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Comprehension Test

The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne
1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Hester was married when Pearl was born.

Chillingworth was Pearls father.

The usual punishment for adultery was death.

Hester was in prison for five years.

People wanted their children to play with Pearl.

Hester and Dimmesdale arranged to leave Boston on an English ship.

Everybody saw a scarlet letter on Dimmesdales chest.

Chillingworth died a few months after Dimmesdale.

Hester never returned to Boston.

Pearl never returned to Boston.

20 marks

2 Who said this? Who did they say it to? Chillingworth, Dimmesdale, Pearl, Hester, Mr
a I will not speak his name. My child must find a father in heaven. .. to
b I have greatly wronged you. .. to ..
c Can you tell me who made you? .. to ..
d You were a good person, and you needed a better love than mine. .. to
e Is there nothing beyond this little town? .. to ..
20 marks
3 Who said this? The captain, Chillingworth, Dimmesdale, Pearl, Hester.
a The forest cannot hide it, but the sea will drown it. ..
b Will he always keep his hand over his heart? ..
c So, mistress, another one to join you! ..
d Look! Look! See for yourselves! ..
e You have escaped me! ..
10 marks
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4 Who, in the story . . . Chillingworth, Dimmesdale, Mistress Hibbins, Pearl, Hester.

a . . . was a prisoner of wild men? ..
b . . . asked Hester to keep a secret? ..
c . . . had beautiful clothes? ..
d . . . was killed because she was a friend of the devil? ..
e . . . collected plants? ..
f . . . threw water at the Governor? ..
g . . . was always ready to help people in trouble? ..
h . . . was not loved by the sunshine? ..
i . . . gave the Election Sermon? ..
j . . . died because he could not have revenge? ..
20 marks
5 Fill in the gaps. Use these words: bosom, clothes, cottage, fashion, gold, Governor, judges,
kindness, needle, needlework, Puritans, sea, sewing, shame, sinned.
Hester went to live in a . outside the town and near the . . She was
good with a ., and her beautiful , often using
.. and silver, soon became the . in Boston. Even the
.. wore her ..on his shirts. She also made for poor
people. But although she worked for them, the of the town were hard
.. and they showed no .. to her because she had
. . She lived in and misery, with the scarlet letter bright
on her .
30 marks

Total marks

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Multiple-choice Test

The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Choose the best answer.
1 The writer found the scarlet letter in _____.
a [ ] the graveyard

b [ ] an old box

c [ ] on a ship

d [ ] in the cottage

2 The letter had patterns of _____ thread around it.

a [ ] silver

b [ ] yellow

c [ ] red

d [ ] gold

3 When the writer held the letter to his chest he felt _____.
a [ ] burning heat

b [ ] a childs soft face

c [ ] a happy person

d [ ] very sad

4 The story is set in the mid-_____ century.

a [ ] eighteenth

b [ ] seventeenth

c [ ] sixteenth

d [ ] nineteenth

5 When they saw the scarlet letter the women thought that Hester was _____.
a [ ] frightened of prison

b [ ] clever with her needle

c [ ] like a lady d [ ] sad

6 Hester had been the wife of _____.

a [ ] an Englishman b [ ] an Indian

c [ ] a magistrate

d [ ] a prisoner

7 She had lived in _____ with her husband before she came to New England.
a [ ] Amsterdam

b [ ] London

c [ ] Massachusetts

d [ ] Salem

8 Hester would not tell people the name of _____.

a [ ] the father of her child b [ ] her husband

c [ ] her child d [ ] her priest

9 Hester was released from the prison in _____.

a [ ] New York

b [ ] Salem c [ ] Boston

d [ ] England

10 When Hester was released from prison she lived _____.

a [ ] in the centre of town
c [ ] in a big house

b [ ] with Governor Bellingham

d [ ] in a small cottage


Choose the best answer.
11 Hester was tall and perfectly shaped with _____.
a [ ] long blonde hair

b [ ] short dark hair

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c [ ] long dark hair


d [ ] short blond hair

12 Hester had married _____.

a [ ] a much older man

b [ ] a friend

c [ ] a younger man

d [ ] a man the same age

13 Hester had to wear the scarlet A for _____.

a [ ] three hours

b [ ] three years

c [ ] three days

d [ ] the rest of her life

14 Mr Dimmesdale was a priest who was _____.

a [ ] shy and sensitive

b [ ] young and happy c [ ] old and sad

d [ ] old and happy

15 Hesters daughter Pearl was not allowed to _____.

a [ ] wear red clothes

b [ ] see her mother

c [ ] play with other children

d [ ] talk to other people

16 Roger Chillingworth was well known in town _____.

a [ ] for helping the church

b [ ] for being unhappy

c [ ] because he was Hesters husband

d [ ] for his knowledge of medicines

17 Pearl was a child _____.

a [ ] of many moods

b [ ] with lots of friends

c [ ] who was always happy d [ ] who slept a lot

18 Governor Bellingham wanted to take _____ away from Hester.
a [ ] the scarlet letter

b [ ] the cottage

c [ ] Pearl

d [ ] the priest

19 Roger Chillingworth was the _____ of Arthur Dimmesdale.

a [ ] brother

b [ ] medical adviser

c [ ] prisoner

d [ ] father

20 Mistress Hibbins was the _____ of Governor Bellingham.

a [ ] sister

b [ ] daughter

c [ ] wife

d [ ] mother


Who said this?
21 I will not speak his name.
a [ ] Hester

b [ ] Mr Wilson

c [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

d [ ] the stranger

22 I will keep your secret, as I have kept his,

a [ ] Roger Chillingworth

b [ ] Mr Wilson

c [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

d [ ] Hester

23 Are you the right person to teach this child the ways of God?
a [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

b [ ] Roger Chillingworth

c [ ] Mr Wilson

d [ ] Governor

24 Listen to me, child. Can you tell me who made you?
a [ ] Hester

b [ ] Mr Wilson

c [ ] Governor Bellingham d [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

25 Tell me, doctor, is my health any better since you began to take care of this poor, weak body
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of mine?
a [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

b [ ] Hester

c [ ] Roger Chillingworth

d [ ] Mr Wilson

26 Come up here, Hester, you and little Pearl.

a [ ] Roger Chillingworth

b [ ] Mr Wilson

c [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

d [ ] Governor Bellingham

27 You would not promise to hold my hand, and my mothers hand, here tomorrow.
a [ ] Hester

b [ ] Pearl

c [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

d [ ] Governor Bellingham

28 I am sorry for you. You were a good person, and you needed a better love than mine.
a [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

b [ ] Hester

c [ ] Pearl

d [ ] Roger Chillingworth

29 Oh, Hester, God has been merciful! This is already a better life.
a [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale
c [ ] Pearl

b [ ] Roger Chillingworth

d [ ] Governor Bellingham

30 We will have a home of our own, and you will sit on his knee and he will teach you many
things, and love you dearly.
a [ ] Roger Chillingworth

b [ ] Arthur Dimmesdale

c [ ] Hester


Choose the best answer.
31 a person who works as a judge in a court of law
a [ ] Governor

b [ ] magistrate

c [ ] Master

d [ ] priest

32 a high platform where criminals are killed in public

a [ ] scaffold

b [ ] passion

c [ ] mercy d [ ] sin

33 having done nothing wrong

a [ ] guilty b [ ] innocent

c [ ] evil d [ ] wise

34 a long, thin piece of cotton, used with a needle for sewing

a [ ] thread

b [ ] balcony c [ ] magic

d [ ] cheek

35 having done something that is against the law

a [ ] heaven

b [ ] devil c [ ] guilty d [ ] magic

36 being kind and forgiving to someone who has done something wrong
a [ ] pray

b [ ] shame

c [ ] respect

d [ ] mercy

37 to feel pain or great sadness

a [ ] sin b [ ] soul

c [ ] suffer

d [ ] shame

38 somebody you work with or have a relationship with

a [ ] priest

b [ ] public c [ ] Puritans

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d [ ] partner

d [ ] Mr Wilson

39 to stop feeling angry with someone who has done something to harm or annoy you
a [ ] forgive

b [ ] innocent

c [ ] joy d [ ] respect

40 to have a very good opinion of someone

a [ ] nervous

b [ ] respect

c [ ] mercy d [ ] mood


Choose the best answer.
41 The women in the town thought that Hester _____.
a [ ] was good

b [ ] was clever

c [ ] ought to die

d [ ] should go to England

42 Hester made little _____ for the babies of the town.

a [ ] socks and shoes

b [ ] coats and hats

c [ ] tops and trousers

d [ ] scarlet letters

43 Roger Chillingworth asked Hester to keep his _____.

a [ ] secret

b [ ] house

c [ ] books

d [ ] money

44 Roger Chillingworth was shocked by what he saw when he _____.

a [ ] met Hester in the forest

b [ ] saw Mr Wilson

c [ ] pulled open the priests shirt

d [ ] met Pearl in town

45 Hester believed that Roger Chillingworth was the priests _____.

a [ ] secret enemy b [ ] lost brother

c [ ] best friend

d [ ] father

46 Hester and Pearl talked to Arthur Dimmesdale on a walk in the _____.

a [ ] garden

b [ ] forest

c [ ] graveyard

d [ ] church

47 Roger Chillingworth planned to _____ with Hester and Arthur Dimmesdale.

a [ ] go on the ship

b [ ] walk in the forest

c [ ] go to church

d [ ] go to prison

48 Hester stood _____ during the day with Pearl and Arthur Dimmesdale.
a [ ] on the scaffold

b [ ] in the graveyard

c [ ] on the ship

d [ ] in the church

49 Pearl became the _____ of those days in New England.

a [ ] youngest woman

b [ ] weakest person

c [ ] most beautiful woman

d [ ] richest person

50 Pearl always kept her _____ for her mother.

a [ ] scarlet letter

b [ ] cottage in New England



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c [ ] home in England

d [ ] clothes

The Scarlet Letter

1 a T

f T

b F

g F

c T

h T

d F

i F

e F

j T

2 a Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale

b Hester Prynne, Chillingworth
c Mr Wilson, Pearl
d Chillingworth, Hester Prynne
e Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale
3 a Hester Prynne
b Pearl
c The captain
d Dimmesdale
e Chillingworth
4 a Chillingworth
b Chillingworth
c Pearl
d Mistress Hibbins
e Chillingworth
f Pearl
g Hester Prynne
h Hester Prynne
i Dimmesdale
j Chillingworth
5 cottage, sea, needle, sewing, gold, fashion, Governor, needlework, clothes, Puritans, judges,
kindness, sinned, shame, bosom

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The Scarlet Letter























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