EAG Troubleshooting
EAG Troubleshooting
EAG Troubleshooting
This document is intended to try and help troubleshoot the integration of Oracle E-Business Suite
(EBS) with Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate (EAG)
It is based on the steps in "Integrating
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Access Manager 11gR2 (11.1.2) using Oracle EBusiness Suite AccessGate" (Doc ID 1484024.1) however most will apply to earlier versions
NOTE : at this stage this document is unstructured, so work with Oracle Support to identify which
parts are relevant to your situation
NOTE 2 : all scripts mentioned in this document should be downloaded from "Troubleshooting
the E-Business Suite Integration with Oracle Internet Directory (OID) and Oracle Access Manager
(OAM) - Part 2 OAM" (Doc ID 1466171.1)
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................1
1. Collecting information to verify the integration..............................................................................2
1.1 Fusion Middleware Architecture..............................................................................................2
a. OID server..............................................................................................................................2
b. OAM server............................................................................................................................2
c. OHS and WebGate ................................................................................................................3
d. EBS AccessGate.....................................................................................................................4
1.2 EBS Architecture......................................................................................................................4
1.3 LDAP specific information.......................................................................................................4
1.4 Oracle Access Manager (OAM) specific information..............................................................5
1.5 Webgate and Web Tier specific information.............................................................................5
1.6 EAG specific information.........................................................................................................5
1.7 EBS specific information..........................................................................................................6
1.8 Operating System information.................................................................................................8
1.8.1 General operating system information..............................................................................8
1.8.2 WLS and RDBMS prereqs...............................................................................................8
2. Checks and tests to isolate the issue................................................................................................9
2.1 Gather HTTP headers from Client PC browser.........................................................................9
2.2 Test your OAM setup using the Oracle Access Manager tester tool.......................................9
2.3 Check JDBC connection on EAG Managed Server................................................................10
2.4 Test URLs...............................................................................................................................10
WebGate URLs.........................................................................................................................10
EBS AccessGate URLs.............................................................................................................10
3. Enabling additional debugging .....................................................................................................12
3.1 EAG Logging..........................................................................................................................12
3.2 Turning on Webgate11g tracing..............................................................................................12
3.3 OHS Web Server logging........................................................................................................13
3.4 OAM Debugging....................................................................................................................13
3.5 EBS Logging...........................................................................................................................14
Appendix A : Useful References........................................................................................................16
Page 1
a. OID server
Database details
Database host name :
Database port :
Service name :
Middle tier details
Middleware Home directory:
WLS product install directory:
(e.g. wlsserver_10.3)
Domain Name:
(e.g. IDMDomain)
Oracle Home Directory :
Oracle Instance Name :
AdminServer Port:
(e.g. 7001)
OID Ports :
(e.g. ldap=3060, ldaps=3131)
wls_ods managed server port:
(e.g. 7005)
- Provide output from the following SQL
b. OAM server
OAM Server hostname:
Database connect string for OAM repository :
(e.g. db1.example.com:1521/oid.example.com)
Middle tier details
Middleware Home directory:
WLS product install directory:
Page 2
Page 3
d. EBS AccessGate
Webgate Hostname:
Middle tier details
Middleware Home directory:
WLS product install directory:
(e.g. wlsserver_10.3)
Domain Name:
Domain Location:
Admin Server
Name :
(e.g. AdminServer)
Listen Port:
SSL Port : (if used)
Managed Servers
(e.g. eag_server1)
Listen Port:
SSL Port: (if used)
Node Manager
Listen port:
Page 4
Page 6
ii. Use the following command to ensure the specified eBiz user can login succesfully
-select FND_WEB_SEC.VALIDATE_LOGIN('&enter_username','&enter_password') from
iii. Use the following SQL to gather information about the WLS server entries and compare to the
DBC file
set echo on
set timing on
set feedback on
set pagesize 132
set linesize 80
col PLATFORM_CODE form a5
col HOST form a20
col DOMAIN form a30
col WEBHOST form a30
col VIRTUAL_IP form a20
col status form a20
col ConcMgr form a8
col Forms form a8
col WebServer form a8
col Admin form a8
col Database form a8
col last_monitored form a40
to_char(CREATION_DATE, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI') creation_date,
decode(STATUS,'Y','ACTIVE','INACTIVE') Status,
decode(SUPPORT_CP,'Y', 'ConcMgr','No') ConcMgr,
decode(SUPPORT_FORMS,'Y','Forms', 'No') Forms,
decode(SUPPORT_WEB,'Y','Web', 'No') WebServer,
decode(SUPPORT_ADMIN, 'Y','Admin', 'No') Admin,
Page 7
iv. Provide the DBC file generated in "2.1. Configuring AppsDataSource" from "Oracle EBusiness Suite Software Development Kit for Java (includes AppsDataSource, Java Authentication
and Authorization Service) Readme - Patch 9863609" (Doc ID 974949.1)
Page 8
2.2 Test your OAM setup using the Oracle Access Manager tester tool
Review chapter 21 "Validating Connectivity and Policies Using the Access Tester" of "Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management 11g Release 2 (
for All Platforms" (
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E40329_01/admin.1112/e27239/tester.htm#AIAAG1954 ) for details of
installing and using this tool, or "Using Access Tester in Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 11g" (Doc
ID 1243086.1)
a. Test the protected resource URL
where [instance] is the name of your Oracle E-Business Suite instance/
Enter Username and Password and select both the "Authenticate" and "Authorize" buttons
b. Save the status messages to a file and upload this (Disk icon at the bottom of the screen)
Page 9
WebGate URLs
Replace the following variables for your WebGate Installation in the URL below:
No authentication needed
Authentication required
Authentication required
Page 11
to be
java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern =
Page 12
Debug ALL
WLLogFile ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/diagnostics/logs/$
Restart Apache for this change to take effect
The weblogic.log file will exist and be 0 bytes once apache has restarted
Be aware this log file will get very big if left enabled for any length of time
f. Reproduce the issue and capture the logs. The diagnostics logs will be located at:
g. Change the log level back to default level after you you have reproduce the issue and collected
the diagnostic log
Page 14
Page 15
Overview of Single Sign-On Integration Options for Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID
Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Access Manager 11gR2 (11.1.2)
using Oracle E-Business Suite AccessGate (Doc ID 1484024.1)
Troubleshooting the E-Business Suite Integration with Oracle Internet Directory (OID) and
Oracle Access Manager (OAM) - Part 1 OID (Doc ID 1450231.1)
Using Access Tester in Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 11g (Doc ID 1243086.1)
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