Cohen-Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Cohen-Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Cohen-Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Geophilia, or The
Love of Stone
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Jeffrey Cohen
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
[1] I am referencing here what Serenella Iovino and
Serpil Oppermann describe as matters narrative
power of creating configurations of meanings and
substances, which enter with human lives into a
field of co-emerging interactions (Material
Ecocriticism: Materiality, Agency, and Models of
Narrativity Ecozon@ 3 [2012]: 75-91, at 79-80).
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Stony reality is perspectival, a time- and contextbound meshwork that gathers lithic and nonlithic
actors without harmonizing, without yielding the
unity necessary for secure point of view. As stone is
for us one of many objects (some well
differentiated and highly esteemed, but most
below notice) that constitute the realm of the
nonhuman, humans are for stone one of many
agents (some well differentiated and highly
relatable, most below notice) in the nonlithic realm
who are susceptible to being drawn into petric
alliance. These relations become palpable once
aeonic frames are adopted and the anthropocentric
insistence that only human intentionality exists or
counts is abandoned. Sometimes the movements
toward connection and change that constitute
desire are discernible only in traces sedimented
over a very long history, one that undermines our
foundational narratives of rupture, self-fashioning,
and radical discontinuity. When along with viewing
stone as nonhuman we attempt to look upon
ourselves as nonlithics, the axis of the knowable
world shifts.
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone
Jeffrey Cohen
Geophilia, or The Love of Stone