EGM/TRAF/2002/WP.1 8 November 2002 Expert Group Meeting On "Trafficking in Women and Girls" 18-22 November 2002 Glen Cove, New York, USA
EGM/TRAF/2002/WP.1 8 November 2002 Expert Group Meeting On "Trafficking in Women and Girls" 18-22 November 2002 Glen Cove, New York, USA
EGM/TRAF/2002/WP.1 8 November 2002 Expert Group Meeting On "Trafficking in Women and Girls" 18-22 November 2002 Glen Cove, New York, USA
8 November 2002
Expert Group Meeting on
“Trafficking in women and girls”
18-22 November 2002
Glen Cove, New York, USA
Prepared by*
*The views expressed in this paper, which has been reproduced as received, are those of the
author and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations.
the activities falling under “trafficking”, the reasons for the vulnerability of
victims, the local and international legal framework, the effectiveness or otherwise
administration and the judiciary to gender-related crimes, the nature and adequacy
2.1 Trafficking in women and girls is one of the most corrosive forms of
personal identity, and her right to live as a free human being in a civilized society.
integrity. The victim of such devastating violence may also end up with life-
disintegration. It is a denial of the right to liberty and security of person, the right
Retired Judge, Supreme Court of India. Currently, Member, National Human Rights Commission, India
and its Focal Point on Women’s Human Rights with special emphasis on Trafficking in Women and Girls.
The views expressed are personal.
home and a family, the right to education and employment, the right to health care
– everything that makes for a life with dignity. Trafficking has been rightly
2.2 Unfortunately, trafficking in human beings is also the fastest growing form
of transnational organized crime. It thrives on the fact that many countries do not
have adequate laws against trafficking. The laws when enacted, often do not
real criminals go scot-free or the laws do not take adequate care of the human
rights of victims. The law may provide for prosecution and punishment of women
and girls found soliciting in public places, it may provide for prosecution and
punishment of pimps and brothel keepers. But it may not impose an obligation on
the law enforcement agencies or the State to provide safe shelters for rescued
victims, may not provide for counselling, vocational training or measures for
reintegration of the victim with family or society. The laws do not always provide
the victim. The laws also often do not impose an adequate punishment on the
traffickers, pimps, brothel-keepers or clients. This makes it much less risky for
next to drugs trafficking and arms trafficking, this is the third most profitable
2.3 Globalization has facilitated freer movements of people, goods and services
conflict or internal disturbances also lead to trafficking. Women and children are
victims. During conflict women and girls are vulnerable to sexual violence and
and children also constitute a majority of the world’s refugees and internally
Extent of Trafficking:
3.1 About half of international trafficking involves South East Asia and about a
quarter involves Central and Eastern Europe and countries of the former Soviet
“Human Trafficking: How to address the Issue” An information brochure issued by Joint Women’s
Programme, India.
“The New Slave Trade” by Deborah Mesce
trafficked persons have been found in large numbers in Austria, Belgium, East
and the United Kingdom. It is widely agreed that the economic and political
dislocation following the disintegration of the Soviet Union has spread trafficking
of individuals from Eastern part of Europe to Western Europe and North America.
Children have been trafficked from Albania into Greece and Italy for the purpose
of forced labour2. In South Asia trafficking takes place from Nepal and
Bangladesh as well as Sri Lanka into India. India is a receiving country as well as
a transit and sending country. Victims are trafficked from India to the Middle East
and further abroad. In South East Asia the principal countries of origin have been
in the Asia-Pacific region are Australia, New Zealand, China including Hong
African countries, civil strife has led to trafficking of young girls to be exploited
by the militia as well as trafficking of boys for the purpose of fighting. Angolan,
Background Paper of the Advisory Council of Jurists on Trafficking, the Asia Pacific Forum of
National Human Rights Institutions, 2002
Report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Trafficking in Human Beings in South
Eastern Europe.
Background paper of the Advisory Council of Jurists on Trafficking, The Asia Pacific Forum of National
Human Rights Institutions, 2002.
BBC News/Internet/23 November 2000
Africa, it is generally believed that the old slave trade (Arabs and Blacks) in
modified form still continues though there is little official data available. There is
some information available on the movement of Nigerian women and girls into the
European sex industry [see the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
3.2 In addition, there is considerable internal trafficking within Asian and Latin
There is little reliable data. The IOM states that in 1997, an estimated 175,000
women and girls were trafficked from Central and Eastern Europe and the newly
persons, especially women and children, are trafficked each year across
8000 to 16000 persons per year arriving illegally. Young Asian women from
Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and other areas are so trafficked.
Women from former Soviet Union have also been trafficked to Canada. Children
from Honduras are smuggled into Vancouver by drug rings2. A survey conducted
in India by the Central Social Welfare Board in 1991 in six metropolitan cities
indicated that the population of women and children in commercial sex was
between 70,000 to 100,000 of which about 30% were below the age of 18. The
The report on Trafficking in Human Beings in South Eastern Europe prepared by IOM.
Canada – Fact book on Global Sexual Exploitation,
National Human Rights Commission of India, in the course of its Action Research
(currently under way, in collaboration with the Institute of Social Sciences, Delhi
and UNIFEM) has noted that women and girls are trafficked to India from the
approximately 5000 to 7000 Nepalese girls are trafficked into red light districts of
Indian cities1. The National Human Rights Commission for New Zealand has
reported trafficking of women and girls from Thailand into New Zealand for
2002 on “Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective:
Traffic in Women and Girls” points out, “The problem of trafficking and the web
of human rights violations it embraces present some of the most difficult and
legal framework; and insufficient research and coordination on the part of the
3.3 Before one can identify strategies to combat trafficking in women and girls,
it is first necessary to be clear about the definition of trafficking and its relation to
necessary to identify the victims of trafficking and the reasons for their
Information Brochure of National Human Rights Commission, India on “Trafficking in Women and Children”.
vulnerability – their age and gender, the regions from which they are trafficked,
trafficking, state of law enforcement agencies in different parts of the world and
the sensitivity of the police, the administration and the judiciary in dealing with
violations of victims. It is, therefore, necessary to keep the focus on the victim,
the need for preventive measures, for early rescue operations, proper law
4.1 Two international instruments which directly deal with trafficking are the
The Convention against Transnational Organized Crime has an allied Protocol against the
Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, which may also be relevant. While the
Has not yet come into force.
Palermo Trafficking Protocol mainly deals with trafficking as organized crime, the
approach which covers State responsibilities and inter-State cooperation for rescue
means the moving, selling or buying of women and children for prostitution within
and outside the country for monetary or other considerations with or without the
fraudulent marriage, child marriage or any other unlawful means. Therefore, other
forms of trafficking such as trafficking for domestic work cum sex slavery, for
debt bondage, for labour, for begging, camel jockeying and such other forms of
slavery-like practices are not included in the SAARC convention. The convention
however deals with the human rights of victims, and emphasizes the need to
4.3 The UN Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons and of the
parties. The Convention, however, has been widely considered as inadequate since
it fails to distinguish between consensual and forced prostitution and it also does
not cover modern forms of forced prostitution. The Palermo Protocol has referred
Assembly in 1948 provides in Article 4 that “no one shall be held in slavery or
servitude; ……..slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in Article 8 reiterates the
prohibition on slavery and the slave trade as set out in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. It also further stipulates that no person shall be held in “servitude”,
a term broader than slavery. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and
which he can choose freely, and in Article 7 to the entitlement of everyone to just
the Child enjoins State parties to take all appropriate national, bilateral and
multilateral measures to prevent abduction of, the sale or traffic in children for any
purpose or in any form. The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography now
expressly deals with this subject and enjoins State parties to take appropriate
measures to protect the rights and interests of child victims of these practices at all
to take all appropriate legislative and other measures to suppress all forms of
4.5 The ILO Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1998)
defines in Article 3 the worst forms of child labour as comprising all forms of
slavery or practices similar to slavery such as the sale and trafficking of children,
debt bondage and servitude and forced or compulsory labour including forced or
compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. It also includes the
pornography or for pornographic performances and any work which by its nature
or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety
or morals of children.
victim). This also includes abuse of power by a person who has the
Article 3:
For the purposes of this Protocol:
(a) “Trafficking in persons”, shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of
persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of
deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of
payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the
purpose of exploitation.
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of
sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the
removal of organs;
(b) The consent of a victim of trafficking in persons to the intended exploitation set forth in subparagraph
(a) of this article shall be irrelevant where any of the means set forth in subparagraph (a) have been
(c) The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of a child for the purpose of
exploitation shall be considered “trafficking in persons” even if this does not involve any of the means
set forth in subparagraph (a) of this article;
(d) “Child” shall mean any person under eighteen years of age.
Article 3.
of children and abduction of women and girls. This would fall under
have run away from their homes (for various reasons such as
kinds of trafficking must be borne in mind since trafficking networks, routes and
end destinations differ, depending on the nature of trafficking. The strategies for
rescue and rehabilitation will also differ. Since rescue and rehabilitation are
particularly difficult in this area, and complete rehabilitation does not take place in
the other. Poverty has a feminine face. Discrimination also means for the girl
early child bearing and risks to health and well being. Discriminatory laws
making them vulnerable and susceptible to the lure held out by traffickers for a
better life style elsewhere. Lack of education among women and girls, particularly
in the poorer and more orthodox parts of the world, denies women not merely
the risks they run if they decide to migrate from their known surroundings to the
6.3 Women who face discrimination within their family and outside are often
ill treated or subjected to domestic violence. Such women are easy victims for
traffickers. Amongst women, single women, divorced women and widows are far
more vulnerable to trafficking since they are dependent on their families for
support and survival, and are usually unwanted and looked upon as a burden. The
same is true of orphan children. Poverty coupled with vulnerability arising from
discrimination, is one of the main reasons why women and girls are trafficked.
Newborn baby girls are sold in adoption by tribals, villagers or slum dwellers in
poverty-stricken areas. Women and girls are also sold to traffickers by the male
members of the family in order to earn some money or obtain a share of their
future income. However, a common mode of trafficking now is through fraud and
dowry, marriage to an unknown outsider who does not demand a dowry becomes a
welcome option to a poor family which may feel that it has done its duty of getting
the daughter married, irrespective of the fact that the family may never see her
again. Or a rich relative or acquaintance may offer education and a job in the city
to a young child in a poor family. Single women may be offered jobs as domestic
6.3.1 The other group of vulnerable women are women migrants who may have
deceived into migrating in the hope of getting jobs for domestic work and in the
migrants smuggled into the country to which they have migrated because strict
creates a further pocket of vulnerability because such women do not have a ready
organization for help. They are afraid that their illegal status will be exposed and
they will be forced to go back to their country of origin without any backup so that
with the outside world because of their lack of language skills and their inability to
6.3.2 Another group of vulnerable women and girls are refugee women and girls
who may have fled their country to escape armed conflict and are in refugee
camps. They are vulnerable not only to the militia in their own country but are also
in danger of exploitation from those who may be in charge of refugee camps, and
6.3.3 The same is true of women and girls who are internally displaced either on
their homes and the protection it offered, and migrating to an unknown territory
attract traffickers who will promise attractive jobs and income if the women and
girls migrate to urban areas from the calamity stricken area where economy has
been disrupted.
6.4 A country riven by internal strife or external war may find its economy
destroyed and its social structures damaged, driving the young to seek “fortune”
elsewhere by means which may be legal or illegal. The fact that a large number of
victims of trafficking come from poorer classes - tribals and similar groups, or
from disturbed areas shows the close link between poverty, deprivation and
6.5 The globalization of the economy and of the media have in many ways torn
the traditional social and economic fabric that held people together and have
tempted those who are vulnerable to migrate elsewhere, exposing them to the risk
trafficked from such communities. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the
consequent disruption of the economy of the region has made the women of the
laws which deny women the right to inherit land or to be owners of land. Many
tribal customs also do not permit women to own land which is the main source of
income in a rural community, thus making women far more vulnerable than men.
In some of the tribal belts where it is extremely difficult for the tribals to have
sustenance, there has developed a group willingness to use women and girls for
particularly in South Asia, which require women to be pledged either to the feudal
Lords or to the local deity and then be available for prostitution. The women are
thus exploited by the feudal lords or by the priests who control the local temple
6.7 Another vulnerable group is the group of women who are mentally
The same is true of girls who may be in an orphanage or in a home for the
destitute. Quite often there are no separate “homes” for girl children who are
destitute and they are kept in the same protection home where rescued women are
also kept. This makes these girls much more vulnerable to trafficking since the
Women and girls also lack awareness about legal protection and their legal
6.8 In most of these vulnerable zones proper law enforcement is lacking. The
laws against trafficking may be inadequate, focussing on the victim rather than on
the traffickers and quite often there is corruption in the law enforcement agencies
6.9 The pull factors from the demand zone are connected with industrialization
single male workers from rural to urban areas in search of work. There may be
few outlets for recreation and entertainment. The migrants do not visit their homes
and families for long intervals leading to an increase in the demand for
situation in the country of migration. Sex tourism has also played a part in
possible for the clients to access victims. Internet access has also played a
the clients. Hardly any laws make the client legally responsible or impose
Preventive strategies
7. If these are the main causes for vulnerability, preventive action must be
empower women. This can also help in the fight against gender discrimination.
and suitable markets. The South Asia Strategy, 2001 formulated for
sustainable livelihoods.
linkages with export zones etc. This will prevent young males from
(iii) The State must ensure that all children – boys and girls go to school;
marriages and health care. The South Asia Strategy, 2001 formulated
promises. The local leaders, administrators and the local police also
need to be sensitized. The media and NGOs. can play a useful role
(v) The State legislatures should be asked to review their legal structure,
(vi) Every State party should be enjoined to examine its entire system of
the trafficker, the pimp, the procurer, the brothel keeper and even the
(viii) The anti trafficking laws should be strict with all violators – whether
authority over the victim) and the State held liable for heinous
crime against humanity, as in the statute of the ICC and the Statute
(x) Focus of all laws in this field should be on violation of human rights
under the law. Shelters, counselling, trauma care, health care and
for children and long term support for child victims have been
(xii) Where victims are illegal migrants or have been trafficked across
human rights,
specific cases.
agreed and suitable safe shelters in the country of origin, which will
Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001. Official Journal of the European Communities, L 212/12, 7.8.2001.
(xiii) The sensitization of the police and the judiciary to issues involved in
very necessary that the civil society, the administrators, the police
and the judiciary are all sensitized to the human rights which are at
in accordance with law. The civil society can also play a major role
politicians and the traffickers. The media can also play a very
the victim.
(xvii) Legal procedures also need to be victim friendly. The victims who
be protected and media reporting of such trials must also respect the
victim’s right to privacy. The law must lay down humane and
friendly procedures for the trial of cases where the victim is a child
also restore to the victim the earnings from the victim’s prostitution
or servitude.
The supply zones, their local conditions, the extent of traffic, routes
(iii) There should be international standards for shelter homes and the
wherever possible,
(d) Training for vocations, jobs etc. Markets for goods produced
home in the country of origin unless the family has accepted the
(i) New Zealand’s Human Rights Commission carried out a pink slip
campaign for the rescue of Thai women who had been trafficked into
distress who did not know the local language and could not seek
help because of their illegal forced entry into New Zealand. Pink
slips in Thai and English were pasted on bus stands, railway stations
and other public places offering the help of the New Zealand Human
officials and NGOs. working in this area. It has used all these
and a state police help line for children have been started in India.
potters’ village became destitute when earthern pots went out of use.
years, the entire village had rid itself of prostitution, the women were
effective strategy.
the Youth Protection from Sexual Exploitation Act, 2000. The crime
must be either (i) sex trade with youth, (ii) business of youth
informing the NGO of that State which intervened and rescued the
vulnerable to exploitation.
(a) One of the NGOs. in India works actively with the police in
(d) A NGO has deputed two persons to sit at a police check post
young girls by sending them to local schools. The NGO also works
for establishing schools if there are none. This has resulted in other
(xiii) The Supreme Court in India has given directions for release of
International Instruments
nations. It can also provide for networking for data collection and sharing
Trafficking Protocol.
shortcomings remedied.
tackling traffic in human beings, some of the issues that arise for discussion
(i) Is the State liable for the actions of non-State parties? When will it
made legally liable? Should the duty to recover this amount be cast
on the State?
(vii) Should there be any legal liability of a client? Should the client be
Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Economic and Social Council, U.N. DOC.
victims who are illegal immigrants to stay and if so, for how long?
of origin?
is necessary?
back to the State where the crime took place to stand trial and be
(xvi) Re. procedures for dealing with child victims, protecting their
(xvii) Should there be international standards for shelter homes and the
(xx) Should there be a State obligation to review and update its anti-