A Network of Social
A Network of Social
A Network of Social
A dedicated website or other application which enables users to communicate with each otherby
posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.
Online, social networks and blogs are now the 4th most popular kinds of online activities. 73%
of the world online population is now visiting them and the time theyre spending on them is
growing by three times the overall growth rate of the internet. Social networks are now visited
more often than personal email is read. Some social networks have grown to such enormous
proportions that they rival entire countries in terms of populationif Facebook, for example, was
a country, it would be the fifth-most-populated in the world (right between Indonesia and Brazil).
Theres a lot of variety out there in the realm of social network design. Some sites keep a very
professional approach (like LinkedIn) while others have a more organic, free-form look
(like MySpace). Most sites fall somewhere in between, mixing professionalism with
personalization (like Facebook).
Department of Roads is planning to go for a major transformation towards a wide and broad, computer based Management
Information System (MIS). MIS consists of application like Human Resource Management System, the road network related
database management systems and development and maintenance of intranet and web-site.But we should not forget that
regular maintenance for a long-term sustainability of a system is far more important than one time huge investment in the
establishment of the system itself.
HMIS is in the process of updating data based GIS Mapping of Nepal Road Statistics in two scales 1:25000 and 1:50000 in
tens of details of the data. The projection system adopted is the modified universal Transverse mercator projection on
Everest spheroid 1830 having zone width of 3 degrees as per department of survey. attribute data like AADT, IRI, SDI
pavement type (BT,GR,ER) etc will also be incorporated into the GIS Database .
grievances on past experiences. It may require addressing specific concerns in an online forum
should a customer use this approach.
Users of social networking site will have the opportunity to use the services provided by DEX
faster, easy and economical as well as DEX will be able to overcome the weakness of their
system, because often the user will provide comments on the problem such as information can be
delivered more quickly and cheaply and to create and monitor standards for quality performance
The threat from web-borne viruses and malware are often overlooked by the company. Hackers
are attracted to social networking sites because they see the potential to commit fraud and launch
spam and malware attacks. According to Facebook Company, there are tens of thousands of
applications available for face book may make every effort to provide protection against
malware, these third-party applications may not all be safe. Some of the application has the
potential to be used to infect computers with malicious code which in turn can be used to collect
data from the users site. Messaging on social networking sites is also a concern and the
Koobface worm is. One example of how message are used to spread malicious code and worms.
Marcia Amidon Lusted, (2011), Social Networking : Myspace, Facebook, & Twitter,