Malware Report Template
Malware Report Template
Malware Report Template
The following report template can be used to document the results of a malware
analysis done using the Malware Toolkit. This template has two pages: the first is the
template with examples to show how it might be filled out, while the second is a
blank template. Customize this as necessary to fit your own needs.
Title: [something distinctive: e.g. "malware investigation of 12/15/10: Joe Smith
Report Date: [12/15/2010]
[describe trigger event, initial notification, symptoms, etc.]
Investigation Goals
[determine extent of infection, determine risk of data exposure, figure out how
infected, etc.]
Key Questions and Answers:
How did the malware infection occur?
[drive-by infection from site Y]
When did the malware infection occur?
[Sept. 1, 2010 11:15AM]
What vulnerabilities allowed the infection to occur?
[Unpatched Adobe Flash]
What is the risk of data loss?
[High: Zeus on machine for 3 months]
[On Sept. 1, 2010, While browsing site Y in the normal course of business, Joe
triggered a drive-by infection probably coming from a banner ad. The drive-by
infection triggered a series of exploit steps, eventually resulting in installation of a
trojan downloader and the Zeus trojan. Because Zeus is a data-stealing trojan, any
sensitive information handled by Joe between Sept. 1st and the date of the
investigation (December 1, 2010) should be considered potentially compromised.]
Evidence and Key data elements
[timeline entries showing evidence supporting conclusions, anti-virus or virustotal
reports of malware types, etc.]
Summary of the analysis: Key takeaways should the reader get from the report
regarding the specimens nature, origin, capabilities, and other relevant
Identification: The type of the file, its name, size, hashes (such as MD5, SHA1,
and ssdeep), malware names (if known), current anti-virus detection capabilities
Characteristics: The specimens capabilities for infecting files, self-preservation,
spreading, leaking data, interacting with the attacker, and so on
Dependencies: Files and network resources related to the specimens
functionality, such as supported OS versions and required initialization files,
custom DLLs, executables, URLs, and scripts
Behavioral and code analysis findings: Overview of the analysts behavioral, as
well as static and dynamic code analysis observations
Supporting figures: Logs, screenshots, string excerpts, function listings, and other
exhibits that support the investigators analysis
Incident recommendations: Indicators for detecting the specimen on other systems
and networks (a.k.a. indicators of compromise), and possible for eradication