Optical Metro 5100/5200
Software and User Interface
Whats inside...
System Manager
Fault sectionalization
Performance monitoring description
Protection switching
SNMP surveillance MIB
Software features
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Standard Release 8.0 Issue 1 April 2005
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Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Contents 0
About this document ix
Audience for this document ix
Optical Metro 5100/5200 library x
Technical assistance service telephone numbers xii
System Manager 1-1
Commissioning Wizard overview 1-1
Network, site, and shelf names 1-2
Shelf addressing 1-2
Shelf surveillance 1-2
Date and time configuration 1-2
System Manager overview 1-3
Equipment and facility configuration 1-3
Alarm management 1-4
Channel Assignment management 1-4
Protection management 1-4
Software download and upgrade 1-4
Performance monitoring 1-4
Troubleshooting 1-5
Event history review 1-5
Login, security, and user administration 1-5
Shelf level graphics 1-6
System Manager to network connection 1-6
Recommended number of System Manager sessions 1-6
System requirements 1-7
System Manager main window 1-7
Network shelf selector 1-8
Menu bar 1-8
Alarm banner 1-8
Accessing information windows 1-9
Fault sectionalization 2-1
Overview 2-1
Intersite fault sectionalization 2-2
OFA shelf fault reporting 2-3
OSC fiber break detection 2-4
Incorrect fault reporting 2-4
Intersite fault sectionalization feature considerations 2-4
iv Contents
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Connecting OSC ports 2-5
Fiber failure examples 2-5
Intrasite fault sectionalization 2-8
How intrasite fault sectionalization works 2-8
Site topologies for intrasite fault sectionalization 2-9
Site configuration rules 2-13
Provisioning OFA sites 2-14
Enhanced intersite fault sectionalization 2-18
OFA and APBE facility service states 2-19
Feature considerations 2-20
Intrasite fault sectionalization behavior at an OADM or terminal site with no line
equipment deployed in one or both directions 2-21
Intrasite fault sectionalization behavior at an OFA site with no line equipment
deployed in one or both directions 2-23
Performance monitoring description 3-1
General description 3-1
PM modes, PPs, and provisioning rules 3-2
PM modes 3-2
Performance parameters (PPs) 3-10
Facility performance monitoring 3-25
Provisionable PM bin zero suppression and history bins 3-25
SONET section layer PPs 3-28
SDH regenerator section PPs 3-29
SONET near-end line PPs 3-30
SDH near-end multiplex section PPs 3-31
SONET far-end line PPs 3-32
SDH far-end multiplex section PPs 3-33
SONET near-end path PPs 3-34
SDH near-end path PPs 3-34
SONET far-end path PPs 3-35
SDH far-end path PPs 3-36
8B/10B PPs 3-37
8B/10B WAN PPs 3-37
Agile PPs 3-38
GigE PPs 3-40
GigEWAN PPs 3-41
Digital wrapper PPs 3-42
LAN PHY PPs 3-43
Signal failure count PPs 3-43
Facility PP collection and reporting 3-44
Facility PM TCA thresholds 3-45
Facility PM TCA reporting 3-48
Operational measurements 3-49
Equipment performance monitoring 3-61
Equipment PM TCA thresholds 3-62
Equipment PM collection and reporting 3-63
Equipment PM TCA reporting 3-63
PM user interfaces 3-63
PM main window 3-64
Accessing the PM window 3-64
Contents v
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
User tips 3-65
TL1 functionality 3-66
Protection switching 4-1
Introduction 4-1
General description of path protection in the Optical Metro 5100/5200 4-1
Optical Metro 5100/5200 protection schemes 4-3
System-initiated and user-initiated protection switching 4-3
Non-revertive and revertive protection switching 4-3
Non-revertive protection switching 4-4
Revertive protection switching 4-5
Automatic protection switching 4-7
OCM equipment protection 4-11
Operation of commands 4-12
Path protection using a trunk switch 4-12
Path protection using a Transponder Protection Tray 4-22
1+1 APS protection using Muxponders 4-23
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-1
Introduction 5-1
SNMP for Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelves 5-1
Optical Metro 5100/5200 Enterprise MIB 5-2
MIB structure 5-2
Trap registration 5-4
De-registration 5-5
Receiving SNMP traps 5-5
Upgrade 5-6
Querying alarm status 5-6
Observer and surveillance communities 5-7
Configuring the external SNMP manager when using private IP addressing 5-7
History of MIB changes 5-7
Differences introduced in Release 3.0 5-7
Differences introduced in Release 3.1 5-9
Differences introduced in Release 3.2 5-9
Differences introduced in Release 4.0 5-11
Differences introduced in Release 4.1 5-15
Differences introduced in Release 5.0 5-20
Differences introduced in Release 6.0 5-25
Differences introduced in Release 6.1 5-31
Differences introduced in Release 7.0 5-40
Differences introduced in Release 8.0 5-43
Decoding location value to slot, port, port type and direction 5-47
logSlotNum field 5-47
OID and location 5-48
SNMP for Enhanced Trunk Switch shelves 5-50
MIB structure 5-51
Supported Protocols 5-52
Release 2.2.2 updates 5-53
Software features 6-1
vi Contents
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Optical System Identifier 6-1
Rules for provisioning OSIDs 6-2
Considerations 6-2
Per-wavelength optical service channel (PWOSC) 6-2
Rules for disabling per wavelength optical service validation 6-3
User provisionable slot numbers 6-4
Rules for user provisionable slot numbers 6-5
Passive devices slot numbering in Shelf Level Graphics 6-6
Additional troubleshooting window 6-6
Customer user classes 6-7
Rules for customer user classes 6-7
System Manager access privileges for the customer user classes 6-7
SNMP community views 6-10
Alarm Indication Detail 6-11
Alarm Details window 6-11
Event Details window from the Event Console screen 6-14
Event Details window from the Event History screen 6-14
SNMP information 6-16
Surrogate Alarm Indication Signal and Alarm Indication Signal alarm 6-16
Alarm severity provisioning 6-17
System Manager 6-17
Automatic Laser Shutdown 6-19
Configurations supporting ALS 6-21
Alarm strategy 6-21
Protection switching 6-22
Example 6-22
Remote fault notification 6-25
Feature considerations 6-25
System Level Equalization Control (SLEC) 6-26
Summary of features 6-26
SLEC System Manager details 6-27
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-1
System Manager main window 7-1
Network shelf selector icons 7-2
Commands and menu options 7-2
Alarm banner colors 7-12
Accessing information windows 7-13
Refreshing System Manager windows 7-14
System Manager common data fields 7-15
System Manager band and channel designations 7-35
Fault window 7-39
FaultActive Alarms window 7-39
FaultActive AlarmsAlarm Details window 7-41
FaultEvent Console window 7-42
FaultEvent History window 7-44
FaultEvent Console or Event HistoryEvent Details window 7-45
Equipment window 7-47
EquipmentInventory window 7-48
EquipmentInventoryOptical Metro Shelf Level Graphics window 7-51
Contents vii
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
EquipmentInventoryOptical Metro OCM Protection dialog box 7-59
EquipmentInventoryOptical Metro Inventory dialog box 7-59
EquipmentFacilities window 7-67
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro Facility dialog box 7-70
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityBand Power Info dialog box 7-77
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityAuto Negotiation and Pause dialog
box 7-77
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilitySubrate and Extended Reach
dialog box 7-80
EquipmentTelemetry window 7-82
EquipmentTelemetryParallel Telemetry Input window 7-83
EquipmentTelemetryParallel Telemetry Output window 7-84
Connections window 7-84
ConnectionsChannel Assignments window 7-84
ConnectionsChannel AssignmentsOptical Metro Channel Assignments
window 7-88
ConnectionsChannel AssignmentsOptical Metro Timing window 7-96
ConnectionsChannel AssignmentsPath Summary window 7-98
ConnectionsChannel AssignmentsClient to Line Side Path Mapping
window 7-98
Configuration window 7-102
ConfigurationNaming window 7-102
ConfigurationCommunications window 7-104
ConfigurationNaming or Communications Shelf Configuration window 7-105
ConfigurationSurveillance tab 7-123
ConfigurationSurveillance tabExternal Manager Entry 7-124
ConfigurationShelf List window 7-126
ConfigurationShelf List windowArrange Shelves window 7-127
Admin window 7-128
AdminSoftware upgrade window 7-128
AdminNE Admin window 7-130
Performance Monitor window 7-135
Performance MonitorLaunch PMs window 7-135
Troubleshooting window 7-147
TroubleshootingIP Routing Table window 7-147
TroubleshootingInterface Statistics window 7-147
Security menu 7-150
SecurityUser Profile List window 7-150
SecurityModify User window 7-151
SecurityAdd User window 7-152
SecurityLogin User List window 7-153
Date and time notes 7-153
Time stamp rules 7-154
viii Contents
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
About this document 0
This document describes the software and user interface that is used to
commission and manage the Nortel Optical Metro 5100/5200 (identified prior
to Release 7 as Nortel Networks OPTera Metro 5000-series Multiservice
This document contains the following information:
overview of the Optical Metro 5100/5200 System Manager
description of fault sectionalization
description of performance monitoring
description of optical path protection switching
description of SNMP surveillance MIB
description of software features
System Manager windows and fields
Audience for this document
This document is intended for the following audience:
strategic and current planners
x About this document
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Optical Metro 5100/5200 library
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 library consists of the Nortel Optical Metro
5100/5200 Technical Publications, NT0H65AM.
Technical Publications
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 Nortel Technical Publications (NTP) consist of
descriptive information and procedures.
Descriptive information
These NTPs provide detailed descriptive information about the Optical Metro
5100/5200 , including system software and hardware descriptions, technical
specifications, ordering information, and TL1 user information.
These NTPs contain all procedures required to install, provision, and maintain
the Optical Metro 5100/5200.
About this document xi
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The following roadmap lists the documents in the Optical Metro 5100/5200
Maintaining and
a Network
Commissioning and
Testing a Network
Provisioning and
Testing a Network
Provisioning and
Procedures Part 1
Provisioning and
Procedures Part 2
Trouble Clearing
and Alarm
Reference Guide,
Part 1
Trouble Clearing
and Alarm
Reference Guide,
Part 2
Maintenance and
Trouble Clearing
and Alarm
Reference Guide,
Part 4
Planning a
About the NTP
Network Planning
and Link Engineering
Part 1
Software and User
Hardware Description
Part 1
Hardware Description
Part 2
TL1 Interface,
Part 1
Installing Optical
Metro 5200 Shelves
and Components,
Part 1
Installing Optical
Metro 5200 Shelves
and Components,
Part 2
Part 1
Installing Optical
Metro 5100 Shelves
and Components,
Part 1
Installing Optical
Metro 5100 Shelves
and Components,
Part 2
Testing and
Acceptance Testing
TL1 Interface,
Part 2
TL1 Interface,
Part 3
TL1 Interface,
Part 4
Network Planning
and Link Engineering
Part 2
Network Planning
and Link Engineering
Part 3
Part 2
Trouble Clearing
and Alarm
Reference Guide,
Part 3
xii About this document
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Technical assistance service telephone numbers
For technical support and information from Nortel Networks, refer to the
following table.
Technical Assistance Service
For service-affecting problems:
For 24-hour emergency recovery or software upgrade
support, that is, for:
restoration of service for equipment that has been carrying
traffic and is out of service
issues that prevent traffic protection switching
issues that prevent completion of software upgrades
North America:
1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835)
For non-service-affecting problems:
For 24-hour support on issues requiring immediate support
or for 14-hour support (8 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST) on upgrade
notification and non-urgent issues.
North America:
1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835)
Note: You require an express routing
code (ERC). To determine the ERC, see
our corporate Web site at
www.nortel.com. Click on the Express
Routing Codes link.
Varies according to country. For a list of
telephone numbers, see our corporate
Web site at www.nortel.com. Click on the
Contact Us link.
Global software upgrade support: North America:
1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835)
Varies according to country. For a list of
telephone numbers, see our corporate
Web site at www.nortel.com. Click on the
Contact Us link.
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
System Manager 1-
In this chapter
Commissioning Wizard overview on page 1-1
System Manager overview on page 1-3
System Manager to network connection on page 1-6
System requirements on page 1-7
System Manager main window on page 1-7
Accessing information windows on page 1-9
Commissioning Wizard overview
The Commissioning Wizard is the Optical Metro 5100/5200 software tool for
commissioning shelves and configuring the System Manager for your
The Commissioning Wizard starts up automatically the first time that you log
into a network after installing the Optical Metro 5100/5200 software on the
System Manager computer. Each window prompts you for all required
management information.
All data that you first enter in the Commissioning Wizard can be modified later
in the Optical Metro 5100/5200 System Manager.
You must be an Admin level user to use the Commissioning Wizard.
1-2 System Manager
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
You can perform the following functions through the Commissioning Wizard:
network, site, and shelf naming
shelf addressing
shelf surveillance
date and time configuration
Network, site, and shelf names
The System Manager uses the name information that you enter in the
Commissioning Wizard to identify shelf information that appears on System
Manager screens.
Note: If you are using Optical Network Manager OMEA to manage
Optical Metro 5100/5200 network elements, you must keep the NE name
to a maximum of 20 characters.
Shelf addressing
The System Manager uses Internet Protocol (IP) addressing for network
monitoring and maintenance connections. Use the commissioning wizard to
initially configure the IP addressing and network surveillance information for
each shelf in the network.
You must develop a detailed IP addressing plan before you begin
commissioning the network.
Shelf surveillance
You can use the Commissioning Wizard to enable or disable audible alarms
and to configure external trap managers.
Note: Alarm and event monitoring is performed through the System
Manager after the shelf has been commissioned.
Date and time configuration
Each Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelf has a Time of Day (TOD) clock that, by
default, uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For every network configuration,
one shelf is designated as the primary shelf. The other shelves in the ring
periodically synchronize their TOD clocks with the primary shelf using the
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).
When an event occurs on a shelf the event is time stamped using the TODclock
of the shelf. Events can include alarm raise or clear, protection switching, and
user login or logout. The shelf uses the time stamp internally and for
communications with the System Manager. When the System Manager
displays events to the user, the time stamp is converted to local time. The local
time is adjusted for daylight saving time (DST) and the time zone, using the
local time of the computer that is running the System Manager.
System Manager 1-3
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
For more information, refer to AppendixSystem Manager windows and
fields, Time stamp rules, in this book.
System Manager overview
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 System Manager is a Web-based graphical user
interface (GUI) that allows you to access one or more shelves in an Optical
Metro 5100/5200 network. Use the SystemManager to provision, monitor, and
maintain the network.
You can perform the following functions through the System Manager:
equipment and facility configuration
alarm management
connections management
protection management
software download and upgrade
performance monitoring
login, security, and user administration
shelf level graphics
Equipment and facility configuration
The System Manager lets you configure inventory and facility information.
Information that you can configure includes the circuit pack type,
administrative state, facility name, and loopback. You can viewmanufacturing
information about the circuit pack but you cannot change it.
Apart from circuit packs, which are equipped in the Optical Metro 5100/5200
shelves, the following optical components can also be inventoried by the
System Manager:
all OMX types
all ECT types, PBE types, and C&L splitter/coupler
OSC splitter/coupler
1310 splitter/coupler
transponder protection tray
discrete VOA
equipment inventory unit (EIU)
These optical components can be inventoried provided they are directly
connected to the shelf's OMX Interface cards located in the shelf's
maintenance panel using data communication cables or are connected to the
EIU which is connected to the maintenance panel.
1-4 System Manager
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Alarm management
Use the System Manager to view active alarms and acknowledge new alarms.
The System Manager lets you save and print the alarms list, and get details
about current alarms. System Manager counts and displays the number of
active alarms on the shelf.
System Manager relies on network element site and shelf correlation software
to isolate faults and identify the probable location of fiber breaks.
Only users logged into System Manager as an Admin-level user see security
alarms. Operator, Observer, Customer1 and Customer2-level users cannot see
security alarms.
Channel Assignment management
The Channel Assignment window lets you view, create, and modify channel
names, descriptions, protection modes, and bit rates, performance monitoring
modes. You can also select the protocol that is sent over each channel and
define protection parameters.
Protection management
Protection management in an Optical Metro 5100/5200 network includes
automatic path switching if equipment or a facility fails
per channel facility protection
Optical Channel Manager (OCM) equipment protection
path protection
For more information about protection schemes, refer to the Protection
switching chapter in this book.
Software download and upgrade
The System Manager lets you download the software to the shelf processor
and begin circuit pack upgrades. You have the option of downloading software
to a shelf without committing the software load.
For more information about downloading software, refer to the Installing the
System Manager chapter in Commissioning Procedures, 323-1701-220.
Performance monitoring
The System Manager has alarms, event, and alert logs to notify you of the
performance of the Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelf.
For more information about performance monitoring, refer to the
Performance monitoring description chapter in this book.
System Manager 1-5
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The System Manager provides an Optical Metro 5100/5200 IP routing table
and interface statistic information to enable better troubleshooting of Optical
Metro 5100/5200 network problems.
Event history review
You can viewa list of the events that occur on the shelves through the event log
of the System Manager. Events include login attempts, changes in the states of
alarms and alerts, and user provisioning requests.
You must be logged into System Manager as an Admin-level user to retrieve
security-related alarms, events, and user requests.
Event buffers
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 System Manager has two event buffers:
shelf levelaccessed through the Event History window
System Manager levelaccessed through the Event Console window
Note: The System Manager level event buffer may differ from the shelf
level event buffer. If, for example, the System Manager is out of contact
with a shelf when events occur, the System Manager level event buffer will
be updated, but the shelf level event buffer will not contain the event.
The shelf level event buffer contains the last 400 events that have occurred on
each shelf. When the shelf event buffer has over 400 events for a specific shelf,
the shelf software overwrites the oldest events with the newer events. If there
is a power failure to the shelf, the events in the shelf event buffer are lost. You
can save the contents of the event buffer to a file to keep for your records.
The System Manager level event buffer records events that the current System
Manager session receives from network elements. The buffer also records
conditions under which the System Manager session loses or regains contact
with the network elements. Shelf events are sent through UDP packets. The
System Manager may not receive some of the shelf events. To viewevents that
are stored on the shelf, use the Event History window.
Login, security, and user administration
A userID and password are required to login to System Manager. Once
successfully logged in, you can access all the shelves in the system managed
by the same primary NE. Alogin request is rejected if you use an incorrect user
name or password. Failed login attempts are recorded in the event log of the
shelf and include the date, time, and IP address of the computer from which
the login attempt was made. An Intrusion attempt security alarm is raised if
the number of consecutive failed login attempts exceeds the maximum login
attempt threshold.
1-6 System Manager
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
After a successful login has occurred, System Manager displays an advisory
warning regarding unauthorized entry and use and the possible consequences.
The user levels include: Customer 1, Customer 2, Admin, Operator, and
Admin-level users can provision seven ring-wide user accounts in addition to
the three default user accounts. Admin-level users can also change the
privilege level, enable and disable, or delete individual user accounts.
The Login User List panel is under the Security tab and is only accessible to
Admin-level users.
Shelf level graphics
The shelf level graphic window displays provisioning information, physical
circuit pack information, shelf details, and alarm information on a per slot
System Manager to network connection
The System Manager is accessible from any shelf in the network through the
10Base-T 1X port on the maintenance panel. Use the System Manager to
access shelves
locally through the 10Base-T 1X Ethernet port on the Optical Metro
5100/5200 shelf
remotely through a TCP/IP network, using
a 10Base-T Ethernet interface, through the DCN, or
a modem dial-up connection, using a RS232/V24 1 (DTE) interface to
the Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelf
A System Manager applet is stored on the shelf processor (SP) circuit pack of
each shelf. Logging in to the shelf enables the System Manager.
Recommended number of System Manager sessions
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 supports multiple System Manager sessions on
a single computer. The computer and network must comply with the minimum
platform requirements outlined in Table 4-1 of Technical Specifications,
Nortel Networks recommends that you limit the number of System Manager
sessions to eight per system (all the Network Elements managed by the same
Shelf List) at any given time.
System Manager 1-7
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
A network element can host up to eight simultaneous System Manager
sessions. If you are using System Manager to monitor your network, Nortel
Networks recommends that the System Manager sessions be opened from or
hosted by one or more Gateway Network Elements (GNEs).
System requirements
For the minimum platform requirements for the Optical Metro 5100/5200
System Manager, refer to Table 4-1 in Technical Specifications, 323-1701-180.
System Manager main window
Figure 1-1 shows the System Manager main window.
Figure 1-1
System Manager main window
The main window of the System Manager has the following sections:
network shelf selector
menu bar
alarm banner
information windows
1-8 System Manager
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Network shelf selector
Use the network shelf selector to select single or multiple shelves in the
network. The network shelf selector filters the information that it displays
according to the shelves you select.
The Selected Shelves button toggles the drop-down list of selected shelves on
and off. When you display the list, you can change the shelf selection.
Shelf icons
Icons of different colors report the status of the shelves displayed in the
network tree. Table 1-1 lists icon colors and the shelf status that each
represents. When multiple alarms occur on a shelf, the icon displays the color
of the alarm with the highest severity.
Menu bar
The menu bar lists the menu options in the System Manager across the top of
the window.
Alarm banner
Optical Metro 5100/5200 alarms are visually reported on the indicator lamps
of the shelf maintenance panel, and on the System Manager alarm banner.
The alarm banner has a top and a bottom row. The top row shows the alarm
count for the whole network. The bottom row shows the alarm count for the
selected shelf. For information on the color codes used in the alarm banner,
refer to Table 7-5 on page 7-13 in AppendixSystem Manager windows and
fields of this book.
Table 1-1
Shelf icons
Icon color Status
Green There are no alarms on the shelf.
Red There are critical alarms on the shelf.
Red There are major alarms on the shelf.
Orange There are minor alarms on the shelf.
Yellow There are warnings on the shelf.
Blue The System Manager is out of contact with the shelf.
The shelf icon will turn blue if the System Manager is out of
contact with the shelf for more than approximately two
Blue outline System Manager is updating the shelf data. This icon
displays upon login, and changes to one of the above icons
once shelf data is retrieved.
System Manager 1-9
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
If an alarm or warning is unacknowledged and clears automatically, the alarm
banner color remains highlighted until you acknowledge the alarm or warning.
This convention makes sure that you are aware of all alarmactivity reported by
the System Manager.
The alarm banner is blue when the System Manager cannot poll a shelf for
alarm status.
Accessing information windows
Use the information windows to view and manage information about the
network. Access the different information windows by clicking on the labelled
The Information windows of the System Manager are:
Performance Monitor
Information windows display information for the shelves that you select. You
can sort and display data in all the information windows except the Event
Console window.
1-10 System Manager
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 1-2 shows the window hierarchy in the System Manager.
Figure 1-2
Hierarchy of windows in the System Manager
Related topics
Procedures in Provisioning and Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310
Installing the System Manager chapter in Commissioning Procedures,
Interface Statistics
Launch PMs
Channel Assignments
IP Routing Table
Login User List
User Profile List
NE Admin
Software Upgrade
Shelf List
Active Alarms
Event History
Event Console
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Fault sectionalization 2-
In this chapter
Overview on page 2-1
Intersite fault sectionalization on page 2-2
Intrasite fault sectionalization on page 2-8
This chapter describes the fault sectionalization features provided by the
Optical Metro 5100/5200 platform. Fault sectionalization detects defects that
may affect the performance of the WDMring and reports themas alarms to the
management system. The fault sectionalization features correlate multiple
defects into one reported root-cause fault where possible. Two distinct features
accomplish fault sectionalization: intersite fault sectionalization and intrasite
fault sectionalization. Both of the fault sectionalization features require the use
of the Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC) circuit pack and tray.
The intersite fault sectionalization feature identifies WDM fiber failures
between the OSC tray at one site and the OSC tray at an adjacent site. The
Shelf Input Failure alarm is used to indicate a broken intersite WDM fiber.
Intersite fault sectionalization supports Optical Metro 5100/5200 networks.
This feature is always enabled when OSC circuit packs are present in the
The Intrasite fault sectionalization (IFS) feature identifies WDM fiber failures
within sites. The IFS feature uses ring and site topology knowledge and
information about signal failure defects to identify broken fibers within sites.
IFS supports Optical Metro 5100/5200 networks. This feature is optionally
enabled on OSC circuit packs.
2-2 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Intersite fault sectionalization
The intersite fault sectionalization feature uses the OSCcircuit pack to provide
a point-to-point signal between sites on the WDMring. When the OSC optical
signal is included in the WDM fiber between sites, faults that affect the fiber
between sites, such as a fiber break, result in a loss of signal at the receiving
end of the fiber. Consequently, a Loss of Signal (LOS) alarm raised at an OSC
indicates that there may be a problem with the WDM fiber between this site
and the far end where the OSCsignal is transmitted. For more information, see
the Supported configurations chapter in Network Planning and Link
Engineering, 323-1701-110.
However, other faults, such as OSC circuit pack to OSC tray communication
failures, can also cause an OSC LOS alarm. To more accurately indicate an
intersite fiber break, the Shelf Input Failure (SIF) alarmis raised. When a Band
Input Failure (BIF) alarm and an OSC LOS alarm occur on the same OADM
shelf in the same direction, the SIF alarm is raised. On an OFA shelf with an
OSC, the SIF alarm is raised when the OSC, all Optical Fiber Amplifier (OFA)
circuit packs, and active per band equalizer (APBE) circuit packs in the shelf,
in the same plane (east or west), report LOS. The SIF alarm masks the BIF
alarm and the OSC LOS alarm.
On a Mixed Shelf with an OSC, the SIF alarm is raised when the OSC, all
Optical Fiber Amplifier (OFA) circuit packs, all active per band equalizer
(APBE), and all OADM cards in the shelf, in the same direction have LOS
When an intersite fiber is broken, the SIF alarm is used to determine which
span is failed. For example, in Figure 2-1 on page 2-3, if both the eastbound
and westbound fibers between Site 2 and Site 3 are broken, the following BIF
alarms are raised:
Site 1 Band 1 East and Band 2 West
Site 2 Band 2 East
Site 3 Band 3 West
Site 4 Band 1 West
Site 6 Band 3 East
Fault sectionalization 2-3
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-1
Fault sectionalization on intersite fiber cuts
From this pattern of BIF alarms, it is difficult to determine the location of the
fiber break. With the use of the OSCs, SIF alarms are raised at Site 2 East and
Site 3 West to indicate exactly which intersite span has failed. For this
example, spans are broken in each direction.
If only one of the WDMfibers is broken, the OSCraising the LOS alarmsends
a Remote Fault Indication alarmto the transmitting end. In the above example,
if only the eastbound fiber breaks, the Site 3 west OSC port in the Band 3 shelf
raises the SIF alarm and the Site 2 east OSC port raises a Remote LOS alarm.
Except for the site with the SIF alarm, all downstream BIF alarms continue to
be raised.
In all cases, if the WDM span is broken, and there are OCLDs, OTRs, or
Muxponders in the OSC shelf, the SIF alarm is raised.
Note: If the intrasite fault sectionalization feature is enabled, then the BIF
alarms downstream from the intersite fiber break are replaced with
warning, non-service affecting, Band Alarm Indication Signal alarms.
OFA shelf fault reporting
When the OSC circuit pack is installed on an OFA shelf, an LOS fault raised
by the OFA and APBE circuit packs in conjunction with an LOS fault raised
by the OSCcauses an SIF alarm. The SIF alarmmasks the OSC LOS, the OFA
LOS, and APBE LOS alarms.
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 2
Band 3
Band 1
= OSC link
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5 Site 6
2-4 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Note: If the intrasite fault sectionalization feature is enabled, then all BIF,
OFA LOS, and APBE LOS alarms downstream from the intersite fiber
break are replaced with warning, non-service affecting, Band Alarm
Indication Signal alarms.
OSC fiber break detection
The OSC provides a mechanism for reporting OSC fiber faults when only one
of the two fibers connecting two sites has sufficiently degraded or failed
causing a LOS alarm, an Invalid Signal alarm, or a Loss of Frame alarm. When
the OSC Rx port detects one of these conditions, a signal is returned in the Tx
direction to report the fault. If the Tx fiber is functioning, the remote OSC
raises either a Remote LOS alarm, a Remote Invalid Signal alarm, or a Remote
Loss of Frame alarm.
If an OSC raises one of these alarms, the fiber connected to the Tx port
interconnecting the two OSC circuit packs may be defective or incorrectly
Incorrect fault reporting
In the absence of multiple broken fibers, intersite fault sectionalization only
reports SIF alarms when there is an intersite fiber failure. The one exception
occurs when the shelf containing the OSC circuit pack loses power. If the
downstream site contains the same band in the shelf with the OSC, then an SIF
alarm is incorrectly reported. This can be avoided if the OSC is not placed in
a shelf containing the same band on adjacent sites.
Refer to the example shown in Figure 2-1 on page 2-3. The OSC at Site 1
should be located in the Band 1 shelf to avoid SIF confusion if the Band 2 shelf
in Site 2 loses power.
Intersite fault sectionalization feature considerations
Shelf input failure reporting and optical system identifiers
For a SIF alarm to be identified, a shelf must have an active OSC LOS and all
line equipment (OCLD, OTR, Muxponder, OFAand APBE) in the shelf for the
same optical system identifier as the OSC must also have LOS in the same
direction as the OSC. This condition alone identifies the intersite fiber as the
cause of the failure. When interconnected rings are present in the network,
extreme caution should be used in provisioning equipment ring numbers to
ensure correct operation of the intersite fault sectionalization feature. For rules
for provisioning equipment ring numbers, refer to Procedure 3-36
Provisioning the optical system identifier (OSID) in Provisioning and
Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310.
Fault sectionalization 2-5
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Requirements for OSC circuit pack placement at a site
To ensure the correct operation of the intersite fault sectionalization feature,
and reporting of SIF alarms to identify failed WDM fiber spans, the following
special consideration must be given to the placement of the OSC circuit pack
at every site.
If the shelf containing the OSC circuit pack does not contain line
equipment in both directions, then when an OSC LOS occurs there will be
insufficient data to determine if the cause is the intersite fiber or the OSC
tray to OSC circuit pack fiber. As a result, only the OSC LOS alarm will
be raised at this site.
At an OADM/Terminal site, with or without amplification
the OSC circuit pack must be located in an OADM shelf
the OSC circuit pack must not be located in a shelf with no line
equipment in one or both directions
At an OFA site
the OSC circuit pack must be located in an OFA shelf
the shelf should have OFAs and/or APBEs that transmit in both the east
and west directions. Special consideration should be taken when
determining the location of all circuit packs in the OFA shelves at an
OFA site
If the OSC is located in a shelf that violates the above considerations, intersite
fiber detection will not be identified with a SIFalarm. Only an OSCLOSalarm
will be raised when the intersite fiber is broken. In this case, the first step in
troubleshooting the problem should be to inspect the OSC tray to OSC circuit
pack fiber. If the problem is not resolved, work backwards by next
investigating the intersite fiber, followed by the transmit OSC circuit pack to
OSC tray fiber at the remote site reporting the Remote LOS alarm.
Connecting OSC ports
The East port on an OSCmust be connected to the West port on the OSC at the
site immediately to the East. Similarly, the West port must be connected to the
East port of the OSC immediately to the West. If these fibers are incorrectly
connected such that the East OSC port is connected to another East OSC port,
an East Fiber Mismatch alarm is raised. The shelf that has the two ports
reversed raises both an East Fiber Mismatch and a West Fiber Mismatch alarm.
Fiber failure examples
When the shelf containing the OSCcircuit pack detects both a BIF and an OSC
LOS for the same direction (east or west), then the SIF alarm is raised instead
of the BIF alarm and the LOS alarm.
Figure 2-2 on page 2-7 shows three failure scenarios: a WDM fiber break, a
C-Band fiber break, and an OSC Rx fiber break.
2-6 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Afiber break at X1 with the external WDMfiber plant will cause band failures
for all shelves. Since the OSC-W Rx port will also detect a loss of signal, the
Band 2 shelf will raise an SIF alarm. The other shelves will raise the BIF
A fiber break at X2 between the C&L Splitter and the OADM shelf will cause
band failures but no OSC failures. In this case, the SIF alarm will not be raised.
A fiber break at X3 between the OSC splitter and the OSC circuit pack will
result in an OSC-W LOS alarm. No BIF or SIF alarms will be raised.
In the above failure examples 1 and 3, if only the Rx fiber is broken, the alarms
in this shelf will be the same but the shelf containing the OSC circuit pack at
the site to the west will raise the Remote LOS alarm against the east OSC port.
Because only a single OSC circuit pack exists at each site, the OSC does not
provide any fault isolation between the shelves at an Optical Metro 5100/5200
site. Fault isolation between shelves is provided by the IFS feature, if it is
Fault sectionalization 2-7
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-2
Three failure scenarios for fault sectionalization
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20
4 channel OMX west 4 channel OMX east
Band 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20
4 channel OMX west 4 channel OMX east
Band 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20
4 channel OMX west 4 channel OMX east
Band 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20
4 channel OMX west 4 channel OMX east
Band 4
2-8 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Intrasite fault sectionalization
Fundamental to the design of a WDM optical ring is the transparent passing of
optical signals between sites without optical to electrical to optical (OEO)
conversion for every wavelength. These undetected wavelengths passing
through a site can be adversely effected by fiber faults within a site. Faults
resulting fromimpairment of these wavelength are reported downstreamat the
first site performing OEO conversion of the wavelength.
Optical signal failures, such as fiber breaks, cause numerous BIF alarms to
occur at optical to electrical sites downstream from the origin. The location of
the fault can be difficult to identify since the fault may be detected several sites
away from the point where the actual problem occurred.
IFS enhances the isolation of faults to specific spans within a site, and provides
the ability to identify a span between OMXs that is causing an optical signal
failure at sites downstream. With IFS enabled, downstream BIF alarms caused
by failed spans are suppressed, and Optical Signal Failure (OSF) alarms are
raised against the OMX, C&L splitter/coupler, OFAcircuit pack, APBE circuit
pack, or the OSC tray, to accurately identify the location of the fault.
How intrasite fault sectionalization works
The IFS feature collects OFA, APBE, OTR, OCLD, Muxponder and OSCLOS
faults from all shelves in the ring and correlates these faults with the band
occupancy of the intrasite WDM fibers. When a WDM fiber is broken, the
OFA/APBE LOS, and the BIF alarm pattern is compared with the expected
alarms for each WDM fiber, if the fiber were broken. When a match is found,
the OSF Tx/Rx alarms are raised, identifying both ends of the potentially failed
fiber span. Often more than one match is found. All matches result in a pair of
OSF Tx/Rx alarms. Multiple OSF alarms are reported when a WDMfiber fails
because this is a property of the WDM optical signal. IFS correctly identifies
all potential fault locations that can cause the optical signal failure. In all cases,
only one failed fiber span is identified within each site. In some cases, the OSF
Tx and Rx endpoints will correspond to endpoints of more than one physical
fiber, but the fibers are adjacent to each other. This occurs when each fiber
between the Tx and Rx endpoints have identical band occupancies and are
therefore all equally likely candidates to be the fiber break.
Whenever a pattern of BIF conditions does not match any WDM fiber failure
patterns, the BIF alarms (or the LOSalarmin the case of a single channel band)
are raised. This only occurs when there are multiple broken fibers or a site has
not been fibered correctly. If, for example, the C&L splitter/coupler is not
installed at one site, but the site has been provisioned to be parallel (meaning
the C&L splitter/coupler is required when C-Bands and L-Bands are
deployed), and a fiber between two OMXs is broken at that site, then an
incorrect fiber span identification might result.
Fault sectionalization 2-9
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Correct operation of the IFS feature requires that all sites conform to the
supported site topologies, and that the site equipping rules be followed.
Furthermore, the feature relies on correct provisioning of feature-related data,
such as optical system identifier (OSID), OFA and APBE location and
direction, site fibering topology, and site fibering configuration.
Failure to connect all shelves in a site to the Ethernet hub results in
unsuppressed BIF alarms. The Intrasite Communication Failure (ICF) alarmis
raised whenever the IFS feature loses contact with a shelf at a site. The shelf
must be reconnected before correct fault sectionalization can occur.
The OSCRemote Fault Sectionalization Not Responding alarm is raised when
the OSC circuit pack is not receiving fault sectionalization information from
an OSCat an adjacent site. Either the IFS feature is disabled at the remote site,
or there is a loss of connectivity between this OSC and the adjacent OSC.
Site topologies for intrasite fault sectionalization
The IFS feature requires that each Optical Metro 5100/5200 site where the
feature is enabled conform to one of the site fibering topologies described
Supported site topologies, or OMX fibering methods, for this feature include:
standardfor multi-shelf OADM sites, terminal sites, and OFA sites
stackedfor terminal sites
single-shelffor single-shelf or multi-shelf OADM sites
For the advantages and disadvantages of each topology, refer to the Supported
configurations chapter in Network Planning and Link Engineering,
The IFS feature supports each of these site fibering topologies in parallel or
serial configurations. The parallel configuration is used when the site has C&L
splitter/couplers deployed. When there is no C&L splitter/coupler deployed,
the site is said to be configured serially. For sites with amplification, if the ring
contains both C-band and L-band channels, then the only supported
configuration at this site is parallel. Serial amplification is only supported by
the intrasite fault sectionalization if the ring contains either C-band or L-band
channels, but not both. The site fibering topology and configuration values are
provisionable on the OSC equipment and must be selected prior to enabling
IFS. Follow Procedure 3-37 Provisioning the fibering topology and fibering
configuration in Provisioning and Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310.
2-10 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
In all cases, the general location for equipment at a site is as follows, starting
at the outermost equipment at the site and moving inward.
The OSCtrays are the outer-most equipment on the West and East sides of
a site.
The next piece of equipment on the inside of the site is the C&L
splitter/couplers (or ECTs at an OFA site), if present.
APBE and OFA circuit packs are fibered next (in pre and pre2-amp
All OMXs are located in the center of the site.
APBE and OFA circuit packs are fibered next (in post-amp configuration).
Within each of the supported topologies and configurations for the IFS feature,
the fiber plan requires that OMXs be fibered in a specific order in each
direction. The following describes the OMX ordering for each topology.
Standard fibering rule
Standard OMX fibering can be deployed at a terminal site, a multi-shelf
OADM site, or an OFA site. For the IFS feature, all OFA sites should be
provisioned as standard. In addition, standard OMX fibering can be deployed
at a single-shelf OADM site. This method is also referred to as single-shelf
fibering. If the site has a parallel fibering configuration, fiber the OMXs for
C-band and L-band separately.
From West to East: all OMXs must be fibered to first drop all the bands in
ascending order (1, 2, 3) and then add all bands in ascending order (1, 2, 3)
From East to West: all OMXs must be fibered to first drop all bands in
descending order (3, 2, 1) and then add all bands in descending order
(3, 2, 1)
Stacked fibering rule
Stacked OMX fibering is generally only deployed at terminal sites. It makes
no sense to call an OFA site fibering stacked. If the site is a parallel fibering
configuration, fiber the OMXs for C-band and L-band separately.
From West to East: all OMXs must be fibered to first drop all the bands in
ascending order (1, 2, 3) and then add all bands in descending order (3, 2,
From East to West: all OMXs must be fibered to first drop all bands in
ascending order (1, 2, 3) and then add all bands in descending order
(3, 2, 1)
Single-shelf fibering rule
Single-shelf fibering can be deployed at an OADM site with one shelf (also
called standard fibering) or multiple shelves. If the site has a parallel fibering
configuration, fiber the OMXs for C-band and L-band separately.
Fault sectionalization 2-11
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
From West to East: all OMXs must be fibered to first drop each band and
then add each band in ascending order (drop 1, add 1, drop 2, add 2, drop
3 add 3).
From East to West: all OMXs must be fibered to first drop each band and
then add each band in descending order (drop 3, add 3, drop 2, add 2, drop
1, add 1).
From a link engineering perspective, the single-shelf fibering topology has the
worst fiber-loss characteristics for multi-shelf sites. For the IFS feature, the
recommended OMX fibering interconnection is stacked fibering for terminal
sites, standard fibering for multi-shelf OADM and OFA sites, and single-shelf
fibering for sites with a single shelf (also called standard fibering).
Figure 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 illustrate each of the site fibering topologies for
parallel configurations with typical locations for OFAs and APBE circuit
packs. The OFA and APBE circuit packs are optional. Note that for serial
configurations, the C&L splitter couplers are not present and OFA and APBE
circuit packs can only be present if the ring only contains C-band or L-band
channels, for the intrasite fault sectionalization feature.
Figure 2-3
Standard parallel site with OFAs and APBEs
2-12 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-4
Stacked parallel site with OFAs and APBEs
Figure 2-5
Single-shelf fibering at a multi-shelf OADM site
Fault sectionalization 2-13
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Site configuration rules
If the IFS feature is to be used for identifying failed fiber spans within a site,
the following site configuration rules must be followed.
One OSCcircuit pack and OSCtray is required at each site. For sites where
interconnected rings meet, one OSC circuit pack and OSC tray is required
for each ring passing through the site.
Each site in the Optical Metro 5100/5200 ring must comply with one of the
supported site fibering topologies and configurations for the feature. The
feature allows different sites to be configured differently but a single
method should be employed within a site. At a bridge site, equipment for
each ring can employ a different topology and configuration as long as all
equipment for a single ring use the same topology and configuration.
Note: IFS is not feasible on point-to-point configurations, including
hub-and-spoke, due to the number of OSCcircuit packs and trays required
(one per ring). Also, the feature is not useful in OMX-less configurations.
Within each of the C and L bands, the OMXs must be ordered in each
direction according to the fibering rule for each site fibering topology.
All line-facing equipment (OTR, OCLD, Muxponder, APBE, OFA, and
OSC) must be provisioned with the correct non-zero optical system
All OSC circuit packs must be provisioned with the correct site fibering
topology and configuration.
All OFA sites should be provisioned to be Standard fibering topology.
All sites with OFA and/or APBE circuit packs in rings with C-bands
and L-bands must be provisioned to be Parallel fibering configuration.
All OFAand APBEcircuit packs must be provisioned with correct location
and direction data. The location must be Pre, Pre2, Post, Thru or Thru2,
and the direction must be westbound or eastbound.
An Ethernet hub must be installed at all sites having more than two shelves.
When a site has only two shelves, an RJ-45 cross-over cable can be used to
connect the two shelves. On sites with two or more shelves, the Enet-2 port
must be enabled.
All shelves at the same site, including bridge sites, must have the same
hubbing group provisioned and it must be unique per site in the network.
You cannot change the default values for the Enet Port 2 IP address and
Enet Port 2 mask. See Procedure 1-30 Assigning IPaddresses for Ethernet
port 2 and Serial port 1 in Provisioning and Operating Procedures,
323-1701-310, for the default values.
2-14 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Provisioning OFA sites
OFA and APBE circuit packs must be provisioned with the correct location,
direction, and optical system identifier. The location must be Pre, Pre2, Post,
Thru or Thru2. The direction must be westbound or eastbound depending on
physical location at the site.
The meaning of the direction parameter selections is as follows:
Eastbound indicates that the APBE or OFA receives the signal from the
west, and transmits it to the east.
Westbound indicates that the APBE or OFA receives the signal from the
east, and transmits it to the west.
The meaning of the location parameter is as follows:
Pre indicates that the OFA or APBE is receiving a signal from an adjacent
site prior to presentation to a local OMX.
Pre2 indicates that the APBE is between two OFAs prior to presentation to
a local OMX. In this case, the APBE and the second OFA both have the
location value of pre2.
Post indicates that the OFA or APBE is receiving a signal from a local
OMX prior to sending the signal to an adjacent site.
Thru indicates that the OFAor APBEis receiving a signal froman adjacent
site and sending the signal directly to another site. No local OMXs are
associated with a thru-amp.
Thru2 indicates that the APBE is between two OFAs and the first OFA is
receiving a signal from an adjacent site and sending the signal directly to
another site. No local OMXs are associated with a thru2-amp. In this case,
the APBE and the second OFA both have the location value of Thru2.
See Figure 2-6 for an example of Pre and Post locations. See Figure 2-7 on
page 2-16 for an example of Thru locations. See Figure 2-8 for an example of
Pre, Pre2 and Post locations. See Figure 2-9 on page 2-18 for an example of
Thru and Thru2 locations.
Fault sectionalization 2-15
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-6
Site topology and OFA shelf provisioning
circuit pack
West East
2-16 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-7
Site topology for an OFA site
circuit pack
West East
Fault sectionalization 2-17
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-8
Site topology and OFA shelf provisioning for extended reach metro system with DSCM
circuit pack
Pre 2 OFA & APBE
Pre 2 OFA & APBE
2-18 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 2-9
Site topology for an OFA site for extended reach metro system with DSCM
Enhanced intersite fault sectionalization
When an intersite fiber is broken and the IFS feature is disabled, the SIF alarm
is used to determine which span is failed. The intersite fault sectionalization
feature uses the SIF alarm to indicate that either the intersite fiber is broken or
there are multiple broken fibers (typically the OSC tray to OSC circuit pack
fiber and one or more OMX or intrasite fibers). Besides, if a site has an OSC
but no equipment in one or both directions, then intersite fault sectionalization
is unable to isolate the fault to the intersite fiber and so an OSCLOS is the only
alarm that becomes active. Furthermore, even if a SIF alarm is raised, critical
BIF alarms remain active at all shelves other than the shelf reporting the SIF
circuit pack
West East
Thru OFA
Thru 2 OFA & APBE
Thru 2 OFA & APBE
Thru OFA
Fault sectionalization 2-19
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
When the IFS feature is enabled, an enhanced level of intersite fault
sectionalization is possible. This is possible because IFS has detailed
knowledge of ring and site topology.
First, if the IFS feature is enabled, the critical BIF, OFA/APBE LOS alarms
that occur downstream from the SIF alarm are masked with the
non-service-affecting Band Alarm Indication Signal warnings. The same
masking of critical alarms will occur when the SIF alarm is raised at an OFA
shelf at an OFA site.
Second, the IFS feature is able to exploit ring and site topology information to
better isolate the intersite fiber as the cause of the BIF (or
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder LOS in the case of a single channel band),
OFA/APBE LOS alarms in the ring. When the intrasite fault sectionalization
feature detects that an OSChas LOS and every band coming into this site from
the immediate site upstream is experiencing an input failure (at this site or sites
downstream), a SIF alarm will be raised. The Site Input Failure alarm replaces
the Shelf Input Failure alarm (if it is raised), and is an excellent indicator that
the intersite fiber is broken. Essentially, the IFS feature is performing the same
analysis that would be done manually to isolate the intersite fiber as the cause
of the faults.
If the IFS feature is enabled and a Shelf Input Failure alarm is active then it is
likely that there is a multiple fiber break, or the sites are fibered or provisioned
incorrectly. Note that the IFS feature can now isolate the intersite fiber as the
cause of the faults even when there is no line equipment in one or both
directions of the shelf where the OSC is located.
OFA and APBE facility service states
When the facility of an OFAor APBE circuit pack is taken from in-service (IS)
to out-of-service (OOS), the output or Tx of that facility is attenuated to nil. If
the facility that is OOS is unused, meaning that there are no OCLDs, OTRs, or
Muxponders upstream transmitting an optical signal through that facility, or
there are no OCLDs, OTRs, or Muxponders downstream expecting to receive
an optical signal from that facility, then there is no affect to it being placed
OOS. If this is not the case, then the action of placing the OFA or APBE
facility OOS impacts the optical signal between transmitting and receiving
pairs of OCLD, OTR, or Muxponder line circuit packs. Even when the OCLD,
OTR, or Muxponder circuit packs are not carrying traffic (and are OOS),
placing an intermediate line facility such as an OFA or APBE OOS will break
the optical signal between the pair of circuit packs.
If IFS is enabled and an in-service OFA or APBE facility is placed OOS, the
feature will attempt to correlate the resulting downstream input failures (BIF,
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder LOS, OFA/APBE LOS) into a failed fiber span.
While technically correct, a failed fiber span identification by Optical Signal
Failure Tx/Rx alarms will not help the user to repair the problem. As a result,
2-20 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
when the IFS feature is enabled, it is possible to exploit ring and site topology
information to isolate the resulting input failures to the OOS OFA or APBE
When IFS detects that an OOS OFA or APBE facility is in use and the OOS
state is causing an interruption in the optical signal between all channels
upstream and downstream that are dependent on the specific OFA or APBE
facility, the "Facility Out-of-ServiceOptical Signal Failure" alarm will be
raised against the Tx port of the offending facility. All downstream input
failures resulting fromthis fault will be masked by non-service-affecting Band
Alarm Indication Signal warnings.
To clear the "Facility Out-of-ServiceOptical Signal Failure" alarm, the
indicated facility should be placed IS if it is actually in use. If all of the
upstream or downstream line equipment is actually unused, and the OFA or
APBE facility is to be OOS, then all line equipment transmitting or receiving
through the OOS facility should be removed. This can be accomplished, at
minimum, by deleting the facility of all upstream or downstream equipment,
or simply deleting the circuit packs completely. It is not sufficient to place the
downstream and upstream facilities OOS since the circuit packs continue to
transmit overhead information between each other when in this state.
Note: The Facility Out-of-ServiceOptical Signal Failure alarm is
always raised against an out-of-service OFA or APBE facility by IFS,
when it is enabled. In general, facilities are placed out-of-service to
suppress alarms because they are unused. However, in the case of OFAand
APBEs, the facilities are required to be in-service for line signals to pass
downstream. Placing an OFA or APBE facility out-of-service incorrectly
can seriously impact the performance of the network and should only be
done when the OFA or APBE is unused. Use extreme caution when doing
Feature considerations
Multiple fiber identifications
Multiple Optical Signal Failure alarms are reported when a WDM fiber fails.
This behavior is not a limitation of IFS, but a property of the WDM optical
signal. IFS correctly identifies all potential fault locations that can cause the
optical signal failure. In all cases, the feature identifies only one fault location
at each site.
When the intrasite fault sectionalization feature should be disabled
To ensure the correct operation of IFS, disable the feature at the site before you
make any major changes to the site configuration. Re-enable the feature after
the changes are made, and you have verified the fibering of the site according
to Procedure 1-8 Testing site fibering for intrasite fault sectionalization in
Testing and Equalization Procedures, 323-1701-222.
Fault sectionalization 2-21
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Disable IFS at the site before you:
begin an upgrade of any shelf in the network. Only re-enable the IFS
feature after all shelves are using the same software version.
add or remove a shelf
decommission a shelf
change the optical system identifier
remove the last OCLD, OTR, or Muxponder of a band in the east or west
plane, or delete the facility of the last OCLD, OTR, or Muxponder of a
band in the east or west plane
make any fibering changes between the OSC trays, C&L splitter/couplers,
OMXs, APBEs, or OFAs
unseat an OFA or APBE circuit pack or delete an OFA or APBE facility
Intrasite Fault Sectionalization and Extended Metro Configurations
The IFS software can be used in Extendend Metro configurations but it will not
correlate to fibers that begin or end on DSCM equipment or OFA and APBE
equipment provisioned to be in the Pre2 or Thru2 locations. This equipment is
not monitored by IFS and faults in these areas will be identified at the
recognizable equipment before and after the unrecognizable equipment. This
limitation should be considered when troubleshooting IFS alarms in Extended
Metro systems.
Intrasite fault sectionalization behavior at an OADM or terminal site with
no line equipment deployed in one or both directions
Nortel Networks recommends that an OMX is fibered into a site, and IFS is to
be enabled, then connect at least one OCLD, OTR, or Muxponder to the OMX
in each direction. This eliminates the possibility that IFS will be unable to
identify all potential fibers for a given set of faults, and will better direct a
technician to the exact cause.
At an OADM or terminal site:
if an OMX is fibered, and no shelf at the site has line equipment fibered to
the OMX, IFS is unaware of the presence of the OMX. Without line
equipment, it is impossible for IFS to detect the OMX at the site, even if it
is provisioned.
If, at the same site, there are other OMXs that are fibered to line equipment,
IFS may identify two fiber endpoints that do not correspond to a single
physical fiber. The intention of the Optical Signal Failure alarms is to
indicate the range of consecutive fibers that should be examined.
For example, a site has Band 1, 2 and 3 OMXs in the east and west
direction and B1C1 and B3C1 OCLDs in the east and west direction. With
the restriction of standard fibering at the site, IFS interprets the OMX
fibering as B1-W, B3-W, B1-E, B3-E from west to east and B3-E, B1-E,
2-22 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
B3-W, B1-W from east to west. Under this assumption, IFS may identify
a suspect fiber span as <Optical Signal Failure Tx, B1-W, Thru, Tx> and
<Optical Signal Failure Rx, B3-W, OTS, Rx>. Physically, this
identification represents two fibers <B1-W, Thru, Tx> to <B2-W, OTS,
Rx> and <B2-W, Thru, Tx> to <B3-W, OTS, Rx>. Either of these two
fibers could be the cause of the problem and both should be investigated as
the potential fiber failure causing a set of observed failures.
If there are several OMXs at the site without line equipment fibered to
them, IFS may identify two fiber endpoints that physically correspond to
two or more consecutive fibers.
If there are OMXs at the site for east and west, and line equipment fibered
in one direction (either east or west), IFS may identify two fiber endpoints
that physically correspond to two or more consecutive fibers. For example,
in an asymmetric ring deployment, where the site only has line equipment
connected to east OMXs, IFS might identify a fiber from a C&L S/C west
to the first OMX in the east (ignoring all west OMXs) for a given pattern
of alarms in the system.
If there is no line equipment at the site for a direction, regardless of whether
there are OMXs fibered at the site, IFS makes an assumption regarding the
site topology. For example, in a parallel fibering configuration, the
equipment is assumed to be fibered in the following order:
<OSC S/C, Thru, Tx> to <C&L S/C, OTS, Rx>
<C&L S/C, C-Band, Tx> to <C&L S/C, C-Band, Rx>
<C&L S/C, L-Band, Tx> to <C&L S/C, L-Band, Rx>
<C&L S/C, OTS, Tx> to <OSC S/C, Thru, Rx>
In the above configuration, if there are OMXs fibered at the site, and a fiber at
one of these OMXs is broken, IFS may not identify a fiber at this site.
Depending on the pattern of faults generated from the broken fiber, there may
be other potential broken fibers identified at other sites in the ring.
If a fiber is broken at another site, and the pattern of alarms in the ring matches
the inbound (OSC S/Cto C&L S/C) or outbound (C&L S/C to OSC S/C) fiber
at the site with the above configuration, IFS will only identify the outbound
fiber at this site as suspect. Technically, the inbound or outbound fiber of this
site are equally likely to be the potential cause since every band passes through
this site and the two fibers are identical.
IFS is limited to identifying a single fiber at any site as a candidate. The intent
is to point the technician to the best area for investigation. If the identified
outbound fiber is repaired and the problem does not clear, the technician
should trace backwards at this "glass-through" site until all dark fibers are
examined. Note that for this scenario, there will always be at least one other
fiber identified at another site in the ring.
Fault sectionalization 2-23
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Intrasite fault sectionalization behavior at an OFA site with no line
equipment deployed in one or both directions
Deployment of a ring configuration where an OFA site has line equipment
(OFA or APBE circuit packs) in one direction, but not the other, is highly
unlikely. In general, when amplification is required in one direction, it is also
required in the other direction. If such a site exists, there is likely
post-amplification at a site upstream in the direction without OFAs. Nortel
Networks recommends that you reconsider the placement of OFAs so that the
OFAsite is eliminated, or post-OFAs and APBEs are relocated to the OFAsite
to ensure the maximum utility of the IFS feature.
At an OFAsite, if there are no circuit packs (OFAs or APBEs) at the site in one
direction, IFS assumes the site topology for that direction is (assuming a
parallel fibering configuration):
<OSC S/C, Thru, Tx> to <C&L S/C, OTS, Rx>
<C&L S/C, C-Band, Tx> to <C&L S/C, C-Band, Rx>
<C&L S/C, L-Band, Tx> to <C&L S/C, L-Band, Rx>
<C&L S/C, OTS, Tx> to <OSC S/C, Thru, Rx>
If the site is fibered as described above, and a fiber is broken at this site, then
faults will occur downstream. IFS will be able to identify the broken fiber at
the site but because there are no OFAs present, there may be an increased
number of duplicate broken fibers identified around the ring. This would not
occur if line equipment were present in this direction at this site.
If a fiber is broken at another site, and the pattern of alarms in the ring matches
the inbound (OSC S/Cto C&L S/C) or outbound (C&L S/C to OSC S/C) fiber
at the site with the above configuration, IFS will only identify the outbound
fiber at this site as suspect. Technically, the inbound or outbound fiber of this
site are equally likely to be the potential cause since every band passes through
this site and the two fibers are identical.
IFS is limited to identifying a single fiber at any site as a candidate. The intent
is to point the technician to the best area for investigation. If the identified
outbound fiber is repaired and the problem does not clear, the technician
should trace backwards at this glass-through site until all dark fibers are
examined. For this scenario, there will always be at least one other fiber
identified at another site in the ring.
2-24 Fault sectionalization
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Performance monitoring description 3-
In this chapter
General description on page 3-1
PM modes, PPs, and provisioning rules on page 3-2
Facility performance monitoring on page 3-25
Operational measurements on page 3-49
Equipment performance monitoring on page 3-61
PM user interfaces on page 3-63
General description
Performance monitoring (PM) allows you to detect degradation in the network
on a timely basis. An aspect of surveillance, performance monitoring works
with measurable performance parameters (PPs) that count or gauge the quality
of payload signals and transmission equipment.
Optical Metro 5100/5200 provides four types of performance monitoring
facility performance monitoring
equipment performance monitoring
generic operational measurements
Ethernet operational measurements
Facility performance monitoring measures errors on the signal. Equipment
performance monitoring measures the optical receive and transmit power
levels. Operational measurements are counts that can be asynchronously
retrieved and cleared.
Rules for provisioning PM modes and each type of the PPs are described in
detail in the following sections.
Facility PP counts are binned into 15-minute, 1-day, and untimed bins.
Equipment PPs are not binned. A Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) is
associated with the current bin of the facility PPs in general and the current
reading of the equipment PPs.
3-2 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Operational measurements (OMs) are supported for the OCI SRM GbE/FC,
OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced and Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit
packs only. OMs are binned into 15-minute, 1-day, and untimed bins. OMs do
not have TCAs associated with them.
Note: The Muxponder circuit packs are also referred to as multiplexer
optical transponder or MOTR.
PM modes, PPs, and provisioning rules
The following facility PM provisioning rules apply:
PM mode must be specified at the connection level for each facility
involved. Each facility has its own PM mode.
PMmode must be specified as part of the channel assignment creation. The
default PM mode depends on the configured protocol rate and the type of
circuit pack. See Table 3-2 for more information.
Note: The OFA circuit pack does not have channel assignments. The PM
mode is always SFC.
SONET and SDH PPs are supported on both SONET and SDH signals.
8B/10B PPs are supported on certain 8B/10B signals. 64B/68B PPs are
supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit pack in LanPhy mode.
SFC PPs are supported on the Rx signal for the configured protocol rate on
OCI, OCI SRM, OCLD, OTR, and OFA circuit packs that do not have
another type of facility performance monitoring.
PM mode can be changed while in-service, after a connection is
provisioned by editing the channel assignment for the facility.
When the PM mode or protocol rate is changed in the channel assignment,
the PP counts are reset to 0 and the TCA threshold and reporting status is
reset to the default.
PM modes
PM modes define what type of PPs to collect. The following PM modes are
Section layer performance parameters are based on BIP-8 errors in B1
bytes of SONET section overhead and SDH regenerator section
overhead and some section layer defects.
Line layer performance parameters are based on BIP-8 errors in B2
bytes of SONET line overhead or SDHmultiplex section overhead and
some section/line layer defects.
Performance monitoring description 3-3
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Path layer performance parameters are based on BIP-8 errors in B3
bytes of SONET path overhead or SDH path (high order) and some
section/line/path layer defects. They monitor the traffic performance of
an individual path.
The far-end line layer parameters are derived based on error counts
detected by the far-end equipment and reported back to the near-end
equipment using the:
REI-L (bits 5-8 of M0 byte for OC-1, M1 byte for OC-N [N >= 3])
indication in the Line overhead.
RDI-L events
The far-end path layer parameters are derived based on error counts
detected by the far-end PTE and reported back to the near-end PTE
using the:
REI-P (bits 1-4 of G1 byte) indication in the Line overhead.
RDI-P events
Parameters in this mode are similar to those in SONET mode except it
counts the block errors instead of BIP-8 errors.
8B/10B encoding is used for such protocols as Fibre Channel, Gigabit
Ethernet, ESCON, FICON, FICON Express, and ISC-3.
This coding scheme converts 8 bits (8B) of data into 10 bit (10B)
symbols. The extra 8B/10B encoding bits allow for performance
monitoring within these data protocols similar to the SONET B1, B2,
and B3 overhead bytes. Using these bytes, you can calculate the PM
parameters such as CV, SES, SEFS, and UAS. Basically, 8B/10B
encoding is analogous to SONET/FEC/B1/B2/B3 in that it allows for
performance monitoring, error detection/correction, and improved link
performance. The parameters in this mode are based on 8B10B code
violation counts and loss of synchronization defect on the signal.
This PM mode is only supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC circuit
packs and the Muxponder client facilities for FICON, FICON Express
and Fibre Channel protocols. On the LAN (optical) port, the
parameters are collected exactly the same as those in 8B10Bmode. On
the WAN port, the parameters are collected based on uncorrectable
errored super block (GFP) and loss of frame delineation (LFD) defects.
This PM mode is supported on any protocol that does not have other
means of performance monitoring.
3-4 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
In this mode, all near-end traffic affecting failure events are counted
and durations are recorded in 1-second periods. A failure event is
counted when the failure starts. A failure event that begins in a one
1-second period and ends in another period is counted only in the
period in which it begins.
This mode is supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC and OCI SRM GbE
circuit packs and on the client facilities of the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s
GbE/FC VCAT circuit packs for Gigabit Ethernet protocol. The
parameters are based on Frame Check Sequence error (InframeError
OM counter) and loss of signal (LOS) and loss of synchronization
(LOSYNC) defects.
Note: The GigE mode is collected on the WAN port. It is only supported
when the encapsulation mode is set to GFP-F on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s
GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack.
This mode is only supported on the client facilities of the Muxponder
circuit pack. The parameters are based on on uncorrectable errored
super block (GFP) and loss of frame delineation (LFD) defects.
Note: The GigEWAN mode is collected on the WAN port. It is only
supported when the encapsulation mode is set to GFP-T on the Muxponder
circuit pack.
This mode is only supported on the OCI SRM circuit pack for the
aggregate signal. The parameters on the aggregate port are similar to
the SONET section PPs and the parameters on the path ports are
similar to the SONET path parameters except that they are based on
proprietary transport overhead.
Digital Wrapper
This mode is only supported on the line side of the OTR 10 Gbit/s
Enhanced circuit pack with the SONET, SDH, 10G Ethernet LANand
10G Clear Channel protocols. The error counts are based on forward
error correction (FEC) and BIP-8 functions provided in the digital
wrapper overhead.
This mode is only supported on the client side of the OTR 10 Gbit/s
Enhanced circuit pack. The error counts are based on 64B66B
functions provided in the Ethernet signal.
Performance monitoring description 3-5
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
This mode is only supported on the line side of the Muxponder circuit
pack. The error counts are based on SONET, forward error correction
(FEC) and BIP-8 functions provided in the digital wrapper overhead.
Parameters in this mode are similar to those in SONET mode except it
counts the block errors instead of BIP-8 errors.
None is used to deprovision performance monitoring on the selected
Note: Equipment PPs are collected regardless of the specified PM mode.
Table 3-1 lists the terms used to describe PPs.
Table 3-1
PPs terms and definitions
Term Description
LAN The LAN ports connect to an Ethernet interface (client optics).
WAN The WAN ports provide connectivity over the SONET/SDH ring (line optics).
Near-end The near-end PMs give you the performance information of the local equipment.
Far-end The far-end PMs give you the performance information of the remote equipment.
End PM Mode Indicates the PM Mode of the end point or client-side, where End point indicates
the originating circuit pack facility for the signal.
West PM Mode Since a client signal can be transmitted either through the east path or the west
path on the line side, West PM Mode indicates the PM Mode of the West
(line-side) path.
East PM Mode Since a client signal can be transmitted either through the east path or the west
path on the line side, East PM Mode indicates the PMMode of the East (line-side)
Agg. PM Mode Relates to the aggregate PPs for all OCI SRM circuit packs.
Client signal PM Relates to the PPs collected for the signal from/to the client equipment via the
client side interface (OCI, for example).
Line signal PM Relates to the PPs collected for the signal from/to Optical Metro 5100/5200
system equipment using the line side DWDM/CWDM equipment (OCLD, for
3-6 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The following tables show which PM modes are available for a circuit pack
according to the supported protocols.
Table 3-2 for OCI circuit packs
Table 3-3 for OCLD circuit packs (except OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Flex circuit
Table 3-4 for OCLD2.5 Gbit/s Flex and OCLD2.5 Gbit/s Universal circuit
Table 3-5 for OTR circuit packs
Table 3-6 for Muxponder circuit packs
For more information about the protocols supported by a particular circuit
pack, see Circuit pack specifications in Technical Specifications,
Table 3-2
PM modes for OCI circuit packs
Circuit pack Protocol/Bit rate End PM mode Aggregate PM mode
All OCIs (except
SRM-type OCIs)
All protocols SFC (default)
SDH (default)
SONET protocols SONET (default)
SONET (default)
SDH protocols SONET
SDH (default)
SDH (default)
Performance monitoring description 3-7
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
OCI SRM ESCON ESCON 8B/10B (default)
SONET (default)
Gigabit Ethernet GigE (default)
SONET (default)
8B/10BWAN (default)
OCI SRM GbE Gigabit Ethernet GigE (default)
SONET (default)
Table 3-3
PM modes for OCLD circuit packs
Circuit pack Protocol/Bit rate West/East PM mode
All OCLDs (except OCLD
2.5 Gbit/s Flex and OCLD
2.5 Gbit/s Universal)
All protocols SFC (default)
Table 3-4
PM modes for OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Flex and OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Universal circuit packs
Circuit pack Protocol/Bit rate West/East PM mode
OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Flex and
OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Universal
SONET protocols
SONET (default)
SDH protocols SONET
SDH (default)
Gigabit Ethernet
FC-100 (1063M)
All other protocols SFC
Table 3-2 (continued)
PM modes for OCI circuit packs
Circuit pack Protocol/Bit rate End PM mode Aggregate PM mode
3-8 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-5
PM modes for OTR circuit packs
Circuit pack Protocol/Bit rate End PM mode West/East PM mode
OTR2.5 Gbit/s Flex and
OTR 2.5 Gbit/s
SONET protocols SONET (default)
SDH protocols SONET
SDH (default)
Gigabit Ethernet
FC-100 (1063M)
FICON Express
8B/10B (default)
All other protocols SFC (default)
SFC (default)
OTR 10 Gbit/s OC-192
10G Ethernet Wan
SONET (default)
SDH (default)
10G Clear Channel SFC
OTR 10 Gbit/s
10G Ethernet Wan
SONET (default)
DigitalWrapper (default)
SDH (default)
DigitalWrapper (default)
10G Ethernet Lan LanPhy
DigitalWrapper (default)
10G Clear Channel SFC (default)
DigitalWrapper (default)
Performance monitoring description 3-9
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-6
PM modes for Muxponder circuit packs
Circuit pack Protocol/Bit rate End PM mode West/East PM mode
Muxponder 10 Gbit/s
Gigabit Ethernet GigEWAN
(default when
mode is GFP-T)
(default when
mode is GFP-F)
Note: If the aggregate
traffic is SONET, then
SONET is the default
mode. If the aggregate
traffic is SDH, then SDH
is the default mode.
FC-100 (1063M)
FICON Express
3-10 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Performance parameters (PPs)
The following tables showwhich facility and equipment PPs are supported on
a circuit pack according to port type, port number, direction, and PM mode.
See Figure 3-1 on page 3-11 for the port type definitions.
Table 3-7 for the OCI SRM GbE/FC and OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced
circuit packs
Table 3-8 for the OCI SRM GbE circuit pack
Table 3-9 for the OCI SRM ESCON circuit pack
Table 3-10 for the OCI SRM circuit pack
Table 3-11 for the OCI SRM SONET/SDH circuit pack
Table 3-12 for the OCI SRM SONET/SDH LTE circuit pack
Table 3-13 for the OCI SONET/SDH circuit pack
Table 3-14 for the OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Flex circuit pack
Table 3-15 for the OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Universal circuit pack
Table 3-16 for the OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flex circuit pack
Table 3-17 for the OTR 10 Gbit/s circuit pack
Table 3-18 for the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit pack
Table 3-19 for the OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Universal circuit pack
Table 3-20 for the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC circuit pack
Table 3-21 for the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack
Table 3-22 for the OFA circuit pack
Table 3-23 for the APBE circuit pack
Performance monitoring description 3-11
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 3-1 shows a functional block diagram of an OCI SRM GbE/FC circuit
pack. You can use this diagramas a generic example to understand the physical
location where the performance parameters are collected for all circuit packs
as listed in Tables 3-7 to 3-23.
Figure 3-1
OCI SRM GbE/FC circuit pack functional block diagram
Opt 1
Client side Backplane-side
Path 1
Path 4
Path 7
Path 10
Path 13
Path 16
Path 19
Path 22
Path 25
Path 28
Path 31
Path 34
Path 37
Path 40
Path 43
Path 46
Opt 2 WAN 2
Agg 1
3-12 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-7
PPs supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC and OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced circuit packs
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Optical 1 and 2 Rx GigE ES, SES, UAS
None No PPs available
Wan 1 and 2 Tx GigE ES, SES, UAS
None No PPs available
1, 4, 7,10,
13, 16, 19,
22, 25, 28,
31, 34, 37,
40, 43,46
protocol: 1,
2, 3, ...,16
None No PPs available
None No PPs available
Note: PPs on the OCI SRMGbE/FC and OCI SRMGbE/FC Enhanced circuit packs are monitored from
Performance monitoring description 3-13
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-8
PPs supported on the OCI SRM GbE circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Optical 1 and 2 Rx GigE ES, SES, UAS
None No PPs available
Wan 1 and 2 Tx GigE ES, SES, UAS
None No PPs available
1, 4, 7,10,
13, 16, 19,
22, 25, 28,
31, 34, 37,
40, 43,46
protocol: 1,
2, 3, ...,16
None No PPs available
None No PPs available
Note: PPs on the OCI SRM GbE circuit pack are monitored from INGRESS to EGRESS.
Table 3-9
PPs supported on the OCI SRM ESCON circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Optical 1 to 8 Rx 8B/10B CV, ES, SES, UAS
None No PPs available
Path 1, 7, 13, 19,
25, 31, 37,
None No PPs available
3-14 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
None No PPs available
Table 3-10
PPs supported on the OCI SRM circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Optical 1 to 4 Tx SFC No PPs available
None No PPs available
None No PPs available
Path 1 to 4 Tx Agile CV, ES, SES
None No PPs available
Aggregate 1 Tx Agile CV, ES, SES, SEFS, UAS
None No PPs available
Table 3-11
PPs supported on the OCI SRM SONET/SDH circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
None No PPs available
None No PPs available
Note: When the Loss of Frame fault on an OCI SRM SONET/SDH circuit pack clears, the CV count on
the Tx and Rx ports increases. The count increase is less than 20. As a result, you can see unexpected
CV counts during the transition from a Loss of Frame to an In-frame condition. To compensate for this,
Nortel Networks recommends that you reset the CV bin to zero after recovering from a Loss of Frame
Table 3-9 (continued)
PPs supported on the OCI SRM ESCON circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Performance monitoring description 3-15
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-12
PPs supported on the OCI SRM SONET/SDH LTE circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Optical 1 to 4 Rx SONET CVS, ESS, SESS, SEFSS
None No PPs available
None No PPs available
Table 3-13
PPs supported on the OCI SONET/SDH circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
3-16 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-14
PPs supported on the OCLD Flex circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
8B/10B CV, ES, SES
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
8B/10B CV, ES, SES
None N/A
Table 3-15
PPs supported on the OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Universal circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
8B/10B CV, ES, SES
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
8B/10B CV, ES, SES
None N/A
Performance monitoring description 3-17
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-16
PPs supported on the OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flex circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
2 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
Note: On the OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flex circuit pack, the Client Tx PPs are not valid when the facility is OOS
and in a software loopback state.
3-18 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-17
PPs supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
2 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
Note: On the OTR 10 Gbit/s circuit pack, the Client Tx PPs are not valid when the facility is OOS and
in a software loopback state.
Performance monitoring description 3-19
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-18
PPs supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
LanPhy N/A
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
2 Tx Digital
N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Rx Digital
RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
Note: On the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit pack, the Client Tx PPs are not valid when the facility is
OOS and in a software loopback state.
3-20 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-19
PPs supported on the OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Universal circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
8B/10B CV, ES, SES
None N/A
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
8B/10B CV, ES, SES
None N/A
Performance monitoring description 3-21
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-20
PPs supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8
Tx GigEWAN N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Rx GigEWAN ES,SES,UAS RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
11 Tx SONET/
N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
None N/A
3-22 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
WAN 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
Note )
None N/A
None N/A
Note: Ports 1 to 8 are supported on Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC.
Table 3-20 (continued)
PPs supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Performance monitoring description 3-23
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-21
PPs supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
Tx GigE
(using GFP-F)
N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
(using GFP-T)
None N/A
Rx GigE
(using GFP-F)
ES, SES, UAS RxPowerHigh,
(using GFP-T)
None N/A
11 Tx SONET/
N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
None N/A
Digital Wrapper: CV,
Digital Wrapper: CV,
None N/A
3-24 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
WAN 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
Tx GigE
(using GFP-F)
(using GFP-T)
None N/A
Rx GigE
(using GFP-F)
(using GFP-T)
None N/A
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
Tx Not applicable,
(see Note 1)
(see Note 2 and Note
Note 1: PM Mode is not applicable to path PMs. Path PMs can be enabled/disabled using the
Muxponder Channel Assignment Advance Detail screen. Path PMs are disabled by default.
Note 2: SONET Path PPs are collected if the port number 11 PM Mode parameter is set to
SONET/Digital Wrapper. SDH Path PPs are collected if the port number 11 PM Mode parameter is set
to SDH/Digital Wrapper. No Path PPs are collected if the port number 11 PM Mode parameter is set to
None even if the Path PM parameter is set to Enable in the Muxponder Channel Assignment Advance
Detail screen.
Note 3: Only summary TCAs are available for path PPs. A maximum of two summary TCAs, one for
current 15-min bin and one for current 1-day bin, are raised as minor alarms or events for each direction
of a facility no matter how many PPs are collected on that facility. Also, all the TCAs of the paths
associated to a port are summarized.
Table 3-21
PPs supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Performance monitoring description 3-25
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Facility performance monitoring
Optical Metro 5100/5200 facility performance monitoring provides
cumulative facility counts that measure the quality of the payload signal.
Facility counts are collected and stored in bins for each performance
parameter. Bin counts are kept for 15-minute and 1 day intervals, and for one
untimed interval. You can query the current values that are being collected, and
view historical counts for the previous day, and for 32 previous 15-minute
Provisionable PM bin zero suppression and history bins
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 Performance Monitoring (PM) system
maintains history bins. There are 32 history bins for 15-minute bin readings.
Normally the current 15-minute bin rolls over into the history bin and is
cleared to begin counting for the next 15-minute period.
With zero suppression, the current bin is not rolled over into history if it has no
count (equal to 0) and the bin does not have an Invalid Data Flag (IDF). In this
way the history bins contain only the last 32 time periods with non-zero counts
and not simply the last eight hours of data (32 x 15 minutes).
The user can provision one of following settings related to PM bin zero
suppression for the shelf:
All Zero Suppression: all PM modes and OMs perform zero suppression
Table 3-22
PPs supported on the OFA circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode Facility PPs Equipment PPs
Optical 1 Tx SFC N/A TxPowerHigh, TxPowerLow
Rx SFC FC, ES RxPowerHigh, RxPowerLow
Note: The PM mode on the OFA is always SFC. You cannot change the PM mode. The PPs are
supported if the facility is provisioned.
Table 3-23
PPs supported on the APBE circuit pack
Port type Port # Direction PM mode PPs
Optical 1 to 4 Tx TxPowerLow
1 to 4 Rx RxPowerLow
5 Tx TxPowerHigh
Note: You cannot specify a PM mode for the APBE circuit pack. The PPs are supported if the facilities
are provisioned.
3-26 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
No Zero Suppression: no zero suppression for all PM modes
SDH Zero Suppression: perform zero suppression only for SDH PM mode
If you check history bins immediately after the network has been brought up,
or after a facility has been added, or after all the counters were reset, there will
be no entries for the history bins.
Each bin has a timestamp indicating the start time of the bin. To avoid
confusion with local time and installations with sites in several time zones,
GMT time is used to mark the time at which a bin was started. 15-minute bins
start on the GMT hour and 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour. 1-day or
24-hour bins start 00:00:00 GMT, or midnight. 15-minute bins start on the
GMT hour on the NE level, but the SMI displays the local time (EST or EDT)
providing local timestamps for 15-minute bins. The 24-hour or 1-day begins
collecting data for the current day at 00:00:00 GMT. As a result, the timestamp
on the bin may vary according to the local time of the location in which an
operator is situated. For example, at a site in the Eastern Standard Time (EST)
zone the bin timestamp will be 19:00:00 (EST) or 20:00:00 (EDT), not
Additionally, each bin has an invalid data flag (IDF) which is set when the
count is suspected to be inaccurate. Counts on the current bin are cleared at the
end of an interval, or when a manual operation is performed to reset the counts.
In System Manager, a period (.) in the IDF column indicates that the count is
valid. A question mark (?) in the IDF column indicates that an IDF is set for
the current bin, and that the validity of the count is questionable.
When the untimed bin is started, it keeps accumulating and is never rolled over
into history. There is no time limit imposed on this bin. The timestamp on the
untimed bin indicates when the bin was started. The untimed bin does not have
TCAs. The untimed bin restarts when the counter is reset, the card is inserted,
or the facility state changes between out-of-service and in-service. The
untimed bin IDF flag is set to false (.) when the bin is reset. The untimed bin
IDF flag is set to true (?) when the count is believed to be inaccurate.
The current 15-minute and 1-day bins have thresholds for threshold crossing
When their corresponding facility admin state is changed from IS to OOS or
vice versa, SONET, SDH, SFC, GigE, and 8B/10B facility PPs are reset to 0.
Then the facility PPs continue to count. Agile (aggregate and path) PPs are not
reset when their corresponding facility admin or equipment state is changed.
For the OCI SRM ESCON circuit pack, the optical (8B/10B) and path (B3)
PPs are reset to 0 and continue to count but raise IDFs against all bins when
the corresponding facility admin state is changed from IS to OOS. The optical
Performance monitoring description 3-27
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
(8B/10B) and path (B3) PPs are reset to 0 and continue to count but do not raise
IDFs against all bins, when the corresponding facility admin state is changed
from OOS to IS.
For the OCI SRM ESCON circuit pack, aggregate PPs are reset to 0 and
continue to count but raise IDFs against all bins when the facility entities
admin state of all eight ports is changed from IS to OOS and the equipment
admin state is changed from IS to OOS. The aggregate PPs are reset to 0 and
continue to count but do not raise IDFs against all bins, when the
corresponding equipment entity admin state is changed from OOS to IS.
3-28 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SONET section layer PPs
SONET section layer PPs include:
Section coding violation (CVS)
counts the number of BIP-8 errors (from B1 bytes) in the section
up to eight CVS may be counted per frame
Note: CVS counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SESS). See
Section severely errored second (SESS) for more information.
Section errored second (ESS)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
CVS, or one or more severely errored frame (SEF) defects
for the OCI SRM GbE/FC only, also counts the number of one second
intervals that contain one or more loss of signal (LOS) defects
Section severely errored second (SESS)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain n or more CVS,
or one or more SEF defects. Refer to Table 3-24 for appropriate n
values in a SONET system.
for the OCI SRM GbE/FC circuit pack only, also counts the number of
one second intervals that contain one or more loss of signal (LOS)
Section severely errored frame second (SEFSS)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
SEF defects
an SEF defect occurs when a minimum of four consecutive frames
have invalid framing bytes (A1/ A2) up to a maximum detection time
of 625 ms
Table 3-24
Rate specific CVS values for SESS counts
Bit rate n value for CVS
OC-1 52
OC-3 155
OC-12 616
OC-24 1220
OC-48 2392
OC-192 8554
Performance monitoring description 3-29
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
an SEF defect is cleared when two consecutive frames can be aligned
Unavailable seconds (UASS)
counts the number of unavailable seconds of a signal based on SESS
A facility is defined to be unavailable if 10 consecutive seconds are
severely errored. Once in the unavailable state, subsequent seconds are
unavailable until 10 consecutive non-SESS are observed. The UASS count
includes the leading ten consecutive SESS, but not the trailing ten
non-SESS. During periods of unavailability, other section facility
performance parameters continue to count.
SDH regenerator section PPs
SDH regenerator section PPs include
Regenerator section errored block (EBS)
counts the number of blocks that contain one or more BIP errors in the
B1 Byte of regenerator section overhead
only one errored block is counted per STM-n frame
Note: EBS counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SESS). See
Regenerator section severely errored seconds (SESS) for more
Regenerator section errored second (ESS)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
errored blocks, or one or more severely errored frame (SEF) defects
for the OCI SRM GbE/FC circuit pack, also counts the number of one
second intervals that contain one or more LOS defects
Regenerator section severely errored seconds (SESS)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain more than 30%
(2400) errored blocks, or one or more SEF defects
for the OCI SRM GbE/FC circuit pack, also counts the number of one
second intervals that contain one or more LOS defects
Regenerator section out of frame seconds (OFSS)
counts the number of seconds that contain one or more loss of frame
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
3-30 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
a loss of frame defect occurs when a minimum of four consecutive
frames have invalid framing bytes (A1/ A2) up to a maximumdetection
time of 625 ms
a loss of frame defect is cleared when two consecutive frames can be
Unavailable seconds (UASS)
Note: See Unavailable seconds (UASS) on page 3-29 for more
SONET near-end line PPs
SONET near-end line PPs include
Near-end line coding violation (CVL)
counts the number of BIP-8 errors from B2 bytes in the line overhead
a total of 8 x n BIP-8 errors per frame are counted for the OC-n signal
Note: CVL counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SESL) or
unavailable seconds (UASL).
Near-end line errored second (ESL)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
CVL, AIS-L, LOF, or LOS defects
this count does not accumulate if a line is in an unavailable state
(UASL is counting)
Near-end line severely errored second (SESL)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain n or more CVL,
or one or more AIS-L, LOF, or LOS defects. Refer to Table 3-25 for
appropriate n values in a SONET system.
this count does not accumulate if a line is in an unavailable state
Table 3-25
Rate specific CVL values for SESL counts in a SONET system
Bit rate n value for CVLs
OC-1 51
OC-3 154
OC-12 615
OC-24 1229
OC-48 2459
OC-192 9835
Performance monitoring description 3-31
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Near-end line unavailable seconds (UASL)
counts the number of unavailable seconds of a signal based on SESL
A facility is defined to be unavailable if 10 consecutive seconds are
severely errored. Once in the unavailable state, subsequent seconds are
unavailable until 10 consecutive non-SESL seconds are observed. The
UASL count includes the leading 10 consecutive SESL, but not the trailing
10 non-SESL. During periods of unavailability, CVL, ESL, and SESL do
not include the leading 10 consecutive seconds of SESL.
SDH near-end multiplex section PPs
SDH near-end multiplex section PPs include
Near-end multiplex section errored block (EBL)
counts the number of errored blocks from B2 bytes in the multiplex
section overhead
a total of 8 x n errored blocks per frame are counted for the STM-n
Note: EBL counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SESL) or
unavailable seconds (UASL).
Near-end multiplex section errored second (ESL)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
errored blocks, EBL, AIS-L, LOF, or LOS defects
this count does not accumulate if a line is in an unavailable state
Near-end multiplex section severely errored seconds (SESL)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain n (Y%) or more
EBL, or one or more AIS-L, LOF, or LOS defects. Refer to Table 3-26
for appropriate n and Y% values in an SDH system.
this count does not accumulate if a line is in an unavailable state
Near-end line unavailable seconds (UASL)
Table 3-26
Rate specific EBL values for SESL counts in an SDH system
Bit rate Y% n number of EBLs
STM-0 15 8 x 8000 x 15% = 9600
STM-1 15 24 x 8000 x 15% = 28,800
STM-4 25 96 x 8000 x 25% = 192,000
STM-16 30 384 x 8000 x 30% = 921,000
STM-64 30 1536 x 8000 x 30% = 3,686,400
3-32 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
see Near-end line unavailable seconds (UASL) on page 3-31 for
SONET far-end line PPs
SONET far-end line PPs include
Far-end line coding violation (CV-LFE)
counts the number of BIP errors detected by the far-end LTE and
reported back to the near-end LTE using the REI-L indication in the
line overhead, that is bits 5 through 8 of M0 byte for OC-1 and of M1
byte for OC-n (where n is greater or equal to 3)
this count does not accumulate during near-end AIS-L, SES-LFE, or
UAS-LFE. An IDF is raised during near-end AIS-L.
Far-end line errored second (ES-LFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
CV-LFE, or one or more RDI-L defects
this count does not accumulate during near-end AIS-L or UAS-LFE.
An IDF is raised during near-end AIS-L.
Far-end line severely errored second (SES-LFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain more than n
CV-LFE, or more than one RDI-L defects. Refer to Table 3-27 for
appropriate n values in an SDH system.
this count does not accumulate during near-end AIS-L or UAS-LFE.
An IDF is raised during AIS-L.
Far-end line unavailable seconds (UAS-LFE)
counts the number of unavailable seconds of a signal based on
this count does not accumulate during near-end AIS-L. An IDF is
raised during AIS-L.
Table 3-27
Rate specific CV-LFE values for SES-LFE counts in a SONET system
Bit rate n value for CV-LFEs
OC-1 51
OC-3 154
OC-12 615
OC-24 1229
OC-48 2459
OC-192 9835
Performance monitoring description 3-33
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Note: A facility is defined to be unavailable if 10 consecutive seconds are
severely errored. Once in the unavailable state, subsequent seconds are
unavailable until 10 consecutive non-SES-LFE are observed. The
UAS-LFE count includes the leading 10 consecutive SES-LFE, but not the
trailing 10 non-SES-LFE. During periods of unavailability, CV-LFE,
ES-LFE, and SES-LFE do not include the leading 10 consecutive seconds
SDH far-end multiplex section PPs
SDH far-end multiplex section PPs include
Far-end multiplex section errored block (EB-LFE)
counts the number of block errors from REI-L (M0 and M1 bytes)
this count does not accumulate during near-end AIS-L, SES-LFE, or
UAS-LFE. An IDF is raised during AIS-L.
Far-end multiplex section errored second (ES-LFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
EB-LFE, or one or more RDI-L defects
this count does not accumulate during near-end AIS-L or UAS-LFE.
An IDF is raised during AIS-L.
Far-end multiplex section severely errored seconds (SES-LFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain more than n
(Y%) EB-LFE, or more than one RDI-L defects. Refer to Table 3-28 for
appropriate n and Y% values in an SDH system.
this count does not accumulate if a line is in the event of unavailable
seconds (UASL)
Far-end multiplex section unavailable seconds (UAS-LFE)
see Far-end line unavailable seconds (UAS-LFE) on page 3-32 for
Table 3-28
Rate specific EB-LFEs values for SES-LFE counts in an SDH system
Bit rate Y% n value for EB-LFEs
STM-0 15 8 x 8000 x 15% = 9600
STM-1 15 24 x 8000 x 15% = 28,800
STM-4 25 96 x 8000 x 25% = 192,000
STM-16 30 384 x 8000 x 30% = 921,000
STM-64 30 1536 x 8000 x 30% = 3,686,400
3-34 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SONET near-end path PPs
SONET near-end path PPs include
Near-end path coding violation (CVP)
counts the number of BIP-8 errors from B3 bytes at the path overhead
up to eight CVP may be counted per frame
Note: CVP counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SESP) or
unavailable seconds (UASP).
Near-end path errored second (ESP)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
CVP, AIS-L, LOF, LOS, LOP-P, or AIS-P defects
this count does not accumulate if a line is an unavailable state
Note: LOS, LOP-P, LOF, and AIS-L are not supported on the OCI SRM
ESCON circuit pack.
Near-end path severely errored second (SESP)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 2400 or more
CVP, or one or more AIS-L, LOF, LOS, LOP-P, or AIS-P defects
this count does not accumulate if a line is in the event of unavailable
seconds (UASP)
Note: LOS, LOP-P, LOF, and AIS-L are not supported on the OCI SRM
ESCON circuit pack.
Near-end path unavailable seconds (UASP)
counts the number of unavailable seconds of a signal based on SESP
Note: A facility is defined to be unavailable if 10 consecutive seconds are
severely errored. Once in the unavailable state, subsequent seconds are
unavailable until 10 consecutive non-SESP are observed. The UASP count
includes the leading 10 consecutive SESP, but not the trailing 10
non-SESP. During periods of unavailability, CVP, ESP, and SESP do not
include the leading 10 consecutive seconds of SESP.
SDH near-end path PPs
SDH near-end path PPs include
Near-end path errored block (EBP)
counts the number of errored blocks from B3 bytes in the path
only one errored block is counted per STM-n frame
Note: EBP counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SESP) or
unavailable seconds (UASP).
Performance monitoring description 3-35
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Near-end path errored second (ESP)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
errored blocks, or one or more AIS-L, EBL, LOF, LOS, LOP-P, or
AIS-P defects
this count does not accumulate if a line is in an unavailable state
Note: LOF, LOS, LOP-P, and AIS-L are not supported on the OCI SRM
ESCON circuit pack.
Near-end path severely errored seconds (SESP)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 30% (2400) or
more EBP, or one or more AIS-L, LOF, LOS, LOP-P, or AIS-P defects
this count does not accumulate if a line is in an unavailable state
Note: LOF, LOS, LOP-P, and AIS-L are not supported on the OCI SRM
ESCON circuit pack.
Near-end path unavailable seconds (UASP)
see Near-end path unavailable seconds (UASP) on page 3-34 for
SONET far-end path PPs
SONET far-end path PPs include
Far-end path coding violation (CV-PFE)
counts the number of BIP errors from REI-P (bits 1 through 4 of G1
byte) at the path layer
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, UNEQ-P defects, or far-end SES-PFE or
UAS-PFE defects. An IDF is raised if near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or
UNEQ-P defects occur.
Far-end path errored second (ES-PFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
CV-PFE, or one or more RDI-P (bits 4 through 8 of G1 byte) defects
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects, or far-end UAS-PFE
defects. An IDF is raised if AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects occur.
Far-end path severely errored second (SES-PFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 2400 or more
CV-PFE, or one or more RDI-P defects
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects, or far-end UAS-PFE
defects. An IDF is raised if AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects occur.
3-36 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Far-end path unavailable seconds (UAS-PFE)
counts the number of unavailable seconds of a signal based on
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects. An IDF is raised if AIS-P,
LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects occur.
Note: A facility is defined to be unavailable if 10 consecutive seconds are
severely errored. Once in the unavailable state, subsequent seconds are
unavailable until 10 consecutive non-SES-PFE are observed. The
UAS-PFE count includes the leading 10 consecutive SES-PFE, but not the
trailing 10 non-SES-PFE. During periods of unavailability, CV-PFE,
ES-PFE, and SES-PFE do not include the leading 10 consecutive seconds
SDH far-end path PPs
SDH far-end path PPs include
Far-end path errored block (EB-PFE)
counts the number of block errors from REI-P (bits 1 through 4 of G1
byte) at the path layer
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, UNEQ-P defects, or far-end SES-PFE or
UAS-PFE defects. An IDF is raised if near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or
UNEQ-P defects occur.
Far-end path errored second (ES-PFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
EB-PFE, or one or more RDI-P defects
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, UNEQ-P defects, or far-end UAS-PFE
defects. An IDFis raised if near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects
Far-end path severely errored seconds (SES-PFE)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 2400 or more
EB-PFE, or one or more RDI-P defects
this count does not accumulate during one second intervals containing
near-end AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects, or far-end UAS-PFE
defects. An IDF is raised if AIS-P, LOP-P, or UNEQ-P defects occur.
Performance monitoring description 3-37
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Far-end path unavailable seconds (UAS-PFE)
see Far-end path unavailable seconds (UAS-PFE) on page 3-37 for
8B/10B PPs
8B/10B layer PPs include:
Coding violation (CV)
counts the number of detected invalid characters or disparity errors
active only when synchronization has been acquired
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more CV
or one or more loss of synchronization defects
Severely errored seconds (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain X or more CV
errors or one or more loss of synchronization defects, where the value
of X reflects the number of CV errors that would occur with a bit error
rate of 10
Unavailable seconds (UAS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds of no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
8B/10B WAN PPs
For the LAN-side signal, 8B/10B WAN PPs (ES, SES, and UAS) are defined
the same as 8B/10B PPs. See 8B/10B PPs on page 3-37.
For the WAN-side signal, 8B/10B WAN PPs include:
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
uncorrectable errored super block or loss of frame delineation (LFD)
Severely errored seconds (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain two or more
errored super block or one or more LFD defects
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
3-38 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Unavailable seconds (UAS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
Agile PPs
Agile PPs are only supported on the backplane port Tx direction of OCI SRM
circuit packs. In the case of the OCI SRM, a SONET path like wrapper is
added at the ingress point on the tributary signal. Another SONET-like
wrapper is added when the tributary signals are aggregated into the line signal
rate. Bit errors are measured at the egress point. See Figure 3-2 on page 3-40
for PM collection points on the OCI SRM circuit pack.
Agile PPs include two subcategories:
agile aggregate PPs
agile path PPs
Agile aggregate PPs
Agile aggregate PPs are collected on the aggregate signal made up of the four
client signals and the aggregate overhead (1.25 Gbit/s). Agile aggregate PPs
are based on the B1-like bytes in the aggregate signal wrapper.
Agile aggregate PPs include:
Coding violation (CV)
counts the number of BIP-8 errors from the SONET-like B1 bytes of
the agile signal
Note: CV counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SES).
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more CV,
or one or more SONET-like loss of frame (LOF) defects
Severely errored second (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 1220 or more
CV, or one or more SONET-like LOF defects
Severely errored frame second (SEFS)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
SONET-like LOF defects
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
Performance monitoring description 3-39
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Unavailable seconds (UAS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
Agile path PPs
Agile path PPs are collected on the individual tributary signals corresponding
to the optical ports. Agile path PPs are based on the error monitoring byte on
the tributary signal wrapper. Agile path PPs do not monitor the client signals.
They monitor the assembled (mux/demux) signals when an OCI SRM
disassembles the client signals.
Agile path PPs include:
Coding violation (CV)
counts the number of BIP-8 errors from the SONET-like B3 bytes of
the agile signal
Note: CV counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SES).
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more CV
Severely errored second (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 1220 or more
CV defects
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
3-40 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 3-2
OCI SRM facility performance parameters
Note: PP counts, TCA thresholds, and reporting status are not reset when
the facility admin state is changed because the OCI SRM circuit pack does
not have an aggregate facility.
GigE PPs
For the Ethernet LAN-side signal, GigE PPs include:
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
Frame Check Sequence errors, or one or more LOS or Loss of sync, or
LAN link down defects
Severely errored second (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain more than a
ratio of 0.01 InFramesErr to InFrames, or one or more LOS or Loss of
sync, or LAN link down defects
Note: Seconds where INFrames are 0 are not considered SES.
Unavailable seconds (UASS)
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
Port 1
Optical side Backplane side
Aggregate PPs
(CV, ES,
and UAS)
Path PPs
(CV, ES, and SES)
signal is
Port 2
Port 3
Port 4
Performance monitoring description 3-41
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
For the Ethernet WAN-side signal, GigE PPs include:
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
InFramesErr or LFD defects
Severely errored second (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain more than a
ratio of 0.01 InFramesErr to InFrames or LFD defects
Note: Seconds where INFrames are 0 are not considered SES.
Unavailable seconds (UASS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
For the Ethernet LAN-side signal, GigEWAN PPs include:
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
Frame Check Sequence errors, or one or more LOS or Loss of sync, or
LAN link down defects
Severely errored second (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain more than a
ratio of 0.01 InFramesErr to InFrames, or one or more LOS or Loss of
sync, or LAN link down defects
Note: Seconds where INFrames are 0 are not considered SES.
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
3-42 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Unavailable seconds (UASS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
For the Ethernet WAN-side signal, GigEWAN PPs include:
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more
uncorrectable errored super block or loss of frame delineation (LFD)
Severely errored seconds (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain two or more
errored super block or one or more LFD defects
Unavailable seconds (UAS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
Digital wrapper PPs
Digital wrapper section layer PPs include:
counts the number of errors that were corrected in forward error
counts the number of uncorrected frames
Coding violation (CV)
counts the number of BIP-8 errors in the digital wrapper overhead after
forward error correction has been applied
Note: CV counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SES).
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more CV
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
Performance monitoring description 3-43
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Severely errored seconds (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 9850 or more
CVerrors, LOS or LOF defects. The value of 9850 reflects the number
of CV errors that would occur with a random error rate of 10
64B66B PPs include:
Coding violation (CV)
counts the number of decoding errors
Note: CV counts are inhibited in severely errored seconds (SES).
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain one or more CV
Severely errored seconds (SES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain 9999 or more
CV errors, LOS sync or LOS defects. The value of 9999 reflects the
number of CV errors that would occur with a random error rate of 10
Unavailable seconds (UAS)
counts the number of one second periods of unavailability.
Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 consecutive severely errored
seconds (SES) and ends at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds with no
SES. Other performance parameters continue to count.
Signal failure count PPs
Signal failure counts (SFC) PPs are supported on the Rx signal of the OCI
(except OCI SONET/SDH), OCI SRM, OCLD, OTR, and OFA circuit packs
when no other type of facility PM is available for the configured protocol.
SFC PPs include
Failure count (FC)
counts the number of signal interruptions, including those too short to
become alarms
Errored second (ES)
counts the number of one second intervals that contain at least one of
the traffic-affecting defects
The following definition of UAS is a proprietary, non-standard definition of
3-44 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SFC PPs are collected on a circuit pack when certain traffic-affecting defects
occur. Although the collected SFC PPs on a circuit pack may be caused by a
defect (as shown in Table 3-29), the defect may not persist long enough to raise
an alarm.
Facility PP collection and reporting
Facility PPs reported in Optical Metro 5100/5200 represent a period of
surveillance that occurred in the past. In order to accurately report on the
performance of the network through each of the various performance
parameters, it is necessary to delay the accumulation of current PM counts by
20 seconds. Although counting takes place on each of the individual circuit
packs instantaneously, an update to the value of the current PM count bin for
every performance parameter occurs every 10 seconds, and the update includes
data for the period 10 to 20 seconds ago.
Table 3-29
Defects that generate SFC PPs
Circuit pack Rx optical port Defects
OCI 622 Mbit/s 1310 nm
OCI 1.25 Gbit/s 1310 nm
OCI 1.25 Gbit/s 850 nm
OCI ISC 1310 nm
OCI GbE 1310 nm
OCI GbE 850 nm
Port 1 loss of lock (LOL), optical power receive low
OCI OC-48/STM-16 1310 nm Port 1 LOL, OPRL, optical power receive high
OCI SRM Port 1, 2, 3, and 4 LOL, OPRL, OPRH, overflow and underflow
(OUF), phase lock loop (PLL)
OCLD 1.25 Gbit/s
OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s
OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Flex
OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Universal
Port 1 loss of synchronization (LOSYNC), LOL,
receive_automatic laser shutdown (Rx_ALS),
surrogate payload signal (SPS), OPRL,
OTR 10 Gbit/sclient side
OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhancedclient
Port 1 and 2 LOL, OPRL, OPRH
OTR 10 Gbit/sline side Port 1 and 2 loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF),
remote alarm indication signal (RAIS), OPRL,
OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flexclient side Port 1 and 2 LOSYNC, LOL, OPRL, OPRH
OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flexline side Port 1 and 2 LOSYNC, OPRL, OPRH, Rx_ALS, SPS,
invalid signal (IVS)
Performance monitoring description 3-45
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The 20 second delay in reporting counts has the following implications:
PM counts reported in the System Manager reflect a period of time up to
20 seconds in the past
PM threshold crossing alerts (TCAs) are raised as a result of a condition
that occurred between 10 and 20 seconds in the past
Facility PM TCA thresholds
In a reliable network, PM counts or measures fall within acceptable,
pre-determined thresholds. When a threshold is reached or crossed, a threshold
crossing alert (TCA) is raised.
Each facility PM count has two provisionable thresholds
a 15 minute threshold that generates an alert if the PM count in the current
15-minute bin meets or exceeds the threshold value
a 1 day (24 hour) threshold that generates an alert if the PM count in the
current 1-day bin meets or exceeds the threshold value
Table 3-30 lists the default threshold values for the facility performance
Table 3-30
Facility PP default threshold values
Facility PPs Description 15 minute bin 1 day bin
CVS Coding violation, Section 1772 4430
EBS Errored blocks, Section 1772 4430
ESS Errored seconds, Section 346 864
OFSS Out of frame seconds, Section 7 17
SESS Severely errored seconds, Section 2 4
SEFSS Severely errored frame seconds, Section 7 17
UASS Unavailable seconds, Section 0 0
CVL Coding violation, Line 1772 4430
EBL Errored blocks, Line 1772 4430
ESL Errored seconds, Line 346 864
SESL Severely errored seconds, Line 2 4
UASL Unavailable seconds, Line 10 10
3-46 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-31 on page 3-47 lists the performance parameter user-provisionable
threshold ranges. The lower boundary is always 0 and is never crossed. A
lower boundary of 0 disables the TCAs regardless of the TCA reporting status.
CV-LFE Coding violation, Line, Far-end 1772 4430
EB-LFE Errored blocks, Line, Far-end 1772 4430
ES-LFE Errored seconds, Line, Far-end 346 864
SES-LFE Severely errored seconds, Line, Far-end 2 4
UAS-LFE Unavailable seconds, Line, Far-end 10 10
CVP Coding violation, Path 15 125
EBP Errored blocks, Path 15 125
ESP Errored seconds, Path 12 250
SESP Severely errored seconds, Path 3 7
UASP Unavailable seconds, Path 10 10
CV-PFE Coding violation, Path, Far-end 15 125
EB-PFE Errored blocks, Path, Far-end 15 125
ES-PFE Errored seconds, Path, Far-end 12 250
SES-PFE Severely errored seconds, Path, Far-end 3 7
UAS-PFE Unavailable seconds, Path, Far-end 10 10
Non-standard (8B/10B, 8B/10BWAN, 64B66B, Digital Wrapper, SFC, GigE)
CV Coding violation 1772 4430
ES Errored seconds 346 864
FC Failure count 0 0
SEFS Severely errored frame seconds 7 17
SES Severely errored seconds 2 4
UAS Unavailable seconds 0 0
FEC-CE FEC corrected errors 193 201 524 0
FEC-UF FEC uncorrected frames 0 0
Table 3-30 (continued)
Facility PP default threshold values
Facility PPs Description 15 minute bin 1 day bin
Performance monitoring description 3-47
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-31
Facility PP user-provisionable threshold ranges
Facility PPs Bin type Upper boundary Lower
Notes for upper boundary
CVS 15-minute 57,600,000 0 Maximum number of BIP-8
error in the bins based on
8000 frames per second and
8 BIP-8 error per frame
1-day 2,147,483,647 31-bit register. The value is
less than all possible
seconds in a day
15-minute 900 0 100% possible seconds in
the bin period
1-day 86,400
EBS 15-minute 7,200,000 0 Maximum number of block
error in the bins based on
8000 frames per second and
1 block error per frame
1-day 691,200,000
OFSS 15-minute 900 0 100% possible seconds in
the bin period
1-day 86,400
15-minute 2,147,483,647 0 31-bit register. The value is
less than all possible
seconds in a day
15-minute 900 0 100% possible seconds in
the bin period
1-day 86,400
CVP/CV-PFE 15-minute 57,600,000 0 Maximum number of BIP-8
error in the bins based on
8000 frames per second and
8 BIP-8 error per frame
1-day 2,147,483,647 31-bit register. The value is
less than all possible
seconds in a day
3-48 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Facility PM TCA reporting
When the current PM counts are bigger or equal to the TCA threshold, TCAs
are raised. TCAs are cleared when the current PMcounts are less than the TCA
threshold. TCAs are subject to masking by other alarms or events.
ATCAis raised only if its reporting is enabled and the threshold is greater than
0. TCA notification type can be either alarms with warning severity or events
depending on the configuration. All TCAs are disabled by default. The TCA
type can only be changed at the shelf level.
Summary TCAs are available to reduce the number of TCA notifications and
are recommended for shelves that have several PM collecting circuit packs.
When you provision TCAs to be raised as a summary alarmor summary event,
a maximum of two summary TCAs, one for current 15-min bin and one for
current 1-day bin, are raised as minor alarms or events for each direction of a
facility no matter how many PPs are collected on that facility. Summary TCAs
reduce the clutter of TCA s when a failure occurs.
EBP/EB-PFE 15-minute 7,200,000 0 Maximum number of block
error in the bins based on
8000 frames per second and
1 block error per frame
1-day 691,200,000
15-minute 900 0 100% possible seconds in
the bin period
1-day 86,400
CV 15-minute 2,147,483,647 0 31-bit register for the bin
ES/SES/UAS 15-minute 900 0 100% possible seconds in
the bin period
1-day 86,400
FC 15-minute 2,147,483,647 0 If the threshold is not
changed, TCAs are not
FEC-CE/ FEC-UF 15-minute 2,147,483,647 0 31-bit register for the bin
Note: These numbers comply with the standard ANSI.T1.231.1997.
Table 3-31 (continued)
Facility PP user-provisionable threshold ranges
Facility PPs Bin type Upper boundary Lower
Notes for upper boundary
Performance monitoring description 3-49
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
In the Performance Monitor window of the System Manager, the TCA
Status column indicates whether alerting for a PP is currently enabled or
disabled. The TCA column indicates whether a bin count has crossed its
TCA threshold. You can change the TCA reporting status on a per parameter
or location basis, or for a shelf as a whole.
Operational measurements
Operational measurements (OMs) are counts that can be asynchronously
retrieved and cleared for the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC
Enhanced, OCI SRM GbE, OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced, and Muxponder circuit
Two type of OMs are supported:
generic OMs which are not specific to an interface type
Ethernet OMs which are only collected for Ethernet interfaces
All OM counters are 64-bit counters. OMs are binned into 15-minute, 1-day,
and untimed bins. OMs do not have TCAs associated with them. OM counters
are updated every second.
OMs are available for the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced,
Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT or OCI SRM GbE circuit pack only if
the corresponding channel assignment and at least one path is provisioned.
OMs are available for the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit packs only if the
corresponding channel assignment is provisioned.
The following tables display the Generic OMs supported by circuit pack:
Table 3-32 for the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and
OCI SRM GbE circuit packs
Table 3-33 for the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit pack
Table 3-34 for Gigabit Ethernet protocol supported on the Muxponder 10
Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack
Table 3-35 for FC and FICON protocols supported on the Muxponder 10
Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack
The following tables display the Ethernet OMs supported by circuit pack:
Table 3-36 for the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and
OCI SRM GbE circuit packs
Table 3-37 for the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced circuit pack
Table 3-38 for the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit packs
System manager does not display OMs in the following cases:
the OM does not exist because provisioning is not complete or because the
software was unable to retrieve the value from the circuit pack
3-50 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
the circuit pack does not support this OM
Note: In the case of a Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack,
if the SP is reseated or rebooted, the OM current bin displays and invalid
data flag (IDF).
Table 3-32
Generic OMs supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and OCI SRM GbE
circuit packs
Generic OM Counter Gigabit Ethernet FC-100/FICON(see Note 1)
LAN (see Note 2) WAN LAN (see Note 2) WAN
InFrames Total number of
frames received
(including errored
Total number of
GFP frames
(including errored
frames but
excluding CMFs)
Total number of
Class 2, 3 and F
FC frames
Note: Only
available on the
Enhanced circuit
Total number of
InFramesErr Total number of
frames with
FCS errors
Total number of
GFP frames
received with FCS
errors or with
invalid HEC
Not supported Total number of
super-blocks with
(see Note 3)
Total number of
frames discarded
when the ingress
FIFO overflows.
Ingress FIFO
overflows can
occur when
control is disabled
and that the
Gigabit Ethernet
is mapped into a
sub-rate WAN
Always returns 0
since frames are
not discarded at
the WAN input
Not supported Not supported
Performance monitoring description 3-51
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
InOctets Total number of
frame octets
received including
the DA, SA, T/L,
data and LAN
FCS fields
Total number of
octets received
(including errored
frames). Includes
headers and
payload FCS.
Does not include
octets from Client
Frames (CMF).
Total number of
octets received in
FC frames
excluding SOF
and EOF
Not supported
InOctetsErr Not supported Not supported Total number of
disparity errors
and symbol errors
Not supported
OutFrames Total number of
Total number of
GE frames
transmitted via
GFPto the Optical
Metro 5100/5200
Total number of
Class 2, 3 and F
FC frames
Note: Only
available on the
Enhanced circuit
Total number of
OutFramesErr Total number of
errored GE
transmitted via
Always reads 0
since the
hardware never
forwards errored
frames to the
Not supported Always reads 0
since the
hardware never
forwards errored
super-blocks to
the WAN
OutFramesDiscds Total number of
frames dropped
because of an
egress FIFO
overflow. This
occurs when the
client port is
down while far
end frames are
Always reads 0 Not supported Not supported
Table 3-32 (continued)
Generic OMs supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and OCI SRM GbE
circuit packs
Generic OM Counter Gigabit Ethernet FC-100/FICON(see Note 1)
LAN (see Note 2) WAN LAN (see Note 2) WAN
3-52 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
OutOctets Total number of
frame octets
including the DA,
SA, T/L, data and
LAN FCS fields
Total number of
octets transmitted
headers and
payload FCS)
Total number of
octets transmitted
in FC frames
excluding SOF
and EOF
Not supported
OutOctetsErr Not supported Always reads 0
since the
hardware never
forwards errored
frames to the
Total number of Tx
Not supported
Note 1: This protocol is not supported on the OCI SRM GbE circuit pack.
Note 2: The LAN port is identified as optical in the SystemManager Performance Monitoring interface.
Note 3: Count is missing when 64 byte frame size is chosen with 100% utilization and 1-v V-Cat
transport structure.
Table 3-33
Generic OMs supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced
Generic OM Counter 10 Gigabit Ethernet
LAN (see Note )
InFrames Total number of frames received (including errored frames)
InFramesErr Not supported
InFramesDiscds Always reads 0
InOctets Not supported
InOctetsErr Not supported
OutFrames Total number of frames transmitted
OutFramesErr Not supported
OutFramesDiscds Always reads 0
Table 3-32 (continued)
Generic OMs supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and OCI SRM GbE
circuit packs
Generic OM Counter Gigabit Ethernet FC-100/FICON(see Note 1)
LAN (see Note 2) WAN LAN (see Note 2) WAN
Performance monitoring description 3-53
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
OutOctets Not supported
OutOctetsErr Not supported
Note: The LAN port is identified as 1 CS (for client side) in the System Manager Performance
Monitoring interface.
Table 3-33 (continued)
Generic OMs supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced
Generic OM Counter 10 Gigabit Ethernet
LAN (see Note )
3-54 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 3-34
Generic OMs for Gigabit Ethernet protocol supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Generic OM
LAN (see Note 1) WAN LAN (see Note 1) WAN
(see Note 2)
Total number of
frames received
(including errored
Total number of
GFP frames
received (including
errored frames but
excluding CMFs)
Total number of
frames received
(including errored
Not supported
(see Note 2)
Total number of
frames with
FCS errors
Total number of
GFP frames
received with FCS
errors or with
invalid HEC
Note: 8-bit counter.
Also, there is an
overlap between
the 2 counters and
therefore the final
count may be
higher than
Total number of
frames with
FCS errors
Total number of
super-blocks with
Note: 8-bit counter
InFramesDiscds Total number of
frames discarded
when the ingress
FIFO overflows or
the WAN side is
down. Ingress FIFO
overflowscan occur
when Ethernet
control is disabled
and that the Gigabit
Ethernet is mapped
into a sub-rate
WAN bandwidth.
Note: 8-bit counter
(see Note 3)
Always returns 0
since frames are
not discarded at the
WAN input
Total number of
frames discarded
when the ingress
FIFO overflows or
the WAN side is
down. Ingress
FIFOoverflows can
occur when
control is disabled
and that the Gigabit
Ethernet is mapped
into a sub-rate
WAN bandwidth.
Note: 8-bit counter
(see Note 3)
Not supported
Performance monitoring description 3-55
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
(see Note 4)
Total number of
frame octets
received including
the DA, SA, T/L,
data and LAN FCS
Not supported Total number of
frame octets
received including
the DA, SA, T/L,
data and LAN FCS
Not supported
InOctetsErr Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
(see Note 2)
Total number of
frames transmitted
Not supported Not supported Not supported
(see Note 2)
Total number of
errored GE frames
transmitted via GFP
Always reads 0
since the hardware
never forwards
errored frames to
the WAN
Not supported Not supported
OutFramesDiscds Total number of
frames dropped
because of an
egress FIFO
overflow. This
occurs when the
client port is
operationally down
while far end
frames arereceived
or when the far end
data rate exceeds
the near end
Note: 8-bit counter
Always reads 0 Not supported Not supported
Table 3-34 (continued)
Generic OMs for Gigabit Ethernet protocol supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Generic OM
LAN (see Note 1) WAN LAN (see Note 1) WAN
3-56 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
(see Note 4)
Total number of
frame octets
including the DA,
SA, T/L, data and
LAN FCS fields
Not supported Not supported Not supported
OutOctetsErr Not supported Always reads 0
since the hardware
never forwards
errored frames to
the WAN
Total number of Tx
Not supported
Note 1: The LAN port is identified as optical in the System Manager Performance Monitoring interface.
Note 2: When a burst of errors are present on the WAN port of a Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
circuit pack, the client laser shuts down. If the burst has a duration of less than 2.5 seconds the Client
Service Mismatch alarm is not raised even though the client laser shuts down. Errors with a duration of
more than 2.5 seconds raise the Client Service Mismatch alarm. Because the laser shuts down on the
client side, there will be discrepancies between number of InFrames on the WAN side and OutFrames
on the LAN side. WAN OM error counts increment as bursts of errors occur.
Note 3: InFramesDiscds (LAN) displays incorrect counts when there is an overload on the link (even if
the overload is very small). Use this count as an overflow indication only.
Note 4: InOctets and OutOctets count inaccuracy is 1%.
Table 3-35
Generic OMs for FC and FICON protocols supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Generic OM Counter GFP-T
LAN (see Note) WAN
InFrames Not supported Not supported
InFramesErr Not supported Total number of super-blocks with
uncorrectable errors
Note: 8-bit counter
InFramesDiscds Not supported Not supported
InOctets Not supported Not supported
InOctetsErr Total number of disparity errors and
symbol errors
Not supported
OutFrames Not supported Not supported
OutFramesErr Not supported Not supported
Table 3-34 (continued)
Generic OMs for Gigabit Ethernet protocol supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Generic OM
LAN (see Note 1) WAN LAN (see Note 1) WAN
Performance monitoring description 3-57
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
OutFramesDiscds Not supported Not supported
OutOctets Not supported Not supported
OutOctetsErr Total number of Tx 10B_ERR Not supported
Note: The LAN port is identified as optical in the System Manager Performance Monitoring interface.
Table 3-36
Ethernet OM counters supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and OCI
SRM GbE circuit packs
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note)
AlignErr Since this counter does not apply to Gigabit Ethernet, a value of 0 will always
be returned.
FCSErr Total number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in
length and do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include those
frames that are also too short or too long.
SingleCollisionFrames Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
MultiCollisionFrames Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
SQETestErr Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
DeferredTrans Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
LateCollision Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
ExcessCollision Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
InternalMacRxErr Total number of frames for which the reception fails because of an internal
MAC sub-layer receive error.
CarrierSenseErr Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
FrameTooLong Total number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame
size (as defined by the MTU attribute of the Ethernet facility) but have no FCS
Table 3-35 (continued)
Generic OMs for FC and FICON protocols supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Generic OM Counter GFP-T
LAN (see Note) WAN
3-58 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
FrameTooShort Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is less than 64 bytes
but did not have an FCS error.
InternalMacTxErr Total number of frames for which the transmission fails because of an internal
MAC sub-layer transmit error.
SymbolErr Total number of GMII data reception errors.
InPauseFr Total number of MAC control frames received with an op-code indicating a
PAUSE frame.
OutPauseFr Total number of OCI SRM GbE/FC port originated MAC control frames
transmitted with an op-code indicating a PAUSE frame.
Jabbers Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is greater than the
maximum permitted frame size (as defined by the MTU attribute of the
Ethernet facility) that have an FCS error.
Fragments Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is less than 64 bytes
that have an FCS error.
ControlFrames Total number of frames that contain any MAC control frames (typically
indicated by the "Type" field in the Ethernet header with a value of 0x8808).
Note: The LAN port is identified as optical in the System Manager Performance Monitoring interface.
Table 3-37
Ethernet OM counters supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note)
AlignErr Not supported.
FCSErr Total number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in
length and do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include those
frames that are also too short or too long.
SingleCollisionFrames Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
MultiCollisionFrames Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
SQETestErr Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
DeferredTrans Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
Table 3-36 (continued)
Ethernet OM counters supported on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced and OCI
SRM GbE circuit packs
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note)
Performance monitoring description 3-59
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
LateCollision Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
ExcessCollision Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
InternalMacRxErr Not supported.
CarrierSenseErr Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
FrameTooLong Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is greater than 1522
bytes but did not have an FCS error.
FrameTooShort Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is less than 64 bytes
but did not have an FCS error.
InternalMacTxErr Not supported.
SymbolErr Not supported.
InPauseFr Not supported.
OutPauseFr Not supported.
Jabbers Not supported.
Fragments Not supported.
ControlFrames Not supported.
Note: The LAN port is identified as 1 CS (for client side) in the System Manager Performance
Monitoring interface
Table 3-38
Ethernet OM counters supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note )
AlignErr Since this counter does not apply to Gigabit Ethernet, a value of 0 will always
be returned.
FCSErr Total number of frames received that are an integral number of octets in
length and do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include those
frames that are also too short or too long.
SingleCollisionFrames Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
MultiCollisionFrames Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
Table 3-37 (continued)
Ethernet OM counters supported on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note)
3-60 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SQETestErr Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
DeferredTrans Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
LateCollision Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
ExcessCollision Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
InternalMACRxErr Not supported
CarrierSenseErr Since this counter does not apply to full duplex, a value of 0 will always be
FrameTooLong Total number of frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame
size (as defined by the MTU attribute of the Ethernet facility) but have no FCS
Note: When using GFP-T, the MTU value cannot be set. The circuit pack
passes frames with any frame size. However, a frame with frame size greater
than 9600 bytes is considered a FrameTooLong and increments the
FrameTooLong Ethernet OM counter.
FrameTooShort Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is less than 64 bytes but
did not have an FCS error.
InternalMACTxErr Not supported
SymbolErr Not supported
InPauseFrames Not supported.
OutPauseFrames Total number of Muxponder port originated MAC control frames transmitted
with an op-code indicating a PAUSE frame.
Jabbers Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is greater than the
maximum permitted frame size (as defined by the MTU attribute of the
Ethernet facility) that have an FCS error.
Note: When using GFP-T, the MTU value cannot be set. The circuit pack
passes frames with any frame size. However, a frame with frame size greater
than 9600 bytes is considered a FrameTooLong and increments the Jabbers
Ethernet OM counter if the frame has an FCS error.
Table 3-38 (continued)
Ethernet OM counters supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note )
Performance monitoring description 3-61
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Equipment performance monitoring
Equipment PPs are a real-time reading of the optical receive and transmit
power levels. The readings are used to measure the degradation of lasers or of
the fiber plant.
Factors that affect the performance of the fiber plant include:
bent fibers (Optical signals degrade if you exceed a 1.18-inch (30-mm)
bend radius when you coil or bend the fiber.)
pinched or broken fibers
dirty connectors
degraded electro-optical components
Four parameters are monitored:
The current reading of the TxPowerHigh and TxPowerLow parameters is the
transmit optical power value. The current reading of the RxPowerHigh and
RxPowerLow parameters is the receive optical power value.
In the Performance Monitor window of the System Manager, the Degrade and
Fail Threshold columns do not display a threshold value if the information is
not available. For example, when a circuit pack is missing from the shelf, the
field displays a not available message for that circuit pack. The optical
receive and transmit power levels are not monitored for the OCI SRM and the
OCI SRM SONET/SDH. As a result, the fields in the System Manager will
display the not available message.
Fragments Total number of frames whose length, including FCS, is less than 64 bytes
that have an FCS error.
ControlFrames Total number of Ethernet control frames received (T/L=8808). This includes
PAUSE frames and other control frames. Note that PAUSE frame is the only
currently defined control frame. This counter is operational only when the
PASSCTRL parameter is set to disable.
Note: The LAN port is identified as optical in the System Manager Performance Monitoring interface.
Table 3-38 (continued)
Ethernet OM counters supported on the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT
Ethernet OM Counter LAN (see Note )
3-62 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Equipment PM TCA thresholds
In a reliable network, PM measures fall within acceptable, pre-determined
thresholds. When a threshold is reached or crossed, a threshold crossing alert
(TCA) is raised, depending on the severity of the problem, and the type of
Each equipment gauge PP has two non-provisionable thresholds:
a degradation threshold that is used to generate a major alarm if the PM
gauge exceeds the threshold value
a failure threshold that is used to generate a critical or major alarm if the
PM gauge exceeds the threshold value, depending on whether the facility
is on an active or protected path
Each equipment gauge PP also has one user provisionable threshold that
generates a minor alarm if the PM gauge exceeds the user-defined threshold
value. Default threshold values are determined by the circuit pack type.
Power threshold performance monitoring is supported by the following circuit
all OCLD
all OFA
OCI 2.5 Gbit/s
OCI 1.25 Gbit/s GbE (no TCA on Tx port)
OTR 10 Gbit/s and OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced, (Tx and Rx ports for both
line-side and client-side)
OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flex and OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Universal (Tx and Rx ports for
both line-side and client-side)
all Muxponder (Tx and Rx ports for both line-side and client-side)
all APBE
SRM ESCON, OCI SRM GbE/FC, and OCI SRM GbE circuit packs do not
currently support power threshold performance monitoring.
The current Tx and Rx power reading is also available on the Facilities tab
under Equipment in the System Manager. Power levels for each circuit pack
are listed in the Tx (dBm) and Rx (dBm) columns.
Users can also define their own thresholds. User provisionable thresholds
allow users to set a value for early warnings to monitor a sudden decrease or
increase in signal strength over 10-second intervals without relying on the
standard degrade and fail thresholds defined by the circuit pack.
Performance monitoring description 3-63
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The user provisionable threshold ranges are bounded by the following rule:
Degrade High > User High > User Low > Degrade Low
Equipment degrade, fail, clear, and user provisionable default threshold values
for specific circuit packs are listed in Chapter 2, Circuit pack specifications
in Technical Specifications, 323-1701-180.
Equipment PM collection and reporting
Equipment PPs reported in Optical Metro 5100/5200 represent a period of
surveillance that occurred in the past. The value of each Equipment PP
reported in the System Manager is the optical power level of the signal 10
seconds ago.
The 10 second delay in reporting Equipment PPs does not affect the raising of
alarms when the optical power level crosses the fail or degrade threshold. The
appropriate alarm is raised at the time when the condition is detected.
Similarly, the alarm is cleared when the condition has cleared.
Equipment PM TCA reporting
Table 3-39 lists the conditions to raise and clear Equipment PM TCAs.
You can enable or disable only the user TCAreporting. You can not disable the
degrade or failed TCA reporting. All user TCAs are disabled by default. In the
Performance Monitor windowof the System Manager, the User TCAStatus
column indicates whether alerting for a PP is currently enabled or disabled.
You can change the TCA reporting status on a per parameter or for a shelf as
a whole.
PM user interfaces
The System Manager and TL1 support performance monitoring.
Table 3-39
Equipment PM TCA reporting conditions
TCA type Raise Clear
Degrade TCA When the current counts reach
the Degrade threshold
When the current counts
reach the Clear threshold
Fail TCA When the current counts reach
the Fail threshold
When the current counts
reach the Degrade threshold
User TCA When the current counts reach
the user-defined threshold
When the current counts
reach the user-defined
Note: Fail TCA masks Degrade TCA. Degrade TCA masks User TCA.
3-64 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
PM main window
The Performance Monitor main window is context-sensitive, and consists of
three distinct areas:
the top, which is the PM Query Criteria view
the middle, which is the PM Query Results view; this portion has the
following views
one for equipment PM
one for facility PM
one for generic OMs
one for Ethernet OMs
the bottom, which is the PM Details view
Note: For illustrated procedures on making PM queries, viewing PP and
OM statistics, browsing historical counts, and setting threshold and count
controls, refer to Performance monitoring procedures chapter in
Provisioning and Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310.
Accessing the PM window
There are several ways to access the PM window in the System Manager. The
access path determines which area of the window is enabled, as outlined in
Table 3-40.
Table 3-40
Access path and area enabled
Access path Area of PM window enabled
Main menu; select Performance; Performance Monitor menu item
Launch PM window; click the Launch button or select Auto Launch;
query options
PM Query Criteria
Equipment tab; Inventory tab; select a circuit pack and right click;
select PM Info
PM Query Results (see Note 1)
Equipment tab; Facilities tab; select a facility and right click; select
PM Info
PM Query Results (see Note 1
and Note 2)
Fault tab; Active alarms tab; select an alarm and right click; select
PM Info
PM Query Results (see Note 1)
Note 1: The PM Query Results displays Equipment and Facility PM Query Results (as applicable) for
optical PPs only. Path and aggregate PPs are not available when you access PMinformation in this way.
Note 2: When you access the PM Query results by right-clicking on a facility, the operational
measurement information is not available for the selected facility. To retrieve the OMs for the selected
facility, use the main menu or Launch PM window access path.
Performance monitoring description 3-65
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
When the PM window is displayed, use the scroll bars to move, or to access
other areas of the window.
For more information on the PM window, refer to Performance Monitor
window on page 7-135 in AppendixSystemManager windows and fields
of this book.
User tips
There are a number of features that facilitate accessing PM information
Context sensitive fields
input choices are constrained by previous, associated selections
the mouse displays values related to its location that may be hidden
from view due to screen or column width
Single-column sorting capabilities
click on any column heading to sort the list vertically
select a column heading and drag it to the right or left, to move the
column horizontally
Multiple-column sorting capabilities
from the View menu, select Sort order
in the Table Sort Order dialog box, select the columns you want to sort,
and then the sort order
click OK
Confirmation messages
all PM actions are prefaced by confirmation messages outlining the
choices defined and asking for confirmation
Count refreshing
at any PM screen, select a row, right-click on the mouse and select
Refresh selected row to refresh the current count or gauge value
to refresh all PPs on a screen, simply right-click and select Refresh all
rows or press the Refresh All button
Copy and paste historical counts
historical counts can be copied and pasted into other documents by
selecting the text and using Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste
if you are at a UNIX workstation, use Ctrl+Insert to copy, and
Shift+Insert to paste
3-66 Performance monitoring description
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
TL1 functionality
There is some PM functionality through the TL1 user interface. For more
information, refer to the Performance monitoring commands and the
Operational measurement commands chapters in TL1 Interface,
Related topics
Circuit pack specifications in Technical Specifications, 323-1701-180
Performance monitoring procedures chapter in Provisioning and
Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310
Provisioning circuit packs and managing traffic chapter in the
Provisioning and Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310
Clearing PM alarms chapter in Trouble Clearing and Alarm Reference
Guide, 323-1701-542
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Protection switching 4-
In this chapter
Introduction on page 4-1
General description of path protection in the Optical Metro 5100/5200 on
page 4-1
System-initiated and user-initiated protection switching on page 4-3
Non-revertive and revertive protection switching on page 4-3
Automatic protection switching on page 4-7
OCM equipment protection on page 4-11
Path protection using a trunk switch on page 4-12
1+1 APS protection using Muxponders on page 4-23
This chapter describes the protection switching features provided by the
Optical Metro 5100/5200, and explains the available user commands for
non-revertive and revertive protection switching. This chapter does not
describe the concept of protection switching.
General description of path protection in the Optical Metro 5100/5200
In order to provide more reliable transmission of client signals over optical
channels during maintenance and upgrade activities or during failure
conditions (such as fibre cuts and node failures), optical channels can be
protected. Optical channel protection can be achieved by providing duplicate,
geographically diverse paths for each service.
By definition, optical protection switching is the switching of activity from
one piece of telecommunication equipment (active) to a second piece of
telecommunication equipment (standby) when the active equipment fails.
Figure 4-1 shows a path protected ring network, using a standard protection
scheme. In this case, the signal is transmitted over two diverse routes that
originate at a single network element, and terminate at a single network
element. Only one instance of the client signal is received and transmitted. One
optical channel (working) travels in one direction around the ring (east or
4-2 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
west) while the duplicate signal (protection) passes in the opposite direction
(west or east). A path selector continuously monitors both the working and
protection signals at each end of the path and automatically switches to the
protection signal in the event of optical span, equipment, or node failure. For
a list of conditions that can cause protection switching, see Automatic
protection switching on page 4-7.
Figure 4-1
Standard protection in an Optical Metro 5100/5200 network
Client equipment
Client equipment
Protection switching 4-3
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Optical Metro 5100/5200 protection schemes
Optical Metro 5100/5200 offers the following protection schemes:
OCM equipment protection
Optical Channel Manager (OCM) circuit packs are used to protect the
channel assignments on the shelf. For information about OCM equipment
protection, see OCM equipment protection on page 4-11.
Optical protection equipment
External standalone components provide optical path protection for
Optical Metro 5100/5200 networks. The transponder protection tray
provides protection for networks using OTR circuit packs, and the optical
trunk switch provides protection for point-to-point networks. The
enhanced trunk switch (ETS) provides optical path protection for
point-to-point unamplified and amplified configurations
Standard protection
When Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelves are configured with OCI and
OCLDcircuit packs, you can implement path protection by provisioning a
channel assignment between one OCI and two OCLDs. As well, the
Muxponder circuit packs provide both bidirectional and unidirectional
point-to-point line-side protection.
System-initiated and user-initiated protection switching
In an Optical Metro 5100/5200 network element, protection switching can be
initiated either by the network element itself or by a user.
The network element can initiate system-initiated or automatic protection
switching. The network element monitors its own performance, and when a
failure occurs in one of its working components, the protection unit takes over
the functions of the failed unit. For information about switching time, refer to
the section Protection switch times in Technical Specifications,
You can initiate protection switching by entering a lockout command,
forced-switching command or a manual-switching command. The Lockout
command has the highest priority. Forced protection switching can override
system-initiated or automatic protection switching, but manual protection
switching cannot. Furthermore, forced switching does not verify if the
protection path (the standby unit) is healthy.
Note: In the case of the Muxponder, an automatic switch (that is, failed
protection line) has a higher priority than a force switch.
Non-revertive and revertive protection switching
Two types of protection switching are supported on a per channel basis in
Optical Metro 5100/5200: revertive and non-revertive.
4-4 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The terms revertive and non-revertive refer to what happens after automatic
protection switching has occurred, the original failure, and the unit that failed
is ready to resume its function.
Note: The Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC supports only 1+1 revertive
protection switching.
Non-revertive protection switching
With non-revertive protection switching, two units are paired. At any time, one
of the units is the working unit and the second unit is the protection unit. If a
failure occurs in the first (working) unit, the activity switches to the second
(protection) unit, which then becomes the working unit. The second unit
remains the working unit even after the failure on the first unit clears. When
the failure clears, the unit that failed becomes the protection unit. Each time a
protection-switching request occurs, the two units exchange roles.
For example, if unit A (working) fails, unit B (protection) takes over the
activity. Later, the failure clears, and although unit A is in good working order
once again, unit B continues to carry out the activity as the working unit and
unit A becomes the protection unit.
Operation of non-revertive commands
Manual switch request
causes a path to switch from east to west or vice versa. An event is
generated. The manual switch cannot be released. No alarms are raised as
a result of this operation.
Force switch request
causes traffic to switch from east to west or vice versa even if the path
being switched to, is in a failed state. If the path fails after the switch is
completed, traffic will stay on the failed path.
causes an alarm (forced switch to east/west path active) to be raised and
cleared when the switch is released.
has a higher priority than the manual command. If a second force switch is
performed, then the initial force switch needs to be released first.
locks traffic onto the current path. An alarm (path lockout active) is raised
and cleared when the lockout is released.
has a higher priority than the manual or force switch commands
Protection switching 4-5
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Hierarchy of non-revertive protection switching commands and system
Table 4-1 lists all of the non-revertive commands from highest to lowest
priority, and indicates how each command or system operation can be
Revertive protection switching
With revertive protection switching, a designated protection unit backs up one
primary unit. In normal operation, each primary unit carries out its activity.
When a failure occurs in a primary unit, the protection unit takes over the
activity. When the failure on the primary unit clears, the activity reverts to the
primary unit (after a Wait-To-Restore has elapsed during which there are no
additional failures on the primary path), and the protection unit resumes its
backup role.
For example, if unit A (working) fails, unit B (protection) takes over the
activity. Later, the failure clears and unit A is in good working order once
again. The activity reverts to unit A (after a Wait-To-Restore has elapsed),
and unit B resumes its role as the protection unit again.
Operation of revertive commands
When you specify a path as being revertive, you are given the option of
specifying a wait-to-restore (WTR) period from 1 to 12 minutes, in one minute
You can also specify which paths (east or west) are to be the working and
protection channels. When a failure occurs on a working channel, the system
switches the traffic to the protection channel. Once the working channel has
Table 4-1
Hierarchy of non-revertive protection switching commands and system
Source of control
Command or system operation User System
Highest priority Lockout
Lowest priority Manual
Note 1: Higher order switch requests override lower level requests or states.
Note 2: A user command that is superseded by a higher level request will be
released automatically. For example, a lockout command on a path that already has
a force switch request active will cause the force command to be released.
4-6 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
recovered, the traffic will revert back to the working channel when the WTR
period has expired. The WTRfeature prevents oscillations in the system when
traffic switches back and forth between working and protection channels.
Manual switch request
can only be performed when both paths are in a healthy state.
causes a path to switch fromworking channel to protection channel, or vice
versa. An event is produced to report the switch. The manual switch must
be released, or a higher priority command must be executed in order to
remove this state.
causes an alarm (manual switch to east/west active) to be raised when a
manual switch is active and cleared when the operation is released.
can be executed on both the working and protection channels. When
executed on the protection channel, the manual switch can be used to clear
a WTRstate. When releasing the manual switch, no switch will occur if the
traffic is on the working path.
is cancelled (released) when a higher priority switch request is performed.
Force switch request
causes traffic to switch from the working channel to the protection channel
only if the path being switched to is in a healthy state. If the path fails after
the switch is completed, then traffic will stay on the failed path. A release
operation is required to revert the traffic back to the working path.
can also be used to force traffic fromthe protection to working path. In this
case, when the force switch is released, traffic will remain on the working
path unless there is a failure on the working path.
causes alarm (forced switch to east/west path active) to be raised and
cleared when the force switch is operated and released.
has a higher priority than the manual command and the WTR.
can be performed to an unhealthy path in the case of the Muxponder.
Muxponder connections do not allow forced switches to unhealthy
protection paths, but forced switches to unhealthy working paths are
if performed on the working channel followed by another force switch on
the protection channel, then the initial switch needs to be released first.
prevents traffic from being switched away from the working path. An
alarm (path lockout active) is raised when a lockout is performed and is
cleared when the lockout is released has a higher priority than the manual
force switch commands and the WTR and auto states.
Protection switching 4-7
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
if the command is applied when traffic is on the protection path, will cause
the traffic to revert back to the working channel.
Auto switch state
occurs when the traffic is switched from the working to the protection
channel. An alarm (Auto Switch to Protection Path active) is raised for the
duration of the failure and until the WTR period has expired.
Wait-to-restore (WTR) state
is a transitory state where traffic has been switched to the protection
channel, and the failure of the working channel has cleared.
causes events to be generated (WTR started, expired or cleared).
Hierarchy of revertive protection switching commands and system operations
Table 4-2 lists all of the revertive commands from highest to lowest priority,
and indicates how each command or system operation can be activated.
Automatic protection switching
Depending on the network configuration, the system can initiate protection
switching when it detects any of the following:
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder not present
Loss of activity from the OCLD detected by the OCM
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder Loss of signal
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder Invalid signal
Table 4-2
Hierarchy of revertive protection switching commands and system operations
Source of control
Command or system operation User System
Highest priority Lockout
Lowest priority Wait-to-restore
Note 1: Higher order switch requests override lower level requests or states.
Note 2: A user command that is superseded by a higher level request will be
released automatically. For example, a force command on a path that already has a
manual switch request active will cause the manual command to be released.
Note 3: The automatic switch request overrides a force switch request for
Muxponder connections.
4-8 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
OCLD facility OOS
OTR line or client facility OOS
Muxponder line facility OOS
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder High Optical input power
OCLD SPS (Surrogate payload signal)
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder Loss of lock
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder Loss of frame (for SONET/SDH protocols only)
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder Line AIS (for SONET/SDH protocols only with
2.5 Gbit/s Flex OCLD only and 2.5 Gbit/s or 10 Gbit/s OTRs)
OTR/Muxponder Wrapper AIS
OCLD/OTR/Muxponder Automatic Laser Shutdown
backplane faults that cause Muxponder protection switching are detected
on the working Muxponder circuit pack. Disengaging the protection circuit
pack from the backplane causes the working Muxponder to detect
backplane defects.
Automatic switches in Optical Metro 5200
Automatic switches are performed from the receive direction only.
Both revertive and non-revertive connections raise switch events. Revertive
connections raise alarmed events whereas non-revertive connection raise
non-alarmed events.
Using Figure 4-2 as an example, where point A is the active path in a revertive
connection. If there is a fiber cut at point A, the OCLDdetects a Loss of Signal
(LOS) condition and inserts Surrogate Payload Signal (SPS) towards the
backplane. This causes the OCMto switch to the other path and an auto switch
alarm is raised. In a non-revertive mode, an auto switch event is raised instead.
If at point B the OCM detects a Loss of Activity or invalid signal condition
from the active OCLD, the OCM will switch to the protection channel and an
auto switch alarm is raised. This state is communicated to the second OCM
which also switches to the protection channel.
Note: In either mode, both OCMs are always selecting from either the
working or protection channel. In revertive or non-revertive mode, the
OCMs are transmitting to both OCLDs.
If at point C an OCI detects either a Loss of Activity or invalid signal
condition, the OCI will switch to the other OCM and no auto switch alarm is
raised. An event will be raised in this case as well. Generally, any automatic
protection switch (whether it is a path switch or an equipment switch) will
cause an event to be generated.
Protection switching 4-9
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-2
Standard protection in an Optical Metro 5100/5200 network
Automatic switches in Optical Metro 5200 or Optical Metro 5100 networks using
OTR circuit packs
Path and equipment protection is provided for signals carried on the OTR
circuit pack through the Transponder Protection Tray.
Each tray supports a fully populated shelf, four pairs or 2 pairs of OTR
circuit packs depending on the filter tray type.
Each tray requires 1 U of rack space and is composed of four or two
passive splitter/coupler devices depending on the filter tray type.
Each one of these devices takes in one client signal, splits it into two
optical fibers and transmits it to two OTRs.
The power of each signal transmitted to the two OTRs is approximately
50% of the power of the signal that was received. There is a 3 dB loss of
power when the signal passes through the splitter/coupler.
The software within both OTRs determines which line signal is best, based
on LOS, LOF, LOL, Wrapper AIS, equipment failure and AIS conditions.
The OTR with the better signal transmits to the Transponder Protection
Tray which transmits it to the subtending equipment. At any given time,
only one signal is transmitted on the client side.
Site A
Optical Metro 5200 shelf
Site B
Optical Metro 5200 shelf
= Working path
= Protected path
4-10 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-3 shows an example of an Optical Metro 5200 network with OTR
circuit packs.
Figure 4-3
Automatic switches with OTR circuit packs
Automatic switches in Optical Metro 5100
The Optical Metro 5100 is not equipped with OCMs, which control the
internal shelf protection scheme for the Optical Metro 5200. The Optical
Metro 5100 internal protection is managed by the OCI.
Figure 4-4 shows an example of OCI protection in an Optical Metro 5100
Tributary side Transponder
Protection tray
Optical Metro 5200
Client signal
Client signal
Client signal
transmitted to
OTR east at
50% power level
Client signal
transmitted to
OTR west at
50% power level
Receive signal from OTR east
receive signal from OTR west
Protection switching 4-11
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-4
Optical Metro 5100 OCI protection
OCM equipment protection
In an Optical Metro 5200 network, optical channel manager (OCM) circuit
packs are used to protect the channel assignments on the shelf.
In all Optical Metro 5200 shelf configurations there are two OCMs. For
shelves with OCIs and OCLDs, each OCM carries traffic. If one OCM fails or
if you take an OCMout-of-service, a backplane signal is detected by the circuit
packs in the shelf, indicating that one OCM is not available. The other circuit
packs in the shelf automatically switch to the redundant OCM. Equipment
switching guarantees that a single failure cannot cause an outage.
Note: To access the OCM Equipment Protection feature, right-click and
select Protection on an OCM entry in the Equipment Inventory screen. A
dialog box opens listing all the connections that are active on the selected
OCM. That is, the set of OCIs that are receiving from each OCM and the
set of OCLDs that are selected by each OCM. This can be used by network
operators to determine what channels and customers will be impacted if
maintenance is performed on an OCM.
Site A
Optical Metro 5100 shelf
Site B
Optical Metro 5100 shelf
= Working path
= Protected path
4-12 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Operation of commands
Two commands are available on the OCM Protection dialog box: Manual and
Manual switch request:
causes all traffic on the specified OCM (OCIs and OCLDs active on that
OCM) to be moved to the other OCM. An event is generated to report the
activity, but no alarmis raised. Traffic will not be switched if the to OCM
is in a failed state.
Force switch request:
causes all connections to be moved from one OCM to the other even if the
to OCM is in a failed state. An alarm is raised to indicate that the switch
took place, an event is also generated by each circuit pack to report the
activity. The force switch must be released in order to clear the state and
the alarm.
Path protection using a trunk switch
Path protection using an optical trunk switch
The optical trunk switch (OTS) is a standalone component that provides
optical line protection for Optical Metro 5100/5200 point-to-point
When the OTS is installed at each site in a point-to-point system, it provides
protection to the fiber-optic cable between each site. If one fiber-optic cable is
damaged, the OTS switches bi-directionally to a redundant optical fiber path.
Figure 4-5 on page 4-13 shows a typical application of the OTS in an Optical
Metro 5100/5200 network.
Protection switching 4-13
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-5
OTS path protection
The OTS can operate in two modes:
Manual mode
Manual mode is used for trouble-shooting purposes only or to restore a pair of
OTSs to a known good state. Always use automatic mode to ensure
bi-directional switching. Also, ensure that both OTSs are synchronized after
using manual mode (i.e., ensure that both OTSs are using the same path).
In manual mode:
toggling the Rx link selection between the primary and standby link can be
done using the PRI/STNBY push button, TL1 command or menu option
switching is traffic-affecting and uni-directional
single-ended only
switches even if the link you select has failed.
Optical Metro
Optical Trunk
Optical Trunk
Optical Metro
Location 1 Location 2
4-14 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Upon a double path failure, the OTS will always end up switched to Standby.
Restoring the standby fibers will return the OTS to normal operation. A
switchback command is needed to return the OTS to the primary path (once
that fiber path is restored).
Automatic mode
Automatic is the normal operating mode for the Optical Trunk Switch. The
Optical Trunk Switches at both ends must be in automatic mode for the system
to operate normally.
In automatic mode:
traffic is switched bi-directionally in less than 100 ms when the target link
is operational and the power received on the active path drops below -30
switching is non-revertive
bi-directional switching from the primary link to the standby link occurs if:
there is a failure on one or both of the primary links and the standby
link is bi-directionally sound
there has been a force switch command executed fromthe maintenance
interface from the primary link to the standby link and the standby link
is bi-directionally sound
bi-directional switching from the standby link to the primary link occurs if:
there is a failure on one or both of the standby links and the primary
link is bi-directionally sound
the SWBKbutton is pressed on the front panel of a module at either site
and the primary link is bi-directionally sound
the trigger switch back to PRI menu option is elected from the
maintenance interface and the primary link is bi-directionally sound
In this mode, each OTS uses the information available on the power taps at the
input to the 1x2 switch to determine when to switch. The tap on the active link
is used to monitor the working signals. If the power level at this point drops
below the threshold, the switch then looks for the pilot tone on the inactive
Risk of affecting service
When the Optical Trunk Switch is in manual mode and you
switch to the primary or standby link, the module switches
traffic regardless of whether or not that link is operating
normally. This switching is not synchronized with the Optical
Trunk Switch at the other end of the link, and may be
Protection switching 4-15
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path. If the pilot tone is present, this indicates that the inactive fibre link is
valid, causing the OTS to switch. If the pilot tone is not present on the inactive
link, the OTS does not switch.
At the other end of the link, the active signal drops below the threshold,
causing the OTS at the other end to switch.
Path protection using an enhanced trunk switch
The ETS consists of three components: the ETS shelf, the ETS Switch module
and the ETS Comms module. The ETS can be deployed in unamplified
point-to-point configurations, and in amplified point-to-point configurations
that contain a single pre-amplifier in the link, see Figure 4-6.
Note: The ETS does not replace the OTS, nor is it backward compatible
with the OTS. You cannot deploy the ETS and the OTS modules in the
same point-to-point link.
Figure 4-6
ETS path protection
The ETS Switch module can operate in two modes:
Manual mode
When the ETS Switch module is operating in manual mode, all automatic and
revertive switching is disabled. The only way to switch traffic to the alternate
path is to press the THR/PRI/SEC button on the front panel, or through an
explicit command issued through TL1.
OTSi n
Trunk Switch
Port C
Port D
Port F
Port E
Port A
Port B
Optical Metro
OTSi n
Port D
Port C
Port E
Port F
Port A
Port B
Trunk Switch
Optical Metro
Location 1 Locat i on 2
4-16 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Automatic mode
In automatic mode, the module switches traffic between paths when the
measured signal power is less than a preset threshold.
Two switching modes are available when automatic mode is selected:
Absolute switching
Window switching
The absolute switching mode uses a threshold called the absolute switching
limit threshold (ASLTH) to determine when to switch traffic to the alternate
path. By default, ASLTH is set to -35 dBm and is not user-programmable. If
the incoming signal power on the active path is less than the ASLTH, the
module automatically switches traffic to the alternate path. The default
switching mode is absolute switching.
Enabling automatic switch-back ensures that the ETS will revert back to the
primary path once the fault on the primary line clears and its power returns to
an acceptable level. To avoid instability, the module applies a 2 dB hysteresis
to determine when the power level is within the normal operating range. It also
requires 3 seconds hold off time.
Window switching mode allows you to define an acceptable power range
(window) for the incoming signal, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Protection switching 4-17
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-7
Window switching mode thresholds
Window Switching mode requires a measured reference power level (RPL),
and a lower window switching limit threshold (LWSLTH), to determine when
to activate the switch.
The RPL, UWSR, and LWSR values are all user-configurable. UWSLTH and
LWSLTHcannot be configured. The ETS Switch module calculates values for
these thresholds as follows:
Both the UWSR and LWSR must be greater than or equal to 6.0 dB
LWSLTH = RPLLWSR --> LWSLTH 35 dBm --> RPL 29 dBm
UWSLTH = RPL+UWSR --> UWSLTH 0 dBm --> RPL 6 dBm
Enabling automatic switch-back ensures that the ETS will revert back to the
primary path once the fault on the primary line clears and its power returns to
an acceptable level. To avoid instability, the module applies a 2 dB hysteresis
to determine when the power level is within the normal operating range. It also
requires 3 seconds hold off time.
Switching criteria
In automatic mode, the ETS Switch module switches paths when one of the
following conditions occurs.
UWSLTH maximum (0 dBm)
LWSLTH minimum (-35 dBm)
-35 dBm
RPL +/- 2 dBm
Lower Window Switching Limit Threshold (LWSLTH)
Note: All values shown are the factory default values.
Upper Window Switching Limit Threshold (UWSLTH)
Lower Window Switching Range (LWSR)
(-6 +/-2 dB relative to RPL)
Upper Window Switching Range (UWSR)
(-6 +/-2 dB relative to RPL)
Reference Power Level (RPL)
4-18 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The active path receives a loss of signal (LOS) when the measured power
of the incoming signal is
less than the ASLTH (if in Absolute switching mode) or
less than the LWSLTH (if in Window switching mode)
The power level measured on the incoming signal on the alternate path is
greater than the ASLTH (if in Absolute switching mode) or
greater than the LWSLTH (if in Window switching mode)
Automatic switch-back
The automatic switch-back (revertive) feature allows the module to switch
traffic back to the primary path automatically, when the optical power returns
to an acceptable level. By default, auto-switch-back is disabled, but you can
enable it using TL1.
To prevent oscillations and unintended switch activation, the module applies a
2 dBhysteresis and switch-back hold time, before switching traffic back to the
primary path. The switch-back hold time prevents the module from switching
traffic back to the primary path too soon. The switch-back hold time is 3
seconds and is not user-programmable.
Operational considerations for the automatic switching modes
The default switching mode is Absolute switching. Select the switching mode
that is appropriate for your application. Refer to Table 4-3 on page 4-18 for a
list of operational considerations for each mode.
Table 4-3
Absolute switching and Window switching mode operational considerations
Absolute switching mode Window switching mode
The operating aggregate received power level can
be as high as 19 dBm.
The operating aggregate received power level can
be as high as 0 dBm. The captured Reference
Power Level (RPL) at the moment the link is set up
should not exceed -6 dBm.
The switching threshold is fixed at a low power and
does not depend on the actual link loss.
The switching threshold is based on the received
power level (reference power level) and a
programmable window size.
Since the switching threshold is not user
provisionable, it requires no further maintenance
after initial network installation.
The switching threshold is user provisionable. To
maintain the same degree of protection, it is
necessary to reprovision the threshold after each
change to the wavelength profile (addition or
removal of bands or channels).
Protection switching 4-19
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 4-4 shows the different scenarios of the ETS and describes its switch
state tables.
Provides protection against fiber cuts only. Does
not offer protection against excessive power
fluctuations that can occur on the line.
Provides protection against fiber cuts and provides
improved fiber degradation resiliency since the
window size is set according to expected power
fluctuations on the line.
Addition or removal of bands or channels can
cause the aggregate power to cross the window
thresholds, which can lead to simultaneous failures
on both the working and protection paths.
The Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) noise
from a pre-amplifier can mask the line-side signal
change especially at low channel counts, and
prevents the ETS from switching upon a power
degrade condition.
Table 4-4
ETS switch state table
Revertive Original
Action Final Switch Position
present on
both PRI
and SEC
Automatic Absolute
No Primary LOS on PRI Switches to SEC. Does
not return to PRI
LOS on SEC Switch remains on PRI
Secondary LOS on PRI Switch remains on SEC
LOS on SEC Switches to PRI
Yes Primary LOS on PRI Switches to SEC.
Reverts back in 3
seconds once light
returns to PRI
LOS on SEC Switch remains on PRI
Table 4-3 (continued)
Absolute switching and Window switching mode operational considerations
Absolute switching mode Window switching mode
4-20 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
present on
both PRI
and SEC
Automatic Window
No Primary LOS on PRI Switches to SEC. Does
not return to PRI
LOS on SEC Switch remains on PRI
Secondary LOS on PRI Switch remains on SEC
LOS on SEC Switches to PRI
Yes Primary LOS on PRI Switches to SEC.
Reverts back in 3
seconds once light
returns to PRI
LOS on SEC Switch remains on PRI
Manual N/A N/A Primary LOS on PRI Switch remains on PRI
LOS on SEC Switch remains on PRI
Secondary LOS on PRI Switch remains on SEC
LOS on SEC Switch remains on SEC
Table 4-4 (continued)
ETS switch state table
Revertive Original
Action Final Switch Position
Protection switching 4-21
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
present on
both PRI
and SEC
Automatic PRI PRI Pull PRI
Rx at Near
PRI = Green
Pull IN
fiber at
Near End
PRI = Green PRI = Yellow
MINOR = Yellow
Power off
at Near
LEDs OFF PRI = Green
Rx at Near
PRI = Green
PRI = Green
fiber at
Near End
PRI = Yellow
MINOR = Yellow
Power off
at Near
LEDs OFF SEC = Green
OFF PRI Power up
at Near
PRI = Green PRI = Green
SEC Power up
at Near
SEC = Green
Table 4-4 (continued)
ETS switch state table
Revertive Original
Action Final Switch Position
4-22 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Path protection using a Transponder Protection Tray
Optical transponder (OTR) circuit packs operate without OCLDs, and their
signals do not pass through the OCMs. Instead, path protection for OTRs is
implemented by pairing OTRs, and installing a Transponder Protection Tray.
Two types of Transponder Protection Trays are available in both single-mode
and multimode variations: one contains four optical splitter/couplers, and one
contains two optical splitter/couplers. When Transponder Protection Trays are
deployed, they are connected directly to the customer equipment and function
as the entry and exit points to the Optical Metro 5100/5200 network.
As an entry point to the network, each splitter/coupler receives a signal from
one client fiber. The splitter/coupler splits the power of the signal and then
transmits it over two diverse fibers, to two OTRs through a protected channel
assignment. The receiving OTRs assesses, based on protection criteria, which
signal is transmitted to the subtending equipment on the receiving end.
As an exit point from the network, each splitter/coupler can receive a signal
from two OTRs. Only one OTR in the pair transmits at a time. When the
splitter/coupler receives a signal, it transmits the signal to one client fiber.
Figure 4-8 on page 4-23 shows how the Transponder Protection Tray provides
path protection for pairs of OTRs.
missing on
both PRI
and SEC
Automatic PRI PRI Replace
IN fiber at
Near End
PRI = Green PRI = Green
PRI SEC Replace
IN fiber at
Near End
PRI = Green SEC = Green
SEC PRI Replace
IN fiber at
Near End
PRI = Green
PRI failed
due to LOS
Automatic SEC PRI Replace
PRI Rx at
Near End
PRI = Green
fiber pulled
Automatic PRI PRI Replace
fiber at
Near End
PRI = Green PRI = Green
Table 4-4 (continued)
ETS switch state table
Revertive Original
Action Final Switch Position
Protection switching 4-23
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-8
OTR path protection
1+1 APS protection using Muxponders
When Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelves are configured with Muxponder
circuit packs, you can implement 1+1 APS protection by provisioning a
channel assignment between two Muxponders. In this protection scheme, the
same signal is transmitted over two diverse paths, one east and one west. If the
fibers in the working (active) path are cut or are out of service, the protected
path ensures that the signal reaches its destination.
Client signals are connected to the working Muxponder only. The working
Muxponder is bridged onto the line as well as across the shelf backplane to the
mate protection Muxponder. The protection Muxponder does not have any
client Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) modules populated, it provides line
protection only. Failure of the working Muxponder or a client interface causes
traffic loss (i.e., no client or equipment protection).
Muxponder line side protection is implemented using the 1+1 APS(Automatic
Protection Switch) protocol using the K1 and K2 bytes in the SONET line
overhead or SDHMultiplex Section overhead. The K1 byte is used to indicate
a request by a Muxponder for a switch action, through a request code, as well
as an indication as to the channel number making the switch request. The K2
byte is used to indicate the bridging action, the provisioned architecture (1+1
or 1:1), and mode of operation (unidirectional or bidirectional).
Both bi-directional and uni-directional protection switching modes are
supported. Only revertive switching is supported, non-revertive switching is
not supported. In uni-directional mode, the receiver that detects a fault requests
Optical Metro 5200 ring
Working path
Protection path
4-24 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
a switch to the protection line. The working and protection signals are always
the same or permanently bridged. In bi-directional mode, the receiver that
detects the fault requests that both the near-end and far-end switch to
protection. Requests to the far-end are transmitted via the APS channel (K1
and K2 bytes) protocol.
Note: When there is a mismatch in protection modes between the near-end
and far-end Muxponder, the Muxponder that is provisioned with
bi-directional mode will automatically change to uni-directional protection
mode to match the Muxponder at the other end.
Figure 4-9 on page 4-25 shows an example of protected signal paths in Optical
Metro 5200 network using Muxponders. Figure 4-10 on page 4-26 shows an
example of protected signal paths in Optical Metro 5100 network using
Protection switching 4-25
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-9
Example of protected signal paths in Optical Metro 5200 network using Muxponders
Site A Optical Metro 5200 shelf Site B Optical Metro 5200 shelf
Working Muxponder Working Muxponder
Protection Muxponder Protection Muxponder
slot 9
slot 10
slot 9
slot 10
= Working
= Protection
4-26 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-10
Example of protected signal paths in Optical Metro 5100 network using Muxponders
Dual homing protection
Dual homing protection refers to an optical channel that is routed over two
diverse paths within an Optical Metro 5100/5200 network and is transmitted
out of the network over two diverse client interfaces. On the second network,
the two signals enter another Optical Metro 5100/5200 network as two
independent client interfaces and are diversely routed around the ring where
Site A Optical Metro 5100 shelf Site B Optical Metro 5100 shelf
Working Muxponder Working Muxponder
Protection Muxponder Protection Muxponder
= Working
= Protection
Protection switching 4-27
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
they then come together at a single shelf at the remote end. At the remote end,
the two signals come into two line side interface circuit packs (for example,
two 2.5 Gbit/s Flex OCLD circuit packs), and the standard protection criteria
is used to select the best signal.
If the signal is a SONET/SDHsignal, the signal between the two Optical Metro
5100/5200 rings may be sent through a SONET/SDH network in order to
provide longer reach between the source and destination nodes. In this case, a
form of protection, using line-AIS is available where if one span fails, the
remote Optical Metro 5100/5200 network element can perform a protection
Using Figure 4-11 on page 4-28 as an example, line-AIS based protection
occurs as follows:
a fiber break occurs between transmission nodes (see Figure 4-11)
the SONET/SDH system transmits line AIS towards the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network
the remote network element detects that there is line-AIS on one side, but
not the other, and causes the OCLDthat was active to become inactive, and
vice versa
the protection switch is complete
The circuit packs that support line-AIS protection are:
OTR 2.5 Gbit/s Flex
OTR 10 Gbit/s
OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced (for SONET, SDH, and WAN PHY modes only)
OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s Flex
Muxponder (when connected to a SONET network with an OTR10 Gbit/s
Enhanced passthrough connection)
Note: If the SONET/SDH equipment is transmitting path-AIS instead of
line-AIS, a protection switch cannot take place.
4-28 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-11
Dual ring configuration with line-AIS based protection
Figure 4-12 on page 4-29 shows how the protection switch takes place when a
loss of signal occurs in the SONET system, and line-AIS is injected towards
the Optical Metro 5100/5200 system.
OM5k OM5k
OM5k OM5k
Working path
Protection path
Protection switching 4-29
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 4-12
Dual ring configuration with AIS-based protection
Dual homing protection for Muxponder circuit packs
For dual homing protection configurations using the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s
GbE/FC circuit packs, see Chapter 3 Supported configurations in Network
Planning and Link Engineering, 323-1701-110.
Line-AIS is detected
and the OCM gets
traffic from mate OCLD
OM5k OM5k
LOS Passthrough SONET
Working path interrupted
New working path
4-30 Protection switching
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-
In this chapter
Introduction on page 5-1
SNMP for Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelves on page 5-1
Conducting alarm surveillance on page 5-4
Configuring the external SNMPmanager when using private IPaddressing
on page 5-7
Differences introduced in Release 8.0 on page 5-43
SNMP for Enhanced Trunk Switch shelves on page 5-50
This chapter describes the SNMP MIB for the Optical Metro 5100/5200
shelves and the ETS shelves.
SNMP for Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelves
This SNMP MIB is provided to support an alarm surveillance interface to a
third-party SNMP management platform. This interface includes definitions
necessary to identify Optical Metro 5100/5200, query alarms, and receive
Optical Metro 5100/5200 SNMP traps.
Note 1: SNMP support is provided only for the interface definitions
provided by this MIB. This MIB is intended for alarm surveillance only;
any other usage of the SNMP interface on an Optical Metro 5100/5200
shelf is neither licensed nor supported by Nortel Networks.
Note 2: Optical Metro 5100/5200 SNMP agent does not provide traps for
Loss/Gain of Contact to a network element as it is the SNMP managers
responsibility to monitor the NE contact state. An external SNMP manager
can periodically poll the MIB-2 variable sysUpTime to determine whether
it is in contact with a network element. If monitoring the alarm state is
desired as well, a SNMP manager can periodically poll the following five
MIB variables: notifShelfLastAlarm, notifShelfNumActiveAlarmsMajor,
notifShelfNumActiveAlarmsCritical, notifShelfNumActiveAlarmsMinor
and notifShelfNumActiveAlarmsAlert to determine the new alarms and
NE contact state.
5-2 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Optical Metro 5100/5200 Enterprise MIB
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 SNMP MIB is defined under the enterprises
portion of the management hierarchy.
It is strongly recommended that to configure the SNMP manager with a
timeout no less then 5 second for any SNMP operations that attempt to modify
Optical Metro 5100/5200 enterprise MIB variables.
MIB structure
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 MIB is organized into the following groups:
Shelf group
The shelf group contains shelf-level information for the Optical Metro
5100/5200 shelf.
Software group
The software group contains information about the current software load
running on the shelf. The swVersion variable in this group identifies the
current software version on the shelf.
Notifications group
The notifications group provides detailed alarm surveillance information for
Optical Metro 5100/5200. This is the primary group provided by this SNMP
MIB. This group contains both scalar variables for shelf-level alarm
information as well as two tables providing detailed alarm information:
This table provides a list of the active alarms on the shelf. In Optical Metro
5100/5200 releases prior to Release 4.0, it was used to provide an index into
the notifAlarmTable and contained only enough information to key into the
detailed notifAlarmTable. From release 4.0, there has been new fields added
which provide all the information required for the active alarm in one table.
With all the information required there would be no need to query the
notifAlarmTable for additional information.
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-3
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This table provides alarminformation for specific alarmId and location on the
shelf. It will still return alarm information but will be deprecated in the near
This table provides the complete list of all possible events on the shelf.
This table provides a complete list of all possible alarms/alerts Ids on the shelf,
along with severity and description.
Log group
The log group provides access to the local event log stored on the Optical
Metro 5100/5200 shelf. The local event log is a circular buffer containing the
last 400 events that occurred on the shelf. It is important to note that while the
log is a circular buffer, the indexes into the log do not wrap at 400; instead, the
indexes continue to increase for each subsequent log entry until finally
wrapping to zero when reaching the maximumsize of a 32-bit integer (2
Since a trap is sent for every event stored in this log, it is possible to retrieve
missed traps if the last logIndex (sent with the trap) is known.
Admin group
The admin group allows the SNMP manager to administer alarm
surveillance functions on the shelf. The main table provided in this group is the
adminTrapDestination table. This table is used to register the SNMP manager
with the shelf to receive SNMP traps.
Trap definitions
The traps emitted by an Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelf are described at the end
of the MIB file. The following traps are defined:
Describes an asynchronous, stateless event, which has occurred, on the
Describes an operation initiated by a maintenance operator e.g.
Optical System Manager user.
Describes an alarm state change for a critical severity alarm.
Describes an alarm state change for a major severity alarm.
5-4 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Describes an alarm state change for a minor severity alarm.
Describes an alert state change.
Conducting alarm surveillance
This section provides a description of the correct method of performing alarm
surveillance using the Optical Metro 5100/5200 SNMP MIB.
Trap registration
For open SNMP managers, there are two types of trap receiving mechanisms
Single shelf trap receiving mechanism
System wide (sometimes called ring-wide) trap receiving mechanism
In the following discussion on trap registration, the termsystemis used to refer
to the set of two or more shelves all managed by the same shelf list.
Single shelf trap receiving mechanism means that the SNMP manager will
receive only those traps related to that shelf. To receive traps from all shelves
in the system via this mechanism, the SNMP manager must register for the
traps with each shelf in the system. Note that if the system is to be configured
in private IP mode, this form of registration is only available on the Gateway
Network Element (GNE) shelf. Registration on any remote shelf will fail in
private IP mode.
System wide receiving trap mechanism means that the SNMP manager will
receive traps related to all shelves in the system. To receive traps via this
mechanism, the SNMP manager needs to be registered with only one shelf.
Use the Gateway Network Element (GNE) shelf for this type of registration.
Note that if the system is to be configured in private IP mode, this form of
registration is the only one available by which to obtain traps for the whole
The first step necessary to perform alarm surveillance is to register with the
Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelf to receive SNMP traps. This registration is
accomplished by creating a new row in the adminTrapDestinationTable.
Note: The row is created by finding an empty row in the index range of
1-8 in the table. SNMP Managers registering with a shelf must ensure that
they only allow the use of indexes 1 through 8 since the System Manager
owns exclusive use of indexes 9 through 16.
To register the SNMP manager to receive traps via the above-mentioned
mechanisms, use table entries 1-8 as follows:
1-4: for single shelf trap receiving mechanism
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-5
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
5-8: for system wide trap receiving mechanism
Information provided in the row-create operation is:
the IP address of the SNMP manager, which is to receive the SNMP
the port number required by the SNMP manager.
the community string to be used in the SNMP TRAP-PDU.
the type of filtering, if any, to be applied for this SNMP manager. Trap
filters are available to filter out user request traps and/or event traps.
Alarm state change traps cannot be filtered.
This variable should be set to createAndGo. The entry is created
using the supplied variables in the variable-binding list.
This variable should be set to true if security-related events are to be
received by the SNMP manager and false if security-related events
are to be filtered out
SNMP traps will be sent to the given <IP Address>:<port> combination given
in this table, with a community string as given by the
adminTrapDestCommunity variable.
To de-register an entry in this table, simply issue an SNMP SET request to the
adminTrapDestRowStatus variable. Setting this variable to destroy causes
the row entry to be deleted.
Note: It is the responsibility of the SNMP manager to de-register with the
Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelf when it no longer requires SNMP traps
from the shelf. Entries in the adminTrapDestinationTable are stored on the
shelf in persistent store and will therefore remain in the table until
explicitly deleted by the SNMP management station.
Receiving SNMP traps
After registering for single shelf traps, the management station will receive
alarm state changes, events, and user request traps (or a subset if filtering is
applied) related to that shelf only.
5-6 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
After registering for ring wide traps, the management station will receive
alarm state changes, events, and user request traps (or a subset if filtering is
applied) related to all shelves in the ring.
If the same SNMP manager is registered for ring wide traps and for single shelf
traps, the management station will receive duplicate traps.
Prior to Release 5.0, only a single shelf trap receiving mechanism was
available for SNMP managers.
The following case scenarios should be considered if upgrading Optical Metro
5100/5200 shelves running software load lower than Release 5.0:
Case 1: If the SNMP manager is registered with one or more shelves for
traps, in adminTrapDestinationTable as entry (5-8), the SNMP manager
will start receiving ring wide traps from these shelves after the upgrade.
Case 2: If your SNMP manager is registered with one or more shelves for
traps in adminTrapDestinationTable as entry (1-4), the SNMP manager
will still receive single shelf traps from these shelves after the upgrade.
To continue receiving single shelf traps, follow the procedures indicated
below for the above-mentioned case scenarios:
Case 1 procedure: De-register the SNMP manager from all shelves where
the SNMP manager is registered for traps in adminTrapDestinationTable
as entry in the range 5-8, and re-register them in the range 1-4.
Case 2 procedure: No action is necessary.
To start receiving ring wide traps, followthe procedures indicated belowfor
above-mentioned scenarios:
Case 1 procedure: De-register the SNMP manager entry in
adminTrapDestinationTable fromall shelves. Register the SNMP manager
in this table with GNE (Gateway Network Element) shelf for ring wide
traps as entry in the range 5-8.
Case 2 procedure: De-register the SNMP manager entry in
adminTrapdestinationTable from all shelves. Register the SNMP manager
in this table with GNE (Gateway Network Element) shelf for ring wide
traps as entry in the range 5-8.
Querying alarm status
It is also possible to poll the shelf for alarmstatus. The notifActiveAlarmTable
and notifAlarmTable contain everything necessary to find information about
all alarms on the shelf. Scalar variables also exist to find a summary of the
existing alarmcounts and timestamp of the last alarm state change on the shelf.
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-7
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Observer and surveillance communities
Members of the observer community, as of release 6.1, have write access to the
(private) area of the MIBused for local user-account management so that these
users can change their respective passwords. A new, strictly read-only,
community class called the surveillance community is available in Release
6.1. The surveillance community string can be changed using SMI or TL1.
All community strings can be changed using SMI or TL1. Nortel Networks
recommends that the administrator change all community strings to
non-default values to secure the network element.
Configuring the external SNMP manager when using private IP
When the Optical Metro 5100/5200 network is provisioned to use private IP
addressing, the external SNMP manager must be setup so that each network
node has its IP address and port number manually configured. When private IP
addressing is used, the SNMP manager can only send requests to the GNE's IP
address. However, to issue requests to remote (i.e., non-GNE) shelves, the
SNMP manager must use the IP address of the GNE along with a UDP port
number of 8000 + Shelf ID (the Shelf ID is of the shelf which the SNMP
Manager wants to access).
For example, if there are 3 shelves in the systemin private IP mode, with Shelf
IDs 1, 2, and 3 respectively (with a GNE IP address of, then the
SNMP manager must be configured with the following information for it to
communicate with each of the three shelves:
Shelf #1 GNE: / default UDP port (i.e., 161)
Shelf #2 RNE: / UDP port # 8002
Shelf #3 RNE: / UDP port # 8003
The only way any SNMP manager can gain access to a Remote NE (RNE) is
by using the GNE's IP address along with the appropriate UDP port number.
The GNE's SNMP Relay function relays the packet to appropriate RNE based
on the the UDP port number of 8000 + Shelf ID.
History of MIB changes
Differences introduced in Release 3.0
Release 3.0 of the OPTera Metro 5200 Network Element software introduces
a new Sub-Rate Multiplexor (SRM) circuit pack. This new circuit pack has
four ports, which introduces a new requirement for managing multiple ports
per circuit pack (Release 2.1 version of the surveillance MIB was limited to
modeling a single port per circuit pack).
5-8 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The introduction of the new four-port SRM dictates that SNMP tables which
were previously indexed by a slot are now indexed by a combination of slot
and port information. Rather than break the tables out into multiple indexes,
this newindex is called location and is mapped onto the old 32-bit slot into
a new 32-bit location as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1
This is an 8-bit number specifying the circuit pack slot number
This is an 8-bit number specifying the port number. The port may or may not
be applicable, depending on the entity that this location refers to. If the port is
not applicable, these bits will be 0.
Note: Ports associated with circuit pack entities range from 1 to 4. Any
management software written for NE Release 2.1 indexing based on the
old slot index must take into account that the location field may now
include port information as well as slot information. The management
software must now decode the location into port and slot information.
Port Type
This is a 3-bit number representing the type of port in this location. This field
is only used in Performance Monitoring areas (such as Threshold Crossing
Port type is one of: 0 (not applicable), 1 (optical), 2 (backplane), 3 (wan), 4
(path), or 5 (aggregate).
This is a 2-bit number representing direction; one of 0 (not applicable), 1 (tx),
or 2 (rx).
32 Bits
Bit 31 Bits 30:27 Bits 26:25
Bits 24:22 Bits 21:8
Bits 7:0
Port 2 Direction Port Type Port Slot
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-9
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Port 2
This is a 4-bit number representing the number of port when Port Type is path.
See Differences introduced in Release 7.0 on page 5-40 for examples on
location decoding.
Differences introduced in Release 3.1
While Nortel Networks has combined the 3.0 and 3.1 MIB into one there are
a few differences. First, OPTeraReturnCodes
invalid-switch-to-failed-timing-clock(71) and
invalid-timing-clock-for-port-notConnected(72) apply only to shelves with
Release 3.1.
Second, the OPTeraAlarmIDs in Table 5-1 are only applicable to Release 3.1.
Differences introduced in Release 3.2
Most of the changes in the surveillance MIB for Release 3.2 are related to
introduction of the Optical Service Channel (OSC) card. The following areas
of surveillance MIB were affected:
ReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-2)
AlarmId definitions (see Table 5-3)
Table 5-1
New Optera Alarm IDs ID number Definition
alarm-rx-loc 161 S-SRM Rx LOC
alarm-rx-alert-ploc 162 S-SRM Rx alert ploc
alarm-rx-alert-sloc 163 S-SRM Rx alert sloc
alarm-tx-lof 164 S-SRM Tx LOF
alarm-prim-clock-not-prov 165 S-SRM Primary clock not provisioned
alarm-sec-clock-not-prov 166 S-SRM Secondary clock not provisioned
alarm-clock-not-prov 167 S-SRM Clock not provisioned
Table 5-2
ReturnCode definitions
New ReturnCode definitions in Rel. 3.2 ID number
supporting-osc-facility-notprovisioned 73
supporting-wsc-facility-must-be-deleted-first 74
supporting-osc-facility-is-out-of-service 75
supporting-wsc-facility-is-in-service 76
5-10 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
wsc-connection-must-be-add-drop 77
wsc-connection-already-in-specified-state 78
both-wsc-facilities-must-be-provisioned 79
invalid-wsc-port 80
Note: WSC = Way Side Channel
Table 5-3
AlarmId definitions
New AlarmId definitions in Rel. 3.2 ID number Description
alarm-bit-disparity 168 Bit Disparity
alarm-db-backup-failure 169 Data Base backup failure
alarm-db-restore-failure 170 Data Base restore failure
alarm-osc-invalid-data 171 OSC Invalid data
alarm-osc-oh-link-fail-rem-e 172 OSC overhead link fail remote east
alarm-osc-oh-link-fail-rem-w 173 OSC overhead link fail remote west
alarm-oh-link-fail-east 174 OSC overhead link fail east
alarm-oh-link-fail-west 175 OSC overhead link fail west
alarm-loss-of-link 176 OSC loss of link
alarm-uneqpt-remote-port 177 OSC unequipped remote port
alarm-osc-shelf-input-failure 178 OSC Shelf Input Failure
alarm-osc-remote-loss-of-signal 179 OSC Remote Loss of Signal
alarm-osc-remote-loss-of-frame 180 OSC Remote Loss of Frame
alarm-osc-remote-invalid-signal 181 OSC Remote Invalid Signal
alarm-osc-e-w-fiber-mismatch 182 OSC East/West Fiber Mismatch
alarm-osc-wayside-ais 183 OSC Wayside Alarm Indication Signal
alarm-osc-loss-of-signal 184 OSC loss of signal
alarm-software-below-baseline 185 Software below baseline
alarm-osc-invalid-signal 186 OSC invalid signal
alarm-osc-loss-of-frame 187 OSC loss
Table 5-2 (continued)
ReturnCode definitions
New ReturnCode definitions in Rel. 3.2 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-11
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Differences introduced in Release 4.0
Most of the changes in the surveillance MIB for Release 4.0 are related to
introduction of the 10 Gbit/s circuit pack and additional fields to the traps. The
following areas of surveillance MIB were affected:
New data type definition: CardType (see Table 5-4)
CardType is an integer which indicates the values in Table 5-4
ReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-5)
AlarmId definitions (see Table 5-6)
EventId definitions (see Table 5-7)
NotifActiveAlarmTable (see Table 5-8)
NotifAlarmDescriptionTable (see Table 5-9)
logTable (see Table 5-10)
Trap definitions (see Table 5-11)
Table 5-4
CardType definitions
New CardType definitions in Rel. 4.0
undefined (0)
ocld (1)
ocm (2)
oci (3)
omx (4)
sp (5)
mp (6)
ofa (7)
ect (8)
srm (9)
osc (10)
otr (11)
filler (12)
5-12 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-5
ReturnCode definitions
New ReturnCode definitions in Rel. 4.0 ID number
band-or-channel-unavailable 81
maximum-card-count-reached 82
entity-in-adjasent-slot-exist 83
Table 5-6
AlarmId definitions
New AlarmId definitions in Rel. 4.0 ID number Description
alarm-ocld-fiber-mismatch 188 OCLD Fiber Mismatch
alarm-remote-defect-indication 189 Remote defect indication
alarm-band1-input-failure-west 190 Band 1 Input Failure West
alarm-band2-input-failure-west 191 Band 2 Input Failure West
alarm-band3-input-failure-west 192 Band 3 Input Failure West
alarm-band4-input-failure-west 193 Band 4 Input Failure West
alarm-band5-input-failure-west 194 Band 5 Input Failure West
alarm-band6-input-failure-west 195 Band 6 Input Failure West
alarm-band7-input-failure-west 196 Band 7 Input Failure West
alarm-band8-input-failure-west 197 Band 8 Input Failure West
alarm-band1-input-failure-east 198 Band 1 Input Failure East
alarm-band2-input-failure-east 199 Band 2 Input Failure East
alarm-band3-input-failure-east 200 Band 3 Input Failure East
alarm-band4-input-failure-east 201 Band 4 Input Failure East
alarm-band5-input-failure-east 202 Band 5 Input Failure East
alarm-band6-input-failure-east 203 Band 6 Input Failure East
alarm-band7-input-failure-east 204 Band 7 Input Failure East
alarm-band8-input-failure-east 205 Band 8 Input Failure East
alarm-bit-error-rate-degrade 206 Bit Error Rate Degrade
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-13
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Table 5-7
EventId definitions
New EventId definitions in Rel. 4.0 ID number
event-eqpt-manual-to-ocm-a 22
event-eqpt-manual-to-ocm-b 23
event-path-start-wrt-timer 24
event-path-Cancel-wrt-timer 25
event-path-end-wtr-timer 26
event-incompatible-load 27
event-primary-clk-prov 28
event-secondary-clk-prov 29
event-primary-clk-deprov 30
event-secondary-clk-deprov 31
event-auto-switch-to-pri-clk 32
event-auto-switch-to-sec-clk 33
event-man-switch-to-pri-clk 34
event-man-switch-to-sec-clk 35
event-primary-clk-change 36
event-secondary-clk-change 37
event-db-backup-in-progress 38
event-db-backup-failure 39
event-db-backup-complete 40
event-db-restore-in-progress 41
event-db-restore-failure 42
event-db-restore-complete 43
event-db-restore-commit-failure 44
event-db-restore-commit-complete 45
event-db-restore-cancel-failure 46
event-db-restore-cancel-complete 47
event-incompatible-sp-load-size 48
event-sp-load-not-found 49
5-14 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
event-health-check-in-progress 50
event-health-check-completed 51
event-health-check-failed 52
event-flash-error 53
event-ftp-failed 54
event-ftp-file-too-big 55
event-flash-locked 56
event-load-header-invalid 57
event-load-checksum 58
event-distributed-loads-removed 59
event-no-response 60
event-trib-suppress-backplane10-event 61
event-trib-suppress-backplane9-event 62
event-trib-restore-backplane10-event 63
event-trib-restore-backplane9-event 64
event-set-alarm-SA 65
event-set-alarm-NSA 66
event-mask-OH-alarms 67
event-unmask-OH-alarms 68
event-BIF-event 69
event-mask-LOS 70
event-unmask-LOS 71
event-mask-BIF 72
event-unmask-BIF 73
Table 5-7 (continued)
EventId definitions
New EventId definitions in Rel. 4.0 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-15
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NotifAlarmDescriptionTable is introduced in Release 4.0, which contains the
complete list of all alarms/alerts ID's, severity and descriptions.
Differences introduced in Release 4.1
Most of the changes in the surveillance MIB for Release 4.1 are related to
introduction of the newcircuit packs (for example, the APBE circuit pack) and
new software features (for example, Intra-site Fault Sectionalization). The
following areas of surveillance MIB were affected:
New shelf variable
Table 5-8
NotifActiveAlarmTable fields
New fields to notifActiveAlarmTable in Rel. 4.0
notifActiveAlarmCardType CardType
notifActiveAlarmSeverity AlarmSeverity
notifActiveAlarmTimeStamp TimeAndDate
notifActiveAlarmDescr DisplayString
notifLocationDescr DisplayString
Table 5-9
NotifAlarmDescriptionTable definitions
NotifAlarmDescriptionTable definition
notifAlarmDescId OPTeraAlarmId
notifAlarmDescSeverity AlarmSeverity
notifAlarmDescription DisplayString
Table 5-10
LogTable fields
New fields to logTable in Rel. 4.0
logCardType CardType
logLocationDescr DisplayString
Table 5-11
Trap fields
New fields to traps in Rel. 4.0
notifActiveAlarmCardType CardType
notifLocationDescr DisplayString
5-16 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Slotnum definition
CardType definitions (see Table 5-12)
ReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-13)
AlarmId definitions (see Table 5-14)
EventId definitions (see Table 5-15)
Location field
ShelfHwiShelfIDis added to the shelf group along with the introduction of the
5100 shelf. This variable provides the interface to discover the platform
identifier for OPTera 5000 shelves.
Slotnum definition has been extended from range (0..26) to (0..47).
The Intra-site Fault Sectionalization feature introduced concept of virtual slots
(28-47). Virtual slots are used by alarm system to raise alarms against specific
OMX band and direction or OSC, C and L splitter directions.
Virtual slots are mapped as follows:
28 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 1
29 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 2
30 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 3
31 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 4
32 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 5
33 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 6
34 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 7
35 - OMX ,WEST, BAND 8
36 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 1
37 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 2
38 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 3
39 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 4
40 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 5
41 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 6
42 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 7
43 - OMX ,EAST, BAND 8
46 - C and L SPLITTER , WEST
47 - C and L SPLITTER , EAST
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-17
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Table 5-12
Card definitions
New CardType definitions in Rel. 4.1 ID number
osc-splitter 13
c-and-l-splitter 14
apbe 15
Table 5-13
ReturnCode definitions
New ReturnCode definitions in Rel. 4.1 ID number
incompatible-lambda 84
incompatible-card-types 85
traffic-being-forced-to-specified-ocm 86
invalidDirection 87
invalid-configuration 88
invalid-ERN 89
apbe-evoa-facilities-must-be-oos 90
apbe-aggregate-facility-must-be-oos 91
apbe-provision-power-out-of-range 92
apbe-invalid-prov-mode 93
ern-edit-not-allowed-for-osc-ifs-state 94
conflicting-direction-and-configuration 95
functionality-not-supported 96
backup-restore-in-progress 97
band-facilities-must-be-deleted-first 98
aggregate-facility-must-be-provisioned-first 99
ifs-enable-not-allowed-with-ern0 100
5-18 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-14
AlarmId definitions
New AlarmId definitions in Rel. 4.1 ID number Description
alarm-environmental-type5 207 Telemetry input port 5
alarm-environmental-type6 208 Telemetry input port 6
alarm-environmental-type7 209 Telemetry input port 7
alarm-environmental-type8 210 Telemetry input port 8
alarm-broken-fiber 211 Broken fiber alarm
alarm-band-ais 212 Band Alarm Indication Signal
alarm-ofa-ais 213 OFA Alarm Indication Signal
alarm-remote-ifs-failure 214 Remote IFS failure
alarm-incomplete-ofa-provisioning 215 Incomplete OFA provisioning
alarm-ifs-shelf-remove 216 IFS shelf remove
alarm-db-Redundancy-Minor 217 Database redundancy lost
alarm-db-Redundancy-Critical 218 Both databases are OOS
alarm-Auto-Laser-Shutdown 219 Auto laser shutdown
alarm-Remote-ALS 220 Remote auto laser shutdown
alarm-Incompatible-Eqpt-Ring-Number 221 Incompatible equipment ring number
alarm-power-not-attainable-low 222 Target Power Not Attainable Low
alarm-power-not-attainable-high 223 Target Power Not Attainable High
alarm-unexpected-power-change 224 Unexpected optical Power Change
alarm-power-out-of-range-low 225 Optical Power Out of Range Low
alarm-power-out-of-range-high 226 Optical Power Out of Range High
alarm-optical-power-low 227 Optical Power low
alarm-duplicated-eqpt-ring-num 228 Duplicated Eqpt Ring Number
alarm-eqpt-ring-number-mismatch 229 Eqpt Ring Number Mismatch
alarm-optical-span-failed-tx 230 Optical span failed TX
alarm-optical-span-failed-rx 231 Optical span failed RX
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-19
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The ring number is inserted into the Location field along with the introduction
of the IFS (Intra-site Fault Sectionalization) feature in the Release 4.1. This is
a 6-bit number that specifies the provisioned equipment ring number. The
default value is 0. See Figure 5-2.
Table 5-15
EventId definitions
New EventId definitions in Rel. 4.1 ID number
event-eqpt-delete 74
event-eqpt-add 75
event-IFS-On 76
event-IFS-Off 77
event-IFS-clear 78
event-IFS-clear-complete 79
event-IFS-shelf-remove 80
event-ALS-summary 81
event-ALS-enabled 82
event-ALS-disable 83
event-laser-active 84
event-transferload-from-NE-failed 85
event-Apbe-band-atMaxloss 86
event-Apbe-band-Eqcomplete 87
event-database-agent-started 88
event-start-ERN-change 89
event-ERN-change-done 90
event-card-upgrade-success 91
event-card-upgrade-failed 92
event-forced-to-ocm-a 93
event-forced-to-ocm-b 94
event-Apbe-corrupt-data 95
5-20 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 5-2
Differences introduced in Release 5.0
See Conducting alarm surveillance for changes introduced in alarm
surveillance functionality for Release 5.0.
The following MIB type definitions are expanded in release 5.0:
OPTeraReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-16)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions (see Table 5-17)
OPTeraEventId definitions (see Table 5-18)
Table 5-16
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number
als-is-not-enabled 107
Shelf-spare1 108
Shelf-spare10 117
dns-servers-not-configured 118
dns-service-not-disabled 119
dns-not-primary-shelf 120
dns-invalid-suffix 121
invalid-ofa-type 122
identical-band-channel-per-plane 123
non-alpha-numeric-desc-entry 124
cannot-perform-path-lockout 125
cannot-perform-path-force-switch 126
Slot Port Port Type Direction
Bits 7:0 Bits 21:8 Bits 24:22 Bits 26:25
Direction Unused
Bits 31:27
32 Bits
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-21
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
cannot-perform-eqpt-force-switch 127
cannot-perform-eqpt-manual-switch 128
cannot-set-gne-enet1-dhcp 129
Enet1-dhcp-address-is-nonzero 130
gateway-ip-addr-is-nonzero 131
bgp-must-be-disabled 132
Ospf-must-be-disabled 133
subnet-mask-too-large-for-gne 134
Note: OPTeraReturnCode values from 101 to 106 (inclusive) are
intentionally skipped.
Table 5-17
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number Description
alarm-cv-8b10b-15Min 232 CV CV 8B10B 15 Min
alarm-es-8B10B-15Min 233 ES 8B10B 15 Min
alarm-SES-8B10B-15Min 234 SES 8B10B 15 Min
alarm-cv-8b10b-1day ) 235 CV 8B10B 15 Min
alarm-es-8B10B-1day 236 ES 8B10B 15 Min
alarm-ses-8B10B-1day 237 SES 8B10B 15 Min
alarm-tx-high-reflection 238 High Reflection
alarm-tx-user-power-high 239 Optical Power Transmit High
alarm-tx-user-power-low 240 Optical Power Transmit Low
alarm-rx-user-power-high 241 Optical Power Receive High
alarm-rx-user-power-low 242 Optical Power Receive Low
alarm-unassigned-ern 243 Unassigned Equipment Ring
alarm-tx-invalid-signal1 244 Invalid Alarm 244
alarm-tx-invalid-signal2 245 Invalid Alarm 245
Table 5-16 (continued)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number
5-22 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
alarm-tx-invalid-signal3 246 Invalid Alarm 246
alarm-tx-invalid-signal4 247 Invalid Alarm 247
alarm-circuit-card-below-baseline 248 Circuit Pack below Baseline
alarm-circuit-card-non-baseline 249 Invalid Alarm 249
alarm-fpga-below-baseline 250 Invalid Alarm 250
alarm-bootloader-below-baseline 251 Bootloader below Baseline
alarm-fac-oos-opt-signal-failure 252 Facility Out Of Service - Optical
Signal Failure
alarm-site-input-failure 253 Site Input Failure
alarm-invalid-provisioning 254 Invalid Provisioning
alarm-ifs-version-mismatch 255 Intrasite Fault Sectionalization
Version Mismatch
alarm-ifs-multiple-faults 256 Fault Sectionalization Unresolved
alarm-protection-not-available 257 Protection Not Available
alarm-dns-suffix-mismatch 258 DNS suffix mismatch
Note: Alarms 244 to 247, 249 and 250 are not used in this release.
Table 5-18
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number
event-alr-enabled 96
event-alr-disabled 97
event-CV-SONET-15Min 98
event-ES-SONET-15Min 99
event-SES-SONET-15Min 100
event-SEFS-SONET-15Min 101
event-CV-SONET-1Day 102
event-ES-SONET-1Day 103
event-SES-SONET-1Day 104
Table 5-17 (continued)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number Description
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-23
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
event-SEFS-SONET-1Day 105
event-EB-SDH-15Min 106
event-ES-SDH-15Min 107
event-SES-SDH-15Min 108
event-OFS-SDH-15Min 109
event-EB-SDH-1Day 110
event-ES-SDH-1Day 111
event-SES-SDH-1Day 112
event-OFS-SDH-1Day 113
event-CV-OCHPath-15Min 114
event-ES-OCHPath-15Min 115
event-SES-OCHPath-15Min 116
event-SEFS-OCHPath-15Min 117
event-CV-OCHPath-1Day 118
event-ES-OCHPath-1Day 119
event-SES-OCHPath-1Day 120
event-SEFS-OCHPath-1Day 121
event-CV-MUXTrib1-15Min 122
event-ESMUXTrib1-15Min 123
event-SESMUXTrib1-15Min 124
event-CV-MUXTrib1-1Day 125
event-ES-MUXTrib1-1Day 126
event-SES-MUXTrib1-1Day 127
event-CV-MUXTrib2-15Min 128
event-ES-MUXTrib2-15Min 129
event-SES-MUXTrib2-15Min 130
event-CV-MUXTrib2-1Day 131
event-ES-MUXTrib2-1Day 132
Table 5-18 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number
5-24 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
event-SES-MUXTrib2-1Day 133
event-CV-MUXTrib3-15Min 134
event-ES-MUXTrib3-15Min 135
event-SES-MUXTrib3-15Min 136
event-CV-MUXTrib3-1Day 137
event-ES-MUXTrib3-1Day 138
event-SES-MUXTrib3-1Day 139
event-CV-MUXTrib4-15Min 140
event-ES-MUXTrib4-15Min 141
event-SES-MUXTrib4-15Min 142
event-CV-MUXTrib4-1Day 143
event-ES-MUXTrib4-1Day 144
event-SES-MUXTrib4-1Day 145
event-CV-8B10B-15Min 146
event-ES-8B10B-15Min 147
event-SES-8B10B-15Min 148
event-CV-8B10B-1Day 149
event-ES-8B10B-1Day 150
event-SES-8B10B-1Day 151
event-tx-user-power-high 152
event-tx-user-power-low 153
event-rx-user-power-high 154
event-rx-user-power-low 155
event-apply-fac-loopback 156
event-remove-fac-loopback 157
event-circuit-card-below-baseline 158
event-circuit-card-unknown 159
event-mask-user-power-TCA 160
Table 5-18 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-25
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The following MIB definition names were changed:
In OPTeraReturnCode type:
entity-in-adjasent-slot-exist (83) to entity-in-adjacent-slot-exist
In OPTeraEventId type:
event-transferload-froNE-failed (85) to
event-transferload-from-NE-failed (85)
event-Apbe-band-Eqcomplete (87) to
event-Apbe-band-eqpt-complete (87)
The following MIB definition range values were changed:
In shelf group:
shelfShelfId OBJECT-TYPE
Differences introduced in Release 6.0
The following MIB type definitions are expanded in release 6.0:
CardType definitions (see Table 5-19)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-20)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions (see Table 5-21)
OPTeraEventId definitions (see Table 5-22)
NotifActiveAlarmTable (see Table 5-23)
event-unmask-user-power-TCA 161
event-admin-community-name-change 162
event-operator-community-name-change 163
event-observer-community-name-change 164
event-circuit-card-non-baseline 165
event-fpga-below-baseline 166
event-software-version-check-begin 167
event-software-version-check-end 168
event-bootloader-below-base-line 169
event-APBE-data-backup-completed 170
event-APBE-data-backup-failed 171
Table 5-18 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 5.0 ID number
5-26 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
logTable (see Table 5-24)
Trap definitions (see Table 5-25 and Table 5-26)
Table 5-19
CardType definitions
New CardType definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number
gfsrm 16
Table 5-20
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number
invalid-path 135
invalid-transport 136
path-out-of-sequence 137
operation-failed 138
osc-missing 139
Table 5-21
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number Definition
alarm-cvl-15min 259 CV CVL 15 Min
alarm-ebl-15min 260 EBL 15 Min
alarm-esl-15min 261 ESL 15 Min
alarm-sesl-15min 262 SESL 15 Min
alarm-uasl-15min 263 UASL 15 Min
alarm-cv-lfe-15min 264 CV-LFE 15 Min
alarm-eb-lfe-15min 265 EB-LFE 15 Min
alarm-es-lfe-15min 266 ES-LFE 15 Min
alarm-ses-lfe-15min 267 SES-LFE 15 Min
alarm-uas-lfe-15min 268 UAS-LFE 15 Min
alarm-cvl-1day 269 CVL 1 day
alarm-ebl-1day 270 EBL 1 day
alarm-esl-1day 271 ESL 1 day
alarm-sesl-1day 272 SESL 1 day
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-27
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
alarm-uasl-1day 273 UASL 1 day
alarm-cv-lfe-1day 274 CV-LFE 1 day
alarm-eb-lfe-1day 275 EB-LFE 1 day
alarm-es-lfe-1day 276 ES-LFE 1 day
alarm-ses-lfe-1day 277 SES-LFE 1 day
alarm-uas-lfe-1day 278 UAS-LFE 1 day
alarm-cvp-15min 279 CVP 15 Min
alarm-ebp-15min 280 EBP 15 Min
alarm-esp-15min 281 ESP 15 Min
alarm-sesp-15min 282 SESP 15 Min
alarm-uasp-15min 283 UASP 15 Min
alarm-cv-pfe-15min 284 CV-PFE 15 Min
alarm-eb-pfe-15min 285 EB-PFE 15 Min
alarm-es-pfe-15min 286 ES-PFE 15 Min
alarm-ses-pfe-15min 287 SES-PFE 15 Min
alarm-uas-pfe-15min 288 UAS-PFE 15 Min
alarm-cvp-1day 289 CVP 1 day
alarm-ebp-1day 290 EBP 1 day
alarm-esp-1day 291 ESP 1 day
alarm-sesp-1day 292 SESP 1 day
alarm-uasp-1day 293 UASP 1 day
alarm-cv-pfe-1day 294 CV-PFE 1 day
alarm-eb-pfe-1day 295 EB-PFE 1 day
alarm-es-pfe-1day 296 ES-PFE 1 day
alarm-ses-pfe-1day 297 SES-PFE 1 day
alarm-uass-pfe-1day 298 UASS-PFE 1 day
alarm-uass-15min 299 UASS 15 Min
alarm-sefs-15min 300 SEFS 15 Min
Table 5-21 (continued)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number Definition
5-28 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
alarm-uas-15min 301 UAS 15 Min
alarm-fc-15min 302 FC 15 Min
alarm-uass-1day 303 UASS 1 day
alarm-sefs-1day 304 SEFS 1 day
alarm-uas-1day 305 UAS 1 day
alarm-fc-1day 306 FC 1 day
alarm-los-sync 307 Loss of Synchronization
alarm-lof-delineation 308 Loss of Frame Delineation
alarm-client-signal-mismatch 309 Client Service Mismatch
alarm-client-link-down 310 LAN Link Down
alarm-rclient-signal-failed 311 Far End Client Rx Signal Fail
alarm-loss-of-pointer 312 Loss of Pointer
alarm-path-unequipped 313 Unequipped
alarm-signal-label-mismatch 314 Payload Label Mismatch
alarm-loss-of-mul-frame 315 Loss of MultiFrame
alarm-loss-of-sequence 316 Loss of Sequence
alarm-loss-of-alignment 317 Loss of Alignment
alarm-link-capacity-mismatch 318 Insufficient Link Capacity
alarm-loss-time-reference 319 Loss of Timing Reference
Table 5-22
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number
event-cvl-15min 172
event-ebl-15min 173
event-esl-15min 174
event-sesl-15min 175
event-uasl-15min 176
event-cv-lfe-15min 177
Table 5-21 (continued)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number Definition
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-29
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
event-eb-lfe-15min 178
event-es-lfe-15min 179
event-ses-lfe-15min 180
event-uas-lfe-15min 181
event-cvl-1day 182
event-ebl-1day 183
event-esl-1day 184
event-sesl-1day 185
event-uasl-1day 186
event-cv-lfe-1day 187
event-eb-lfe-1day 188
event-es-lfe-1day 189
event-ses-lfe-1day 190
event-uas-lfe-1day 191
event-cvp-15min 192
event-ebp-15min 193
event-esp-15min 194
event-sesp-15min 195
event-uasp-15min 196
event-cv-pfe-15min 197
event-eb-pfe-15min 198
event-es-pfe-15min 199
event-ses-pfe-15min 200
event-uas-pfe-15min 201
event-cvp-1day 202
event-ebp-1day 203
event-esp-1day 204
event-sesp-1day 205
Table 5-22 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number
5-30 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
event-uasp-1day 206
event-cv-pfe-1day 207
event-eb-pfe-1day 208
event-es-pfe-1day 209
event-ses-pfe-1day 210
event-uas-pfe-1day 211
event-uass-15min 212
event-sefs-15min 213
event-uas-15min 214
event-fc-15min 215
event-uass-1day 216
event-sefs-1day 217
event-uas-1day 218
event-fc-1day 219
event-enet2-access-ctrl-none 220
event-enet2-access-ctrl-filter 221
event-enet2-access-ctrl-encrypt 222
Table 5-23
NotifActiveAlarmTable fields
New fields to notifActiveAlarmTable in Rel. 6.0
notifOptSysId DisplayString
Table 5-24
LogTable fields
New fields to logTable in Rel. 6.0
logOptSysId DisplayString
Table 5-22 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 6.0 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-31
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The following MIB definition names were changed:
In OPTeraReturnCode type:
apbe-evoa-facilities-must-be-oos (90) to
other-facilities-must-be-oos (90)
apbe-aggregate-facility-must-be-oos (91) to
aggregate-facility-must-be-oos (91)
band-facilities-must-be-deleted-first (98) to
other-facilities-must-be-deleted-first (98)
Differences introduced in Release 6.1
See Observer and surveillance communities for changes introduced for the
new surveillance community in Release 6.1.
The following MIB type definitions are expanded in release 6.1:
SlotNum defintions (see Table 5-27)
CardType definitions (see Table 5-28)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-29)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions (see Table 5-30)
OPTeraEventId definitions (see Table 5-31)
Shelf group variable definitions (see Table 5-32)
Trap definitions (see Table 5-33, and Table 5-34)
Table 5-25
Event and userRequest traps fields
New fields to event and userRequest traps in Rel. 6.0
logOptSysId DisplayString
Table 5-26
Alarm traps fields
New fields to alarm traps in Rel. 6.0
notifOptSysId DisplayString
Table 5-27
SlotNum definitions
New SlotNum definitions in Rel. 6.1
invalid-slot (0)
slot-1 (1) slot-2 (2)
slot-3 (3) slot-4 (4)
5-32 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
slot-5 (5) slot-6 (6)
slot-7 (7) slot-8 (8)
slot-9 (9) slot-10 (10)
slot-11 (11) slot-12 (12)
slot-13 (13) slot-14 (14)
slot-15 (15) slot-16 (16)
slot-17 (17) slot-18 (18)
slot-19 (19) slot-20 (20)
slot-21 (21) slot-22 (22)
slot-23 (23) slot-24 (24)
cooling-unit-slot (25) shelf-common-slot (26)
telemetry-slot (27)
virtual-slot-omx-w-band-1 (28) virtual-slot-omx-w-band-2 (29)
virtual-slot-omx-w-band-3 (30) virtual-slot-omx-w-band-4 (31)
virtual-slot-omx-w-band-5 (32) virtual-slot-omx-w-band-6 (33)
virtual-slot-omx-w-band-7 (34) virtual-slot-omx-w-band-8 (35)
virtual-slot-omx-e-band-1 (36) virtual-slot-omx-e-band-2 (37)
virtual-slot-omx-e-band-3 (38) virtual-slot-omx-e-band-4 (39)
virtual-slot-omx-e-band-5 (40) virtual-slot-omx-e-band-6 (41)
virtual-slot-omx-e-band-7 (42) virtual-slot-omx-e-band-8 (43)
virtual-slot-osc-splt-w (44) virtual-slot-osc-splt-e (45)
virtual-slot-c-and-l-splt-w (46) virtual-slot-c-and-l-splt-e (47)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-1 (64) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-2 (65)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-3 (66) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-4 (67)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-5 (68) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-6 (69)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-7 (70) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-8 (71)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-9 (72) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-10 (73)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-11 (74) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-12 (75)
Table 5-27 (continued)
SlotNum definitions
New SlotNum definitions in Rel. 6.1
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-33
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-13 (76) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-14 (77)
eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-15 (78) eqpt-inv-port-1-eiu-slot-16 (79)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-1 (80) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-2 (81)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-3 (82) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-4 (83)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-5 (84) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-6 (85)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-7 (86) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-8 (87)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-9 (88) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-10 (89)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-11 (90) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-12 (91)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-13 (92) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-14 (93)
eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-15 (94) eqpt-inv-port-2-eiu-slot-16 (95)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-1 (96) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-2 (97)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-3 (98) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-4 (99)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-5 (100) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-6 (101)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-7 (102) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-8 (103)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-9 (104) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-10 (105)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-11 (106) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-12 (107)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-13 (108) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-14 (109)
eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-15 (110) eqpt-inv-port-3-eiu-slot-16 (111)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-1 (112) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-2 (113)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-3 (114) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-4 (115)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-5 (116) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-6 (117)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-7 (118) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-8 (119)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-9 (120) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-10 (121)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-11 (122) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-12 (123)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-13 (124) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-14 (125)
eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-15 (126) eqpt-inv-port-4-eiu-slot-16 (127)
Table 5-27 (continued)
SlotNum definitions
New SlotNum definitions in Rel. 6.1
5-34 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-28
CardType definitions
New CardType definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
w-splitter 17
voa 18
tpt 19
eiu 20
Table 5-29
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
fac-SSM-not-supported 140
fac-SD-not-supported 141
aggregate-encoding-mode-not-supported 142
invalid-SSM 143
invalid-fac-SD-Threshold 144
invalid-aggregate-encoding-mode 145
invalid-sync-state 146
not-primary-shelf 147
not-GNE-shelf 148
not-radius-gateway 149
user-cmnty-name-exist 150
user-Cmnty-not-found 151
user-name-exist 152
user-name-not-found 153
user-id-already-used 154
user-id-not-found 155
user-not-supported-operation 156
user-table-full 157
data-manager-not-available 158
radius-gateway-not-provisioned 159
radius-server-not-provisioned 160
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-35
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
invalid-authentication-mode 161
invalid-alternate-method 162
invalid-idle-timeout 163
invalid-attempt-threshold 164
invalid-lockout-duration 165
shared-secret-out-of-range 166
invalid-server-rank 167
radius-gateways-are-the-same 168
invalid-char-in-user-name 169
invalid-char-in-password 170
user-index-out-of-range 171
can-not-disable-default-admin 172
Note: The range of 173 up to 199 is reserved
reserved 200
invalid-gateway-ip-address 201
invalid-dhcp-ip-address 202
lmg-invalid-state 203
lmg-string-too-long 204
lmg-itc-error 205
lmg-flash-error 206
lmg-ftp-failed 207
lmg-file-too-big 208
lmg-load-record-not-found 209
lmg-flash-semaphore-not-available 210
lmg-zone-A-invalid 211
lmg-zone-B-invalid 212
lmg-database-not-initialized 213
lmg-software-library-missing 214
Table 5-29 (continued)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
5-36 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
lmg-software-load-missing 215
lmg-incompatible-download 216
lmg-software-load-not-valid 217
lmg-zone-not-valid 218
lmg-software-checksum-error 219
lmg-host-load-info-not-valid 220
lmg-no-response 221
lmg-downgrade-requested 222
lmg-downgrade-rejected 223
lmg-string-is-null 224
lmg-archiving-in-progress 225
lmg-software-load-size-mismatch 226
facility-path-monitor-not-supported 227
invalid-facility-path-monitor 228
dependent-eqpt-is-in-service 229
dependent-eqpt-must-be-deleted-first 230
network-of-ip-address-unreachable 231
opt-software-error 232
Table 5-30
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
alarm-loss-of-activity-1 23
alarm-loss-of-activity-17 39
alarm-loss-of-activity-18 40
alarm-optical-tray-missing 66
alarm-optical-tray-mismatch 67
alarm-FECCE15Min 320
alarm-FECCE1Day 321
Table 5-29 (continued)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-37
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
alarm-FECUF15Min 322
alarm-FECUF1Day 323
alarm-BDI 324
alarm-TxLossOfSync 325
alarm-TxAIS 326
alarm-TxLocal 327
alarm-TxRemote 328
alarm-TxHighBER 329
alarm-Local 330
alarm-Remote 331
alarm-HighBER 332
alarm-APDOverload 333
alarm-SumTCA15min 334
alarm-SumTCA1day 335
alarm-intrusion 336
alarm-signal-failure 337
alarm-signal-degrade 338
alarm-path-alarm-indication-signal 339
alarm-primary-radius-failed 340
alarm-secondary-radius-failed 341
alarm-radius-failed 342
alarm-eiu-missing 343
alarm-eiu-mismatch 344
alarm-pm-tick-failed 345
alarm-remote-fault-notify 346
alarm-pathProtection-Not-Available 347
Table 5-30 (continued)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
5-38 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-31
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
event-fec-ce-15min 223
event-fec-ce-1day 224
event-fec-uf-15min 225
event-fec-uf-1day 226
event-summary-1day 227
event-summary-15min 228
event-degraded-primary-clock 229
event-degraded-secondary-clock 230
event-clock-switch-to-free-run 231
event-clock-switch-to-hold-over 232
event-transfer-load-from-server-failed 233
event-upgrade-control-status 234
event-backup-load-to-server-failed 235
event-user-logout 236
event-user-login-failed 237
event-upgrade-distribute-started 238
event-upgrade-distribute-in-progress 239
event-upgrade-distribute-complete 240
event-upgrade-distribute-failure 241
event-upgrade-restart-started 242
event-upgrade-restart-in-progress 243
event-upgrade-restart-complete 244
event-upgrade-restart-failure 245
event-upgrade-commit-started 246
event-upgrade-commit-in-progress 247
event-upgrade-Commit-complete 248
event-upgrade-commit-failure 249
event-upgrade-cancel-started 250
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-39
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
event-upgrade-cancel-in-progressE 251
event-upgrade-cancel-complete 252
event-upgrade-cancel-failure 253
event-upgrade-backout-started 254
event-upgrade-cackout-in-progress 255
event-upgrade-backout-complete 256
event-upgrade-backout-failure 257
event-WCV-disabled 258
event-EFEW-set-to-any 259
event-EFEW-set-to-same 260
event-RFN-enabed 261
event-RFN-disabled 262
event-max-Id 263
Table 5-32
Shelf group variable
New variable to Shelf group in Rel. 6.1
shelfIpAddress IpAddress
Table 5-33
AdminTrapDestinationTable fields
New fields to adminTrapDestinationTable in Rel. 6.1
adminTrapDestSecurity Bool
Table 5-34
Event, userRequest alarm, and alert trap fields
New fields to event, userRequest, alarm and alert traps in Rel. 6.1
logClass Integer
shelfIpAddress IpAddress
Table 5-31 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 6.1 ID number
5-40 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Differences introduced in Release 7.0
The following MIB type definitions are expanded in release 7.0:
CardType definitions (see Table 5-35)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-36)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions (see Table 5-37)
OPTeraEventId definitions (see Table 5-38)
Active Alarm notification definitions (see Table 5-39)
logTable (see Table 5-40)
Trap definitions (see Table 5-41 and Table 5-42)
Table 5-35
CardType definitions
New CardType definitions in Rel. 7.0
motr line facility 11
sfp facility 12
motr 21
motrsfp 22
Table 5-36
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 7.0 ID number
mate-time-is-only-for-protected 232
incompatible-protocol-pluggable 233
path-num-is-high 234
path-num-is-low 235
path-num-is-out-of-range 236
path-not-aligned 237
no-paths-available-for-transport 238
path-already-taken 239
c-cat-transport-crosses-boundary 240
invalid-client-path-num 241
invalid-scheme-or-protection-mode 242
connection-must-be-revertive 243
invalid-line-transport-mode 244
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-41
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
invalid-protection-edit-request 245
higher-priority-switch-request-active 246
client-and-line-lbs-cant-coexist 247
opt-software-error 248
Table 5-37
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 7.0 ID number
alarm-sw-download-incomplete 348
alarm-opt-receiver-degrade 349
alarm-opt-transmitter-degrade 350
alarm-pluggable-missing 351
alarm-pluggable-failed 352
alarm-pluggable-mismatch 353
alarm-unknown-pluggable 354
alarm-pluggable-sanity-timeout 355
alarm-APS-channel-match-fail 356
alarm-APS-byte-fail 357
alarm-APS-mode-mismatch 358
alarm-APS-schema-mismatch 359
alarm-APS-far-end-fail 360
alarm-APS 361
alarm-APS-fiber-mismatch 362
alarm-wrapper-AIS 363
alarm-wrapper-LOF 364
alarm-GFP-RDI 365
alarm-sum-AIS 366
alarm-sum-RDI 367
alarm-sum-LOP 368
Table 5-36
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 7.0 ID number
5-42 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
alarm-sum-UEQ 369
alarm-sum-PLM 370
alarm-sum-LMF 371
alarm-sum-LOS 372
alarm-incompatible-provisioning 373
Table 5-38
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 7.0 ID number
event-CID-created 263
event-CID-deleted 264
event-CID-modified 265
event-telmetry-output-operated 266
event-telmetry-ouput-released 267
event-eqpt-state-change-oos 268
event-eqpt-state-change-ins 269
event-VGAmp-adjustment-Start (See Note:) 270
event-VGAmp-adjustment-fail (See Note:) 271
event-VGAmp-adjustment-succeed (See Note:) 272
event-plug-removed 273
event-plug-inserted 274
event-path-switch-to-west-fac-oos 275
event-path-switch-to-west-eqpt-fail 276
event-path-switch-to-west-signal-fail 277
event-path-switch-to-west-signal-degrade 278
event-path-switch-to-west-revert 279
event-path-switch-to-west-remote 280
event-path-switch-to-east-fac-oos 281
event-path-switch-to-east-eqpt-fail 282
Table 5-37 (continued)
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 7.0 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-43
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-40
LogTable fields
Table 5-41
Even and userRequest fields
Table 5-42
Alarm traps fields
Differences introduced in Release 8.0
The following MIB type definitions are expanded in release 8.0:
CardType definitions (see Table 5-43)
OPTeraReturnCode definitions (see Table 5-44)
event-path-switch-to-east-signal-fail 283
event-path-switch-to-est-signal-degrade 284
event-path-switch-to-east-revert 285
event-path-switch-to-east-remote 286
event-max-Id 287
Note: In release 7.0, this event is not displayed.
Table 5-39
NotifActiveAlarmTable fields
New fields to notifActiveAlarmTable in Rel. 7.0
notifActiveAlarmPathList DisplayString (See Note:)
notifActiveAlarmUpsnNum UpsnNum
Note: In release 7.0, this variable returns an empty string.
New fields to logTable in Rel. 7.0
logUpsnNum UpsnNum
New fields to event and userRequest traps in Rel. 7.0
logUpsnNum UpsnNum
New fields to alarm traps in Rel. 7.0
notifActiveAlarmUpsnNum UpsnNum
Table 5-38 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 7.0 ID number
5-44 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
OPTeraAlarmId definitions (see Table 5-45)
OPTeraEventId definitions (see Table 5-46)
Active Alarm notification definitions (see Table 5-47)
Alarm description notification definitions (see Table 5-48)
logTable (see Table 5-49)
Event and UserRequest (see Table 5-50)
Trap definitions (see Table 5-51)
Log branch definitions (see Table 5-52)
logCircuitPackHistoryTable definitions (see Table 5-53)
Table 5-43
CardType definitions
New CardType definitions in Rel. 8.0
dscm 23
Table 5-44
OPTeraReturnCode definitions
New OPTeraReturnCode definitions in Rel. 8.0 ID number
invalid-fec-mode 248
card-mismatch-alert 249
opt-software-error 250
Table 5-45
OPTeraAlarmId definitions
New OPTeraAlarmId definitions in Rel. 8.0 ID number
alarm-surrogate-ais 374
alarm-farend-circuitpack-mismatch 375
alarm-band9-input-failure-west 376
alarm-band9-input-failure-east 377
alarm-circuitpack-minor-mismatch 378
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-45
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Table 5-46
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 8.0 ID number
event-sys-equalization-start 287
event-sys-equalization-complete 288
event-sys-equalization-fail 289
event-sys-equalization-abort 290
event-sys-equalization-override 291
event-slec-update-fail 292
event-slec-component-fail 293
event-slec-site-fail 294
event-vgamp-fail-upc 295
event-vgamp-fail-low 296
event-vgamp-fail-high 297
event-vgamp-fail-conv 298
event-auto-slec-start 299
event-slec-site-complete 300
event-alm-severity-changed 301
event-alm-severity-reset 302
event-alm-severity-reset-all 303
event-user-password-chg-event-type 304
event-user-password-chg-failed-event-type 305
event-plug-eqpt-add-event 306
event-plug-eqpt-delete-event 307
event-apply-term-loopback 308
event-remove-term-loopback 309
event-facility-add-event 310
event-facility-delete-event 311
event-ch-assgnmt-add-event 312
event-ch-assgnmt-delete-event 313
event-port-assgnmt-add-event 314
5-46 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-48
notifAlarmDescriptionTable fields
Table 5-49
LogTable fields
Table 5-50
Event and userRequest fields
event-port-assgnmt-delete-event 315
event-path-add-event 316
event-path-delete-event 317
event-max-Id 318
Table 5-47
NotifActiveAlarmTable fields
New fields to notifActiveAlarmTable in Rel. 8.0
notifActiveAlarmSubCardType DisplayString
notifActiveAlarmAdditionalInfo DisplayString
New fields to notifAlarmDescriptionTable in Rel. 8.0
notifAlarmDescNSADefaultSeverity AlarmSeverity
notifAlarmDescSASeverity AlarmSeverity
notifAlarmDescNSASeverity AlarmSeverity
notifAlarmDescProvisionState Bool
notifAlarmDescSetToDefault Bool
New fields to logTable in Rel. 8.0
logSubCardType DisplayString
logAdditionalInfo DisplayString
New fields to event and userRequest traps in Rel. 8.0
logSubCardType DisplayString
Table 5-46 (continued)
OPTeraEventId definitions
New OPTeraEventId definitions in Rel. 8.0 ID number
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-47
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 5-51
Alarm traps fields
Decoding location value to slot, port, port type and direction
Location value can be obtained from:
logSlotNum trap filed
OID of trap fields
logSlotNum field
The following two Optical Metro trap types contain logSlotNum field:
New fields to alarm traps in Rel. 8.0
notifActiveAlarmSubCardType DisplayString
notifActiveAlarmAdditionalInfo DisplayString
Table 5-52
Log branch entries
New entries to log branch in Rel 8.0
logCicuitPackIndexQuery DisplayString
logCircuitPackHistoryTable Sequence
Table 5-53
logCircuitPackHistoryTable entries
Entries to logCircuitPackHistoryTable in Rel 8.0
logCircuitPackIndex Counter
logCircuitPackLocation INTEGER
logCircuitPackTimeStamp INTEGER
logCircuitPackPort INTEGER
logCircuitPackPortType INTEGER
logCircuitPackDir INTEGER
logCircuitPackPath INTEGER
logCircuitPackAlarmState INTEGER
logCircuitPackAlarmDesc DisplayString
5-48 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
logSlotNum field contains the location value. From Release 3.0, logSlotNum
value does not necessarily translate to a slot value (multi port cards). See above
definition of the location.
Example 1:
As mentioned earlier, the location is 32-bit integer with slot, port, port type,
and direction mapped in to the value. See Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3
Example 1
OID and location
The location is also present as a part of the OIDof a fewfields in the following
Optical Metro trap types:
These fields are:
logSlotNum = 263
Location as Decimal: 263
Location as Hex: 107
Location as binary: 0001 0000 0111
00000 00 000 000000 0000 0001 0000 0111
0 0 0 1 7
Not used
Direction Port Type Ring No. Port No. Slot No.
PortTypes: 0=NIL, 1=Optical, 2=Backplane, 3=wan, 4=path,
Directions: 0=NIL, 1=Tx, 2=Rx
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-49
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The last two dot-separated numbers in the OID of these fields are
location.alarmId values.
See Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-4
Example 2a
- Minor Tue Apr 03 15:51:04
[1] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
80.log.logTable.logTableEntry.logIndex.269 (Counter): 269
[2] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-80.shelf.shelfSiteId.0
(Integer): 1
[3] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-80.shelf.shelfShelfId.0
(Integer): 1
[4] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
37749511.9 (Integer): 986327993
[5] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
37749511.9 (Integer): active
[6] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
37749511.9 (OctetString): Loss of Lock
[7] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
37749511.9 (Integer): srm(9)
[8] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
37749511.9 (OctetString): slot:7,port:3,portType:1,direction:1,ringNumber:0
[9] private.enterprises.optera-solutions.optera-
(OctetString): ring 1
5-50 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 5-5
Example 2b
SNMP for Enhanced Trunk Switch shelves
The Enhanced Trunk Switch shelves also support a SNMP interface for
OAM&P functionality. The MIBs will allow alarm surveillance report to a
third-party SNMP management platform.
SNMP MIB files
The SNMP MIBs are files that specify the ETS information that needs to be
controlled and monitored. Table 5-54 identifies the proprietary MIB files that
are required.
The ETS supports the standard MIBs listed in Table 5-55.
Table 5-54
Proprietary SNMP MIB files
File name MIB name Description
global.my JDSU-GLOBAL-MIB The root of the JDS Uniphase MIBs
comm100.my JDSU-COMM100-MIB The table of alarms and alarm traps
Table 5-55
Standard MIBs supported
File name MIB name Description
rfc1213.mib RFC1213-MIB The system MIB
Location = 37749511
AlarmId = 9
Location as Decimal: 37749511
Location as Hex: 2 4 0 0 3 0 7
Location as
binary: 0010 0100 0000 0000 0011 0000 0111
00000 01 001 00 0000 0000 0011 0000 0111
1 1 0 3 7
Not used
Direction Port Type Ring No. Port No. Slot No.
PortTypes: 0=NIL, 1=Optical,2=Backplane,3=wan,4=path,5=aggregate
Directions: 0=NIL, 1=Tx, 2=Rx
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-51
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
MIB structure
There are two MIBs provided by the ETS:
The MIB-II is organized into the following group:
The Alarm is organized into the following groups:
The ETS supports the MIB-II (RFC1213) MIB with this exception; only the
following MIBs are user-configurable:
sysContactSystem administrator contact information.
User-configurable and persistent. Default: not available.
sysNameSystem administrative name; by convention the fully qualified
name (FQN). User-configurable and persistent. Default: WaveReady.
sysLocationA text description of the physical location of the managed
unit, for example Building M1.3 G9. User-configurable and persistent.
Default: not available.
SNMP Alarm MIB Support
The ETS MIB defines entries for the alarm table, as well as for the raiseAlarm
and clearAlarm events. Table 5-56 lists the meaning of the defined entries, and
Table 5-57 lists the entries associated with each alarm trap.
Table 5-56
Alarm Table
Supported Alarm Entry Meaning
alarmIndex An index that uniquely identifies this entry in the alarm table. Each entry
represents an alarm in the system.
alarmSeverity The alarm severity as perceived by the point of origin.
alarmCondition The alarm condition specific to this alarm.
alarmSA Indicates if the alarm is affecting customer service.
Note: This is not supported in this release.
alarmDateTime The data and time when the alarm occurred.
alarmShelf The number of the shelf where this alarm is raised.
alarmSlot The number of slot in the shelf where this alarm is raised.
5-52 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SNMP Community Strings
Community strings are passwords used in the requests and responses that are
exchanged between an SNMP management station and a network device. The
current release of the ETS does not allow the user to reconfigure the access
level associated with the community strings.
Table 5-58 lists the access level for each community string.
Supported Protocols
The ETS supports SNMP Version 1 (SNMPv1) and SNMP Version 2c
Trap definitions
The ETS generates two type of traps:
the MIB-II standard trap (coldstart)
enterprise traps (raiseAlarm, clearAlarm)
alarmPort The number of the port in the slot where the alarm is raised.
alarmFEPort The number of the far-end port where this alarm is raised (if applicable).
alarmGroup Indicates if this alarm relates to the near-end or the far-end node.
alarmDescription A brief text description of this alarm, suitable to display to the operator.
Table 5-57
Alarm entries associated with alarm traps
Alarm Name Associated Alarm Entry
raiseAlarm alarmIndex, alarmSeverity, alarmGroup, alarmCondition, alarmDateTime,
alarmShelf, alarmSlot, alarmPort, alarmFEPort, alarmDescription
clearAlarm alarmIndex, alarmSeverity, alarmGroup, alarmCondition, alarmDateTime,
alarmShelf, alarmSlot, alarmPort, alarmFEPort, alarmDescription
Table 5-58
Community string values
Access Level Community String Value
Read-only public
Read-write private
Traps traps
Table 5-56 (continued)
Alarm Table
Supported Alarm Entry Meaning
SNMP surveillance MIB 5-53
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
The coldstart trap is sent on system startup, and it is generated in both
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 format.
The raiseAlarm and clearAlarm traps are sent when alarms are added or
removed from the alarm table. Alarm traps are generated in SNMPv1 format.
Alarms are only generated if all of the following conditions are met.
The SNMP agent is enabled
The traps are enabled
At least one of the trap destination addresses is set
The raiseAlarm and clearAlarm traps are defined in SMIv2 as
NOTIFICATION-TYPE in a none reversible manner. They are generated as
SNMPv1 with an OID corresponding to sysObjectID plus .0 plus the
NOTIFICATION-TYPE ID. This translates to: for raiseAlarm trap for clearAlarm trap
Release 2.2.2 updates
The AlarmCondition definition in Table 5-59 are applicable to the ETS.
Table 5-59
AlarmCondition definition
ETS AlarmCondition definition ID number
unknown 0
activeLoopback 1
cardMissing 2
wavelengthMismatch 3
oscFailure 4
oscDisabled 5
moduleCommunicationFailure 6
fan2Failure 7
improperRemoval 8
hardwareFailure 9
laserAging 10
activeLinkFailure 11
lossOfLock 12
5-54 SNMP surveillance MIB
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
lossOfSignal 13
apsOverridden 14
powerFailure 15
rateMismatch 16
softwareFailure 17
throttlingLimitFault 18
fan1Failure 19
throttlingMonitorFault 20
laserFailure 21
wavelengthOutOfRange 22
backFacetMonitorOutOfRange 23
gigEthernetLossOfSignal 24
unitFailed 25
tecOutOfRange 26
laserPumpDisabled 27
lossOfOutputPower 28
highInputPower 29
sensePriorityMode 30
Table 5-59 (continued)
AlarmCondition definition
ETS AlarmCondition definition ID number
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Software features 6-
In this chapter
Optical System Identifier on page 6-1
Per-wavelength optical service channel (PWOSC) on page 6-2
User provisionable slot numbers on page 6-4
Additional troubleshooting window on page 6-6
Customer user classes on page 6-7
Alarm Indication Detail on page 6-11
Alarm severity provisioning on page 6-17
Automatic Laser Shutdown on page 6-19
Remote fault notification on page 6-25
System Level Equalization Control (SLEC) on page 6-26
Optical System Identifier
The Optical System Identifier is an essential configuration element used to
uniquely identify the optical components associated with the different basic
systems within an Optical Metro 5100/5200 network. This feature is
mandatory for compound network topologies such as interconnected rings and
hub-and-spoke, where multiple basic systems exist in the same network. Each
basic system must be identified with a unique OSID. OSID values can be an
alphanumeric string of up to eight characters.
Only line-facing circuit packs (OCLD, OTR, Muxponder, APBE, OFA, and
OSC) and the OMX can have an OSID. When line-facing circuit packs
autoprovision, the OSID is unassigned and the OSID field is blank.
Correct OSID provisioning requires a clear understanding of the deployed
network topology. It is essential to know the following:
what systems are present
which equipment at each site belongs to which system
6-2 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Rules for provisioning OSIDs
If you only have one system in the network, these provisioning rules are not
essential, and an unassigned OSID is acceptable.
A unique OSID must be specified for all line-facing equipment for the
on systems that will have intrasite fault sectionalization enabled
for each system at a bridge site even if one system does not have the
intrasite fault sectionalization feature enabled
for each spoke on a hub and spoke system. Make sure to assign the
endpoint equipment at either end of the spoke the same OSID.
Nortel Networks recommends that you provision each system in your network
with a unique OSID. The same value is used for all equipment in the system.
Using the System Manager, you can provision the OSID at the shelf level or
the circuit pack level.
When you provision the OSID at the shelf level, you assign one system
number to all the line-facing circuit packs on the shelf. Make sure that you
assign the same OSID to the other shelves in the system.
When you provision the OSID at the circuit pack level, you assign one system
number to one line-facing circuit pack on a shelf. Make sure that the number
you assign is the same OSID as the OSID assigned to other line-facing circuit
packs on the same system.
Because bridge and hub-and-spoke shelves may contain identical circuit packs
(band and channel) that belong to different systems, OSIDs should be
provisioned at the circuit pack level to make sure that they are correct.
To change the OSIDfor a piece of equipment that currently has the same OSID
as the OSCcircuit pack, you must first disable IFS at the site, if IFS is enabled.
When identical circuit packs (same band and channel) are seated in the same
plane on a shelf they must have different OSIDs. If they do not, an Unassigned
Optical System Identifier alarm is raised. The alarm is cleared only when the
OSID on the circuit pack with the alarm is manually changed. It does not clear
if the first OSID is changed or the first circuit pack is deleted.
Per-wavelength optical service channel (PWOSC)
The per wavelength optical service channel is an out-of-band communication
signal carried with each OCLD, OTR, and Muxponder channel. Overhead
information stored in this signal is received and transmitted on the same
optical path as the main payload channel but at a relatively lower bit rate of 128
Kbit/s. The PWOSCprovides connectivity and route redundancy in the Optical
Software features 6-3
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Metro 5100/5200 data communications network. On the OTR 10 Gbit/s
Enhanced and Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC circuit packs, the PWOSC
communication signal is carried over the G.709 Wrapper optical overhead
In-service disabling and enabling of PWOSC allows you to suppress the
alarms associated with this feature in networks where the overhead data
communication channel is not required. Atypical application for disabling the
PWOSC is a network where the OCLD or OTR line facilities are connected
directly to equipment which does not support the Optical Metro 5100/5200
proprietary overhead link facility. There is no impact on existing traffic when
the PWOSC is disabled on in-service circuit packs. When you disable the
PWOSC feature on the OTR 10 Gbit/s Enhanced and Muxponder 10 Gbit/s
GbE/FC circuit packs, the G.709 wrapper overhead is not filled with any
Optical Metro 5100/5200 overhead information which disables the
communication channel.
Only disable the PWOSC feature in applications that do not require the
overhead data communications channel and the reporting of alarms associated
with this facility. It is not recommended that you disable the PWOSC in
standard Optical Metro 5100/5200 networks.
PWOSC provisioning is supported with the System Manager and TL1 as
In System Manager, the Optical Metro Inventory window allows you to
enable or disable the Overhead State when the line facility is in-service or
out-of-service. The Overhead State is enabled by default. Disable the
PWOSC to deactivate the data communication channel on the line facility
and to clear the alarms associated with the overhead channel. Refer to
Provisioning and Operating Procedures, 323-1701-310, for more details.
TL1 commands are introduced to enable and disable the PWOSC feature.
available to disable, restore or query the status of the PWOSC on
individual circuit packs. Refer to TL1 Interface, 323-1701-190, for more
Rules for disabling per wavelength optical service validation
The following rules apply for disabling per wavelength optical service
in protected connections, the software does not check the OSID if the
Wavelength Validation feature is disabled
in pass-through connections, the software does not check the plane (east or
west) if the Wavelength Validation feature is disabled
6-4 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
only disable the PWOSC feature in applications that do not require the
overhead data communications channel and the reporting of alarms
associated with this facility. It is not recommended that you disable the
PWOSC in standard Optical Metro 5100/5200 networks.
Refer to Table 6-1 for the complete wavelength consistency validation rules.
User provisionable slot numbers
The user provisionable slot numbers feature allows users to specify a
representative number for all passive devices that will be treated as the actual
slot number by the customer interfaces. This feature operates on a shelf level
and is disabled by default.
Table 6-1
Wavelength consistency validation rules
Wavelength OSID Plane Wavelength consistency
validation enable
Wavelength consistency
validation disable
Pass-through Protected Pass-through Protected
Different Different Different Yes - bridge
shelf (rel.6.0)
N/A Yes - bridge
OK (Rel 6.1)
Different Different Same Yes - bridge
shelf (rel.6.1)
N/A Yes - bridge
Different Same Different Yes - regen
shelf (rel.6.0)
See Note 1
N/A Yes - regen
shelf (rel.6.0)
OK (Rel 6.1)
Different Same Same Yes - regen
shelf (rel.6.1)
See Note 1
N/A Yes - regen
shelf (rel.6.1)
Same Different Different Yes - bridge
shelf (rel.6.0)
Yes (rel 6.0)
See Note 1
Yes - bridge
shelf (rel.6.0)
OK (Rel 6.0)
Same Different Same Yes - bridge
shelf (rel.6.1)
N/A Yes - bridge
shelf (rel.6.1)
Same Same Different Yes - regen
shelf (rel.6.0)
Yes (rel 6.0) Yes - regen
shelf (rel.6.0)
OK (Rel 6.0)
Same Same Same N/A
See Note 2
See Note 2
See Note 2
See Note 2
Note 1: The Incompatible Optical System Identifier alarm is raised
Note 2: Two identical circuit packs can not be provisioned in the same plane
Note 3: Equipment in a regen connection has the same OSID while equipment in bridge connections
have different OSID.
Software features 6-5
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Nortel Networks recommends that you provision this feature right after the
commissioning. It can only be enabled through System Manager.
When the user provisionable slot numbers feature is enabled for the first time,
all passive slot numbers are mapped to their default values. Refer to Table 6-2
for the default slot assignment.
Rules for user provisionable slot numbers
The user provisionable slot number feature is only available in System
Only one instance of the UPSN value is allowed on a shelf.
When the feature is enabled, default values are assigned to the equipment.
This user provisionable slot number can be edited for a passive device.
Alarms, events, and inventory information display the UPSN value.
The network element provides AID values for passive devices that
contains both the EIP value and the UPSNvalue separated by the character
%. If the UPSN feature is not enabled, the NE only provides the EIP value.
UPSN values are preserved over restarts and feature disabling and
Valid UPSN values for an Optical Metro 5200 range from 21 to 255. Valid
UPSN values for an Optical Metro 5100 range from 7 to 255. Once the
UPSN feature is enabled, these values can be edited.
Table 6-2
Default slot numbers
Passive device
User provisionable slot number assignment
Disabled Optical Metro 5200 Enabled Optical Metro 5100 Enabled
EIP1-0 EIP1-0 22 22
EIP2-0 EIP2-0 24 24
EIP3-0 EIP3-0 21 21
EIP4-0 EIP4-0 23 23
where n = 1 to 16
where n = 1 to 16
64 to 79 64 to 79
where n = 1 to 16
where n = 1 to 16
80 to 95 80 to 95
where n = 1 to 16
where n = 1 to 16
96 to 111 96 to 111
where n = 1 to 16
where n = 1 to 16
112 to 127 112 to 127
6-6 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Passive devices slot numbering in Shelf Level Graphics
Passive devices slot numbers are indicated in the System Manager Shelf Level
Graphics screen (see Figure 6-1) when the passive device is connected to the
shelfs Equipment Inventory Ports (EIP). By default, the four Equipment
Inventory Ports are displayed as EIP1, EIP2, EIP3 and EIP4.
If the UPSN (User Provisionable Slot Number) feature is enabled, the slot
numbers displayed will be the user provisioned value, rather than the values of
EIP1, EIP2, EIP3, and EIP4.
Figure 6-1
Shelf Level Graphics screen
Additional troubleshooting window
The Troubleshooting window is available in System Manager only. The
Troubleshooting windowprovides IP routing tables and the interface statistics
of the network. Users with privilege class of Admin, Operator or Observer can
view all troubleshooting data from this window.
Software features 6-7
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Customer user classes
The customer user classes (Customer1 and Customer 2) provides two
additional user classes. These classes are designed for customers who share
one network.
The customer user classes named Customer1 and Customer2
have less privileges than the Observer user privilege class.
have limited read access; one user class will have access to the
performance monitoring information and the other does not.
Alarm filtering for Customer1 and Customer2 user privilege classes differ:
For Customer1 user privilege class, all events, user requests and
non-service affecting alarms (except AIS, RDI and PMalarms) are filtered.
For Customer2 user privilege class, all events, user requests and
non-service affecting alarms are filtered.
Rules for customer user classes
Customer user classes can be provisioned through the SystemManager and the
TL-1 interface. However, it is only accessible in System Manager.
System Manager access privileges for the customer user classes
Table 6-3 on page 6-7 and Table 6-4 on page 6-8 show the System Manager
access privileges for Customer1 and Customer2 user classes.
Table 6-3
System Manager top menu area and access privileges for Customer1 and Customer2 user
Top menu Customer1 Customer2
File (Save as, Print, Exit) Enabled Enabled
Edit (Add, Modify, Delete, Preferences, Provision alarm severity) Disabled Disabled
View (Network Tree, Show Details, Rediscover Network, Refresh Current
Window, Sort Order)
Enabled Enabled
Fault (Active Alarms, Event Console, Clear Event Console, Event History) Enabled Enabled
Configuration Equipment (Inventory, Facilities, Telemetry, Shelf Level
Enabled Enabled
Configuration Connections (Channel Assignments) Enabled Enabled
Configuration (Network Date and Time) Enabled Enabled
Configuration (Naming, Communications, External Manager, Shelf List) Disabled Disabled
Admin (Software Upgrade, NE Admin, Decommission Shelf, System Level
Power Equalization)
Disabled Disabled
6-8 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Add User dialog
Customer1 and Customer2, are added to the User Class list in the Add User
dialog to enable admin users to provision local users with Customer1 or
Customer2 user privilege class. See Figure 6-2 on page 6-9.
Performance (Performance Monitor) Enabled Disabled
Security (Change Password) Enabled Enabled
Security (User Profile List, Login User List, Advanced, Authentication
Provision, Clear Security Alarm)
Disabled Disabled
Troubleshooting (IP Routing Table, Interface Statistics) Disabled Disabled
Help (Technical Documentation, About System Manager) Enabled Enabled
Table 6-4
System Manager tabs access privileges for Customer1 and Customer2 user classes
Tab Customer1 Customer2
Fault Visible Visible
Equipment Visible Visible
Connections Visible Visible
Configuration Not Visible Not Visible
Admin Not Visible Not Visible
Performance Monitor Visible Not Visible
Troubleshooting Not Visible Not Visible
Security Not Visible Not Visible
Table 6-3
System Manager top menu area and access privileges for Customer1 and Customer2 user
Top menu Customer1 Customer2
Software features 6-9
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-2
Add User dialog
Note: The Add User is available to the Admin privilege user only. The
User Name and User Password can not contain commas or double quote
Change Community Name dialog
There are two SNMP Community Strings to support the customer user classes.
These Community Strings can be provisioned by any user with admin user
class. See Figure 6-3 on page 6-9.
Figure 6-3
Change Community Name dialog
Note: Only the admin privilege user can change Community Name. The
Community Name can not contain commas or double quote characters and
must be 1-8 characters.
External Manager Entry dialog
The External Manger Entry dialog, allows you to set what traps are sent to the
external manager for the trap community name set for the customer user class.
See Figure 6-4 on page 6-10.
6-10 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-4
External Manager Entry dialog
Note: Only the admin privilege user can set what traps are sent to the
external manager.
SNMP community views
Table 6-5 on page 6-10 lists the SNMP community views for all user classes
including Customer1 and Customer2.
Table 6-5
SNMP community views
Read Access to MIB Groups Write Access to MIB Groups
Admin All All
Operator Exclude security Exclude security, DNS, enet2,
TID groups and trapDestination
Observer Exclude security Include adminUserAccountTable
and connQuery only
Software features 6-11
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Alarm Indication Detail
This feature provides the following additional detailed information in alarm,
event and log messages:
sub card type
signal layer rate information
The sub card type information is valid for most equipment and facility alarms
but not for some shelf alarms, such as environment and telemetry alarms. The
signal layer rate information is valid for most facility alarms but not for other
alarms such as equipment or environment alarms.
Alarm Details window
By double-clicking on an active alarm in the System Manager Active Alarms
screen, the Alarm Details window is displayed. In the Alarm Details window
(see Figure 6-5 on page 6-13), the following parameters are included:
Type: This field displays the provisioned card sub-type. For example, for
the OCI card, the following OCI types can be displayed:
622MB Transparent
1.25GB Transparent 1310nm
1.25GB ISC
1.25GB Transparent 850nm
1.25GB GE 1310nm
1.25GB GE 850nm
2.5GB Transparent
Surveillance Exclude security, DNS, enet2,
TID, admin (except
adminMibVersion) and software
(except swVersion) groups
Customer1 Exclude security, DNS, enet2,
TID, software (except swVersion)
groups and trapDestination Table
Include adminUserAccountTable
and connQuery only
Customer2 Exclude security, DNS, enet2,
TID, software (except
swVersion), PM groups and
trapDestination Table
Include adminUserAccountTable
and connQuery only
Table 6-5
SNMP community views
Read Access to MIB Groups Write Access to MIB Groups
6-12 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Note: This field is displayed but left empty for alarms that are not raised
against a specific circuit pack (e.g., shelf, environmental or telemetry
Layer: This field displays the alarmed layer. For example, for the
Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC circuit pack, some of the alarm layers that
can be displayed include:
Line-Multiplex Section
Path Group
Optical channel Transport Unit
Note: This field is not displayed if both Layer and Signal is unavailable.
Signal: This field displays the alarmed signal. For example, for the
Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC circuit pack, some of the alarm signals that
can be displayed include:
Note: This field is not displayed if both Layer and Signal is unavailable.
Path: displays the affected client-side paths and is only applicable to
summary path alarms raised by the Muxponder 10 Gbit/s circuit packs.
When a path fault is detected on a path associated with a client-side facility,
a summary path alarm is generated against the client-side facility. If a fault
is detected on a different path associated with the same client-side facility,
a new summary alarm is not raised. However, when a user double-clicks
on the summary alarm in the Active Alarms list, the software polls the
circuit pack to determine the existing faulty paths and this information is
displayed in the Path field of the Alarm Details window.
next to the path field is the Mappings button. When pressed, this button
brings up the Client to Line Side Path Mappings screen (see Figure 6-6
on page 6-13) so that client-side paths can be correlated to line-side
Note: This Path field is not displayed if the path information is not
Software features 6-13
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-5
Alarm Details window
Figure 6-6
Muxponder Path Mapping screen
Note: For a description of all parameters contained in the Alarms Detail
window, see Table 7-15.
6-14 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Event Details window from the Event Console screen
By double-clicking on an alarm in the System Manager Event Console screen,
the Event Details window is displayed. In the Event Details window (see
Figure 6-7 on page 6-14), the Type, Layer and Signal fields are also included.
The field definitions are the same as those presented in Alarm Details
window on page 6-11.
Figure 6-7
Event Details window from the Event Console screen
Event Details window from the Event History screen
By double-clicking on an alarm in the System Manager Event History screen,
the Event Details window is displayed. In the Event Details window (see
Figure 6-8 on page 6-15), the Type, Layer and Signal fields are also included.
The field definitions are the same as those presented in Alarm Details
window on page 6-11.
This window also includes a new Show Circuit Pack Event button that
provides the ability to tunnel deeper into the circuit pack to trace outstanding
events against the circuit pack that may have contributed to the historical
event. The events are actually stored and retrieved from the circuit pack. This
functionality is only available on the Muxponder circuit packs.
Software features 6-15
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-8
Event Details window from the Event History screen
Figure 6-9
Circuit Pack Event History window
6-16 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
SNMP information
Additional information such as sub card type and signal layer rate are included
in the active alarm table, log table and alarm traps (Critical, Major, Minor,
The subCardType is added to the physical equipment group as a
column(string) in the manufacturing data and provisioning data. The string is
32 bytes long and read-only.
Surrogate Alarm Indication Signal and Alarm Indication Signal alarm
The Surrogate Alarm Indication Signal is raised for an Surrogate Payload
Signal (SPS) fault. The Alarm Indication Signal alarm is raised for the
SONET/SDH AIS fault. See Figure 6-10 on page 6-16 for the fault scenarios.
Figure 6-10
Surrogate AIS and AIS fault scenarios
All OTR 2.5 Gbit/s circuit packs and all OCLD circuit packs have the ability
to inject and detect SPS. All OTR2.5 Gbit/s circuit packs and all OCLDcircuit
packs (except OCLD 1.25 Gbit/s and OCLD 2.5 Gbit/s) have the ability to
detect SONET/SDHAIS. When both fault conditions exist (SONET/SDHAIS
and SPS), the Surrogate Alarm Indication Signal alarm masks the Alarm
Indication Signal (SONET/SDH AIS) alarm.
Client-side Client-side
2.5G OTR
Alarm Indication Signal fault scenario
2.5G OTR
Laser ON
Alarm Indication Signal
Alarm Indication Signal
Client-side Client-side
2.5G OTR
Surrogate Alarm Indication Signal fault scenario
2.5G OTR
Laser OFF
Surrogate Alarm Indication
Signal alarm
Loss of signal alarm
Software features 6-17
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Alarm severity provisioning
This feature allows nodal-based alarm severity provisioning for each
individual alarm using System Manager. Once the alarm severity is
provisioned, alarms are raised with the provisioned alarm severity. Also, the
behavior of the shelf lamps (Critical, Major, Minor) and ACO(AlarmCut Off)
are consistent with the provisioned alarm severity.
If there is an active alarm during a provisioning change, the active alarm with
the old alarm severity is cleared and the alarm is raised again with the new
alarm severity.
Severity is the only attribute of an alarm that can be edited. All other alarm
information, such as alarm text and whether or not the alarm is service
affecting, is not editable. This feature does not allow alarms to be disabled.
Moreover, the alarm hierarchy is not altered by this feature. As a result, it is
possible that a minor alarm mask a major alarm. For example, suppose the
severity of the Circuit pack mismatch alarm is changed frommajor to minor,
and the Loss of Signal severity is kept as default (i.e., major). Based on the
alarm hierarchy, the Circuit pack mismatch alarm masks the Loss of
Signal alarm. The shelf will raise a minor Circuit pack mismatch alarm
instead of a major Circuit pack mismatch alarm.
The TL1 interface does not support the provisioning of alarm severity.
However, it is consistent to the System Manager when reporting alarms. For
example, if the LOS alarm is provisioned as Minor/NSA. Both System
Manager and TL1 reports the LOS alarm as Minor/NSA whenever the LOS is
System Manager
The System Manager provides the interface to provision the severity of
individual alarms as Critical, Major, Minor, or Warning. Some alarms have
dual severities; a severity for a service affecting condition and a severity for a
non-service affecting condition. This feature allows each of these dual
severities to be provisioned.
For each alarm, the System Manager provides an indication as to whether the
alarm severity is default or not. It provides the ability to reset the alarm
severity to the default value for an individual alarm or for all alarms.
The Provision Alarm Severity menu is available from the Edit top level menu.
This menu item is enabled only for users with the Admin user privilege class.
The Configure Alarm Severity screen (see Figure 6-11) is displayed once the
Provision Alarm Severity menu is selected.
6-18 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-11
Configure Alarm Severity screen
The Shelf field contains a list of shelf names provisioned in the network. The
Reset All to Default button returns the alarm severity for all alarms back to
their default state. Double-clicking a table row brings up the Change Alarm
Severity window in order to change the selected alarms severity (see Figure
6-12 and Figure 6-13). The Reset Severity To Default check box is only
enabled when the Alarm Severity Changed check box is checked.
Figure 6-12
Change Alarm Severity window for an alarm with dual severity
Software features 6-19
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-13
Change Alarm Severity window for an alarm with single severity
Automatic Laser Shutdown
The Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) feature shuts down DWDM lasers and
consequently brings the power level down to the Class I hazard level (10 dBm)
within three seconds. In case of a fiber cut, this feature provides safety to
people repairing the broken fiber.
The implementation of the ALS feature consists of three main steps:
laser shutdown when either the remote or local shelf detects a Loss of
Signal alarm
signal monitoring for the clearing of the Loss of Signal alarm on an
individual channel basis
a manual or automatic laser recovery (ALR) operation on an affected shelf
through the SystemManager or TL1 to restore all spans in ALS mode after
the fiber is repaired
ALS is disabled by default. The default value of the ALS feature is Disable
after an upgrade to Release 7.0.
ALS has been introduced in compliance with the following standards:
ITU-T G.664 - Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical
transport systems
IEC 60825-2: Safety of laser products - safety of optical fiber
communication systems.
When a network is in ALS mode, you cannot rely on the light in the fiber to
locate a fiber cut. Nortel Networks recommends that you use an optical time
domain reflectometer (OTDR) to project light in the fiber when a Loss of
Signal alarm is detected. The OTDR device provides information about the
6-20 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
location of the fiber cut. You can also use a light source device to generate an
optical signal into the fiber. In this case, you troubleshoot the fiber cut in the
same way as when the ALS feature is disabled.
Note 1: If ALS or ALR is enabled on a fiber, there are some impacts on
the behavior of the alarms in a system when a fiber break occurs and is
being repaired. If you use light to test the broken fiber (with a light source
or an OTDR), you clear the ALS alarms. This is because the shelf receives
light, which clears the Loss of Signal (LOS) condition. As a result, the
shelf and the remote shelf power up lasers (depending on whether both Tx
and Rx fibers are cut or only one of them is cut). When you remove the
light, if a Remote Automatic Laser Shutdown alarm was present on the
shelf, it is replaced by an LOS alarm. Also, when the fiber is powered up,
the Automatic Laser Shutdown alarm is cleared if all the channels
impacted by the fiber break see light. This is an expected behavior because
a shelf cannot distinguish between a light source from an optical test set or
a light source from a remote shelf.
Note 2: When ALS is used in an amplified system, inconsistent behavior
in the reporting of the Remote ALS alarm can occur and may be replaced
by a Loss of Signal alarm under the following conditions:
a fiber cut occurs at the same time in both directions
an overhead link failure alarm occurred on the link and the line circuit
packs are not able to communicate with each other
the power going into an amplifier fluctuates for some wavelengths. In
this case, other wavelengths that should not be impacted can see a
variance of power coming out of the amplifier. When the input power
changes, the amplifier generates noise (ASE) at different levels for the
unused channel coming out of the amplifier. This variance of output
power can cause the Remote alarm to momentarily clear, and to be
substituted by a Loss of Signal alarm.
Note 3: If you are using two OCLD circuit packs with different Product
Engineering Codes (PECs), a Loss of Signal alarm may be raised instead
of the Remote Automatic Laser Shutdown alarm. The situation may occur
if you are using an OCLD from Column 1 with an OCLD from Column 2,
as shown in Table 6-6.
Table 6-6
OCLD 1.25 Gbit/s PECs
Column 1 Column 2
Software features 6-21
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Note 4: When ALS is enabled in an amplified network using APBEs,
alarms are raised against the APBEs if unused line-side circuit packs
(OCLD or OTR) are seated in the shelf but their facilities are OOS or
deleted. An OCLD that is seated, but has its facility OOS or deleted, still
transmits light, but it does not report alarms. If the OCLD is connected to
the OMX but its corresponding OCLD in the far end is not, the OCLD
transmits light, but does not receive light. If ALS is enabled, the OCLD
shuts down its laser because it is not receiving any light. As a result, any
APBEs in the path between the OCLD and its missing mate at the far end
experiences a drop in band power. This triggers a Power Out of Range
alarm on the APBEs.
Note 5: If an OCLD/OTR circuit pack is reseated in the shelf while the
Automatic Laser Shutdown alarm is active, the circuit pack laser is active
for a short period of time (20 seconds) after the circuit pack is seated. This
causes the LOS condition to temporarily clear on that span, if the fiber is
not actually broken. As soon as the circuit pack is fully initialized, the laser
will be shut down as was the case before the circuit pack was reseated.
Note 6: After ALS recovery from any major fiber plant disturbance (fiber
cut/splice, fiber replacement, adding or removing bands or channels) the
optical signal should be re-equalized. Follow the appropriate procedure in
Testing and Equalization Procedures, 323-1701-222.
Configurations supporting ALS
The ALS feature is applicable to all OADM, Mixed and terminal shelves. It is
available on all OCLD and OTR circuit packs. The OSC channel, if present,
remains operational when ALS is enabled. The ALS feature is applicable to all
supported Optical Metro 5100/5200 configurations.
Alarm strategy
The ALS feature does not interfere with the standard operation of the alarm
system in Optical Metro 5100/5200 products. The LOS, Band Input Failure
(BIF), and Shelf Input Failure (SIF) alarms are generated whether or not the
ALS feature is enabled or disabled. When ALS is enabled, additional fibers
appear to fail, and in order to determine which fibers are actually broken, the
user can correlate the LOS, BIF, and SIF alarms with the Automatic Laser
Shutdown alarm.
Table 6-6 (continued)
OCLD 1.25 Gbit/s PECs
Column 1 Column 2
6-22 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Protection switching
The ALS feature has no impact on the equipment and path protection schemes
that are implemented on the Optical Metro 5100/5200 products. If a fiber break
occurs in a span, the system will attempt to take the traffic from the alternate
The following example illustrates the steps that the system takes in order to
shut down the laser.
Figure 6-14 assumes that a single fiber break took place between Shelf A
and Shelf B.
Shelf B detects a 0.5 second LOS condition and shuts down the Tx laser.
Shelf A then detects the same type of LOS condition in the opposite
direction and shuts down its Tx laser.
The entire round trip fromthe fiber cut completes within 3 seconds in order
to comply with industry standards. If the fiber cut is not repaired, within 3
seconds the power level in the system is brought down to a hazard level 1.
After the power is shut down for all channels impacted by the fiber break, the
system monitors the LOS condition, waiting for it to be cleared on an
individual channel basis. In this feature, the LOS does not clear until a manual
operation is issued or automatic laser recovery is enabled through the System
Manager. The manual recovery command must be performed once (only at one
end of the span) for each network element that is impacted by the failure.
Software features 6-23
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-14
Laser shutdown operation
Figure 6-15 illustrates how manual recovery works after the fiber is repaired:
You issue the Manual Activation command to initiate the recovery at one
end of the impacted span (Shelf A).
Shelf B detects the clearing of the LOS and activates its Tx laser.
Shelf A then detects the clearing of the LOS and keeps its Tx laser on.
The entire round trip completes within 3 seconds in order to meet the G.664
specification. If the fiber cut is repaired, the lasers will stay on. If the fiber
cut is not repaired, within 3 seconds the power level in the system will be
brought down to a hazard level 1.
Shelf A
ALS must be within 3
seconds (restricted and
controlled environments)
LOS for 500 50 ms?
Optical Metro 5000
Shutdown procedure as per ITU-T G.664 and IEC 60825.2
Shelf B
6-24 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-15
Manual recovery operation
Figure 6-16 illustrates how automatic recovery works after the fiber is
You enable Automatic Laser Recovery at Shelf A.
Shelf A initiates pulses to the remote end. It may take up to five minutes
for the first pulse to occur. After the first pulse, the circuit pack will pulse
at the rate of 200 seconds.
Shelf B detects the clearing of the LOS and activates its Tx laser.
Shelf A then detects the clearing of the LOS and keeps its Tx laser on.
The entire round trip fromthe fiber cut completes within 3 seconds in order
to comply with industry standards. If the fiber cut is repaired, the lasers
will stay on. If the fiber cut is not repaired, within 3 seconds the power
level in the system will be brought down to a hazard level 1.
Shelf A
Laser on
The round trip of each
channel must be within 3
seconds or the Tx
laser will switch off.
From SMI the laser
activation command
is sent to either site.
Fiber is repaired
Optical Metro 5000
Laser on
.85 secs
LOS Clears
LOS Clears
Shelf B
Software features 6-25
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-16
Automatic recovery operation
Remote fault notification
Remote fault notification allows a user to provision a shelf to optionally raise
a service-affecting alarm at the near-end line-side circuit pack when the
far-end line-side circuit pack has a traffic affecting alarm. This is important in
scenarios when the communication between the two nodes may be down (for
example, when the overhead link is the only connection between the far-end
node and the GNE in a point-to-point or hub-and-spoke configuration).
The user has the ability to enable or disable the Remote Fault Notification
(RFN) through either TL-1 or System Manager. The default setting is disabled.
Once RFNis enabled at the far-end node, an additional service-affecting alarm
is raised at the near-end node whenever the far-end node detects any
traffic-affecting condition. This ensures that at least one service-affecting
alarm is reported by the system in case the communications between the
far-end node and the GNE is lost.
The RFN alarm is raised as a Critical, Service-Affecting Remote Defect
Indication alarm.
Feature considerations
The following considerations apply if the Remote Fault Notification is
Shelf A
Laser on
LOS Clears
Shelf B
LOS Clears
Laser on
Fiber is repaired
0.85 secs
The round trip for each channel must be within 3 secs.
Otherwise, the TX laser will switch back off.
Pulses are sent to the remote end
at a regular interval (from 100 to 300 secs)
Pulse duration is 2 0.25 secs.
Optical 5000 Network
6-26 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS)
If the Remote Defect Indication alarm is raised on a shelf where ALS is
enabled, the alarm clears after a cold reboot of the shelf.
Fiber disconnection
If you pull both fibers at the same time, the Remote Defect Indication alarm
may not be raised against the OCLD, OTR, or Muxponder.
System Level Equalization Control (SLEC)
SystemLevel Equalization Control (SLEC) provides coordinated system-wide
equalization or re-equalization of an amplified network. SLEC calculates the
necessary information including topology and power levels, and performs the
equalization activities by triggering the power control nodes to equalize in the
calculated order.
SLECcan be triggered at anytime froma SystemManager session. The current
status of the equalization task is displayed in System Manager.
Note: SLEC is not supported using the TL1 interface.
Summary of features
The following features exist for SLEC capable networks:
hitless addition and removal of wavelengths provided that the OMXs for
the wavelengths are present or the stacked wiring configuration is used and
the system has been pre-link engineered to support the full wavelength
equalization of the entire network eliminating the need to know the
topology of the network
removes human error from the equalization process, current system
complexities include:
computation of average per channel power levels
users ability to use an optical spectrum analyzer to measure the power
levels and adjust screwdriver VOAs to appropriate levels with accuracy
users ability to determine fiber connectivity of the amplifiers, PBEs,
APBEs to ensure that the correct device is being adjusted
ensure that the system is adjusted in the proper order and then come
back in the reverse direction for the return path
reduces the amount of time required for installation of services for the
following reasons:
no truck roll to all amplifier locations
less special equipment required (i.e., no Optical Spectrum Analyzer
less likelihood of human error
Software features 6-27
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
reduces the amount of time to recover the system in the event of a failure.
The replacement of equipment currently requires re-equalization (e.g.,
OMXreplacement would have different loss characteristics). This can now
be done with the push of a button from the NOC and no truck rolls to the
location in which the equipment was replaced.
reduces the amount of time to get the system up and running on installation
automatically puts APBE/APBE Enhanced facilities and OFA facilities
For a detailed overview of SLEC, provisioning rules, and for procedures on
equalizing an amplified network using SLEC, see Testing and Equalization
Procedures, 323-1701-222.
For troubleshooting SLEC, see Trouble Clearing and Alarm Reference Guide,
Part 1, 323-1701-542.
SLEC System Manager details
OSC Inventory screen
The OSC equipment attributes are included in the OSCEquipment screen (see
Figure 6-17):
West Neighbor
East Neighbor
Possible values for each are: Connected or Not Connected.
These parameters default to Connected and must be set to Not Connected in
linear (i.e., non-ring) systems that use SLEC. Not Connected must be set for
either the West Neighbor attribute or the East Neighbor attribute at the
end-point nodes.
For provisioning the West Neighbor and East Neighbor, see Procedure 3-2,
Manually provisioning a circuit pack or SFP, in Provisioning and Operating
Procedures, 323-1701-310.
6-28 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-17
OSC Inventory screen
System Level Equalization Control screen
The SLEC interface, allows SLEC to be started and stopped and it provides
SLECstatus (see Figure 6-18). This screen is accessed fromthe Admin menu.
This interface:
allows users to select a system to equalize using the OSID
displays the sites associated with the OSID
allows users to start or stop the equalization
This screen provides an interface to select a the OSID where SLEC is to be
applied. Once the OSID is selected, a list of sites that belong to the OSID are
When the Equalize System button is clicked, SLEC first checks that the
selected system is in the correct state to perform equalization. If the validation
passes, SLEC starts. If the validation fails, a descriptive reason is displayed
and SLEC does not perform equalization.
While SLECis in progress, users can cancel the process at anytime by clicking
the Stop Equalization button.
Software features 6-29
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Figure 6-18
SLEC main screen
6-30 Software features
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
While SLEC is in progress, users can double-click on the site (a table entry) to
viewthe details (see Figure 6-19) of the SLECprocess down to the component
level (per facility). See Table 7-4 for details on this window.
Figure 6-19
Site details screen
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
AppendixSystem Manager windows
and fields 7-
In this chapter
System Manager main window on page 7-1
Fault window on page 7-39
Equipment window on page 7-47
Connections window on page 7-84
Configuration window on page 7-102
Admin window on page 7-128
Performance Monitor window on page 7-135
Troubleshooting window on page 7-147
Security menu on page 7-150
Date and time notes on page 7-153
Time stamp rules on page 7-154
System Manager main window
This section describes how to use the different parts of the System Manager
main window.
7-2 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Network shelf selector icons
Colored icons indicate the status of the shelves selected in the drop-down list.
Table 7-1 lists icon colors and the shelf status that each represents. When
multiple alarm types occur on a shelf, the color of the drop-down list icon
represents the most severe alarm type.
Commands and menu options
Table 7-2 lists the System Manager commands and menu options.
Table 7-1
Network shelf selector icons
Icon color Status
Green There are no alarms on the shelf.
Red There are critical alarms on the shelf.
Red There are major alarms on the shelf.
Orange There are minor alarms on the shelf.
Yellow There are warnings on the shelf.
Blue solid The System Manager is out of contact with the shelf.
The shelf icon will turn blue if the System Manager is out of
contact with the shelf for more than approximately two
Blue outline The icon is displayed with a blue outline when you log in
and System Manager is in the process of retrieving shelf
data. When the shelf data has been retrieved, the color of
the respective shelf icon changes to indicate the color
status described above.
Table 7-2
System Manager command and menu options
Menu Menu option Description Value or range
File Save As... This option saves the contents of the
current information window to a file.
Provision Alarm
This option opens a window that allows
the user to modify the severity of alarms
and warnings.
Select a Shelf IP and:
either highlight the alarmto
modify its severity
or, click on Reset All to
View Network Tree This option activates the network shelf
This option reinitializes communications
with the other shelves in the network.
Refresh Current
This option refreshes the currently
selected main window.
Clear Event
This option is enabled when Event
Console window is active. It clears the
event log from the event log buffer of the
System Manager. You can also click on
the Clear button on the Event Console
Yes or No
Event History This option retrieves the logs stored in
the shelves in the Event History window.
Equipment This option enables the Equipment
Inventory, Facility, Telemetry, and Shelf
Level Graphics menu items.
Select one of the following:
Shelf Level Graphics
Connections This option enables the Channel
Assignments window.
Channel Assignments
Naming This option enables the Naming window.
Use the Naming window to edit shelf
configuration naming parameters.
This option deletes the commissioning
information stored in the shelf.
Note: This option is enabled when the
Naming window is active.
System Level
This option opens the Optical Metro
System Level Equalization Control
See Table 7-3 on page 7-9
and Table 7-4 on page 7-11
for details.
This option opens the Performance
Monitor window.
Security User Profile List This option lists the user accounts for a
shelf and the associated details.
Login User List This option lists the users who logged in
to the network.
About System
This option displays the name of the host
shelf, the software version, the build
date, the user name and user class.
Note 1: This field is enabled when Centralized is selected as the Authentication Mode.
Note 2: This field is enabled when Challenge/Response is selected as the Alternate Login Mode.
Note 3: This field is enabled when Centralized is selected as the Authentication Mode.
Note 4: This field is enabled when Centralized is selected as the Authentication Mode.
Table 7-2 (continued)
System Manager command and menu options
Menu Menu option Description Value or range
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-9
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Table 7-3
System Level Equalization Control
Data field Description Value
Please Select an
Used to select the site (by OSID)
where SLEC is to take place. All
OSIDs in the network with OSCs
deployed are displayed.
An alphanumeric string (up to eight
System Status If SLEC is not currently active on this
OSID, the System Status is Idle.
If SLECis in the validation phase, the
System Status is Checking.
If SLEC is currently executing in
continuous mode, the System Status
is Continuous Equalization....
If a one-time SLECis in progress, the
System Status indicates which
direction is currently equalizing. The
status is either Equalizing in
Eastbound direction... or Equalizing
in Westbound direction...
Continuous Equalization In Progress
Continuous Equalization Mode
Continuous Equalization round finished -
Continuous Equalization round finished -
Equalizing in Eastbound direction
Equalizing in Westbound direction
Equalization finished in Eastbound
direction - Successful
Equalization finished in Westbound
direction - Successful
Equalization in Eastbound direction -
Equalization in Westbound direction -
Site ID This field indicates the user-assigned
number of the site. The sites are
shown in the order that SLEC is
applied for the eastbound and
westbound directions.
A number from 1 to 64.
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned
name of the site.
Nortel Networks recommends that all
shelves at a site have the same site
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up to
31 characters.
Direction Direction of SLEC. Westbound
7-10 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Equalization Status For each site, the current
equalization status is listed.
If SLEC is not running but has run
before the status column displays the
last status.
If SLEC has not been run since the
last restart the equalization status
and details columns will be blank.
When SLEC is running the
equalization status column is used to
track progress.
While SLEC is executing in the
eastbound direction, the westbound
status will be blank.
In Progress
First Phase Completed
Detail For each site, the current
equalization status and details are
Depending on site configuration or if
SLEC fails at a site, the Details
column briefly describes the status of
SLEC at this site.
Component configuration does not support
Equalization not required
Equalization Incomplete
Invalid Equipment Configuration
First Phase
First Phase Completed, Post Side
First Phase Completed
First Phase In Progress
First Phase Post Side
Second Phase In Progress
Post Side
Post Side Equalization Not Required
System detected an error at another site
User Request
Equalize System
Starts SLEC in the one time
equalization mode.
Equalize System
Starts SLEC in a system in the
continuous monitoring and
equalization mode.
Stop Equalization
Cancel equalization request. Stops
Band Power Target This field indicates the per-band power
target as determined by NMT.
SSRM LTE Provision Data (appears on Facility dialog box of the OCI SRM SONET/SDH LTE circuit
Signal Degrade
This field indicates the signal degrade
threshold for SONET/SDH SRM OCI
10e-5 to 10e-9
Default: 10e-6
Path Monitoring This field indicates the status of the path
false (default)
Table 7-29 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro Facility dialog box
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-73
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Advanced Attributes (as it appears on Facility dialog box of client-side facilities of the OCI SRM
GFP Conditioning This drop-down list allows you to enable
or disable GFP conditioning on the OCI
SRM GbE/FC and OCI SRM GbE circuit
GFP FCS This drop-down list allows you to enable
or disable GFP Frame Check Sequence
on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, and OCI SRM
GbE circuit packs.
Note: The GFP FCS was included by
default in the GFP frame.
Round Trip Delay This field displays the measured network
latency on the OCI SRM GbE/FC, and
Note: If the Round Trip Delay field
displays UNKNOWN, click Refresh
repeatedly until the system displays a
numerical value. A few refresh attempts
may be required because of timeout
conditions. However, once a value is
returned, it represents the true round trip
delay time.
Update time This field indicates the time and date of
the last Round Trip Delay Refresh on the
e.g. 06:15:00 2001/05/18
Table 7-29 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro Facility dialog box
Data field Description Value
7-74 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Aggregate Facility (appears on Facility dialog box for the aggregate facility of the OCI SRM GbE/FC
circuit pack.)
Concatenation Type This drop-down list allows you to select
the concatenation type for the channel
c-Cat (contiguous concatenation)
v-Cat (virtual concatenation)
Timing Mode This drop-down list allows you to select
the timing mode: local freerun or
loop-timed SONET clocking.
Local (default)
Transport Mode This drop-down list allows you to select
the transport mode of the aggregate
Note: This field is only enabled once all
paths assignments are deleted.
SONET (default)
Advanced Attributes (appears on Facility dialog box for the line-side facilities and the client-side
facilities of the Muxponder)
GFP FCS This drop-down list allows you to enable
or disable GFP Frame Check Sequence
on the Muxponder circuit packs, client
side facility.
Note: The GFP FCS was included by
default in the GFP frame.
Round Trip Delay This field displays the measured network
latency on the Muxponder circuit packs,
client side facility.
Note: If the Round Trip Delay field
displays UNKNOWN, click Refresh
repeatedly until the system displays a
numerical value. A few refresh attempts
may be required because of timeout
conditions. However, once a value is
returned, it represents the true round trip
delay time.
Update time This field indicates the time and date of
the last Round Trip Delay Refresh on the
Muxponder circuit packs, client side
e.g. 06:15:00 2001/05/18
Table 7-29 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro Facility dialog box
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-75
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Timing Mode This drop-down list allows you to select
the timing mode on the line facility of the
Muxponder: local freerun or loop-timed
SONET clocking.
Note: In a protected Muxponder
connection, the Mate-timed option is
displayed on the protected path. It is for
viewing purposes only.
Local (default)
Transport Mode This drop-down list allows you to select
the transport mode of the line-side signal
on the Muxponder facility.
Note: This field is enabled once all paths
assignments are deleted.
SONET (default)
Table 7-29 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro Facility dialog box
Data field Description Value
7-76 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Auto Negotiation/Pause (appears on Facility dialog box for the client-side facilities of the OCI SRM
GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE, and Muxponder SFP circuit packs if a channel assignment is created on the
port and Gigabit Ethernet is the specified protocol and GFP-F is the Encapsulation mode.)
Auto Negotiation This field indicates whether auto
negotiation is enabled or disabled.
Pause This field indicates whether pause is
enabled or disabled. To unlock this field,
Auto Negotiation should be disabled.
Details Clicking this button opens the Auto
Negotiation and Pause dialog box where
you can provision the auto negotiation
and pause settings.
See Table 7-31.
Subrate/Extended Reach (appears on Facility dialog box for the client-side facilities of the OCI SRM
GbE/FC circuit pack if a channel assignment is created on the port and FC-100 is the specified protocol.)
SubRate This field indicates whether the subrate is
enabled or disabled.
ExtReach This field indicates whether the extended
reach is enabled or disabled.
Details Clicking this button opens the dialog box
where you can provision the subrate and
extended reach settings.
See Table 7-32.
Table 7-29 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro Facility dialog box
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-77
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityBand Power Info dialog
In amplified networks, if an APBE is used to provide the equalization, and you
select any port 1 through 4, the Details button in the Optical Metro Facility
dialog box is enabled. If you click on this button, the Band Power Info dialog
box appears. Table 7-31 describes the data fields.
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityAuto Negotiation and
Pause dialog box
If a channel assignment is created on the client-side facility of an OCI SRM
GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced, OCI SRM GbE, or Muxponder 10
Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack and the specified protocol is Gigabit
Ethernet (and for Muxponder 10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit packs, the
Table 7-30
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityBand Power Info dialog box
Data field Description Value
Port This field indicates the number of
provisioned channels in a band.
Prov Mode This field indicates the user-assigned
provisioned mode of the APBE port.
# of Channels This field indicates the channels subject
to equalization.
A number from 0 to 4
Power Target This field displays the Channel or Band
Power Target configured on each port on
the APBE circuit pack.
Rx Power This field displays the output Tx power
from the APBE port
Tx Power This field displays the output Tx power
from the APBE port
7-78 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Encapsulation mode is set to GFP-F), when you click the Details button in the
Optical Metro Facility dialog box, the Auto Negotiation/Pause dialog box
appears. Table 7-31 describes the data fields.
Table 7-31
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityAuto Negotiation/Pause dialog box
Data field Description Value
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned
name of the shelf.
A name, e.g., Head Office.
Slot This field indicates the slot number of the
Enhanced, OCI SRMGbE, or Muxponder
10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack.
For Optical Metro 5200: a
number from 1 to 8 and 11 to 18.
For Optical Metro 5100: 1 and 3.
Port This field displays the port configured for
Gigabit Ethernet on the OCI SRM
GbE/FC, OCI SRM GbE or Muxponder
10 Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack.
1 or 2 for OCI SRM
1 to 10 for Muxponder
Card This field indicates the type of circuit pack
installed in the slot.
Name This field indicates the name of the
e.g., GFSRM Facility 8, Port 2
Auto Negotiation
Auto Negotiation This drop-down list allows you to enable
or disable auto negotiation (AN).
Enable (default)
ETHDPX If AN is enabled, this field displays the
advertised duplex operation capabilities.
If AN is disabled, this field displays the
current setting.
FULL (default)
ADVETHDPX This field indicates the link partners
advertised Duplex capabilities.
Only valid when State is COMPLETED.
ANETHDPX After the completion of an AN cycle, if AN
is enabled, this field displays the
negotiated duplex operation.
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-79
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
MTU This drop-down list allows you to select
the maximum Ethernet frame size
supported. Setting the MTU size
influences the distance of the loss-less
local flow control (the smaller the MTU,
the larger the loss-less distance).
1600 (not including 4-byte VLAN
tags) (default)
9600 (not including 4-byte VLAN
State This field indicates the status of the auto
negotiation cycle.
Speed If AN is enabled, this field displays the
advertised link speed (in Mbit/s)
Note: This field also displays 1000 when
AN and State are disabled.
1000 (default)
ADVSPEED This field indicates the link partners
advertised speed capabilities.
Only valid when State is COMPLETED.
ANSPEED After the completion of an AN cycle
(State is COMPLETED), when AN is
enabled, this field displays the negotiated
1000 (default)
PASSCTRL This drop-down list allows you to select
whether received Ethernet control frames
(T/L=8808) are passed transparently
(Enable) or removed from the flow
Note: PAUSE frame is the only currently
defined control frame.
Disable (default)
PREAMBLECTRL This drop-down list allows you to select
the preamble and start of frame delimiter
transparency when the signal is set to
Gigabit Ethernet and encapsulation
mode is set to GFP-F on a Muxponder 10
Gbit/s GbE/FC VCAT circuit pack facility.
Preamble control can be set to enabled
on both Muxponder circuit packs.
Disable (default)
Table 7-31 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityAuto Negotiation/Pause dialog box
Data field Description Value
7-80 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilitySubrate and Extended
Reach dialog box
If a channel assignment is created on the client-side facility of an OCI SRM
GbE/FCEnhanced circuit pack and the specified protocol is FC-100, when you
click the Details button in the Optical Metro Facility dialog box, the Subrate
and Extended Reach dialog box appears. Table 7-32 describes the data fields.
FLOWCTRL This drop-down list allows you to select
the advertised flow control capabilities.
This is ignored if AN is disabled.
ASYM (default)
ADVFLOWCTRL This field indicates the link partners
advertised flow control capabilities.
Only valid when State is COMPLETED.
PHYSADDR This field indicates the Ethernet MAC
address for this associated facility/port.
48-bit value
PAUSETX When AN is disabled, this drop-down list
allows you to control the flow control
toward the link partner (the PAUSE
transmission). It is ignored when AN is
Enable (default)
ANPAUSETX This field indicates the negotiated pause
transmit when AN is enabled.
Only valid when State is COMPLETED.
PAUSERX When AN is disabled, controls the
reception of a pause. This field is always
ANPAUSERX This field indicates the negotiated pause
receive when AN is enabled.
Only valid when State is COMPLETED.
PAUSERXOVRIDE When AN is enabled, this attribute is
used to override (disable) the negotiated
PAUSE receive. The received pause
frames are either discarded or passed
through transparently (based on the
PASSCTRL setting).
Table 7-31 (continued)
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityAuto Negotiation/Pause dialog box
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-81
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Note: Subrate and extended reach must both be enabled or disabled. You
can not enable one and disable the other.
Table 7-32
EquipmentFacilitiesOptical Metro FacilityAuto Negotiation/Pause dialog box
Data field Description Value
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned
name of the shelf.
A name, e.g., Head Office.
Slot This field indicates the slot number of
the OCI SRM GbE/FC Enhanced
circuit pack.
For Optical Metro 5200: a number
from 1 to 8 and 11 to 18.
For Optical Metro 5100: 1 and 3.
Port This field displays the port configured
for Gigabit Ethernet on the OCI SRM
GbE/FC Enhanced circuit pack.
1 or 2
Card This field indicates the type of circuit
pack installed in the slot.
Name This field indicates the name of the
e.g., GFSRM Facility 8, Port 2
Subrate and Extended Reach
Subrate This drop-down list allows you to
enable or disable Fiber Channel (FC)
subrate capabilities.
Extended Reach This drop-down list allows you to
enable or disable extended reach for
the FC rate.
Link State This field indicates the state of the FC
Link Recovery
Link Failure
BBC Override This drop-down list allows you to
select the number of buffers received
before the far-end sends
acknowledgement to the near-end
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
BBC Value When extended reach is enabled, this
field indicates the buffer to buffer
1 through 65536
7-82 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
EquipmentTelemetry window
Table 7-33 describes the data fields in the EquipmentTelemetry window. To
refresh this window, select ViewRefresh Current Window from the menu
bar or click on the Refresh button.
Table 7-33
EquipmentTelemetry window
Data field Description Value
Network This field indicates the name of the
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned
name of the shelf.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Type This field indicates the type of port. In
Id This field indicates the port number. A number from 1 to 4 for Optical Metro
A number from 1 to 8 for Optical Metro
Admin This field indicates the user-assigned
administrative state of the port.
State This field indicates the state of the port. Active
Severity This field indicates the user-assigned
severity of the alarm.
Description This field indicates the user-assigned
text of the device
Character string, e.g., Input Device 1
Alarm Description This field displays the user-assigned text
of the alarm.
Character string, e.g., Parallel Telemetry
Scan Point 1
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-83
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
EquipmentTelemetryParallel Telemetry Input window
When you right-click and select Modify or double-click on the Optical Metro
5200 Input 1 through Input 4 data fields, or on the Optical Metro 5100 Input 1
through Input 8 data fields, the Parallel Telemetry Input windowappears. Table
7-34 describes the data fields.
Table 7-34
EquipmentTelemetryParallel Telemetry Input window
Data field Description Value
Input Port Status
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned
name of the shelf.
A name, e.g., Head Office
Port This field indicates the port number. A number from 1 to 4 for Optical
Metro 5200
A number from 1 to 8 for Optical
Metro 5100
Service Status This field indicates the user-assigned
state of the port.
Out of Service
In Service
Alarm Status This field indicates the state of the
Configuration Information
Description This field displays the user-assigned text
of the input device.
Text string, e.g., Input Device 1
Alarm Severity This field indicates the severity of the
Alarm Description This field displays the user-assigned text
of the alarm.
Text string, e.g., Parallel
Telemetry Scan Point 1
Service This field indicates the user-assigned
state of the input device.
In Service
Out Of Service
7-84 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
EquipmentTelemetryParallel Telemetry Output window
When you right-click and select Modify or double-click on the Output 1,
Output 2, Output 3, or Output 4 data fields, the Parallel Telemetry Output
window appears. Table 7-35 describes the data fields.
Connections window
Use the Connections window to automatically display the Channel
Assignments tab and the Channel Assignments window.
ConnectionsChannel Assignments window
Use the Channel Assignments window to provision and view channel
assignments. Each line of information in the window has a status description,
which indicates the state of the channel assignment. You can also use the
Channel Assignments window to configure path protection.
Table 7-35
EquipmentTelemetryParallel Telemetry Output window
Data field Description Value
Output Port Status
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the shelf.
A name, e.g., Head Office
Port This field indicates the port number. A number from 1 to 4
Service Status This field indicates the user-assigned state
of the output device.
In Service
Out of Service
Control Status This field indicates the current status of the
Configuration Information
Description This field displays the user-assigned text of
the output device.
Text string, e.g., Output Device 1
This field configures how the output device
is activated.
Normally Open
Normally Closed
Service State This field indicates the status of the output
In Service
Out of Service
Set State This field indicates the status of the port. Released
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-85
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
When you double-click on a circuit pack that has more than one provisioned
facility, the Channel Assignments window can expand or collapse a listing of
channel assignments for each provisioned facility.
Table 7-36 describes the data fields in the Channel Assignments window.
Select the Band, Channel, or None radio button for the scope of view. Select
the Refresh button to refresh this window based on the selected scope. The
selected scope takes precedence over network tree selection for Channel
Assignment screen refresh. Band scope displays all the channel assignments
within the ring with the same band as the selected row. Channel scope displays
all the channel assignments within the ring with the same channel name as the
selected row. A scope of None displays all the channel assignments for all the
shelves that are in focus on the Network tree.
Table 7-36
ConnectionsChannel Assignments window
Data field Description Value
Shelf This field indicates the
user-assigned name of the
A name, e.g., Head Office
OSID This field indicates the optical
system identifier associated
with the OCLD, OTR,
Muxponder, OMX, OFA, OSC,
and APBE when you have
interconnected rings.
An alphanumeric string (up to eight characters).
If the OSID is unassigned, the field is blank.
Channel This field indicates the name of
the assigned channel.
Character string
Chan. ID This field indicates the band,
channel and direction of the
OCLD, OTR, or Muxponder
circuit pack.
Note: For the correct band and
wavelength mappings for
systems, seeSystemManager
band and channel
designations on page 7-35.
Character string, e.g., B3C4W
WDM Type This field displays the OCLD,
OTR, or Muxponder WDM type.
DWDM 200 GHz
DWDM 100 GHz
7-86 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Facility This field displays the OCLD,
OTR, or Muxponder facility
For example, OCLD Facility 1
End Point This field indicates the name of
the OCI, OTR, Muxponder
SFP, SRM, or GFSRM facility
For example, OCI Facility 5
Bit Rate This field indicates the protocol
that the channel assignment
path carries.
Note: Protocols available are
dependent on the facility type.
FC-12 (133M)
FC-25 (266M)
FICON Express
Gigabit Ethernet
Fast Ethernet
OC-1, OC-3, OC-12
Async FOTS 150M
Async FOTS 565M
SDI Video (SMPTE 297M)
Mode This field displays the channel
assignment type.
Status This field indicates the status of
the channel assignment.
Table 7-36 (continued)
ConnectionsChannel Assignments window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-87
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Path State This field indicates the current
state of a protected channel
Auto Sw
Prov. State This field indicates the
provisioned state of a protected
channel assignment.
Revertive This field indicates whether
revertive has been enabled on
a protected channel
ActiveW (for the working path)
ActiveP (for the protected path)
Table 7-36 (continued)
ConnectionsChannel Assignments window
Data field Description Value
7-88 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
ConnectionsChannel AssignmentsOptical Metro Channel
Assignments window
When you right-click and select Modify on a highlighted line or double-click
on a highlighted line in the Channel Assignments window, the Optical Metro
Channel Assignments window appears. Table 7-37 describes the data fields.
Table 7-37
ConnectionsChannel AssignmentsOptical Metro Channel Assignments window
Data field Description Value
Channel Assignment tab
Selected Facility
Facility Name This field displays the facility name. e.g., OCLD Facility 1
Channel ID This field indicates the band, channel and
Note: For the correct band and
wavelength mappings for CWDM and ITU
CWDM systems, see System Manager
band and channel designations on
page 7-35.
Character string, for example, B3C4w
Channel Characteristics
Mode This field displays the channel assignment
Scheme This field indicates the protection scheme
of the Muxponder circuit pack for protected
channel assignments.
1+1 Protection
Line 1 This field indicates a circuit pack path
e.g., OCLD Facility 2, or
OTR Facility 2, port 2 line
Line 2 This field indicates a circuit pack path
e.g., OCLD Facility 17
End point This field indicates the originating circuit
pack facility for the signal.
e.g., OCI Facility 8, or
OTR Facility 2, port 1 client
Bit Rate This field indicates the protocol being
used. The drop-list is context sensitive to
the selected circuit pack facilities and
channel assignment mode.
Communications tab
DCN Gateway Function Setting
Shelf is DCN
When the check box is checked, this
indicates that the shelf is connected to the
DCN and the shelf is used as a DCN
access point for the Optical Metro
5100/5200 system.
not selected
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-110 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Routing Mode
Indicates how a GNE (i.e., DCN gateway)
shelf interfaces with the DCN for routing IP
packets between the DCN and remote
Optical Metro 5100/5200 shelves. This
parameter can only be set when the Shelf
is a DCN Gateway check box is checked.
Otherwise, its value is automatically set to
None, ProxyARP, OSPF, BGP
For a definition of these values, see the
Data communications in the Optical
Metro 5100/5200 network chapter of
Network Planning and Link Engineering,
Set... If the external routing mode is OSPF or
BGP, this button allows you to change the
default values for OSPF or BGP. Clicking
the button brings up the OSPF or BGP
settings window.
Button. See OSPF settings and BGP
settings below, in this table.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-111
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Shelf Address This field indicates the IP address of the
shelf. Each shelf in a network must have a
unique IP address.
The IP address chosen for each shelf will
depend on whether the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network will be configured with
public IP addresses, used when the GNE
shelves external routing mode is set to
Proxy ARP, OSPF, or BGP, or private IP
addresses, used when the GNE shelves
external routing mode is set to None.
Note: For more information, refer to the
Data communications in the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network chapter of Network
Planning and Link Engineering,
If the Gateway shelves are running
Proxy ARP, OSPF, or BGP, all shelves
must have an IPaddress visible fromthe
When OSPF is running on the GNE
shelves, the non-GNE shelves can be,
but do not have to be, in the same
subnet as the GNE shelves.
When BGP is running on the GNE
shelves, the non-GNE shelves cannot
be in the same subnet as the GNE
When Proxy ARP is running on the GNE
shelf, all non-GNE shelves must be in
the same subnet as the GNE shelf.
If the GNE shelves external routing
mode is set to None (private IP address
configuration), non-GNEshelves are not
visible from the customer DCN and may
therefore be assigned private IP
addresses. The recommended IP
address in this case is 10.1.shelfID.1
(this is the default IP address set by the
commissioning wizard).
Not permitted:
any IP address with a first octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of
127 (127.nnn.nnn.nnn)
any IP address with a first octet of 10
and a second octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of 224
or greater (224.n.n.n, 225.n.n.n, etc.)
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-112 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Primary Shelf
This field indicates the IP address of the
primary node shelf in the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network. The primary shelf
distributes network-level information across
all the shelves in an Optical Metro
5100/5200 network.
You use the primary node to add and
remove other shelves in the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network. Assign all shelves in
the network the same primary node
Note 1: If you change the Primary IP
address after it is in use in the network, the
System Manager will not be able to receive
shelf list changes or updates. The
non-primary shelves will not be able to
communicate with the primary shelf. Every
non-primary shelf would need to be
reconfigured to point to the new primary
Note 2: If you have to change the IP
address of the primary shelf for an
in-service Optical Metro 5100/5200
network, and some shelves have their
internal OSPF area ID set to the default
value of, you can avoid a loss of
contact by explicitly setting the OSPF area
ID for these shelves to the current IP
address of the primary shelf, before
changing the IP address of the primary
Not permitted:
any IP address with a first octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of
127 (127.nnn.nnn.nnn)
any IP address with a first octet of 10
and a second octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of 224
or greater (224.n.n.n, 225.n.n.n, etc.)
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-113
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Subnet Mask This field sets the subnet mask for the shelf.
The value of this field depends on whether
the shelf is a GNE or non-GNE, and
whether the Optical Metro 5100/5200
network is configured in a public IP address
mode or a private IP address mode.
Note: For more information, refer to the
Data communications in the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network chapter of Network
Planning and Link Engineering,
If the shelf is a GNE, the following
GNE shelves must be configured with a
subnet mask of 30 bits or less (for
example, The size of
the subnet is determined by the
configuration of the DCN segment to
which the GNEis connected. Also, when
Proxy ARP is running on the GNE shelf,
the subnet mask must be defined large
enough to include all the LANconnected
devices and all the Optical Metro
5100/5200 IP addresses in the
If the shelf is a non-GNE and the
network is configured to operate in
public IP mode, the following applies:
The recommended subnet mask is 32
bits (for example,,
since only a single IP address from the
DCN address space is needed for the
shelf. The 10Base-T 1X port is assigned
a private address, separate and distinct
from the shelf address. Non-GNE
shelves may be configured with a larger
subnet by setting the subnet mask to 30
bits or less (for example, In this case, the
number of IP addresses that need to be
allocated from the DCN address space
corresponds to the size of the subnet
assigned to the shelf. For example, with
a subnet mask of, four
IP addresses from the DCN address
space are used (corresponding to the
subnet address, the shelf address, an
address allocated through DHCP, and
the subnet broadcast address). In this
configuration, the shelf address and the
10Base-T 1X port address are the same.
Continued on next page.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-114 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Subnet Mask
If the shelf is a non-GNE and the
network is configured to operate in
private IP mode, the following applies:
The subnet mask of the non-GNE shelf
must be set between 24 and 30 bits. The
recommended value is a 30 bit mask
( along with a shelf IP
of 10.1.shelfID.1.
DHCP Address The DHCP address is an IP address that
allows you to connect a PC to the
10Base-T 1X port on the maintenance
panel of the shelf.
DHCP issues a lease on the craft interface,
initially for 10 minutes and then
subsequently renews it for one hour
periods. If the craftsperson ends a session
and explicitly releases the lease, the port is
available for immediate reuse by another
computer. If the lease is not explicitly given
up, no other computer will be able to use
that node until the lease expires. The
original lease owner can, however,
reconnect since their lease is still valid.
For a GNE shelf, must be
For a non-GNE shelf, address must be
in the same subnet as shelf address.
Note: When the subnet mask is set as, any DHCP address
other than causes an error
Not permitted:
any IP address with a first octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of
127 (127.nnn.nnn.nnn)
any IP address with a first octet of 10
and a second octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of 224
or greater (224.n.n.n, 225.n.n.n, etc.)
To use the DHCP address at a non-GNE
enter an IP address within the subnet
of the shelf
configure the System Manager
computer to Obtain an IP address
automatically in the TCP/IP Properties
window of the Network Control Panel
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-115
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
This field sets the default gateway address.
Note: For more information, refer to the
Data communications in the Optical Metro
5100/5200 network chapter of Network
Planning and Link Engineering,
This field is only set to a non-zero value
on a DCN gateway shelf (GNE) that has
its external routing mode set to 'Proxy
ARP' or 'None'.
If the DCN gateway shelf is running
Proxy ARP, the following applies:
If the System Manager is on the same
subnet as the shelf, the Default Gateway
Address is set to the shelfs IP address.
If the System Manager computer is on a
different subnet than the GNE shelf, the
Default Gateway Address is set to the IP
address of the IP router residing
between the DCN and the GNE shelf.
If the DCN gateway shelf external
routing mode is set to None to operate in
private IP address mode, the following
The Default Gateway address should be
set to the address of the IP router
residing between the DCN and the GNE
If the shelf is not a DCN gateway, or is a
DCN gateway running OSPF or BGP,
the default gateway is set to
Not permitted:
any IP address with a first octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of
127 (127.nnn.nnn.nnn)
any IP address with a first octet of 10
and a second octet of 0
any IP address with a first octet of 224
or greater (224.n.n.n, 225.n.n.n, etc.)
Shelf Type This field indicates the type of the shelf.
Note: An OFA shelf can function as a
network GNE when used in conjunction
with an OSC.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-116 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Communications tab
Hubbing Group
At a site, shelves connected together
(either through an Ethernet hub using their
10Base-T 2X ports, or directly together
using their 10Base-T 2X ports), must have
the same Ethernet hubbing group value.
Each site within the system must have a
unique Ethernet hubbing group value. For
sites with one shelf, a unique Ethernet
hubbing group value must be provisioned.
It is recommended that you assign a value
to the Ethernet hubbing group that matches
the Site Identifier value.
A number from 1 to 64.
Advanced... This button opens a window which enables
you to configure the Advanced
Communications Settings, such as NAT
and DNS.
Button. See Advanced Communication
settings below, in this table.
Port control This button opens a window which allows
you to enable or disable the ports on the
maintenance panel.
If you disable all the ports on a shelf you
cannot use the System Manager to access
the shelf locally. You must access the shelf
from another shelf in the network with the
same band to enable the ports.
If you disable all the ports on all the shelves
in a network you must contact Nortel
Networks Technical Support to reestablish
a network surveillance connection.
Note: Port control changes take effect
immediately. No restart is required.
Button. See Port enabling/disabling
below, in this table.
OSPF Settings (This dialog box allows you to modify the OSPF settings.)
External Area ID This field defines the OSPF area used for
the customer DCN router interface. In this
release, only OSPF backbone routers can
be connected to the GNEs.
This field is currently grayed out for future
Cost This field indicates the cost of sending a
data packet on the interface.
A number from 1 to 200.
Default: 10.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-117
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
This field indicates if there is a password
assigned to the OSPF backbone. The
password is for simple password
Check box.
If there is more than one GNE shelf in
the network, you must choose Enabled
in all GNE shelves.
Password This field allows the authentication
procedure to generate (or check) the
incoming and outgoing OSPF packets.
Character string: 1 to 8 characters.
If there is more than one GNE shelf in
the network, you must assign the same
password to all the GNE shelves on the
same subnet.
Transit Delay This field indicates the number of seconds
to transmit a link state update packet over
the 10Base-T 1X port.
A number from 1 to 100.
Default: 1 second.
This field indicates the number of seconds
between link state advertisement
A number from 1 to 100.
Default: 5 seconds.
Hello Interval This field indicates the number of seconds
between Hello packets that the router
sends on the interface.
A number from 1 to 1800.
Default: 10 seconds.
Note: All routers attached to the same
subnet must have the same value.
Router Dead
This field indicates the number of seconds
before the routers neighbors determine
that it is out-of-service (when they stop
receiving the Hello packet from the router).
A number from 1 to 3600.
Default: 40 seconds.
Note: All routers attached to the same
subnet must have the same value.
BGP Settings (This dialog box allows you to modify the BGP settings.)
Local AS
This field indicates the autonomous system
(AS) number assigned to the Optical Metro
5100/5200 system.
A number from 0 to 65535.
Default: 0.
Local AS
This field indicates the AS weight assigned
to an AS in a path. AS weights provide a
way either to prefer or to avoid routes that
pass through certain AS(s). The path with
the smallest total weight is the preferred
A number from 1 to 15, and 65535.
Default: 10.
Peer 1 IP
This field indicates the IP address of the
peering router.
IP address.
The IP address has to be in the same
subnet as the shelf IP address (Ethernet
Port 1).
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-118 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Peer 1 AS
The Autonomous System Number
assigned to the AS where the customer
router is located.
A number from 0 to 65535.
Default: 0.
Peer 2 IP
This field indicates the IP address of the
peering router.
IP address.
The IP address has to be in the same
subnet as the shelf IP address (Ethernet
Port 1).
Peer 2 AS
The Autonomous System Number
assigned to the AS where the customer
router is located
A number from 0 to 65535.
Default: 0.
Retry Interval This field indicates the retry interval for
establishing a peer-to-peer session.
A number from 0 to 65535.
Default: 120.
HoldDown Time This field indicates the amount of time that
a peer will wait for either a keep-alive or
update message before declaring the
connection is down.
A number from 0 to 65535.
Default: 90 seconds.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-119
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Advanced Communications Settings (This dialog box allows you to modify internal shelf settings.)
OSPF Area ID This field defines the OSPF area used for
internal Optical Metro 5100/5200
Note: Before changing the Primary Shelf
Address in any of the shelves of an
in-service Optical Metro 5100/5200
network, ensure that the OSPF Area ID is
set to a value other than Failure to
do so results in a loss of IP routing
capability between some of the shelves,
which in turn results in a loss of contact with
those shelves. Refer to the Primary Shelf
Address parameter description above.
All shelves within an Optical Metro
5100/5200 network must have the same
internal OSPF Area ID.
When the External Routing Mode is not
OSPF, then any value can be chosen for
the internal OSPF Area ID since this
parameter is only used internally.
When the External Routing Mode is
OSPF, then the internal OSPF Area ID
must be chosen to ensure uniqueness
within your overall network. If you are
managing multiple Optical Metro
5100/5200 networks, each Optical
Metro 5100/5200 network needs to have
a unique internal OSPF Area ID.
Nortel Networks recommends setting
the internal OSPF Area ID to match the
primary shelf IP address since this is
often an easy way to ensure
If you use the default value (, the
address of the primary shelf is used as
the internal OSPF Area ID. However, if
the primary shelf IP address is changed
at a later date, then you can experience
loss of contact between some of the
shelves unless you follow the
instructions in the Note in the
Description column.
NAT settings (This field allows you to enable or disable the Inbound NAT feature and to set the Inbound
NAT alias if Inbound NAT is in use)
Inbound NAT
This field indicates if the Inbound NAT
feature is enabled.
The Inbound NAT feature is only applicable
to GNEs in the Optical Metro 5100/5200
Check box.
Default: disabled.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-120 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Inbound NAT
This field indicates the alias address
provided by the user for Inbound NAT.
One Optical Metro 5100/5200 network
supports only one Inbound NAT alias for
both single GNE and multiple GNE
configurations. For a single GNE
configuration, you can change the alias
directly in the System Manager. However,
for multiple GNE configurations, you must
first turn off the inbound NAT alias on all the
GNEs, then change the alias value on each
individual GNE, and finally turn on the
inbound NAT alias on the GNEs to avoid
inconsistency. All the GNEs should use the
same Inbound NAT alias value. After
disabling the inbound NAT alias, you may
need to directly connect to the GNE to
configure the inbound NAT alias.
Any number from 1 to 126.
Default: 47.
Set Port IPs... Clicking the button opens the Assignable IP
Settings window where you can assign the
IP addresses for Ethernet port 2 and serial
ports 1 and 2.
See Assignable IP settings in this
View/Set DNS... Clicking the button opens the DNS Setting
window where you can enable/disable
Proxy Service, set the IP address of the
DNS server, and set the DNS suffix.
See DNS Setting below, in this table.
Assignable IP settings (This dialog box allows you to assign the IP addresses for Ethernet port 2 and
serial ports 1 and 2)
Enet Port2 IP IP address for 10BaseT 2X IP address.
Enet Port2
Subnet mask for 10BaseT 2X IP address.
Enet Port2
DHCP address for 10BaseT 2X IP address.
Serial Port1
Local IP
DTE local IP address.
Serial Port1
Remote IP
DTE remote IP address.
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-121
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Serial Port2
Local IP (see
DCE local IP address.
Serial Port2
Remote IP (see
DCE remote IP address.
Note: Serial port 2 is not supported.
DNS Settings This dialog box allows you to enable or disable Proxy Service, set the IP address of the
DNS server, and the DNS suffix)
Proxy Service This field enables or disables the DNS
proxy service.
DNS Servers IP address of the 1st and 2nd DNS servers IP address.
DNS Suffix An optional field, this suffix is provided to a
directly connected PC via DHCP. If the PC
is configured correctly, this suffix is used
whenever a non-FQDN requires name
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 128 characters.
Port enabling/disabling (This dialog box allows you to enable or disable the ports on the maintenance
Ethernet Port 1 10BASE-T 1X(This field enables communications using the 10Base-T 1X port.)
I/O Use this field to prevent access to the shelf
by way of a connection to the customers
Alarm This field enables or disables alarm
reporting against Ethernet port 1.
IP Forwarding This field enables or disables IP forwarding
on Ethernet port 1.
When IP forwarding is disabled on Ethernet
Port 1 of the GNE shelf, all IP access to the
customers DCN that is initiated from any
remote shelf through Ethernet Port 1 of the
GNE shelf, is blocked.
Ethernet Port 2 10BASE-T 2X (This field enables communications using the 10Base-T 2X port.)
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-122 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
I/O Use this field to prevent access to the shelf
by way of a PC or laptop connected to the
10Base-T 2X port.
You impact network surveillance if Ethernet
port 2 is disabled on a shelf at a site where
shelves connect to an Ethernet hub by way
of the 10Base-T 2X port. The System
Manager can monitor only shelves with the
same band as that of the host shelf (if the
shelf is the same band as the shelf with the
10Base-T 2X port disabled) or all of the
other bands in the network (if the shelf is a
different band than the shelf with the
10Base-T 2X port disabled).
Alarm This field enables or disables alarm
reporting against Ethernet port 2.
Access Ctrl This field enables or disables access
control on Ethernet port 2.
Choose None to disable access control,
choose Filter to filter unrecognized
incoming packets, choose Encrypt to reject
unencrypted incoming packets and to
encrypt outgoing packets.
Serial Port 1 RS232/V24 1 (DTE) (This field disables communications using the RS232/V24 1 (DTE)
I/O Use this field to prevent access to the shelf
by way of a dial-up modem.
Serial Port 2 RS232/V24 2 (DCE) (This field disables communications using the RS232/V24 2 (DCE)
(see Note)
Use this field to prevent access to the shelf
by way of a communication port on a PC or
Note: Serial port 2 is not supported. Nortel Networks recommends this port be disabled.
Time tab (This field allows you to modify the date and time on a shelf)
Year This field indicates the year. 0000 to 9999
Month This field indicates the month. 01 to 12
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-123
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
ConfigurationSurveillance tab
Table 7-45 describes the data fields in the ConfigurationSurveillance tab.
Day This field indicates the day. 01 to 31
Hour This field indicates the hour. 00 to 23
Minute This field indicates the minute. 00 to 59
Second This field indicates the second. 00 to 59
Table 7-45
ConfigurationSurveillance tab
Data field Description Value
External Manager
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the shelf.
A name, e.g., Head Office.
Index 1 through 8
Type per shelf
IP Address This field indicates the IP address of the
external management application.
A valid IP address.
Port This field determines which port the traps
are sent to at the IP address of the external
e.g., 162
Community This field allows you to configure the
community name in traps sent to the
external manager.
e.g., public
Filter This field determines what traps are sent to
the external manager.
All (alarms/events/user requests)
Alarms only
Alarms/events only
Service affecting alarms only
Service affecting alarms plus AIS, RDI
and PM
Table 7-44 (continued)
ConfigurationNaming or CommunicationsShelf Configuration window
Data field Description Value
7-124 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
ConfigurationSurveillance tabExternal Manager Entry
When you right-click and select Modify or double-click on an entry or a line
in the surveillance tab of the Configuration window, the External Manager
Entry dialog appears. Table 7-46 describes the data fields.
You can add an address for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
trap forwarding using the External Manager entry window.
Include security
This field indicates whether security
events/alarms are included as part of the
traps sent to the external manager.
Audible Alarm
Two radio buttons that indicate whether the audible alarm is
enabled or disabled.
An icon of a muted speaker appears when the Audible Alarm
is disabled.
Crossed out, if audible alarms are
Not crossed out, if audible alarms are
Alarm cut off This button allows you to disable audible
alarms. Confirm Audible Alarm Cutoff
dialog box opens.
Lamp test Button for activating a lamp test. Yes
Table 7-46
ConfigurationSurveillanceExternal Manager Entry window
Data field Description Value
Shelf This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the shelf.
A name, e.g., Head Office.
SNMP Trap Forwarding
Manager IP
This field indicates the IP address of the
external management application.
A valid IP address.
Table 7-45 (continued)
ConfigurationSurveillance tab
Data field Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-125
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Trap Port This field determines which port the traps
are sent to at the IP address of the external
e.g., 162
This field allows you to configure the
community name in traps sent to the
external manager.
e.g., public
Filter This field determines what traps are sent to
the external manager.
All (alarms/events/user requests)
Alarms only
Alarms/events only
Service affecting alarms only
Service affecting alarms plus AIS, RDI
and PM
Include security
This check box indicates whether security
events/alarms are included in the traps sent
to the external manager.
not selected
Table 7-46 (continued)
ConfigurationSurveillanceExternal Manager Entry window
Data field Description Value
7-126 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
ConfigurationShelf List window
Table 7-47 describes the data fields in the ConfigurationShelf List window.
Select the Refresh button to refresh this window. Select the Delete button to
delete the selected shelf. To reorder a shelf list, right-click on a shelf and select
Order Shelves....
Table 7-47
ConfigurationShelf List window
Data field Description Value
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the site.
Nortel Networks recommends that all
shelves at a site have the same site name.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the shelf.
Nortel Networks recommends that each
shelf in a ring have a different descriptive
shelf name, such as Surveillance Site Band
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Site ID This field indicates the user-assigned
number of the site and is used to group
shelves logically in the System Manager.
A number from 1 to 64. Assign shelves
at the seamed site to site number 1.
Assign the other sites in the ring to the
next available number.
Shelf ID This field indicates the user-assigned
unique ID of the shelf.
Assign one number to one shelf only
A number from 1 to 64.
Use shelf ID 1 to 8 for shelves at the
seamed site. Use Shelf ID 9 to 64 for
other shelves.
Shelf IP This field indicates the shelf IP address. IP address, e.g.,
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-127
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
ConfigurationShelf List windowArrange Shelves window
When you right-click on a highlighted line in the Shelf List windowand select
Order Shelves..., the Arrange Shelves window appears. Table 7-48 describes
the data fields in the ConfigurationsShelf ListArrange Shelves window.
Table 7-48
ConfigurationShelf ListArrange Shelves window
Data field Description Value
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the site.
Nortel Networks recommends that all
shelves at a site have the same site name.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the shelf.
Nortel Networks recommends that each
shelf in a ring have a different descriptive
shelf name, such as Surveillance Site Band
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Site ID This field indicates the user-assigned
number of the site and is used to group
shelves logically in the System Manager.
A number from 1 to 64. Assign shelves
at the seamed site to site number 1.
Assign the other sites in the ring to the
next available number.
Shelf ID This field indicates the user-assigned
unique ID of the shelf.
Assign one number to one shelf only
A number from 1 to 64.
Use shelf ID 1 to 8 for shelves at the
seamed site. Use Shelf ID 9 to 64 for
other shelves.
Shelf IP This field indicates the shelf IP address. IP address, e.g.,
Shelf Order This field indicates the order of the
highlighted shelf in the shelf list.
A number from 1 to 64.
Up This field allows the user to move the
selected shelf up. For a multiple-site ring,
when the top shelf within the site is selected
and the Up button is pressed, all the
shelves of the site move up.
Group Shelves
By Site
This field allows the user to group all the
shelves by site.
Table 7-51
AdminNE Admin window
Data field Description Value
Site Name This field indicates the name of the site
where the shelf you are administrating is
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name
of the shelf.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and numbers, up
to 31 characters.
Site ID This field indicates the user-assigned
number of the site and is used to group
shelves logically in the System Manager.
A number from 1 to 64. Assign shelves
at the seamed site to site number 1.
Assign the other sites in the ring to the
next available number.
Table 7-50 (continued)
Software Upgrade command and menu options
Menu option Description Value or range
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-131
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
NE Admin command and menu options
Table 7-52 describes the command and menu options available when you
right-click on a shelf in the NE Admin window.
Shelf ID This field indicates the user-assigned
unique ID of the shelf.
Assign one number to one shelf only.
A number from 1 to 64.
Use shelf ID 1 to 8 for shelves at the
seamed site. Use Shelf ID 9 to 64 for
other shelves.
Shelf IP This field indicates the shelf IP address. IP address, e.g.,
ALS This field indicates if ALS is enabled or not. Yes
ALR This field indicates if ALR is enabled or not. Yes
Passive Slot
This field indicates if the user-assigned slot
numbering for passive devices is enabled
or not.
Table 7-52
NE command and menu options
Menu option Description Value
Restart This option allows you restart a shelf. When you
select this command, the Restart Shelf
Confirmation dialog box appears.
Auto Laser
This option allows you to enable or disable the
automatic laser shutdown or recovery feature.
This option also allows you to enable the manual
laser recovery.
Select Enable/Disable to open
the Auto. Laser Shutdown
Enable/Disable window.
Select Manual Restore to open
the Auto. Laser Shutdown
Manual Restore window.
Table 7-51 (continued)
AdminNE Admin window
Data field Description Value
7-132 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Remote Fault
This option allows you to enable or disable
remote fault notification.
See Remote Fault Notification
below, in this table
Passive Slot
This option allows you to enable or disable the
passive slot numbering feature. When you select
this command, the Passive Slot Numbering
dialog box appears. If you enable Passive Slot
Numbering, you can assign slot numbers to
passive devices.
See Passive Slot Numbering
below, in this table
Auto. Laser Shutdown Enable/Disable (This dialog box allows you to enable or disable ALS and
Network Name This field indicates the name of the network. This
field is greyed out.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the site. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the shelf. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
This field displays a description of the shelf. This
field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 63 characters.
Auto. Laser
Two radio buttons that indicate whether the
automatic laser shutdown feature is enabled or
disabled on the shelf.
Auto. Laser
Two radio buttons that indicate whether the
automatic laser recovery feature is enabled or
disabled on the shelf.
Note: This field is greyed out if Auto. Laser
Shutdown is set to Disable.
Auto. Laser Shutdown Manual Restore (This dialog box allows you to manually activate the laser
after ALS).
Network Name This field indicates the name of the network. This
field is greyed out.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the site. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Table 7-52 (continued)
NE command and menu options
Menu option Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-133
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the shelf. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
This field displays a description of the shelf. This
field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 63 characters.
Auto. Laser
When clicking on the Manual Restore button, the
laser recovery is manually activated on the shelf
Note: This field is greyed out if Auto. Laser
Shutdown is set to Disable.
An ALS window informs the status
of the manual recovery
Remote Fault Notification (This dialog box allows you to manually enable remote fault notification).
Network Name This field indicates the name of the network. This
field is greyed out.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the site. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the shelf. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
This field displays a description of the shelf. This
field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 63 characters.
Remote Fault
This option allows you to enable or disable
remote fault notification. When you enable
remote fault notification on the far-end node and
a service affecting alarm is raised on the far-end
node, a service affecting alarm is also raised on
the near-end node.
Passive Slot numbering (This dialog box allows you to enable or disable the passive slot numbering).
Network Name This field indicates the name of the network. This
field is greyed out.
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Site Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the site. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
Table 7-52 (continued)
NE command and menu options
Menu option Description Value
7-134 AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields
Optical Metro 5100/5200 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Shelf Name This field indicates the user-assigned name of
the shelf. This field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 31 characters.
This field displays a description of the shelf. This
field is greyed out
A character string that can be any
combination of letters and
numbers, up to 63 characters.
Passive Slot
This option allows you to enable or disable the
passive slot numbering feature. When you select
this command, the Passive Slot Numbering
dialog box appears. If you enable Passive Slot
Numbering, you can assign slot numbers to
passive devices.
Table 7-52 (continued)
NE command and menu options
Menu option Description Value
AppendixSystem Manager windows and fields 7-135
Software and User Interface 323-1701-101 Rel 8.0 Iss 1 Std Apr 2005
Performance Monitor window
Use the Performance Monitor window to view, set, or modify performance
parameter values and enable or disable TCA reporting.
Performance MonitorLaunch PMs window
Table 7-53 describes the data fields in the Performance MonitorLaunch PMs
window. Select the Performance Monitor tab to view this window.
Note: If the Auto Launch check box is deselected, click on the Launch
button to open the Optical Metro Performance Monitor window.
Table 7-54 describes the command and menu options for the Optical Metro
Performance Monitor window.
Table 7-53
Performance MonitorLaunch PM window
Data field Description Value
Launch This field launches the Performance
Monitor portion of System Manager.
Button. See Table 7-55 on page 7-137.
Auto Launch This checkbox when selected automatically
launches the Performance Monitor portion
of System Manager each time the
Performance Monitor tab is selected for the
remainder of the System Manager session.
Not selected
Table 7-54
Optical Metro Performance Monitor command and menu options
Menu Menu option Description Value or range
File Save As This option saves the contents of the
query results display.
Refresh selected
This option refreshes the currently
selected row in the query results display.
Refresh Shelf List This option updates the current shelf list.
Retrieve This option retrieves the PM data for the
parameters and location specified in the
query criteria display.