Chapter 1 Study Guide

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Chapter 1 Exploring the Network

Study Guide
After completion of this chapter, you should be able to:

Explain how multiple networks are used in everyday life.

Explain the topologies and devices used in a small to medium-sized business network.

Explain the basic characteristics of a network that supports communication in a small

to medium-sized business.

Explain trends in networking that will affect the use of networks in small to mediumsized businesses.

1. How has the internet changed the way we work and play?
Information has been easier to be accessed through network making
studying easy
The internet provides two people far from each other play in the same
server through the use of internet
Files can be viewed, edited, and transferred through the internet
2. What is an end device? Give 3 examples.
Desktop Computer
IP Phone
3. What is an intermediary network device? List some examples of the types of
intermediary devices you must pass through to access the internet.
1. Wireless Router
2. LAN Switch
3. Firewall Appliance
4. What is a server? Explain the Client Server relationship.
-a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a
structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service,
called servers, and service requesters, called clients

5. What are the criteria for choosing network media?

a. the distance the media can successfully carry a signal the, environment where the media is to be

6. Compare and Contrast between Physical and Logical Topologies.

a. logical topology is how devices appear connected to the user. A physical topology is how they are actually
interconnected with wires and cables

7. Define the following Network Infrastructures:

a. Local Area Network (LAN) s a computer network that spans a relatively small area
b. Wide Area Network (WAN) is a telecommunications network or computer networkthat
extends over a large geographical distance.

c. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is anetwork that interconnects users with

computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by even a large
local area network (LAN) but smaller than the areacovered by a wide area network (WAN).
d. Wireless LAN (WLAN) is a local area network (LAN) that doesn't rely on wired Ethernet
connections. A WLAN can be either an extension to a current wired network

e. Storage Area Network (SAN) is a high-speed network of storagedevices that also

connects those storage devices with servers. It provides block-level storage that can be
accessed by the applications running on any networked servers.

8. Explain the difference between and Intranet, Extranet and Internet:

Intranet is shared content accessed by members within a single organization.
Extranet is shared content accessed by groups through cross-enterprise boundaries.
Internet is global communication accessed through the Web.
9. Explain the difference between a traditional dedicated network and a converged
Dedicated networks for voice, video and computer data communications required a different type of device in
order to access the network. Telephones, televisions, and computers used specific technologies and
different dedicated network structures, to communicate. Converged networks are capable of delivering voice,
video and data services over the same communication channel or network structure.


Give some key characteristics of each type of Internet connection:

a. Cable Coaxial cable, Optical fiber cable,Twisted Pair cables are used depending on the
network's topology, protocol and size.

b. DSL is a technology for bringing high- bandwidth information to homes and small businesses
over ordinary copper telephone lines.

c. Cellular a communications network where the last link is wireless.

d. Satellite an arrangement in which the upstream (outgoing) and the

downstream (incoming) data are sent from, and arrive at, a computer through

e. Dial-up Telephone a form of Internet access developed in 1989 that uses the facilities of
the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a dialed connection to an Internet
service provider (ISP) via telephone lines.

f. Dedicated Leased Line a telecommunications path between two points that

is available 24 hours a day for use by a designated user (individual or

company). It is not shared in common among multiple users as dial-up lines
g. Metro Ethernet use of carrier Ethernet technology in a metropolitan area that connects
subscribers and businesses to a wide area network (WAN) and the Internet, or connects branch
offices to an Intranet.


What is a Fault Tolerant Network?

a. the network can handle attacks and faults in an application-specific


Compare and Contrast: Circuit Switched Networks and Packet Switched


a. Packet-switched networks move data in separate, small blocks -- packets --

based on the destination address in each packet. When received, packets are
reassembled in the proper sequence to make up the message. Circuit-switched
networks require dedicated point-to-point connections during calls.

How can you make a network scalable?


How is QoS used to make congested networks more efficient?


What are some consequences of having a network that is not secure?


Explain the three goals of network security:

a. Ensuring Confidentiality this means that sensitive




network data cannot

be interpreted by an untrusted entity. Companies will engage
in encryption of the data to prevent it from being read
Maintaining Communication Integrity this primary goal of network
security ensures that the data has not been tampered with during
Ensuring Availability this goal seeks to ensure that the network
resources can always be accessed by the individuals permitted to do

List some Advantages and Disadvantages of the BYOD trend:

a. Disadvantages
i. Data Security
ii. Cost
iii. Privacy
b. Advanatages
i. Cost savings
ii. Increased Flexibility
iii. Increased Productivity
iv. Attractiveness to job seekers

What are some things that have led to the need for an increase in Video

What are some benefits of Cloud Computing?


Reduce capital costs


Improve accessibility
Less personnel training is needed

What is a data center, and what are some of its common components?
a. s a centralized repository, either physical or virtual, for the storage, management, and
dissemination of data and information organized around a particular body of knowledge or
pertaining to a particular business.

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