Assgn4 Iitd Thermal

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MCL703 : Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer

Assignment 4 on Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer

1. A double-glazed window consists of two panes of glass, each of thickness
t =6mm.
The inside room temperature is Ti =20C with hi =7.7 W/m2 K, the outside temperature
is To=(-)10C with ho =25 W/m2K. The gap between the glass sheets is of thickness L
=5 mm and is filled with a gas. The glass surfaces may be treated with a low-emissivity
coating to reduce their emissivity from =0.95 to =0.05. Determine the heat flux
through the window for:
Case 1: = 0.95 for both panes,
Case 2: =0.05 for both panes,
Case 3: 1 =0.05, 2 =0.95.
Consider either air or argon of thermal conductivity K Ar =17.7* 10^(-3)W/mK to be
within the gap. Radiation heat transfer occurring at the external surfaces of the two glass
sheets is negligible, as is free convection between the Glass sheets.
2. Consider a vertical, 1.5m high double-pane window with the vertical panes at
temperatures of T1=22C and T2=20C separated by atmospheric air, and the critical
Rayleigh number for the onset of convection is =2000.
(a) What is the conduction heat flux across the air gap for the optimal spacing between
the panes?
(b) If the glass has an emissivity of =0.90, what is the total heat flux across the gap?
(c) What is the total heat flux if a special, low emissivity coating ( c =0.10) is applied to
one of the panes at its air-glass interface? What is the total heat flux if both panes are
3. An electrically heated sample is maintained at a surface temperature of Ts =500 K. The
sample coating is diffuse but spectrally selective, with the spectral emissivity distribution
shown schematically. The sample is irradiated by a furnace located coaxially at a distance
of Lsf =750 mm. The furnace has isothermal walls with an emissivity of f =0.7 and a
uniform temperature of T f =3000 K. A radiation detector of area Ad =8 *10^(-5)m2 is
positioned at a distance of Lsd =1.0 m from the sample along a direction that is 45 from
the sample normal. The detector is sensitive to spectral radiant power only in the spectral
region from 3 to 5 m. The sample surface experiences convection with a gas for which
T=300 K and h =20 W/m2 K. The surroundings of the sample mount are large and at a
uniform temperature of Tsur =300 K.

4. The arrangement shown is to be used to calibrate a heat flux gage. The gage has a black
surface that is10 mm in diameter and is maintained at 17C by means of a water-cooled
backing plate. The heater, 200 mm in diameter, has a black surface that is maintained at
800 K and is located 0.5 m from the gage. The surroundings and the air are at 27C and
the convection heat transfer coefficient between the gage and the air is 15 W/m2K.

(a) Determine the net radiation exchange between the heater and the gage.
(b) Determine the net transfer of radiation to the gage per unit area of the gage.
(c) What is the net heat transfer rate to the gage per unit area of the gage?
5. Consider the flat-plate solar collector coupled to a storage tank as shown. The collector
consists of a transparent cover plate and an absorber plate that are separated by an air
gap. The absorber plate has a coating for which 1 =0.96, and the cover plate has an
emissivity of 2 =0.92. With respect to radiation exchange, both plates may be
approximated as diffuse, gray surfaces.
Assume the collector is inclined at an angle of =60 and has dimensions of H = w =2 m
on a side, with an air gap of L =30 mm. The absorber and cover plates are at T1 =70C
and T2 =30C, respectively,
(a) What is the rate of heat transfer by free convection from the absorber plate and the net
rate of radiation exchange between the plates?

(b) The temperature of the absorber plate varies according to the flow rate of the working
fluid routed through the coiled tube. How will the free convection and radiant heat rates
change as a function of the absorber plate temperature?

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