Wcms 117682
Wcms 117682
Wcms 117682
Promoting the Culture Sector through Job Creation and Small Enterprise Development in SADC Countries: The Music Industry
Geneva, International Labour Office, 2003
ISBN 92-2-115283-9
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This research report is part of a set of five studies commissioned by the ILO in the framework
of the project Small enterprise development and job creation in the culture sector in the SADC region.
This project was funded by the Ford Foundation and implemented by the InFocus Programme on
Boosting Employment through Small EnterprisE Development (IFP/SEED). This project explores the
possibility that the promotion of cultural entrepreneurship that harnesses local talents, skills and
heritage may be especially resistant to the competitive pressures of globalization and may provide
innovative possibilities for boosting incomes and generating quality employment in a sector that is
normally overlooked by policy-makers or addressed with piecemeal and traditional approaches.
IFP/SEEDs work in the area of Market Access is based on the premise that small enterprises
can only grow and become competitive economic ventures when they have clear and well-developed
channels for selling their outputs. The lack of adequate markets for the consumption of cultural goods
and services is frequently identified as a major obstacle to the development of a truly vibrant and
economically viable culture sector. This finding is highlighted repeatedly in these SADC region
studies. The use of a value chain analysis, adapted to the culture sector, has been a particularly
effective tool in these studies to identify strengths and weaknesses and help inform policy
recommendations for bolstering the weaker links in this chain. The partnership forged between the
Ford Foundation and the ILO for this project aims to marry the concerns of the Education, Media, Arts
and Culture division of the Ford Foundation with the ILOs tools and approach for creating more and
better jobs for men and women, in order to transform the culture sector into a sustainable form of job
creation and income generation for developing countries.
Over the past 15-20 years, a majority of both developing and industrialized countries have
initiated policies and programmes aimed at promoting the micro, small and medium enterprises in view
of their important job creating potential. Support has been directed toward the major sectors of the
economy, yet the economic potential of local artistic talents and a nations cultural heritage has been
largely untapped.
Although the presence of cultural activities may be perceived to be widespread, the
development of the culture sector is rarely treated as a serious economic venture and few practitioners
are actually able to make a living solely based upon their artistic trade. Few examples exist where
government policies have given systematic and strategic business support to this sector. As a result, the
culture sector in most developing countries plays a much more limited role as a source of jobs,
revenues and foreign exchange than in industrialized countries where it contributes to a significant
proportion of gross national product, indicating the need to promote what might be called cultural
entrepreneurship among developing country artists. Furthermore, limited data exist and the true scale
and dimension of local cultural activities are generally not well documented. In particular, few culture
sector studies have been undertaken in Southern Africa.
For this reason, original field research was commissioned by the ILO to provide more detailed
information and case studies of culture enterprises in the SADC region, with an eye toward providing
policy prescriptions that would help ameliorate the major constraints preventing the growth of small
enterprises. Five studies were conducted in the following cultural areas: crafts and visual arts; music;
performing arts and dance; TV and film; and ethno-tourism. These five studies have been published as
SEED Working Papers and readers may find various studies from this set to be of interest.
This present report focuses on the music industry. It is estimated that the value of the global
music market stands at US$36.9 billion, with total unit sales of 3.5 billion. In comparison, monitored
record sales of Africas music market reveals this to be the worlds smallest regional market, worth only
US$207 million in 1998, representing a mere 0.6 per cent of total global sales. The African market is
dominated by South Africa, in terms of legal and recorded units sales. One of the most severe obstacles
to growth of the industry in the region is often considered to be directly linked to the limited purchasing
capacity of the African market. However, the recording industry is a young industry in most African
countries. This implies that its means of production, circulation and distribution are in their infancy, and
that it has not yet reached its full potential in terms of per capita sales. This is reflected in the recording
industrys institutional profile by the fact that the different functions performed in the course of
production, circulation and distribution tend to be undertaken by a relatively low number of actors with
limited institutional specialization. The growth of the industry is, however, evident in terms of the
emergence of numerous recording labels, music venues and events throughout the region.
The lack of effective protection of the intellectual property rights of local artists is another
crucial issue in this sector, and local practising artists are generally unaware of the implications raised
by their mastery of specific know-how and use of traditional practices and designs. In this regard, these
studies have benefited from a collaboration with the Director, Mr. Guriqbal Singh Jaiya, Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises Division of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
(http://www.wipo.int/sme). Comments on intellectual property related to the music industry were
added in the text, as well as Annexes 4 and 5.
Ms. Cecile Ambert, the author of this study, is a consultant with Development Works, South
Africa and can be contacted by email at: [email protected]. Ms. Anne Posthuma, Senior
Specialist, Small Enterprise Development, IFP/SEED was the Project Coordinator responsible for
backstopping this project. Ms. Avril Joffe was the Consultant and Project Advisor who oversaw the
development of these studies. The internal reader for this study was Mr. John Myers, Media and
Entertainment Industry Specialist, Sectoral Activities Department (SECTOR), ILO. It should be noted
that the views presented in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view
of the ILO or its constituents.
Table of contents
Foreword .................................................................................................................................................. iii
Executive summary .................................................................................................................................. ix
Global trends..........................................................................................................................4
Diagram of the value chain in the music industry in the SADC region...............................11
Audience reception and feedback: The fifth segment of the value chain ............................21
Analysis of key issues and proposals for targeted actions and interventions................................ 34
Bibliography............................................................................................................................................ 47
Key organizations in the region..................................................................................................... 51
List of interviewees ....................................................................................................................... 53
Country cases................................................................................................................................. 55
Intellectual property, copyright and related rights and collective management of rights.............. 57
National copyright offices in the SADC region............................................................................. 61
1.1 Role of the music industry in fighting HIV/AIDS in Zambia ......................................................... 3
1.2 Supporting musicians as a micro-marketing initiative in tourism destinations ............................... 3
1.3 Mergers and agglomeration ............................................................................................................. 7
1.4 WOMAD, a celebration of World Music ........................................................................................ 9
1.5 Impact of piracy on a developing countrys recording industry ...................................................... 9
2.1 Music education through initiation processes................................................................................ 13
2.2 Lack of formal education in music ................................................................................................ 14
2.3 Musical milieu in Maputo.............................................................................................................. 14
2.4 Quality control and production facilities in South Africa.............................................................. 15
2.5 Radio Tanzania recordings An opportunity and a piracy risk .................................................... 16
2.6 An example of good practice in Zimbabwe: Fighting piracy through right-pricing
and regulating the distribution network ......................................................................................... 19
2.7 The paucity of live performance opportunities stifles livelihoods and music industry
development in Angola.................................................................................................................. 20
2.8 Encouraging local performers: Music festivals are a growing industry ........................................ 20
2.9 Broadcasters Makers and breakers in the music industry........................................................... 21
2.10 Artists developing a sense of the market: Papa Wemba, an artist of two musical worlds............. 23
2.11 The MIDI Trust: An example of good practice in South Africa.................................................... 27
2.12 Government or parastatal intervention in the United Republic of Tanzania ................................. 30
3.1 Independent-driven music industry in the United Republic of Tanzania ...................................... 36
3.2 Proposed set of key questions to facilitate strategic thinking in the music industry ..................... 43
2.1 Summary overview of main characteristics of the music industry in the SADC region ................32
3.1 Needs, assets and gaps: An overview of the music industry in the SADC region, 2002 ...............39
1.1 Industry supply chain........................................................................................................................8
2.1 Diagram of the value chain in the music industry in the SADC region .........................................12
Executive summary
Music is an art form that spans a range of human activities, from entertainment to
religious and social rites, political activism and lobbying, education and commercial
interests. At the socio-political level, it can serve as a bridge across cultures and national
boundaries, as well as to keep conflict-ridden and poverty-stricken societies together.
Music has also been used as a tool to challenge the political and socio-economic status
quo. Finally, music has been used as an instrument for fund-raising for development and
poverty alleviation.
Because it is an art form, its artistic value can often only be measured subjectively.
Attaching a commercial value to music is intrinsically partial. It cannot reflect the whole
gamut of values generated in the process of creating and consuming music. Yet, the
existence of industries entirely dedicated to this process demonstrates the viability of
engaging with the sectors economy as they affect local economies, by providing
employment, leading to the consumption of music products, and supporting other
industries. As such, they are linked to specific local development levels and processes.
Understanding the nature of these linkages is, therefore, an important consideration for
socio-economic development. Understanding the manner in which the music industry
operates within a particular locality, country or region to generate those linkages and
resulting impacts provides clues on how to maximize the development potentials of the
industry in the Southern African development community (SADC) countries.
Section 2 of the report presents relevant information about socio-economic issues
relating to the role of music as a sector and an industry and presents global trends affecting
the industry.
Estimates of the value of the global music market stand at US$36.9 billion, with total
unit sales of 3.5 billion. In terms of monitored record sales, Africas music market is the
worlds smallest regional market, worth only US$207 million in 1998 or a mere 0.6 per
cent of total global sales. The African market is dominated by South Africa, in terms of
legal and recorded units sales. One of the most severe obstacles to the growth of the
industry in the region is said to be directly linked to limited purchasing capacity of the
African market. However, the recording industry is a young industry in most African
countries. Its means of production, circulation and distribution are in their infancy, and that
it has not yet reached its full potential of per capita sales. This is reflected in the recording
industrys institutional profile: the different functions performed in the course of
production, circulation and distribution tend to be undertaken by a relatively low number
of actors with limited institutional specialization. Despite this, the music sector is growing,
as this report shows. It also assesses the impediments to growth and suggests
recommendations to potentialize the opportunities inherent in this burgeoning industry.
Music is an art form that spans a range of human activities, from entertainment to
religious and social rites, political activism and lobbying, education and commercial
interests. Since time immemorial, music has filtered through the streets of all cities,
villages and fields, in melody, in rhythm and in movement. It transcends the boundaries of
language, nationality and ethnicity and acts as a vehicle for social memory. Music is both
an instrument of change and a symbol of tradition.
The existence of industries entirely dedicated to this process demonstrates the
viability of engaging with the sectors economy. These industries affect local economies,
by providing employment, leading to the consumption of music products, and supporting
other industries. As such, they are linked to specific local development levels and
processes. Understanding the nature of these linkages is, therefore, an important
consideration for socio-economic development. How the music industry operates within
the South African development community (SADC) to generate those linkages and
resulting impacts provides clues on how to maximize the development potentials of the
industry. In so doing, the focus of the research is threefold. It comprises:
Live performance
Income generation for the majority of musicians is primarily tied to live
performances, as the supply capacity of the recording industry and its market remain
This research drew extensively on the input from a number of industry actors in the region, which
is gratefully acknowledged. In particular, support received in the field research countries, Zambia
and Zimbabwe, deserves specific acknowledgement.
http://www.zimfest.org, http://www.celebratesouthafrica.com
appearances, raised more than GB50million to fund poverty relief in Africa. 4 Currently,
album releases are also used to support organizations active in fighting HIV/AIDS, and
raising popular awareness of the pandemic, as box 1.1 shows.
Box 1.1
Role of the music industry in fighting HIV/AIDS in Zambia
In Zambia, a local recording company Mondo Music has, with donor funding, distributed to truck-drivers tapes
on which popular songs are punctuated with a short AIDS-awareness segment. 5 As a through-road for goods
across the SADC region, Zambia has been particularly vulnerable to the spread of HIV/AIDS. By targeting
truckers directly, the initiative seeks to alert key actors in the spread of the pandemic across the country and in
the subregion.
Key issue: Music can play a key social development role and provides a platform to disseminate topical
messages and mobilize people to address issues affecting their lives.
Because the performance and recording industries are highly technology dependent,
they are extremely vulnerable to the degree of regulation and openness of the economy.
Where strong import regulations exist, the availability of imported music instruments,
public address equipment, recording and reproduction equipment is generally limited.
Historically, this has tended to limit the growth of the industry in most countries of the
region. However, recent trade liberalization processes have facilitated the acquisition of the
tools of the trade. In Zambia, this is the primary factor, which is enabling the birth of the
recording industry. In Zimbabwe, where severe foreign exchange regulations have recently
been set up, recording industry actors and musicians alike are already deploring the
difficulty of importing music equipment. 8 Even in South Africa, which is relatively more
developed economically to its neighbours in the region, the changes to the exchange rate of
the rand against the US dollar have limited the availability of imported sheet music. The
ability of music industry actors, from musicians to record labels, to import music and
recording equipment may, in the short term, negatively affect some countries balance of
payments. However, it is critical for facilitating local production of music products for
domestic and export consumption, which in the long term can provide a significant boost
to the local economies.
Domestic consumption of music products, from radios to tapes and CDs, or live
performances, is also influenced by the overall level of development within a particular
country. Physical infrastructure levels (from telecommunication and electricity to live
venues and retail outlets) impact on the operations of the industry. For example, the
frequent power cuts in cities such as Nairobi make setting up a concert, without powerful
generators, extremely arduous. Infrastructure throughout the region is often minimal or
poorly resourced, although significant efforts are being made in addressing basic services
Key issue: Without the availability of basic infrastructure levels, the existence of musical assets cannot be
harnessed to generate the emergence of vibrant music industries.
Global trends
A number of significant global trends impact on the prospects for growth of the music
industry in the SADC region. These are related to market trends, institutional and
organizational dynamics of the industry, technological innovation, trends in music genres,
as well as pirating and informal economic activities.
offsetting improved album sales worldwide and strong market performance in several
European countries.
In 2000, IFPI estimated the value of the global music market at US$36.9 billion, with
total unit sales of 3.5 billion. Global sales of CD albums grew by 2.5 per cent to 2.5 billion
units, whilst sales of singles and cassettes fell by 14.3 per cent and 9.4 per cent
respectively. Currently, cassettes dominate many of the developing markets, although the
overall global level was down by 11 per cent in 1998, to 1.2 billion units.
Key issue: Globally, the music industry is experiencing a serious strain, both in terms of unit sales and turnover.
According to IFPIs figures, the African music market is the worlds smallest regional
market, worth only US$207 million in 1998 and representing a mere 0.6 per cent of total
global sales. The organization also noted, however, that over the 1990s unit sales for the
SADC region had grown by an annual average of 5 per cent, and real value at 1 per cent.
This improved performance was attributed to growth in the South African market that
represents 94 per cent of sales in the region. The South African market grew steadily
throughout the 1990s, increasing in volume from 12 million units to 21 million between
1992 and 1996. However, this growth was short-lived, with a 12.4 per cent drop in annual
sales value and a 16 per cent decline in annual unit sales in 2000. 13 One reason most
interviewees cited for the downturn in profit and turnover is the countrys current
economic strain, which is affecting purchasing power. Similarly, in Zimbabwe, severe
economic crisis and exponential inflation is undermining advances made over the past two
decades by the local music industry, by shutting tight the purses of music product
consumers. 14 In South Africa, in the 1990s, the importance of the CD increased, with CD
sales representing almost 65 per cent of all albums sold. This is in sharp contrast to the
other African countries, were CD sales are only a small proportion of the market.
Excluding South Africa, local repertoire dominates the region, with an average 65 per
cent of consumption of domestic music. In South Africa, the international repertoire
accounts for over 75 per cent of sales, although the share of the local repertoire is growing.
In fact, over the last three years, local music genres, such as kwaito and Afrikaans pop
have dominated the charts, capturing more than 80 per cent of the best-selling albums
market share. 15 One of the possible causes for this trend aside from a rise in popularity of
local music genres is that the retail cost of local repertoire products tends to be lower
than that of music products developed in South Africa under licence from the global
majors. For example, the retail cost of a Brenda Fassie CD will fetch between US$8 to 10,
whereas a Michael Jackson CD will range from US$12 to 15. What this suggests, in turn,
is that more affordable local products can potentially attract a greater share of the market
than international products.
While album sales in Africa are lower than in parts of the world where both
infrastructure and income levels are higher, it should be borne in mind that the recording
industry is young in most African countries. This implies that its means of production,
circulation and distribution are in their infancy, and that it has not yet reached its full
potential in terms of per capita sales. For example, in Zimbabwe, record sales of 100,000
units per album were never heard of until the early 1990s, when significant investment was
made to enhance production, circulation and distribution by Zimbabwes major record
labels. 16 Similar experience albeit on a more limited scale has emerged in Malawi,
United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.
Key issue: The African and SADC markets are small because they have not realized their potential for
development. This is in contrast to other markets, which are well established, and nearing saturation.
U. Lebuso. SA artists sing their own tune despite world slump, Sunday Times, 2 Sept. 2001.
of multiple copies, distribution and retail. Global majors own a significant proportion of
facilities and actors comprised in each phase. For example, EMI has a practice of, as far as
possible owning production facilities in any territory that it is based in. This gives EMI the
capacity to produce a reported 3 million compact discs daily. 18
The global recording industry is dominated by five multinationals that have
subsidiaries in the majority of the worlds major music markets. Of these companies, four
BMG, EMI, Vivendi-Universal and Sony are present in only one country in the region
South Africa. The music industry is one of the worlds most thoroughly globalized
industries. This characteristic is partially captured by the pronouncements of some of the
worlds largest music companies, for example: Think globally act locally (Sony). 19
Box 1.3
Mergers and agglomeration 20
The purpose of the merger between EMI and Time Warner was to make them number one in the global market
position. The idea of a strategic merger was timely right in the middle of the music breakthrough into the
Internet. A Deutsche Bank report on the merger states that the deal should accelerate Internet initiatives in the
music industry in terms of developing digital downloading technology standards and copyright protection. The
merger also made sense because the companies are diversifying their risk. The replacement cycle of CDs for
LPs and cassettes in the early 1990s represents the last and highest historical revenue growth rate of 8 per
cent. With the end of this replacement cycle, the music industry has been in a lull and, as a result, the music
majors have been competing for market share. By merging, EMI and Time Warner would diversify their risk of
losing or gaining in such a volatile market. The merger would provide vertical integration in what could be a key
e-commerce consumer product where music can be exploited through AOLs 22 million-customer franchise
base. The merging of EMI/Warner did not take place finally due to a veto from the European Commission (DGAnti-Trust).
Key issue: Internationally, the music industry is increasingly controlled through global oligopoly.
DACST. 1998. Industry Strategy for Music, one of four studies for the Cultural Industries
Growth Strategies.
Figure 1.1
Music group
Record group
Record labels
Artists and repertoire
Record manufacturing
Box 1.4
WOMAD, a celebration of World Music 23
WOMAD stands for World of Music, Arts and Dance, expressing the central aim of the WOMAD festival to
bring together and to celebrate many forms of music, arts and dance drawn from countries and cultures all over
the world. The first WOMAD festival was held in 1982. The festivals have allowed many different audiences to
gain an insight into cultures other than their own through the enjoyment of music. As an organization, WOMAD
operates through festivals, performance events, through recorded releases and through educational projects.
Since the first festival, WOMAD has presented more than 90 events in 20 different countries.
Importantly, this trend reveals that local music originating from parts of the world as
culturally diverse as Latin America, Africa and Asia are marketable across cultural divides.
Unfortunately, for these music genres to be recorded, produced, circulated and distributed
in the richest and most active markets (i.e. Western Europe, Japan and North America) the
involvement of foreign actors is often a prerequisite. Whereas a particular local musician
may be recorded and produced by a local company, the intermediary of actors such as
Lusafrica, Melt 2000, BMG, EMI or AOL Time Warner becomes necessary for the artist to
be distributed internationally. The outcome of this situation is that much of the commercial
value generated in the process of circulating and distributing local music products
internationally risks being lost to the local actors.
Key issue: World Music is an important niche market for music actors and stakeholders in the SADC region but
much of the commercial value generated in the process of circulating and distributing local music products
internationally is lost to the local actors.
Key issue: Piracy is a global phenomenon which impacts directly on the performance of the music industry by
undermining value generation for all those who invest in the development of music products, from musicians and
composers to recording studios owners, sound engineers, record labels, to distribution and delivery actors.
Generic actors
The music industry comprises of a number of generic actors and stakeholders, who
participate in the value chain differently as described below.
Originators: The musicians, composers and songwriters provide the raw material that,
once transformed through the processes of recording and marketing, generates the
income stream of the music industry.
DACST, 1998.
Agents and managers: Act as an intermediary between the originators and the other
actors to generate and negotiate contract opportunities, and to develop the artists and
their repertoire.
Publishers: These actors publish musical works as composed by songwriters and
lyricists. To sustain their role in promoting the work of songwriters, by making it
accessible to performing artists, they collect royalties known as publishing rights.
Record companies: Record companies are responsible for sound recordings, the
promotion and marketing of recording artists, the development of artists and their
repertoire, and ensuring the manufacture and distribution of phonograms.
Manufacturers: Responsible for the reproduction of phonograms from masters
produced by the recording studios. These commonly take the form of tangible
products such as cassettes and compact disks.
Promoters: Negotiate and organize live performances with agents, broadcasters and
venue agencies.
Broadcast, retail and entertainment sectors: These constitute the three sectors through
which the product of the music industry reaches the market.
Intellectual property rights administrators: These agencies operate to protect the range
of intellectual property rights (from composing, to publishing, performing and
broadcasting rights) and collect licensing fees and royalties from users. 26
Annex 4 summarizes intellectual property, copyright and related rights and the collective
management of rights. It also reviews the current status of copyright protection in the SADC
Figure 2.1 Diagram of the value chain in the music industry in the SADC region
1. Beginnings
Musical education in formal and informal
systems (music schools, initiation schools)
Censorship, state control of broadcasting
Role of music in daily life and social rituals
Access to live music venues and music
products through informal channels
Access to telecommunication, technology
and tools of the trade
Organized musicians associations involved
in supporting training
Pirate activities, relationship to criminal
networks and application of the rule of law.
2. Production
Composing and practicing of songs by musicians (limited number of
professional composers)
Organization of bands and groups through informal networks and
musicians associations
Recording in studio of master tape by majors (South Africa) and
independent labels (whole of SADC)
Burning of CDs (mainly South Africa and Europe) and recording of tapes
and LPs (Some SADC countries)
Contractual arrangements negotiations (influence of the rights protection
systems and collection)
Development of artists and repertoire
Pirate activities (illegal covers, bootlegging, illegal reproductions)
3. Circulation
Circulation contracts with importers and
exporters of music and retail outlets
including wholesalers
Negotiation with promoters for live
performances, festivals, concerts
Licensing of broadcasters by copyright
collection agencies
Intellectual property rights legislation and
Marketing and publicity activities for
products and live performances
Distribution and related activities
Pirate activities (out-of-contract additional
copies and grey stock)
5. Audience reception and feedback
Large size but limited spending capacity of the
Issues related to tastes of the market, market
and audience development
Monitoring of sales by producers
Fan clubs and associations
Competitions and awards
Musical journalism
Pirate activities (purchase of pirated materials,
illegal recordings, Napster )
4. Delivery mechanisms
Retail outlets (music retail outlets mainly in South Africa),
supermarkets, hawkers and informal economy traders
Internet (recent initiative) used by music labels, specialized distributors,
musicians and composers, support organizations
Restaurants and other non-live venues (such as night-clubs)
Broadcasting (TV, radio), influence of local content provisions
Live performances (festivals, concerts, clubs, hotels, motels and private
Pirate activities (bootlegging, theft and sale of stock )
Democratic Republic of the Congo, where every boy is expected to know how to sing and
dance, is a critical factor of creation within the chain. 28
Box 2.1
Music education through initiation processes 29
Girls who are initiated into the Lunda People of Zambia perform in a dance called the Chilumwa-lumwa. The
dance is mainly performed by women during initiation ceremonies for girls who have become of age. This is the
time when the girls are taught about adulthood. Learning the songs that form the backbone of the dance is an
important factor in developing music appreciation, establishing a baseline for music education, and fostering a
tight bond between music and everyday social rituals.
Role of government
The role of government in introducing and promoting local cultural development can
be critical. For example, former President Mobutus role in instilling national cultural pride
facilitated the development of a national appreciation of local artists and music. Similarly,
the introduction of dance and culture groups in Zambian public schools as an extracurricular activity enabled several young artists to develop musical skills.
The composition of new songs, the creation of lyrics and the development of
arrangements take place in this segment of the value chain. In the region, most songs are
composed and created by the musicians and performing artists themselves.
In some countries, such as Mozambique, specific attention has been given to
developing cultural life, specifically in urban areas. For example, in Maputo, the
proliferation of cultural centres has been associated with the emergence of a richly creative
milieu. These are developed through government initiatives as in Mozambique, private
sector interventions in South Africa, or donor involvement as in Zimbabwe.
Box 2.2
Lack of formal education in music
Music education is relatively absent from most school curricula in the region. In Botswana, for example, music
education does not form part of the syllabus. Where it is present, it is mostly in the form of music appreciation
programmes. A remarkably limited number of music schools exist, and like tertiary education institutions, they
tend to focus on musical performance, with little attention to the supporting technological, financial and
institutional aspects of the music industry, such as sound engineering, artist management and production
management. It is important to note that few successful artists were ever exposed to formal music education.
Most professional musicians are unable to read or write musical notation, which is resulting in the following
hindrances to the growth of the industry:
Composers are not able to control the publishing of their music, as they are unable to affix their
compositions to paper. This is often done by recording companies publishing sections, which then lay
claim to composing rights.
Composers cannot easily establish themselves as professionals in their own right, as their trade is not
readily marketable.
Problems are experienced by artists wanting to record their music, as most studios require that music be
transcribed to facilitate the recording and music engineering process.
Where they are formally educated, musicians are seldom educated with the skills required to manage their
profession. In the words of South African jazz artist, Vusi Khumalo: in music schools, they teach you to make
music, not how to be a musician. While musicians are often expected to treat their skills as a profession, they
are seldom equipped with adequate financial and administrative skills to manage their careers. Initiatives
launched by the South African Recording Rights Association Limited (SARRAL), and the Midi Trust in South
Africa have sought to remedy this situation by training composers and musicians in areas such as music
literacy, rights protection and contract negotiation.
The availability of support skills for industry growth is also critical. However, in the
region, those involved in managing the industry, the leaders of record labels, lawyers,
agents and stage managers have not been exposed to music business education. For
example, in South Africa, where professional skills are more abundant than in the rest of
the region, one interviewee noted that there are currently at most 20 lawyers who
understand the entertainment industry. Of these, few are involved in the music industry and
those who are involved work for record companies. As a result, little professional support
is available to musicians, particularly regarding the negotiation of contracts for live
performances and recording purposes.
Box 2.3
Musical milieu in Maputo 30
Very few African cities boast more cultural centres and associations than Maputo, mostly dating from the Machel
Government. Here, the arts are lived; they are part of the daily existence. Life in Maputo is like a permanent
Musicians associations and organizations can play a major role in supporting the
Beginnings segment of the value chain, by providing training and support. For example,
the Dorkay House Trust in South Africa was the sole provider of training and management
support to black musicians during the apartheid era. 31
Key issue: Although the SADC region has a wealth of musical talents and assets, few opportunities exist to
develop the quality and value of these raw materials through training and capacity building.
To record master tapes, the most accessible resource for musicians in the region is the
countrys national broadcasters studios. For example Radio RTK in Mozambique, Radio
Tanzania Dar es Salaam, and the South African Broadcasting Corporation offer their
services to musicians at relatively affordable rates. During the 1980s the only two private
recording studio and record labels in Zambia (Teal Records and Malachite Records) were
closed because of the severe economic crisis in the country. The only recording
opportunity in the country became the national broadcasters one-track studio, which
emerging artists had to resort to. Since the late 1990s several studios and labels have
opened their doors in Lusaka, one of which even boasts a 24-track studio, affording
musicians alternative opportunities to record and distribute their music.
In the past five years, a host of small independent studios has emerged in most
countries of the region, and this has enabled musicians to make use of local facilities.
However, interviewees mentioned quality problems. 33 This results in situations where
some musicians still opt to record in Europe or in South Africa. For the receiving country,
this market can be fairly lucrative and contributes to supporting the local recording
Until recently, South Africa was the only country in the region where a fully fledged
CD burning facility was available. Recently, the Zimbabwe Music Corporation in
Zimbabwe and Digital Network in Zambia have acquired similar capacity. 34 Most of the
available reproduction facilities are still cassette-based, although in Zambia there is also a
vinyl pressing plant. This situation is not only influenced by the availability of
infrastructure and equipment, but also corresponds to the means available for the local
market to use the products delivered. In the region, few households have the means to
purchase tape players, let alone CD players and the cost of a cassette is also more
affordable than that of a CD.
Box 2.5
Radio Tanzania recordings An opportunity and a piracy risk 35
The United Republic of Tanzania has virtually no recording industry, save for the continued activities of Radio
Tanzania Dar es Salaam (RTD), over the last 25 years. Once or twice a year, bands come to its one-track studio
for a session, recording about five songs at a time. This enables both parties involved in the process to benefit;
on the one hand the broadcaster accesses music cheaply, whilst the bands are then able to benefit from the
publicity that the broadcasts provide for their live performances. The instance of piracy in the region has soured
this relationship. For example, RTD recordings are often pirated and released in neighbouring countries such as
Kenya. As a matter of fact almost all releases featuring Tanzanian bands in the last ten to 15 years have used
tapes stolen or illegally copied from the library of RTD, without the permission of the bands or any remuneration
accruing to the band. Some support associations, often Internet based, have begun distributing dance band
Key issue: In the past five years, numerous entrepreneurs in the region have begun acquiring equipment to
produce music products enabling the capitalization of musical assets into nascent industries.
Given the fragmented nature of the music industry, production occurs in a number of
sites and forms. Recording and production take place in the SADC region in four main
The production and distribution of international repertoire under licence from the
global majors. These are primarily located in South Africa.
The production of local goods for local and trans-regional consumption. These
processes are spread across the region. The manner in which different actors are
involved in the production networks for specific product is largely influenced by
factors such as musical genres (the growth of Kwaito in Botswana and Zimbabwe),
institutional systems (i.e. the collection system), technological infrastructure (i.e. the
availability and quality of recording studios) and socio-linguistic factors. Although
the global majors are involved in the production of local content, the market tends to
be primarily represented by independent production companies and record labels
active in the region.
The production of local products for international consumption. This aspect is driven
through local actors, but often requires the involvement of other actors outside the
region, such as international record companies, primarily those based in France, the
United Kingdom and Germany.
The pirate production and distribution process. This aspect of the production process
covers only partially the production aspects, as it can only truly begin once a sound
has been produced and/or distributed, although it may take advantage of live
performances to record sound previously unrecorded. This network is extremely
significant in most of the African continent, and some of its actors can be linked to
international criminal organizations in Asia and the Middle East. 36
Key issue: In South Africa, the development of local production facilities has taken place primarily to support the
international industry (i.e. South Africa has been seen as a market). Conversely, in the SADC region, the
development of local production facilities is geared to support local consumption of local repertoire and products.
The production aspects of live performance are closely tied to the delivery
mechanisms and platform. Delivering music to a live audience requires arranging a live
venue and setting up public address and sound engineering systems. Lighting and special
effects engineering, as well as event and stage management functions can also be
performed to enhance the quality of a live performance. However, these means of
production and delivery are not prerequisites for production; for example, many
performing artists perform unplugged at small venues. This, however, limits the size of
their audience, and in turn, their livelihoods.
given country and then resell performance rights to smaller local promoters. For example,
in Belgium, a host country for Congolese music, a promoter can pay a band up to
US$20,000 to tour for a month, host a major concert to recoup the initial investment (and
more), then sell-out the band to other promoters for smaller events.
Key issue: Circulation in the recording and performance subsectors is largely informal and undeveloped and
suffers from a lack of professionalism.
Box 2.6
An example of good practice in Zimbabwe:
Fighting piracy through right-pricing and regulating the distribution network
In Zimbabwe piracy has historically been a problem facing local producers. Over the last two years, recording
industry actors initiated a process to regulate the distribution of music by informal traders who are key in
delivering musical products to the market. The initiative is twofold and involves the issuing of permits to informal
economy traders to control trade and enabling licensed traders to purchase tapes at the reduced wholesale
price of US$2. Producers such as the Zimbabwe Music Corporation, hold hawkers days for this purpose. The
price of the legally acquired music together with the policing of informal trading places to ensure that traders are
licensed has made the legal route attractive to traders. This has, however, required a change in strategy for
recording industry actors, who have had to reduce their profit margins considerably to operate entirely on
increasing the scale of turnover. In turn, this has also enabled more diversity in musical consumption and
production, which is also enhancing access of musicians to the recording market.
What makes this approach a good practice are the strategic decisions taken to:
Develop cooperation between actors;
Formulate operational strategies that are embedded within the local economic framework conditions
(informality and low-income market); and
Target interventions to leverage outcomes that address more than one issue affecting the industry (i.e.
fighting piracy and increasing production).
Source: Debbie Metcalfe, CEO, Frontline Promotions Private Ltd., Zimbabwe.
Key issue: The role of formal actors in enabling the informal distribution and delivery systems (through which
most music products are delivered), within the ambit of the legal system (as in Zimbabwe) is critical.
Box 2.7
The paucity of live performance opportunities stifles livelihoods
and music industry development in Angola 41
There are many nightclubs in Luanda, and numerous possible concert venues. Recently, although a number of
new clubs have opened up, the gigging situation has stagnated. This war-ravaged city is bereft of live music
because it has no infrastructure or support and hence no development of new acts. The stars are based in
Europe, visiting Angola occasionally to perform. Radio and television offer little support the emphasis is on
American content in music programmes on TV, and the big commercial radio stations such as FM Stereo stick
almost exclusively to American hit radio.
Key issue: The live performance subsector has a key role to play in supporting the performance of the
recording industry sector and in providing livelihood opportunities for musicians. Yet, in the region, it is largely
under-regulated in terms of contractual arrangements and the protection of intellectual property, and also lacks
organizational capacity.
A growing component in the live performance sector of the industry has been the
emergence of numerous music festivals across the region, in particular in South Africa,
which now counts more than 20 different festivals, ranging in styles from jazz to rock,
kwaito and classical music. These festivals are generally as important for creating
performance opportunities for artists as they are for providing a platform to their sponsors
who seek to leverage specific brands or products. In the region, national breweries are key
sponsors of music events.
Box 2.8
Encouraging local performers: Music festivals are a growing industry
The Splashy Fen success story demonstrates how the entrepreneurial spirit can foster live music audience
development. Lets have a music festival, said Peter Ferraz, a trout farm owner and former journalist, to his
friend, Bart Fokkens, a former forester who was in the process of setting up a computer rental company in
Durban. The date was early 1990. Several months later, the first Splashy Fen festival was held over two days. It
attracted about 1,200 enthusiasts who camped on Ferrazs farm to listen to local artists. Infrastructure was
rudimentary a makeshift stage, a tractor-powered generator and a few portable toilets. From humble
beginnings, the Splashy Fen festival has snowballed into a major event on the South African music calendar.
The 1998 event was held over four days and attracted 10,000 people.
The festival is held on the farm Splashy Fen, which is situated 19 kilometres from Underberg in the Southern
Drakensberg Mountains. The focus of the music in the early years was folk and light folk rock, as well as music
styles such as mbaqanga and iscathamiya.
Only genuine original music is played at Splashy Fen, and this has played a part in creating a fusion of styles
and cultures and a feeling of shared co-existence between previously disparate artists.
The running of song and performance contests, such as the Shell Road to Fame in
South Africa, the Malawi Gin Song Contest in Malawi and Radio RTK Competition in
Mozambique have played an important role in fostering exposure of new talent. 42
2.7.2 Broadcasting
Across the region, the number of radio stations and television stations vary although
airways have been opened up in countries where political transformation has occurred. Box
2.9 encapsulates the influence of the current broadcasting system.
Key issue: Festivals and music competitions present an important opportunity for attracting private and public
sector funding to the music industry. They also have a key role to play in the development of new artists.
Box 2.9
Broadcasters Makers and breakers in the music industry
The broadcasting system has an important role to play in fostering the local music industry. From commissioning
jingles to using tracks as theme songs for local television productions, public and private broadcasters can
contribute to the livelihood of musicians and composers. In South Africa, because local television production is
relatively important compared to the rest of the region, commissions can be an important source of income.
South African musician and composer Vusi Khumalo explained that his largest source of income is derived from
the soundtrack he produced for a local sitcom Backstage. Increasingly however, local broadcasters are
forcing composers to sell-out their rights on commissioned works.
In some countries, local content provisions have been set up in legislation and policy. In South Africa this
amounts to 20 per cent of broadcasting. Local content is often credited with fostering the local music industry.
However, measures to enforce these provisions are often lacking. This is particularly the case where institutional
capacity is weak. Further, the extent to which broadcasters are able to play local music and still maintain a high
number of auditors thereby satisfying their sponsors is largely dependent on the quality and the existence of
a fairly wide local repertoire. In Zambia, former President Kaundas 90 per cent local content requirements in the
1980s never really materialized, because of the limited scale of the local repertoire, together with a strong
penchant of Zambian listeners for Congolese Rumba. As a result, the national broadcaster directly under state
control had to bypass these quotas. In addition, the practice of payola, where DJs are paid by record labels to
play particular songs is alleged to be widespread. This skews the broadcasting content in favour of those
recording labels that have most financial capacity.
Key issue: The policy framework on broadcasting, the number of broadcasters in a given country, and the
extent to which local broadcasters support local music production and delivery has a strong impact on the local
music industry.
consumption, in particular with the growing wave of World Music popularity. Similarly,
record labels, such as Sheer Sound in South Africa, are specifically targeting the emerging
black middle-class.
Key issue: Mechanisms for supporting audience reception and feedback in the region are extremely underdeveloped which means that actors in the industry lack valuable information on which to base investment
Overall, the market has tended to define the nature of the supply process, except for
South Africa whose market is highly biased in favour of international music (Western rock
and pop, rap and R&B). 45
Box 2.10
Artists developing a sense of the market:
Papa Wemba, an artist of two musical worlds 47
Papa Wembas singing style is reminiscent of his traditional and rural beginnings in Kassa and of his mother,
who sang traditional mourning songs. Papa Wemba began his career in the rough and tumble world of
downtown Kinshasa, where he received musical training of the highest order in Kinshasa, with legends such as
Tabu Ley Seigneur Rochereau and Jean Bosco Mwenda.
As part of this movement, Wemba was a founding member of Zaiko Langa Langa who shook the older gentler
Afro-rhumba of the 1950s and 1960s to arrive at a meaner, leaner, heavier version known as soukous which
has since become the dominant pop sound in Africa.
Wemba moved to Paris in the mid-1980s and proceeded to live two parallel lives, one as a world music star
releasing slickly produced records for Western audiences and another as the frontman of Wenge Musica
pumping out raw soukous for African audiences.
Key issue: Although this market represents a significant opportunity for artists and composers, most local
recording industry actors have yet to take greater advantage of this potential export market, currently dominated
by specialized record labels located primarily in Europe.
Specific artists have developed styles that slot them into the loosely defined World
Music genre. Originally, these artists may have targeted their products at local or transregional markets. Reaching international markets may be highly dependent on factors such
as international migration of the local market, due to political and economic hardship in
specific countries. In fact, this has been a key factor in building not only a market for
African music in Belgium, France and the United Kingdom but also a recording industry
entirely dedicated to this type of music in those countries. The key recording industry
actors in these markets are generally located in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
countries as a means of generating revenue, which they can use to sponsor their own
recording and even production costs. 48
Key issue: Regional trade in legal music products is extremely undeveloped. As a result the main opportunity
for consumers to access such products is through informal or pirate networks.
Record labels might circulate and distribute material by artists from their repertoire in
different countries without informing the artists and by withholding royalty payments. 57
Stocks of discontinued material may be deleted (officially discontinued) from the
circulation chain and then re-released through formal and informal retailers. 58
technical and management ability, and little impact on the manner in which the recording
industry operates, which highlights the need for capacity building among artists and their
representatives as well as their associations.
Other stakeholder bodies in the region include music educators and the institutions
they represent. These are seldom organized or structured and lack both financial and
administrative capacity. Collection and rights protection organizations are operating in all
the countries of the region, but again, their impact is often limited and, in some countries,
such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, they exist mainly in name.
Recording industry stakeholder bodies are only present in South Africa, under the
aegis of the Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA), which has primarily provided a
platform for formal sector recording companies to cooperate in fighting piracy. 62
Industry Development
Information Dissemination
The Midi Trust plays a coordinating role, and is focused on South Africa; not enough funding exists to allow for
operating with other countries:
The MIDI Trust, in partnership with the Department of Arts, Culture, Science & Technology (DACST) and
the National Arts Council, host the annual South African Music Week. This event celebrates South African
music and strategic partnerships are formed with many industry stakeholders.
Administering of organizations
Administering of Interim Export Council. The MIDI Trust was mandated by the industry to proceed with
this project, at a Conference held during South African Music Week 2000.
The MIDI Trust, in conjunction with Music Africa, publishes an annual music industry directory, the only
comprehensive guide to the South African music industry.
Key issue: Stakeholder and coordinating bodies are institutionally weak and/or operate within limited and partial
frameworks. Some coordinating bodies also lack adequate legitimacy to operate as representatives of the music
Usage rights can be divided into two categories mechanical usage and performance royalties.
Mechanical usage refers to each time that a given recording is used in its original form. Thus
mechanical usage rights would be collected each time that a copy is made of a particular musical
Performance royalties are collected each time that a composition is used, whether re-interpreted by
another musician; used as the backing to an advertising jingle (synchronization); or used in its
original form.
Sound recording royalties refer to those recordings that are the result of an artists recording of a
particular composition. The record company usually holds these rights. Again, there are two forms
of usage rights mechanical usage and performance royalty.
Key issue: Negotiations for contractual arrangements in the sector reveal a lack of professionalism and the
inaccessibility of support actors such as lawyers and managers to musicians and composers. This impacts
negatively on the conditions of employment of artists in the region.
Key issue: Although making a living from the music industry is arduous, anecdotal evidence suggests that the
birth of the recording industry and the liberalization of the broadcasting system are auspicious in facilitating
income generation.
2.14 Location
In terms of recording production, urban environments with adequate economic,
infrastructure and population thresholds are necessary for the emergence of a viable
recording industry. Dense urban areas offer opportunities for industry clustering. This
applies both in terms of production facilities and in terms of live venues. For example, in
Johannesburg, the majors are almost all located within a 15 km radius.
Wholesale of music products occurs close to the production facilities (i.e. in the cities
of the region) retail, and especially informal retail, brings goods to a range of locations
not only the dominant cities and towns. Furthermore, whereas highly urbanized
environments are easily controlled in terms of the dissemination of pirated goods, more
rural areas offer favourable environments for pirate operators.
Finally, in relation to the raw material of the southern African music industry,
artists are drawn from all parts of the subregion, from rural to highly urbanized
environments. Inevitably, artists who want to access the recording market must locate in
areas where recording opportunities exist. This process may prove to be a difficult, costly
and daunting task, especially where information about actors and the music industry
production processes is nearly non-existent.
Key issue: Production of music product is agglomerated in the larger cities of the region, although the raw
materials and the markets spread across urban and rural areas.
Table 2.1
Summary overview of main characteristics of the music industry in the SADC region
Recording industry
Live performance
Supportive initiatives*
One label
Republic of
the Congo
Limited to tourism
South Africa
Recording industry
Live performance
Supportive initiatives*
Republic of
* In the majority of these countries, the World Intellectual Property Organization has been involved in numerous activities related to the updating
of intellectual property systems, human resources development, promotion of creativity and innovation, and information technologies
Note: N/A = not applicable.
This issue also relates to the availability of seed capital for potential music
entrepreneurs, which affects their ability to enter and compete in the market. The lack of
access to capital is a major factor limiting the growth of the industry. Independent record
companies often have little disposable income to invest in improving the quality of sound
recordings or in marketing campaigns to build the profiles of domestic artists. 75 The final
product delivered to the consumer is often of a poorer quality than the competing product
of a popular international artist, is less well marketed, and consequently has a lower market
profile. 76
Key issue: Access to capital to develop the industry is a key determinant of any business venture. In the SADC
region, this aspect is critically lacking, for musicians, recording studios and labels, as well as venue owners.
DACST, 1998.
DACST, 1998.
Key issue: Emerging independents in the region perceive their enterprises as fully fledged business ventures,
requiring the application of professional management and business development practices.
Fostering cross-pollination
The process of cross-pollination between musical genres is providing significant
opportunities for artists to develop cutting-edge musical genres. Music genres such as
Afropop (African + Pop) and Zamragga (Zambian + Ragga) exemplify the process
whereby a new genre is created through the melding of different musical traditions.
Cross-pollination between music genres also enables artists to use established
production and circulation networks in regions or for music genres that were previously
inaccessible to them. Some organizations, such as UNESCO, and artists are also involved
in setting up residency programmes and musical exchanges. This also develops transregional markets for artists and actors involved in the industry.
Key issue: The cross-pollination of music genres and collaboration between artists occurs beyond the ambit of
government or private sector intervention (i.e. it is mostly initiated by the artists themselves). It plays a significant
role as a catalyst for creation and encourages the development of new music markets across boundaries in the
World Music
The rise of World Music as a music genre should be seen as a strong signal for the
opening up of international markets to receive music from the region. 81 Currently, much of
African music never makes it beyond market vendors stalls, which suggests a general lack
of business savvy in the local music industry to promote their products both locally and
internationally. However, the growth in the number of studios and labels in the region
suggests an increasing interest on the part of entrepreneurs in developing not only the local
market for local production but also the export market. Recently established record label
and production companies Sheer Sound of South Africa and Mozambique Recordings of
Mozambique have carved a niche in this market.
Key issue: World Music is a niche market, which local labels should consider in terms of expanding their
commercial activities.
See for example sites such as the following, which support African music as World Music:
http://www.musicafrica.com; http://www.dandemutande.com; http://www.afromix.org; http://www.melt2000.com
Table 3.1
Needs, assets and gaps: An overview of the music industry in the SADC region,
Greater affordability of
production costs.
Plug-and-record programmes in
partnership with local studios and
Improved PA systems to enable live
Integration with
multidisciplinary initiatives and
WIPO initiatives.
Understanding of the manner in which
pirate networks operate. Possibility to
craft partnerships with informal
Professionalism in live
recording industry stakeholders (as they are often the main drivers behind the
development in the music industry in their respective countries of origin);
musicians associations and unions as well as arts councils (with the proviso that
they are able to demonstrate their legitimacy);
broadcasters; and
How do we monitor the nature and extent of audience reception for our products (sales, airplay, competitions and
awards, market research)?
How do we use the feedback in terms of audience reception to refine our operational strategy in relation to our
understanding of the market, our selection and development of artists, repertoires, genres and music products,
promotion and advertising, production and circulation and distribution processes?
Partnerships and growth strategies
What strategic partnerships can we develop to ensure that our business interests are protected and promoted in
terms of issues such as fighting piracy, developing copyright protection frameworks, capacity-building and skills
What complementary business partnerships can we craft to facilitate the growth of our business, in terms of
relationships with broadcasters and the media, as well as commercial and non-profit organizations who have a
stake in the media or that rely on the operations of the media to operate?
What can we learn from the factors that make informal and pirate processes successful, namely pricing of products
and services and spatial accessibility to the market?
Trends, contextual impediments and opportunities
What are the global, regional, national and local trends affecting our business?
What do they mean for the growth of our business and that of our competitors?
How do we diminish the negative impact of contextual impediments to the growth of our business?
How are competing or complementary businesses responding to these impediments?
How do we maximize opportunities to leverage growth in our business?
What actors have a stake in these opportunities and how should we relate to these other actors?
Discovering local and regional talent and promoting audience development: One of
the success factors in discovering and grooming new talent and promoting audience
development has been the running of original song contests in some countries in the
region. These have managed to generate sustained interest in specific artists, where
they are linked with some form of talent grooming and recording arrangement. In
addition, because they can easily be linked to mass media events, they offer
attractive opportunities for leveraging corporate sponsorship. Such processes could
be initiated in several countries in the region where independent recording labels are
The development of statistics and indicators to measure the industry: A key gap
identified from the onset of the research is the lack of access to documented
statistical information on the music industry, for example, systems to record the
number of professional musicians in a specific country, the number of persons
employed in supporting the industry, or those whose economic activities are
supported by the music industry. Record sales and industry turnover are only
monitored by the majors in South Africa, not in the other countries in the region.
The lack of records and statistics means that the nature of the information collected
is generally anecdotal. Indicators and statistical records should be developed and
applied to monitor and further support the manner in which the music industry
operates, what its employment capacity is, what multiplier effect it generates, and
how it contributes to the local and regional economy. This is an area of intervention
that should be driven in partnership between government, musicians associations,
and recording industry actors.
country and even in neighbouring countries, which effectively results in the opening
of new markets for artists and music products.
Concluding statements
Up until the late 1990s, the music industry was a self-sustaining industry in only two
SADC countries, South Africa and Zimbabwe. In the rest of the region, by and large,
music merely existed as a cultural asset, albeit a rich and vibrant one, with great but
untapped economic potential. Since then, in the majority of the SADC countries, the
recording and live performance sectors are emerging as viable enterprises and incomegenerating opportunities.
The present research has identified that the role of particularly entrepreneurial,
innovative and dedicated individuals in developing cultural assets into industries is critical
in this process. However, the analytical components of the research also draw significant
conclusions pertaining to specific contextual factors that have enabled such individuals to
play their role. Among these contextual factors, the liberalization of economic and political
frameworks, together with broadcasting deregulation, intellectual property protection
systems and the presence of minimum infrastructure levels stand out as basic preconditions
for enabling both the production and consumption of music products.
In parts of the world where the music industry has long been established, the
saturation of music markets is high, and competition between and among global majors
and independent record labels is rife. In the SADC region, on the other hand, whilst
competition between record labels is relatively limited, the primary threat to the continued
growth of the recording industry comes from pirate operators. Piracy draws on highly
effective networks of production, circulation and distribution, and often co-opts
mainstream industry operators to source, produce and distribute counterfeited or
bootlegged music products. Its ease of operation is symptomatic of a relatively low
institutional capacity to enforce and monitor the protection of intellectual property. Whilst
the policy and legislative frameworks pertaining to intellectual property protection have
increasingly received support from international and multilateral agencies, the need for
institutional capacity-building remains.
Other capacity gaps were identified in the course of the research. These affect all
actors differentially. However, the main thrust of such capacity-building considerations is
clearly a requirement for greater professionalism, strategic decision-making and technical
capacity among all actors, each according to his or her respective contribution to the
industry. In the short term, the greatest challenge facing such capacity-building efforts
would probably be to ensure that it accommodates overall contextual limitations, be they
economic, social, political or infrastructural.
Finally, the research identifies a wealth of opportunities and assets to be drawn upon
by music industry actors and stakeholders. The role which music plays in everyday life in
the sub-continent bears witness to this statement. Its socio-cultural and developmental
contributions are also manifold. Similarly, the use of music in sectors ranging from the
hospitality, retail and tourism, to film, performing arts, product branding and advertising,
internationally and in the region highlight the versatile contribution that the music industry
can make to the micro- and macro-economy. As these sectors develop, they also generate
further demand for music products and services, nationally and internationally. Because
the music industry is a young industry in the region, its full potential is yet to be unlocked.
In many respects, its pioneers are demonstrating that, through determination and the
application of sound business practices, the industry can be a potent income-generator for
individuals, communities, cities and even countries.
SARRAL, 1998. South African Recording Rights Association Limited.
Department of Arts and Culture. 1998. Cultural Industries Growth Strategy The South
African Music Industry. Report.
KPMG, 2001. The South African Music Industry.
The Indian Times, 1 January 2001.
The Economist, 17 May 1997.
Vincent, J., 2001. The Social Situation of Musical Performers in Africa, Asia and Latin
America, Report to the International Labour Organization, Sectoral Working Paper
No. 172 (Geneva, ILO).
Web pages
General country and culture information
International organizations
Music labels
Annex 1
Key organizations in the region
Ministry of Education
Tiago Langa
SADC Secretariat
Contact persons
Y Ifosela (CEO)
M Domba (MD)
Ministry of Culture
Music Association
Mauritius Society of Authors
Ministry of Culture
Deidre A. De Klerk
Arts Council
South Africa
Howard Belling
Midi Trust
Rosie Katz
Ministry of Education
National Council of Arts and Culture
Contact persons
Emmanuel Chandla
Stanley Mkandawier
(Acting Manager)
Wapolina Mukandawire
Maureen Lilanda
Mumba Kapumpa
Annex 2
List of interviewees
Caroll Andiyanbo, Travelling performer (Zimbabwe)
Gill Atkinson, Zimbabwe Music Rights Association (ZIMRA): General Manager (Zimbabwe)
Leo Bweupe, Black Muntu: Artist (Zambia)
Thando Bene: Traditional music performer and band leader (Zimbabwe)
Mwembe Chulu, Black Muntu: Artist (Zambia)
Edem Djokote, ZAMCOM: Training Manager (Zambia)
David Dyson, Dyson Ndlovu Attorneys: Partner (South Africa)
Chisha Folotiya, Mondo Music Corporation: Managing Director (Zambia)
Damon Forbes, Sheer Sound: CEO (South Africa)
George Hardie, South African Recording Rights Association Ltd: Managing Director (South
Herrol Hickey, Radio Phoenix: Managing Director (Zambia)
Robert Hoiijer, Southern African Music Rights Organization (SAMRO), CEO (South Africa)
Josh Hosheri, Jazz 105: Owner and manager (Zimbabwe)
Saboi Imboela, Shatel: Artist (Zambia)
Moses Kabuki, Summer Breeze, Musician (Zimbabwe)
Ben Kangwa, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation: PR Manager (Zambia)
Vincent Kapepa, Summer Breeze: Band leader (Zimbabwe)
Rosie Katz, Music Industry Development Initiative Trust: Managing Director (South Africa)
Bernard Kwilimbe, Department of Culture and Education: Director of Arts and Craft; part time
musician and band manager (Malawi)
Vusi Khumalo, Jazz musician and composer (South Africa)
Tiago Langam National School of Music: Director (Mozambique)
Chilu Lemba, Radio Phoenix DJ and artist (Zambia)
Andre Le Roux, Department of Arts and Culture (South Africa)
Keith Lister, BMG Records, CEO (South Africa)
Rick Louw. Southern African Music Rights Organization (SAMRO), Manager Licensing
Administration (South Africa)
Daphne Mashaba, South African Recording Rights Association Ltd: Composer Liaison Manager
(South Africa)
Lorraine Mashigo, Dyson Ndlovu Attorneys: Legal Counsel (South Africa)
Herbert Markoye, University of Dar el Salaam: Lecturer (Tanzania)
Debbie Metcalfe Frontline Promotions Private Ltd: CEO (Zimbabwe)
Peter Mubi: Owner of several music venues in Harare and Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)
Mutty Munkhondia, Copyright Society of Malawi: Licensing Manager (Malawi)
Michael Mumkitiwa, Mumkitiwa Tours and promotions: Manager (Zimbabwe)
Frank Mutubila, Digital Business Associates: Media consultant (Zambia)
Annex 3
Country cases
Zambia boasts a wealth of musical assets. Music is mainstreamed throughout everyday life,
and informal musical education and appreciation permeates Zambian society, from church choirs to
dance and culture groups in Zambian public schools, and regular live performances in motels and
hotels throughout the country.
During the 1980s, the only two private recording studio and record labels in Zambia (Teal
Records and Malachite Records) folded because of the severe economic crisis in the country. The
only recording opportunity became the national broadcasters 1-track studio, which emerging artists
had to resort to.
Since the late 1990s, several studios and labels have opened their doors in Lusaka, one of
which even boasts a 24-track studio, affording musicians alternative opportunities to record and
distribute their music. Two factors have greatly enhanced the ability of musically inspired
entrepreneurs: the deregulation of the broadcasting system and the liberalization of the economy.
The recording industry, whilst exhibiting significant advances, is still in its infancy. This is
evidenced, in terms of the lack of specialization of actors. For example, Zambias Digital Network
Solutions and Mondo Music both have their own recording studios, both undertake the production
process and have to circulate their repertoire themselves to retail outlets or other delivery
Zambia hosts a number of international and regional development organizations. The use of
cultural activities to support developmental issues, such as the HIV/AIDS awareness tapes
distribution to truck drivers, offers an avenue for further sustaining the music industry.
Piracy is still a factor hindering the growth of the industry, although the role of the
Association of Zambian Musicians in lobbying for the passing of copyright protection legislation
and its resulting impact on protecting albeit in limited terms the recording industry has been
important. Sound Investments is the market leader in the music retail sub-sector, although most
music products are retailed through supermarkets, petrol stations, shops and informal vendors.
Market research
Mechanisms to monitor audience reception and to encourage investment towards production,
circulation and distribution are almost non-existent. Market research is, however, a critical source of
information for all actors in the industry, as it would enable them to better manage investment
decisions. It would be particularly critical for such actors to have access to information about the
income and demographic profile of consumers of music products, and to target marketing strategies
to enhance access to markets.
Zimbabwe has a rich musical tradition and appreciation of traditional music genres such as
Mbira (thumb piano) music is not only wide within the country, but stretches as far as the United
States and Asia. Music education opportunities, although often limited to musical appreciation
education exist, and a high number of bands and groups have been able to record and distribute their
music through established Zimbabwean recording labels.
In Zimbabwe, record sales of 100 000 units per album were never heard of until the early
1990s, when significant investment was made to enhance production, circulation and distribution by
the Harare-based major record labels Gramma Records and the Zimbabwe Music Corporation.
Smaller recording labels exist both in Harare and Bulawayo, but their production and circulation
capacity is fairly limited.
Express Toll is the only specialist music retail outlet in the country and is only present in
Bulawayo and Harare. Distribution of music product is primarily driven through the informal
market, and actively supported by record labels. Broadcasters play a significant role in supporting
emerging talent and promoting local content. Other delivery mechanisms such as live performance
are fairly undeveloped, as live music venues are not readily equipped with quality PA systems,
which limits livelihood opportunities for artists. The Harare International Festival of the Arts has
been an important music event.
Foreign exchange regulations mean that access to music instruments, recording and public
address equipment is literally impossible for most actors. Similarly, inflation has considerably
decreased affordability levels, thereby reducing unit sales and, in turn, the financial viability of the
recording industry. This situation is aggravated by the fact that whereas most industrial equipment
is treated as capital goods, music equipment is treated as a luxury good and carries a 25% import tax
at the time of writing this report.
Annex 4
Intellectual property, copyright and related rights and
collective management of rights
Intellectual property
Intellectual property (IP) relates to the type of property that results from the creations of the
human mind, the intellect (creativity). The law that protects such creations is known as intellectual
property law. This is to say once an individual or an enterprise considers that he/it has made such a
creation it is important to take measures to legally protect the creation. Such measures are known as
acquisition of IP rights. Once IP rights are acquired the creator would have exclusive right to legally
use the creation for commercial purposes (economic gains). Others can lawfully use the creation for
commercial purposes only after the owner of the IP right has granted consent, usually after an
agreement of some form of remuneration (usually known as royalties). The effective use of such IP
rights would not only enhance the competitiveness of the holder, be it an individual, small, medium
or large enterprise, it will also create opportunities that would lead to benefits that can ultimately be
translated into financial gains. IP is usually divided into two branches known as industrial
property and copyright. Different types of IP rights can be used in order to maximize the benefits
resulting from protected creations (product/work). For more information on the existing types of IP
rights visit the following web site http://www.wipo.int/sme/en/ip_business/acquire_protection.htm
What is copyright?
Most of the creations (works) in the cultural sector/industry are protected by copyrights and
other rights related to copyright generally known as related rights or in some cases neighbouring
When a person creates a literary, musical, scientific or artistic work, he is the owner of that
work and is free to decide on its use. That person (called the creator or the author or owner of
rights) can control the destiny of the work. Copyright is a legal term describing rights given to that
person for his literary and artistic works. Copyright protection covers literary works such as novels,
poems, plays, reference works, newspapers, computer programs, databases, films, musical
compositions; and artistic works such as paintings, drawings, photographs, sculpture; architecture;
advertisements, maps and technical drawings.
The economic rights are the rights of reproduction, broadcasting, public performance,
adaptation, translation, public recitation, public display, distribution, and so on. The moral rights
include the authors right to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his work
that might be prejudicial to his honour or reputation. Both sets of rights belong to the creator who
can exercise them. The exercise of rights means that he can use the work himself, can give
permission to someone else to use the work or can prohibit someone else from using the work. The
general principle is that copyright protected works cannot be used without the authorization of the
owner of rights. Limited exceptions to this rule, however, are contained in national copyright laws.
In principle, the term of protection is the creators lifetime and a minimum of 50 years after his
These legal aspects are specified in international conventions to which most countries are now
party. On their accession, member States should have national legislation that is in line with the
international standards. At the international level, the economic and moral rights are conferred by
the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, commonly known as the
Berne Convention. This Convention, which was adopted in 1886, has been revised several times
to take into account the impact of new technology on the level of protection that it provides. It is
administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), one of the specialized
international agencies of the United Nations system. Angola, Mozambique and Seychelles are the
only SADC member states, which are yet to accede to the Berne Convention, though all SADC
member states have national copyright legislation.
Performers: are provided the rights to prevent fixation (recording), broadcasting and
communication to the public of their live performances without their consent, and the right to
prevent reproduction of fixations of their performances under certain circumstances; the rights
in respect of broadcasting and communication to the public may be in the form of equitable
remuneration rather than a right to prevent. Due to personal nature of their creations, some
national laws also grant performers moral rights, which may be exercised to prevent
unauthorized uses of their name and image, or modifications to their performances that present
them in an unfavourable light.
Also, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) grants protection to the
performers in sound performances and producers of phonograms, particularly in the digital
Though the duration of protection of related rights may differ from country to country the
minimum period provided by the Rome Convention is twenty years. However the WTO agreement
on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the WPPT provide 50 years
of protection to the rights of performers and producers of phonograms.
The 1994 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (or TRIPS
Agreement), which is administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO), incorporates or refers
to this international protection.
For more information visit the following web site: http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ip/rome/
All SADC countries, with the exception of Angola, Mozambique and Seychelles, are party to
the Berne Convention. Swaziland is the only SADC country that, according to WIPO records, does
not have copyright legislation. In the remaining Member States, copyright is protected as described
in the list below:
Democratic Republic of Congo Copyright and related rights are protected by Order No. 86033 of 5 April 1986.
Malawi Copyright Act No. 9 of 26 April 1989, which is currently being amended to comply
with current international norms.
South Africa Performers Protection Act No. 11 of 1967, Copyright Act No. 98 of 1978, as
amended by respective Copyright Amendments Acts No. 56 of 1980, No. 66 of 1983, No. 52
of 1984, No. 39 of 1986, No. 13 of 1988, No. 61 of 1989 and No. 1125 of 1992, Intellectual
Property Laws Amendments Act of 1997.
Seychelles Copyright Act No. 25 of 29 December 1982 and the Copyright (Registration)
Regulations No. 12 of 14 February 1984.
United Republic of Tanzania Copyright and neighbouring Rights Act No. 7 of 2 June
Annex 5
National copyright offices in the SADC region
Ministry of Culture
National Institute for Cultural Industries (INIC)
National Directorate of Entertainment and Copyright
Rua Civilo de Conceio 72 andar
Mailing address
Caixa Postal 1252
Telephone: (244 2) 33 13 71
Telefax: (244 2) 33 13 62
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of the Registrar of Companies,
Business Names, Trade Marks, Patents and Designs
P.O. Box 102
Telephone: (267) 580 754
Telefax: (267) 371 539; 580 987
Telex: 2674 TRADE BD
Email address: [email protected]
Office of the Registrar General
Copyright Office
P.O. Box 52
Maseru 100
Telephone: (266) 31 30 34
Telefax: (266) 31 01 94
Telex: 4228 SADCTU LO
Ministry of Sports and Culture
Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA)
P.O. Box 30784
Lilongwe 3
Telephone: (265) 751 148; cellphone: 865 211
Telefax: (265) 752 717
Email address: [email protected]
Ministry of Arts and Culture
(Mauritius Society of Authors (MASA))
7th Floor, R. Seeneevassen Building
Maillard Street
Port Louis
Telephone: (230) 212 5848
Telefax: (230) 212 9366
Email address: [email protected]
Ministry of Culture and Sports
National Institute of Books and Records
Department of Copyright
Av. 24 de Julho 1921
Mailing address
P.O. Box 4030
Telephone: (258 1) 42 02 57; 42 03 73
Telefax: (258 1) 42 02 09
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Copyright Services
Government Offices
Provost Building
Mailing address
Private Bag 13344
Windhoek, 9000
Telephone: (264 61) 22 22 46; 22 10 77
Telefax: (264 61) 22 49 37
Telex: 665
Ministry of Youth and Culture
Ministry of Youth and Culture
P.O. Box 1383
Telephone: (248) 321 333
Telefax: (248) 322 113
Telex: 2305 MINED SZ
South Africa
Department of Trade and Industry
Office of the Registrar of Patents, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright
Private Bag X400
Pretoria 0001
Mailing address
Zanza Buildings
116 Proes Street
Pretoria 0001
Telephone: (27 12) 310 8700
Telefax: (27 12) 323 4257
Telex: (9) 35-0168 TRIN
Email address: [email protected]
Ministry of Justice
Registrar Generals Office
3rd Floor, Justice Building
Mailing address
P.O. Box 460
Telephone: (268 40) 46 010/9
Telefax: (268 40) 43 531
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
Copyright Administration
P.O. Box 51025, Lusaka
Telephone: (260 1) 25 17 73; 25 17 66
Telefax: (260 1) 25 34 56; 25 34 57; (260 1) 25 17 67
Telex: 40113 INFORM ZA
Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
Office of the Controller of Patents, Trade Marks and Industrial Designs
Private Bag 7704
5th Floor Forner House
Corner Leopold Takawira Street and Samora Machel Avenue
Telephone: (263 4) 775 544/6; (263 4) 773 443; (263 4) 781 835
Telefax: (263 4) 772 999; 772 993
Email address: [email protected]
Job Quality and Small Enterprise Development (Series on Job Quality in Micro and
Small Enterprise Development), 1999
The Hidden MSE Service Sector: Research into Commercial BDS Provision to Micro and
Small Enterprises in Viet Nam and Thailand (Series on Innovation and Sustainability in
Business Support Services (FIT)), Gavin Anderson, 2000
Home Work in Chile: Past and Present Results of a National Survey (Series on
Homeworkers in the Global Economy), Helia Henrquez, Vernica Riquelme, Thelma
Glvez, Teresita Selam, 2000
10. Case Study of Area Responses to Globalization: Foreign Direct Investment, Local
Suppliers and Employment in Gyr, Hungary (Series on Globalization, Area-based
Enterprise Development and Employment), Maarten Keune, Andrs Toth, 2001
11. Local Adjustment to Globalzation: A Comparative Study of Foreign Investment in Two
Regions of Brazil, Greater ABC and Greater Porto Alegre (Series on Globalization, Areabased Enterprise Development and Employment), Glauco Arbix, Mauro Zilbovicius, 2001
12. Local Response to Globalization: MESTA Region, Bulgaria (Series on Globalization,
Area-based Enterprise Development and Employment), Hanna Ruszczyk, Ingrid Schubert,
Antonina Stoyanovska, 2001
13. Ethnic Minorities Emerging Entrepreneurs in Rural Viet Nam: A Study on the Impact
of Business Training on Ethnic Minorities, Jens Dyring Christensen, David Lamotte,
14. Jobs, Gender and Small Enterprises in Bangladesh: Factors Affecting Women
Entrepreneurs in Small and Cottage Industries in Bangladesh (Series on Womens
Entrepreneurship Development and Gender in Enterprises WEDGE), Nilufer Ahmed
Karim, 2001
15. Jobs, Gender and Small Enterprises: Getting the Policy Environment Right (Series on
Womens Entrepreneurship Development and Gender in Enterprises WEDGE), Linda
Mayoux, 2001
16. Regions, Regional Institutions and Regional Development (Series on Globalization,
Area-based Enterprise Development and Employment), Maarten Keune, 2001
33. Organizing Workers in Small Enterprises: The Experience of the Southern African
Clothing and Textile Workers Union (Series on Representation and Organization
Building), Mark Bennett, 2002
34. Protecting Workers in Micro and Small Enterprises: Can Trade Unions Make a
Difference? A Case Study of the Bakery and Confectionery Sub-sector in Kenya (Series
on Representation and Organization Building), Gregg J. Bekko and George M. Muchai,
35. Creating a Conducive Policy Environment for Employment Creation in SMMEs in South
Africa (Series on Conducive Policy Environment for Small Enterprise Employment),
Jennifer Mollentz, 2002
36. Organizing in the Informal Economy: A Case Study of Street Trading in South Africa
(Series on Representation and Organization Building) Shirin Motala, 2002
37. Organizing in the Informal Economy: A Case Study of the Clothing Industry in South
Africa (Series on Representation and Organization Building), Mark Bennett, 2003
38. Organizing in the Informal Economy: A Case Study of the Building Industry in South
Africa (Series on Representation and Organization Building), Tanya Goldman, 2003
39. Organizing in the Informal Economy: A Case Study of the Minibus Taxi Industry in
South Africa (Series on Representation and Organization Building), Jane Barrett, 2003
40. Rags or Riches? Phasing-Out the Multi-Fibre Arrangement, Auret van Heerden, Maria
Prieto Berhouet, Cathrine Caspari, 2003
41. Flexibilizing Employment: An Overview, Kim Van Eyck, 2003
42. Role of the Informal Sector in Coping with Economic Crisis in Thailand and Zambia,
Gerry Finnegan and Andrea Singh (eds.), 2003
43. Opportunities for SMEs in Developing Countries to Upgrade in a Global Economy
(Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters and Global Value Chains), John
Humphrey, 2003
44. Participation in Global Value Chains as a Vehicle for SME Upgrading: A Literature
Review (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters and Global Value Chains),
Cathrine Caspari, 2003
45. Local Implementation of Quality, Labour and Environmental Standards: Opportunities for
Upgrading in the Footwear Industry (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters
and Global Value Chains), Lizbeth Navas-Alemn and Luiza Bazan, 2003
46. Industrial Renewal and Inter-firm Relations in the Supply Chain of the Brazilian
Automotive Industry (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters and Global
Value Chains), Anne Caroline Posthuma, 2003 (forthcoming)
47. The Competitive Advantage of Buying Networks in Wood Products Value Chains
(Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters and Global Value Chains), Jeff
Readman, 2003 (forthcoming)
48. High Road Upgrading in the Third Italy: Lessons for Integrated Small Enterprise
Development and Good Labour Conditions in Developing Countries (Series on
Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters and Global Value Chains), Alberto Criscuolo,
2003 (forthcoming)
49. Promoting the Culture Sector through Job Creation and Small Enterprise Development in
SADC Countries: The Music Industry (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters
and Global Value Chains), Cecile Ambert, 2003
50. Promoting the Culture Sector through Job Creation and Small Enterprise Development in
SADC Countries: The Ethno-tourism Industry (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise
Clusters and Global Value Chains), Steven Bolnick, 2003 (forthcoming)
51. Promoting the Culture Sector through Job Creation and Small Enterprise Development in
SADC Countries: Crafts and Visual Arts (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise
Clusters and Global Value Chains), The Trinity Session, 2003 (forthcoming)
52. Promoting the Culture Sector through Job Creation and Small Enterprise Development in
SADC Countries: The Performing Arts and Dance (Series on Upgrading in Small
Enterprise Clusters and Global Value Chains), Annabell Lebethe, 2003
53. Promoting the Culture Sector through Job Creation and Small Enterprise Development in
SADC Countries: Television and Film (Series on Upgrading in Small Enterprise Clusters
and Global Value Chains), Avril Goffe and Natalie Jacklin, 2003 (forthcoming)
54. Promouvoir un environnement de dveloppement des micro et petites entreprises
guinennes favorable la cration demplois dcents (Srie Cadre stratgique favorable
lemploi dans les petites entreprises), Moussa Kourouma, 2003
55. Creating a Conducive Policy Environment for Employment Creation in Micro and Small
Enterprises in Tanzania (Series on Conducive Policy Environment for Small Enterprise
Employment) Paul Tibandebage, Samuel Wangwe, Moses Msuya, Darlene Mutalemwa,
56. Public Policy and Employment in Micro and Small Enterprises in Peru (Series on
Conducive Policy Environment for Small Enterprise Employment), Juan Chacaltana, 2003
57. Business Centres for Small Enterprise Development: Experiences and Lessons from
Eastern Europe, Merten Sievers, Klaus Haftendorn, Astrid Bessler, 2003
58. Promoting Female Entrepreneurship in Mauritius: Strategies in Training and
Development, (Series on Womens Entrepreneurship Development and Gender Equality
WEDGE), Patricia Day-Hookoomsing, Vedna Essoo, 2003
59. Facilitating Youth Entrepreneurship, Part I: An analysis of awareness and promotion
programmes in formal and non-formal education, Klaus Haftendorn, Carmela Salzano,
2003 (forthcoming)
59. Facilitating Youth Entrepreneurship, Part II: A directory of awareness and promotion
programmes in formal and non-formal education, Klaus Haftendorn, Carmela Salzano,
2003 (forthcoming)
60. Organizing in South Africas Informal Economy: An Overview of Four Sectoral Case
Studies (Series on Representation and Organization Building), Tanya Goldman, 2003
61. Creating a Conducive Policy Environment for Employment Creation in MSEs in Chile
(Series on Conducive Policy Environment for Small Enterprise Employment), Carolina
Flores, 2003 (forthcoming)
62. Quels facteurs influencent la croissance et lemploi dcent dans les petites enterprises en
Guine? (Srie Cadre stratgique favorable lemploi dans les petites entreprises),
Moussa Kourouma, 2003 (forthcoming)