Friday 09.04.2010: Events of The Day

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Events of the day

Friday 09.04.2010
THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | AufRuhr 1225! Knights, castles and intrigues ....
”AufRuhr” at night
Long night of the museum.
09.04.2010, 20:00 | LWL-Museum für Archäologie – Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Europaplatz 1, 44623 Herne | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions


HEROES – Our yearning for the exceptional
Siegfried or Superman, Jeanne d’Arc or Lara Croft – every era has its heroes. They are role models and the bearers of hope. But how
do they come into being? Do we still need heroes today? The exhibition seeks out the cults and myths. From the heroes of ancient
times to today’s rescue workers visitors will encounter heroes and heroines from near and far.
12.03. - 31.10.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 18:00, Fri 10:00 - 21.30 | LWL- Industriemuseum Henrichshütte Hattingen, Werksstraße
31-33, 45527 Hattingen | 4,00 – 13,00 €


“The most beautiful museum in the world.“ Museum Folkwang until 1933
20.3. – 25.07.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 20:00, Fri until 24:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen |
7,00 – 12,00 €


Beneath inexplorable meteors. Ludwig Meidner and Ernst Barlach

14.02. - 18.04.2010 | Tue - Sun 11:00 - 18:00 | Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Große-Perdekamp-Straße 25-27, 45657 Recklinghausen |
0,75 – 1,50 €

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

musica enchiriadis
The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the
beginning of the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy
at the Essener Frauenstift (women's convent).
01.02. - 20.06.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Sprockhövel from 04.04.- 10.04.2010

HipHop project with Soul-Dijah Artists

As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

This project, developed in cooperation with the artists of Soul-Dijah Artists, is conducted by four workshop instructors selected by
Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Rockstiftung (working pool of the Land designed to promote rock music)
09.04.2010, 9:00 – 18:00 | Jugendzentrum Niedersprockhövel, Eickerstr. 23, 45549 Sprockhövel | 3 €

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Saturday 10.04.2010
THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | HEROES – Our yearning for the exceptional
Comedy + Talk: Heroes of the Ruhr
Helmut Sanftenschneider presents celebrities and people from the Ruhr who are all – by some means or other – concerned
with "heroes".
10.04.2010, 20:00 | Henrichshütte Hattingen - LWL-Industriemuseum - Westf. Landesmuseum für Industriekultur, Werkstraße 25,
45527 Hattingen | 15 €


Bus trip through the south part of Essen:
Krupp heritage, young city quarters and modern living style
On the “Housing Culture Trail” visitors discover most different living spaces and living cultures of the Ruhr Metropolis. During the
months of August, September and October, they will also get the opportunity to visit a flat.
10.04.2010, 10:00 – 13:00 | Treffpunkt: Bushalteplatz (Haus der Technik), Werkstraße 25, 45127 Essen | 16 €, registration required:
0201 88720 48/ -50


Exhibition opening: Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche / Malakowturm (Bottrop artists’ association)
“Powerful places“ is the name of the art work project of 16 artists associations of the Ruhr Metropolis. It takes place at unusual venues not
yet associated with art exhibitions.
10.04.2010, 17:00 | Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Bottrop, Scharnhölzerstraße 37, 46236 Bottrop | Admission free
10.04.2010, 19:00 | Malakowturm, Zeche Prosper II, Knappenstraße 33, 46238 Bottrop | Admission free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Collection Tours

East/West trip: NICHT-VERGESSENE ZEITEN (unforgotten times)
10.04.2010, 11:00 – 17:00 | Start: Osthaus Museum Hagen, Museumsplatz 1, 58095 Hagen | 20 – 25 €


!SING VOICE: The importance of singing in different cultures
Series of lectures and workshops
10.04.2010, 10:00 – 16:30 | Technische Universität Dortmund, Vogelpothsweg 87, 44221 Dortmund | Admission free, online-registration:,
Concert: “Songs on tour“, Ayse Tütüncü Quartet from Istanbul
10.04.2010, 20:00 | Museum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, Hansastraße 3 , 44137 Dortmund

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Toccata! The new organ at the Duisburg Mercatorhalle
Works by Mussorgsky, Vierne, improvisations, Prof. Roland Maria Stangier (organ)
10.04.2010, 16:00 | Mercatorhalle im CityPalais, Königstr. 53, 47051 Duisburg | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Sprockhövel from 04.04.- 10.04.2010

“Ahlan Wa Sahlan … Sprockhövel“ / “Welcome the family“

As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

A family night with music, dance, fairy tales, pleasure and stories. Discover the Orient with all senses.
10.04.2010, 19:00 | Forum der Grundschule Börgersbruch, Dresdener Str. 43, 45549 Sprockhövel

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Sunday 11.04.2010
Exhibition opening at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
(federation of Dortmund artists’ associations)
“Powerful places“ is the name of the art work project of 16 artists associations of the Ruhr Metropolis. It takes place at unusual venues
not yet associated with art exhibitions.
11.04.2010, 11:00 | PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, Hochofenstraße/Ecke Rombergstraße, 44263 Dortmund | Admission free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Collection Tours

Exhibition opening:
CHRISTINA KUBISCH – WELLENFANG. Landscapes of sound in the Ruhr area
The sound artist Christina Kubisch will draw a map of the Ruhr Metropolis in a way that is typical for her new artwork. “Wellenfang”
does not only want to convey a new experience of room esthetics, but also to uncover the very specific sound structure of the Ruhr
Metropolis, though unheard in everyday-life.
11.04.2010, 11:00 | Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, Creiler Platz 1, 45768 Marl | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Concert at Propsteikirche, Dortmund
Organ concert Dr. Paul Thissen
11.04.2010, 16:30 | Kath. Propsteigemeinde, Propsteihof 3, 44137 Dortmund | 5 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concert at Liebfrauenkirche, Hamm
Organ triduum III – Organ concert at Eastertide
11.04.2010, 17:00 | Liebfrauenkirche Hamm, Werler Straße 77, 59063 Hamm | 5 – 8 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ at the concert hall of Dortmund
Organ recital Leo van Doeselaar, works by Brandts-Buys, Bunk, Vierne, Ravel
11.04.2010, 18:00 | Konzerthaus Dortmund, Brückstraße 21, 44135 Dortmund | 16,50 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concert at the protestant Erlöserkirche, Witten
“Christ ist erstanden” – Organ music after Easter
Hans Wilfrid Richter, works by Bach, Buxtehude, Böhm et al.
11.04.2010, 18:00 | Ev. Erlöserkirche, Westfeldstr. 81, 58453 Witten-Annen | 5 – 6 €

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

El Cimarrón, recital for four musicians by Hans Werner Henze
Guest performance by “El Cimarrón Ensemble” at Theater Oberhausen
11.04.2010, 18:00 | Theater Oberhausen, Will-Quadflieg-Platz 1/Ebertstraße, 46045 Oberhausen | 10 – 21,50 €
Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

Bach cantata
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

"Moments of eternity" are a series of cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach performed on 52 Sundays in 2010.
11.04.2010, 18:00 | Christuskirche, Lipper Weg, 45770 Marl | Admission free

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Monday 12.04.2010
CHANGING STAGES | Theatre of the world 2010 – Schöne Aussicht (Beautiful Outlook)
Movie season: VHS KAHLOUCHA by Néjib Belkadi
12.04.2010, 20:00 | Filmstudio Glückauf, Rüttenscheider Straße 2, 45128 Essen | 6 €

ongoing exhibitions


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

musica enchiriadis
The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the
beginning of the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy
at the Essener Frauenstift (women's convent).
01.02. - 20.06.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | Biennale for International Light Art 2010

open light in private spaces

True to the motto “open light in private spaces” 60 pieces of light art will be shown for two months in private homes of the Ruhr
Metropolis. The internationally renowned artists will show their work for two months in the region, and at the same time, the
inhabitants of the flats or houses will become the hosts for an international audience.
28.03. - 27.05.2010, daily 10:00 – 18:00 | Bergkamen, Bönen, Fröndenberg, Hamm, Lünen und Unna, for more information go to: | 12,00 - 15,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

Jazz goes Scharoun
Presentation of the ”jazz community“ of Marl
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

12.04.2010, 19:00 | Scharounschule, Westfalenstr. 68 a, Marl, Admission free

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Tuesday 13.04.2010
ongoing exhibitions

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Youth art school Gladbeck

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and
their own texts.
13.04. - 30.04.2010, Tue 10:00 – 20:00, Wed, Thu, Fri 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 – 13:00 | Stadtbücherei Gladbeck - Lesecafé,
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 8, 45964 Gladbeck | Admision free


“The most beautiful museum in the world.“ Museum Folkwang until 1933
20.3. – 25.07.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 20:00, Fri until 24:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen |
7,00 – 12,00 €


Beneath inexplorable meteors. Ludwig Meidner and Ernst Barlach

14.02. - 18.04.2010 | Tue - Sun 11:00 - 18:00 | Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Große-Perdekamp-Straße 25-27,
45657 Recklinghausen | 0,75 – 1,50 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

liquid area – WasserSpiegel

The exhibition “liquid area“ organised by the two Herne venues defines water as the focal point of an artistic mapping of the
13.03. – 25.04.2010
Flottmann-Hallen: Tue - Su 14:00 - 20:00, Flottmannstr. 94, 44625 Herne, Admission free
Städtische Galerie Herne: Tue - Fri 10:00 - 13:00 und 14:00 -17:00, Sat 14:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Karl-Brandt-Weg 2,
44629 Herne | Admision free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Between Cabbages and Cypresses. Garden art on Emscher and Ruhr

21.02. - 24.05.2010, Tue – Sun 11:00 – 18:00 | Ludwig Galerie - Schloss Oberhausen, Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 45,
46049 Oberhausen | 3,40 – 6,50 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

A – Z AkzepTanz
Dance theatre piece on the topic of „acceptance“
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

13.04.2010, 19:00 | Theater Marl, Am Theater 1, 45768 Marl | 6 €

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Wednesday 14.04.2010
CHANGING STAGES | The Young People's Theatre Meeting
“Lysistrata“ by Aristophanes
Theatre performance with young people from all over Europe
14.04.2010, 19:00 | Theater Duisburg, Neckarstr. 1, 47051 Duisburg | 5 €


International lecture series –
„Places of cinematic knowledge: cinematic culture and presentation in the era of digital
network communication“
Vinzenz Hediger (Bochum)
12.04.2010, 18:00 – 20:00 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Hörsaal GABF 04/611, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions


HEROES – Our yearning for the exceptional
Siegfried or Superman, Jeanne d’Arc or Lara Croft – every era has its heroes. They are role models and the bearers of hope. But how
do they come into being? Do we still need heroes today? The exhibition seeks out the cults and myths. From the heroes of ancient
times to today’s rescue workers visitors will encounter heroes and heroines from near and far.
12.03. - 31.10.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 18:00, Fri 10:00 - 21.30 | LWL- Industriemuseum Henrichshütte Hattingen, Werksstraße
31-33, 45527 Hattingen | 4,00 – 13,00 €


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €


Wall project – Westfalenhütte Steel Plant, Dortmund
21.03. – Dezember 2010 | open all day | Mauer Westfalenhütte, Springorumstr. 11, 44145 Dortmund | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

“... and now together (in Marl)!“
Final concert by the project orchestra of the Marl brass band
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

14.04.2010, 19:00 | Aula der Scharounschule, Westfalenstr. 68 a, 45770 Marl, Admission free

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Thursday 15.04.2010
THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | “Finally here?!” Examining the lives of Jewish immigrants
Twenty years after: a new Jewish Community?
Speaker: Dr. Karen Körber (Marburg)
15.04.2010, 19:30 | Jüdisches Museum Westfalen, Julius-Ambrunn-Str. 1, 46282 Dorsten | 4 – 5 €

CHANGING STAGES | The Young People's Theatre Meeting

“Lysistrata“ by Aristophanes
Theatre performance with young people from all over Europe
15.04.2010, 11:00 | Theater Duisburg, Neckarstr. 1, 47051 Duisburg | 5 €

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ loft concert at the Gelsenkirchen church Nicolai-Kirche
Andreas Fröhling and guests
15.04.2010, 19:00 | Nicolai-Kirche Gelsenkirchen, Ückendorfer Str. 108, 45886 Gelsenkirchen | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions


HEROES – Our yearning for the exceptional
Siegfried or Superman, Jeanne d’Arc or Lara Croft – every era has its heroes. They are role models and the bearers of hope. But how
do they come into being? Do we still need heroes today? The exhibition seeks out the cults and myths. From the heroes of ancient
times to today’s rescue workers visitors will encounter heroes and heroines from near and far.
12.03. - 31.10.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 – 18:00, Fri 10:00 - 21.30 | LWL- Industriemuseum Henrichshütte Hattingen, Werksstraße
31-33, 45527 Hattingen | 4,00 – 13,00 €

THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | The Art of Recollection

“Finally here?!” Examining the lives of Jewish immigrants

Using a choice of biographies, the exhibition deals with the immigration of Jewish immigrants since the 1990s.
22.02. – 31.05.2010, Tue - Fri 10:00 – 18:00, Sat - Sun 14:00 – 17:00 | Jüdisches Museum Westfalen, Julius-Ambrunn-Str. 1,
46282 Dorsten | 1,50 – 4,00 €

THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | The Art of Recollection

Alien Impulses
260.3. – 04.06.2010, Wed – Sat 14:00 – 18:00, Sundays and on holidays 11:00 – 18:00 | Zeche Hannover - LWL-Industriemuseum -
Westf. Landesmuseum für Industriekultur, Günnigfelder Straße 251, 44793 Bochum | 4 – 8 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

Tales of the Ruhr
An event organized by the municipal library: With Jessica Burri (soprana and dulcimer). Featuring tales of the Ruhr,
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

narrated with sound and music.

15.04.2010, 19 Uhr | insel-Stadtbibliothek (im Marler Stern), Bergstraße 230, 45768 Marl | Admission free

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Friday 16.04.2010
DISCOVERING IMAGES | next/1 – discussing photography
Exhibition opening: Teaching Photography
next 1 is a platform for photographic exhibitions, discussions and conferences.
16.04.2010, 19:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions

THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | The Art of Recollection

AufRuhr 1225! Knights, castles and intrigues ....

The largest medieval exhibition ever seen in the Ruhr area deals with the region in the 13th century: riots, burning castles,
numerous feuds, battles of knights ... From birth to funeral, from marriage policy to execution, exciting presentations invite the
visitors to get a very close experience of the Middle Ages.
27.02. - 28.11.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 – 17:00, Thu 9:00 – 19:00, Sat - Sun 11:00 – 18:00 | LWL-Museum für Archäologie -
Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Europaplatz 1, 44623 Herne | 2,00 - 12,00 €

THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | The Art of Recollection

electrifying! – Electricity Advertising 1890 to 2010

14.03. – 05.09.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 - 17:00 | Umspannwerk Recklinghausen - Museum Strom und Leben, Uferstr. 2-4, 45663
Recklinghausen | 2,00 – 3,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Hilla and Bernd Becher. Mines and iron works

The exhibition “Mines and iron works” is a documentation of Hilla and Bernd Becher's interest, grown over the years,
for the architecture and landscape of the Ruhr. More than 100 photos are presented of the Ruhr plants and similar
ones from other countries.
29.01.2010 – 02.05.2010, Tue - Sat 11:00 -17:00, Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Im Stadtgarten 20,
46236 Bottrop | 4,00 – 6,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

Big transhumance
It is not with the spring solstice that spring begins in Marl but for 16 years it has been with the traditional transhumance of the two
"Burgundian cows" designed by Samuel Buri. Using a solemnly decorated horse team, the two brightly coloured polyester cows
are taken from the museum of sculptures 'Glaskasten' to the bank of the city lake, accompanied by many spectators. Arriving there,
they are ferried with a rubber boat across the lake to their summer pasture on the island. They'll be grazing there till late autumn
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

when they are taken back to their wintering grounds in one of the inner courtyards of the town hall. The trip around the lake is
musically framed by alphorn sounds and swinging jazz.
16.04.2010, 15 Uhr | Creiler Platz 1, 45768 Marl | Admission free

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Saturday 17.04.2010
Bus trip: about hotshot architects and inclusive accomodation
On the “Housing Culture Trail” visitors discover most different living spaces and living cultures of the Ruhr Metropolis. During the
months of August, September and October, they will also get the opportunity to visit a flat.
17.04.2010, 11:00 – 15:00 | Treffpunkt: Landfermannstraße 6 (Rückseite City Palais), 47051 Duisburg | 17,80 €


Exhibition opening: Virtuell-Visuell e.V., Dorsten: Kirsten Kaiser – Black gold
Borders permeate the Ruhr Metropolis with its 53 towns, three administrative districts and two regional authorities. 12 art societies and
two artists' houses crossed these borders, developing a common project that reflects the topic of "borders" both in the houses and in
public space.17.04.2010, 18:00 | Recklinghäuser Tor, Platz der Deutschen Einheit, 46282 Dorsten | Admission free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Collection Tours

Collection Tours – Tour East/West: A NIGHT TOUR

17.04.2010, 17:00 – 23:00 | Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Kunstsammlung, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum | 20 – 25 €

MOVING EUROPE | Haus Ruhrnatur

Opening event of the new permanent exhibition
The ecological station Haus Ruhrnatur is a house of learning and experimentation. In 2010, the location's permanent exhibition will be
expanded by a section on "Climate and Renewable Energies".
17.04.2010, 14:00 | Haus Ruhrnatur, Alte Schleuse 3, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 1,50 – 2 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Marl from 11.04.- 17.04.2010

Gala concert by Gerhard Oppitz
In 1971, Gerhard Oppitz delighted as a young pianist at a concert series called „Marler Debüt“. Now he comes back to Marl as
a celebrated musician. Since 1967, the concert series has presented young prize-winners of the German Federal contest
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

"Youth makes music", among them Anne Sophie Mutter, Maria Kliegel, Tabea and Frank Peter Zimmermann, Sabine Meyer,
Lars Vogt and Latica Honda-Rosenberg.
17.04.2010, 19:00 | Theater Marl, Am Theater 1, 45768 Marl | 17 €

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

Events of the day

Sunday 18.04.2010
THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | 400 Years of the Synod of Duisburg – From its Beginnings to the Modern Day
Pulpit speeches at the Duisburg Salvatorkirche
Celebrities talking about everything under the sun
'If we may ... stick to the truth” (Fritz Pleitgen )
18.04.2010, 17:00 | Salvatorkirche Duisburg, Burgplatz, 47051 Duisburg | 17,80 € | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concerts at Stiftskirche, Cappenberg
Andreas Meisner (Altenberg), organ
18.04.2010, 17:00 | Stiftskirche Cappenberg, Schloss Cappenberg 1, 59379 Selm | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments
Organ concert at the protestant church Hoerstgen: Organ and choir
Madrigal choir Essen, "Hora decima" ensemble, Annette Lubenow, organ, ensemble music from the early Italian baroque era
18.04.2010, 17:00 | Ev. Kirche Hoerstgen, Dorfstr. 9, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

“Elegy for Young Lovers”, Opera by Hans Werner Henze
New production by the Aalto-Theater (opening matinee)
18.04.2010, 11:00 | Aalto-Theater, Opernplatz 10, 45128 Essen | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

“element x”, a multimedia-based dance performance by the Dortmund ballet
with music by Henze et al. (matinee)
18.04.2010, 11:15 | Harenberg Citycenter, Königswall 21, 44137 Dortmund | 33 €

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Presentation of and panel discussion about the internet opera "Die Affäre Manon" (the
Manon romance) by the Ruhr Music Theatre
18.04.2010, 14:00 | Galerie LOGE, Annastr. 38, 45130 Essen | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions

DISCOVERING IMAGES || next 1 - discussing photography

Photo exhibition: Teaching Photography

next 1 is a platform for photographic exhibitions, discussions and conferences.
17.04. - 13.06.2010, Di - So 10:00 – 20:00, Fr until 24:00 | Museum Folkwang Essen, Museumsplatz 1, 45128 Essen | 3,50 - 5 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamm from 18.04.- 24.04.2010

Music, Fire & Light!
Two-days opening festival of the Local Heroes week: an exciting stage programm, fantastic walk acts and a nocturnal
As of 07.04..2010, subject to change.

fire show will spark the idea of "Capital of Culture 2010" to Hamm.
17. 04. (14:00) and 18.04.2010 (11:00) | Maximilianpark Hamm | 2,10 €

For more events go to
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone____________________________________
+49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610*
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00

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