Characteristics of The Adolescence Period: Table 5: Effects of Social Environment On Adolescent RH Behavior
Characteristics of The Adolescence Period: Table 5: Effects of Social Environment On Adolescent RH Behavior
Characteristics of The Adolescence Period: Table 5: Effects of Social Environment On Adolescent RH Behavior
years of age. The broader terms "youth" and young encompass the 15 to
24 year-old and 10 to 24 year-old age groups, respectively.
For girls, puberty is a process generally marked by the production of estrogen, the growth
of breasts, the appearance of pubic hair, the growth of external genitals, and the start of
menstruation. For boys, it is marked by the production of testosterone, the enlargement
of testes and penis, a deepening of the voice and a growth spurt.
The period when the individual progresses from the point of initial appearance of
secondary sex characteristics to sexual maturity.
Positive influences
Negative influences
educational films
Healthy neighborhood
Spiritual support
Accessible information
services for adolescents
Reproductive Health
In many parts of the world, women marry and begin childbearing during their adolescent
years. Pregnancy and childbirth carry greater risk of morbidity and mortality for adolescents
than for women in their 20s, especially where medical care is scarce. Girls younger than age
18 face two to five times the risk of maternal mortality as women aged 18-25 due to
prolonged and obstructed labor, hemorrhage, and other factors. Potentially life- threatening
pregnancy-related illnesses such as hypertension and anemia also are more common
among adolescent mothers, especially where malnutrition is endemic. One in every 10 births
worldwide and 1 in 6 births in developing countries is to women aged 15-19 years.
Unsafe abortion:
About one in 10 abortions worldwide occurs among women age 15-19 and each year one
million to 4.4 million adolescents in developing countries undergo abortion, and most of
these procedures are performed under unsafe conditions due to:
- Lack of access to safe services.
- Self-induced methods
- Unskilled or non-medical providers
- Delay in seeking procedure
The highest rates of infection for STIs, including HIV, are found among young people
aged 20 to 24;
Sexually transmitted infections can lead to life-long health problems, including infertility.
Worldwide, half of all sexually transmitted infections occur in adolescents. Approximately
333 million cases of curable STIs occur each year and each day half a million young
people are infected with a sexually transmitted diseases, available data suggest that onethird of STIs infections in developing countries occur among 13-20 year olds, one out of
every 20 adolescents contracts STI,. In rural Kenya, for example, 41 percent of women
aged 15-24 attending maternal and child health or family planning clinics had STI,
compared to about 16 percent of all women of reproductive age. Adolescents also are at
increased risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Recent estimates are that over 40 percent of HIV
infections occur in young people aged 15-24; 7,000 of 16,000 new infections each day.
New infections among females out number males by a ratio of 2 to 1.