Friday 19.3.2010: Events of The Day

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Events of the day

Friday 19.3.2010
LIVING MUSIC | RuhrChansonnale
Festival of European song poets
19.3.2010, 19:30 | Kulturzentrum August Everding, Blumenstraße 12 - 14, 46236 Bottrop | 12,00 €


Reading / recitation: From the best of all worlds
A literary-musical dialogue by and with Peter Schütze et al.
19.3.2010, 19:00 | Altes Rathaus Haltern am See, Markt 1, 45721 Haltern am See | 12,00 €


Reading / recitation: H.P. Karr, Klaus Stickelbroeck, Jan Zweyer –
Tension at the mine shaft.
A crime night at the Auguste Victoria mine, Marl
19.3.2010, 19:30 | Bergwerk Auguste Victoria 1/2- Maschinenübungsraum, Victoriastraße, 45772 Marl | 7,00 – 10,00 €


Reading / recitation: Martin Springenberg reads from “The sow and the murderer“
19.3.2010, 19:30 | Stadtbibliothek Dorsten, Im Werth 6, 46282 Dorsten | 5,00 €


Reading / recitation: Every morning the same fuss.
In remembrance of Tana Schanzara
Gabriele Droste (recitation) and Alfons Nowacki (piano)
19.3.2010, 19:30 | Ka.3 - Kultur & Kantine Recklinghausen, Am Steintor 3, 45657 Recklinghausen | 8,00 – 10,00 €


Recitation: Lessing’s “Ernst and Falk, free mason’s conversations”

A performance by Teatro dei Pellegrini
19.3.2010, 20:00 | Volkshochschule Recklinghausen, Willy-Brandt-Haus, Herzogswall 17, 45657 Recklinghausen | 8,00 €

ongoing exhibitions


HEROES – Our yearning for the exceptional
Siegfried or Superman, Jeanne d’Arc or Lara Croft – every era has its heroes. They are role models and the bearers of hope. But how
do they come into being? Do we still need heroes today? The exhibition seeks out the cults and myths. From the heroes of ancient
times to today’s rescue workers visitors will encounter heroes and heroines from near and far.
12.3. - 31.10.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 18:00, Fri 10:00 - 21.30 | LWL- Industriemuseum Henrichshütte Hattingen, Werksstraße 31-
33, 45527 Hattingen | 4,00 – 13,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Recklinghausen from 14. 3.- 20.3.2010

Highlights of expressionistic art
The highlights of expressionistic art from the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen collection are shown in addition to the exhibition
„Beneath unexplored meteors. Ludwig Meidner and Ernst Barlach“
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

19.3.2010, 10:00 – 20:00 | Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Große-Perdekamp-Str. 25-27, 45657 Recklinghausen |

1,50 – 3,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Saturday 20.3.2010
Spring festival
20.3.2010, 11:00 | Mechtenberg, Am Mechtenberg, 45309 Essen | Admission free


Opening festival Culture Canal
Cast off! On 20th March, the Culture Canal starts officially into the Year of Capital of Culture. The harbour party takes place at
Stadthafen Recklinghausen, turning the harbour into a cultural scenery made of a water show, street theatre and music.
20.3.2010, 20:00 | Stadthafen Recklinghausen, Am Stadthafen 6, 45663 Recklinghausen | Admission free


Walk through Hattingen
The municipality of Hattingen offers guided walks through the town.
20.3.2010, 11:00 | Altes Rathaus, Untermarkt 9, 45525 Hattingen | 8,00 €, registration required: 02324/95 13 95

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Collection Tours

Travel talks: town – region – waterway
20.3.2010, 11:00 – 17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 20,00 – 25,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Toccata! The new organ of the Duisburg Mercatorhalle:
Organ concert by Peter Bartetzky
Works by Saint-Saëns, Widor et al.
20.3.2010, 16:00 | Mercatorhalle im CityPalais, Königstr. 53, Herzogswall 17, 47051 Duisburg | 5,00 – 8,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

zeit::reise: (ANTI-)EROICO
Chamber concert with works by Beethoven, Chopin, Ravel, Brahms, Wagner/Busoni, Jolivet, Liszt, Alkan, Debussy, Satie, Sorabji
(world premiere), Henze, Denhoff, Danner, Medtner, Hardin, Wilsing, Bruckmann, Linke, Boroda, Klaas, Bungert, Kampe, Heucke
(European debut performance), Wellenreuther (world premiere) and Rosenmann Taub (European debut performance)
20.3.2010, 19:00 | Bürgerhaus Süd Recklinghausen, Körner Platz, 45661 Recklinghausen

ongoing exhibitions


“The most beautiful museum in the World.“ Museum Folkwang until 1933
20.3. – 25.7.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 20:00, Fri until 24:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen |
7,00 – 12,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Recklinghausen from 14. 3.- 20.3.2010

LiteratuRE-Ruhr: Winners read.
The prize winners of the Recklinghausen authors' night will read again.
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

20.3.2010, 19:00 | Kulturkantine Ka.3, Am Steintor 3 , 45657 Recklinghausen | 8,00 – 10,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Sunday 21.3.2010
Exhibition opening: Mauer Westfalenhütte (Duktus group – artists of the Ruhr)
“Powerful places“ is the name of the art work project of 16 artists associations of the Ruhr Metropolis. It takes place at unusual venues not
yet associated with art exhibitions.
21.3.2010, 11:00 | Mauer Westfalenhütte, Springorumstr. 11, 44145 Dortmund

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concerts at the protestant church “Erlöserkirche“ at Bochum Hiltrop
Ignace Michiels (Bruges/Belgium) “Organ romance“
21.3.2010, 17:00 | Ev. Erlöserkirche Bochum, An der Hiltroper-Kirche 8, 44805 Bochum| Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concerts at the protestant church of Essen-Werden: Passiontide concert 3
Essen chamber choir - Yoko Seidel, Organ - Düsseldorfer Percussion; directed by: Bernhard Schüth, Graham Lack: Refugium
21.3.2010, 17:00 | Ev. Kirche Essen-Werden, Heckstraße 54/56, 45239 Essen | 6,00 – 10,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concerts at the Heilig-Geist church at Dortmund-Wellinghofen
Organ concert at Passiontide
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bretschneider, works by Bach, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Dupré, et al.
21.3.2010, 17:00 | Hl. Geist Kirche Dortmund-Wellinghofen, Auf den Porten 4, 44265 Dortmund | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concerts at the church “Stephanuskirche“, Gelsenkirchen-Buer
Stefan Madrzak, H. Schütz: Lukas Passion with organ improvisations
21.3.2010, 17:00 | Stephanuskirche Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Westerholter Str. 92, 45894 Gelsenkirchen-Buer | 8,00 – 12,00 €


Reading: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer – Health and personal responsibility, with
reference to the book “New house book of health”
21.3.2010, 16:00 | Knappschaftskrankenhaus Recklinghausen, Dorstener Str. 151, 45657 Recklinghausen | 5,00 – 7,00 €

ongoing exhibitions
DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim
in der Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

The cultural centre of Schwelm pictures itself

12.3.2010, 13:00 | Schwelm | Admission free

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Monday 22.3.2010
Spring Academy: Ruhr – outlook for 2030
The University of Duisburg Essen will organize a spring academy for five days under the overall topic: “Ruhr - outlook for 2030”.
22.3. – 26.3.2010 | Universität Duisburg-Essen - Campus Duisburg, Forsthausweg 2, 47057 Duisburg | 60,00 – 100,00 €;
registration until March 18th:

ongoing exhibitions


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS I Artistic interventions

2-3 Streets. An exhibition in the cities of the Ruhr by Jochen Gerz
Three cities of the Ruhr selected a total of 57 renovated apartments for the 2010 art project '2-3 streets'. The 78 participants of
'2-3 streets' will live there rent-free for one year. In return, they promised to write a digital diary. The aim of the exhibition is to
change the streets. New tenants, old tenants and the vistors of the exhibition are invited to contribute to the text in internet cafés.
The outcome will be a book written by creative people from all social classes and parts of the society. The texts will be collected
in a digital archive and published in 2011.
all year long | Internetterminals: Saarbrücker Str. 44b, 47053 Duisburg | Hans-Böckler-Platz 7/9, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr |
Borsigplatz 9, 44145 Dortmund, Please ask for the opening hours on-site: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] | Admission free, prior registration recommended | Guided tours: [email protected]

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

musica enchiriadis
The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the
beginning of the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy
at the Essener Frauenstift (women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

“Aladin and his magic Lamp“
With oriental sounds, dance, excitement and the mysteries of magic, Flick Flack, a protestant children's and youth theatre,
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

takes the visitors on a trip to the magic world of 1001 nights.

22.3.2010, 17:00 | Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Realschule, Ländchenweg 9, 58332 Schwelm | 3,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Tuesday 23.3.2010

ongoing exhibitions

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS I Artistic interventions

2-3 Streets. An exhibition in the cities of the Ruhr by Jochen Gerz
Three cities of the Ruhr selected a total of 57 renovated apartments for the 2010 art project '2-3 streets'. The 78 participants of
'2-3 streets' will live there rent-free for one year. In return, they promised to write a digital diary. The aim of the exhibition is to
change the streets. New tenants, old tenants and the vistors of the exhibition are invited to contribute to the text in internet cafés.
The outcome will be a book written by creative people from all social classes and parts of the society. The texts will be collected
in a digital archive and published in 2011.
all year long | Internetterminals: Saarbrücker Str. 44b, 47053 Duisburg | Hans-Böckler-Platz 7/9, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr |
Borsigplatz 9, 44145 Dortmund, Please ask for the opening hours on-site: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] | Admission free, prior registration recommended | Guided tours: [email protected]


“The most beautiful museum in the World.“ Museum Folkwang until 1933
20.3. – 25.7.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 20:00, Fri until 24:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen |
7,00 – 12,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

musica enchiriadis
The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the
beginning of the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy
at the Essener Frauenstift (women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

The author Christiane Gibiec from Wuppertal reads from her historical novel “Türkischrot“ (turkish red) that deals with
the times of early industrialization and also from her unpublished novel “”Else blau” (Else blue), a biographic novel about
the poet Else Lasker-Schüler.
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

23.3.2010, 20:00 | Stadtbücherei, Hauptstraße 9-11, 58332 Schwelm | 2,00 – 4,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Wednesday 24.3.2010
Local Heroes event in Essen:
Silent movie with orchestra: “Lady Windermere’s Fan”
The silent movie “Lady Windermere's Fan” directed by Ernst Lubitsch will be musically framed by soloists of the Essen Philharmoniker,
directed by Helmut Imig.
24.3.2010, 20:00 | Lichtburg Essen, Kettwiger Straße 36, 45127 Essen | 10,00 – 15,00 €

ongoing exhibitions


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €


AufRuhr 1225! Knights, castles and intrigues ....

The largest medieval exhibition ever seen in the Ruhr area deals with the region in the 13th century: riots, burning castles,
numerous feuds, battles of knights ... From birth to funeral, from marriage policy to execution, exciting presentations invite the
visitors to get a very close experience of the Middle Ages.
27.2. - 28.11.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 – 17:00, Thu 9:00 – 19:00, Sat - Sun 11:00 – 18:00 | LWL-Museum für Archäologie -
Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Europaplatz 1, 44623 Herne | 2,00 - 12,00 €


HEROES – Our yearning for the exceptional

Siegfried or Superman, Jeanne d’Arc or Lara Croft – every era has its heroes. They are role models and the bearers of hope. But how
do they come into being? Do we still need heroes today? The exhibition seeks out the cults and myths. From the heroes of ancient
times to today’s rescue workers visitors will encounter heroes and heroines from near and far.
12.3. - 31.10.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 18:00, Fri 10:00 - 21.30 | LWL- Industriemuseum Henrichshütte Hattingen, Werksstraße 31-
33, 45527 Hattingen | 4,00 – 13,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

Music school in concert
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

Teachers' concert of the municipal music school of Schwelm

24.3.2010, 20:00 | Haus Martfeld, Haus Martfeld 1, 58332 Schwelm | 3,00 – 6,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Thursday 25.3.2010
THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | “Finally here?!” Examining the lives of Jewish immigrants
What were the reasons for the Jewish immigration to Germany?
25.3.2010, 19:30 | Jüdisches Museum Westfalen, Julius-Ambrunn-Str. 1, 46282 Dorsten | 4,00 – 5,00 €

CHANGING STAGES | Ravines filled with snow

„Ravines filled with snow“ – German-Russion school theatre production
Directed by: Thorsten Simon, school No.1 Nischnij Nowgorod, Mädchengymnasium Essen-Borbeck
25.3.2010, 19:00 | Maschinenhaus Essen, Wilhelm-Nieswandt-Allee 100, 45326 Essen | 6,00 – 10,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ celebration hours at the church St. Reinoldi Dortmund
Organ celebration hour with Stefan Engels (Leipzig)
25.3.2010, 19:30 | St. Reinoldi-Kirche Dortmund, Ostenhellweg, 44135 Dortmund | 6,00 – 10,00

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Symphony concert by the Bochum Symphoniker
with works by Debussy, Tan Dun and Berlioz
25.3.2010, 20:00 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Auditorium maximum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum

ongoing exhibitions


“The most beautiful museum in the World.“ Museum Folkwang until 1933
20.3. – 25.7.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 20:00, Fri until 24:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen |
7,00 – 12,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Hilla and Bernd Becher. Mines and iron works

The exhibition "Mines and iron works" is a documentation of Hilla and Bernd Becher's interest, grown over the years,
for the architecture and landscape of the Ruhr. More than 100 photos are presented of the Ruhr plants and similar
ones from other countries.
29.1.2010 – 2.5.2010, Tue - Sat 11:00 -17:00, Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Im Stadtgarten 20,
46236 Bottrop | 4,00 – 6,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

Exhibition opening “RUHRGEBIET.MACK“
The exhibition of the Hambourg photographer Ulrich Mack describes the cool esthetics of the Ruhr industry with its shaft towers,
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

cooling towers and coal dumps.

25.3.2010, 17:00 | Sparkasse - Kundenhalle, Hauptstr. 63, 58332 Schwelm | Admission free

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Friday 26.3.2010
THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | Fremde Impulse – Baudenkmale im Ruhrgebiet
Opening event
26.3.2010, 15:00 | Zeche Hannover - LWL-Industriemuseum - Westf. Landesmuseum für Industriekultur, Günnigfelder Straße 251,
44793 Bochum | Admission free

CHANGING STAGES | pottfiction – Theatre, art and camps for young people from the Ruhr Metropolis
Public living room (premiere)
26.3.2010, 19:30 | Theater Oberhausen, Will-Quadflieg-Platz 1/Ebertstraße, 46045 Oberhausen

CHANGING STAGES | Theatre of the world 2010

Mixed Media Lecture / Tim Etchells: At the Edges
26.3.2010, 20:00 | PACT Zollverein, Bullmannaue 20a, 45327 Essen | 5,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concerts at the minster “Liebfrauen” Oberhausen: cross and peace
Ensemble: Laetitia Cantandi (directed by Patrick Jaskolka), Thorsten Schwarte (organ), works of old and modern masters at passiontide
26.3.2010, 20:00 | Klosterkirche Liebfrauen, Roßbachstr. 41, 46149 Oberhausen | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Symphony concert by the Bochum Symphoniker
with works by Debussy, Tan Dun and Berlioz
26.3.2010, 20:00 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Auditorium maximum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum | 8,00 – 12,00 €


Legendary Ruhr – Jessica Burri telling marvellous legends
with sounds and music
26.3.2010, 15:00 | Seniorenbegegnungsstätte, Berliner Allee 16, 59439 Holzwickede | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Olaf Metzel. Any Questions?

Metzel creates an intense exchange between sculptures and social space. He develops a sculptural installation involving scenes
of every-day life in Duisburg.
26.2. – 24.5.2010, Wed 14:00 - 18:00, Thu, Sat, Sun 11:00 - 18:00 | MKM Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst,
Philosophenweg 55, 47051 Duisburg | 4,00 – 8,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

“And Then There Were None“
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

Theatre play based on the novel by Agatha Christie performed by Evangelisches Amateurtheater Schwelm.
26.3.2010, 19:00 | Dietrich - Bonhoeffer-Realschule, Ländchenweg 9, 58332 Schwelm | 6,00 – 12,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Saturday 27.3.2010
Bus trip from the north of Essen to Gelsenkirchen: from an architectural monument to
a housing estate
The living culture route in Essen
27.3.2010, 10:00 – 13:00 | Meeting point: parking place A2 on Zollverein, Gelsenkirchener Straße 181, 45309 Essen | 16,00 €


Guided tour: Typically Ruhr
The living culture route in Dortmund
27.3.2010, 11:00 – 12:30 | Meeting point: bus stop Metzer Straße, Buslinie 452, 453, Dortmund | 6,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Collection Tours

Collection Tours – Tour East/West: A NIGHT TOUR

27.3.2010, 16:00 – 22:00 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Kunstsammlung, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen | 20,00 – 25,00 €;
registration required

CHANGING STAGES | Ravines filled with snow

“Ravines filled with snow“ – German-Russion school theatre production
Directed by: Thorsten Simon, school No.1 Nischnij Nowgorod, Mädchengymnasium Essen-Borbeck
27.3.2010, 19:00 | Maschinenhaus Essen, Wilhelm-Nieswandt-Allee 100, 45326 Essen | 6,00 – 10,00 €

CHANGING STAGES | pottfiction – Theatre, art and camps for young people from the Ruhr Metropolis
Public living room
27.3.2010, 19:30 | Theater Oberhausen, Will-Quadflieg-Platz 1/Ebertstraße, 46045 Oberhausen

ongoing exhibitions


AufRuhr 1225! Knights, castles and intrigues ....

The largest medieval exhibition ever seen in the Ruhr area deals with the region in the 13th century: riots, burning castles,
numerous feuds, battles of knights ... From birth to funeral, from marriage policy to execution, exciting presentations invite the
visitors to get a very close experience of the Middle Ages.
27.2. - 28.11.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 – 17:00, Thu 9:00 – 19:00, Sat - Sun 11:00 – 18:00 | LWL-Museum für Archäologie -
Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Europaplatz 1, 44623 Herne | 2,00 - 12,00 €


Out of this World – Wonders of the Solar System

The exhibition “Out of this world“ takes the visitors on a journey into the cosmos.
Until 30.12.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 - 18:00 Gasometer Oberhausen, Arenastraße 11, 46047 Oberhausen | 3,50 – 7,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Schwelm from 21. 3.- 27.3.2010

City festival
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

The city of Schwelm turns into a big stage, starting from Märkischer Platz and including the pedestrian zone, Bürgerplatz
and Neumarkt.
27.3.2010, 15:00 | Innenstadt/Altstadt, Haus Martfeld 1, 58332 Schwelm | Admission free

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Sunday 28.3.2010
CHANGING STAGES | Ravines filled with snow
“Ravines filled with snow“ – German-Russion school theatre production
Directed by: Thorsten Simon, school No.1 Nischnij Nowgorod, Mädchengymnasium Essen-Borbeck
28.3.2010, 19:00 | Maschinenhaus Essen, Wilhelm-Nieswandt-Allee 100, 45326 Essen | 6,00 – 10,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Church music at St. Christophorus Werne
G. B. Pergolesi: Stabat Mater
Phillip Mathmann (soprano) | Daniel Lager (countertenor) | Harduin Boeven (organ)
28.3.2010, 17:00 | St. Christophorus-Kirche, Kirchhof 14, 59368 Werne | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Cathedral music in Wesel: Wesel Cathedral concert
28.3.2010, 17:00 | Willibrordi-Dom, Großer Markt, 46483 Wesel | 5,00 – 8,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Bermuda 4: String quartets by Schostakowitsch, Tan Dun and Ravel
28.3.2010, 19:00 | Ottilie-Schönewald-Weiterbildungskolleg - Aula, Wittener Str. 61, 44789 Bochum

ongoing exhibitions


AufRuhr 1225! Knights, castles and intrigues ...

The largest medieval exhibition ever seen in the Ruhr area deals with the region in the 13th century: riots, burning castles,
numerous feuds, battles of knights ... From birth to funeral, from marriage policy to execution, exciting presentations invite the
visitors to get a very close experience of the Middle Ages.
27.2. - 28.11.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 – 17:00, Thu 9:00 – 19:00, Sat - Sun 11:00 – 18:00 | LWL-Museum für Archäologie -
Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Europaplatz 1, 44623 Herne | 2,00 - 12,00 €


Out of this World – Wonders of the Solar System

The exhibition “Out of this world“ takes the visitors on a journey into the cosmos.
Until 30.12.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 - 18:00 Gasometer Oberhausen, Arenastraße 11, 46047 Oberhausen | 3,50 – 7,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Gevelsberg from 28. 3.- 3.4.2010

Guitar festival Gevelsberg: Magdalena Kaltcheva
Duo Gorbach/Krivokapic
As of 17.3.2010, subject to change.

The Local Heroes week Gevelsberg is based and focuses on the Guitar Festival taking place for the 10th time in 2010.
28.3.2010, 20:00 | Erlöserkirche Gevelsberg, Elberfelder Straße 16, 58285 Gevelsberg | 9,00 – 13,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

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