I say then
that human mind is gradually discovering. If you are looking at a plurality of generalized principles, there
is a great A Priori Design of Universe. And the human mind has access to the rules and the design of
Universe a little glimpse of it, because as we keep pulling the curtain up slightly we realize that there is a
lot more than we don't know. What is most impressive, really, about this whole experience I gave you
about Isaac Newton or Kepler, is that you ask Mr. Newton what the gravity is, he's able to tell you how it
behaves. I can't possibly tell you what it is, because there is nothing in any data of any special case you
can point to that says it's going to happen absolutely nothing. Therefore, when you come to great
moments, the actual fact of how great generalized principles are discovered, you come to A Priori
Absolute Mystery, within which A Priori Absolute Mystery, this most sublime and reliable relationship is
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manifest, is existing. So that, to me, the more intimate you become with the actual working moments of
those who made the great discoveries, the more deeply moved you are by an A Priori Great Mystery. I am
going to take a little brake.
Since the great generalized principles that have been discovered by Science are synergetic, I'd like to think
about the world SYNERGY a little more, and as I said, I found audiences, university audience, around the
word approximately unfamiliar, only 3%, and l% of the popular audiences. Therefore it's perfectly clear
that the word, not being popular, would tell me that people are not thinking that there ARE behaviors of
wholes unpredicted by behaviors of parts, because if they did think there were then they would have had
to nd a word to express it, and the word SYNERGY is that word. The fact that it is unfamiliar makes it
quite clear to me society has become quite content that all you have to know is about parts. Society has
been quite content to be specialized, feeling the parts are all going to add up take care of themselves. So
I'd like to think a little more about that word Synergy. The word is the companion of the word ENERGY,
SYN-ERGY. ERGY work, the SYN and the syn of synchronization, it's the withness prex, it's the
integrating prex; whereas the EN-ergy was a separating out, differentiating out. Now the word ENERGY
is very familiar to man because he has been quite content to separate out, he felt that he gained by
isolating scientically you discover, and he has discovered a certain amount by that, you get a great deal of
data by isolating; but he hasn't found these great principles by the isolation. At any rate, energy has been a
preoccupation of man, and synergy has been really overlooked. But Synergy is to energy as integration is
to differentiation. Energy is differentiating out, and Synergy is integrating. There was nothing in atoms per
se that predicts chemical compounding. There is nothing in chemical compounds per se that predicts
biological protoplasm. There is nothing in biological protoplasm per se that predicts camel and palm tree
and the respiratory exchange of gases between the mammals and the vegetation. In fact you discover that
the larger complex of Universe is never being predicted by the lesser. There is nothing in the chemistry of
human toenail that predicts human being. So, I nd then that the Universe, itself, is synergetic it is a great
complex of generalized principles, each of which IS synergetic, so that we really have a Synergy of
Synergy, there is an exponential synergizing of the generalized principles of Universe themselves. Now,
quite clearly, then, the Universe being complex, and synergetic, if we were able then to cope with the
totality, we might be able to nd out about parts, and we have what I call three well-known Synergetic
Strategies of obtaining important information.
First, is the Greek's triangle, where the triangle, having six distinct parts the three angles and the three
edges, and the known sum of the angles of the triangle, 180 degrees, plus then any two sides known and
the included angle known you can nd out you know half of the information you can discover the other
half; be able to get half that is all unknown before is a very powerful capability.
We nd, then, you can always institute in trigonometry, you can always invent a right triangle in any
triangle because you can drop a perpendicular line to a base line that's going to be 90 degrees, and you
can divide any triangle into two right triangles. And, with having two rights, you know one of those angles
is right, therefore it gives you a whole lot of information right away plus the 180 degrees known; and you
really only have to nd out two other times in order to be able to solve your problem with the
trigonometry. Now, there was then the Greek triangle it is a synergetic strategy, working for the whole,
the known behavior of the whole, and the known behavior of the sum of the parts and nding out about
other parts.
Into the Synergetic strategies comes a relatively short time ago historically, Euler, and Euler realized an
extraordinary pattern generalization. Euler doesn't phrase it in these words, but I will give you my own
phrasing of what Euler said. He said "All visual experiences can be reduced to three fundamental aspects.
There are visual experiences that are trajectories something is in motion leaves a trail; or, I scratch that's
leaving a trail, or I leave a deposit of an amount of chalk that's a trail. There are trajectories, and where
two trajectories cross we get a x. That will give you a location. And, if then, a plurality of lines crosses the
same line and comes back and crosses itself and has then a perimeter, a closure, then you have areas.
And he said then that lines, and areas, and crossings, or xes, are never to be confused one with another,
and all visual experiences are reducible into those three. So you can look at any picture you've ever seen,
and I would say it does not include the color it could be any color; and looking at that picture you can say,
consider that line, that's an outline of a face. You can decide that this is a crossing or a point (it would be
the same), it is not an area, but if the point is big enough you think it's an area and you can make a line
around it; and Euler found that when you decided what it is you are looking at in the picture and you take
inventory that is a line, that is an area, and that is a crossing. Then, he said, the numbers of the crossings,
which he also, because lines are crossing and converging as they cross, called a vertex coming towards
one another, indicating, working towards a point; so he said, the number of vertexes plus the numbers of
areas (if it's a at picture on the wall) will equal the number of lines plus the number one.But, he said, if
you recognize than that the picture is on the wall, the wall is a part of some kind of a polyhedral
phenomena. So, I say then that the picture, I see the picture, then, has an edge and a back to it, and seems
to be a very asymmetrical polyhedron, but that whole blackboard and its wheels, and I deal then with what
I'm looking at, as a polyhedron. Then, he said, the numbers of the crossings plus the numbers of the areas
equal the numbers of the lines plus the number two. It is absolutely constant. Then, he said, if you put a
hole thru the system, like the hole in a donut, or coring an apple, then the numbers of the crossings or
vertexes, plus the number of the areas are equal to the numbers of the lines.Well, this is a very
extraordinary kind of a total capability now. You know the behavior of the whole this is all there is, there
isn't any more; and if you know something is out there you can nd out about the others.Then we have in
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chemistry, Willard Gibbs, and Willard Gibbs said that crystalline, liquid and gaseous states; that these have
an inter-relationship. We call it the "phase rule," which is very similar then to the Euler this plus this
equals this plus two. And, I have now been able, as I will go on with you in the hours and days to come, I
am going to give you then the topological identication of the Willard Gibbs phase rule. It's not the
appropriate time for us to do it here, but what I'm getting at is, I've given you three Grand Synergetic
Strategies, where you know the behavior of a whole, there is something you have observed about the
whole, and you know some of the parts you can nd out about other parts. This is a very, very powerful
matter. I nd that our whole education system around the world is organized on the basis of the little child
being ignorant. Assuming that the little child that's born is going to have to be taught, in a sense it's an
empty container, waiting for information to be given to it from the grown-ups; and so the little child
demonstrates time and again an interest in the whole Universe. A child is very enthusiastic about the
planetarium. A little child will ask the most beautiful questions about total Universe,, continually
embarrassing the grown ups who have become very specialized and can't answer great comprehensive
questions. We nd the child then, with its propensity to comprehend totally, ready to be Synergetic,
humans have the proclivity to be Synergetic, and yet, our education is to say, "Never mind, darling, about
that Universe, come in here and I'm going to give you an A and B and a C, and then if you learn that well I'll
give you a D and an E and an F. We keep adding to the parts. We do what we call building up a body of
knowledge of brick on brick. And, this all both perplexed me and stimulated me into thinking about how
we might somehow or other reorganize our self-education, because education is in the end a
self-educating. The experiences stimulate, but then the signicance in the experience has to be
apprehended and then comprehended by the individual and the Synergetic educational system, then,
became of great excitation to me and I wondered how we might be able then to it seemed logical, if you
could start with Universe itself. Let's just start with the whole, and then we'll have no variables left out.
So I felt that we would have to have a denition of Universe and incidentally as I disciplined myself along
these lines starting almost a half century ago, I said, I must never use a word that I cannot really relate to
experience. I must be able to dene each word that I use, and if I don't have a good denition going back to
experience, I must give it up. So I said, I either have got to give up the word Universe, or dene it on an
experiential basis.Now, we nd that Eddington dening Universe no, Eddington dening Science, and he
says Science is the attempt to set in order the facts of experience the raw materials of experience. I found
another very great scientists, and I'm quite certain that he was unaware of Eddington's statement, I
cannot really certify this, but the man was relatively remote, and it was Ernst Mach, the physicist of Vienna
and Ernst Mach, the physicist of Vienna is a man who the name "Mach number" as we come to ultrasonic
speed is named for Ernst Mach. Mach, the physicist said: "Physics is arranging experience in the most
economical order because the physicist has discovered, that absolutely unique to nature, is that nature
always does things in the most economical ways. There are many ways of talking about this, the principle
of least resistance or least effort, but she is always most economical. However, this is not a "yes" "No"
"Stop" "Go" affair. We nd as you are going to go on with me, that there are a plurality of equally
economical alternatives optional to every event in Universe a plurality of them. But Mach said, Nature will
use one of those equally most economical ways.So the physicist then, was concerned with the economy
of arrangement of experiences, and Eddington, the scientist general interested in experience all
experiences, and he didn't specify he said arranging experiences in order. Now a mathematician such as
Boole Boole developed the concept of the mathematicians to a little further degree while the
mathematicians had been unable to nd any grand strategy approach to gain information from, in a logical
matter, they nd it expedient to, then, assume the most absurd condition, and then gradually eliminate the
improbability of the most utterly absurd this is a little less absurd. If they can get down to something that
might be reasonable, this is a way of sharpening up this reductio ad absurdum. We have then a Boole, able
to introduce non, most not-economical order. I just want you to understand that general science might
then trying to put experiences in order, but they may not be the most economical that's the difference
between the physicist and the mathematician, then, would be the physicist is only interest in the most
economical those are the only ones that really correspond to the way nature is behaving; the absurd is
what Nature doesn't do; which is very fortuitous on the part of the mathematician to employ such a
strategy.Now, we have Einstein saying the beginning and the end is an experience. Experience becomes,
quite clearly, THE raw material of all science. And, this would mean it is experimentally evidencible. And
once you've learned how it behaves, you're going to be able to repeat the experiment and that behavior is
manifest, so that I then felt that it would be very necessary to describe Universe in the terms of
experience. So I said, what do I mean by the word Universe? I said, I must mean the aggregate of all of
humanity's consciously apprehended and communicated experiences. That would be the whole roll of
stuff. What else could I mean? And at rst when I said that quite a few years ago, I know I, myself, and
many others felt, that maybe it's inadequate you've left something out there. They said you've left out
dreams. And I said, No, it's part of it I said the aggregate of all experiences, we have experienced
dreaming. We also experience becoming. We've experienced that the number of words in the dictionary
increase every day because it's part of our experience of continually discovering a further another facet of
the information. So, I can't nd anything that has really been left out of the denition. And if you can nd
anything, tell me about it, and it's already going to be one of our experiences, so that it seems to work
pretty well; and having then developed this scientic denition of Universe, I then said I have a way now of
dealing in totality. I know what it is.I found it very interesting that Einstein, then, sought and did dene
"physical Universe," in contradistinction to "comprehensive Universe." Because he differentiated between
the physical and the metaphysical, and he said he was only concerned, really with the physical, because
the physical can be coped with experimental evidence, you can reproduce the experiment. But, I also say
that you and I do have metaphysical experiences. He dened Science, rather, his physical energy physical
is energy, energy associative and energy disassociative; and both turnaroundable. Note the disassociative
could be come associative, radiation could be reected and through lens reconcentrated and so forth. So
that Einstein's physical Universe consisted entirely of energy energy associative as matter and energy
disassociative as radiation, and the, and one transformable into the other. We have, then, the physical
Universe of Einstein, being all energetic, as he said, usually it's called ponderable, it was weighable, but
we nd that weighing is then the effect of a lever, and gravity can pull, but electromagnetics could pull
equally; so when we get into electromagnetics, we simply say that anything that is physical can be
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identied by moving a needle. We can get actually a physical indicator of the presence of the physical.But,
the metaphysical does not move needles. Now, the metaphysical experience is a very preponderant one
all that is going on in this room between you and I is metaphysical what we call "understanding" is utterly
metaphysical. There are no arrows, there is nothing going on to really weigh or indicate, really
understanding. I nd it is a very extraordinary matter; I can see your eyes physically, and your eyes will
communicate to me as my tongue can wag and make sounds over the air waves, which gives you some
kind of words, and so forth, but the understanding is not physical. Einstein did not try to include the
metaphysical in his denition of Universe, but he dened the physical Universe the following way,
stimulated by experiences which had come in great prominence in his time at the turn of the century.
Where he was very much impressed by what you call the Brownian movement, the absolute constant
motions in the liquids. He was very impressed with Black Body Radiation but he was particularly
impressed by the measurement of the speeds of radiation, both light and other forms of radiation in
vacuo, linearly in vacuo, and nding that they were all the same speed. Einstein, I want to identify, what he
thought about these stimulants that I gave you, in the terms of previous thinking proclivities of humans.
We have the human beings over great ages seeing smoke, seeing steam in nature, seeing metals. We
have a very extraordinary time when Priestly the priest-scientist undertook to isolate re under a bell jar,
because up to this time there had been four mystical elements: the air, earth, water and re; and he felt
that re might be a chemical element, and he gave it a temporary working name, and he then set about to
isolate this re under a bell jar. And he weighed the items that he was going to ignite, and then ignited
them, and when the re was over, he found that the products under there weighed more than the weight
that they had put in. We have Lavoisier explaining what had happened in the following manner: He said
that they had not weighed the air under the jar. Up till this time all the chemical elements then known to
human beings were metals, they were iron, copper, silver, zinc and so forth. There were eleven of them,
and they were very easy to identify. For Lavoisier to say that the nothingness under the bell jar consisted
of a plurality of invisible chemical elements, and that one of them had separated out and joined then in
with the other inputs of the re separating from the other, and he gave it the name "oxygen".This is, to me,
one of the most extraordinary metaphysical jumps in history, for a human being to assume that the
non-metal "nothingness" consisted of a plurality of "somethings", and "something" so fundamental as to
be actually rated an element was extraordinary conceptioning. He then went on to show that this is
exactly that the oxygen joined with the mercury and you had mercury oxide. He showed that what you
called iron ore was simply when the oxygen was joined, you take the oxygen away and there is your iron.
He went on demonstrating this oxygen joining so that combustion really was oxidation. So that we have
then Lavoisier's explanation then enlightened all those who ever had an experience really about
metallurgy. You'd had good luck in having re and melting metals out, suddenly it gave chemical controls
to metallurgy. It also explained what combustion was. It also explained what steam was, it was water
vapor where you had the associating of the oxygen. Out of this you could not have avoided inventing the
steam engine, out of the new metal and atmosphere of science and the steam engine came along very
shortly. And with the steam engine, the masters of the water-ocean world, three quarters of it covered
with water, with the lands all divided, and the men who had enough power to command the carpenters,
and the metal workers to produce a ship and to build a great ship; having developed this design of it
through eons of experience of the sea, imagine that anyone did constitute an adequate ship, to be able to
send it to great distances, to integrate the resources which were very different in the different parts of the
world, bring about the Synergetic interaction in one place with another, and suddenly what was at home
that didn't seem to be of much value to anybody is suddenly of very great value. Masters of the
water-ocean world suddenly had steam and didn't have to wait for wind in their sails, outperformed
completely the people who still had to wait for wind in their sails.We have then the masters of the
water-ocean world of great wealth of incredible wealth, saying "you scientists" up to this time energy had
just been some kind of a God. Some countries had several kinds of energetic Gods, some of speed (and
Mercury, or whatever it may be), but they were just Gods. And suddenly you have that energy coming thru
a pipe with a valve, and you turn it on to do extraordinary work; and what other kind of capabilities do you
scientists have?This was the rst time science really came into very important patronage by great wealth.
This really brought about the Royal Society and other equally high standing scientic organizations in the
various competing countries in Europe to see who was going to control and get water trade... and giving
this money to the scientists, really was a good amount of money, developed then, identied energy
uniquely with the heat with the re. Therefore the development of what is called thermodynamics. And
with the thermodynamic scientic researching, came the great Second Law of Thermodynamics
discovering that all local systems always continue to lose energy... this was then the phenomena entropy,
and the energy given off may be orderly, and be giving off in an orderly way in respect to that particular
system, but the rate at which it was given off by another system is another periodicity and so the two
coming together do not necessarily synchronize, so they seem to be producing randomness and disorder.
At any rate incidentally I nd it very interesting to look up the rst law of thermodynamics, as it was
formulated in England, and was that, the unit of measure of energy should be the British Thermal Unit
(BTU). It's a highly political rst law. And the second law was then about entropy.Now, we have, at the
time of Newton, so far as the scientists knew, we had instant Universe; and Newton thought of light as a
quality permeating all the Universe at exactly the same rate. So, that he said, the scientists say if the
clouds get out of the way, there are the stars they're instant stars.There had been a great astronomer,
Roemer, who, to explain certain astronomical phenomena that he observed, had to assume that it could
be that light also had a speed the way that sound has speed. And Roemer's calculations regarding this
were very extraordinary, coming really very close to what was found out experimentally when man on
board our planet in vacuo did then actually with mirrors develop speed-of-light experiments. But, the
scientists were not thinking Roemer's way at all. Scientists in general were thinking "Instant Universe,"
and because the Universe was "Instant Universe," then it, too, was a system. And, with the great Second
Law of Thermodynamics, then, the Universe itself must be losing energy, therefore the Universe is
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running down. This is the very essence of classical conservatism; where people thought they were being
well informed by science that the Universe somehow or another had a big bang.Isaac Newton, also, in his
rst law of motion said, as I gave you, "a body persists in a straight line except as affected by other
bodies...but his rst phrase is: "a body persists in a state of rest or in a line of motion except as affected by
other bodies. To Isaac Newton, "at rest" was the norm, and all the motions were abnormal, that somehow
or other suddenly we had this big bang and Universe is going to expend it's energy, and anybody who
expends his energy is going to bring us all to rest a little quicker, rest being death, the normal. It's quicker
to the death. We had, then, in view of what I just said to you, Einstein being informed that radiation did
have a speed, and astronomer's employing this right away, discovering that it took light eight minutes to
come to the earth from the sun; and, I'm going to use items that Einstein did not use, but you're very
familiar with the Big Dipper the Big Bear. And as we go in, the rst star in the end, in the handle of the Big
Dipper, you're seeing a live show taking place 75 years ago. Going to the next star at the turn of the
handle, you're seeing a live show taking place one hundred years ago, and going in one more star, you're
seeing a live show taking place two hundred years ago. It's anything but on the same blackboard, because
a hundred years difference at 6 l/2 trillion miles each year, you've got incredible depth of observation,
where the brightness makes it seem to be akin in that pattern.At any rate, then you look at Andromeda
and you can see a few little sparkling lights of a whole galaxy there; and you're looking at a live show
taking place just one million years ago... it takes exactly l million years for that light to get here.Come
back again to looking at Orion's belt and the Betelguese and the other bright stars, one is a live show
1500 years go, and another 1100 years ago. So Einstein said "The Universe is an aggregate of
non-simultaneous and only partially overlapping energy events." Each one of these great energy events,
each one has its own duration, they have their beginnings and their endings, so we have then, to him then,
the physical Universe was an aggregate of non-simultaneous and only partially overlapping energy
transformation events.Now, this is a very interesting kind of a denition, because it is also the denition of
what you and I would call "scenario." In a scenario we have a man born, and then he gets to be "daddy,"
and he has children, and then he gets to be a "grand daddy," he overlaps the grandchildren, and then he
dies. There is an introduction of a life, and it blooms, and a star is the same. And the star has its duration,
so are the beginnings and endings of these local energy systems; but Einstein said "I think that in this
non-simultaneous Universe, that the energies that are being given off by this one might be associating
elsewhere. And he said, I see on board of our planet, this little child is not entropic, this little child gets to a
bigger child it doesn't deteriorate, it doesn't come apart; there seems to be organisms where there is a
growth, and the little sapling gets to be the big tree. So, I can see then, later on, when he begins to shrivel,
and shrink, and then disappears there is an overlapping. And these energies then he said there was
another great scientist Boltzmann. And Boltzman had the feeling, the concept intuitively that energies
then pulsed in our Universe. You and I are familiar then with our weather where we give the weather in
terms of high and low pressures of the atmosphere. And we nd that the lows are always exhausting the
highs, like a vacuum cleaner, until they become full and they become the new high, and the other low is
elsewhere. So Boltzman had the idea of exporting and importing that one place becomes exportive and
then nally exhausts in some place that is importing, so there is pulsing of the Universe. But the energy is
not getting lost. So Einstein said, in contradistinction to the conservatives who thought the Universe was
entropic and nothing else, and therefore the Universe was running down, and coming apart Boltzman and
Einstein, then, think in the terms of, it could be that energies that are disassociating here are associating
there. And so, out of Einstein's expression of that powerful working hypothesis, came very much greater
attention to energy accounting. And, we have then, as of this century, scientists having to say that there
was no experimental evidence of energy either being created or lost.We do have the word in science, in
physics, of annihilation. And many of the words used by the physicists are ill-chosen, I nd. For instance,
the physicists talks about particles, and he says, I don't mean about any THING at all, this is an event, but
he's so used to a little something being called a particle, he calls it a particle, so I nd it is ill-chosen for
him to use the word annihilation. His annihilation is of the following kind. I have one rubber glove. There is
only one rubber glove in Universe here. It's on my left hand, and I start stripping it off my left hand, and I
nally end up by pulling it off like that, just gradually rolling it off; and suddenly it's off my left hand, but
now it ts my right hand. So there is a right hand now. You have the right hand, and then the right hand
gets annihilated and you have a left hand. One is convex and assembled, and focal, and the other is simply
for the moment, invisible that does not make it annihilated. And all the annihilations that physics have of
that character are reinstateable, you go from the positive to the negative.So I have Einstein's then thinking
and instituting way of thinking which now at this point of the 20th century, really makes it quite clear that
as far as experimental evidence goes, Universe is eternally regenerative. Now we have, as Einstein said,
each of the energy events. And here again we had this beautiful the photon, we come down to a quark, we
come down to a minimum energy package. And it's a nite package, and each is absolutely discontinuous
from the next package. And so he said, "The Universe is an aggregate of nite, therefore the total is nite,
an aggregate of nites is nite." But, you and I tend to say, the proclivity of man is to say, that nite is
viewable, is seeable, conceptual. Einstein's denition which I said comes into the category of scenario, he
didn't call it scenario there have been other scientists who talked about it as serial Universe and so forth,
meaning scenario; there was a fascinating English scientists-philosopher, James Dunne, who wrote the
serial Universe. Now scenario, I want you to think about, is an aggregate of frames. And there is nothing
in the single frame caterpillar that tell you it's going to be a buttery. There is nothing in one single frame
buttery that tells you a buttery could y. You have to have a whole lot of frames of buttery and
interrelationship of environment to realize the buttery is ying. You nd that in scenario Universe, there is
no meaning whatsoever until you get a great many of the special case experiences, and there is a little
intuition of some relationships going on here, that's why scenario is so fascinating. You're looking for
relationships all the time, that are being increasingly suggested as probably present, as one event after
another.Now, we have then a scenario Universe, that is then non-unitarily conceptual. Single frames are
unitarily conceptual, so the Universe is dened by Einstein as non-unitarily conceptual. Now we have then
that it is nite, because it is an aggregate of nites, and it is eternally regenerative. Yet it is non-unitarily
conceptual. So when you nd yourself asking yourself the question, having heard that the astronomers
just found a further out star, when you say, I wonder what is outside outside, you are asking a sculptural
question, a single frame. The outside means that you do have a picture, a single one, and that's like asking
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which word is the dictionary? It actually is a meaningless question in the terms of scenario Universe. I
want you to realize what it was that Einstein was actually introducing here. So we have aggregates of
nites.Now, I felt that I could expand Einstein's scenario physical Universe to also include my
metaphysical experiences, because all of those always begin and end. My information stimulus from the
brain is always terminal so all my inputs are nite. So I said, I'm going to dene physical and metaphysical
Universe, which I'd like to do now if I can, so in order to be able to start with the whole is then, I said, the
aggregate of all humanity's consciously apprehended and communicated experiences. You communicate
to yourself or to others, but the experience has no meaning until we have some kind of communication
with it. That is it's beginning is that communication, so experience is a communication, so I said I think I
combine the metaphysical and the physical by saying it is then the aggregate of all humanity's consciously
apprehended and communicated experiences which are an aggregate of non-simultaneous, and only
partially over-lapping events, both metaphysical and physical, energetic as well as metaphysical,
weightless. So, therefore I said, I see then, Universe, all each one of those metaphysical experiences
always begins and ends. Our experience is that way, it is the nature of the special cases that they are
terminal. Therefore, I said, they, too, are an aggregate of nites, so the Universe as dened, both
metaphysical and physical, combined, is nite, but non-unitarily conceptual. So I said, what is, then,
conceptual, and what is thinkable?This brought me then to, now pursuing a grand strategy, having been
able now at least to get to a denition of Universe, which I got a lot of actual inputs about what it is,
knowing its behavior as a whole, what the whole is, then going to get to know what I can about some of
the parts.
Now, what other parts do I know something about? Well, I come now to the very extraordinary
phenomena you and I call thinking. Throughout the whole of my thinking out loud with you, you are going
to nd that I always come back to an experiential base. I don't deal with any axioms. I don't say anything is
self-evident. I don't say, then, I believe. I can hypothesize that this may be the explanation of what I am
experiencing, but I'd have to say that is as a guess, it's an informed guess; but I will always be dealing in
an experiential strategy, and I'm now doing everything I can to understand how we can develop a
synergetic grand strategy of approaching problem solving by human mind. So, what is it that I am
personally conscious of doing when I say I am thinking? I'm not saying thinking may be a bright light,
we've all heard people say "I had a bright idea." I say what am I conscious of about it, and as I become
really fairly well disciplined in identifying what it is I am experiencing. Now I call your attention to a
common experience of all of ours, which is, we say, "what is the name of that beautiful blonde tall boy,
you remember?" His name is on the tip of my tongue, but it doesn't come right away. And both of us
forget we said it, and then tomorrow morning, when we're busy with something, in comes the name, Tom
Turner, and you are little annoyed at this thing; but what we do, is we both experience that when we ask
ourselves questions we have a mechanism which goes back and gets the answer, and maybe it might be
quite dicult to retrieve, maybe it is hidden under a lot of other input, but we have this mechanism that
does it absolutely inexorably. That's a mutual experience, that's one reason we can remember it, because
we can check up with each other that it did happen. But we have a solo experience, and I also have learned
from doing what I'm doing thinking out loud and being on the stage many times with large thousands of
people out there, a word doesn't come to me quite right away, because I'm doing my thinking out loud,
and I have to pull out those word tools that I've gradually learned to employ; and one comes a little slowly
and I need to explain what it is, I nd I can get around it by using quite a few other words to inform you
what I'm thinking about, but then just as I am getting it out that way, then suddenly I nd the right word
comes to me. I nd that there are lags in recall rates, which we would not really identify because that
name seems to come back tomorrow, or sometime later on, sometime today, but such big lags that we
haven't been able to say any given, identiable periodicity of lag, length of lag. However, I have learned
that the words that I am standing on the stage needing, they are rather frequently used words, and every
word I use has little lag, and some of them a little longer lags. I nd that people who are not used to
thinking about what it is they are doing when they say they are thinking and talking, tend to go ah, ah, ah
in between, really giving you the periodicity of the lag. Now, the point, is, I discovered there is a plurality of
lags and rates of recall, and some of them are really very short, and particularly these ones in relation to
the word tools. And the names take longer because the names used to be names of functions,
descriptions of a Smith was smithing, a Miller was milling, and so on, and so you could see that by your
experience, and it came to you very quickly. But now we say Miller, but he is not doing milling, and it gets
to be then just a sound pattern. Smith is in an area of sound, and it's a graphing, a sound pattern, so we
only have a certain amount of memory cubbyholes for this kind of non-functional pattern, and so they get
buried very deep, like magazines, so it takes a long time to go down and pull it out of the stack, since that
cubbyhole has been lled up vertically now.
Now coming, then, to the idea that there are lags in rates of recall and that there is an inexorable
searching that is initiated when you ask yourself a question What I said to you is different, but when I ask
myself something, I'm going down the street and I say, What is the name of that tree? My mother gave me
the name of that tree. I haven't seen one in a very long time. And then your attention is called to
something else some friend waves from a car and you have to go on. You ask yourself questions all day
long like that. So when you're trying to go to sleep sometimes, in comes maple trees and you wonder why
all these things keep coming in. And, because there is no identied lag of the different types. They don't
come back on schedule.
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