Percy Aldridge Grainger
Percy Aldridge Grainger
Percy Aldridge Grainger
Composer Brochure
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This catalogue was created in October 2015. All durations are approximate.
Briefly attends school (his only formal schooling). Gives first public piano recital
Begins his Kipling 'Jungle Book' Cycle composed 'as a protest against civilization'
Starts to compose the five works (completed in 1901, later revised) eventually
published in 1950 as Youthful Suite ; begins to teach piano in Frankfurt
First studies the music of Debussy. Arranges Irish Tune from County Derry for
unaccompanied mixed chorus; completes initial setting of Hill Song No. 1
Meets and plays before Ferruccio Busoni, in London, who offers to teach him
without charge. Subsequently studies with Busoni in Berlin.
Hears Lucy Broadwood's lecture about collecting folksongs, which rekindles his
earlier interest in folk music; joins the Folk-Song Society and begins collecting
Lincolnshire folk tunes.
Meets Edvard Grief, initiating a close friendship. First uses phonograph to record
Meets Delius in London. Sets Molly on the Shore for string quartet
Meets Debussy, whom he finds 'a little spitting wild animal' His controversial
100-page article 'Collecting with the Phonograph' appears in the Journal of the
Folk-Song Society; makes the first gramphone recordings of short passages by
Grieg, Liszt and Stanford.
Comes in contact with Polynesian music, in New Zealand, and claims the South Seas
as a potential 'second Scandinavia' for him musically. Completes Father and
Daughter setting of Faroe Islands music.
Comes to know Elgar, Beecham and Rodin. Changes his professional name to Percy
Aldridge Grainger. Completes initial setting of Shepherd's Hey. Schott (London)
starts to publish his compositions.
Moves from London to Kent, then to USA amid accusations of cowardice and
failure to face up to his patriotic duty.
Moves to 7 Cromwell Place, White Plains, New York (now The Grainger Library)
Rescores a number of his early works.
Mother commits suicide in New York; many sensational press reports follow.
Premire of The Brides Tragedy at Evanston Festival. Travels to Scandinavia to
collect Danish folk music.
Takes first steps towards building a museum at the University of Melbourne. Takes a
teaching post at New YorkUniversity.
Learns of the death of Delius, a long time friend. Premiere of experimental Free
Music No. 1
Travels widely giving many concerts for the Red Cross and troops (to 1945).
Completes orchestral version of The Power of Rome and the Christian Heart.
Comes to know the scientist Burnett Cross, with whom he soon starts to work on
his Free Music experiments. Collaborates with Stokowski in Hollywood Bowl
performance of Grieg piano concerto, In a Nutshell suite and Suite on Danish Folk
Last formal concert tour in America. Performs Danish Folk Music Suite at a
Promenade Concert in London.
Awarded St Olav medal for services to Norwegian music by the King of Norway.
Returns to work at his museum in Melbourne, returning to the United States in June
English Dance
(1st scoring) (1898, rev. 1906)
edited by Kees Kramer
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.3.4.2ca.4.4-
10' 0''
Material on hire
English Dance
(version without organ) (1898, rev. 1909)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:, cym,
10' 0''
Material on hire
English Dance
for theatre orchestra (1898, rev. 1925)
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring): any or all of the orchestral parts with the 2 piano (6 hands)
12' 0''
Material on hire
We Were Dreamers
after Kipling (1899)
for small orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:
4' 0''
Material on hire
Youthful Suite
for orchestra (1899, rev. 1945)
I Northern March - II Rustic Dance - III Norse Dirge - IV Eastern Intermezzo - V English Waltz
Orchestra instrumentation:, xyl, vib, mar, hand bells, tub
bells, tri, cym, tamb, s.d, b.d)-hp.cel.harm/reed org.pno-str
25' 0''
Material on hire
Charging Irishrey
realised by Eldon Rathburn (1901)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:
2' 0''
Material on hire
Hill Song II
for orchestra (1901-1902, rev. 1946)
Orchestra instrumentation:
6' 0''
Material on hire
Train Music
realised by Eldon Rathburn (1901, rev. 1957)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:
2' 0''
Material on hire
Colonial Song
(1919 version) (1905-1912, rev. 1919)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:,
6' 0''
Material on hire
Green Bushes
(1st scoring) (1905-1906)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: 2(1.pic)
7' 0''
Material on hire
Green Bushes
edited by Barry Peter Ould (1905-1906)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: 2(1.pic) bells, tri, cyms, s.d, b.d)-str(
7' 0''
Material on hire
Green Bushes
for 22 single instruments or orchestra (1905-1906, rev. 1921)
Passacaglia on an English folksong
Orchestra instrumentation: 1(pic ad lib.).1.1.ssax(or cl, or tpt).barsax(or bsn).1(cbsn ad
lib.)-2(2asax).1.0.0-timp.1perc(s.d, b.d, cym, xyl)-harm(or pipe org).pno-str(
9' 0''
Material on hire
Green Bushes
for theatre orchestra (1905-1906, rev. 1921)
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring): any or all of the orchestral parts with the 2 piano (6 hands)
9' 0''
Material on hire
Shepherd's Hey
Morris Dance Tune (1908-1909, rev. 1913)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2.2.2-4.3(3rd opt.).3.1-timp.perc(s.d, b.d, cym, [tri], [glsp], [xyl])-2hp(2nd
2' 0''
Material on hire
Mock Morris
for full orchestra (Stokowski version) (1911, rev. 1950)
Orchestra instrumentation: pic., b.d, cym, tri, glsp, xyl, mar)-str
4' 0''
Material on hire
Mock Morris
for orchestra (1911, rev. 1952)
edited by Barry Peter Ould
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.
4' 0''
Material on hire
Mock Morris
for orchestra (elastic scoring) (1911, rev. 1914)
Orchestra instrumentation: additional parts (any or all) to the original string parts:
4' 0''
Material on hire
The Lonely Desert Man Sees the Tents of the Happy Tribes
for orchestra (1911, rev. 1949)
Orchestra instrumentation: 0.0.2/3.asax.0- mar (3-12), vib)-hp.pno-str(
[many other combinations possible]
2' 0''
Material on hire
The Warriors
Music to an Imaginary Ballet (1913-1916)
for orchestra, 3 pianos and 'tuneful percussion'
for Frederick Delius, in admiration and affection
Orchestra instrumentation:[bass oboe/Heckelphone].2.bcl.2.cbsn-,
wdbl, tamb, cym, gong, b.d, casts, xyl, glsp, [wooden mar, steel mar/dulcitone, tub bells, staff bells/bell
piano ad lib.])-2hp.cel.3pno-str
19' 0''
Material on hire
Other editions: edition for 2 pianos ED 12557 study score ED 12903
Premiere: January 20, 1917 New York, NY, Aeolian Hall (USA) Conductor: Walter Damrosch Symphony
Society of New York
In a Nutshell
Suite for orchestra, piano and Deagan percussion instruments (1915-1916)
I Arrival Platform Humlet - II "Gay but Wistful" (Tune in a Popular London Style) - III Pastoral - IV
"The Gum-Suckers" March
Orchestra instrumentation:, b.d, cym, gong, glsp, xyl, mar,
staff bells, steel mar, nabimba)-hp.cel.pno[solo]-str ["The piano is not treated as a virtuoso solo
instrument, but merely as a somewhat outstanding item of the general orchestral make-up."]
16' 0''
Material on hire
Country Gardens
for full orchestra (1918, rev. 1950)
(Stokowski version)
Orchestra instrumentation:, vibraharp, s.d, wdbl)-hp.pno/cel-str
3' 0''
Material on hire
Country Gardens
for orchestra (1918, rev. 1952)
arranged by Barry Peter Ould
Orchestra instrumentation: 1(pic).1.1.asax.1-, vib)-str( [N.B. This
version can also be played with bridge passage leading into "A Bridal Lullaby" (arr. by John Pickard) and
1952 version of "Handel in the Strand" to make a 3 movement suite.]
3' 0''
Material on hire
Spoon River
for 3 players to full orchestra (1919-1929)
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring, parts available):
pic.1.1.1.tsax.1-hn/asax.tpt/ssax.[3].[btuba]-timp.perc(s.d, b.d, cym, glsp, [metal & wooden mar], [tub
bells], [staff bells])-hp.harm/pipe org.2 pno-[7-part strings]
4' 0''
Material on hire
Jutish Medley
for ensemble, small, full or massed orchestra (1923-1929)
from "Danish Folk Music Suite"
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring, parts available):
pic.2.2.2.bcl.2/barsax-4/asax.3/ssax.3/tsax.euph/tsax.btuba-timp.perc(s.d, b.d, cym, wdbl, xyl, glsp,
[mar], tub bells, swiss bells)-hp.cel/dulcitone.harm/pipe org.2pno(4 hands)[2nd opt.]-str
8' 0''
Material on hire
To a Nordic Princess
Bridal Song (1927-1928)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:, glsp, [steel mar], [staff bells],
[tub bells])-hp.(singly or massed).cel/dulcitone.harm/reed org(2 players).pno(singly or
massed).[org/pipe org]-str
14' 0''
Material on hire
Blithe Bells
for small or massed orchestra (1930-1932)
after J.S. Bach 'Sheep May Graze in Safety'
Orchestra instrumentation: 2(pic).1.2.2(2nd opt.)-2.2(2nd opt.).[tbn].0-perc(mar, [vib],
glsp)-2pno[harm/pipe org].[cel].[hp]-str
4' 0''
Material on hire
Blithe Bells
for theatre orchestra (1930-1932)
after J.S. Bach 'Sheep May Graze in Safety'
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring): any or all of the above parts with the 2 piano (4hands)
4' 0''
Material on hire
Puellare Gremium
English Gothic Music arranged by P. A. Grainger (1934)
for orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:
Material on hire
for orchestra (1939, rev. 1943)
Orchestra instrumentation: 2.2.2(bcl).2asax.tsax.barsax.2- mar,
7' 0''
Material on hire
Eastern Intermezzo
(1st scoring) (1898)
for small orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:
2' 0''
Material on hire
Eastern Intermezzo
for tuneful percussion (1898)
Orchestra instrumentation: perc(glsp, xyl(2), wooden mar(2), metal mar/vib, bells, staff bells(2), tub
bells(4), "shaker" chimes)-harm.pno I(2)/pno II(2-3).dulcitone-db
2' 0''
Material on hire
English Dance
for ensemble (1898, rev. 1952)
Orchestra instrumentation: org.harm.solovox/keyboard-str(
10' 0''
Material on hire
Kleine Variationen-Form
for small orchestra (1898)
Orchestra instrumentation:
6' 0''
Material on hire
original music by Claude Debussy (1903) (1903, rev. 1928)
arranged for keyboards and tuned percussion by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: glsp.3vib.3mar.tub bells.gong-cel.4pno.dulcitone.harm/reed org
5' 30''
Material on hire
Colleen Dhas
The Valley Lay Smiling - after Thomas Moore (1907)
for small room-music
Orchestra instrumentation:
3' 30''
Material on hire
Shepherd's Hey
Morris Dance Tune (1908-1909)
for room music
Orchestra instrumentation: fl.bcl.[hn].baritone English (chromatic) concertina-str(
2' 0''
Material on hire
Country Gardens
English Morris Dance (1918, rev. 1950)
arranged by Leo Artok
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring, with any or all of the following):, cym, s.d, b.d)
3' 0''
Material on hire
Matachina Dance
for large room-music (Natalie Curtis arr. Grainger) (1925)
for small orchestra arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation:
Material on hire
Harvest Hymn
for chamber orchestra (1932)
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring, parts available): 1.1.2.bcl.[sax
3' 0''
Material on hire
Premiere: November 27, 1934 Hobart, City Hall (AUS) Conductor: Percy Aldridge Grainger
Gamelan Anklung
Balinese Ceremonial Music (1936)
for instrumental ensemble
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.fl-perc(metal mar[2], 2 tam-t, chimes/handbells[2])-pno(2-4).[harm]-[db]
3' 30''
Material on hire
Stalt Vesselil
Proud Vesselil (1951)
for flute, cor anglais, violin, 2 violas, 2 cellos and double bass
arranged by David Tall
3' 0''
Material on hire
for strings (1898)
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
2' 0''
Material on hire
Mock Morris
for 6 single strings or 6-part string band (1911)
4' 0''
Material on hire
The Immovable Do
for 9 single strings or string orchestra (1933-1940, rev. 1942)
5' 0''
Material on hire
original music by William Brade (1934-1935)
for strings arranged by P. A Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Harraytre Amours
original music by Johannes Stokem (1934)
for strings arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
for strings and women's chorus (ad lib.) arranged by P. A. Grainger (1934)
original music by Natalie Curtis
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
O Salutaris Hostia
original music by Adrian Willaert (1934, rev. 1941)
for strings and solo voices (ad lib.) arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: [AT]-str(
Material on hire
Puellare Gremium
for strings and voices ad lib. (1934, rev. 1943)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Other editions: choral score BDE 599
My End is My Beginning
original music by Guillaume de Machaut (1936)
for strings arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Princesse of Youth
for strings, voices (ad lib.) and organ, harmonium or accordion (ad lib.) (1937)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: [SAA/SATBarB]-[]-str(
Material on hire
Ballade No. 17
for strings arranged by P. A. Grainger (1939)
original music by Guillaume de Machaut
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
3' 0''
Material on hire
Beata Viscera
English Gothic Music (1939)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
for strings and 3-part men's choir or 3-part mixed choir (ad lib.)
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
English Gothic Music (1939)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
for strings and voices (ad lib.)
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
for strings (1939, rev. 1943)
Orchestra instrumentation: str( [C Major version] or ( [Ab version]
3' 0''
Material on hire
La Bernardina
for strings arranged by P. A. Grainger (1939)
original music by Josquin Desprez
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
O Rosa Bella
original music by John Dunstable (1939)
for strings and voices (ad lib.) arranged by P. A. Grainger
Material on hire
Worcester Sanctus
for strings and voices (ad lib.) (1939)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Pretty Swallow
original music by Claude Le Jeune (1942)
for strings arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Alleluia Psallat
English Gothic Music (1943)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
for strings and choir (SSA/TTB/SSATTB) and organ (ad lib.)
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Angelus ad Virginem
English Gothic Music (1943)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
for strings and choir (SSA/TTB/SSATTB) and organ (ad lib.)
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Other editions: choral score BDE 595
Nenciozza Mia
original music by Jean Japart (1946)
for strings arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
2' 0''
Material on hire
Marionette Douce
English Gothic Music arranged by P. A. Grainger (1950)
for strings, chorus (ad lib.) and organ (ad lib.)
Orchestra instrumentation: [SSAA/TTBB/SATB]-[org]-str([1])/(
Material on hire
Other editions: choral score BDE 598
Hill Song I
original version (1901-1902)
for woodwinds
Orchestra instrumentation: 2(2pic).6.6ca.0.6.cbsn
15' 0''
Material on hire
Mock Morris
for brass band (1911)
arranged by Denis Wright
Orchestra instrumentation: solo horn.2horns.solo cornet.2 cornets.repiano Bb[cornet].flugelhn.Eb
Soprano[cornet].Eb Bass[tuba].Bb Bass[tuba].2tbn.btbn.2 Bb baritones.euph-drums
4' 0''
Material on hire
original music by Claude Debussy (1913, rev. 1918)
for wind ensemble arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: 1.1.bass ob/ca.2.acl/bcl.asax.1-
3' 0''
Material on hire
A Bridal Lullaby
theme from the film 'Howards End' (1916)
arranged by Walter S. Hartley
for concert band
Orchestra instrumentation: 2.2.Ebcl.3.bcl.2asax.tsax.barsax.2-4.1.3.euph.1-timp-db
3' 0''
Material on hire
Blithe Bells
for military band (1930-1932)
after J.S. Bach 'Sheep May Graze in Safety'
Orchestra instrumentation:, steel mar,
wooden mar)-db
4' 0''
Material on hire
Fantasy No. 1
original music by John Jenkins (1933, rev. 1953)
for wind band arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation:
Material on hire
for winds arranged by P. A. Grainger (1937)
original music by Herman Sandby
Orchestra instrumentation:
Material on hire
Lincolnshire Posy
for wind band
I Dublin Bay - II Harkstow Grange - III Rufford Park Poachers - IV The Brisk Young Sailor - V Lord
Melbourne - VI The Lost Lady Found
15' 0''
Order number: condensed score ED 11343
Other editions: horn 3 and 4 ED 11343-24 horn 1 and 2 ED 11343-23 alto clarinet ED 11343-12
trumpete 1 in Bb ED 11343-20 timpani ED 11343-30 bass saxophone ED 11343-19 bass
trombone ED 11343-26 bass tambour ED 11343-33 oboe ED 11343-4 soprano saxophone 1 ED
11343-14 flute ED 11343-3 contrabassoon ED 11343-7 bassoon ED 11343-6 percussion ED
11343-31 clarinet 1 in Bb ED 11343-9 baritone saxophone ED 11343-18 baritone ED 11343-27
cor anglais ED 11343-5 tuba ED 11343-29 bass-clarinet ED 11343-13 Side Drum ED 11343-32
trombone ED 11343-25 double bass ED 11343-34 euphonium ED 11343-28 trumpet 2 in Bb ED
11343-21 clarinet 3 in Bb ED 11343-11 Alto saxophone I ED 11343-15 Alto saxophone II ED
11343-16 tenor saxophone ED 11343-17 trumpet 3 in Bb ED 11343-22 clarinet 2 in Bb ED
11343-10 piccolo ED 11343-2 clarinet in Eb ED 11343-8
Walking Tune
for wind band (1940)
Orchestra instrumentation:
4' 0''
Material on hire
March in D
from the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebook by J.S. Bach (1946)
arranged for saxophone, clarinet, brass or wind choirs or wind band by P.A. Grainger
Material on hire
Hungarian Fantasy
original music by Franz Liszt (1959)
for wind band arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2.2.4.bcl.2asax.tsax.2-, cym, b.d)-pno-db
Material on hire
La Bernardina
for wind band arranged by P. A. Grainger
original music by Josquin Desprez
Orchestra instrumentation: Assignment of instruments to tone-strands: 4 foot: Part A: piccolo, flutes,
clarinet 3 / Part B: Eb clarinet, Eb cornet, sopranino sarrusophone, clarinet 4 / Part C: clarinet 5, horn
2 8 foot: Part A: oboes, clarinet 1, cornet (trumpet) 1, soprano saxophone / Part B: clarinet 2, cornet
(trumpet) 2, horn 1, alto saxophone 1, alto clarinet / Part C: bass clarinet, baritone 1, alto saxophone 2,
tenor saxophone, bassoons, trombones, euphonium 16 foot: Part A: bass oboe (Heckelphone), tenor
sarrusphone / Part B: baritone 2, baritone saxophone / Part C: bass saxophone, double bassoon, tubas,
string bass
Material on hire
A Bridal Lullaby
theme from the film 'Howards End' (1916)
arranged by John Pickard
for piano and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:
3' 0''
Material on hire
Country Gardens
for piano and strings (1918, rev. 1932)
arranged by Reginald King
Orchestra instrumentation: str (
3' 0''
Material on hire
English Dance
for orchestra and organ (1898, rev. 1925)
for Cyril Scott, with long love
Orchestra instrumentation:, cym, s.d,
b.d)-pno(one or more)-str
12' 0''
Material on hire
Youthful Rapture
for cello and room music (1929)
for cello solo, violin, harmonium (or pipe organ) and piano (other instruments ad lib.)
for Herman Sandby, in love and worth-prizement
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring, adding any or all of the following):
fl-tpt/ssax/ II.db
5' 0''
Material on hire
Colonial Song
for 3 solo strings and orchestra (1905-1912, rev. 1914)
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.[pno]-str
6' 0''
Material on hire
The Immovable Do
for 9 solo strings and full orchestra (1933-1940)
Orchestra instrumentation: 2pic(2.opt.).2.2.[ca].2.bcl.2.[cbsn]-, b.d, cym, tri)-str
5' 0''
Material on hire
Der Rosenkavalier
Ramble on the love-duet edited for piano by Percy Aldridge Grainger (1927) (1909-1910)
6' 0''
Order number: AF 9055
To a Nordic Princess
Bridal Song (1927-28)
for piano
7' 0''
Order number: ED 12902
Blithe Bells
after J.S. Bach's "Sheep may Graze in Safety" (1930-31)
for piano
Concert Version and Easy Version
Order number: ED 12545
Other editions: version for 4 hands ED 12901
Variation 12
from the Paganini Variations op. 35
for piano
Order number: BDE 4
Mock Morris
Concert Version
for piano
Order number: ED 11182-2
Other editions: Popular Version for Strings ED 11182-1
In Bristol Town
for piano
Order number: BDE 29
Shepherd's Hey
Morris Dance
for piano
Order number: ED 11184-1
Other editions: easy version ED 11184-2
Shepherd's Hey
No. 4 from British Folk-Music Settings
for piano
English Morris Dance Tune
for piano, easy version
British Folk-Music Settings - The whole set lovingly and reverently dedicated to the memory of
Edward Grieg
2' 0''
Order number: ED 11184-2
Other editions: Original version ED 11184-1
A Bridal Lullaby
for piano
Order number: BDE 24
Train Music
for piano
Order number: BDE 651
Country Gardens
Handkerchief Dance
for piano
Order number: ED 11179-1
Other editions: very easy version ED 11179-3 easy version ED 11179-2
for piano
Order number: BDE 586
for piano
Order number: BDE 522
Klavierstuck in D major
for piano
Order number: BDE 438
At Twilight
for piano
Order number: BDE 28
Sailor's Song
for piano
Order number: BDE 365
A Bridal Lullaby
for piano
Order number: BDE 21
Fugue E Major
for piano
Order number: BDE 359
Fugue a-Moll
No. XX from Book 1 of "The Well-Tempered Klavier"
for piano
Fugue in A Minor
No. XX from Book 1 of "The Well-Tempered Klavier"
Order number: BDE 3
Angelus ad Virginem
for piano
Order number: BDE 358
English Waltz
for piano
Order number: BDE 30
Other editions: piano (4 hands) BDE 36
Country Gardens
Handkerchief Dance
for piano
Order number: ED 11179-3
Other editions: Original version ED 11179-1 easy version ED 11179-2
on Tchaikovsky's "Flower-Waltz"
for piano
Order number: ED 12555
for piano
Order number: ED 12820
from "Tribute to Foster"
for piano
Order number: BDE 120
Prelude in G
for Piano
Order number: BDE 907
for piano solo
for piano
Order number: BDE 5
Room-Music Tit-Bits
No. 6 Zanzibar Boat Song
for piano (6 hands)
for mother
Order number: ED 11199
Walking Tune
for piano or organ (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 35
Embraceable You
for piano (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 6
Harvest Hymn
for Piano (6 hands)
Order number: BDE 107
Harvest Hymn
for piano (4 hands)
Order number: ED 12550
In Bristol Town
for piano (6 hands)
Order number: BDE 39
for piano (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 416
English Waltz
for piano (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 36
Other editions: piano BDE 30
Children's March
for Piano (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 890
Green Bushes
Passacaglia on an English Folksong (1921)
for 2 pianos (6 hands)
Order number: ED 12549
The Warriors
for 2 pianos, 6 hands (1922)
for 2 pianos (6 hands)
19' 0''
Order number: ED 12557
Other editions: study score ED 12903 performance material
Blithe Bells
a free ramble on J. S. Bach's aria Sheep may Graze in Safety (1930-1931, rev. 1931)
for 2 pianos (4 hands)
for 2 pianos (4 hands)
For George H. Greenwood in friendship and worth-prize-ment.
3' 30''
Order number: ED 12901
Other editions: Version for 2 Hands ED 12545
Country Gardens
for 2 pianos 8-hndig
2' 0''
Order number: ED 12058
Harvest Hymn
for 2 pianos 8-hndig
Order number: BDE 38
Country Gardens
for 2 pianos (4 hands)
Order number: ED 12111
Random Round
for 2 pianos (5-6 player)
Order number: BDE 323
La Bel'Aronde
for 2 pianos (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 45
English Dance
for 2 pianos (6 hands)
Order number: ED 12547
Fugue in C minor
for 2 harmoniums (pianos) 4-hndig
Order number: BDE 408
Fugue in E Minor
for 2 pianos 8-hndig
Order number: performance score BDE 411
Jutish Medley
for 2 pianos (6 hands)
Order number: ED 12552
Colonial Song
for organ
6' 0''
Order number: ED 12897
A Bridal Lullaby
for organ
Order number: BDE 246
Organ Album
ABridal Lullaby - Children's March - Colonial Song - Country Gardens - Handel in the Strand - The
immovable Do - Irish Tunes from Country Derry - The Nightingale and the Two Sisters - The Sussex
Mummer' Christmas Carol
Order number: ED 12933
Walking Tune
for piano or organ (4 hands)
Order number: BDE 35
for 2 organs
Order number: BDE 42
Mock Morris
for violin and piano
4' 0''
Order number: ED 11200
Harvest Hymn
for Violin and Piano (arr. 1932)
for violin and piano
3' 30''
Order number: ED 12559
on Handel's "The Harmonius Blacksmith"
for voice (cello) and piano
Order number: BDE 449
Scandinavian Suite
for cello and piano
Order number: ED 12563
Shepherd's Hey
for violin, cello and piano
Order number: BDE 643
after Kipling (1946)
for 5 cellos
2' 0''
Material on hire
"Wach' auf"
from R. Wagner's 'Die Meistersinger'
for 5 cellos arranged by P. A. Grainger
Material on hire
Mock Morris
Popular Version
for 6 strings or string ensemble
Order number: score ED 11182-1
Other editions: Concert Version for piano ED 11182-2
Shepherd's Hey
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: separate part ED 10886-3
Other editions: score and parts ED 10886 treble recorder ED 10886-2 Descant recorder ED 10886-1
Mock Morris
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: score and parts ED 12258
Other editions: treble recorder ED 12258-2 Descant recorder ED 12258-1 tenor recorder ED
Shepherd's Hey
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: score and parts ED 10886
Other editions: tenor recorder ED 10886-3 treble recorder ED 10886-2 Descant recorder ED
Mock Morris
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: separate part ED 12258-2
Other editions: score and parts ED 12258 Descant recorder ED 12258-1 tenor recorder ED 12258-3
Shepherd's Hey
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: separate part ED 10886-1
Other editions: tenor recorder ED 10886-3 score and parts ED 10886 treble recorder ED 10886-2
Mock Morris
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: separate part ED 12258-1
Other editions: treble recorder ED 12258-2 score and parts ED 12258 tenor recorder ED 12258-3
Shepherd's Hey
for 3 recorders (SAT) and piano
Order number: separate part ED 10886-2
Other editions: tenor recorder ED 10886-3 score and parts ED 10886 Descant recorder ED 10886-1
Walking Tune
for flute and piano
Order number: BDE 44
A Bridal Lullaby
for horn (tenor horn) and piano
Order number: BDE 253
Walking Tune
(1912, rev. 1940)
for wind quintet
4' 0''
Order number: set of parts ED 11342-10
Other editions: score ED 11342
for wind quintet
2' 0''
Order number: score and parts ED 11128
A Bridal Lullaby
for harp
Order number: BDE 46
Bridal Lullaby
for guitar
Order number: BDE 247
Bahrilyale v. Palandari
for Percussion and Harmonium Drone
Order number: BDE 921
A Song of Autumn
for medium voice and piano (1899)
text by Adam Lindsey Gordon
For my darling mother
2' 0''
Order number: ED 12562
No. 1 from Kipling Settings (1901)
for high male voice (tenor) and piano
for high male voice and piano
text by Rudyard Kipling from "The Light that Failed"
Dedicated to my mother
2' 0''
Order number: ED 12526
British Waterside
or The Jolly Sailor (1920)
for voice and piano
No. 26 from British Folk-Music Settings
for voice and piano
High key version
Lovingly and reverently dedicated to the memory of Edvard Grieg
6' 0''
Order number: ED 12523
Other editions: Low (original) key version ED 12522
Northern Ballad
for male voice and piano
Order number: BDE 433
The Sea-Wife
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 642
Ganges Pilot
for male voice and piano
Order number: BDE 430
Creeping Jane
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 429
Merciful Town
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 317
Anchor Song
for male voice and piano
Order number: BDE 428
Sailor's Chanty
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 641
Leezie Lindsay
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 27
Soldier, Soldier
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 644
on Handel's "The Harmonius Blacksmith"
for voice (cello) and piano
Order number: BDE 449
Soldier Soldier
for male voice and piano
Order number: BDE 437
for voice and piano
Order number: BDE 619
Colonial Song
version for two voices and piano or piano alone (1905, arr. 1911)
Composed as yule-gift for mother, 1911 Scored as yule-gift for mother, 1912 Rescored, early
Vocal instructions for Soprano and Tenor: "Breathe when you like, and sing on any combinations of
any vowels and consonants (such as (Italian vowels) la, ra, ta, ta-da, pa-da-ba, tr-ri-di, etc.) that you find
comfortable and effective.
6' 0''
Order number: score ED 12525
Under a Bridge
for soprano, baritone and piano
Order number: BDE 652
In Bristol Town
for medium voice and guitar
Order number: BDE 251
Willow Willow
for voice, string quartet and guitar or harp (1902, rev. 1911)
settings of songs and tunes from William Chappell's "Old English Popular Music"
"The poore soule sate sighinge by a Sikamore tree..."
4' 0''
Material on hire
Other editions: piano reduction with solo part ED 11340
Willow, willow
for voice and piano (1902-11)
for voice and piano
from William Chappells Old English Popular Music
4' 0''
Order number: vocal/piano score ED 11340
Other editions: performance material
Sir Eglamore
British folk-music settings No. 13 (1904, rev. 1913)
for double mixed choir, brass, strings and percussion
tune and words from Stafford Smiths Musica Antiqua
Lovingly and reverently dedicated to the memory of Edvard Grieg
Orchestra instrumentation: 4-6hn.2tpt/2cornets.2cl.5tbn/2tbn.euph.2bsn.tuba-timp.perc(s.d, kettle dr,
[b.d], cym, [large tri])-[1/2 harps]-str
4' 0''
Order number: study score ED 13586
Kipling Settings
3. Morning Song in the Jungle (1905)
for mixed choir a cappella
from "The Second Jungle Book", Rudyard Kipling
dedicated to my mother
Order number: choral score ED 12116
Other editions: No. 13 Soldier, Soldier ED 12507
(1905, rev. 1929)
for mixed choir
3' 0''
Order number: choral score ED 12519
Kipling Settings
13. Soldier, Soldier (1907)
for mixed choir (SATTBB) with soloists (SATTBB); harmonium ad lib.
from "The Second Jungle Book", Rudyard Kipling
3' 30''
Order number: choral score ED 12507
Other editions: No. 3 Morning Song in the Jungle ED 12116
Sprig of Thyme
for soprano solo and choir (TTTB/SSATBB)
Order number: BDE 301
The Immovable Do
or The Cyphering C
for Mixed Choir (SSSAATTBB) a cappella or with Organ or different Orchestratyps (Strings,
Clarinets- or Saxophone Ensemble, mixed Wind Instruments, Symphonyorchestra, Wind band)
5' 0''
Order number: choral score ED 12508
Country Gardens
for mixed choir (SATB)
Order number: choral score BDE 9
Other editions: men's choir BDE 10 female choir BDE 11
Agincourt Song
for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Order number: BDE 76
Puellare Gremium
for SMezA and/or TBarB; harmonium and/or wind instruments-/strings-accompaniment ad lib.
Order number: choral score BDE 599
Other editions: performance material
The Camp
for mixed choir or men's choir
Order number: choral score BDE 351
Other editions: performance material
Marionette Douce
for S(A)ATBar(B) a cappella with optional harmonium and/or wind or string accompaniment
Order number: choral score BDE 598
Other editions: performance material
Angelus ad Virginem
for mixed choir (SATB)
Order number: choral score BDE 595
Other editions: performance material
A Song of Varmeland
for mixed choir (SATBarB)
Order number: choral score BDE 235
Mary Thomson
for mixed choir (SATB)
Order number: choral score BDE 577
A Bridal Lullaby
Goodbye to love
for mixed choir (SSATBB) and harp (piano)
Order number: BDE 47
Other editions: performance material
O Mistress Mine
for gemischter Chor (SATB)
Order number: choral score BDE 576
Mo Nighean Dubh
for mixed choir (SAATTBB)
Order number: choral score BDE 575
for choir unisono and wind instruments
Order number: choral score BDE 527
The Sea-Wife
for mixed choir and piano
Order number: score ED 12114
Other editions: performance material
for mixed choir (SATBarB)
Order number: choral score BDE 357
At Twilight
for solo tenor and mixed choir
for Tenor solo and mixed choir a cappella
Order number: choral score ED 12512
My Love's in Germanie
for soloists (SATB) or mixed choir (SATB)
Order number: choral score BDE 353
Anchor Song
No. 6 from Kipling Settings (1899, rev. 1921)
for baritone, men's choir (or 4 male voices) and piano
for solo baritone with 4-part male choir or 4 male voices and piano
text by Rudyard Kipling from "The Seven Seas"
Dedicated to my beloved mother
3' 0''
Order number: choral score ED 12511
Danny Deever
for male double chorus and orchestra (1903, rev. 1924)
words from "Barrack Room Ballads" by Rudyard Kipling
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2.2.3.bcl.[sax quartet].2.cbsn-4.2.3.euph.1-timp.perc(cym, s.d,
4' 0''
Order number: study score ED 13598
Shallow Brown
Shanty (1910)
for men's choir (Bar) and piano
5' 0''
Order number: score ED 12342
Sprig of Thyme
for soprano solo and choir (TTTB/SSATBB)
Order number: BDE 301
The Camp
for mixed choir or men's choir
Order number: choral score BDE 351
Other editions: performance material
Country Gardens
for men's choir (TTBB)
Order number: choral score BDE 10
Other editions: mixed choir BDE 9 female choir BDE 11
for men's choir
Order number: choral score BDE 648
Danny Deever
for Mnner-Doppelchoir and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2.2.3.bcl.[sax quartet].2.cbsn-4.2.3.euph.1-timp.perc(cym, s.d,
Order number: score ED 12514
Other editions: performance material
Country Gardens
for choir for two parts (SS/SA)
Order number: BDE 12
for choir unisono and wind instruments
Order number: choral score BDE 527
Country Gardens
for female choir (SSAA)
Order number: choral score BDE 11
Other editions: mixed choir BDE 9 men's choir BDE 10
Colonial Song
(Marjorie Lawrence version) (1905-1912, rev. 1961)
for soprano solo and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:[pno]-2/1hp-str(
6' 0''
Material on hire
Brigg Fair
arranged by Joe Conway (1906)
for tenor and strings
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
4' 0''
Material on hire
Le Jour s'endort
original music by Guillaume Dufay (1934)
for voice and strings arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
3' 30''
Material on hire
O Schnes Weib
original music by Heinrich Finck (1934, rev. 1940)
for voice and strings arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: str(
Material on hire
Farewell to an Atoll
for soprano, mixed choir (optional) and orchestra (1945)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation:
2' 30''
Material on hire
Bell Piece
after John Dowland (1951-1953)
for tenor solo and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: 1.1.3.acl.bcl.2asax.tsax.barsax.1-4.4.3.euph.baritone.1-perc(glsp, vib, tub
4' 30''
Material on hire
Colonial Song
(1st setting) (1905-1912)
for soprano, tenor and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2/2(pic).2.[ca].2Acl[Abcl].2-[hp]-str
6' 0''
Material on hire
Colonial Song
for soprano, tenor, harp and orchestra (1905-1912, rev. 1914)
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.[pno]-str
6' 0''
Material on hire
Random Round
2 versions: set and unset (1912-1914/1943/1954)
for soprano, alto, tenor and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: unset version: elastic scoring including gut-strung guitar - set version: mar, xyl)-steel-strung gtr.gut-strung gtr.mand.ukulele-str(
Material on hire
Sekar Gadung
for 2 solo voices (soprano and tenor or baritone), piccolo and percussion (1932-1933)
Javanese, arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: pic-perc(metal mar(2)/vib(2), wooden mar, staff bells/tub bells/large toned
bells/gongs, xyl)
Material on hire
To Echo
for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone and orchestra (1945-1946)
arranged by P. A. Grainger
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.1.0.2.bcl.asax.tsax.1-
2' 0''
Material on hire
The Sea-Wife
(1st setting) (1898, rev. 1947)
for mixed chorus and brass band
text by Rudyard Kipling
Orchestra instrumentation: cornet).3.2.Eb bass.Bb bass-timp
4' 0''
Material on hire
The Sea-Wife
for mixed chorus and brass band and/or strings (1898, rev. 1905)
No. 22 from "Kipling Settings"
text by Rudyard Kipling
Orchestra instrumentation: 4hn.3tpt(3rd opt.).3tbn.[euph].tuba-timp.perc(cym)-str( min.)
4' 0''
Material on hire
Other editions: choral score ED 12114
for choir (unison women's, men's or mixed choir) and brass instruments (1900-1901, rev. 1957)
edited by Barry Peter Ould
Orchestra instrumentation:
5' 0''
Material on hire
The Hunt is Up
for unison men's chorus and orchestra (1901)
edited by Barry Peter Ould
Orchestra instrumentation:
2' 30''
Material on hire
Danny Deever
for double male chorus and orchestra (1903, rev. 1924)
words from "Barrack Room Ballads" by Rudyard Kipling
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2.2.3.bcl.[sax quartet].2.cbsn-4.2.3.euph.1-timp.perc(cym, s.d,
4' 0''
Material on hire
Other editions: score ED 12514
Danny Deever
for male double chorus and orchestra (1903, rev. 1924)
arranged by Stephen Carpenter
words from "Barrack Room Ballads" by Rudyard Kipling
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.2.2.3.acl.bcl.ssax.2asax.tsax.barsax.2.cbsn-4.2.3.euph.1-timp.perc(cym,
s.d, b.d)-db
4' 0''
Material on hire
Sir Eglamore
(1st setting) (1904)
for two mixed choruses, brass, strings and percussion
Orchestra instrumentation:
4' 0''
Material on hire
Sir Eglamore
British folk-music settings No. 13 (1904, rev. 1913)
for double mixed choir, brass, strings and percussion
tune and words from Stafford Smiths Musica Antiqua
Lovingly and reverently dedicated to the memory of Edvard Grieg
Orchestra instrumentation: 4-6hn.2tpt/2cornets.2cl.5tbn/2tbn.euph.2bsn.tuba-timp.perc(s.d, kettle dr,
[b.d], cym, [large tri])-[1/2 harps]-str
4' 0''
Material on hire
Marching Tune
for 4-part mixed chorus and brass (1905)
Orchestra instrumentation: 4hn.3tpt(3rd opt.).3tbn.tuba-timp.perc(cym, s.d)
5' 0''
Material on hire
Shallow Brown
(1st setting) (1910)
for unison women's chorus and unison men's chorus and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:[banjos.gtrs.mands]-str(
5' 0''
Material on hire
Shallow Brown
for 1 or 2 voices (solo or chorus) and orchestra (1910)
No. 3 from "Sea-Chanty Settings"
collected from the singing of John Perring (Dartmouth, England, 1908)
Orchestra instrumentation:
5' 0''
Material on hire
The Lonely Desert Man Sees the Tents of the Happy Tribes
for chorus (STB) and orchestra (1911, rev. 1949)
Orchestra instrumentation: 0.0.2.asax.2- mar, vib/hp)-2gtr.pno-str( [many
other combinations possible]
3' 0''
Material on hire
A Bridal Lullaby
theme from the film 'Howards End' (1916)
arranged by Alan Gibbs
for mixed choir or female choir, tenor solo (ad lib.) and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: hp.pno-str(
3' 0''
Material on hire
Other editions: choral and piano score BDE 47
The Immovable Do
for mixed chorus with organ or harmonium (ad lib.), solo strings or string orchestra, wind band or
full orchestra (1933-1940)
Orchestra instrumentation: (elastic scoring, parts available):
2pic(2.opt.).2.2.[ca].2.bcl.2.[cbsn]-, b.d, cym, tri)-str
5' 0''
Material on hire
original music by Lyonel Power (1934)
for 2 violins, violoncello, voices (ad lib.) and harmonium or organ (ad lib.) arranged by P. A.
Material on hire
Ad Cantum Laetitiae
anonymous, arranged by P. A. Grainger (ca. 1940)
for 2-part mixed chorus and strings
Material on hire
Thanksgiving Song
for large room-music and voices (SSATBB) (1945)
Orchestra instrumentation: pic.1.0.2.bcl.asax.1-1.1.0.[bar].1-perc(glsp, xyl, metal mar, staff bells, wooden
mar(2), cym, s.d, b.d, wdbl)-harm(2).pno(2-4)-str(
12' 0''
Material on hire
Under a Bridge
Under en Bro (1945-1946)
for unison women's chorus, unison men's chorus and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation:, wooden mar(2), vib(2), staff
3' 30''
Material on hire
Song of Solomon
part 2 (Love Verses 1st setting) (1899-1900)
for mezzo-soprano and baritone solo, mixed chorus (SATB) and orchestra
Orchestra instrumentation: 2.4.2ca.4.2bcl.4.cbsn-
7' 0''
Material on hire
The Camp
(Welsh Fighting Songs No 1) (1904)
for unison men's chorus, soprano, alto, tenor, 2 basses and ensemble
realised by Chalon Ragsdale (1996)
Orchestra instrumentation:
2' 0''
Material on hire