Central Line - Associated Bloodstream Infections: Anthony J. Baldea, JR., MD, and Christine S. Cocanour, MD, FACS, FCCM
Central Line - Associated Bloodstream Infections: Anthony J. Baldea, JR., MD, and Christine S. Cocanour, MD, FACS, FCCM
Central Line - Associated Bloodstream Infections: Anthony J. Baldea, JR., MD, and Christine S. Cocanour, MD, FACS, FCCM
Bloodstream Infections
Anthony J. Baldea, Jr., MD, and
Christine S. Cocanour, MD, FACS, FCCM
Central venous catheters (CVCs) are indispensible to the care of
surgical patients. Fluid and blood product administration, hemodynamic monitoring, and dispensation of high-tonicity solutions such
as antibiotics, vasopressors, and total parenteral nutrition are
common indications for the approximately 7 million CVCs placed
annually in the United States alone. One potential drawback associated with CVCs is that these indwelling devices provide a route for
microorganisms to gain access to a patients bloodstream. Bacteremia
from colonization and subsequent infection from CVCs is termed
catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI). This diagnosis is
problematic because whether the bloodstream infection (BSI) is from
the central line or from another source can be difficult to establish;
therefore, simpler definitions are used for surveillance. Central line
associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) is the term used by the
Centers for Disease Controls (CDCs) National Healthcare Safety
Network and is defined as a BSI in a patient who had a central line
within 48 hours before the development of the BSI and in whom no
other source of infection is found. CLABSI is the most prevalent
nosocomial infection, with an estimated 41,000 infections occurring
in U.S. hospitals each year.
CLABSI is a significant burden on our healthcare system; it is
associated with increased intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital
length of stay (LOS) and higher mortality. A significant associated
economic burden also exists, as each CLABSI is estimated to add an
attributable cost of $5734 to $36,441 to the patients hospitalization.
Beginning October 1, 2008, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) considers CLABSI to be a never event and refuses
to pay for any associated additional healthcare costs. This has led to
a heightened national focus on decreasing CLABSI, with significant
progress being made. From 2001 to 2009, the incidence rate of
CLABSI in ICU cases dropped 58%. With the continued emphasis
on eliminating the adverse clinical sequelae and decreasing the financial burden that accrues from the development of nosocomial infections, the importance of understanding how to prevent, properly
diagnose, and adequately treat CLABSI becomes paramount to surgical practice. This chapter focuses on the prevention and clinical management of CLABSI in short-term, nontunneled CVCs.
Sixty-five percent to 70% of CLABSI cases are estimated to be preventable with the application of current evidence-based strategies.
Many institutions have implemented central line insertion and
maintenance bundles in an attempt to decrease CLABSI rates. The
implementation of these catheter-care bundles has led to promising
results, with a more than 50% reduction in CLABSI rates. These
evidence-based bundles focus on basic concepts: maintenance of
sterile conditions during insertion of CVCs, recommendations for
site of insertion and catheter selection, optimization of postinsertion
catheter care, appropriate catheter surveillance, and comprehensive
Hand Hygiene
Perhaps the most overlooked method of preventing CLABSI is also
the simplest: hand washing with conventional soap and water or with
alcohol-based foams or gels before the procedure. Despite the
repeated emphasis in the literature and constant reminders from
hospital administration, physicians consistently show poor compliance with basic hand hygiene, with an estimated 32% rate of appropriate hand-washing technique and frequency among physicians.
Skin Preparation
Minimization of CVC contamination at the time of catheter placement is critical. A key component of this process is skin preparation.
Multiple studies have shown that the preferred agent for skin antisepsis is a greater than 0.5% chlorhexidine preparation with alcohol,
which has an approximate 50% reduction in CLABSI rates when
compared with the use of alcohol-based povidone-iodine solutions.
The site should be scrubbed and allowed to dry for at least 30 seconds
or according to the manufacturers recommendation before proceeding with venipuncture.
Catheter Selection
The choice of CVC has several potentially important implications
on CLABSI rates. In general, one should select the CVC with the
Catheter Care
Sterile gauze or a sterile, transparent, semipermeable dressing can be
used to cover the CVC site to minimize colonization. If the dressing
becomes damp, loosened, or soiled, it should be changed. Routine
dressing changes for short-term CVCs should be performed every 2
days for gauze dressings or at least every 7 days for transparent dressings. The use of a chlorhexidine-impregnated sponge placed at the
skin insertion site can further decrease the risk for CRBSI.
Topical and systemic antibiotics should not be used for the sole
purpose of CLABSI prophylaxis because the former is associated with
fungal overgrowth and both are associated with promoting antimicrobial resistance.
Daily skin cleansing with 2% chlorhexidine rather than bathing
with soap and water significantly decreases CLABSI rates.
Diagnostic Workup
The suspicion of CRBSI should prompt the collection of peripheral
blood cultures before antimicrobial therapy is started. If sufficient
suspicion exists that the CVC is the source of infection, it should be
removed and the distal 5cm of the catheter tip sent for culture. The
preferred method of microbiologic analysis of short-term CVCs is
the roll plate technique with semiquantitative culture. Growth of
greater than 15 colony-forming units (CFUs) from this segment of
catheter is indicative of catheter colonization. A CRBSI is present
when the same organism grows from both the peripheral blood and
the catheter tip. Clinical improvement within 24 hours of catheter
removal suggests that the catheter was the source of infection, but
without positive cultures, it is not proven.
When it is unclear whether the CVC is the source of infection,
and its removal is not desirable, quantitative blood cultures should
be obtained, one from a peripheral vein and one from the CVC.
CRBSI is diagnosed if the bacterial count from the catheter-drawn
blood is threefold greater than that from the peripheral blood. If the
laboratory has the ability to perform differential time to positivity
(DTP), a CRBSI is defined when the growth of microbes from the
CVC-drawn blood occurs at least 2 hours before the growth of
microbes from the peripherally drawn blood. The suspicion of
CLABSI should be heightened in a patient with no other obvious
source of infection and multiple positive blood cultures.
The organisms that most commonly cause CLABSI are: Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, Candida
species, and enteric gram-negative bacilli. The presence of
common skin flora on only one blood culture typically represents a
contaminated specimen and does not necessarily mandate immediate treatment.
Catheter Removal
A dilemma arises when a patient with a CVC has clinical signs of
infection but whether the CVC is the cause is not clear. The decision
to remove the catheter is made based on the clinical status of the
patient and the appearance of the catheter insertion site. If a patient
with a CVC has development of severe hemodynamic decompensation or signs of end organ failure in the setting of no other identified
source of infection, the most prudent strategy is to obtain blood
cultures, remove the CVC, culture the catheter tip, and start empiric
antibiotics. In patients with severe immunocompromise, the catheter
should likewise be removed if a CRBSI is suspected. If the insertion
site has purulent drainage or is severely inflamed, the catheter should
be removed. If the patient does not have the aforementioned clinical
signs and also has no identified source of infection, the catheter may
be left in place while awaiting the results of the blood cultures as
described previously. In a study by Rijnders and colleagues in 2004,
this watchful waiting strategy led to a 62% reduction in unnecessary catheter removal, without any significant changes in hospital
length of stay or mortality.
Central venous catheters are commonly used instruments for
complex, critically ill surgical patients. To minimize the negative
sequelae associated with central lineassociated bloodstream infections, strict adherence of all healthcare workers to simple, preventative measures is essential as is daily assessment of catheter necessity.
A high index of suspicion regarding the identification of a central
lineassociated bloodstream infection is paramount because the
signs and symptoms are generally nonspecific. Diagnosis is confirmed with the same organism harvested from multiple blood cultures and the catheter tip culture. The cornerstone of treatment of
central lineassociated bloodstream infection is timely diagnosis,
catheter removal, prompt initiation of appropriate antimicrobial
therapy, and deescalation of therapy once the susceptibility pattern
of the offending organism is known.
Suggested Readings
Mermel LA, Allon M, Bouza E, et al: Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of intravascular catheter-related infection: 2009
update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Clin Infect Dis
49(1):145, 2009.
OGrady NP, Alexander M, Burns LA, et al: Healthcare Infection Control
Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) (Appendix 1): summary of recommendations: guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheterrelated infections, Clin Infect Dis 52(9):10871099, 2011.