Ingres Command Ref
Ingres Command Ref
Ingres Command Ref
Command Reference Guide
This Documentation is for the end user's informational purposes only and may be subject to change or withdrawal by Ingres Corporation ("Ingres") at any time. This Documentation is the proprietary information of Ingres and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. It is not distributed under a GPL license. You may make printed or electronic copies of this Documentation provided that such copies are for your own internal use and all Ingres copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy. You may publish or distribute this document, in whole or in part, so long as the document remains unchanged and is disseminated with the applicable Ingres software. Any such publication or distribution must be in the same manner and medium as that used by Ingres, e.g., electronic download via website with the software or on a CDROM. Any other use, such as any dissemination of printed copies or use of this documentation, in whole or in part, in another publication, requires the prior written consent from an authorized representative of Ingres. To the extent permitted by applicable law, INGRES PROVIDES THIS DOCUMENTATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL INGRES BE LIABLE TO THE END USER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, FROM THE USER OF THIS DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, GOODWILL, OR LOST DATA, EVEN IF INGRES IS EXPRESSLY ADVISED OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE. The manufacturer of this Documentation is Ingres Corporation. For government users, the Documentation is delivered with "Restricted Rights" as set forth in 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212, 48 C.F.R. Sections 52.227-19(c)(1) and (2) or DFARS Section 252.227-7013 or applicable successor provisions. Copyright 2009 Ingres Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Ingres, OpenROAD, and EDBC are registered trademarks of Ingres Corporation. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
Chapter 1: Introducing Ingres Commands 9
Commands and Utilities.......................................................................................................... 9 Audience.............................................................................................................................. 9 Special Considerations ........................................................................................................... 9 System-specific Text in this Guide ......................................................................................... 10 Path Notation in this Guide ................................................................................................... 10 UNIX Shells Used in this Guide .............................................................................................. 11 Query Language Used in this Guide........................................................................................ 11 Syntax Conventions Used in this Guide ................................................................................... 11 Where to Issue Commands ................................................................................................... 12 General Command Syntax .................................................................................................... 12 Standard Flags and Parameters ............................................................................................. 13 Dynamic Vnode SpecificationConnect to Remote Node ...................................................... 15 Uppercase Flags ............................................................................................................ 17 Schema QualifierSpecify Ownership ............................................................................... 18 Delimited Identifiers on the Command Line........................................................................ 19
abf CommandInvoke Applications-By-Forms ......................................................................... 26 accessdb CommandAuthorize User Access ............................................................................ 27 aducompile CommandInstall Customized Collation Sequence .................................................. 28 alterdb CommandSet Database Characteristics ..................................................................... 29 arcclean CommandPurge Records from Replicator Shadow and Archive Tables........................... 31 arclean Example ............................................................................................................ 33 auditdb CommandAudit a Database ..................................................................................... 34 auditdb Examples .......................................................................................................... 37 blobstor CommandCopy a BLOB from a File to a Database ...................................................... 38 blobstor Examples.......................................................................................................... 39 cacheutil CommandShow or Destroy Buffer Caches................................................................ 40 catalogdb CommandList Databases That You Own ................................................................. 41 catalogdb Examples ....................................................................................................... 41 cbf CommandStart Configuration-By-Forms .......................................................................... 42 ckpdb CommandCheckpoint a Database ............................................................................... 43 ckpdb Examples............................................................................................................. 45 compform CommandCompile a Form ................................................................................... 46 compform Example ........................................................................................................ 47 convrep CommandUpgrade the Replicator Data Dictionary ...................................................... 47 convtouni CommandConvert Character Data to Unicode ......................................................... 48
Contents iii
convtouni Examples ....................................................................................................... 50 copyapp CommandCopy an Application to Another Database................................................... 51 copyapp Example........................................................................................................... 53 copydb CommandCopy and Restore a Database .................................................................... 54 copydb Example on Windows ........................................................................................... 59 copydb Example on UNIX ................................................................................................ 60 copydb Example on VMS ................................................................................................. 60 copyform CommandCopy a Form to Another Database ........................................................... 61 copyform Examples ........................................................................................................ 63 copyrep CommandCopy a Report to a Text File ..................................................................... 64 copyrep Example ........................................................................................................... 65 createdb CommandCreate a Database ................................................................................. 66 createdb Examples......................................................................................................... 70 cscleanup CommandDeallocate Shared Memory .................................................................... 71 csreport CommandDisplay Shared Memory Information.......................................................... 71 csreport Output ............................................................................................................. 72 csreport Example: Show Server Connect IDs ..................................................................... 72 dclgen CommandGenerate Structure Declarations ................................................................. 73 dclgen Example ............................................................................................................. 74 delobj CommandDelete Objects from Database ...................................................................... 76 Object Specification for delobj CommandSpecify Objects to Delete ..................................... 77 delobj Examples ............................................................................................................ 78 dereplic CommandRemove Objects from Replicated Database ................................................. 79 destroydb CommandDestroy a Database .............................................................................. 80 destroydb Examples ....................................................................................................... 80 eqc CommandInvoke Embedded QUEL Preprocessor for C....................................................... 81 eqc Examples ................................................................................................................ 81 esqla CommandInvoke Embedded SQL Preprocessor for Ada................................................... 82 esqlb CommandInvoke Embedded SQL Preprocessor for BASIC ............................................... 83 esqlc CommandInvoke Embedded SQL Preprocessor for C ...................................................... 84 esqlcbl CommandInvoke Embedded SQL Preprocessor for COBOL ............................................ 87 esqlcc CommandInvoke Embedded SQL Preprocessor for C++ ................................................ 88 esqlf CommandInvoke Embedded SQL Preprocessor for Fortran............................................... 89 extenddb CommandExtend Database to New Location............................................................ 90 extenddb Examples ........................................................................................................ 91 fastload CommandLoad Binary Files into Database ................................................................ 91 fastload Example ........................................................................................................... 91 genxml CommandExport Tables Into XML Format .................................................................. 92 genxml Examples........................................................................................................... 94 iea CommandStart the Export Assistant ............................................................................... 95 iea Example .................................................................................................................. 96 iia CommandStart the Import Assistant................................................................................ 96 iigenres CommandGenerate CONFIG.DAT File ....................................................................... 97
iigenres Example ........................................................................................................... 97 iigetres CommandGet the Value of a Resource ...................................................................... 98 iiinitres CommandInstall Parameter into CONFIG.DAT ............................................................ 99 iijdbcprop CommandGenerate Sample JDBC Driver Properties File ......................................... 100 iijdbcprop Examples ..................................................................................................... 100 iilink CommandInstall User-defined Data Type .................................................................... 101 iimkcluster CommandConvert Ingres Instance to Cluster Node .............................................. 102 iimklog CommandGenerate Transaction Log File.................................................................. 102 iimonitor CommandAdminister DBMS, Recovery, and GCF Servers ......................................... 103 iimonitor Utility Commands ........................................................................................... 103 iinamu CommandAdminister the Name Server .................................................................... 114 iinamu Example: Show All Registered Servers .................................................................. 117 iinamu Example: Show All DBMS Servers for the Server Class Ingres .................................. 118 iinamu Example: Show Communications Server Registrations............................................. 118 iinamu Example: Add a DBMS Server to the Name Server Registry ..................................... 119 iinamu Example: Delete a DBMS Server from the Name Server Registry .............................. 119 iinamu Example: Stop the Name Server .......................................................................... 120 iinethost CommandEcho Full Network Name of Local Host..................................................... 120 iiodbcinst CommandCreate ODBC Configuration File............................................................. 120 iiodbcinst Example ....................................................................................................... 121 iipmhost CommandEcho Name of Host............................................................................... 121 iiremres CommandRemove Parameter from CONFIG.DAT ..................................................... 122 iiremres Example ......................................................................................................... 122 iisetres CommandSet Configuration Parameter.................................................................... 123 iisetres Examples ......................................................................................................... 123 iishowres CommandDisplay Memory Used by Locking and Logging ......................................... 124 iisunode CommandSet Up Node in a Cluster ....................................................................... 125 iisuodbc CommandRun iiodbcinst Utility ............................................................................. 125 iiuncluster CommandConvert Cluster to Standalone Instance ................................................ 125 iivalres CommandValidate Configuration Resource ............................................................... 126 iivalres Example .......................................................................................................... 126 iizic CommandCustomize Time Zone Table Files .................................................................. 127 iizck CommandDisplay Time Zone Table Files...................................................................... 128 iizck Example .............................................................................................................. 128 imageapp CommandBuild ABF or Vision Application Image.................................................... 129 infodb CommandDisplay Database Information ................................................................... 131 Infodb Command Output Database Information Section .................................................. 132 Infodb Command Output Journal Information Section ..................................................... 135 Infodb Command Output Dump Information Section....................................................... 136 Infodb Command Output Checkpoint History for Journal Section ...................................... 137 Infodb Command Output Checkpoint History for Dump Section ........................................ 138 Infodb Command Output Cluster Journal History Section................................................. 139 Infodb Command Output Extent Directory Section ......................................................... 140
Contents v
ingmenu CommandStart Ingres Menu ................................................................................ 141 ingmenu Examples....................................................................................................... 141 ingnet CommandView and Define Ingres Net Node Definitions ............................................... 142 ingstart CommandStart an Ingres Instance ........................................................................ 143 ingstart Examples ........................................................................................................ 145 ingstop CommandStop an Ingres Instance ......................................................................... 146 ingprenv CommandDisplay Environment Variable Value........................................................ 149 ingprenv Example ........................................................................................................ 149 ingsetenv CommandSet Ingres Environment Variable........................................................... 150 ingsetenv Example ....................................................................................................... 150 ingunset CommandDelete Environment Variable.................................................................. 151 ipm CommandStart the Interactive Performance Monitor ...................................................... 152 iquel CommandStart Interactive QUEL Terminal Monitor ....................................................... 153 iquel Example.............................................................................................................. 153 isql CommandStart Interactive SQL Terminal Monitor........................................................... 154 isql Examples .............................................................................................................. 154 ivm CommandStart Ingres Visual Manager ......................................................................... 155 lartool CommandStart Logging, Archiving, and Recovery Utility ............................................. 155 lartool Example ........................................................................................................... 156 lockstat CommandDisplay Locking Status ........................................................................... 157 Lockstat Command Output ............................................................................................ 158 Lockstat Command Output Locking System Quotas ........................................................ 159 Lockstat Command Output Locking System Summary .................................................... 160 Lockstat Command Output Locks by Lock List................................................................ 163 Lockstat Command Output Locks by Resource ............................................................... 166 Lockstat Command Output DLM Locks .......................................................................... 168 logstat CommandDisplay Logging Status ............................................................................ 170 Logstat Command Output Logging System Summary ..................................................... 172 Logstat Command Output Current Log File Header ......................................................... 177 Logstat Command Output List of Active Processes.......................................................... 181 Logstat Command Output List of Active Databases ......................................................... 182 Logstat Command Output List of Transactions ............................................................... 183 logstat Example: Determine Databases that Are Active...................................................... 186 logstat Example: Determine Proximity to FORCE-ABORT-LIMIT........................................... 187 mkrawarea CommandMake a Raw Area File ........................................................................ 188 mkrawlog CommandMake a Raw Log File ........................................................................... 188 mkrc CommandHave Ingres Start with Operating System ..................................................... 189 modifyfe CommandModify Storage Structure of Catalog ....................................................... 190 netutil CommandStart Network Management Utility ............................................................. 191 netutil Examples .......................................................................................................... 191 optimizedb CommandGenerate Statistics for the Query Optimizer .......................................... 192 Optimizedb -z Flags...................................................................................................... 195 optimizedb Example: Generate Full Statistics for a Database .............................................. 197
optimizedb Example: Generate Statistics for Certain Columns ............................................ 198 optimizedb Example: Generate Statistics for Certain Columns and Values, in Verbose Mode.... 198 optimizedb Example: Allow Unique Values from Each Column in a Table............................... 199 printform CommandPrint a Form to a File ........................................................................... 199 printform Example ....................................................................................................... 200 qbf CommandStart Query-By-Forms.................................................................................. 201 qbf Examples .............................................................................................................. 202 quel CommandStart the Line-based QUEL Terminal Monitor .................................................. 203 quel Examples ............................................................................................................. 206 query CommandInvoke QBF Query Execution ..................................................................... 207 query Examples ........................................................................................................... 207 rbf CommandStart Report-By-Forms ................................................................................. 208 rbf Examples ............................................................................................................... 210 rcpconfig CommandControl Logging and Locking System ...................................................... 211 rcpstat CommandDisplay Logging System Status ................................................................ 213 reconcil CommandAssist in Recovering Lost Data ................................................................ 215 reconcil Example: Perform Disaster Recovery ................................................................... 217 relocatedb CommandMove a Location to a New Location ...................................................... 218 relocatedb Example: Relocate Checkpoint Files................................................................. 219 relocatedb Example: Relocate Journal Files ...................................................................... 220 relocatedb Example: Relocate Dump Files........................................................................ 220 relocatedb Example: Relocate the Work Area ................................................................... 221 relocatedb Example: Copy Database to a New Database .................................................... 221 repcat CommandCreate and Load Replicator Catalogs .......................................................... 222 repcat Examples .......................................................................................................... 222 repcfg CommandConfigure Replicator ................................................................................ 223 repcfg Examples .......................................................................................................... 224 repdbcfg CommandConfigure Multiple Mobile Databases ....................................................... 225 repdbcfg Examples....................................................................................................... 226 repinst CommandCreate or Remove Replicator Servers and Windows Services......................... 227 repinst Examples ......................................................................................................... 227 repmgr CommandStart Replicator Manager ........................................................................ 228 repmgr Example .......................................................................................................... 228 repmod CommandModify Replicator System Tables Storage Structure .................................... 229 report CommandRun a Report on a Table ........................................................................... 230 report Examples .......................................................................................................... 234 repstat CommandDisplay Replicator Transaction Statistics .................................................... 234 rmcmdgen CommandGenerate VDBA Remote Command Catalogs.......................................... 234 rmcmdrmv CommandRemove VDBA Remote Command Catalogs........................................... 235 rmcmdstp CommandStop the Remote Command Process ..................................................... 235 rollforwarddb CommandRecover a Database ....................................................................... 236 rollforwarddb Examples ................................................................................................ 243 rpserver CommandStart Replicator Server.......................................................................... 243
Contents vii
rsstatd CommandDisplay Replicator Server Statistics ........................................................... 244 sql CommandStart the Line-based SQL Terminal Monitor ...................................................... 245 sql Examples............................................................................................................... 248 Terminal Monitor Command Summary ............................................................................ 249 sreport CommandStore Report Definition in a Database ....................................................... 251 sreport Example .......................................................................................................... 252 starview CommandStart StarView ..................................................................................... 252 starview Example......................................................................................................... 253 statdump CommandPrint Statistics in iistats and iihistogram Catalogs .................................... 254 statdump Examples...................................................................................................... 256 syscheck CommandDisplay and Verify System Resources ..................................................... 257 sysmod CommandModify System Catalogs to Current Storage Structure................................. 258 tables CommandStart the Tables Program .......................................................................... 259 tables Example ............................................................................................................ 259 unextenddb CommandUnextend a Database Location........................................................... 260 unloaddb CommandCreate Command Files for Unloading and Reloading a Database ................. 261 unloaddb Example: Unload and Reload a Database ........................................................... 264 unloaddb Example: Unload a Database, Specifying Source and Destination Directories........... 264 unloaddb Example: Unload a Database from the $HOME Directory ...................................... 265 upgradedb CommandUpgrade a Database .......................................................................... 266 upgradefe CommandInstall and Upgrade Tool Catalog Definitions .......................................... 268 upgradefe Examples ..................................................................................................... 269 usermod CommandModify Tables to Currently Defined Storage Structure................................ 270 vcbf CommandStart Configuration Manager ........................................................................ 272 vcda CommandStart the Visual Configuration Differences Analyzer ........................................ 272 vdba CommandStart Visual DBA ....................................................................................... 273 vdba Examples ............................................................................................................ 274 vdbamon CommandStart Visual Performance Monitor .......................................................... 275 vdbasql CommandStart Visual SQL.................................................................................... 276 vdda CommandStart the Visual Database Objects Analyzer................................................... 276 verifydb CommandClean Up Databases .............................................................................. 277 verifydb Examples........................................................................................................ 281 vifred CommandStart the Visual Forms Editor ..................................................................... 282 vifred Examples ........................................................................................................... 283 vision CommandStart Vision............................................................................................. 284 vmsinstal CommandInstall Ingres on OpenVMS................................................................... 285 xmlimport CommandImport XML Data into Ingres ............................................................... 286 xmlimport Example ...................................................................................................... 287
This guide is a quick reference to Ingres commands and system utilities. The guide is for programmers and users of Ingres who have a basic understanding of how relational database systems work. In addition, the reader should have a basic understanding of the operating system.
Special Considerations
Ingres installations can be administered in compliance with the C2 security standards. If you are using an Enterprise Access product, see your Enterprise Access documentation for information about syntax that may differ from that described in this guide. Ingres is compliant with ISO Entry SQL-92. In addition, numerous vendor extensions are included. For details about the settings required to operate in compliance with ISO Entry SQL-92, see the SQL Reference Guide.
For sections that pertain to one system only, the system is indicated in the section title.
For the Korn shell, use the Bourne shell syntax. Refer to your operating system shell documentation for any variations required on your particular system. Command formats for the following UNIX operating system variants are shown where needed:
BSD System V
Usage Indicates keywords, symbols, or punctuation that you must enter as shown. Represent a variable name for which you must supply a value. Indicate an optional item. Indicate an optional item that you can repeat as many times as appropriate. Separates items in a list and indicates that you must choose one item.
A flag is a command option that consists of a letter preceded by a hyphen (-). A flag may stand alone (-f), or be followed by a parameter (-fparameter). Generally, there is no space between a flag and parameter. Flags are shown in lowercase unless they are required to be uppercase. Uppercase flags (see page 17) may need special input syntax if the host operating system is case-insensitive. A parameter is a command line option that is not a flag. A parameter can be the name of a database, a table or other object, or a value that specifies a particular use for a command. In general, you can enter command options in any order. A few commands, however, require options in a specific order.
dbname Identifies the name of a database. This parameter must precede all other non-flag parameters (with the exception of vnode::dbname). vnode:: Identifies the remote node on which the database is located. It must be followed by two colons (::) and the dbname parameter, with no intervening space. The remote node can be specified as either of the following: vnode_name Is the virtual node name, as defined to Ingres Net, that points to the connection data and authorization data necessary to access a particular remote instance. @host+ Is a dynamic vnode connection string that includes the connection data, user authorization, and attributes that are associated with a remote node. The format of @host+ is described in Dynamic Vnode Specification (see page 15). server_class Specifies the name of one of the Ingres servers or Enterprise Access products (for example, DB2 UDB). If you are accessing a distributed database or a non-Ingres database through an Enterprise Access product, you must specify the server_class. For valid values for server_class, see the Connectivity Guide or your Enterprise Access product documentation. -fproduct Specifies the name of a product parameter. In selected commands, the catalog modules for one or more products may be specified. The user interface catalogs are grouped into modules. Each Ingres tool requires a set of modules to operate. If you omit the product, the command reads the installations authorization string and specifies all products that the authorization string permits.
The product parameter must be one of the following: ingres Processes catalogs for the Ingres tools (Applications-By-Forms, QueryBy-Forms, Report-By-Forms, and Visual Forms Editor). ingres/dbd Processes catalogs for DBD. vision Processes catalogs for Vision. windows_4gl Processes catalogs for OpenROAD. nofeclients Directs the command not to process catalogs for any user interface products. You cannot use the nofeclients name in conjunction with the name of any valid user interface product; nofeclients is valid only in specified commands. -uusername Specifies the effective user name for the session. Valid only for a privileged user, DBA, or sessions that have the db_admin database privilege. (Some commands, including ckpdb, rollforwarddb, verifydb, createdb, and destroydb, restrict the use of the -u flag to privileged users.) Note: The -u flag does not assume the group of the effective user. Use the -G flag to distinguish between the real and effective user. -Ggroupid Specifies the group identifier for the session. After the system administrator defines a group identifier, a DBA can grant database permissions to the group. When you issue a command, specifying group ID (using the -G flag), the groups permissions are applied to the session. To specify a group, you must be a member of the specified group identifiers user list, a system administrator, the DBA of the specified database, or a user that has the db_admin privilege. If you omit this flag and there is a default group identifier specified for you, the default group identifier is assigned to the session. (Default group identifiers are assigned using accessdb.) VMS: You must enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
-Rroleid Specifies the role identifier for an application image. After the system administrator defines a role identifier, a DBA can grant database permissions to the role ID. When you invoke an application and specify role ID (using the -R flag), the role permissions are applied to your session. The roleid must be an existing role identifier. If the role identifier requires a password, you are prompted for the password. If you specify the -R flag, but omit both the role identifier and password, you are prompted for both. If no password is defined for the specified roleid, press the Enter key when prompted for the password. Neither roleid nor password is validated if you are a system administrator, DBA for the specified database, or a user that has the db_admin privilege. VMS: You must enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Rroleid"). For further information on groups and roles, see the Database Administrator Guide.
@host Identifies the network name or address of the node on which the remote database is located. The @ character is required because it identifies this specification as a dynamic vnode rather than a vnode name. protocol Identifies the network protocol to be used by the local node to connect to the remote node. For a list of protocols and their associated keywords, see the Connectivity Guide.
port Identifies the listen address of the Ingres instance on the remote node. attribute=value (Optional) Is one or more additional connection, encryption, and authentication attributes for the connection. For a description of each attribute and its possible values, see the Connectivity Guide. [user,password] Identifies the user (login) name and password for the user on the remote system. Note: The user and password are optional when creating a dynamic vnode, but must be enclosed in brackets if used. They are required if you want to authenticate using the default Ingres security mechanism. Examples of dynamic vnode specification: This command runs the terminal monitor (sql) and connects to node hosta using protocol tcp_ip to remote Ingres symbolic port II. The login and password are Johnny and secretpwd. The remote database name is customerdb:
sql @hosta,tcp_ip,II;[Johnny,secretpwd]::customerdb
Uppercase Flags
Flags that must be entered in uppercase may need special input syntax when the host operating system is case-insensitive. Windows: The Windows operating system passes uppercase flags with no special formatting needed. For example, to invoke Interactive Terminal Monitor with a group of sales, you could enter:
isql dbname -Gsales
UNIX: UNIX is case-sensitive and passes uppercase flags with no special formatting needed. For example, to invoke Ingres Menu with a group of sales, you could enter:
ingmenu dbname -Gsales
VMS: OpenVMS is case-insensitive and requires the addition of doublequotation marks around the uppercase flags. In OpenVMS, you must enclose all uppercase Ingres flags in double quotation marks. For example, to invoke Ingres Menu with a group of sales, use double quotes around the -G designation:
ingmenu dbname "-Gsales"
The period (.) must immediately follow the schema name and precede the object name, with no intervening spaces. Both the schema name and the object name can be delimited identifiers. For example, to specify the table named empinfo having a schema name of dave, you would specify the table name as:
You do not use a schema name when referencing a table, view, or synonym; for example, you specify the table name as:
The search looks first for an object with a schema corresponding to the current user; then it looks for an object owned by the DBA to which you have access. Lastly, if the object name begins with ii, the search looks for a system catalog with that name. For more information on schemas, see the Database Administrator Guide.
You must observe any operating system requirements for specifying quoted parameters, parameters containing embedded quotes, and parameters containing other characters that could be interpreted differently by the operating system. Depending on your operating system, you add delimiting and dereferencing quotes to a delimited identifier on the command line in order to pass it through the operating system with its own delimiting and embedded quotes (if any).
Windows: Surround delimited identifiers and their delimiting quotes with double quotes on the command line, and dereference the delimited identifier quotes, preceding them with a backslash (\):
report my_database "\"Jane's table\"" report my_database "\"\"\"Expert\"table\""
UNIX: Bourne shell: Surround delimited identifiers and their delimiting quotes with double quotes on the command line, and dereference the delimited identifier quotes, preceding them with a backslash (\):
report my_database "\"Jane's table\"" report my_database "\"\"\"Expert\"\" table\""
C shell: Delimit all delimited identifier quotes and all other special shell characters, such as single quotes ('), spaces ( ), and colons (:), preceding them with a backslash (\):
report my_database \"Jane\'s\ table\" report my_database \"\"\"Expert\"\" table\"
In some cases, strings contained inside delimited identifiers that contain special characters can be surrounded by double quotes instead:
report my_database \""Jane's table"\"
VMS: Surround delimited identifiers with a set of dereferenced double quotes on the command line. Also, you must dereference each embedded quote by doubling it (including any quotes required to dereference an embedded quote):
report my_database """Jane's table""" report my_database """""""Expert"""" table"""
Windows NT:
sreport my_database myfile -uuser5-Ggroup 2
sreport my_database myfile -uuser 5 -Ggroup 2
VMS: In OpenVMS, you must also enclose the entire Ggroupid parameter in double quotes:
sreport my_database myfile -uuser 5-Ggroup2
Ingres setting: lowercase (case-insensitive; forces all letters to lowercase). ISO Entry SQL-92 standard: mixed case (case-sensitive; preserves case for delimited identifiers); regular identifiers are uppercase (caseinsensitive; forces all letters to uppercase).
If complying with ISO Entry SQL-92 standards, the system administrator should set delimited identifiers to mixed case.
iiinitres CommandInstall Parameter into CONFIG.DAT (see page 99) iijdbcprop CommandGenerate Sample JDBC Driver Properties File (see page 100) iilink CommandInstall User-defined Data Type (see page 101) iimkcluster CommandConvert Ingres Instance to Cluster Node (see page 102) iimklog CommandGenerate Transaction Log File (see page 102) iimonitor CommandAdminister DBMS, Recovery, and GCF Servers (see page 103) iinamu CommandAdminister the Name Server (see page 114) iinethost CommandEcho Full Network Name of Local Host (see page 120) iiodbcinst CommandCreate ODBC Configuration File (see page 120) iipmhost CommandEcho Name of Host (see page 121) iiremres CommandRemove Parameter from CONFIG.DAT (see page 122) iisetres CommandSet Configuration Parameter (see page 123) iishowres CommandDisplay Memory Used by Locking and Logging (see page 124) iisunode CommandSet Up Node in a Cluster (see page 125) iisuodbc CommandRun iiodbcinst Utility (see page 125) iiuncluster CommandConvert Cluster to Standalone Instance (see page 125) iivalres CommandValidate Configuration Resource (see page 126) iizic CommandCustomize Time Zone Table Files (see page 127) iizck CommandDisplay Time Zone Table Files (see page 128) imageapp CommandBuild ABF or Vision Application Image (see page 129) infodb CommandDisplay Database Information (see page 131) ingmenu CommandStart Ingres Menu (see page 141) ingnet CommandView and Define Ingres Net Node Definitions (see page 142) ingstart CommandStart an Ingres Instance (see page 143) ingstop CommandStop an Ingres Instance (see page 146) ingprenv CommandDisplay Environment Variable Value (see page 149) ingsetenv CommandSet Ingres Environment Variable (see page 150) ingunset CommandDelete Environment Variable (see page 151) ipm CommandStart the Interactive Performance Monitor (see page 152) iquel CommandStart Interactive QUEL Terminal Monitor (see page 153) isql CommandStart Interactive SQL Terminal Monitor (see page 154) ivm CommandStart Ingres Visual Manager (see page 155) lartool CommandStart Logging, Archiving, and Recovery Utility (see page 155) lockstat CommandDisplay Locking Status (see page 157) logstat CommandDisplay Logging Status (see page 170) mkrawarea CommandMake a Raw Area File (see page 188) mkrawlog CommandMake a Raw Log File (see page 188) mkrc CommandHave Ingres Start with Operating System (see page 189) modifyfe CommandModify Storage Structure of Catalog (see page 190) netutil CommandStart Network Management Utility (see page 191) optimizedb CommandGenerate Statistics for the Query Optimizer (see page 192) printform CommandPrint a Form to a File (see page 199)
qbf CommandStart Query-By-Forms (see page 201) quel CommandStart the Line-based QUEL Terminal Monitor (see page 203) query CommandInvoke QBF Query Execution (see page 207) rbf CommandStart Report-By-Forms (see page 208) rcpconfig CommandControl Logging and Locking System (see page 211) rcpstat CommandDisplay Logging System Status (see page 213) reconcil CommandAssist in Recovering Lost Data (see page 215) relocatedb CommandMove a Location to a New Location (see page 218) repcat CommandCreate and Load Replicator Catalogs (see page 222) repcfg CommandConfigure Replicator (see page 223) repdbcfg CommandConfigure Multiple Mobile Databases (see page 225) repinst CommandCreate or Remove Replicator Servers and Windows Services (see page 227) repmgr CommandStart Replicator Manager (see page 228) repmod CommandModify Replicator System Tables Storage Structure (see page 229) report CommandRun a Report on a Table (see page 230) repstat CommandDisplay Replicator Transaction Statistics (see page 234) rmcmdgen CommandGenerate VDBA Remote Command Catalogs (see page 234) rmcmdrmv CommandRemove VDBA Remote Command Catalogs (see page 235) rmcmdstp CommandStop the Remote Command Process (see page 235) rollforwarddb CommandRecover a Database (see page 236) rpserver CommandStart Replicator Server (see page 243) rsstatd CommandDisplay Replicator Server Statistics (see page 244) sql CommandStart the Line-based SQL Terminal Monitor (see page 245) sreport CommandStore Report Definition in a Database (see page 251) starview CommandStart StarView (see page 252) statdump CommandPrint Statistics in iistats and iihistogram Catalogs (see page 254) syscheck CommandDisplay and Verify System Resources (see page 257) sysmod CommandModify System Catalogs to Current Storage Structure (see page 258) tables CommandStart the Tables Program (see page 259) unextenddb CommandUnextend a Database Location (see page 260) unloaddb CommandCreate Command Files for Unloading and Reloading a Database (see page 261) upgradedb CommandUpgrade a Database (see page 266) upgradefe CommandInstall and Upgrade Tool Catalog Definitions (see page 268) usermod CommandModify Tables to Currently Defined Storage Structure (see page 270) vcbf CommandStart Configuration Manager (see page 272) vcda CommandStart the Visual Configuration Differences Analyzer (see page 272) vdba CommandStart Visual DBA (see page 273) vdbamon CommandStart Visual Performance Monitor (see page 275) vdbasql CommandStart Visual SQL (see page 276) vdda CommandStart the Visual Database Objects Analyzer (see page 276)
verifydb CommandClean Up Databases (see page 277) vifred CommandStart the Visual Forms Editor (see page 282) vision CommandStart Vision (see page 284) vmsinstal CommandInstall Ingres on OpenVMS (see page 285) xmlimport CommandImport XML Data into Ingres (see page 286)
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). applname Specifies the name of an ABF application. If omitted, ABF prompts for the name of the application. -w Causes the procedure names of an application to be checked for conflicts with system function names. +wopen Generates warnings if ABF detects statements that are not compatible with OpenSQL. -5.0 Causes 4GL to be invoked in 5.0 compatibility mode. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). Files that are created by ABF when using this flag are not owned by username, but by the user actually running the ABF process. -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid).
-uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -vnode=vnode Specifies a vnode name as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). Note: A dynamic vnode is not valid on the -vnode parameter of the accessdb command.
description_filename Defines the name of the description file. language_filename Defines the name of the destination compiled file. The name must be unique to avoid overwriting existing collation files. -u Indicates the source is a Unicode collation table. -tu Indicates the source is an Ingres .uct map file. For more information on .uct map files, see the System Administrator Guide.
-delete_invalid_ckp Deletes all invalid checkpoints. Where there is a previous valid checkpoint, the journal and dump files associated with the invalid checkpoint are retained. For invalid checkpoints with no previous valid checkpoint, associated journal and dump files are removed. -keep=n Preserves the specified number of last valid checkpoints and deletes all older checkpoints (valid or invalid). -n[ucollation_name] Converts a non-Unicode database to a Unicode database with Normalization Form D (NFD). If no collation name is specified, the default collation (udefault) is used. -i[ucollation_name] Converts a non-Unicode database to a Unicode database with Normalization Form C (NFC). If no collation name is specified, the default collation (udefault) is used. dbname Specifies the database name, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). Specify one database name only. If required, identify the server_class. -target_jnl_blocks=n Specifies the number of journal blocks to be used for the databases journal file, where 32 <= n <= 65536. The current size can be obtained by the infodb Target journal size parameter. If using Ingres Cluster Solution, this option has no effect on journal files created as part of a cluster merge.
-jnl_block_size=n Specifies the size of each journal file block for the database, where n = 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, or 65536 bytes. The current size can be obtained by the infodb Journal block size parameter. Journaling must be off when issuing this command. -next_jnl_file Causes Ingres to start a new journal file for this database. -init_jnl_blocks=n Specifies the size of the first journal file created after a checkpoint is taken (with the ckpdb command), where 0 <= n <= current target journal size. The target journal size is displayed by infodb and is the parameter set by the -target_jnl_blocks flag. -disable_journaling Halts journaling immediately, regardless of whether users are connected to the database. Note: A side effect of using alterdb to disable journaling is that incorrect journaling status is displayed for tables. Tables display journaling as enabledalthough journaling is disabled for the databasewhere you would expect enabled after next checkpoint. -delete_oldest_ckp Deletes the oldest available checkpoint, including related journals and dump files. The request fails if you attempt to delete the only remaining valid checkpoint. -verbose Displays system commentary to the standard output device as the alterdb operation continues. This parameter can be used with any one other alterdb parameter. -help Displays command syntax online.
arcclean [vnode::]dbname before_time [-udba_name]
[vnode::]dbname Specifies the name of the database to be cleaned. before_time Indicates that all records in the shadow and archive tables dated before the specified date and time are to be purged. Provide the date and time in standard Ingres date and time format. On UNIX, place single quotes around the date and time; on VMS and Windows, use double quotes. Caution! The date you specify should be before the last successful checkpoint or backup. -udba_name Specifies the name of the database owner.
arclean Example
The following example purges from the database all records before a certain date. Before issuing the arcclean command in this example, follow these steps to prepare the environment: 1. Make sure that you have valid checkpoints or backups of all databases to be cleaned. The date you specify in the arcclean command should be before the checkpoint or backup date. Removing records without a valid checkpoint could hinder recovery in the event of a system failure. For details, see the reconcil Command (see page 215). 2. Deny user access to all databases involved. There should be no new transactions during the cleaning process. Also, the shadow and archive tables need exclusive locks to the base tables during the modification procedure.Make sure the input and distribution queues are empty. You can do this by allowing the servers to run until they complete processing of all pending transactions. If records remain in the queues, the arcclean process will retain the relevant records in the shadow and archive tables on the local database. However, arcclean does not know which transactions are pending on other databases, and could therefore remove records on the local database that are required for an outstanding transaction on a target database. This situation may generate collisions when the outstanding transactions are distributed. This command purges all records dated before 20-Feb-04 from the remote hq database: Windows, VMS:
arcclean nyc::hq -unyc_dba 20-feb-04
arcclean nyc::hq -unyc_dba 20-feb-04
Auditdb does not exclusively lock the database, so other users can complete a transaction while auditdb is running. In some cases, a completed transaction may not have been moved yet from the log files to the journal files.
If you need an accurate list of transactions since the last checkpoint, make sure all users exit the database before you run auditdb, or use the wait flag. If you run auditdb with the wait flag, and a large amount of unarchived information is in the log file, there will be a delay before the request is processed. The auditdb command has the following format:
auditdb dbname[/server_class] [-a][-all] | [-table=tablename {,tablename} [-file[=filename {,filename}]]] [-bdd-mmm-yyyy[:hh:mm:ss]] [-edd-mmm-yyyy[:hh:mm:ss]] [#cn] [-iusername] [-inconsistent] [-wait] [-uusername] [-help]
dbname Specifies the database (one database name only), and the server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -a Prints journal entries for the system catalogs. -all Prints everything in the journal file. -table=tablename {,tablename} Specifies a particular table or tables for which journal entries are to be printed. Up to 64 table names (and 64 file names if the file flag is also used) can be specified on the command line. No spaces are allowed in the table list. If this flag is omitted, all tables in the database are audited. This flag is not valid for system catalogs (-a flag). The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18).
-file[=filename {,filename}] Specifies that audit output is to go to one or more files. To use this option, you must specify the table option. If a file list is specified, the number of files must match the number of tables. The audit output of the first tablename goes to the first filename, and so on. No spaces are allowed in the file list. If the file flag is present without a list of file names, auditdb creates default file names of the form tablename.trl (the file extension is an abbreviation of trail). If a list of tables is specified without a list of files, output is presented to the standard output device. This flag is not valid for system catalogs (-a flag). The output files produced are in binary (bulk copy) format and contain rows appended to, deleted from, or copied into the tables specified. You can copy the output files into a table that has been created to have a row for each operation against the specified table. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide. -bdd-mmm-yyyy[:hh:mm:ss] Prints journal entries for transactions committed after the specified date and time. If you specify a date and omit the time, the time defaults to 00:00:00 (midnight). If you omit this parameter, auditdb lists transactions starting from the date and time of the most recent checkpoint. -edd-mmm-yyyy[:hh:mm:ss] Prints journal entries for transactions committed before the specified date and time. If you specify a date and omit the time, the time defaults to 00:00:00 (midnight). If you omit this parameter, auditdb lists transactions through the current system date and time. #cn Prints journal entries for transactions committed starting from an older checkpoint. The checkpoint number n must be a valid checkpoint number (as shown by the infodb command). If you omit this parameter, auditdb lists transactions starting from the most recent checkpoint. UNIX: In bash shell, you must place this option in quotes; otherwise characters after the # will be treated as a comment. For example:
auditdb empdata "#c1"
-iusername Prints journal entries for actions taken by the specified user. -inconsistent Lets you view journals that the database has marked as inconsistent. The audit will still fail if core catalogs are inconsistent. -wait Waits until journals are current before starting the audit. Auditing begins after all archiving is completed on the database, or after the archiver has copied all log file information up to the log file end-of-file when the auditdb request was initiated. If a large amount of unarchived information is in the log file, there will be a delay before the request is processed. Note:There is a small delay (typically a few seconds) between when a transaction is committed and when it is visible using auditdb. -uusername Specifies the user for which journal entries are to be printed, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -help Displays command options.
auditdb Examples
1. This command audits the empdata database:
auditdb empdata
This command audits the empdata database, which contains the employee and address tables, and writes the output to the default files employee.trl and address.trl:
auditdb empdata -table=employee,address -file
This command does the same as the previous one, but specifies names for the output files:
auditdb empdata -table=employee,address -file=aud2.trl,aud3.trl
This command creates an audit trail for the employee table in the empdata database, and then uses SQL commands to create a table and copy the default auditdb output files into it.
auditdb empdata -table=employee -file sql empdata create table empaudit (date date not null with default, usrname char(32) not null with default, operation char(8) not null with default, tranid1 integer not null with default, tranid2 integer not null with default, table_id1 integer not null with default, table_id2 integer not null with default, eno I2, ename char(10), age I1, job I2, salary money, dept I2);
copy table empaudit () from 'C:\WINNT\Profiles\user1\employee.trl'
copy table empaudit () from "/usr/directory/employee.trl";
copy table empaudit () from "dev:[directory]employee.trl";
vnode Specifies the virtual node where the database resides. dbname Specifies the database name. imageFile Specifies the file name of the binary object to be stored. -ttable Specifies the name of the table to update. -bblobcol Specifies the name of the column to contain the BLOB. The default name is icedata. -nnamecol Specifies the name of the column to contain the file name. The default name is icedata. -u wwhereclause Updates (-u) the BLOB in the location specified by the where clause (-w).
blobstor Examples
This command stores a picture logo.gif into a database style in the pic column of table images:
blobstor -t images -b pic -n fname style logo.gif
Note: To use blobstor, these two columns must exist in the table. For example:
create table images (fname varchar(256), pic long byte);\p\g
This command updates a picture into the database style in the picture column of table images:
blobstor -t images -b pic -n fname -u -w fname='logo.gif' style newlogo.gif
cacheutil Displays the cacheutil command prompt, where you can enter any of the following cacheutil commands: list Lists the existing shared buffer caches for the installation, including the size of the cache and the number of connected DBMS Servers. show cache_name Displays detailed statistics on the specified shared buffer cache. destroy cache_name Destroys the shared memory segment associated with the specified cache name. This is needed on systems where shared segments are allocated in a manner such that they are not automatically released when all DBMS Servers connected to them are brought down. On these systems, if a DBMS with a shared memory cache fails or is brought down in an unsupported manner, the shared memory segment cannot be automatically cleaned up by the recovery system. In systems where shared segments are automatically released, when the failed server is restarted, it will automatically clean up the old shared segment. In this case cacheutil is not necessary to release the shared memory. However, if no server will be restarted that specifies the same cache name as the orphaned cache, then the shared segment must be cleaned up through the destroy option of cacheutil. help Displays help on the cacheutil utility. exit Closes the cacheutil utility.
-uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -vnode=vnode Specifies a vnode name as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). Note: A dynamic vnode is not valid on the -vnode parameter of the catalogdb command.
catalogdb Examples
This command lets you browse through data on your own account and databases:
This command lets you, as system administrator, browse the data for another user:
catalogdb -uPeter
-host=name Specifies the name of the remote NFS client installation to be configured. When using this parameter, system resource checking must be disabled. -node=nodename Specifies the node to be configured. This parameter is valid in a cluster installation only.
dbname Specifies the database (one database name only) to be checkpointed, and the server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -d Destroys all previous checkpoint and journal files. +j|-j Enables or disables journaling for a database. When this flag is not specified, current journaling status of the database is maintained. If you specify this flag, the checkpoint is performed offline.
-l Takes an exclusive lock on the database. If you specify this flag, the checkpoint is performed offline (while the database is not in use), which requires the database to be locked. In an interactive session, if you specify the -l flag to perform the checkpoint offline, then you can also specify the +w or -w flag. #m[n] Checkpoints n locations at a time to disk, for a multi-location database. -mdevice {, device} Writes the checkpoint to the specified tape device. If a list of tape devices is supplied, parallel checkpointing is used for a multi-location database. You can write one checkpoint only per tape. It is not necessary to mount the tape device. (When you restore a checkpoint that was created using the ckpdb -m command, you must use the rollforwarddb +c command.) The m option is not valid on Windows. -table=tablename {, tablename} Specifies a list of tables to be checkpointed. When specifying multiple tables, do not use a space between table names. Table checkpoint is not allowed for system catalogs. To use this parameter, the database must be journaled. Do not use the +j or j flag with -table. -v Indicates verbose mode, which displays interim messages as checkpointing proceeds. +w|-w Waits or does not wait for the database to be free (not in use) before performing the checkpoint. Use this flag only if you have specified the +j, j, or -l flag. The default is -w. This flag cannot be used if the checkpoint is performed online. An offline checkpoint requires the database to be locked. If you specify +w, ckpdb waits as long as necessary for the database to become free for locking and checkpointing. If you specify -w, and the database is busy, an error is returned. -timeout=mm:ss Waits the specified number of minutes for active sessions to complete. If the active sessions do not complete in the specified time, the checkpoint is abandoned.
-uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -help Displays command syntax online.
ckpdb Examples
This command checkpoints and initiates journaling on the empdata database:
ckpdb +j empdata;
This command checkpoints the empdata database and retains only the newest checkpoint:
ckpdb empdata -d;
ckpdb -mMTA0: empdata
dbname Specifies the name of the database. Also specifies the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). form Specifies the name of the form. You can compile only one form at a time. filename Specifies the name of the text file into which the compiled form is placed. -m VMS: Compiles a form into OpenVMS macro code. This flag is set by default on OpenVMS machines. Unless you specify this flag, compform compiles the form into C language code. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid).
compform Example
This command compiles the employees form, which is stored in the emp database, into a C language data structure and places it in the file empform.c:
compform emp employees empform.c
Before you can link the compiled form to your application, you must translate the compiled form into object code. For more information, see the Characterbased Querying and Reporting Tools User Guide.
vnode Specifies the virtual node where the database resides. dbname Specifies the database name. -udba_name Specifies the name of the database owner.
An SQL script (ctouout.sql) that contains appropriate alter table statements to be executed An execution script ( on UNIX and ctouexec.bat on Windows) for executing the SQL commands on the database
After running the convtouni utility, examine the SQL script and then execute the execution script. When you run convtouni in automodify mode, the execution script is created in a temporary directory and executed immediately. By default, all columns of all tables that have char or varchar columns are altered and modified. If you specify a table list, only the listed tables are altered (if they have char or varchar columns). The convtouni command has the following format:
convtouni dbname [-param_file=filename] | [[-uuser] [-P] [-Ggroupid] [-dest=dir] [-sqlfile=filename] [-automodify] [-col=column [-col=column]...] [{tables ...}]]
dbname Specifies the name of the database to be exported. -param_file=filename Specifies the command file that contains the options to the convtouni command. If used, do not specify other options on the convtouni command. The file must contain all options and each parameter (dbname, table, user, and so on) must be on a separate line. -uuser Specifies the effective user for the session. -P Specifies the password if the session requires one.
-Ggroupid Specifies the group ID of the user. -dest=dir Specifies the directory the output SQL file will be written to. -sqlfile=filename Specifies the name of the output SQL file. -automodify Modifies the tables immediately by creating the execution script in a temporary directory and executing it. -col=column Specifies the column to convert, in tablename.columnname format. Each column must be preceded by col=. Only the specified columns are changed; the rest of the char and varchar columns remain unchanged. Note: No more than 100 objects can be specified. This limit can be raised by modifying the utexe.def file. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide. tables Specifies a list of tables to convert. If no list is specified, but the -col= option is, then all specified columns of all tables owned by the user are altered. However, for the tables specified on the col= option, only the specified columns are converted to Unicode. Note: No more than 100 objects can be specified. This limit can be raised by modifying the utexe.def file. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide.
convtouni Examples
Given a database userdb with tables tab1, tab2, tab3, and tab4 with char and varchar columns, the following command creates statements to convert all columns of all tables to Unicode.
convtouni userdb
The following command converts three columns in the tab1 table and all columns of tab2 table of the userdb database into Unicode. The sqlfile=myfile.sql and the executable script is generated in directory /users/ingres/myloc:
convtouni userdb -dest=/users/ingres/myloc sqlfile=myfile.sql -col=tab1.col1 -col=tab1.col2 -col=tab1.col3 tab2
The following command converts all columns of all tables, but only col1 and col2 of the tab1 table:
convtouni userdb -automodify -col=tab1.col1 -col=tab1.col2
dbname Specifies the name of the database. Also specifies the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). applname Specifies the name of the application to be copied. -ddirname Specifies the directory in which to create the intermediate text file; the default is the current directory. -tintfilename Specifies the intermediate text file filename; the default file name is iicopyapp.tmp. -lfilename Creates a file containing the names of the source files to be copied. For Vision applications, the list includes only custom frames. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). The copyapp in command has the following format:
copyapp in newdbname |vnode::dbname[/server_class] [-nnewapplname] [-ddirname] intfilename [-lfilename] [-c] [-p] [-q] [-r] [-s[dirname]|-a[dirname]] [-uusername]
newdbname Specifies the name of the database into which the application is to be copied. Also specifies the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -nnewapplname Specifies the name to be assigned to the application in the new database. The default is the same name as in the old database. -ddirname Specifies the directory where the intermediate text file is located; the default is the current directory. intfilename Specifies the name of the intermediate file previously created by the copyapp out. This will be iicopyapp.tmp unless a different intermediate file name was designated with the t flag of copyapp out. -lfilename Creates a file containing a list of source files that were copied (or processed if the a flag was specified). For Vision applications, the list includes only custom frames. -c Specifies that the intermediate text file should be deleted. -p Suppresses messages about name conflicts. The default is to display messages. -q Specifies that copyapp will be performed as a single transaction. If there is a duplicate name conflict, all changes are rolled back. If you specify the q flag, copyapp locks system catalogs; for this reason, you should not specify q when users are connected to the database. In addition, the transaction is logged in the log file; you should be sure that the log file is large enough to accommodate the copyapp transaction. -r Specifies that objects with the same name should be replaced (overwritten). By default, duplicate names are not overwritten; instead, the copy is not completed and terminates with an error message.
-s[dirname] Specifies a new directory for source files. If dirname is omitted, the current working directory is used as the new applications source directory. This flag transfers 4GL source for custom Vision frames, but does not transfer source for non-custom Vision frames. Instead, it marks these frames as new, and source for these frames is regenerated on the next Go or Image operation. This flag is intended for Vision applications. You cannot specify both the a and the s flags. For Vision applications that contain non-custom frames, be sure to use the -a or s flag; if you do not, all frames are marked as custom frames. -a[dirname] Specifies a new source directory for the application, but does not copy source files. If dirname is omitted, then the current working directory is used as the new applications source directory. Any Vision frames are marked as new; source for these frames is regenerated on the next Go or Image operation. This flag is intended for Vision applications. You cannot specify both the a and the s flags. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
copyapp Example
The following commands copy the Vision new_emp application from the employee database to the employee2 database, use the default intermediate text file, and use the current working directory as the source directory for the new application:
copyapp out employee new_emp copyapp in -a employee2 iicopyapp.tmp
copy.out contains SQL commands to copy all tables, views, and procedures owned by the user into files in the specified directory. contains SQL commands to copy the files into tables, recreate views, procedures, and indexes, and perform modifications.
To copy the database, you must execute the SQL commands in the and copy.out command files. The name of a file created by copy.out consists of the name of the table followed by an extension made up of the first three letters of the owners login name. If file names collide, a unique digit replaces the last character of the table name segment. Note: It is important that the database be recreated with before doing any work (for example, creating tables, forms, applications, or reports) in the new database. After recreating a database, be sure to run sysmod to optimize storage structures. System catalogs cannot be copied using copydb. Use unloaddb to copy a complete database, including system catalogs. Copydb can be used to change ownership of tables. For details, see the Database Administrator Guide. Note: When copydb is run from an Ingres 2006 Release 2 or later installation against an older version of Ingres, the script generated will contain the data type INGRESDATE or ANSIDATE instead of DATE for any date columns in create table statements. The copydb command has the following format:
copydb [-param_file=filename] | [dbname|vnode::dbname[/server_class] [-c] [-uusername] [-Ggroupid] [-group_tab_idx] [-parallel]] [-journal] [-P] [-source=dirname] [-dest=dirname] [-ddirname] [-with_tables] [-with_modify] [-nodependency_check] [-with_data] [-all] [-order_ccm] [-with_index] [-with_constr] [-with_views] [-with_synonyms] [-with_events] [-with_proc] [-with_reg] [-with_rules] [-with_alarms] [-with_comments] [-with_roles] [-with_sequences] [-no_seq] [-with_permits] [-add_drop] [-infile=filename] [-outfile=filename] [-relpath] [-no_loc] [-no_perm] [-noint] [-no_persist] [-no_repmod] [-no_rep][-online] {tablename|viewname}] [-help]
-param_file=filename Reads filename for all other command line flags, database names, and any other command line arguments. This file must contain only one flag per line (see the examples that follow). If this flag is specified, no other flags or arguments can appear on the command line; they must, however, appear in the specified file. dbname Specifies the name of the database and, if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -c Creates a printable data file. This is useful for transporting databases between computer systems whose internal representations of non-ASCII data differ. (When you restore a database from a file created using the c flag, the copy command automatically converts data stored in this format back to the appropriate type.) Copydb cannot represent the following types of data using printable characters: (1) binary data stored in varchar columns, and (2) usermaintained logical keys. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13) and Schema Qualifier (see page 18). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). You must enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid). -group_tab_idx Builds indexes in the command file immediately after the respective table creation. Without this flag, all indexes are created for all tables toward the end of the command file. The usermod command uses this flag to limit the loss of non-persistent indexes if it encounters a failure. -parallel Creates indexes using the parallel index creation syntax (to build multiple indexes concurrently). -journal Replaces the SET NOJOURNALING statement in the scripts with the SET JOURNALING statement, and disables specifying the WITH NOJOURNALING option on each CREATE TABLE statement in script. When using the journal flag, fastload is not possible when loading the tables.
-P Prompts for password if the session requires one. -source=dirname Specifies the directory that contains the data files and from which will be run. An empty dirname specification () denotes the current directory. The source specification overrides a d specification for the copy in file. If a source is specified without a destination (no d or dest), the default copy out directory is used. The source directory specification is not checked for validity or existence. This allows the scripts to be moved to another machine. -dest=dirname Specifies the directory where the data files created by copy.out will be stored. An empty dirname specification (.) denotes the current directory. The dest specification overrides a d specification for the copy out file. If a destination is specified without a source (no source) then the default copy in directory is used. The destination directory specification is not checked for validity or existence. This allows the scripts to be moved to another machine. The destination directory must be different from the database directory, $II_DATABASE/ingres/data/default/dbname, because the files have the same names as the table files. -ddirname Stores the and copy.out files in the specified directory instead of the default current directory. The file name must be fully specified. -with_tables Prints only the CREATE statements. -with_modify Prints only the MODIFY statements. -nodependency_check Adds the WITH NODEPENDENCY_CHECK option to any MODIFY commands generated. This option forces a table modify operation and destroys indexes needed for constraints. Important! If you use this option, you must preserve or recreate the table structure necessary to enforce the constraints.
-with_data Prints only the COPY statements. -all Prints all the statements related to the database. -order_ccm Determines the order in which the COPY and MODIFY statements are written for the table. The default is to modify and then copy. If CCM is specified, the order is to copy and then modify. -with_index Prints statements only related to index. -with_constr Prints statements only related to constraints, such as ALTER TABLE statements. -with_views Prints statements only related to views. -with_synonyms Prints statements only related to synonyms. -with_ events Prints statements only related to events. -with_proc Prints statements only related to procedures. -with_reg Print statements only related to registration. -with_rules Prints statements only related to rules. -with_alarms Prints statements only related to security alarms. -with_comments Prints statements only related to comments. -with_roles Prints statements only related to roles. -with_sequences Prints statements only related to sequences.
-no_seq Does not print sequence related statements. -with_permits Prints statements only related to permits. -add_drop Writes a DROP statement also, before writing the CREATE statements. This is useful when the scripts are run repeatedly in case of errors, and tables are already created. -infile=filename Specifies an input file name for the file, so user can run copydb with different options and give different names for infile. -outfile=filename Specifies an output file name for the copy.out file. -relpath Removes the paths from the file names; the files will thus be created and copied from the current directory. -noint Runs copydb uninterrupted for all the tables. -no_loc Does not write the LOCATION clause for CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or MODIFY statements. -no_perm Does not print GRANT statements. -no_persist Does not write CREATE INDEX statements for indexes that have been created with the WITH PERSISTENCE clause. -no_repmod Does not write MODIFY table statements for Ingres Replicator system tables of a replicated database. -no_rep Does not write Ingres Replicator objects (tables, indexes, events, procedures) of a replicated database to the file. -online Adds the WITH CONCURRENT UPDATES option to the MODIFY statement, if specified.
tablename|viewname Specifies the tables to be copied. If omitted, all tables are copied. This could also be a list of views; in that case only the given views are copied. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). Note: No more than 100 objects can be specified. This limit can be raised by modifying the utexe.def file. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide. -help Displays command syntax online.
The following command runs copydb with parameters supplied in a file called flagfile:
copydb -param_file=flagfile
The following commands copy a tape to mydb. In this example, replace the named directory (/usr/mydir/backup) with your own:
cd /usr/mydir/backup tar xvpf /dev/rmt0 sql mydb < sysmod mydb
Next, the following commands make a copy backup of olddb into newdb. In this example, replace the named default directory (mydir.backup) with your own:
set default [mydir.backup] sql newdb < sysmod newdb
One type of object only (form, QBFName, JoinDef) can be specified in a single copyform command. Because the process has two steps, you can use copyform to change the ownership of a form, QBFName, or JoinDef. Copy the desired object into a text file, then copy the form back into the database under a new owner. For a discussion on using the copyform command to change ownership of a database, see the Database Administrator Guide. The copyform command has the following formats. Copy the object from the database to a text file:
copyform dbname |vnode::dbname[/server_class] form {form} | -q qbfname {qbfname} | -j joindef {joindef} filename [-s] [-uusername] [-Ggroupid]
dbname Specifies the name of the database containing the forms, or to which the forms are being copied. Also specifies the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). form Specifies the name of the form. No QBFNames or JoinDefs associated with the form are copied. Note: No more than 100 objects can be specified. This limit can be raised by modifying the utexe.def file. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide. Copyform copies only the form's definition to a text file. The format of this text file is not useful for determining what is in the form. Most of the file consists of the entries from the system catalogs in text format. Because these catalogs are interdependent, do not alter or edit this file, or you can cause the irrecoverable destruction of the form.
-q qbfname Copies the specified QBFName. Multiple QBFNames can be specified. Forms and JoinDefs associated with the qbfname are also copied. The space between q and qbfname is required. -j joindef Copies the specified JoinDef. Multiple JoinDefs can be specified. The space between j and joindef is required. filename Specifies the name of a text file in which to write the forms, or the name of the text file previously created by copyform, that contain the forms to be copied into the database. -s Suppresses status messages. -i Indicates this is an input operation. This parameter is required for the input step. -r Suppresses the verification prompt for overwriting existing objects. If an object exists in the database under the same name and owner, the object from the file overwrites it. If this flag is not specified, the user is prompted for verification. -uusername Copies forms owned by the specified user, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid).
copyform Examples
In the following examples, if your database resides on a remote systemfor instance, the projects database on the hq nodespecify the database as hq::projects rather than projects. 1. The following command line copies out a form called employees from the projects database into a text file called empform.txt:
copyform projects empform.txt employees
The following command line copies out a JoinDef called emp_join from the projects database into the empinfo.txt file:
copyform projects empinfo.txt -j emp_join
To force copyform to prompt you for a list of QBFNames from the projects database, use the following command line:
copyform projects empdata.txt -q
The following command copies the text file empform.txt into the newemp database:
copyform -i newemp empform.txt
You can use the copyrep and sreport commands to copy a report from one database to another. You can use also these commands to change ownership of a report. To do this, copy out a report owned by a particular user into a text file and then copy the report back into the database under the ownership of another user. For a discussion on using the copyrep and sreport commands to change ownership of a report, see the Database Administrator Guide. The copyrep command has the following format:
copyrep dbname |vnode::dbname[/server_class] filename reportname {reportname} [-f] [-s] [-uusername] [-Ggroupid]
dbname Specifies the name of the database containing the reports to be copied. Also specifies the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). filename Specifies the name of a text file in which to write the report definitions. reportname Specifies the name of the report to be copied. -f Writes the reports out in the same format as the Archive operation accessed through the Reports Catalog frame of RBF. For reports created with RBF, this strips out many of the statements. -s Suppresses status messages.
-uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid).
copyrep Example
The following example copies a report called emphours in the emp database into a text file called
copyrep emp emphours
Then you can use the sreport command to copy the report in the text file into the database newemp under a different owner:
sreport newemp -uuser2
Note: You must be the DBA for the newemp database or have the security privilege to use the -u flag.
dbname Specifies the name of the database to be created. The name must be unique and begin with an alphabetic character. The name can have a maximum of 24 alphanumeric characters (the underscore is also allowed). Also specifies the server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you are using Ingres Star, you must specify star as the server_class. For examples, see the Ingres Star User Guide. cdbname Overrides the default coordinator database name stored in the Ingres Star catalogs. The default name of the coordinator database is the dbname you specified, prefixed with ii. This is an optional parameter for use with Ingres Star.
-dlocationname Specifies the location of the database files. The default is the location to which II_DATABASE points. -clocationname Specifies the location of the checkpoint files. The default is the location to which II_CHECKPOINT points. -jlocationname Specifies the location of the journal files. The default is the location to which II_JOURNAL points. -blocationname Specifies the location of the dump files. The default is the location to which II_DUMP points. -wlocationname Specifies the location of the work files. The default is the location to which II_WORK points. -f product Specifies user interface products for which you want to create catalogs. Valid product names are ingres, ingres/dbd, vision, windows_4gl, and nofeclients, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). The default is to include all product names. -llanguage Specifies the collating sequence for a non-Unicode-enabled database. The sequence must exist in the installation before issuing the createdb command. A databases collating sequence determines the order in which data is sorted. Valid values for language are: multi DEC Multinational Character Sequence spanish Spanish alphabets character sequence collation_name A custom collation sequence. For details see the System Administrator Guide. To view the available collation sequences, examine the contents of the collation file (located in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/collation).
If the -l flag is not specified, the collating sequence is determined by the value of II_COLLATION (if this is set). If II_COLLATION is not set, the default collating sequence is assigned to the database. The default is the native sequence of the ASCII or EBCDIC character set, depending on which is present in your computer. -n[collationname] Creates a Unicode-enabled database using Normalization Form D (NFD). This enables storing and manipulating Unicode data by defining columns as Unicode data types (that is, nchar, nvarchar, and long nvarchar). The database uses NFD for normalization of Unicode strings for processing and storage. NFD results from the canonical decomposition of a Unicode string. Collation name can be one of the following: udefault (Default) Creates a Unicode-enabled database with the default collation sequence. unicode_french Creates a Unicode-enabled database with French collation sequence. For example:
createdb -nunicode_french unidb
-i[collationname] Creates a Unicode-enabled database using Normalization Form C (NFC). This enables storing and manipulating Unicode data by defining columns as Unicode data types (that is, nchar, nvarchar, and long nvarchar). The database uses NFC for normalization of Unicode strings for processing and storage. NFC results from the canonical decomposition of a Unicode string, followed by the replacement of all decomposed sequences by primary composites, where possible. Collation name can be one of the following: udefault (Default) Creates a Unicode-enabled database with the default collation sequence. unicode_french Creates a Unicode-enabled database with French collation sequence. For example:
createdb -iunicode_french unidb
-p Creates a private database. Only the DBA and names specified on the accessdb command have access to the database. Do not use this flag with Ingres Star. -S Creates an iidbdb. You must be a privileged user to use this flag. Do not use it with Ingres Star. On VMS, enclose this flag in double quotation marks (-S). -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -rlocationname Specifies the new location of the read-only database; typically this will be the CD-ROM drive where the read-only database is located. -page_size=n Creates a database with catalogs that have the specified non-default page size. Limits: Possible values for n are: 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, and 65536. Example: createdb dbname page_size=4096 Note: The -dmf_cache_size parameter for the DBMS Server should be enabled for the page size specified in this command.
createdb Examples
This command creates a private database on the default devices:
createdb -p mydb
This command creates the public database ericsdb using a different user name:
createdb ericsdb -ueric
This command creates a database with its database, checkpoint, and journal files on different devices:
createdb bigdb -ddb_ingres -cnewdev_ingres -jotherdev_ingres
This command creates a database with catalogs for Ingres and OpenROAD:
createdb testdb -f ingres windows_4gl
This command creates a distributed database for use with Ingres Star:
createdb mydb/STAR
This command creates a Unicode-enabled database with a custom collation sequence and supports Normalization Form D:
createdb -nmyunicollation unicodedb
This command creates a Unicode-enabled database with default collation sequence and supports Normalization Form C:
createdb -i unicodedb
This command creates a Unicode-enabled database with a custom collation sequence and supports Normalization Form C:
createdb -imyunicollation unicodedb
csreport Output
Here is sample output from the csreport command:
!Installation version 610008 !Max number of servers 16 !Description of shared memory for control system: !Key 0x493D183C: size 16384 attach 00000000 !Description of shared memory for logging & locking system: !Key 0x493D184E: size 229376 attach C0005000 !Semaphore information for installation: ! sysV semid 38, num sems 21, used sems 19 !0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !Event system: used space 13268, length space 16384
The Recovery Server is listed first and can be connected to iimonitor with the connect ID 2217. The other server in this listing has the connect ID 2220. Processes (as opposed to servers) do not have a connect ID.
language Specifies the embedded SQL host language, such as C. dbname Specifies the name of the database containing the table. tablename Specifies the name of the database table. filename Specifies the name of the output file into which the structure declaration is placed. structurename Specifies the name of the host language structure that the command generates. The structure tag is the structure name followed by an underscore character (_).
dclgen Example
The following example demonstrates how to use DCLGEN within a C program (assuming the Employee table was created in the Personnel database):
exec sql create table employee (eno smallint not null, ename char(20) not null, age integer1, job smallint, sal decimal(14,2) not null, dept smallint) with journaling;
This command creates the employee.dcl file, which contains a comment and two statements. The first statement is the declare table description of employee, which serves as a comment. The second statement is a declaration of the C structure emprec. The contents of the employee.dcl file are:
/* Table employee description from database personnel */ exec sql declare employee table (eno smallint not null, ename char(20) not null, age integer1, job smallint, sal decimal(14,2) not null, dept smallint); struct emprec_ { short char short short double short } emprec;
The length of the ename buffer is increased by one byte to accommodate the C null terminator. Also, the integer1 data type is mapped to short rather than char. To include this file in an embedded SQL declaration section, use the embedded SQL include statement:
exec sql begin declare section; exec sql include 'employee.dcl'; exec sql end declare section;
You can then use the emprec structure within a select, fetch, or insert statement. The field names in the structure that DCLGEN generates are identical to the column names in the specified table. Therefore, if the column names in the table contain any characters that are illegal for host language variable names you must modify the name of the field before attempting to use the variable in an application.
dbname Specifies the name of the database and, if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). objectspec Describes the object or objects to be deleted from the database. Either an objectspec or the word -all can be specified. You can optionally specify the silent -u and -G flags. Details on specifying this parameter are described in Object Specification (see page 77). -all Specifies that all objects owned by the effective user are to be deleted. You can optionally specify the silent -u and -G flags. -silent Runs in silent mode, suppressing status messages. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose the Ggroupid parameter in double quotes.
-report Indicates that the object names refer to reports. -form Indicates that the object names refer to forms. -joindef Indicates that the object names refer to join definitions. -application Indicates that the object names refer to applications. -qbfname Indicates that the object names refer to QBFNames. objname Specifies one or more object names of the specified type. An object name can contain SQL wildcard characters (%, _, [ ]), with the backslash (\) as the escape character. For details, see the pattern matching description in the SQL Reference Guide. -wildcard Expands wild cards. The default is not to expand wild cards. -include filename Specifies the name of an ASCII file that contains object names. This parameter is an alternative to listing multiple objname parameters on the command line. The file can consist of one or more ASCII lines with the following format characteristics:
Each line can be up to 256 bytes (not characters) in length. Longer lines may cause errors. A line can contain a combination of object names, comment, and white space (blanks and tabs). A comment begins with the character # and continues to the end of the line. Each line terminates with an ASCII carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), or form feed (FF) character.
delobj Examples
1. This command deletes the empreport report from the empdata database:
delobj empdata -report empreport
This command deletes the videoapp application from the video database, specifying user name Adder:
delobj video -uAdder -application videoapp
In the following examples, assume objects: qbfname_1, qbfnameA1, and qbfnameB1. a. The following command deletes all three objects using the underscore as a wildcard character:
delobj dbname -qbfname qbfname_1 -wildcard
The previous command without the -wildcard flag deletes the qbfname qbfname_1 only:
delobj dbname -qbfname qbfname_1
The previous command is identical to the following command, which escapes the underscore character, preventing it from being used as a wildcard character, even though the -wildcard flag is specified:
delobj dbname -qbfname qbfname\_1 -wildcard
Deletes all reports listed in the oldrpts.txt file from the admin database:
delobj admin -report -include oldrpts.txt
vnode:: dbname Specifies the name of the database. If required, specify the vnode. -udba_name Specifies the effective user for the session. You must run dereplic as the owner of the database.
dbname Specifies the name of the database. -p Prompts you to be sure that you want to destroy the database. VMS: If you want to be prompted for confirmation automatically when you execute the destroydb command, use the following command, which eliminates the need to use the p flag to obtain a confirmation prompt:
destroydb:=="ii_system:[ingres.bin] destroydb.exe -p"
-l Confirms if the database is in use, and if in use, returns with an error message. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
destroydb Examples
This command destroys the empdata database:
destroydb empdata
flags Specify options to the preprocessor. For details on the flags, see the Embedded QUEL Companion Guide. filename Indicates the name of the file containing the embedded QUEL C source for your application. For information on compiling and linking QUEL/C programs that is specific to your operating system, check the Readme file.
eqc Examples
This command preprocesses file1.qc to file1.c:
eqc file1
This command accepts input from standard input and writes generated code to standard output:
eqc -s
flags Specify options to the preprocessor. These flags are common to most host language preprocessors, and are described under the esqlc command (see page 84). The following flag is unique to the preprocessor for Ada: -avads On VMS, generates code for VADS on systems that have both an OpenVMS preprocessor and VADS Ada preprocessor. This flag is required. filename Specifies the name of the file that contains the embedded SQL statements. For a complete description of the SQL preprocessor requirements for Ada, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
flags Specify options to the preprocessor. These flags are common to most host language preprocessors, and are described under the esqlc command (see page 84). The following flags are unique to the preprocessor for BASIC: -iN Sets the default size of integers to N bytes. N must be 1, 2, or 4. The default is 4. -rN Sets default size of reals to N bytes. N must be 4 or 8. The default is 4. filename Specifies the name of the file that contains the embedded SQL statements. For a complete description of the SQL preprocessor requirements for BASIC, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
filename Specifies the name of the file that contains the embedded SQL statements. flags Specify options to the preprocessor. These flags are common to most host language preprocessors. Note: Flags specific to the preprocessor for C are noted with (esqlc). -{# | p} (esqlc) Generates # line directives to the C compiler (by default, they are in comments). This flag is helpful when debugging the error messages from the C compiler. -? On Windows and VMS, lists the valid command line options. -On UNIX, lists the valid command line options. -[no]blank_pad (esqlc) Tells the preprocessor to pad (-blank_pad) or not pad (noblank_pad) with blanks any data selected at run time into fixedlength char host variables. Padding is done to the declared length of the variable, less one byte for the C null terminator. The setting -blank_pad generates code that complies with ANSI and ISO Entry SQL-92 data retrieval rules for fixed-length char variables. The setting -noblank_pad complies with current data retrieval rules. Instead of padding with blanks, char data is null terminated to the length of the data retrieved. The default is -noblank_pad.
-[no]check_eos (esqlc) Tells the preprocessor to check (check_eos) or not check (nocheck_eos) for an end-of-string null terminator on char variables. The setting -check_eos is provided for ANSI SQL-92 conformity. It raises an error if a null terminator is missing. The setting -nosqlcode is the default. It turns off the above checking. -d Adds debugging information to the runtime database error messages generated by ESQL. The source file name, line number, and the erroneous statement are printed along with the error message. -f[filename] Writes preprocessor output to the specified file. If the filename variable is omitted, the output is sent to standard output, one screen at a time. If the -f flag is omitted, output is written to a file that has the same base name as the input file, and contains an extension corresponding to the language preprocessor you invoked. For information about filename extensions, consult your host language companion guide. -iN (esqlc) Sets the default size of integers to N bytes. N must be 1, 2, or 4. The default is 4. -l Writes preprocessor error messages to the preprocessors listing file and the terminal. The listing file includes preprocessor error messages and your source text in a file named filename.lis, where filename is the name of the input file. -lo Makes generated code appear in the listing file too. -multi Generates a thread safe code for use in multi-threaded ESQL applications. -o[. ext] Specifies whether to generate output files for include files. If no extension is specified, the include file preprocessor does not create an output file. This does not affect the inclusion of files in the main program. The preprocessor generates a default extension for the translated include file statements unless you specify the -o.ext flag. If an extension is specified, the include files are output to the specified extension after being preprocessed.
-s Reads embedded commands from standard input and generates resulting code to standard output. This is useful for unfamiliar testing statements. If the -l option is specified with this flag, the listing file is called stdin.lis. On Windows, to terminate the interactive session, type Ctrl + C. On UNIX, to terminate the interactive session, type Ctrl + D. On VMS, to terminate the interactive session, type Ctrl + Z. -[no]sqlcode Tells the preprocessor to assume (-sqlcode) or not assume (-nosqlcode) the existence of a status variable named SQLCODE to receive status information from SQL statements. The declaration does not have to be in an exec sql begin/end declare section. The -sqlcode setting is provided for ANSI SQL-92 conformity. The -nocheck_eos setting is the default. -w Prints warning messages. -wsql=entry_SQL92 | open Issues a warning if the preprocessor detects an embedded SQL statement that does not follow the specified syntax. entry_SQL92 specifies the ANSI.SQL-92 entry level standard. (This is also known as the FIPS flagger option.) open specifies OpenSQL syntax. This flag is useful if you intend to port an application across different Enterprise Access products. Warnings do not halt or affect the success of compilation. This flag does not validate the statement syntax for any SQL gateway whose syntax is more restrictive than that of OpenSQL. Note: The flag wopen is identical to wsql=open, and is supported for backward compatibility. For a complete description of the SQL preprocessor requirements for C, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
flags Specify options to the preprocessor. These flags are common to most host language preprocessors, and are described under the esqlc command (see page 84). The following flags are unique to the preprocessor for COBOL: -a Generates output in ANSI format. Use this flag if your source code is in ANSI format and you want to compile the program with the COBOL command line qualifier ansi_format. On VMS, if this flag is omitted, the preprocessor generates output in Compaq COBOL terminal format. filename Specifies the name of the file that contains the embedded SQL statements. For a complete description of the SQL preprocessor requirements for COBOL, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
flags Specify options to the preprocessor. These flags are common to most host language preprocessors, and are described under the esqlc command (see page 84). The following flags are unique to the preprocessor for C++: -extention=ext Specifies the extension for the C++ file created by the precompiler. -prototypes Directs the preprocessor to include a header file containing ANSI style function prototypes for the Ingres run time routines. The default is -noprototypes (the prototypes in the header file are not ANSI style). filename Specifies the name of the file that contains the embedded SQL statements. For a complete description of the SQL preprocessor requirements for C++, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
flags Specify options to the preprocessor. These flags are common to most host language preprocessors, and are described under the esqlc command (see page 84). The following flags are unique to the preprocessor for Fortran: -iN Sets the default size of integers to N bytes. N must be either 2 or 4. The default is 4. On UNIX, if N=2 is used, the -i2 flag must be specified. On VMS, if N=2 is used, the noi4 qualifier must be used. filename Specifies the name of the file that contains the embedded SQL statements. For a complete description of the SQL preprocessor requirements for Fortran, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
-llocname Identifies the name of the new or existing location. -uuser Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). dbname|-nodb Specifies the list of databases to be extended. If no databases are to be extended, use the nodb flag. This flag allows for the creation of a location without extending databases to it. Also specifies the vnode, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -aarea_dir Specifies the directory (area_dir) that the new location will point to. This option creates the full directory path below the ingres root location. Use this option when creating a new location only. Do not use it when extending a database to an existing location. Note: On VMS, this option does not create the area. -Udata,ckp,jnl,dmp,work|awork Specifies the usage for the new location. Valid usages include data (database), ckp (checkpoint), jnl (journal), dmp (dump), work (work), and (awork) auxiliary work. -rraw_pct Specifies, for Raw locations, the percentage of the Raw Area to be allocated to this location. Use this option when creating a new location only. Do not use it when extending a database to an existing location. -drop Drops the specified location. -alter Modifies a locations usage to add data, ckp, jnl, dmp, or work areas.
extenddb Examples
This command extends the stockdb database to use the directory /disk1/loc1 as new data and work areas:
extenddb -lextraloc1 stockdb -a/disk1/loc1 -Udata,work
dbname Identifies the name of the database into which the file is to be loaded. file=filename Identifies the file name to be loaded. If the file is not in the current directory, specify the full path name of the file. -table=tablename Identifies the table into which the file is to be loaded.
fastload Example
This command loads the file test.out into the table test in the database fload:
fastload fload -file=test.out -table=test
dbname Specifies the name of the database being exported. Also specifies the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -uuser Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -P Specifies the password if the session requires one. -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
-dest=dir Specifies the destination directory into which the XML file is generated. An empty dirname specification (.) denotes the current directory. The generated Ingres DTD is also placed in this directory. -xmlfile=filename Specifies the name of the output XML file. By default, the file is called xmlout.xml. -dtdfile=filename Specifies the name of the output dtd file. By default, the file is called ingres.dtd. -metadata_only Indicates to print the metadata information only. -internal_dtd Prints the DTD inline inside the XML doc. -referred_dtd Places a reference to the ingres.dtd in Ingres files directory ($II_SYSTEM/ingres/files). tablename Specifies the table name or names that the user wants the XML to output. Table names must be separated by spaces. If omitted, all tables are copied. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). Note: No more than 100 objects can be specified. This limit can be raised by modifying the utexe.def file. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide. -title_doctype=title Changes the doctype or the document name of the XML file. The default doctype is IngresDoc. Use this flag with caution. If the document name is changed, the referred_dtd option should not be used because the referred generic Ingres DTD in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files has IngresDoc as document type.
genxml Examples
This command generates a copy of a database testdb in XML format:
genxml testdb
The generated files xmlout.xml and ingres.dtd are written to the current directory. The file xmlout.xml contains the metadata and data of all tables in the database testdb. The following command exports table tab1 only, writes the files to directory (/tmp/mydirectory) using file name myxml.xml, and places the DTD file inline with the XML file:
genxml testdb -dest=/tmp/mydirectory -xmlfile=myfile.xml -internal_dtd tab1
If you want to recreate objects at any other location or installation without copying a large amount of data, you can use the -metadata_only flag to generate the metadata information in XML format.
-loop Prompts whether you want to perform another export operation after an export is complete. filename.ii_exp Invokes the Export Assistant with the parameters that are stored in the specified export file. The extension of the export file should be .ii_exp. -l listfile In silent mode, performs export operations on multiple export files listed in listfile. silent logfilename=logfile Runs Export Assistant in silent mode (no prompts appear), and reports errors or output in the specified logfile. The silent option is available only if a filename.ii_exp or l argument is used. If a problem occurs, errors are reported in the specified log file and the program terminates with no prompts. -o In silent mode, overwrites the log file to be created, if it already exists.
iea Example
This example exports data in multiple files. In the example, the filelist.txt file contains the following two lines:
c:\temp\exportemployees.ii_exp c:\temp\exportsales.ii_exp
The following command invokes the Export Assistant in silent mode. The Export Assistant then performs two exports that correspond to the parameters in the c:\temp\exportemployees.ii_export and c:\temp\exportsales.ii_export files. Any errors are reported in the c:\temp\erriea.txt file. The files to be created will be overwritten if they already exist.
iea -l filelist.txt -silent -logfilename=c:\temp\erriea.txt -o
-loop Prompts whether you want to perform another import operation after an import is complete. filename.ii_imp Invokes the Import Assistant with the import parameters that are stored in the specified file.
-v Displays system commentary (verbose mode) to the standard output device during the iigenres operation. host Specifies the host for which the configuration should be generated. The host or rule-map parameter is required. You can also specify both a host and a rule_map. rule_map Specifies the rule map file to use. The rule map file contains a list of the rule system files (CRS extension files) to use when generating the default configuration.
iigenres Example
This command creates a config.dat file for the usajemm system using the default rule map file.
iigenres usajemm default.rfm
name Identifies the name of the configuration parameter, as it appears in the config.dat file.
-v Displays old and new values as well as all recalculations (verbose mode). -keep Keeps the current value of the specified parameter (if it exists) in the configuration file. Without the -k option, the default setting will override the existing setting. resource Indicates the name of the parameter to install. Specify the final component of the parameter name only, not the full name. rule-map Indicates the name of a rule-map file to use in place of the normal one, default.rfm. The rule-map file must be in the $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files directory. You can use the rule-map file to include special rules for computing the parameter being installed. For example, the Ingres upgrade process uses this option when calculating a replacement parameter from its old form.
-a Lists all supported driver properties, including tracing properties, to STDOUT. -t Lists only tracing properties to STDOUT. -c Same as flag a, but writes to file. -f fname Same as flag -a, but writes to a specified disk file. -h Displays syntax online.
iijdbcprop Examples
This command lists only the JDBC driver trace properties in the STDOUT:
iijdbcprop -t
This command creates an file in the $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files directory containing all supported JDBC driver properties, most of which are commented out by the # character:
iijdbcprop -c
-dbms Builds only iidbms. -standard (Default) Uses standard binary names. -noudt Does not link user-defined data types and does not prompt for input. -nosol Does not link the Spatial Objects Library and does not prompt for input. -merge Unconditionally builds iimerge binary. -shared (Default on Linux) Builds server from shared libraries. -lp32 Builds 32-bit server. This is the default on 32-bit platforms (Intel Linux, for example) and 32/64 bit hybrid platforms (SPARC Solaris, for example). -lp64 Builds 64-bit server. This is the default on 64-bit platforms (Tru64, for example) and 64/32-bit reverse hybrid platforms (AMD64 Linux, for example). -help Displays command syntax online.
Viewing the status of the given server Shutting down the given server Monitoring or shutting down a particular session of the given server Performing other server control functions of the given server
If you are using iimonitor to terminate a session that has an active transaction, the server first rolls back the transaction. The session is not completely removed until the rollback is complete. The iimonitor command has the following format:
iimonitor server_id
server_id Identifies the GCF address of the server. To obtain the GCF address of a server, use the iinamu utility or the csreport utility (on UNIX). The csreport utility shows DBMS and recovery servers only. This server ID can also be found in the installation log file (errlog.log).
Help Command
The iimonitor help command lists the available commands in the iimonitor utility for the given server. The help command has the following format:
listen Displays the server listen state, either OPEN or CLOSED shutdown Displays the server shutdown state, either OPEN or PENDING
user Gives information on user sessions. This is the default if no option is specified. system Provides information on system sessions. all Provides information on user, system, and admin sessions. admin Provides information on admin (iimonitor) sessions. Note: This option is for GCF servers only. formatted Shows additional information for each session in a block format. stats Displays block (message) I/O counts.
Possible session states displayed in the output are as follows: CS_EVENT_WAIT: Indicates the session is waiting for an event. The event type is shown in parentheses, and can be any of these: (LOCK)The session is waiting for a lock to be granted. (DIO)The session is waiting for a disk I/O to complete. (LOG-IO) The session is waiting for the completion of I/O to the transaction log. (BIO)The session is waiting for a message to be received from or sent to its associated user interface. (GWFIO)The session is waiting for completion of a request it has made through a gateway to a non-Ingres database. CS_MUTEX Indicates the session is waiting for a semaphore (access to a system data structure). CS_COMPUTABLE Indicates the session is able and waiting to run. CS_INTERRUPT Indicates the sessions current wait state can be interrupted, if needed. The system sessions include server threads. Server threads are as follows: Admin thread Assists in administrative chores. Note: This thread cannot be seen with iimonitor. Idle thread Assists in administrative chores. Event thread Handles event processing. Write behind thread Performs write behind processing.
Consistency point thread Performs consistency points. (This thread was previously called Fast Commit, but all serversincluding non-Fast Commit servers-- now use this thread.) Dead process thread Checks for abnormal process termination. Force abort thread Performs force abort processing. Group commit thread Performs group commit processing. Lock callback thread Performs all lock callback actions. Log writer thread Performs transaction logfile writes. Security audit thread Performs security auditing (in C2 enabled servers only). The iimonitor utility can also be used to connect to the recovery process (DMFRCP). Formatting the recovery thread in the recovery process displays the current state of online recovery operations, if any are taking place. The recovery process is multi-threaded, and has the following threads that can be viewed with iimonitor: Recovery thread Performs online recoveries Consistency point timer thread Performs timed consistency points
user Provides information on user sessions. This is the default if no option is specified. admin Provides information on admin (iimonitor) sessions. Note: This option is for GCF servers only. system Provides information on system sessions. all Provides information on all active sessions.
shut Disallows additional connections and shuts down the server when currently connected sessions finish. closed Disallows additional connections. open Allows new connections and cancels a pending set server shut
force Terminates server immediately. Note: This option applies to GCF servers only.
remove Disconnects a particular user session. It cannot be used to drop system threads. This command can be run by a privileged user only. suspend Suspends a compute-bound session to allow a trace of the problem. This option is not available for GCF servers. resume Resumes a suspended session. This option is not available for GCF servers. kill Terminates the currently executing query while leaving the user session connected. This option is not available for GCF servers. session_id Specifies to perform the action on the specified session (sessionid). To display the session ID, use the iimonitor utility show sessions command.
Quit Command
The iimonitor quit command terminates the iimonitor session. The quit command has the following format:
attribute value Specifies the trace attribute and its value. Valid values depend on the trace attribute being set. Valid attributes are: level, GCA, GCS, or API (iigcd only) Specifies type of tracing to perform. level turns on the default tracing associated with that GCF server: GCCCommunications Server - COMSVR (iigcc) GCDData Access Server - DASVR (iigcd) GCNName Server - NMSVR (iigcn) GCA, GCS or API (for iigcd only) can be specified in addition to or instead of "level" to provide tracing for those areas in the server. Note: The 3-character trace mnemonic is equivalent to setting Ingres variable II_XXX_TRACE or config.dat XXX_trace_level for the server connected to, where XXX is GCA, GCS, API, GCC, GCD, or GCN. For more details on tracing GCF servers for diagnostic purposes, see the Connectivity Guide and System Administrator Guide. The associated attribute value is the level of tracing from 0-5, with a higher value providing more detailed tracing. log Specifies a trace output log file. The associated attribute value is the full disk path and file name of the log file or NONE to disable all tracing. Note: All tracing from a server is directed to a single output file. As a result, any trace settings configured using a non-dynamic method (that is, configured through config.dat instead of iimonitor) will also be enabled when log is set to a trace file.
Examples: Set Trace Command When connected to the Communications Server, the following iimonitor commands turn on GCC and GCA tracing in that server to levels 3 and 5 respectively and write the output to trace file /tmp/gcc_log:
set trace level 3 set trace GCA 5 set trace log /tmp/gcc.log
all Removes all tickets. local Removes local tickets only. remote Removes remote tickets only.
At the IINAMU prompt, enter one of the following commands: show [svr_type] Shows the list of registered servers. The svr_type can be: SERVERS Shows all servers registered with the Name Server. INGRES (Default) Shows Ingres DBMS Server process COMSVR Shows GCC Communications Server process IINMSVR Shows Name Server process DASVR Shows Data Access Server process STAR Shows Star Server process RMCMD Shows Remote Command Server process BRIDGE Shows Protocol Bridge Server process IUSVR Shows Recovery Server process
gateway Shows Enterprise Access Server (gateway) process. Gateway can be: MSSQL, ORACLE, DB2UDB, INFORMIX, SYBASE, RDB, or RMS. user-defined DBMS Shows user-defined DBMS server process, as defined in the server_class parameter for the DBMS Server in Configuration-ByForms or Configuration Manager, for example BATCH, ONLINE, ACCOUNTS. add svr_type obj_name gcf_address [flag] Adds a server to the list of registered servers. Only a privileged user can run this command. Adding entries is not recommended and should be unnecessary as the information is automatically obtained from the servers during registration (at startup) and is based on the configured server_classes. obj_name Specifies the names of the objects that each server can service. Valid values are: * (asterisk)Is the default for DBMS Servers, which indicates that all databases can be accessed. All other servers do not register specific objects. Database listIs a single database or a comma separated list of databases that the Ingres DBMS Server can connect to. flag can be one or more of the following values: soleAdds a sole server. mergeDoes not delete existing entries for the server at gcf_address when the new entry is added. Use this flag to add a new object to be serviced by an existing server. delete svr_type obj_name gcf_address Deletes a server from the list of registered servers. Only a privileged user can run this command. The svr_type and obj_name must associate with the information for the gcf_address. stop Stops the Name Server. This command is the correct way to stop the Name Server process. If the Name Server is stopped while servers are running, users cannot connect to those servers. Connected users will not be affected until they need to connect to a server. Only a privileged user can run this command.
help Displays command information. quit Closes iinamu. Note: At times, you may want to start DBMS servers that are not publicly registered with the Name Server. You can do this by setting the configuration parameter name_service to off. If this option is used, the server is not registered with the Name Server when it starts and is therefore invisible to iinamu. The GCF address can still be found and the server manually registered with the Name Server. If the server is a DBMS Server, connection can still be made by defining II_DBMS_SERVER to the server address.
The first column is the server type. The second column is a list of databases registered to be served by the server. The entry * means that the server is registered to service requests for any database. The third column is the server identifier, which is the GCF address for access to this server. This identifier can be used with the iimonitor command (in the case of DBMS, Recovery, and GCF servers).
iinamu Example: Show All DBMS Servers for the Server Class Ingres
This command shows all DBMS Servers:
IINAMU> show ingres
The example shows two DBMS servers running at GCF addresses 3105 and 4204 (on UNIX), and with process IDs of aa and ca (on Windows).
UNIX: This sample output shows that two Communications Servers are running:
COMSVR * 3197 COMSVR * 3321
Windows: This sample output shows that two Communications Servers are running:
This command adds a DBMS Server with GCF address 2180 that can connect only to the salesdb database:
IINAMU> add ingres salesdb 2180
This command adds the accounts database to the existing DBMS Server with GCF address 2180:
IINAMU> add ingres accounts 2180 merge
Windows: This command adds to the Name Server registry a DBMS Server with a process ID of af that can connect to any database:
IINAMU> add ingres * II\INGRES\af
This command adds a DBMS Server with a process ID of ab that can connect only to the salesdb database:
IINAMU> add ingres salesdb II\INGRES\ab
This command adds the accounts database to the existing DBMS Server II\INGRES\ab:
IINAMU> add ingres accounts II\INGRES\ab merge
iinamu Example: Delete a DBMS Server from the Name Server Registry
UNIX: This command deletes a DBMS Server with GCF address 1093 from the GCN registry so it is no longer visible from the Name Server:
IINAMU> delete ingres * 1093
Windows: This command deletes a DBMS Server with a process ID of af from the Name Server registry so it is no longer visible from the Name Server:
IINAMU> delete ingres * II\INGRES\af
-batch Overwrites the odbcinst.ini file without prompting for confirmation. -p altpath Indicates an alternate target path for the odbcinst.ini file. The default value is /usr/local/etc or the definition of ODBCSYSINI. -rmpkg Removes the driver definition from the odbcinst.ini file. -r Forces all ODBC sessions to reject database updates (sets to read only).
iiodbcinst Example
The following example creates an ODBC configuration file in an alternate directory. In the example, the driver manager is unixODBC, and the default search path of the unixODBC driver manager is /usr/local/etc. However, your installation does not allow non-privileged users to access /usr/local/etc. To write an odbcinst.ini file to the path /ingres/odbcConfig, instead of the default /usr/local/etc, enter this command:
iiodbcinst -p /ingres/odbcConfig
When you invoke the Ingres ODBC Administrator (iiodbcadmin), the default system path is displayed as ALTERNATE. Since the default search path for unixODBC is different from your intended path, you need to define the environment variable ODBCSYSINI to execute ODBC applications. You may therefore have defined ODBCSYSINI prior to executing iiodbcinst. If this is the case, it is not necessary to supply the -p argument for iiodbcinst, because iiodbcinst already supports ODBCSYSINI. Furthermore, the Ingres ODBC Administrator displays the default search path as SYSTEM. See also iisuodbc Command (see page 125).
-node nodename Echoes the host name of the corresponding node. The nodename can be either a node name or a node alias. -local Checks whether the value specified on the node parameter is a node defined on the local host machine. outfile Echoes the host name to a specified output file.
-v Displays system commentary (verbose) to the standard output device as the operation continues. name Specifies the parameter name as it appears in the default configuration file.
iiremres Example
This command removes the parameter ii.lusilgpq0.gcn.local_node from the configuration file and recalculates any derived values:
iiremres -v ii.lusilgpqo.gcn.local_vnode
-v Displays system commentary to the standard output device as the operation continues. +p Protects the derived parameter from further automatic adjustments. -p Does not protect the derived parameter from further automatic adjustments. name Specifies the name of the configuration parameter as it appears in the config.dat file. For example: ii.machinename.config.date_alias. value Specifies the value of the configuration parameter. This parameter is optional if the +p or p flag is set.
iisetres Examples
This command sets the configuration parameter default_page_size to 4096 in config.dat and recalculates derived resources:
iisetres ii.usilgpqo.dbms.*.default_page_size 4096
This command protects the derived parameter active_limit from further automatic derivation. Because no value is specified in the example, the value of the active_limit parameter will not be changed:
iisetres +p ii.usilgpqo.dbms.*.active_limit
-d Shows the amount of memory each component of the locking and logging system uses. If you do not use the -d flag, iishowres returns the total amount of shared memory needed by the logging and locking memory segment (in bytes). -node nodename Queries a specific node. A nodename is valid in a cluster installation only. -help Displays command syntax online.
-v Displays system commentary to the standard output device as the operation continues name Specifies the name of the configuration parameter to set value Specifies the value of the configuration parameter rule_map Specifies the rule map file to use. The rule map file contains a list of the rule system files (CRS extension files) to use when generating the default configuration.
iivalres Example
This command sees whether setting the default_page_size parameter to 2048 violates rule system constraints:
iivalres -v ii.usilgpqo.dbms.*.default_page_size 2048
-doutput_directory Directs the output to the specified directory. timezone_rule_file Specifies the name of time zone rule file to customize.
-name=timezone_name Specifies the name of the time zone table currently in effect. -fpathname/filename Specifies the path and name of a new time zone table.
iizck Example
This command displays the time zone table currently in effect:
dbname Indicates the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). applname Indicates the name of the application from which the image will be built. -oimagename Specifies the name of the new image. -f Forces recompiling of all objects in the application. -constants_file='pathname' Specifies the constant file to use. -5.0 Specifies 5.0 compatibility mode. -w Suppresses display of warning messages. +wopen Directs ABF or Vision to display warnings when illegal OpenSQL statements are detected. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
-Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid"). -Rroleid Specifies a role identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Rroleid").
dbname Indicates the name of the database, and if required, the server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If no database is specified, infodb prints a report for each database. #c[n] Provides detailed information about a specific checkpoint for the database. The checkpoint number n must be a valid checkpoint number. If n is omitted, information about the most recent completed checkpoint is displayed. UNIX: In bash shell, you must place this option in quotes; otherwise characters after the # will be treated as a comment. For example:
infodb empdata "#c1"
-uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -help Displays command syntax online.
Fields are as follows: At (1) Identifies the date and time the infodb operation was run. Database Identifies the name (doc) and owner (kbref) of the database. ID Shows the internal identifier of the database. Extents Indicates the number of locations the database is using. Last Table ID Indicates the integer identifier assigned to the last created table. Config File Version ID Shows the major (upper 2 bytes) and minor (lower 2 bytes) versions of the configuration file. Database Version ID The version of DMF that created the database. Note that this is not related to the Ingres version of the database. Status Displays status information for the database. Status abbreviations are as follows: CFG_BACKUPautomatic backup of the configuration file is enabled. CKPindicates that you must perform a rollforward +c (back to saveset) before you can do a rollforward -c +j..
DUMPthe database has undergone dump processing (that is, a dump file was created in the dump location) via some online checkpoint JOURNALthe database is journaled. JOURNAL_DISABLEDjournaling has been disabled. NOLOGGINGthe database has been opened by a set nologging session. Note that if this session encounters an error, the database will be marked inconsistent. ROLL_FORWARDindicates that rollforward is available on the database and has not been run to completion since the last checkpoint was taken. SMINCindicates the system catalogs are in an inconsistent state. VALIDthe database is consistent and available for use. If this does not appear, the database is marked inconsistent. At (2) This section displays comments on the status of the database. Important state information is shown. The Database is Inconsistent. Cause of Inconsistency: <...> Shown if the database is inconsistent. The cause of inconsistency can be one of the following: NOLOGGING_ERRORa transaction failed while the database was in the nologging state. NOLOGGING_OPENDBthe database was opened for the first time, but was in the nologging state. This means a session exited abnormally. OPEN_COUNTthe database was opened for the first time, but the database open count in the configuration file was not zero. This means the configuration file could not be read during a recovery attempt. REC_OPEN_FAILUREthe RCP could not recover a database because the database could not be opened. RECOVER_ERRORthe RCP failed to recover a database due to an unexpected logging system or recovery protocol problem. REDO_ERRORthe RCP failed to recover a database due to an error in REDO processing. RFP_FAILthe rollforward of the database level checkpoint failed. UNDO_ERRORthe RCP failed to recover a database due to an error in UNDO processing. WILL_COMMIT_ERRthe RCP was unable to restore a transaction to the willing commit state. The Database has been Checkpointed. Shown if the database has been checkpointed.
The Database is Journaled. or The Database is not Journaled. Shows the journaling status. Journaling has been disabled on this database by alterdb. Run 'ckpdb +j' to re-enable journaling. Shown if journaling has been disabled. Database is being accessed with Set Nologging, allowing transactions to run while bypassing the logging system. Shown if a set nologging session is active on the database. Journals are valid from checkpoint sequence: checkpoint sequence number Shows the earliest checkpoint from which rollforward is allowed. Journals are not valid from any checkpoint. Shown if rollforward is not valid from any checkpoint, or there are no checkpoints.
Fields are as follows: Checkpoint sequence Indicates the current checkpoint sequence number. Incremented when a checkpoint operation is performed. Journal sequence Indicates the current journal file sequence number. Current journal block Indicates the current journal file block sequence number. This is the logical end-of-file of the current journal file. Journal block size Indicates the block size of the current journal file, in bytes. Initial journal size Indicates the number of blocks initialized in the first journal file when it is created. The first journal file is the journal file created during the checkpoint +j operation. Subsequent journal files created before the next checkpoint is done will not be initialized. Target journal size Indicates the size, in blocks, to which the current journal file may grow before a new journal file should be created. A new journal file will be created at the start of the next archive cycle after the current journal file reaches this size. Last log address journaled Indicates the log address (log sequence number, log page number, log word offset) of the last log record written to a journal file.
Fields are as follows: Checkpoint sequence Indicates the current checkpoint sequence number. Incremented when a checkpoint operation is performed. Dump sequence Indicates the current dump file sequence number. Current dump block Indicates the current dump file block sequence number. This is the logical end-of-file of the current dump file. Dump block size Indicates the block size of the current dump file, in bytes. Initial dump size Indicates the initial allocation of the current dump file, in blocks. The number of blocks initialized when a dump file is created. Target dump size Indicates the size, in blocks, to which the current dump file may grow before a new dump file should be created. A new dump file will be created at the start of the next archive cycle after the current dump file reaches this size. Last log address dumped Indicates the log address (log sequence number, log page number, log word offset) of the last log record written to a dump file.
Fields are as follows: Date Indicates the date and time the checkpoint operation was done. Ckp_sequence Indicates the sequence number of the checkpoint. First_jnl Indicates the journal sequence number of the first (or oldest) journal file corresponding to the checkpoint. Last_jnl Indicates the journal sequence number of the last (or youngest) journal file corresponding to the checkpoint. Valid Indicates whether the checkpoint is valid (1 implies valid, 0 implies invalid). Mode Indicates whether the checkpoint operation was online or offline. Also indicates TABLE if the checkpoint was a table checkpoint. To recover the entire database, you must specify #c2, for example, in the rollforwarddb command to roll forward from the database checkpoint. Checkpoint 3 was taken on selected tables.
Fields are as follows: Date Indicates the date and time the checkpoint operation was done. Ckp_sequence Indicates the sequence number of the checkpoint. First_dmp Indicates the dump sequence number of the first (or oldest) dump file corresponding to the checkpoint. Last_dmp Indicates the dump sequence number of the last (or youngest) dump file corresponding to the checkpoint. Valid Indicates whether the checkpoint is valid (1 implies valid, 0 implies invalid). Mode Indicates whether the checkpoint operation was online or offline (should always be online). Also indicates TABLE if the checkpoint was a table checkpoint.
Fields are as follows: Node ID Indicates the integer identifier of the node. Current journal Indicates the nodes current journal file sequence number. Current block Indicates the nodes current journal file block sequence number. This is the logical end-of-file of the nodes current journal file. Last log address Indicates the log address (log sequence number, log page number, log word offset) of the last log record written to a journal file on this node.
Fields are as follows: Location Identifies the logical name of the location. Flags Indicates the types of database files stored in the location. The possibilities are: ALIASthis is a location alias. This means at least one other location points to the same area as this location. This flag is used only for checkpoint and rollforward operations so that locations are neither checkpointed nor rolled forward more than once. AWORKthis is an auxiliary work file location. Work files (that is, for sorts and temporary tables) are stored in the location. CHECKPOINTcheckpoint files are stored in the location. DATAuser data (such as tables, indexes) is stored in the location. DUMPdump files are stored in the location. JOURNALjournal files are stored in the location. ROOTsystem data (that is, system catalogs) is stored in the location. WORKwork files (for sorts and temporary tables) are stored in the location. Physical_path Identifies the physical path of the location.
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -e Invokes Ingres Menu in empty mode. This flag is passed to the QBF, RBF, TABLES, and VIFRED options of Ingres Menu. It causes a catalog of applications, Join Definitions, tables, reports, or other objects to be displayed empty initially, so that you can enter specific names for those objects. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
ingmenu Examples
1. Invoke the Ingres Menu on the employee database:
ingmenu employee
Invoke the Ingres Menu in expert mode with empty catalogs, on the projects database on the hq node:
ingmenu hq::employee -e
-vnode=vnode Specifiesthe name of the remote node on which the connection information is to be stored. This vnode must have been configured previously through either the ingnet or netutil utilities.
-iigcn Starts the Name Server. -dmfrcp Starts the recovery process. -dmfacp Starts the archiver process. -client Starts a client service by starting only a Name Server and Communications Server. Valid on Windows only. -rmcmd Starts the Remote Command Server required by Visual DBA. -iidbms Starts the DBMS Server. You can optionally specific a config_name as the name of the server. -iigcc Starts the Communications Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server.
-iigcb Starts the Bridge Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server. -iigcd Starts the Data Access Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server. -iistar Starts the Star Server. You can optionally specify a config_name as the name of the server. -informix Starts Enterprise Access for Informix. Valid on UNIX and Windows only. -mssql Starts Enterprise Access for MS SQL Server. Valid on Windows only. -oracle Starts Enterprise Access for Oracle. -rdb Starts Enterprise Access for RDB. Valid on VMS only. -rms Starts Ingres RMS Access. Valid on VMS only. -sybase Starts Enterprise Access for Sybase. Valid on UNIX and Windows only. -db2udb Starts Enterprise Access for IBM DB2 UDB. Valid on UNIX and Windows only. config_name Specifies the name of the server being started. To see a list of server names, click the Configure tab in Configuration Manager. -cluster Starts Ingres on all nodes in the cluster. Valid in a cluster installation only. -node nodename Starts Ingres on the specific node. Valid in a cluster installation only. -help Displays command syntax online.
ingstart Examples
This command starts an additional default DBMS Server:
ingstart -iidbms
On UNIX, this command starts the installation interactively using the configuration option, where $II_SYSTEM is set to /install/r6:
setenv II_SYSTEM /install/r6 ingstart
On UNIX, this command starts the installation automatically by including ingstart in the /etc/rc or other boot script, where userid is the user ID defined during installation:
su userid -c /install/r6/ingres/utility/ingstart \ > /dev/console
-iigcn Stops the Name Server. -dmfrcp Stops the recovery process. -dmfacp Stops the archiver process. -client Stops a client service by stopping only a Name Server and Communications Server. Valid on Windows only. -rmcmd Stops the Remote Command Server required by Visual DBA.
-iidbms Stops the DBMS Server. -iigcc Stops the Communications Server. -iigcb Stops the Bridge Server. -iigcd Stops the Data Access Server. -iistar Stops the Star Server. -informix Stops Enterprise Access for Informix. Valid on UNIX and Windows only. -mssql Stops Enterprise Access for MS SQL Server. Valid on Windows only. -oracle Stops Enterprise Access for Oracle. -rdb Stops Enterprise Access for RDB. Valid on VMS only. -rms Stops Ingres RMS Access. Valid on VMS only. -sybase Stops Enterprise Access for Sybase. Valid on UNIX and Windows only.
-db2udb Stops Enterprise Access for IBM DB2 UDB. Valid on UNIX and Windows only. connect_id Specifies the connect ID of the server to be stopped. To see a list of DBMS server connect IDs, use the iinamu command. -f Forces immediate shutdown. -timeout=minutes Waits the specified number of minutes for active sessions to terminate before shutting down the installation. -kill Shuts down the installation without waiting for currently executing transactions to complete. Transaction recovery will be required when the installation is restarted. Any Ingres processes that cannot be shut down by conventional means are terminated. -force Forces the shut down of active servers in the installation without waiting for users to disconnect. -immediate Shuts down the installation immediately. It does not wait for currently executing transactions to complete. Transaction recovery will be required when the installation is restarted. -show | -check Displays a list of currently running Ingres processes, but does not shut them down. -cluster Shuts down Ingres on all nodes in the cluster. Valid in a cluster installation only. -node nodename Shuts down Ingres on the specified node. Valid in a cluster installation only. -help Displays command syntax online.
variable_name Specifies the name of the environment variable. If no name is specified, all variables are displayed. If the variable is not defined, no output is displayed.
ingprenv Example
This command displays the value of the II_DATABASE environment variable:
ingprenv II_DATABASE
variable_name Specifies the environment variable that you want to set or change. value Specifies the value to which you want to set the variable.
ingsetenv Example
This command sets the Applications-By-Forms directory environment variable (ING_ABFDIR): Windows:
ingsetenv ING_ABFDIR \proj\abf
ingsetenv ING_ABFDIR /proj/abf
-ddbname Reports only on resources for database dbname. -e Displays system and user locklists. -i Displays interactive sessions and user locklists. -l Report on all resource types. -lrestype Reports on specified resource type (page, table, database, and so on) only. If restype is not specified, reports on all resource types. -n Does not print resources granted in null mode. -t Reports on a particular table. With this option, you must also specify the ddbname parameter. -rseconds Sets refresh time for various screens. -s Runs ipm in standalone mode. Databases are not opened.
SQL option flags Specify options passed to the Terminal Monitor when invoked. These include the standard flags (-uusername, -Ggroupid, and -Rroleid), and formatting and DBMS control flags. For details, see sql (see page 245). dbname Identifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
iquel Example
This command invokes interactive forms-based QUEL on the employee database:
iquel employee
SQL option flags Specify options passed to the Terminal Monitor when invoked. These include the standard flags (-uusername, -Ggroupid, and -Rroleid), and formatting and DBMS control flags. For details, see sql (see page 245). dbname Identifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
isql Examples
This command invokes interactive forms-based SQL on the employee database on a local node:
isql employee
This command invokes interactive forms-based SQL on the employee database on the hq remote node:
isql hq::employee
This command opens empdata, displays float4 columns in G format with two decimal places and integer1 columns with three spaces:
isql -f4g12.2 -i13 empdata
lartool Example
This example shows how to use the lartool utility to abort or commit a transaction: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify the ID of the transaction you wish to abort or commit, by using ipm or logstat. Enter the command lartool. The utility prompts you to select an operation, either ABORT or COMMIT. Select the operation. You are prompted for the transaction ID (TX_ID). Lartool then performs the requested operation. To exit from lartool, type the command: exit.
Caution! Use this utility for a well-defined purpose only. Be aware that if you are aborting a transaction, it may take time to complete. In this case, do not bring the server down. Doing so merely transfers the rollback chore to the recovery process instead of the DBMS Server process. The rollback must still be processed, and the transaction will not be fully removed until rollback processing is completed.
lockstat Displays all reports. This is the default. -summary Displays locking system quotas -statistics Displays locking system quotas and locking system summary -lists Displays locks by lock list (user and special) -user_lists Displays locks by lock list (user) -special_lists Displays locks by lock list (special, that is, "NONPROTECT") -resources Displays locks by resource
-dlm Displays the cluster DLM (Distributed Lock Manager) view of locks (grouped by resource) that have one or more waiters. The -dlm and dlmall options are available only in releases that support clusters and when Ingres is configured for such support. Note: When running in an installation configured with cluster support, lockstat output is the same as the non-cluster lockstat but with the -dlm output appended to the end. -dlmall Displays the same information as lockstat -dlm, but for all locks in the installation (that is, including those that do not have locks in a wait or convert status) -dirty Displays the requested information without waiting for mutexes. Using the -dirty option means the information displayed may be out of date or inconsistent. -help Displays command options online
Lock wait in the Locking System Summary Deadlock in the Locking System Summary Wait in the Locks by Lock List Status WAIT in the Locks by Lock List
Note: The lockstat command gives detailed statistics on all locking activity in the installation, so if there is much activity, the quantity of output will be considerable.
Fields are as follows: Total locks Maximum number of locks in the installation Total Resources Maximum number of lockable resources in the installation Locks per transaction Maximum number of locks that may be acquired by a transaction Lock hash table Number of hash buckets in the locking system hash table Locks in use Number of locks currently in use in the installation Resource hash table Number of hash buckets in the resource hash table Resources in use Total number of countable resources in use Total lock lists Maximum number of lock lists available Lock lists in use Number of lock lists currently in use
Fields are as follows: Create lock list Number of times a lock list was created for server, session, or transaction Release lock list Number of times a release of a lock list occurred for a server, session, or transaction Request lock Number of new lock requests that the locking system processed Re-request lock Number of times an implicit lock conversion request was issued on a resource that the lock list already had locked. Implicit lock conversion requests can occur when a request is made on a page for update that was previously requested for read. Convert lock Number of times an explicit lock conversion request is made to change a lock mode on a physical lock from one mode to another. These types of requests occur as a result of a physical lock being converted during an existing transaction to lower or higher modes.
Release lock Number of times a specific logical lock is released, as opposed to a full, partial, or physical lock release. Escalate Number of times a partial release occurred to allow lock escalation from page to table level Lock wait Number of times a new lock request had to wait to be granted Convert wait Number of times an existing lock waited for conversion to a different lock mode Convert deadlock Number of times a request for conversion turned into a deadlock Deadlock Wakeups Number of times the interval-based deadlock detection thread was awakened Max dlk queue len Maximum number of waiting lock lists examined by the deadlock detection thread Deadlock search Number of times a deadlock search was initiated Deadlock Number of times that deadlock existed Cancel Number of times a lock request was canceled due to a time-out or interrupt Convert search Number of times a convert deadlock search was initiated. The searches are performed when converting a lock from one mode to another. Allocate CB Number of locking control block allocations Deallocate CB Number of locking control block deallocations LBK Highwater Maximum number of lock list blocks allocated
LLB Highwater Maximum number of lock lists allocated SBK Highwater Maximum number of lock blocks allocated LKB Highwater Maximum number of locks allocated RBK Highwater Maximum number of resource blocks allocated RSB Highwater Maximum number of resources allocated Max Local dlk srch Maximum number of locks examined to resolve Dlk locks examined Number of locks examined by the deadlock detection thread Max rsrc chain len Maximum length of a resource hash chain Max lock chain len Maximum length of a lock hash chain The remaining fields are relevant only when the installation has been configured to run with the Distributed Multi-Cache Management (DMCM) protocol: Callback Wakeups Number of times the DMCM callback thread was awakened Callbacks Invoked Number of times callback functions were invoked to resolve a blocking cache lock Callbacks Ignored Number of blocking cache locks which had already been released by the time the callback function was invoked
Fields are as follows: Id Internal lock list identifier (lock list block) Tran_id Transaction identifier associated with this lock list. This value correlates to a transaction identifier in the logstat utility output. R_llb Related lock list identifier, if not a transaction lock list R_cnt Number of related lock list identifiers that this lock list must assure are released before this lock list can be released Wait Internal resource block identifier of the lock that is currently blocked Locks Made up of three values: total number of locks currently on the list, number of logical locks on the list currently, and total number of locks allowed to be on this list STATUS Indicates the current state of the lock list. The possible values are: WAITwaiting for lock NONPROTECTcan be released without going through recovery (system lock lists) ORPHANlock list remaining without transaction EWAITwaiting for system event RECOVERlock list taken over by the recovery process MASTERlock list owned by the recovery process ESETlock list set on wait queue for event EDONEevent that lock list is waiting for is done NOINTERRUPTlock requests on this list are non-interruptible PID Process ID of the lock list owner SID Session ID of the lock list owner
The values indented under individual lock lists are lock block values: Id Internal Lock block identifier Rsb Internal Resource block identifier Gr Granted lock mode Req Requested lock mode State Current state of lock (GR = granted, WT = waiting) KEY Information used to identify the resource being locked.
When checking contention on data pages, the key will contain PAGE, the database ID, the table reltid and reltidx, and the page number. ROW is a special type of lock used to reserve space for deleted rows in four core catalogs only: iirelation, iirel_idx, iiattribute and iidevices.
Fields are as follows: Id Internal Resource block identifier Gr Granted mode of the resource Cbacks Number of resource locks that contain DMCM callback information. This field is relevant only when the installation has been configured to run with the Distributed Multi-Cache Management (DMCM) protocol. Conv Conversion mode requested on the resource Value Lock value associated with the resource KEY Byte string identifying the resource
The indented portions of the resource blocks show the individual lock blocks that are contending for the resource. These lock blocks are described as follows: Id Internal Lock block identifier Llb Lock list identifier on which this lock resides Gr Granted mode of the lock Req Requested lock mode State Current state of the lock: GR is granted; WT is waiting
Lock Count 0 13 17
Fields are as follows: RqstNode Node from which the lock was requested PID Process ID Lock ID Lock identifier
Q Status of the lock: Ggranted Wwaiting Cconvert GR VMS lock mode granted: NLNULL CRConcurrent Read CWConcurrent Write PRProtected Read PWProtected Write EXExclusive RQ VMS lock mode request (See GR above for lock mode explanations.) MastNode:MastID Master node and master lock ID
Logging System Summary Current log file header List of active processes List of active databases List of active transactions
Note: Logstat functions are included in the forms-based Interactive Performance Monitor (ipm) utility. Also, you can use Visual DBA to monitor log information. See Visual DBA online help. For more information on the information displayed by the logstat command, see the Interactive Performance Monitor User Guide. The logstat command has the following format:
logstat [-buffers] [-databases] [-header] [-statistics] [-processes] [-transactions] [-user_transactions] [-special_transactions] [-all_transactions] [-verbose] [-help] dynamic
-buffers Displays list of log buffers and their usage -databases Displays information on databases connected to the logging system -header Displays current log file header -statistics Displays logging system summary -processes Displays a list of processes connected to the logging system -transactions Displays information on all transactions (same as -all_transactions)
-user_transactions Displays information on user transactions -special_transactions Displays information on system transactions -all_transactions Displays information on all transactions (same as -transactions) -verbose Displays all information -help Displays command options online dynamic Displays a line of the current log information to a command window every few seconds
Log writes Indicates the number of writes from the database buffer into the log buffers. These are memory-to-memory writes. Log forces Indicates the number of requests made to the logging system to force the current log buffers to the log file. This is most frequently done to commit a transaction or to guarantee the consistency of the log file before writing an update to the database. Log optimized writes Indicates the number of times the logging system was able to combine multiple log pages in a single physical write. Optimized writes are enabled by the CBF parameter ii.*.rcp.log.optimize_writes: ON. Log optimized pages Indicates the number of pages written by log optimized writes. Log waits Indicates the number of times any event wait condition requires a log buffer write to stall. These are events such as LOGFULL, CP writing, RECOVERY, ARCHIVING required, FREE WAIT for log buffers, OPENDB wait, log buffer SPLIT wait, wait for completion of log i/o (that is, from the log buffer to the log file). "Log waits" is the sum of "log waits by type." Log splits Indicates the number of log records that spanned two or more buffers. Log splits in and of themselves are not to be interpreted as bad events. What is potentially harmful is the inability of the logging system to proceed with the log record split. This situation can be remedied by adding additional log buffers to the system or by increasing the size of the current buffers to minimize the need for splits. Any modification should be examined in conjunction with the effect that it has on the other wait states. Log group commit Indicates the number of times that multiple transactions participate in a log buffer flush to the log file. Log group count Indicates the number of transactions that are participating in the flush to the log file. This value is the wait count associated with the Log group commit count above. This value is incremented based on the number of waiters at write completion time. The ratio of Log group count to Log group commit gives an indication of how effectively the group commit mechanism is working in the current configuration.
Check commit timer Indicates the number of times the timer associated with the group commits completes. This does not necessarily mean that a write to the log file has to occur, because the log buffer that initiated the timer may have already been written due to being full. Timer write Indicates the number of times a log file write actually occurs because of the timer expiration or inactivity in the log buffer. As explained above, this will occur only if the buffer has not completely filled before this timer expires. Timer write, time Indicates the number of times those writes were due to the expiration of the group commit timer. Timer write, idle Indicates the number of times those writes were due to inactivity in the buffer. Inconsistent db Indicates the number of times the logging system has had to mark a database inconsistent due to an inability to recover some portion of work that currently exists in the logging system. Kbytes written Indicates the number of bytes written to the log file ii_log_file read Indicates the number of physical reads of the primary log file ii_dual_log read Indicates the number of physical reads of the dual log file Write complete Indicates the number of times a write of the primary log file completes successfully Dual write complete Indicates the number of times a file write of the dual log file completes successfully All logwriters busy Indicates the number of times that a log buffer needed to be written but no idle logwriter in any DBMS server could be found to write it. This causes a log wait until a logwriter thread is available. The statistics All logwriters busy, Max write queue len, and Max write queue cnt represent activity of the log writers.
The All logwriters busy count should be a small fraction of overall log waits (10% or less). A high count indicates a lack of logwriter threads relative to the number of log buffers. If increasing the number of logwriter threads does not help, look for a disk or controller bottleneck writing to the transaction log. Max write queue len Indicates the maximum number of log buffers queued for a physical log write. The Max write queue len value is usually equal to the number of log buffers, unless the system is configured with more log buffers than necessary. Max write queue cnt Indicates the number of times the log write queue length reached Max write queue len. The Max write queue cnt value indicates how busy the logging system is. A high value in conjunction with significant numbers of log split waits or log free waits may indicate a lack of log buffers, or a physical disk I/O problem with the transaction log. Log Waits By Type Shows log wait totals categorized by the type of event that caused the wait: Force Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for a log force operation to complete. Free Buffer Indicates the number of times all the log buffers are either in force mode or unavailable for writing. One log buffer is written to at a time. If free buffer waits are frequent, then increasing the number of log buffers may be the solution. Remember that an increase in the number of buffers requires (number_of_log_buffers * log_buffer_size) requires more memory on the host system. Split Buffer Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for a log split operation to complete. Log Header I/O Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for a log header I/O operation to complete. Ckpdb Stall Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for a ckpdb (checkpoint a database) operation to complete.
Opendb Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for an open database operation to complete. BCP Stall Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for Begin Consistency Point information to be written to disk. This is a very brief stall performed at the start of a consistency point. Logfull Stall Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for a LOGFULL condition to clear. All logging system writes are stalled for users until the condition is cleared. This is most often seen from the users viewpoint as a hung system. Always check logstat for the status in the header block. If this value is LOGFULL then this is a stall condition. Lastbuf Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for its COMMIT record to be written. Forced I/O Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled waiting for a forced I/O operation to complete. Event Indicates the number of waits for internal non-I/O logging operations. Mini transaction Indicates the number of waits for internal transactions to complete. Logfull Commit Indicates the number of times a thread was stalled in conjunction with SET SESSION WITH ON_LOGFULL = COMMIT protocols.
The Current Log File Header section has the following fields: Block size Indicates the size of the log buffer and log file blocks in bytes. The log file is organized as a series of blocks that are laid down in a circular fashion and used for on line backup. Block count Indicates the size of the log file in blocks Partitions Indicates the number of log partitions in the log file Buffer count Indicates the number of log file buffers. All processes connected to the logging system share the buffers. CP interval Indicates the number of blocks between consistency points. CPs may also be caused by other events, such as archiver PURGEs and online checkpoints.
Logfull interval Indicates the number of log file blocks used before LOG_FULL is signaled Abort interval Indicates the number of log file blocks that must be used before a FORCE_ABORT is signaled Last Transaction Id Indicates the ID of the last transaction to write a log record Last LSN Indicates the log sequence number associated with the last written log record Begin, CP, End Indicates the log addresses of the beginning of the log file, the last consistency point, and the end of the log file Forced LGA,LSN Indicates the LGA (physical log file address) and LSN of the last log record written to the log file Percentage of log file in use or reserved Indicates the percentage of the log file that has either been used or is reserved for use by the recovery system Log file blocks reserved by recovery system Indicates the number of log file blocks reserved for transaction recovery operations. Space reserved by a transaction is freed when the transaction commits normally, or it is used to write compensation log records during transaction abort processing. Archive Window Indicates the segment of the log file that can be examined by the archiver for journal or dump processing Previous CP Indicates the log file address of the last consistency point. This is the position in the log file where the last consistency point was taken. Status Indicates the current logging system status. Status can be one or more of the following values: ACP_SHUTDOWNthe archiver is preparing to shut down. (This indicates that an rcpconfig command with the shutdown option has been issued.) ARCHIVEthe archiver process is archiving journaled transactions to the journal files.
BCPSTALLthe logging system is requesting the recovery process to start writing a begin consistency point. CKP_SBACKUPthe logging system marks the start of online backup. It marks this block as the online backup start block (SB). Ckpdb starts backing up the database. CLOSEDBthe logging system is in the process of closing a database. CPFLUSHDBMS Servers are flushing their modified pages to disk, that is, a consistency point is being taken. CPNEEDEDthe logging system is about to take a consistency point. CPWAKEUPthe logging system is synchronizing the fast-commit threads. DISABLE_DUAL_LOGGINGthe logging system is in the process of disabling dual logging. DUAL_LOGGINGdual logging is enabled. (Note that this does not mean that both primary and dual logs are active. For active logs look at the Active Log(s) field.) ECPthe logging system is requesting that the recovery process start writing an end consistency point. ECPDONEthe logging system has taken an end consistency point. This status flag is present most of the time while the logging system is functioning normally. FORCE_ABORTthe force-abort-limit has been reached; the oldest open transaction will be aborted. IMM_SHUTDOWNthe logging system has been told to shut down immediately. (This is displayed when the user invokes rcpconfig with the imm_shutdown option.) Note that the logging system does not perform any housekeeping as part of the shutdown process. The recovery process then becomes responsible for backing out any uncommitted transactions left in the log file once the logging system has been restarted. JSWITCHDONEthe logging system has completed a switch of the journal file. This status flag is present most of the time while the logging system is functioning normally. LOGFULLthe log file is full. The system administrator should determine the cause of this and increase the log file size. A warning indicator is also displayed. MAN_ABORTthe logging system has been requested to manually abort a distributed transaction. MAN_COMMITthe logging system has been requested to manually commit a distributed transaction. ONLINEthe logging system is on line. The logging and recovery systems are operating OK. OPENDBthe logging system is in the process of opening a database.
PURGEDBa database has been closed by the last user who had it open; the archiver is archiving transactions that belong to this database. RCP_RECOVERthe recovery process is recovering transactions from a runaway DBMS. RECOVERthe logging system has requested the recovery process to perform recovery. START_ARCHIVERthis important status indicates that the archiver has stopped and must be restarted by the DBA. This is not done automatically. If the DBA does not do it, the log file will eventually fill up, reaching the LOG_FILE_FULL limit, and cause the system to stall. START_SHUTDOWNthe logging system is shutting down. As part of the shutdown process, the logging system commits to disk all the committed transactions and backs out any uncommitted ones. The archiver also journals all the committed transactions for tables with journaling enabled. Active Log(s) Displays log files that are active.
Journal Window Indicates the active journal window on this database. If no journaling is active on the database, the window has boundaries <0,0,0>. .<0,0,0>. Start Backup Location Indicates the log file end-of-file (EOF) address when a database backup is started. This address is used during online backup processing.
Cp Indicates the first consistency point address taken that concerns this transaction FirstLSN Indicates the log sequence number associated with the first record written to the log file by this transaction LastLSN Indicates the log sequence number associated with the last record written to the log file by this transaction WaitLSN Indicates the log sequence number that must be written to the log before the transaction can proceed Write Indicates the number of log buffer writes because of this transaction Split Indicates the number of times this transaction had to wait for a log buffer in order to write a log record that spanned multiple buffers Force Indicates the number of times the log buffer was flushed. The force conditions are commented in more detail under the Log forces field in the Summary section above. Wait Indicates the number of times this transaction had to wait for a logging system-related event Reserved Indicates the number of log blocks reserved by this transaction for recovery operations WaitBuf Indicates the log buffer on which the transaction is waiting to be written to the log Status Indicates the status of this transaction. This field can take the following values: ACTIVEthis transaction has written a number of records to the log file. INACTIVEthis transaction is in the retrieve mode and has not written any records to the log file.
PROTECTthis transaction is a user transaction (as opposed to an internal system transaction) and will be recovered in the event of a server or system failure. JOURNALthis transaction must be journaled. This flag indicates that the transaction should be archived. Wait Reason Indicates why the transaction is waiting. Wait Reason can have the following values: (not waiting): The transaction is not waiting. FORCEwaiting for a log force FREEwaiting for a free log buffer SPLITwaiting for a log split completion HDRIOwaiting for log header I/O completion CKPDBwaiting for a ckpdb completion OPENDBwaiting for an open database completion BCPSTALLwaiting for BCP log write to complete LOGFULLwaiting because of LOGFULL condition FREEBUFwaiting for a free buffer LASTBUFwaiting for the last buffer in the transaction to be written BUFIOwaiting for a log buffer to be freed EVENTwaiting for a log event ABSOLUTE_LOGFULLwaiting at the absolute end of a LOGFULL condition User Indicates the owner of this transaction. User can have the following values: logfile_I/O_threadlog file read/write thread group_commit_threadgroup commit thread buffer_managerthe buffer manager log_reader_transactionlog file read/write thread recovery_threadthe DMFRCP recovery thread consistency_pt_threadthe consistency point thread consistency_point_timerthe consistency point timer thread write_behindthe write behind thread security audit threadin C2 enabled systems only, the security audit thread usernameuser session
For example, in the sample output shown here, the second database shown is testdb owned by test. The ID for this database is 00280005. In the List of active transactions, the transaction listed belongs to Database: 00280005. The status of this database (testdb) is ACTIVE,PROTECT,JOURNAL. If an installation shutdown was pending, you can inform the testdbs owner, test, of the impending shutdown.
----List of active databases------------------------------------------Id: FFFF0001 Database: ($recovery,$ingres) Status: NOTDB,ACTIVE Tx_cnt: 13 Begin: 16 End: 1 Read: 0 Write: 217 Force: 583 Wait: 1707 Location: None Journal Window: <0,0,0>..<0,0,0> Start Backup Location: <0,0,0> (0,0) Id: 00280005 Database: (testdb,test) Status: JOURNAL,FAST_COMMIT,ACTIVE Tx_cnt: 1 Begin: 17 End: 16 Read: 0 Write: 4690 Force: 6 Wait: 681 Location: /devsrc/65sun4/install/test/ingres/data/default/testdb Journal Window: <760996814,981,2800>..<760996814,1300,3184> Start Backup Location: <0,0,0> (0,0) ----List of active transactions-----------------------------------[... transaction information deleted ...] Tx_id: 295D001D Tran_id: 00002D5B2D5BF9F7 Database: 00280005 Process: 00010012 Dis_tran_id: <0,0> Session: 0093C000 First: <760996814,1160,3100> Last: <760996814,1300,3184> Cp: <760996814,881,948> FirstLSN: <?,?> LastLSN: <?,?> WaitLSN: <?,?> Write: 463 Split: 107 Force: 0 Wait: 109 Reserved: 140 Status: ACTIVE,PROTECT,JOURNAL Wait Reason: (not waiting) User: <test>
For example, in the sample output shown here, 521 blocks are in use and the Abort interval is 1536, so the number of blocks still available is: 1536 - 521 = 1015
----Current log file header----------------------------------Block size: 4096 Block count: 2048 Partitions: 1 Buffer count: 4 CP interval: 102 Logfull interval: 1945 Abort interval: 1536 Last Transaction Id: 00002D5B2D5BFA03 Last LSN: <760996813,1054245> Begin: <760996814:1702:2304> CP: <760996814:1873:3592> End: <760996815:107:20> Forced LGA,LSN: <760996814,107,20>,<760996813,1054245> Percentage of log file in use or reserved: 30 Log file blocks reserved by recovery system: 180 Archive Window: <760996814,1991,3508>..<760996815,107,220> Previous CP: <760996814,1702,2304> Status: ONLINE,ARCHIVE,CPFLUSH Active Log(s): LOG_FILE
-i Installs the RC script under /etc/init.d. If a run level of 1 or more is specified, links to the corresponding RC directories are created. If no run level is specified, links are created under the levels defined by 235. -r Removes script from /etc/init.d.
dbname Specifies the name of the database containing the catalogs to be modified, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -uusername Specifies the effective user, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you want to modify a database you do not own, you must use this flag to specify the user name of the DBA. +w|-w Waits (+w) or does not wait (-w) for the database to be free (not in use). The default is -w. If you specify -w or if you do not specify this flag, then modifyfe aborts immediately if the database is not free (that is, another session has an exclusive connection). If you specify +w then modifyfe waits for anyone with an exclusive connection to disconnect, then proceeds. product Specifies the products for which you want to modify catalogs. Valid product names are ingres, ingres/dbd, vision, and windows_4gl, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you omit this parameter, all user interface catalogs are modified.
-u user Specifies the effective user name for the session. When creating private connection information, the information will be stored for the specified user. -vnode vnode Identifies the name of the remote node on which the connection information is to be stored. This vnode name must have been configured previously through either the netutil or ingnet utility. -file filename{,filename} Operates netutil non-interactively. All statements in the specified control file are executed. When the input file name is specified as - (a single dash character), input is taken from the standard input channel. This allows the user to enter commands directly from the keyboard.
netutil Examples
This command edits private connection information for the user emma:
netutil -uemma
This command edits connection information for the previously defined node new_york:
netutil -vnode new_york
This command runs netutil in interactive mode, taking input from the keyboard, for the user emma on the remote node new_york:
netutil -uemma -vnode new_york -file-
The accuracy of the histograms can be controlled by the -zu# and -zr# flags described below. Increasing the number of cells in the histograms increases the amount of space required for the iihistograms table and thus increases somewhat the amount of space and time used by the optimizer. However, the increased accuracy of the statistics generally results in more efficient query execution strategies. Note: By default, optimizedb uses sampled statistics for tables that have more than 500,000 rows. We recommend that you generate the statistics for all columns that appear in the qualification (where clause) of a query statement. If statistics are missing or incorrect, the query will still execute, but the speed of query processing can be affected. After running optimizedb, it is prudent to run sysmod. This is especially true the first time optimizedb is run on a database. Note: Although optimizedb does not lock the database or individual tables while it is retrieving values and generating statistics, after the statistics have been collected and stored in the appropriate catalogs, optimizedb takes an exclusive lock on the database or individual tables to complete its task. For additional information on the Ingres Query Optimizer and the use of the optimizedb command, see the Database Administrator Guide.
SQL option flags Indicate SQL option flags that are automatically passed. The optimizedb command accepts the following SQL option flags. For a complete description of these flags, see the sql Command (see page 245). +U | -U -u -cN -tN -ikN -fkxM.N +w | -w -xk -i filename Reads statistics from filename instead of operating directly on the database. The filename must be a file in ASCII format that was generated by the statdump command using the -o flag. While you can edit this file, only two types of changes are acceptable: modifying values and adding rows that describe cells. Do not change the format of the file, that is, do not change the order in which data appears or add an incomplete new row. The -r and -a flags, when used with this flag, act as filters. Optimizedb reads in from the file only those statistics that belong to the specified table or column. Optimizedb does not use the row and page count values in the file unless the -zp flag is also specified. Note: These values are vital for correct operation of the DBMS. If you use the -zp flag, be sure to put new values for row and page counts in iitables. Warning! A file with histogram data represented in hex format (generated by the -zhex flag) cannot be used as input to the optimizedb -i command. Doing so will result in incorrect histogram data, which will affect the performance of optimization algorithms. -o filename Writes the output to the specified file instead of to the system catalogs.
-z flags Specify options to optimizedb. For details, see Optimizedb -z Flags (see page 195). dbname Indicates the name of the database, and if required, the server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -rtablename Specifies tablenames to be processed. If no table name is specified, then all columns for all tables in the database are processed. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). If tablename specifies a secondary index name, optimizedb creates a composite histogram on the key columns comprising the index. -xrtablename Specifies one or more tablenames to be excluded from processing. Except for these tables, all columns in all tables in the database are processed. Note: Using both the -rtablename and -xrtablename parameters is not permitted in a single optimizedb request; nor is using both the xrtablename and -acolumnname parameters. -acolumnname Limits processing to the specified columns plus any columns included through the -zk flag. You can use the -acolumname flag only if the rtablename parameter is specified. -help Displays command syntax online.
Optimizedb -z Flags
The z flags on the optimizedb command are as follows: -zc Directs optimizedb to optimize the system catalogs in addition to the base tables. If you want to optimize selected system catalogs only, use this flag and specify the individual tables with the -r flag. This flag is valid only if the user issuing the command is the DBA for the specified database. -zcpk Requests a composite histogram on primary key structure. -zdn Directs optimizedb to use its algorithm to estimate the number of distinct values and repetition factor for a column whose histogram is built with sampling (see the -zs# option). -zffilename Directs optimizedb to read filename for all other command line flags, database names, and any other command line arguments. This file must contain only one flag per line (see the examples below). If this flag is specified, no other flags or arguments can appear on the command line; they must, instead, appear in the specified file. -zfq Directs optimizedb to use the fast query option, which significantly reduces the time to build a histogram. This option improves performance only when the repetition factor of the column is 20 or higher. The -zfq flag can also cause optimizedb to generate a global temporary table from the values of the histogrammed columns when more than one column is identified in the optimizedb command. The histograms are then built by reading from the faster temporary table, rather than from the base table. The smaller and faster temporary table offers additional performance benefits for the fast query option. Optimizedb builds the global temporary table when -zfq is specified, and when the number of histogrammed columns and the size of the temporary table row (relative to the size of a base table row) meet certain criteria. See the description of the znt flag, which can be used with the zfq flag. Because there is no performance benefit in building more than one histogram on a table with a single execution of optimizedb, it is recommended that repetitious columns be specified in one execution of optimizedb (with the zfq flag) and that the others be specified in a separate execution. -zh Prints the histogram that was generated for each column. This flag also implies the -zv flag.
-zhex Generates histogram cell values in hex format, which is useful for seeing how Unicode data is stored. This flag is only effective when used with the zh and the -o flags. -zk Generates statistics for columns that are keys on the table or are indexed, in addition to columns specified on the command line. -zlr Reuses existing repetition factor if there is one. -zns Disables the default behavior of creating histograms from a maximum 500,000 row sample. Using this parameter assures that all rows are read from a table during the histogram building process. -znt Disables the use of global temporary tables when using the fast query option (-zfq) if disk space is not sufficient. This flag is used only with the -zfq flag. -zn# Directs optimizedb to read floating-point numbers using the precision level specified by #. Use this flag in conjunction with the -i filename flag. -zp Directs optimizedb to read the row and page count values in the file specified with the -i flag and to store those values in the appropriate system catalog (they can be viewed in iitables). -zr# Specifies the maximum number of cells that the histogram can contain if optimizedb creates an inexact histogram. In an inexact histogram, each cell represents a range of values. The allowable range is 1<#<15000 (that is, the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 14999). The default number of cells is 100. -zs[s]# Creates statistics based on sample data. The percentage of table rows sampled is determined by the value of #. This number must be a floatingpoint number in the range of 0 to 100. Specifying the optional s (-zss) will cause the tuple identifiers (TIDs), which are used to retrieve the sample rows, to be sorted before the rows are retrieved. This decreases retrieval time but increases the amount of memory used by optimizedb.
-zu# Specifies the maximum number of cells an exact histogram can contain. In an exact histogram, each cell represents a single, unique value. The allowable range is 1 to 15000. The default number of cells is 100. -zv Prints information about each column as it is being processed. -zw Sets the complete flag, which indicates whether a column contains all possible values. The range of values in a column affects query optimization. By default, columns are assumed to be not complete. -zx Directs optimizedb to determine only the minimum and maximum values for each column rather than full statistics. Because minimum and maximum values for columns from the same table can be determined by a single scan through the table, this flag provides a quick way to generate a minimal set of statistics. Minimal statistics cannot be created on columns holding only null values.
This command performs the same operation as the previous example, but from a file:
optimizedb -zf flagfile
optimizedb Example: Generate Statistics for Certain Columns and Values, in Verbose Mode
The following command does the following:
Generates statistics for all key or indexed columns in employee, dept, and salhist. Processes the eno column in employee, whether or not eno is a key or indexed column. Generates statistics with only minimum and maximum values from the columns. Prints status information as each column is processed.
dbname Identifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). form Specifies the name of the form. You can print only one form at a time. filename Specifies the name of the text file to which the form is printed. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
printform Example
This command prints the form employees, which is stored in the emp database, into the file emp.prf:
printform emp employees emp.prf
dbname Identifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -mmode Bypasses the Join Definition phase of QBF, putting you directly into the mode function for Query Execution, where mode is retrieve, append, update or all. If you use the -m flag, you must also specify a querytarget. -t Indicates that querytarget is a table. A table field format will be used to query the table. This is the default type. -f Indicates that querytarget is a QBFName. This invokes Query-By-Forms with a Visual-Forms-Editor form. -j Indicates that querytarget is a JoinDef. -l Allows QBF to locate the querytarget type. QBF searches in the order QBFName, JoinDef, table, until it finds the querytarget specified. querytarget Identifies the table, view, synonym, QBFName, or JoinDef you want to access in your query. If you specify a query target, you must own all the tables that underlie the query target or have the proper permissions to access them. If you specify a JoinDef for the query target, you or the database administrator must own it. Specifying querytarget puts you directly into the Query Execution phase. If you specify it without also specifying -mmode, you have the option of switching to the Join Definition phase.
The table, view, or synonym name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format, as described in Schemas Qualifier (see page 18). You can specify the type of querytarget to QBF by using the -t, -f, -j, or -l flag. If no flag is specified for querytarget, QBF assumes that the type is table and generates an error if it cannot find a table with that name. -e Invokes the command in expert mode, causing the catalogs to be displayed empty initially. Doing this allows you to enter the name of a specific object directly, rather than select it from a list. -s Suppresses status messages. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
qbf Examples
1. Start QBF in append mode on a custom form in the newdb database on a local node:
qbf newdb -mappend -f myform
Retrieve rows from the projtasks JoinDef of the operations database on the hq remote node:
qbf hq::operations projtasks -j -mretrieve
QUEL option flags Specify flags that can be used with the QUEL Terminal Monitor and other commands, as noted. The QUEL option flags determine the format of output or the behavior of the DBMS. You can specify a maximum of 12 QUEL option flags. -cN Sets the minimum field width for printing character columns to N. The default is 6. -fkxM.N Sets floating-point output column width to M characters (total), including N decimal places, and (if warranted), e+-xx and the decimal indicator character itself. k can be 4 or 8 to apply to f4s or f8s respectively; x can be E, F, G or N (uppercase or lowercase) to specify an output format. E indicates exponential format. F or N indicates the floating-point format. G indicates the floating-point format and guarantees decimal alignment. If you specify F, N, or G and the number is too large for the format indicated by the flag, it is displayed in exponential format. To prevent this format overflow, M should be greater than or equal to N + 7. If you specify F and the number is too large for the format, stars (****) are printed to represent overflow of the display. The default display format for both f4 and f8 is n10.3, unless your computer supports the IEEE standard for floating-point numbers, in which case the display format for f4 and f8 is n11.3. -ikN Sets integer output column width to N. k can be 1, 2, or 4 for I1s, I2s, or I4s, respectively. The default for N is 6 for I1 and I2 fields, and 13 for I4 fields.
-tN Sets the minimum field width for printing text columns to N. The default is 6. +U|-U Enables (+U) or disables (-U) user updating of the system catalogs and secondary indexes, and takes an exclusive lock on the database. To update system catalogs, you must have the update system tables privilege obtained through accessdb. +Y|-Y Enables (+Y) or disables (-Y) user updating of the system catalogs and secondary indexes, but does not take an exclusive lock on the database. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Rroleid Specifies a role identifier for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -l Locks the database for your exclusive use. When you specify this flag, no one else can open the database while you are in it. If you attempt to take an exclusive lock on a database that is in use, the system informs you that the database is temporarily unavailable. -nM Sets modify mode on the index command to M. M must be one of the following storage structures: ISAM, CISAM, B-tree, CB-tree, Hash, or CHash. The default structure is ISAM. +w|-w Specifies wait (+w) or do not wait (-w) for the database. The default is -w. If you specify +w, there is a wait, provided that certain processes are running (sql l, sql U, verifydb, rollforwarddb, or sysmod) on the given database. Upon completion of those processes, the operation proceeds.
If you specify w and the database is not available, a message is returned and execution is stopped. If you omit the w flag and the database is unavailable, an error message is returned if running in foreground (more precisely, if the standard input is from a terminal). Otherwise, the wait option is invoked. -numeric_overflow = fail | ignore | warn Sets error handling mode for numeric overflow, underflow and division by zero. The fail setting causes an error message to be issued and the statement is aborted. This is the default setting. To obtain ANSIcompliant behavior, use this setting (or omit for the default). The ignore setting causes no error message to be issued. The warn setting causes a warning message to be issued. -string_truncation = fail | ignore Sets error handling mode for string truncation errors. This error occurs if you attempt to insert a string into a table column that is too short to contain the value. The fail setting causes an error message to be issued and the statement is aborted. The ignore setting causes no error message to be issued. The string is truncated and inserted. This is the default setting. line-mode flags Specifies flags that can be used with the QUEL Terminal Monitor only. +a|-a Sets (+a) or clears (-a) the autoclear option in the terminal monitor. The default is +a. +d|-d Prints (+d) or does not print (-d) the dayfile. The default is +d. +s|-s Prints (+s) or does not print (-s) the monitor messages, including prompts. The default is +s. If you specify -s, the dayfile is not displayed. -vX Sets the column separator to the character specified by X. The default is vertical bar (|). -Ppassword Identifies the user password.
-Rrole-name/role-password Identifies the role name and optional role password. Separate the name and password with a slash (/). -history_recall Invokes the terminal monitor with history recall functionality, which lets you retrieve the history of commands typed in the session, and perform other functions. For details, see the SQL Reference Guide. dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). <altin Specifies a file from which the Terminal Monitor reads commands. The file must contain all the Terminal Monitor commands needed to run the session. On VMS, no space is allowed between the < character and the file name. >altout Directs output from the Terminal Monitor to the specified file. On VMS, no space is allowed between the > character and the file name.
quel Examples
This command opens the empdata database:
quel empdata
This command opens empdata, suppresses the dayfile message and the terminal monitor prompts and messages, and reads into the workspace the contents of the batchfile:
quel empdata -s <batchfile
This command opens empdata, displays f4 columns in G format with two decimal places and I1 columns with three spaces:
quel empdata -f4g12.2 -I13
After the Terminal Monitor starts, you must use its commands to execute queries and manipulate the contents of the query buffer. For a list of Terminal Monitor commands, see Terminal Monitor Command Summary (see page 249). For details on these commands, see the Terminal Monitor chapter of the QUEL Reference Guide.
The flags and parameters have the same meaning as those for the qbf Command (see page 201), except that querytarget is required on the query command.
query Examples
1. Start QBF in append mode using the newdb database on a local node and a query target that is a JoinDef:
query newdb -mappend -j staffinfo
Update records with the projtasks JoinDef of the operations database on the hq remote node:
query hq::operations projtasks -j -mupdate
dbname Specifies the name of the database containing the report data, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -r Indicates that the report_target is a report. If the report is found, RBF allows you to edit the report specifications. An error is returned if the named report is not found. -m[style] Indicates that the report_target is a table. RBF formats a default report for the specified table and then lets you edit that default report. The optional style parameter specifies the style of your report. Accepted values are: wrap, tabular (same as column), block, labels, and indented. If you do not specify a style, RBF selects either tabular or block, depending on the width of your report. RBF chooses tabular if all of the columns fit on one page; otherwise RBF selects block. The default report width is 132 characters. report_target Specifies the name of the object that you want to access in RBF. The report_target can be an existing report (created in a previous RBF session), a table, view, or synonym in your database on which you want to base the report. The table, view, or synonym name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). You can specify the type of report_target to RBF by using the r or m flag. If neither flag is specified, RBF looks first for a report having the specified name. If a report is not found, but a table with the same name exists, RBF sets up a default report for that table.
-lpagewidth Directs RBF to use the line length specified by pagewidth when generating default reports. By default, RBF uses a line length of 132 characters for the label style, 80 characters for block, and 100 characters for the wrap style. All other styles, that is, tabular, indented and master-detail (a report run on a JoinDef) have no default line length. If you do not specify one for these, RBF makes the report as wide as necessary to accommodate the data. -e Invokes RBF in empty mode. The RBF Reports Catalog frame appears without data in its table field. This flag accelerates the process of selecting a report definition for editing, for users who are familiar with the contents of a databases reports catalog. To use this flag with a particular report definition, move the cursor to the Name column, enter the desired report name, and select the appropriate operation. -s Suppresses status messages. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid).
rbf Examples
1. Start RBF for the sales table in the newdb database on the hq remote node:
rbf hq::newdb sales
Start RBF for the emp table owned by hr (Human Resources) in the personnel database on a local node and create a default Tabular report that is 200 characters wide:
rbf personnel hr."perm emp" -mtabular -l200
For information on passing the delimited identifiers surrounding quotes through your operating system, see the System Administrator Guide for the system on which your database resides. 3. Start RBF for the emp table in the personnel database on a local node and create a default report specification, letting RBF choose the Tabular or Block style, depending on the width of the report:
rbf personnel emp -m
Start RBF for emp table in the personnel database on a local node and create a Labels report:
rbf personnel emp -mlabels
Start RBF for the personnel database on a local node and display the emplist report specification for editing:
rbf personnel emplist -r
rbf personnel emplist
-init Initializes both transaction log files. This can be done only when the installation is offline. In cluster installations, the node flag can also be used. -init_log Initializes the primary transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline. In cluster installations, the node flag can also be used. -init_dual Initializes the dual transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline. In cluster installations, the node flag can also be used. -node nodename Queries a specific node. A nodename is valid in a cluster installation only. -force_init Forcibly initializes both transaction log files. This can be done only when the installation is offline, but after allocating shared memory (csinstall). -force_init_log Forcibly initializes the primary transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline.
-force_init_dual Forcibly initializes the dual transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline. -enable_log Enables the primary transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline. -enable_dual Enables the dual transaction log file. This can be done only when the installation is offline. -disable_log Disables the primary transaction log file. -disable_dual Disables the dual transaction log file. -shutdown Gracefully shuts down the installation. It waits for any currently executing transactions to finish and cleans up the logging and locking system prior to shutdown. -imm_shutdown Shuts down the installation immediately, not waiting for currently executing transactions to complete. Transaction recovery will be required when the installation is restarted. -silent Sets the program exist status to TRUE or FALSE according to the results of the operation. -help Displays command syntax online.
-exist Shows whether the primary (default) or dual (dual flag) transaction log file exists. -format Shows whether the primary (default) or dual (dual flag) transaction log file is formatted. -enable Shows whether the primary (default) or dual (dual flag) transaction log file is enabled. -dual Indicates the dual log, when using the exist, format, or enable options. -online Shows whether the logging system is online or offline. -transactions Shows if the logging system has recoverable transactions in the transaction log file. -sizeok Shows whether the primary and dual transaction log files are the same size. -csp_online Shows whether, in a cluster installation, the Cluster server (CSP) is online on this node. -node nodename Queries a specific node, on any of the preceding flags. A nodename is valid in a cluster installation only. -any_csp_online Displays whether, in a cluster installation, the Cluster server (CSP) is online on any node.
-silent Sets the program exist status to TRUE or FALSE according to the results of the operation. -help Displays command syntax online.
Quieted all Replicator Servers in the environment by excluding users from replicated databases. Ensured that all the entries in the input queue have been moved to the distribution queue.
reconcil [vnode::] dbname target_db_number cdds_no|'(x,y,z,...)' |all 'start_time' [-udba_name]
target_db_number Specifies the Ingres Replicator database number of the failed database. It must be a valid database name and Ingres Net virtual node name. -udba_name Identifies the name of the DBA who owns the replicated database specified in dbname. cdds_no | (x,y,z,) |all Specifies the CDDSs that are to be transmitted to the failed database to bring it back in synch with its replica. To specify the CDDS, use one of the following formats:
cdds_no to send a single CDDS number (x,y,z,) to send a set of CDDS numbers all to send all CDDS numbers
Note: If you specify more than one CDDS number, provide single quotes for UNIX and double quotes for OpenVMS and Windows. 'start_time' Specifies the start time, in Ingres date and time format, used for recovering the lost data. Provide single quotes around the date and time for UNIX and double quotes for OpenVMS and Windows. To ensure that the start time covers the duration of the information gap, be sure to specify a start time prior to the database failure. It is better to have overlapping data that can be reconciled than risk an information gap in the target database. [vnode::]dbname Identifies the name of the replicated database that is to provide the lost data to the failed database. The replicated database must have a Replicator Server configured to transmit the lost data to the failed database.
The target database number for both these commands is 20 (the number for lon::europe). On the nyc::hq machine, the CDDS set specified is (0,1), while on the hkg::asia machine, only CDDS number 2 is specified. Note: Since data was lost between 10:25 and 10:30, the DBA starts the reconcil command at 10:20, providing an overlap of at least five minutes to ensure the gap of missing data is recovered. 7. 8. The DBA configures CDDSs 0, 1, and 2 with collision mode BenignResolution. The DBA starts the Replicator Servers to bring the database back in synch.
dbname Specifies the name of the database whose files are to be moved, and if required, the server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -new_ckp_location=locationname Specifies the name of the new checkpoint location. The location must be defined with checkpoint usage. Checkpoints should not be run when relocating a checkpoint location. -new_dump_location=locationname Specifies the name of the new dump location. The location must be defined with dump usage. Checkpoints should not be run when relocating a dump location. -new_jnl_location=locationname Specifies the name of the new journal location. The location must be defined with journal usage. Journaling and checkpoints should not be run when relocating a journal location. -new_work_location=locationname Specifies the name of the new work location. The database must have been previously extended to this location for work usage. An exclusive lock is required during the relocation operation. -new_database=newdbname Specifies the name of the new database to be created. This option creates all the directories and copies all the files from the old database to the new database. An exclusive lock on the original database is required while the original database is copied to the new database.
Note: Files for data recovery (*.ckp, *.jnl, *.dmp) are applicable to the original database only and are not valid for the new database. Following a relocatedb -new_database=newdbname, the new database should have a checkpoint taken with the appropriate journaling flags set according to its usage. -location=locationname(, locationname) Specifies a list of locations. All locations in the list must be valid locations for the database. The physical files in the data areas are copied to the same location for the new database. When new_location is specified, the physical files in each data area in the location list is copied to the corresponding data area in the new location list. This option is valid only for database relocation (new_database=newdbname). -new_location=locationname(, locationname) Specifies a list of new locations. All locations in the list must be defined for the installation, and the usage must be compatible with the usage of the corresponding area in the location list. Each location in the location list must be mapped to a distinct location in the new location list. This option is valid only for database relocation (new_database=newdbname).
Performs an update to the iidbdb: update iidatabase.ckpdev=newckp where name=empdata. (The update can be verified by connecting to the iidbdb database and doing a select from iidatabase where name=empdata.) Updates the checkpoint location in the configuration file. (This can be verified by examining the output of the infodb empdata command.) Copies checkpoint files from the old checkpoint location to the new checkpoint location. Deletes checkpoint files from the old checkpoint location.
Performs an update to the iidbdb: update iidatabase.jnldev=newjnl where name=empdata. (This can be verified by connecting to the iidbdb database and doing a select from iidatabase where name=empdata.) Updates the journal location in the configuration file. (This can be verified by examining the output of the infodb empdata command.) Copies journal files from the old journal location to the new journal location. Deletes journal files from the old journal location.
Performs an update to the iidbdb: update iidatabase.dmpdev=newdump where name=empdata. (This can be verified by connecting to the iidbdb database and doing a select from iidatabase where name=empdata.) Updates the dump location in the configuration file. (This can be verified by examining the output of the infodb empdata command.) Copies dump files from the old dump location to the new dump location. Deletes dump files from the old dump location.
Performs an update to the iidbdb: update iidatabase.sortdev=newwork where name=empdata. (This can be verified by connecting to the iidbdb database and doing a select from iidatabase where name=empdata.) Updates the default work location in the configuration file. (This can be verified by examining the output of the infodb empdata command.) No files are copied for work locations.
Inserts a record in the iidatabase table for this database. Inserts a record in the iiextend table for all locations to which the new database is extended. Creates all the directories and copies all the files from the old database to the new database. Builds a database configuration file for the new database.
After the new database is created, you should be able to connect to it and access all data.
+w|-w Indicates whether to wait for an exclusive lock on the database. Default: -w (do not wait) -udba_name Specifies the effective user for the session. You must run repcat as the owner of the database. dbname Identifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
repcat Examples
This command creates and loads Replicator catalogs for the europe database:
repcat europe
This command creates and loads Replicator catalogs for database hq on vnode nyc, with the Replicator database administrator as user:
repcat -urep_dba nyc::hq
dbname Specifies the name of the database. obj_type Specifies the object type: cdds or table. Both arguments can be abbreviated to the initial character and are case-sensitive. action Specifies the action to be performed: activate Activates the specified object. deactivate Deactivates the specified object. createkeys Creates replicated transaction keys for every row in the base table and populates the shadow table. It can also populate the input queue when used with the -q flag. You must use the option if you install Replicator on an existing database that contains data. These arguments can be abbreviated to the initial character and are casesensitive. -q Populates the shadow table and the input queue. This option is used only when the action parameter is createkeys. Use this option if your databases are not synchronized; the altered rows are placed in the input queue for reconciliation or distribution. This option also must be used if the table is horizontally partitioned. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session. object Specifies the object to configure. The object can be a CDDS number or table number.
Note: No more than 100 objects can be specified. This limit can be raised by modifying the utexe.def file. For more information, see the Database Administrator Guide.
repcfg Examples
This command activates CDDS 0 in the repdb database:
repcfg repdb cdds activate 0
This command creates replication keys for tables 3 and 4 in the europe database and populates the input queue:
repcfg europe table createkeys -q 3 4
vnode::dbname Specifies the name of the database to be configured. filename Specifies the name of the input file. The input file should have the following format:
user_name [db_no] [dbname] [cdds_no] [target_type]
where: user_name Specifies the user name of the owner of the mobile database. The user_name must be unique and 32 bytes or less. db_no Specifies the number of the mobile database. The optional db_no must be a number in the range of 1-32,767 that has not already been used in your Replicator configuration (dd_databases table). If db_no is not provided on the first line in the file, repdbcfg uses 101 as a default or the next higher number that does not exist in dd_databases. If db_no is not specified on subsequent lines, the previous value incremented by one is used. dbname Identifies the name of the mobile database. The optional dbname should be a unique database name up to 32 bytes long. If it is not provided, the user_name is used as the default database name. The node name for all mobile databases is mobile.
cdds_no Specifies the number of the CDDS for the mobile database. The optional cdds_no should be a number in the range of 1-32,767. It should already be defined in the dd_cdds table through the CDDS Detail screen. If it is not provided on the first line, repdbcfg uses 50 as the default. If it is not provided on subsequent lines, the previous value is used. target_type Specifies the CDDS target type of the mobile database. Valid values are: FP Full Peer PR Protected Read-only UR Unprotected Read-only Default: If target_type is not provided on the first line, the default is FP. If it is not provided on subsequent lines, the default is the previous value. For each target_type, repdbcfg creates a data propagation path, under the given or default CDDS, from the local database to the mobile database. If the target_type is FP, repdbcfg creates an additional path from the mobile database to the local database.
repdbcfg Examples
1. In this example, repdbcfg is invoked against an input file containing 26 user names:
albert barbara charlie ... zoe
The repdbcfg utility defines 26 new full peer mobile databases, numbered 101 through 126. Connection names are in the form mobile::charlie. Data propagation paths are added for CDDS 50 to and from the local database and each new mobile database. If the local database number is 5, the first four paths are 5-5-101, 101-101-5, 5-5-102, and 102-102-5. 2. In this example, the repdbcfg uses the input file:
albert 201 albert 3 FP barbara charlie 301 charlie 4 PR daniel
The repdbcfg utility defines four new mobile databases numbered 201, 202, 301, and 302. The first two are full peer and each has two data propagation paths for CDDS 3. The other two databases are protected read-only and each has one propagation path for CDDS 4.
num_servers Specifies the number of Replicator Servers to install. Servers are numbered sequentially starting from 1. If some services have already been created, repinst only creates new services beyond the existing ones, but up to num_servers. remove Removes all services.
repinst Examples
This command creates three services:
repinst 3
-udba_name Specifies the effective user for the session. You must run repmgr as the owner of the database. [vnode::]dbname Specifies the database to connect to. By specifying the vnode of a remote database in Replicator Manager, the DBA can administer the Ingres Replicator network from the local machine.
repmgr Example
This command, executed from a remote San Francisco computer, allows Replicator Manager to be run in client-server mode from the San Francisco computer to the hq database on the nyc node, and assumes that the San Francisco DBA is impersonating the New York DBA (nyc_dba):
repmgr -unyc_dba nyc::hq
[vnode::] dbname Identifies the name of the database whose system tables are to be modified. -udba_name Specifies the effective user for the session. You must run repmod as the owner of the database. +w|-w Directs repmod to wait (+w) or not wait (-w) until the database is free before executing. Repmod requires exclusive access to the database. On VMS, this flag is not valid in batch mode.
dbname Identifies the name of the database containing the report data, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -r Indicates that a report is specified as the report_target. If the specified report is not found, an error message is returned. -m[style] Indicates that a table is specified as the report_target. This instructs report to format a default report for the specified table. The optional style specifies the style of your report. Accepted values are wrap, tabular (same as column), block, labels, and indented. If you do not specify a style, report selects either tabular or block, depending on the width of your report. Tabular is used if all of the columns fit on one page; otherwise, block is selected. The default report width is 132 characters. report_target Specifies the name of the object on which you wish to run the report. The report_target can be:
An existing report, created using RBF or sreport. A table, view, or synonym in your database on which you want a default report formatted.
The table, view, or synonym name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). You can specify the type of report_target by using the r or m flag. If neither flag is specified, the report command looks first for a report having the specified name. If a report is not found, but a table with the same name exists, report sets up a default report for that table.
variable=value Specifies the name of a parameter (variable) used in the report, and the value that is replaced for every occurrence of the corresponding variable name in the report specifications. If you want to specify a string or a date, value must be quoted. You can separate variable and value combinations using blanks, tabs, or commas. -foutputfile Directs the formatted report to the outputfile. If this option is not specified, the report is written to the standard output file (normally your terminal), or, in the case of a report specified by the Report Writer, to the file designated by the .output command in the report specification file. -oprinter Sends the report to the specified printer. To set a default printer, define ING_PRINT. If you require special print options, specify the options in ING_PRINT, and specify the o flag with no argument. -ncopies Specifies the number of copies of the report to print. -5 Forces version 5 compatibility mode, as follows: The +t option is the default for aggregates. All arithmetic is floating-point, unless all values in the computation are integers. By default, the month portion of the current_date() function is displayed in uppercase letters. -6 (SQL reports only) Eliminates duplicate rows from reports whose specification contains .data, .table, .view, or .sort statements. -b|+b Forces (+b) or suppresses (-b) form feed at the end of each page. The flag overrides formfeed or .noformfeed commands in the report specification file. -d Directs report to continue running the specified report if the .setup or .cleanup statements generate DBMS errors.
-h Provides a null set of data for a report that retrieves no rows. All .header and .footer sections are executed. The detail section is suppressed. This feature allows you to include the following .if statement in the report footer to indicate that no rows were found:
if count(column) = 0 .then .print No data matched the query specifications. .endif
-lpagewidth Sets the maximum output line size to pagewidth characters. By default, if output is to a file, the maximum output line size is 132 characters; otherwise, the default maximum line size is the width of the terminal. -qmxquery Sets the maximum length of the query after all substitutions for runtime parameters have been made to mxquery characters. By default, the maximum query size is 2048 characters. This option is needed for long queries only. -t|+t Causes aggregates and breaks to use using underlying values (-t) or rounded values (+t) for any floating-point column whose format has been specified in a .format command as numeric F or template. If +t is specified, each value in the column is rounded to the precision given by its format, and breaks for date columns that use a date template occur over the actual value appearing for the dates. Default: t. -vpagelength Sets the number of lines for each page of output. The pagelength must be a positive integer. This flag overrides any .pagelength command in the report specification file. Default: 61 lines per page if the report is written to a file; 23 lines per page if written to a terminal. -wmxwrap Specifies the maximum number of lines to wrap (mxwrap) with one of the column C formats, or the maximum number of lines that can be used in any block. Default: 300. This maximum is provided as a protection against misspecified columns and is rarely needed.
-ifilename Reads a report specification from the specified file outside of the database, and runs the report. Using this flag eliminates the need to use the sreport command to place the report source file in the database for processing. When using this flag, you must omit report_target and the r|-m flag. -s Suppresses status messages. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid). -numeric_overflow=fail | ignore | warn Sets error-handling mode for numeric overflow. fail (Default) Causes an error message to be issued and the statement is aborted. To obtain ANSI-compliant behavior, use this setting (or omit for the default). ignore Causes no error message to be issued. warn Causes a warning message to be issued.
report Examples
1. Run a default report based on the vendor table in the purchasing database, using a default format and redefining the page width, and send the output to the named printer:
report purchasing vendor -m -l80 -olaser2
Run the report contained in the source file,, against the purchasing database and store the results in the po_sum.out file:
report purchasing -fpo_sum.out
Run a default report in column format on the clients table owned by mktgmgr in the sales database and eliminate duplicate rows:
report sales mktgmgr.clients -mcolumn -6
Run the report named recpay against the accounting database and pass in the value of the variable, title:
report accounting recpay (title = 'AccountsReceivable')
If the target checkpoint was executed offline, then the second step is omitted. By default, rollfrowarddb sequentially restores data locations one at a time. A database with more than one data location can be restored in parallel. For detailed procedures on performing backup and recovery of the database, see the Database Administrator Guide.
dbname Identifies the database (one database name only) to be recovered, and if required, the server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). +c|-c Recovers (+c) or do not recovers (-c) the database from the checkpoint file. The default is +c. +j|-j Recovers (+j or do not recovers (-j) the database from the journal. The default is +j. -mdevice {, device} Recovers the checkpoint from the specified tape device. If a list of tape devices is supplied, parallel recovery will be used for a multi-location database. If the database was checkpointed to a tape, you can use the m flag to restore the database from the tape. VMS: Before executing rollforwarddb from a tape device, the tape must be inserted into the tape drive. -bdd-mmm-yyyy[:hh:mm:ss[.cc]] Recovers transactions that were completed after the specified date and time only. Fractional seconds are optional and assumed to be ".00" if not specified. -edd-mmm-yyyy[:hh:mm:ss[.cc]] Recovers transactions that were completed before the specified date and time only. Fractional seconds are optional and assumed to be ".00" if not specified. Note: The -e and -b flags are fully supported when used against an entire database. Caution! Using the -b or -e options with the -table flag will result in the table being logically inconsistent. Using these parameters to skip recovery of a segment of the journal file is not supported.
-norollback Bypasses the rollback phase of rollforward and leaves the database in the exact state described by the journal files. If used with the -e flag, then the database is left in the state described by the journal files up to the time specified. Any incomplete transactions are left incomplete. If transactions are left incomplete, the database will be in an inconsistent state after the rollforwarddb. Note: The default is -rollback, which does not need to be explicitly specified. #c[n] Recovers from an older checkpoint. The checkpoint number n must be a valid checkpoint number (as shown by the infodb command). This flag can be used to recover the database when the current checkpoint is unfinished. If n is omitted, the most recent usable finished checkpoint is used for the recovery. UNIX: In bash shell, place this option in quotes; otherwise characters after the # are treated as a comment. For example:
rollforwarddb empdata "#c1"
For a discussion of limitations and cautions when recovering from older checkpoints, see the Database Administrator Guide. +w|-w Waits (+w) or does not wait (-w) for the database to be free (not in use). The default is -w. VMS: The +w|-w flag directs rollforwarddb to wait (+w) or not wait (-w) for the database to be free before recovering the database. Since rollforwarddb requires the database to be locked, this flag allows you to decide whether to wait for the database to be free if it is in use. If you specify +w, rollforwarddb will wait as long as necessary for the database to become free for locking and recovery. If you specify w, an error is returned if the database is busy. The default is w. This flag can be used only in interactive sessions and not in batch mode. #m[n] Recovers n locations at a time from disk, for a multi-location database. UNIX: In bash shell, place this option in quotes; otherwise characters after the # are treated as a comment. -v Recovers the database from the journal in verbose mode, which provides diagnostic information about all operations executed during the recovery process.
#f Forces journaling enablement, if rollforwarddb with journaling is attempted on a database that has journaling disabled. UNIX: In bash shell, place this option in quotes; otherwise characters after the # are treated as a comment. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -statistics Prints statistics about the rollforwarddb operation. -table=tablename{, tablename} Specifies a list of tables to be recovered from the target checkpoint. If multiple tables are specified, no space is allowed between the tables listed. Table recovery is not allowed for views, system catalogs, or Enterprise Access tables. If recovering a base table, blob columns (long byte and long varchar columns) will be recovered, and secondary indexes will be recovered, unless nosecondary_index is specified. -nosecondary_index Inhibits automatic recovery of secondary indexes. Note: All secondary indexes will be marked inconsistent. The base table cannot be accessed until the secondary indexes are rebuilt or dropped. This option is invalid for database level recovery. -ignore Ignores any errors that occur during the processing of journal records, and applies subsequent records for the table. The table will be marked inconsistent at the end of rollforwarddb. The database will also be marked inconsistent to bring to your attention the errors that occurred during rollforwarddb. Choose this action when the table cannot be rebuilt from another source and you want to try to recover as much data as possible. -on_error_continue Continues processing journal records if an error occurs, but does not apply subsequent records for the table. The table is removed from the table list and processing continues. The table or index will be marked inconsistent at the end of rollforwarddb. The database will also be marked inconsistent to bring to your attention the errors that occurred during rollforwarddb. Choose this action for secondary indexes (which can be rebuilt) or if the table can be rebuilt from another source. If this option is not specified and an error is encountered, all tables being recovered are marked inconsistent and rollforwarddb terminates.
Note: This option does not force continuation of an invalid rollforwarddb command. The rollforwarddb process is terminated immediately if an invalid tablefor example, a view, system catalog, Enterprise Access table, nonexistent table, or a table for which recovery is disallowedis specified. This option is invalid for database level recovery. -on_error_prompt Prompts Error during recovery of table (tablename, tableowner) if an error occurs when applying dump or journal records. The on_error_prompt option provides the ability to handle errors for various tables differently. You can respond with one of these actions: CONTINUE_IGNORE_TABLE Continues journal processing, but ignores subsequent journal records for this table or index. This action is equivalent to the on_error_continue flag. CONTINUE_IGNORE_ERROR Continues journal processing and applies subsequent records for this table. This action is equivalent to the ignore flag. ROLLBACK_TRANSACTIONS (Default) Stops processing the journals and rolls back open transactions. The database is left at a consistent state, but not all updates have been reapplied and the database is inconsistent with the journals.
-incremental Indicates an incremental rollforwarddb. When -incremental +c -j is specified, the checkpoint is restored and rollforwarddb marks the database INCONSISTENT with inconsistency code INCR_RFP. While the database is inconsistent (INCR_RFP), you can still connect and perform read only operations. When -incremental -c +j is specified:
Rollfowarddb applies all new journal files that have been moved into the journal directory. If -norollback has also been specified, any open transaction context is written at the end of the last journal file processed. Before processing new journals, open transaction context is restored from the previous incremental roll forward. If -rollback is specified, after journal processing has finished, any open transactions are rolled back. The database will be marked consistent and updatable. This option should be specified when you have finished the incremental rollforwarddb.
Note: Incremental rollforwarddb requires that all journals since the last checkpoint be present. For example, if you apply a batch of journal files, and then delete the previous batch of journal files, rollforwarddb -incremental -rollback may fail. -relocate Indicates that a table is to be relocated to a new location during recovery. When using this option, location and new_location must also be specified. This option is invalid for database-level recovery. -location=locationname{, locationname} Specifies a data location or list of locations (locationname). When relocate and new_location are also specified, the data in each area in the location list is moved to the corresponding area in the new location list. Only tables being recovered are relocated. This option is invalid for database level recovery.
-new_location=locationname{, locationname} Specifies a new data location or list of new data locations (locationname). When -relocate and -location are also specified, the data in each area in the location list is moved to the corresponding area in the new location list. Only tables being recovered are relocated. When this option is specified, relocate and -location must also be specified, and the number of locations in the location list must equal the number of locations in the new location list. (The number of location names associated with a table cannot be changed using rollforwarddb.) This option is invalid for database level recovery. [-dmf_cache_size= x] [-dmf_cache_size_4k|8k|16k|32k|64k= x] Specifies the size of the local cache that rollforwarddb allocates, in number of buffers. Default values are: -dmf_cache_size=256, which indicates 256 2 KB buffers. -dmf_cache_size_xk=200, where x is the buffer size indicated in the keyword. For example, -dmf_cache_size_64k=200 indicates 200 64 KB buffers. If you specify 0 for the 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, or 64k buffers, 256 buffers are allocated. -help Displays command syntax online.
rollforwarddb Examples
1. The following command recovers the empdata database from the target checkpoint and journal, and provides diagnostic information about all operations executed during the recovery process. Note: Both the journal and the checkpoint must be online before executing the command.
rollforwarddb empdata -v
This command recovers tables emp and emphist from the empdata database:
rollforwarddb empdata -table=emp,emphist
This command recovers tables emp and emphist from the empdata database without recovering the indexes:
rollforwarddb empdata -table=emp,emphist -nosecondary_index
Note: The indexes on tables emp and emphist will have to be rebuilt or dropped before the tables can be accessed. 4. This command recovers table emp in the empdata database and relocates it from location emploc to the new location newemploc:
rollforwarddb empdata -table=emp,emphist -relocate -location=emploc new_location=newemploc
rollforwarddb empdata +c +j -m/dev/rmt0
rollforwarddb empdata +c +j -mMTA0:
SQL option flags Specifies flags that can be used with the line-based Terminal Monitor and other commands where noted. The SQL option flags determine the format of output or the behavior of the DBMS. You can specify a maximum of twelve SQL option flags. The flags are as follows: -cN Sets the minimum field width for printing character columns to N. The default is 6. -fkxM.N Sets floating-point output column width to M characters (total), including N decimal places, and (if warranted) e+-xx and the decimal indicator character itself. k can be 4 or 8 to apply to f4s or f8s respectively. x can be E, F, G or N (uppercase or lowercase) to specify an output format. E indicates exponential format. F indicates floating-point format. G indicates the floating-point format and guarantees decimal alignment. N indicates floating-point format, decimal alignment, and right-justification. If you specify N or G and the number is too large for the format indicated by the flag, it is displayed in exponential format. To prevent this format overflow, M should be greater than or equal to N + 7. The default display format for both f4 and f8 is n10.3, unless your computer supports the IEEE standard for floating-point numbers, in which case the display format for f4 and f8 is n11.3. -ikN Sets integer output column width to N. k can be 1, 2, or 4 for i1s, i2s, or i4s, respectively. The default for N is 6 for i1 and i2 fields, and 13 for i4 fields. -tN Sets the minimum field width for printing text columns to N. The default is 6.
+U|-U Enables (+U) or disables (-U) user updating of the system catalogs and secondary indexes, and takes an exclusive lock on the database. To update system catalogs, you must have the update system tables privilege obtained through accessdb. On VMS, enclose this flag in double quotation marks ("+U" or "-U"). +Y|-Y Enables (+Y) or disables (-Y) user updating of the system catalogs and secondary indexes, but does not take an exclusive lock on the database. On VMS, enclose this flag in double quotation marks ("+Y" or "-Y"). -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this flag in double quotation marks (-Ggroupid). -Rroleid Specifies a role identifier for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this flag in double quotation marks (-Rroleid) -l Locks the database for your exclusive use. When you specify this flag, no one else can open the database while you are in it. If you attempt to take an exclusive lock on a database that is in use, the system informs you that the database is temporarily unavailable. -nM Sets modify mode on the index command to M. M must be one of the following storage structures: ISAM, CISAM, B-tree, CB-tree, Hash, or CHash. The default is ISAM. +w|-w Indicates to wait (+w) or not wait (-w) for the database. The default is -w. If you specify +w, you must wait if certain processes are running (sql l, sql U, verifydb, rollforwarddb, or sysmod) on the given database, before the operation proceeds.
If you specify w and the database is not available, a message is returned and execution is stopped. If you omit the w flag and the database is unavailable, an error message is returned if running in foreground (more precisely, if the standard input is from a terminal). Otherwise, the wait option is invoked. On VMS, this flag is not valid in batch mode. -numeric_overflow = fail | ignore | warn Sets error handling mode for numeric overflow, underflow and division by zero. The fail setting causes an error message to be issued and the statement is aborted. This is the default setting. To obtain ANSIcompliant behavior, use this setting (or omit for the default). The ignore setting causes no error message to be issued. The warn setting causes a warning message to be issued. -string_truncation = fail | ignore Sets error handling mode for string truncation errors. This error occurs if you attempt to insert a string into a table column that is too short to contain the value. The fail setting causes an error message to be issued and the statement is aborted. The ignore setting causes no error message to be issued. The string is truncated and inserted. This is the default setting. line-mode flags Specify flags that can be used with the line-based Terminal Monitor only. The flags are as follows: +a|-a Sets (+a) or clears (-a) the autoclear option in the terminal monitor. The default is +a. +d|-d Prints (+d) or does not print (-d) the dayfile. The default is +d. +s|-s Prints (+s) or does not print (-s) the monitor messages, including prompts. The default is +s. If you specify -s, the dayfile is not displayed. -vX Sets the column separator to the character specified by X. The default is vertical bar (|).
-Ppassword Specifies the user password. -Rrole-name/role-password Identifies the role name and optional role password. Separate the name and password with a slash (/). -history_recall Invokes the terminal monitor with history recall functionality, which lets you retrieve the history of commands typed in the session, and perform other functions. For details, see the SQL Reference Guide. dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). <altin Specifies a file from which the Terminal Monitor reads commands. The file must contain all terminal monitor commands needed to run the session. On VMS, no space is allowed between the < character and the file name. >altout Directs output from the Terminal Monitor to the specified file. If you specify this parameter, you will not see any output. On VMS, no space is allowed between the > character and the file name.
sql Examples
This command opens the line-based Terminal Monitor for SQL for working in the empdata database:
sql empdata
This command opens empdata and does not print the dayfile:
sql empdata -d
This command opens empdata, suppressing the dayfile message and the terminal monitor prompts and messages, and reads into the workspace the contents of the batchfile:
sql empdata -s <batchfile
This command opens empdata, displays f4 columns in G format with two decimal places and i1 columns with three spaces:
sql empdata -f4g12.2 -I13
\script [filename] Toggles between logging and not logging the session to a file. \[no]suppress Suppresses or does not suppress the printing of the results returned from the query. \[no]bell Includes or does not include a bell with the continue or go prompt. \[no]continue Continues or does not continue statement processing on error.
dbname Specifies the name of the database that is to contain the report, and the vnode and server_class, if required, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). filename Specifies the name of a text file containing report-formatting commands for one or more reports. If you do not specify a full directory path name, Report-By-Forms assumes the current directory. Report-By-Forms prompts you for this parameter if you do not include it on the command line. The default extension for this file is .rw.
-s Suppresses status messages. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
sreport Example
This command stores report definitions in the file into the Reports Catalog of the mydb database:
sreport mydb
vnode Specifies a remote vnode name, if you want to run StarView against a distributed database on a remote node. distdbname/star Specifies a distributed database name. If specified, the Node Status and LDB Types frame is displayed. If you invoke StarView without specifying a database name, the opening StarView main frame is displayed. The /star is the server class.
starview Example
This command starts StarView to manage distributed databases on the remote node new_york:
starview new_york::mystar
SQL option flags Passes any of the following SQL option flags. For a complete description of these flags, see sql Command (see page 245). +U |-U -u -cN -tN ikN -fkxM.N +w|-w -xk -zffilename Reads filename for all command line arguments. This file must contain one flag only per line. If this flag is specified, no other flags or arguments can appear on the command linethey must appear in the specified file instead. -zc Displays statistics on the system catalogs as well as the base tables. If you want statistics for selected system catalogs, use this flag and specify the individual tables with the -r flag. To use this flag, you must be the DBA of the specified database. -zcpk Displays statistics from a composite histogram on the primary key structure.
-zdl Deletes statistics from the system catalogs. When this flag is used, the statistics for the specified tables and columns (if any) are deleted rather than displayed. -zhex Produces histogram cell values in hex format, which is useful for seeing how Unicode data is stored. Warning! A file with histogram data represented in hex format (generated by the -zhex flag) cannot be used as input to the optimizedb -i command. Doing so will result in incorrect histogram data, which will affect the performance of optimization algorithms. -zn# Displays floating-point values in scientific notation (for example, 9.9999+e9) and sets the precision to the level specified by #. The total width of the displayed number will be equal to the value of the precision level + 7. -zq Displays only the information contained in the iistats catalog and not the histogram information contained in iihistograms (quiet mode). -o filename Directs output to the file specified by filename. The resulting file is an ASCII file whose content is identical to the information normally sent to the terminal screen. The resulting file can be used as input to the optimizedb command (see page 192) on the -i flag. dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -rtablename Produces statistics for the specified tables only. If omitted, then statistics for all tables are produced. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). If the table cannot be found, a warning message is printed and processing continues. -xrtablename Specifies tablenames to be excluded from processing by statdump. Except for these, statistics for all columns in all tables in the database are produced.
-acolumnname Produces statistics for the specified columns only. To specify individual columns you must specify the table name with the -r flag. If column names are omitted, then all columns of the specified table are processed. If the column cannot be found, a warning message is printed and processing continues. -help Displays command syntax online. Note: The combination of -rtablename and -xrtablename parameters and of xrtablename and -acolumnname parameters is not permitted.
statdump Examples
This command prints the statistical information for all columns in the employee table in the empdata database:
statdump empdata -remployee
This command prints the information in the iistats system table only, for all columns in all tables of the empdata database:
statdump -zq empdata
This command deletes statistics for all columns in the employee table:
statdump -zdl empdata -remployee
-v Displays messages on all (not just the insufficient) resources (verbose mode). -ofilename Indicates that syscheck output is to go to the specified filename. -help Displays command syntax online.
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). Do not specify the server_class as /star if the database is an Ingres Star distributed database. tablename Specifies individual tables to be modified by sysmod. The tables can be Ingres Star standard catalogs or Ingres Star-specific system catalogs. If omitted, all tables in the database are processed. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). -f product Specifies the user interface products for which you want to modify system tables. Allowable product names are ingres, ingres/dbd, vision, and windows_4gl, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you omit this parameter, all user interfaces are processed. Note: You cannot specify individual user interface catalogs; when you specify the product parameter, all catalogs are processed for that user interface product. -page_size=n Permits modifying the existing system catalogs with a different page size: Specify page_size=n, where n is one of 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536. Example: SYSMOD test page_size=4096
+w|-w Directs sysmod to wait (+w) or not wait (-w) until the database is free before executing. The default is -w. On VMS, this flag is not valid in batch mode.
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -e Invokes the tables program in empty mode. The catalog is initially displayed empty, so that the user can enter specific names of database objects. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
tables Example
This command invokes the Tables utility with an empty initial catalog of the emp database for the effective user emma:
tables emp -e -uemma
-llocation Specifies the name of the location to be unextended. dbname Specifies the list of databases to be operated on by unextenddb, and if required, the vnode, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Udata,work|awork Specifies the use of the extended location. Valid uses include database, work, and auxiliary work. -P Indicates the password if the session requires one. -uuser Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
Unload filecontains commands to read sequentially through the database, copying every user table into its own file in the named directory. Reload filecontains commands to load a new, empty database with the information contained in the files created by the unload file.
On Windows the file names are unload.bat and reload.bat. On UNIX, the file names are and The DBA must execute these files to accomplish the unloading and reloading of the database. It is important that the database be recreated with the reload file before doing any work (for example, creating tables, forms, and reports) in the new database. The unloaddb command uses a version of the copydb command to generate the copy commands in the unload and reload files. Consequently, all limitations of the copydb command apply to the unloaddb command. Note: If overflow occurs, you may need to edit the unload and reload files to specify another flag, for example, N instead of F in the default floating point specification. Note: To optimize performance, run the sysmod and optimizedb commands after recreating the database. Note: When unloaddb is run from an Ingres 2006 Release 2 or later installation against an older version of Ingres, the command file generated will contain the data type INGRESDATE or ANSIDATE instead of DATE for any date columns in create table statements. For additional information on unloading a database, see the Database Administrator Guide.
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -c Creates printable data files, which is useful for transporting databases between computer systems whose internal representations of non-ASCII data differ. Unloaddb cannot create printable files if (1) binary data is stored in varchar columns, or (2) tables contain user-maintained logical keys. For nchar, nvarchar, or long nvarchar columns or when the installation character set is UTF8, the data files generated are in UTF-8 encoding. The UTF-8 encoded data files containing data from char, varchar, or long varchar columns can be reloaded only into installations installed with the UTF8 character set. -ddirname Stores the unload and reload files in the location specified by dirname instead of the default current directory. The specification can be either a full or relative directory specification. The dirname must not be the actual database directory, because the files created by unloaddb may have the same names as the tables in the database. The actual database directory is: $II_DATABASE/ingres/data/default/dbname. (On VMS, the directory is: II_DATABASE:[INGRES.DATA.DBNAME].) -source=dirname Specifies the source directory from which the database will be reloaded. An empty dirname specification ("") denotes the current directory. The source specification overrides a -d specification for the reload file. If a source is specified without a destination (no -d or -dest), then the default unload directory is used. The source directory specification is not checked for validity or existence. This allows the scripts to be moved to another machine for reloading. -dest=dirname Specifies the destination directory into which the database will be unloaded. An empty dirname specification (.) denotes the current directory. The -dest specification overrides a -d specification for the unload file.
If a destination is specified without a source (no -source) then the default reload directory is used. The destination directory specification is not checked for validity or existence. This allows the scripts to be moved to another machine for unloading. -P Prompts for password if the session requires a password. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid"). -parallel Creates indexes using the parallel index creation syntax (to build multiple indexes concurrently). -journal Replaces the set nojournaling statement in the unload scripts with the set journaling statement, and disables specifying the with nojournaling option on each create table statement in the unload script. -with_sequences Print statements related to sequences only. -group_tab_idx Builds indexes in the command file immediately after the respective table creation. Without this flag, all indexes are created for all tables toward the end of the command file. The usermod command uses this flag to limit the loss of non-persistent indexes if it encounters a failure. -no_rep Does not write Ingres Replicator objects (tables, indexes, events, procedures) of a replicated database to the unload file.
cd /mydir/backup unloaddb empdata destroydb empdata createdb empdata sysmod empdata
set default [mydir.backup] unloaddb empdata destroydb empdata createdb empdata sysmod empdata
dbname Specifies the name of the database (one name only) to be upgraded, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -all Causes upgradedb to operate on all databases in the installation that have not already been upgraded to the new release level. With this flag, upgradedb skips any databases already at the current release level. Note: You can specify either dbname or all, but not both. -f product Specifies the user interface products for which you want to upgrade the database. Allowable product names are ingres, ingres/dbd, vision, windows_4gl and nofeclients, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you omit this parameter, all Ingres tools for the database are processed. Note: We advise, in most cases, to use the same -f command to upgrade the database that was used to create it initially. If you are upgrading a pre-6.3 database, the -fingres command upgrades your existing user interface catalogs without creating the catalogs for the Ingres tool products that were new with 6.3 (Vision and Windows 4GL).
-c Runs upgradedb concurrently from multiple sessions. To use this feature, run upgradedb on iidbdb before concurrently upgrading the user database. Specify flag -c in every upgradedb session. -help Displays command syntax online.
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). product Specifies the Ingres tool products for which you want to upgrade the database. Allowable product names are ingres, ingres/dbd, vision, and windows_4gl, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you omit this parameter, all user interfaces for the database are processed. -b Installs the modules required to support the product Ingres. (Specifying the -b flag is equivalent to specifying the product ingres.) -vversion Specifies the version number of the product to be installed; if the -v flag is not specified, the highest known version is installed. -s Suppresses messages from upgradefe. -c Allows multiple concurrent connections to iidbdb without taking exclusive locks. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). If you want to upgrade a database you do not own, you must use the -u flag to specify the user name of the DBA.
upgradefe Examples
This command installs catalogs for OpenROAD:
upgradefe mydb windows_4gl
This command installs catalogs for the base tools and Vision:
upgradefe mydb ingres vision
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). Do not specify the server_class as /star if the database is an Ingres Star distributed database. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
tables Specifies individual tables to be modified by usermod. The table names should be separated by spaces. They can be Ingres Star standard catalogs or Ingres Star-specific system catalogs. If omitted, all tables in the database are processed. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). -online Performs the modification online. The online option is equivalent to the with concurrent_updates option on the modify statement in SQL. Note: During an online modify operation, normal read and update access to the table is permitted, except for a brief period at the end, where exclusive access to the table is required. -noint Runs the usermod command uninterrupted, even if there are errors. -repmod [+w|-w] Runs the repmod utility (see page 229) to modify the replicator catalogs also. By default, the usermod command does not modify the replicator catalogs. To use the repmod option, the database must be replicated. The repmod operation takes exclusive lock on the database. Use the +w or w flags on repmod to specify whether repmod will wait for the database to be free if it is in use. The default is -w (do not wait).
-c Indicates the current, local Ingres installation. snapshotfile1 Specifies a file containing a configuration snapshot of an Ingres installation. snapshotfile2 Specifies a second file containing another configuration snapshot of an Ingres installation.
vdba /c [maxapp] [maxwin] [nonodeswindow] [windowdesc {,windowdesc}...]
environmentname.cfg Specifies a configuration file that defines a Visual DBA environment previously saved with Visual DBA. Note: If you specify this file, no other parameters are allowed on the command line. /c Provides a means of invoking Visual DBA with a list of parameters. maxapp Maximizes the Visual DBA application. maxwin Maximizes the MDI windows in Visual DBA. nonodeswindow Does not display the Virtual Nodes toolbar and window. windowdesc Specifies the type of window to open on startup. Valid values are dom, sql, monitor, and dbevent. The syntax for each windowdes is as follows:
dom|sql|monitor|dbevent [nodename] [/server_class] [-uusername] [objecttype
nodename Specifies the node where the window is to open. No node designates the local node. /server_class Specifies the server class (allows work on Enterprise Access products) -uusername Specifies the user to impersonate. vnode Specifies the remote node for which specified windows should be opened, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). objecttype objectidentifier Places the selection on the corresponding object: In dom and monitor windows, expands appropriate branches and places the selection of the corresponding object. In sql and dbevent windows, only a database can be specified (it becomes the active database). Valid values for objecttype are: database, table, view, procedure, user, group, role, location, or server. Valid values for objectidentifier are: serverno (for servers) (in monitor windows) objectname (if not a child branch from a database) dbname/objectname (if child from a database). Schema prefixes are acceptable. Note: The last windowdesc becomes the topmost window in Visual DBA.
vdba Examples
This command invokes Visual DBA without the Virtual Nodes window, maximized on the screen, with one dom window opened for the local node:
vdba /c nonodeswindow maxwin dom
This command invokes Visual DBA, maximized on the screen, with both the performance monitor window and a dom window opened for the local node:
vdba /c maxapp monitor, dom
-node=nodename Specifies the node where the window is to open. If no node is specified, the local node is used. server_class Specifies the server class (allows work on Enterprise Access products) -uusername Specifies the user to impersonate -maxapp Maximizes the window
-node=nodename Specifies the node where the window is to open. If no node is specified, the local node is used. server_class Specifies the server class (allows work on Enterprise Access products) -database=dbname Specifies the database to be accessed -uusername Specifies the user to impersonate -maxapp Maximizes the window
Delete unneeded disk files in a database directory Delete temporary and expired tables Remove all references to a specified table from the DBMS system catalogs
This command requires exclusive access to databases. Verify that there are no active sessions in the DBMS before continuing. If users are connected to the database, a runtime error is displayed. Shut down processes that maintain database connections, rmcmd and icesvr, before using this command. Verifydb logs all of its actions to the terminal screen. It also logs to a verify log file, unless the -n (nologging) flag is used. The default log file is iivdb.log and is used unless another name is specified with the -lf option. Note: Verifydb always outputs the log file to the II_CONFIG location. If II_CONFIG is not defined, it outputs to location: II_SYSTEM/ingres/files. If the log file does not exist when you execute verifydb, the system creates it. If it does exist, verifydb appends to it. Since this file grows each time you execute verifydb with this log file, you should delete it occasionally to save disk space. The verifydb command has the following format:
verifydb -mmode -sscope -ooperation [-n | -lflogfilename] [-v] [-uusername]
-mmode Specifies the mode in which verifydb executes. The mode can be one of the following: report Directs verifydb to log its findings. Use report mode if you want verifydb to only log, rather than actually delete, the tables or files that it finds. run Directs verifydb to perform the specified operation and log all actions that it performs. runinteractive Directs verifydb to prompt the user for confirmation before each action is taken. If the user responds negatively to a prompt, verifydb skips that action and goes on to the next.
runsilent Tells verifydb to perform the specified operations but turns off the logging to the terminal. (Logging to the log file continues.) -sscope Tells verifydb to perform the operation only on the specified databases. All databases must have the same owner. You can specify up to 10 databases. Scope can be any of the following: dbname dbname |vnode::dbname[/server_class]{dbname |vnode::dbname[/server_class]} dba Directs verifydb to operate on all databases for which the user is the DBA or for all databases owned by the DBA specified by the -u flag. installation Directs verifydb to operate on all operative databases. You must be a privileged user to use this qualifier. -ooperation Specifies the operation to be performed. If report mode is specified, the files or tables found are not actually deleted, but only logged. The options for operation are: accesscheck Checks each database specified by the scope and returns a message that says whether the server can connect to the database and, if not, the reason. When using this option, you must also specify report mode (-mreport). You must be either a DBA or a privileged user to use this option. If you are a DBA and specify a scope of dbname, you must be the DBA of all the listed databases. If you use a scope of dba, verifydb checks all the databases for which you are the DBA. If you use a scope of installation, you must be a privileged user, and accesscheck checks all databases in the installation. Additionally, if you are a privileged user, you can use the -u flag to run this option as another user. purge Directs verifydb to delete all disk files in the database directory that are no longer required. This operation is a combination of temp_purge and expired_purge. temp_purge Tells verifydb to search for and delete all temporary tables from the database.
expired_purge Directs verifydb to search for and delete all expired tables from the database. drop_table tablename Tells verifydb to remove all references to a specified table from the DBMS system catalogs. If you specify this option, you must use the dbname option for the -s flag. table tablename Checks the specified tables and reports any inconsistencies found, making recommendations to repair those inconsistencies. The table operation cannot be used on core system catalogs. Secondary indexes can be checked but cannot be repaired. A table lock is taken during verifydb table operations, but a database lock is not taken. Use this option only when you are using report mode (-mreport). This operation also verifies referential integrity between the internal pointers for long data types stored in base table records and the extension table records they point to. Any inconsistencies are reported. Caution! Using this option when you are in any run mode is not supported unless you are receiving assistance from customer support and are advised to do so; it can have severe, unexpected results. xtable tablename Functions like the table option, however xtable uses a stricter patch algorithm, which guarantees data integritywith the risk that some valid data may be discarded. Use this option only when you are using report mode (-mreport). Caution! Using this option when you are in any run mode is not supported unless you are receiving assistance from customer support and are advised to do so; it can have severe, unexpected results. dbms_catalogs Checks the dbms catalogs and reports any inconsistencies found, making recommendations to repair those inconsistencies. Use this option only when you are using report mode (-mreport). Caution! Using this option when you are in runinteractive mode is not supported unless you are receiving assistance from customer support and are advised to do so; it can have severe, unexpected results. This operation is not supported in run modes other that runiteractive.
force_consistent Permits entry into a database that is inconsistent. This does not fix the problem with the database; it merely allows you to force the database to act as if it were in a consistent state. This can be very dangerous if used against a production database. Hidden data damage may render one or more tables in the database unrecoverable at some time in the future. Use this option only when you are using report mode (-mreport). Caution! Using this option when you are in any run mode is not supported unless you are receiving assistance from customer support and are advised to do so; it can have severe, unexpected results. refresh_ldbs Directs verifydb to assure that a distributed database correctly reflects the release level of all remote databases that contain objects registered to the distributed database. It is recommended that you run this operation on a distributed database after you run upgradedb on any of the remote databases accessed by the distributed database. For additional information on using this parameter, see the Ingres Star User Guide. The distributed databases are specified by the -sscope parameter. For the refresh_ldbs option only, verifydb skips all non-distributed databases and processes only distributed databases. (In all other cases, verifydb processes only non-distributed databases.) -n Turns off logging to the log file (nolog mode). Logging to the terminal continues. -lflogfilename Specifies an alternate log file (in the II_CONFIG location) to which verifydb is to log activity. When using this flag, the -n flag is not permitted. -v Provides additional dialog messages when performing the verifydb operation (verbose mode). This flag applies only for table operations. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13).
verifydb Examples
This command cleans up all databases for which you are the DBA, removing all unrequired disk files, and logging all verifydb operations performed:
verifydb -mrun -sdba -opurge
This command runs in report mode, looking for expired tables in the database teach_examp:
verifydb -mreport -sdbname "teach_examp" -oexpired_purge
This command runs verifydb as the user fredk against all the databases for which fredk is the DBA, deleting temporary and expired tables:
verifydb -mrun -sdba -opurge -ufredk
This command drops references to the table new_benefits in the database new_employee:
verifydb -mrun -sdbname "new_employee" -odrop_table "new_benefits"
This command runs consistency checks on the DBMS catalogs for the iidbdb database. The command is run in report mode.
verifydb -mreport -sdbname "iidbdb" -odbms_catalogs
This command runs consistency checks on the DBMS catalogs for all databases that you own, with output going to the alternate log file checkdbs.log. The command is run in report mode.
verifydb -mreport -sdba -odbms_catalogs -lfcheckdbs.log
dbname Specifies the name of a database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). [-f]form Specifies an existing form created with VIFRED. The -f flag itself is optional, because VIFRED assumes it is a form unless the -t or -j flag is used. -ttablename Specifies a table name on which VIFRED is to create a default form. The table name can be qualified with a valid schema name in the format schema.tablename, as described in Schema Qualifier (see page 18). -jjoindef Specifies a JoinDef on which VIFRED is to create a default form. -e Starts VIFRED with an empty table field in the Catalog frame. The user can then access the desired form directly by entering its name in the table field, or use pattern matching to retrieve a range of names for selection. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
vifred Examples
This command starts VIFRED in its initial Forms Catalog frame in the employee database (this is equivalent to invoking Ingres Menu with the employee database and selecting Forms):
vifred employee
This command starts VIFRED to edit the finance form in the employee database (this is equivalent to selecting Forms from Ingres Menu, then Edit with the cursor on the finance form):
vifred employee finance
This command starts VIFRED with a default form for the lastname table (this is equivalent to selecting Forms from Ingres Menu, then Create and Table):
vifred employee -t lastname
dbname Specifies the name of the database, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). applname Specifies the name of a Vision application to be viewed or edited. -w Checks for conflicts between an applications procedure names and QUEL function names. If you define a procedure that has the same name as a QUEL functionfor example, date()your date procedure supersedes the QUEL function. +wopen Issues a warning if the preprocessor detects an embedded SQL statement that does not follow OpenSQL syntax. (For more information about OpenSQL, see the OpenSQL Reference Guide.) Warnings do not halt or affect the success of compilation. Note: This flag does not validate the statement syntax for any SQL gateway whose syntax is more restrictive than that of OpenSQL. -uusername Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). On VMS, enclose this parameter in double quotation marks ("-Ggroupid").
dbname Specifies the name of the database being exported, and if required, the vnode and server_class, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -uuser Specifies the effective user for the session, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -P Specifies the password for the session, if required. -Ggroupid Specifies a group identifier, as described in Standard Flags and Parameters (see page 13). -debug Leaves the generated XML file and the data files in the temp location. By default, the files in this location are deleted. xmlfile Specifies the name of the XML file that needs to be imported into the database.
The xmlimport utility validates the XML file against the generic Ingres dtd. If the ingres dtd is External, it should by default be at the same location as the XML file. If Ingres is referred to the ingres.dtd in the $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files area, the dtd should be present in the $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files directory. If the tables and indexes are already in the database, an error displays and the data is appended to the existing table.
xmlimport Example
This command imports an XML file named xmlout.xml into an Ingres database testdb:
xmlimport testdb xmlout.xml.
The xmlimport utility parses xmlout.xml and then creates the tables and indexes defined in the xmlout.xml file in testdb database.
ABF (Applications-By-Forms) invoking 26 abf command 26 abfimage command 129 accessdb command 27 aducompile utility 28 alterdb command 29 applications, copying 51 arcclean command 31 archive table, cleaning 31 arithmetic, overflow/underflow 245 auditdb command 34 csinstall utility 71, 211 csreport utility 71, 103
database administrator establishing 66 database events, creating 222 databases accessing/terminating access 27, 66 audit trails 34 checkpointing 43 configuring mobile 225 copying 54, 218 creating 66 default locations 66 naming 66 private 66 removing 80 unloading 261 dclgen command 73 debugging error information 84 delimited identifiers 19, 21 delobj command 76 dereplic command 79 destroydb command 80 disaster recovery 215 disk space, reclaiming 31 distributed databases 252
binary large object (BLOB) 38 blobstor command 38, 40 bulk copying 34
case for identifiers 21 sensitivity 21 catalogdb utility 41 catalogs (system), printing statistics 254 cbf utility 42 checkpoints 43, 236 ckpdb command 43 COBOL ANSI format output 87 collation sequence 28 compform command 46 compiled forms 46 conventions for describing syntax 11 convrep command 47 convtouni utility 48 copyapp command 51 copydb command 54 copyform command 61 copying applications 51 copyrep command 64 createdb command 66 cscleanup utility 71
Embedded SQL preprocessor invocation 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89 eqc command 81 error handling, numeric overflow/underflow 245 esqla command 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89 Export Assistant utility 95 extenddb command 90
-f flag 13 fastload command 91 flags defined 12
Index 289
-G flag 13 genxml command 92 group identifiers, specifying 13
ipm command 152 IQUEL (Interactive Query Language) 153 iquel command 153 ISO Entry SQL-92, delimited identifiers 21 isql command 154 ISQL, invoking 154 ivm utility 155
JoinDef ownership 61
iea utility 95 iia utility 96 iigenres utility 97 iigetres utility 98 iihistograms catalog 192, 254 iiinitres utility 99 iijdbcprop command 100 iimkcluster utility 102 iimklog utility 102 iimonitor utility 103 iinamu utility 114 iiodbcinst utility 120 iipmhost command 121 iiremres utility 122 iisetres utility 123 iishowres utility 124 iistats catalog 192, 254 iisunode utility 125 iisuodbc utility 125 iiuncluster utility 125 iivalres utility 126 iizck utility 128 iizic utility 127 imageapp command 129 ImportAssistant utility 96 infodb command 131 ingmenu command 141 ingnet utility 142 ingprenv command 149 ingsetenv command 150 ingstart utility 143 ingstop utility 146 ingunset command 151 integrity, unloading 261 ipcrm utility (UNIX) 71 IPM (Interactive Performance Monitor) 152
lartool utility 155 locations, moving 218 lockstat utility 157 logstat output 170 logstat utility 170
Menu, invoking 141 mkrawarea utility 188 mkrawlog utility 188 mkrc command 189 mobile databases, configuring 225 modifyfe command 190
Name Server registration 114 starting 143 netutil command 191 -numeric_overflow flag 230, 245
optimizedb command 192 overflow, numeric 245
parameters command line 12 defined 12 performance, improving 31 permissions unloading 261 preprocessor, invoking 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89
QBF (Query-By-Forms) command 201 invoking 201, 207 qbf command 201 QBFName (ownership) 61 quel command 203 queries optimizing 192, 254 query command 207 query processing, accelerating 229
SQL invoking 245 sql command 245 sreport command 251 starting Replicator Server 243 starview command 252 statdump command 254 statistics, optimizer 192 storage structures, modifying 258 -string_truncation flag 245 strings, truncation 245 syntax, conventions for describing 11 syscheck utility 257 sysmod command 258 system tables 258
-R flag 13 RBF (Report-By-Forms) invoking 208 rbf command 208 rcpconfig utility 211 rcpstat utility 213 reconcil command 215 recovery 43, 236 relocatedb command 218 repcat command 222 repcfg command 223 repdbcfg command 225 repinst command 227 Replicator configuring installations 223 creating catalogs 222 Manager 228 Server, starting 243 repmgr command 228 repmod command 229 report command 230 report specification 251 reports copying 64 default 230 running 230 unloading 261 repstat command 234 rmcmdgen utility 234 rmcmdrmv utility 235 rmcmdstp utility 235 role identifiers, specifying 13 rollforwarddb command 236
tables checkpointing 43 storage structure of 258 tables command 259 tape drives, checkpointing 43 truncation of strings 245
-u flag 13 unextenddb command 260 Unicode 48 UNIX shell variants 11 unloaddb command 261 upgradedb command 266 upgradefe command 268 user, effective 13 usermod command 270 UTF8 character set 66, 261
vcbf utility 272 vcda utility 272 vdba utility 273, 276 vdbamon utility 275 vdbasaql utility 276
Index 291
verifydb command 277 views, unloading 261 VIFRED copying forms 61 invoking 282 vifred command 282 vision command 284 Visual Forms Editor 61 Visual Manager (IVM) utility 155 vmsinstal utility 285
xmlimport command 286