Definitions Health, Fitness, and Physical Activity
Definitions Health, Fitness, and Physical Activity
Definitions Health, Fitness, and Physical Activity
Product Definitions
Physical Fitness
A set of attributes that people have or achieve relating to their ability to perform physical activity (U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services, 1996).
Comment: The above definition from Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General is the most
common currently used definition of physical fitness. It was originally used by Caspersen, et al. (1985) and has been
used extensively by Pate et al (1995) and Howley and Franks (1997). An alternative definition that provides additional
descriptive information is also included here. Physical fitness is a state of well-being with low risk of premature health
problems and energy to participate in a variety of physical activities (Howley & Franks, 1997). While either is a good
definition, most experts agree that physical fitness is both multidimensional and hierarchical (Corbin, 1991). Bouchard,
Shephard, and Stephens (1994) presented a comprehensive model for physical fitness that includes morphological
fitness, bone strength, muscular fitness, flexibility, motor fitness, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic fitness. In this
paper we define each of these fitness components but use a simple multidimensional hierarchical model (see Figure 1)
that is consistent with recent definitions in the literature (ACSM, 1998; USDHHS, 1996; USDHHS, 2000).
Physical Fitness
Body Composition
Cardiovascular Fitness
Bone Integrity
Muscular Endurance
Muscle Strength
Reaction Time
Body Composition
A health-related component of physical fitness that relates to the relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone and other
vital parts of the body (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted
from Corbin and Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: This component of physical fitness is measured in the laboratory using such measures as underwater
weighing and in the field using skinfold calipers. There are a variety of other methods of assessing body composition;
also referred to as relative leanness (Howley and Franks, 1997). As noted previously body composition is the only nonperformance measure among the health-related physical fitness components.
Cardiovascular Fitness
A health-related component of physical fitness that relates to ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to
supply oxygen during sustained physical activity (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health,
USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from Corbin and Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: Cardiovascular fitness is also referred to as cardiovascular endurance, aerobic fitness and cardiorespiratory
fitness. A Max VO2 test in the laboratory setting is considered to be the best measure of cardiovascular fitness.
Commonly administered field tests include the mile run, the 12 minute run, the 1 mile run, the mile walk, the PACER
run for children and various bicycle, step, and treadmill tests.
A health-related component of physical fitness that relates to the range of motion available at a joint (From
Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from Wilmore and Costill,
Comment: Some experts specifiy that flexibility requires range of motion without discomfort or pain (Howley and
Franks, 1997).Flexibility is specific to each joint of the body, thus there is no general measurement of flexibility as there
is for cardiovascular fitness. Flexibility is typically measured in the lab using measurement devices such as a
goniometer, flexometer and in the field with tests such as the sit and reach and the zipper.
Muscular Endurance
A health-related component of physical fitness that relates to the muscles ability to continue to perform without
fatigue (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from Wilmore
and Costill, 1994).
Comment: Like flexibility, muscular endurance is specific in nature. For true assessment of muscular endurance it
would be necessary to test each major muscle group of the body. Lab and field tests of muscular endurance are similar
and are based on the number of repetitions that can be performed by the specific muscle group being tested (example:
repetitions of push-ups or abdominal curls. Muscular endurance can be measured isometrically (static contractions) or
isotonically (dynamic contractions).
A health-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability of the muscle to exert force (From
Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from Wilmore and Costill,
Comment: Like flexibility and muscular endurance, strength is specific in nature. For true assessment it would be
necessary to test each major muscle group of the body. Lab and field tests are similar and involve the assessment of one
repetition maximum (the maximum amount of resistance you can overcome one time). 1RM tests are typically
conducted on resistance machines. Strength can also be assessed using dynamometers. Strength can be measured
isometrically (static contractions) or isotonically (dynamic contractions).
A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to rapidly change the position of the entire
body in space with speed and accuracy (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS,
1996 as adapted from Corbin and Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: Agility is typically measured using a shuttle or zig-zag run. Tests of agility are common as screening tests
among sports teams.
A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or
moving. (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from Corbin and
Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: Balance is typically measured using a balance beam or tests that require holding a stationary posture after
changing body positions. Balance is generally considered to be of two types; static and dynamic.
A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing,
together with body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately. (From Surgeon Generals Report on
Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from Corbin and Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: Coordination is typically assessed using measures of hand-eye or foot-eye coordination such as juggling,
dribbling a ball or hitting an object. There are, however, many different types of coordination and total assessment of
coordination would require many different tests.
A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to the rate at which one can perform work.
Comment: Power is considered to be a combination of strength and speed. It has also been defined as the ability to exert
muscle force quickly (Howley and Franks). For this reason some consider it to be a combination of skill and healthrelated physical fitness. Examples of power include putting the shot and vertical jumping. There are, however, many
different types of power and total assessment would require many different tests.
A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to perform a movement within a short
period of time. (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from
Corbin and Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: There are many different types of speed such as running speed, swimming speed, speed of hand or foot
movement to name but a few. Among athletes a 40 yard dash is often used to measure speed. There are a wide variety of
laboratory measures of speed that are highly specific to different body parts and different human movement activities.
Reaction Time
A skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the time elapsed between stimulation and the
beginning of the reaction to it. (From Surgeon Generals Report on Physical Activity and Health, USDHHS, 1996 as
adapted from Corbin and Lindsey, 1994).
Comment: An example of reaction time is moving your foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal when reacting to a
situation that requires a person to stop a car. This example illustrates the fact that in many cases, the total response time
is the more important variable. Total response time includes stimulus to beginning of movement (reaction time) to end
of movement (movement time). Like other measures of skill-related fitness there are many different types of reaction
time and total assessment of reaction time would require many different tests. Sophisticated timing devices are used to
measure total response time in the lab. Like speed, reaction time is considered to be a component of fitness that is
greatly influenced by heredity. Note: The authors of this paper, not Bouchard, et al. (1990) have classified these as
subcomponents of physiological fitness.
Physiological Fitness
Physiological fitness includes non-performance components of physical fitness that relate to biological systems
that are influenced by ones level of habitual physical activity. (adapted from Bouchard, et al., 1990).
Comment: The concept of physiological fitness was introduced in a publication of the first international consensus
statement of current knowledge of physical activity (Bouchard, et al., 1990). It differentiated health-related (primarily
performance measures) from non-performance measures. Some of these measures are defined below. Some of the subcomponents of physiological fitness that have gained acceptance are metabolic fitness, morphological fitness, and bone
Metabolic Fitness
The state of metabolic systems and variables predictive of the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease which
can be favorably altered by increased physical activity or regular endurance exercise without the requirement of
a training-related increase inVO2max. (Adapted from the American College of Sports Medicine, 1998).
Comment: Though Depres, et al. (1990, 1991) are first credited with using the term metabolic fitness it was first used
widely after it was described in the proceedings of the second International Consensus Conference on Physical Activity,
Fitness and Health (Bouchard, et al, 1994). The use of the term metabolic fitness in the recent position statement
describing the quality and quantity of physical activity needed to attain health-related benefits (ACSM, 1998)
establishes it as a major fitness component. The International Consensus statement noted that metabolic fitness included
such sub-components as blood sugar levels, blood lipid levels, and blood hormone levels. The reason for the
identification of metabolic fitness as a separate component of fitness is because it is now clear that lower levels of
physical activity (particularly intensity) than recommended (by this position stand) may reduce the risk for certain
chronic degenerative diseases and improve metabolic fitness and yet may not be of sufficient quantity or quality to
improve VO2max. (ACSM, 1998).
Morphological Fitness
A non-performance component of fitness related to body composition factors such as body circumferences, body
fat content, and regional body fat distribution (adapted from Bouchard, et al., 1994).
Comment: Morphological fitness measures are often related to metabolic fitness components. As noted earlier body
composition is often included as a component of health-related fitness but is also appropriately considered a component
of morphological fitness. Those measures used to assess body composition are also used to assess morphological fitness
as are measures such as body mass index, waist circumference, and waist to hip ratio.
Motor Skills
Motor skills are non-fitness abilities that improve with practice (learning) and relate to ones ability to perform
specific sports and other motor tasks.
Comment: Though motor skills are not considered to be part of physical fitness, they are related to successful
performance in physical activity. Motor skills are sometimes confused with skill-related fitness abilities. In fact, they are
quite different. Skill-related fitness components enhance ones ability to learn sports and motor skills quickly and are
related to ones ability to achieve high level performance. Examples of motor skills are a tennis serve, shooting a
basketball, and kicking a football. A line (See Figure 1) is used to indicate the fact that motor skills are not components
of physical fitness. There are many different kinds of motor skills only those associated with sports are included in
Figure 1.
Health Definitions
Hypokinetic Diseases or Conditions
Hypokinetic diseases are conditions related to inactivity or low levels of habitual activity.
Comment: The term hypokinetic was coined by Kraus and Raab in their book Hypokinetic Disease (Kraus & Raab,
1961). This term is now widely accepted and can be used to describe many of the diseases and conditions associated
with inactivity and poor fitness such as those conditions outlined in Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the
Surgeon General (USDHSS, 1996).
Health is a state of being associated with freedom from disease and illness that also includes a positive component
(wellness) that is associated with a quality of life and positive well-being. (Adapted from Corbin, Lindsey, & Welk,
2000; Bouchard, et al., 1990).
Comment: More than 50 years ago the World Health Organization defined health as more than freedom from illness,
disease, and debilitating conditions. Recent public health documents (USDHHS, 2000) have acknowledged the positive
component of health (wellness).
Wellness is a state of being describing a state of positive health in the individual and comprising biological and
psyschological well-being as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being. (Adapted from Corbin,
Lindsey, & Welk, 2000; Bouchard, et al., 1990; USDHHS, 2000).
Comment: The suggestion by the World Health Organization that health had a positive component led to the use of the
term wellness. The term wellness is now widely used to describe the state of being representing the positive component
of health (Corbin, Lindsey & Welk, 2000; USDHHS, 2000). The Health Goals for the Nation for the Year 2010
(USDHHS, 2000) uses quality of life measures such as self-rated health, a healthy days index, and an activity days
indicators of health and wellness. Other wellness or quality of life indicators include vitality, hardiness, and vigor. For
more information on the assessment of health and wellness the reader is referred to Caspersen, et al., 1995).
Quality of Life
A term that connotes an overall sense of well being. (USDHHS, 2000).
Comment: Kaplan and Bush (1982) introduced the term health-related quality of life (HRQL). However, for public
health use, two types of global quality of life are identified: health-related quality of life and quality of life (not health
related). Health related quality of life is limited to those aspects that can clearly be shown to affect mental or physical
health. Examples include functional status and well-being. Non-health related quality of life includes such factors as
happiness and life satisfaction. Individual quality of life is identified as related to specific people or individuals.
Community quality of life relates to groups of people or communities (USDHHS, 2000).
Process Definitions:
Healthy Lifestyles or Behaviors
There are many healthy lifestyles or behaviors that contribute to fitness, health and wellness. In this paper the processes
or healthy lifestyles that are defined relate only to one healthy lifestyle: physical activity. The importance of other
healthy lifestyles such as nutrition and stress management is acknowledged but is beyond the scope of this paper.
Physical Activity
Bodily movement that is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle and that substantially increases energy
expenditure. (Adapted from USDHHS, 1996; Bouchard, et al., 1990).
Comment: The first International Consensus statement on physical activity, fitness and health suggested that physical
activity was an umbrella term (see Figure 2) that was that had multiple dimensions. Forms of physical activity such as
exercise, sports, dance (among others) are considered as sub-categories of physical activity. Only selected forms of
physical activity, including those defined in the first international consensus statement are defined here.
Exercise (training)
Exercise is leisure time physical activity conducted with the intention of developing physical fitness (Adapted from
Bouchard, et al., 1990).
Comment: Since the first International Consensus statement on physical activity, fitness and health the distinction has
been made between physical activity and exercise noting that exercise is a specific form of physical activity dedicated
to improving physical fitness. Physical training is another term that is used as a synonym for exercise.
Leisure Activity
Leisure activity is physical activity undertaken during discretionary time (Adapted from Bouchard, et al., 1990).
Comment: Research in physical activity often separates leisure physical activity from vocational activity. Leisure
activity includes exercise but all forms of leisure activities are not exercise
Concluding Comments
Our purpose in preparing of this issue of the Digest was to define some of the key terms of our field. We learned in the
closing years of the past century that new terms have evolved. In this issue of the Digest we draw on several of the most
recent public documents relating to health and physical activity to come up with a compendium of terms that can be
used by practitioners.
Figure 3 is included here because it helps to tie together several of the terms defined in this paper. The model adapted
from the first consensus on physical activity, fitness and health shows the link between product and process, as well as
the link between fitness and health and wellness. It also illustrates the fact that physical activity is not the only factor
that influences fitness, health and wellness. Clearly fitness, health and wellness are greatly influenced by factors other
than physical activity, such as heredity (Bouchard, et al., 1990). Figure 3 also illustrates that other processes (lifestyles
or behaviors) also have an impact on fitness health and wellness, as do environmental factors and personal attributes.
It is our hope that this synthesis of information will be helpful in your efforts to promote physical activity and other
healthy lifestyles as a means of improving fitness, health and wellness in the years ahead.
The Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Research Digest is now available on-line at
Please note that the appropriate language for the citation of this resource is: The Presidents Council on Physical Fitness
and Sports Research Digest.
200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 (202) 690-9000 FAX (202) 690-5211
Published quarterly by the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports - Washington, D.C.
Guest Authors:
Dr. Charles B. Corbin Dr. Robert P. Pangrazi - Arizona State University Tempe, AZ
Dr. B. Don Franks - University of Maryland - College Park, MD