Accelerating Admixtures

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Accelerating admixtures


Accelerating admixtures can be used either to

increase the rate of stiffening / setting of the
concrete or to increase the rate of hardening
and early strength gain to allow earlier
demoulding and handling. Most accelerators
primarily achieve one rather than both of these
Accelerators are most effective at low
temperature. In the UK the principle use of set
accelerators is in the control of the setting time
of concrete floor slabs in cold weather when
any extension of set can delay finishing and
power trowelling operations. Set accelerators
are a very effective way of controlling the
setting time of such concretes, even those
containing cement replacements.
Accelerators are also used to reduce the risk
of damage by freezing when concreting in cold
weather and to allow the earlier removal of
formwork but it should be noted that they are
not an anti-freeze. The exposed faces of struck
concrete must still be protected and properly
At normal temperatures, a technically better
way of enhancing early strength is to use a
high range water reducer/superplasticiser.
Significant reductions (greater than 15%) in the
water cement ratio can more than double
compressive strength at ages less than 24
hours. Accelerators can be used in conjunction
with superplasticisers (< 0.35 w/c ratio) where
very early age strength is required, especially
at lower temperatures. If required, the use of
accelerators can be combined with high range
water reducers to further enhance early
strength development in both low & normal

These classes of admixture are covered by the
requirements of BS EN 934 Part 2: Concrete

conformity, marking and labelling. The specific
requirements for each categories are
stipulated in Tables 6, 7 and 12.
Three categories of accelerating admixture are
covered: 1) Set accelerating admixtures.
2) Hardening accelerating admixtures.
3) Set
reducing/plasticizing admixtures.
The latter produce the effect of a water
reducing/plasticizing admixture as their
primary function combined with that of
a set accelerator as their secondary
All CAA manufacturers CE mark their products to
show they conform to this standard.


The most cost-effective accelerator for all

Portland cement concrete is calcium chloride,
which provides both set and hardening
acceleration. However, its use is restricted to
unreinforced concrete in the UK and in most
other countries, due to its potential influence
on the corrosion of embedded metal.
Calcium nitrate and calcium nitrite are both
effective set accelerators, and are widely used
commercially. Nitrite will also give some
strength acceleration. The equivalent sodium
salts, are also effective, but not always
acceptable due to the contribution of sodium
ions to the overall alkali content of the

Other applications for accelerating admixtures

include urgent concrete repairs and in sea
defence work to ensure early stiffening of
concrete in the tidal zone.

Thiocyanate salts are effective strength

accelerators, particularly at low temperatures.

Very fast set accelerating admixtures, used for

sprayed concrete applications are covered on
a separate ATS sheet.

Calcium formate is another material which

finds use, mainly as a set accelerator.
Other technologies such as nucleation aids
are also available depending on the specific
requirements of the job, contact your supplier
for more information,



Accelerating admixtures increase the rate of

hydration of tricalcium silicate (C 3S) and
tricalcium aluminate (C3A) phases of cement,
thereby providing earlier heat evolution and
strength development.

will result in raised alkali levels and

consideration should be given to their input
towards the total alkali calculation for the
concrete. High doses of some accelerators
may also adversely affect strength at later

It should be noted that accelerators do not
depress the freezing point of water
significantly and should not be referred to as
anti-freeze admixtures.
The accelerating effect of both set and
strength accelerating admixtures is most
pronounced at temperatures below 10oC.


5.1 Admixture Selection

Accelerating admixtures are usually termed
chloride based or chloride free and may be
principally set or hardening accelerators. Care
is needed to ensure that the correct one is
selected for the required application.
Most Concrete specifications restrict the use of
calcium chloride or admixtures containing
calcium chloride to plain unreinforced concrete
and ban it for structural concrete that contains
embedded metal.
5.2 Dosage
Typically the range is from 0.5 to 2.5% by
weight of cement but they may be used at
higher dosages with advice from the
5.3 Cement Type
Accelerating admixtures can be used with all
types of Portland cement including those
covered by EN 197-1 and with addition
blended with CEM 1 cement at the mixer.
They should not be used with aluminate
cements without consulting the manufacturer.
5.4 Overdosing
High dosage rates or, occasionally, normal
dosage rates with high cement content mixes
may cause rapid stiffening and considerable
heat evolution with consequent risk of thermal
and shrinkage cracking. Calcium chloride in
particular should be used with care in hot
High dosage rates of sodium salt accelerators

Effects on properties of concrete

6.1 Strength
Hardening accelerators can produce a
significant increase in the early strength of
concrete, especially at lower temperatures.
For example at 5 - 10C, 200% of the
strength of a control mix without admixture
can be achieved. However, the increase in
long term strength is generally small. At
temperatures above 10C it may be
technically preferable to use a non
retarding high range water reducer, as
illustrated in the following table but note
that these are only typical and other
technologies may produce enhanced
BS EN 934-2 specifies that for hardening
accelerators a concrete mix containing the
admixture should have at 20C, a1 day
strength at least 20% greater than a mix
without the accelerator. At 5C a 2 day
strength at least 30% greater than that of
the control mix.
6.2 Workability
Unless combined with a water reducer,
accelerating admixtures give no significant
change in workability.
6.3 Slump loss
The rate of slump loss of concrete
containing a set accelerating admixture will
be significantly faster than that of the
equivalent plain concrete mix of the same
initial workability and even for hardening
accelerators it will generally be quicker.
Where long delivery times are expected, it
may be appropriate to add the accelerator
at the point of delivery. This technique
should be used with caution in the case of
power floated floors where there could be
finishing problems resulting from load to
load variation in stiffening time.

6.4 Setting time

The setting time of concrete containing an

accelerator will be shorter than that of the

equivalent plain concrete containing no
accelerator. The acceleration is typically 1
to 2 hours for a set accelerator but less
than one hour for hardening accelerators.
This will be affected by accelerator type,
dose and ambient temperature.

alkalinity of concrete and thereby encourages

the corrosion of reinforcement or other
embedded steel. The corrosive influence of
calcium chloride and its ability to increase
shrinkage make it a potential hazard to longterm durability in reinforced concrete and its
use should be avoided for this application.

BS EN 934-2 stipulates that for set

accelerators, a mix containing the
admixture must have an initial setting time
at 5C of 60% or less than that of a mix
without the accelerator.

Nitrites do not cause corrosion, and indeed

there is much evidence to support the view
that they may inhibit corrosion.
There is some evidence that nitrates and
thiocyanates could cause stress corrosion and
their use is restricted where they may contact
prestressing tendons.

A 2% dose of calcium nitrate accelerating

admixture can typically give 90 minutes
acceleration of initial set.
Calcium chloride is a set and hardening
accelerator and is the most effective
admixture type for both categories.
6.5 Air entrainment
Most accelerators do not entrain air and have
little or no effect on the performance of air
entraining admixtures.
6.6 Bleeding
Accelerating admixtures do not normally have
any adverse effect on bleeding.
The bleeding capacity of most concretes is
related to setting time. Cold weather will
prolong setting of concretes and so
exacerbate the potential for concretes to
bleed. Hence, accelerators may reduce
bleeding purely as a result of reduced
concrete setting time.
6.7 Heat of hydration
Accelerators increase the rate of heat release
and may, therefore, give a greater
temperature rise than the equivalent plain
concrete mix. The total heat of hydration is
6.8 Volume deformation
Calcium chloride increases
shrinkage and creep.



Other accelerating admixtures generally cause

a slight increase in drying shrinkage. There is
little published data available relating to their
effect on creep.
6.9 Durability
Calcium chloride has the ability to break down
the natural passivity of steel provided by the

There is less published data on the influence

of calcium formate on durability but electropotential tests of a blended calcium
formate/sodium nitrite based accelerator and
on thiocyanate based hardening accelerators
have shown no corrosive influence on normal
reinforcing steel.
Calcium formate based accelerators have
been in use in the UK without reported
harmful effects since the mid 1960s and
thiocyanates since the 1970s.

Health and Safety of Admixtures

Most admixtures are non hazardous and pose

no abnormal health and safety risk but as with
all forms of chemical it is essential that the
material safety data sheets are read and
understood before use. Risk assessments
should be conducted to ensure all users are
provided with a safe means of use and
relevant PPE.


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