Sales Letter

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A sales letter is a piece of direct mail which is designed to persuade the reader to

purchase a particular product or service in the absence of a salesman. It has

been defined as "A form of direct mail in which an advertiser sends a letter to a
potential customer."
Sales letter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A sales letter is a piece of direct mail which is designed to persuade the reader to
purchase a particular product or service in the absence of a salesman. It has been
defined as "A form of direct mail in which an advertiser sends a letter to a potential
customer."[1] It is distinct from other direct mail techniques, such as the distribution
of leaflets and catalogues, as the sales letter typically sells a single product or
product line, and further tends to be mainly textual as opposed to graphics-based. It
is typically used for products or services which, due to their price, are a considered
purchase at medium or high value (typically tens to thousands of dollars). A sales
letter is often, but not exclusively, the last stage of the sales process before the
customer places an order, and is designed to ensure that the prospect is committed
to becoming a customer.
Since the advent of the internet, the sales letter has become an integral part
of internet marketing, and typically takes the form of an email or webpage.
Unsolicited sales emails are known as spam, although spam typically consists of
emails which are much shorter than a normal sales letter. Offline, unsolicited sales
letters are known as junk mail.
1 Some relevant components

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Body copy

1.3 Conclusion

1.4 Graphic design

2 Development of sales letters

3 References
Some relevant components[edit]
The sales letter is split into several key sections. In addition, other sections may be
used, such as sub-headlines.

Body copy
This section is typically quite long, with 4, 8 and 16 page letters being common
formats. This section will typically contain testimonials from the firm's customers as
well as pictures and information about the product. On the internet, the body copy
may include embedded video or audio.
All sales letters include a conclusion which is intended to get the customer to
commit to purchasing the product or service, typically without any further
Graphic design
The graphic design of a sales letter is an important part of the branding. The font,
layout, line spacing, paragraph formatting, images, etc. all have an effect on the
efficacy of the letter.
Development of sales letters
Because of the direct response nature of sales letters, they can be carefully tested
on an ongoing basis to determine which version performs best in terms of
converting readers to customers. Sales letters are typically developed
incrementally, with split testing of various elements. This allows the marketer
or copywriter to confirm which headline, body text or graphic design converts best.
On the internet, it is possible to track additional variables, such as the open rate of
emails, the bounce, click through to the checkout, etc.

What is a Sales Letter?

A sales letter is a letter written to publicize and ultimately sell a product or a service to the
consumers. It is a type of business letter; meant for generating business. It also has the
bearing of an Announcement Letter. A sales letter is also referred as Letter of Sale,
Marketing Sales Letter and Business Sales Letter. It is also known as direct mail as it is
being directly sent to the client. A definition of sales letter provides additional and assisting
information in understanding the one mentioned.

Sales Letter Definition

Direct mail meant to generate sale of an item or service through tactful writing
meant to arouse and initiate a purchase.

The definition sums up all about sales letter. But how is it created? and what to write and
what not to write? In the Tips section we have offered almost all the essentials of a good
sales letter. It is also essential that we know a wee bit more about these letters.
To begin with, sales letter is a marketing strategy often employed by businesses that do not
have the budget to advertise their product / service through television or other means. They
are also used by certain organizations

whose mode of operation is specifically through mail order only. A certain number of
companies use these to inform their loyal customers about special offers and discounts.
While most firms use ordinary mail to communicate, many use electronic mail. A sales
paper mail is different from electronic one both in presentation and format. The latter one
will be more graphical and the former one will be more textual. There is, however no hard
and fast rule and one can stick to a certain format which works best for the business. But
that format should always contain Four Essentials to make a sales letter work.

Sales Letters That Work

AIDA is the most commonly used technique to write a sales letter that will always work.




Attention First and foremost step is to attract attention towards your product or service.
An appropriate Headline does that to full effect. It is the initial and the first things that can
guarantee a sale, like they say First impression is the last impression.
Interest The second important incumbent of a sales letter is to generate interest. Once
the reader has got the attention, it is time to generate and hold their interest. Providing
relative information with a sustained flow generates enough interest.
Desire Desire, the third essential feature is initiated by providing real life and practical
examples. Showing the benefits through a simple language does create a desire.
Action The first three features are meant to lead to a final call for action. Sometimes, that
is not enough and you need persuasion to generate a successful sale. In this case, it also
becomes your (senders) call of action as you have to persuade a prospective customer into
an actual buyer.
To use these essential factors in writing a sales letter, we have provided detailed information
in the Effective Sales Letters Tips section under 'How to write a Sales Letter'

Sales Letter Samples

Introductory Sales Letter

Sales Promotion Letter

Home National Bank

902 Home Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97207

March 8, 2008
Mr. George W. Marlon
Boston Transit Authority
57 West City Avenue Boston, MA 02110

Subject: Magic Loans

Dear Mr. Marlon,

At this time, each year, everyone thoughts turn to vacation plans and home
improvements. If you are considering a major recreational purchase or home
improvement this year, you may want to find out about Magic Loans Home National
Magic Loans is loan that is made against equity that you have in your home. Magic
Loans can be used to buy the car or anything you have always wanted. They can
also be used for conventional FHA home improvement loans, such a
private swimming pool. Of course, a Magic Loans does not have to be used only
for recreational items. You may want to use money that is now equity to pay for
college expenses for your children.
So if you have equity in your home and would like to talk with someone
about the possibility of borrowing against that equity, please complete the
postage-paid replay card included with this letter. Just drop it in the mail and a
Home National Bank loan officer will call you to explain Magic Loans possibilities as
well as to answer any question you may have. Let us help make your dream come
John M. Peters
If you need more information on Magic Loans, please contact Home National Bank
by calling (350) 421342 or email us here!

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