2013-11 - Microbiology - Compact Dry - Brochure 8p - EN - LowRes

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R-Biopharm AG

Compact Dry – An easy test method for

counting microorganisms

safe simple specifi c c

R-Biopharm – for reliable analysis.

Compact Dry – An easy test method for counting microorganisms
General information
Compact Dry is a ready-to-use test method which Compact Dry is also an easy-to-store test method.
helps to reduce the time needed to perform The plates can be kept at room temperature for up
microbial testing. Therefore, it allows maximum to two years and can be used over an incubation
productivity by increasing efficiency. The plates can temperature range of 20 - 42 °C.
be used to test raw materials as well as finished
Compact Dry is a very safe and convenient product.
products like food, beverage, meat, cosmetic or
Its rigid structure allows for easy transportation and
other samples. The Compact Dry plates can also be
an unlimited number of units can be stacked safely
used as a contact plate for difficult areas using a wet
in an incubator. The risk of contamination of the
swab system as Promedia ST-25 (Art. No. Z0301,
medium is eliminated by using the covering lid.
available from R-Biopharm).
Additionally membrane filters can be tested using
Compact Dry is an easy-to-read results test method.
Compact Dry plates. Filter 100 ml water or any
Place 1 ml of sample onto the plate, the liquid
other liquid using an ordinary sterile membrane
samples will self-diffuse evenly over the whole plate.
filter (e.g. Ø 47 mm, 0.45 μm pore size), then
Incubate the plates at the temperature specified in
pipette 1ml of sterile water into the middle of the
the package inserts. The grown colonies are
Compact Dry plate and place the filter on the
pigmented with different colors, developed by
Compact Dry plate. The filter should be placed trap
chromogenic substrates and redox indicators. The
side up. Colonies will grow on the filter.
type of bacteria is identified by its color. For further
investigation bacteria can be easily selected.

Membrane filter method: procedure for Compact Dry

• Select a suitable Compact Dry Plate (e.g. EC), • After filtering the sample, wash the inner surface
remove the plate cap and pipette 1 ml of sterile of the funnel with 20 - 30 ml of sterile water and
water into the middle of the dry sheet. filter it. Repeat the same steps two or three times.
• Using sterile tweezers pick up a sterile membrane • Detach the funnel and take the membrane filter
filter. out with sterilized tweezers. Put the filter on the
prepared Compact Dry plate avoiding any
• Remove the funnel from a sterilized filtering device
bubbles. The trap side has to be up.
and place the sterile membrane filter on the filter
grid. • Turn over the capped plate and put in an
incubator for incubation under the prescribed
• Set the funnel, pour the sample water into the
funnel and filter the sample water under reduced
Compact Dry menu
Compact Dry TC (Total Count) Total viable count

Compact Dry TC is a medium for total viable

bacterial count, which contains nutrient standard
agar. The colonies grown on Compact Dry TC are
red due to redox indicator tetrazolium salt.

Regression line data from Compact Dry TC method

plotted versus the conventional PCA method
(standard plate count agar) shows a good
correlation per 100 food samples for the population
of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms.

Compact Dry EC (E. coli and coliforms) E. coli / K. oxytoca Klebsiella oxytoca Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacteria form blue and red colonies
Compact Dry EC is a medium for E. coli and
coliforms. The medium contains two kinds of
chromogenic enzyme substrates: Magenta-Gal and
X-Gluc. E. coli forms blue colonies. The total
coliform group count is the sum of both the red and
blue colonies.
Regression line data from Compact Dry EC method
plotted versus the conventional VRBA method
(violet red bile agar) shows a good correlation per
50 food samples for the population of coliforms.
Compact Dry EC has gained various approvals
(s. table on last side).

Compact Dry CF for coliforms P. aeruginosa K. oxytoca

For the detection of coliforms Compact Dry CF is an

easy tool. Coliforms grow with blue/blue green
colonies as the recipe contains the chromogenic
enzyme substrate X-GAL. The growth of bacteria
others than coliforms is mainly inhibited, but in case
of growth they form colorless colonies.
Compact Dry CF has gained various approvals
(s. table on last side).
Aspergillus niger Candida albicans
Compact Dry YM for yeast and mold
With Compact Dry YM yeasts and molds can be
differentiated by color development. The medium
contains the chromogenic enzyme substrate X-Phos
which turns blue with many types of yeast. Molds
form fluffy colonies with a characteristic color.
Antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria. The
Compact Dry YM allows a very good 3-dimensional
growth of yeast and mold. Compact Dry YM has
gained various approvals (s. table on last side).

Staphylococcus aureus
Compact Dry X-SA for Staphylococcus
Compact Dry X-SA is a medium used to determine
Staphylococcus aureus by means of selective growth
and differentiation via chromogenic substrates. The
medium is based on an improved mannitol-salt
agar. During growth Staphylococcus aureus converts
substrates for acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase
into blue colored products. This results in formation
of light blue colonies.
Compact Dry X-SA has gained various approvals
(s. table on last side). For further information please
consider the special Compact Dry X-SA flyer.

E. cloacae
Compact Dry ETB for Enterobacteriaceae
Using Compact Dry ETB it´s very easy to detect
Enterobacteriaceae. The medium contains glucose
and selective agents for differentiation and
enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae. Specific colonies
will be almost visible in a reddish purple color.
Compact Dry ETB has gained various approvals
(s. table on last side).
Compact Dry ETC is a plate for easy E. faecalis
detection of Enterococci in food and water
Enterococci occur and grow in a variety of fermented
foods. The presence of enterococci in food products
has long been considered as an indication of poor
sanitary conditions during production and
processing. On the other hand, enterococci are
specifically used for the fermentation of a variety of
foods. It is claimed that enterococci play an important
role in the development of the organoleptic
properties of the fermented foods.
For water, the presence of enterococci serves as an
indicator of fecal contamination. Enterococci in water
can only come from human or animal feces.
The Compact Dry ETC is based on the usage of
X-glucoside (X-Gluc.) and antibiotics as selective
agents. Enterococci will grow with blue to blue green
colonies after incubation for 24 hours at 37 °C.

Compact Dry SL for Salmonella Salmonella spp.

Compact Dry SL detects salmonella using

20 - 24 hour pre-enrichment cultures.
The plates are based on the combination of three
different test principles:
1. Alkalization of the medium, by Salmonella’s lysine
decarboxylase ability (the medium color will
change from blue-purple to yellow);
2. Greening of the colony, caused by decomposition
of chromogenic substrate with a specific enzyme
of Salmonella (black colonies are generated by
hydrogen sulphide producing Salmonella);
3. The motility of Salmonella.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Compact Dry VP for Vibrio
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a bacterium that can
cause cholera. Vibrio parahaemolyticus-associated
gastroenteritis is the infection caused by this
organism. Vibrio parahaemolyticus naturally inhabits
coastal waters and is present in higher
concentrations during the summer; it is a halophilic
or salt-requiring organism. Vibrio parahaemolyticus
is found in marine environments, sea foods, and the
feces of patients with acute enteritis.
Compact Dry VP can not only easily detect Vibrio
parahaemolyticus, but also differentiate Vibrio
parahaemolyticus from other vibrios. The product
contains a specific chromogenic substrate for Vibrio
parahaemolyticus which develops blue/green or
blue colonies, whereas other vibrios develop white

Detection of lactic acid bacteria using

Compact Dry TC
For the detection of lactic acid bacteria it is
recommended to use Compact Dry TC. Samples
should be diluted using sterilized saline and
incubated under anaerobic conditions at 30 °C.
Features and benefits
Compact Dry combines the features and benefits of This unique combination will shorten your test time
the traditional plate media with the modern features and increase your lab efficiency, thus reducing your
of dehydrated film media. total costs.

Steps Criteria Homemade Prepared plates Other dehydrated Compact Dry

plates plates
Preparation and ready to use   
storage long shelf life at RT 
small size (for storage and
 
Inoculation liquid samples  
(simple and fast) surfaces  
Incubation small size  
100% sterile    
stackable    
no direct contact of the

medium to incubator surfaces
Reading and easy counting (chromogenic)   
interpretation easy picking and cloning   
Validation standardization of the
  
validation/approvals    

Product overview
Product Art. No. Packaging Application Incubation time Incubation temperature
Compact Dry TCC HS7311 100 plates Total count in tea 48 hours 35 ± 2 °C
HS7312 40 plates products
Compact Dry TC HS8771 100 plates Total Count 48 hours 35 ± 2 °C*
HS8772 40 plates (20 - 42 °C)
Compact Dry EC HS8781 100 plates E. coli and 24 hours 35 ± 2 °C
HS8782 40 plates coliforms
Compact Dry CF HS8791 100 plates Coliforms 18 - 24 hours 35 ± 2 °C;
HS8792 40 plates 40 - 42 °C for fecal coliforms
Compact Dry YM HS8801 100 plates Yeast and mould 3 - 7 days 25 - 30 °C
HS8802 40 plates
Compact Dry LS HS8811 100 plates Listeria spp. 24 hours 35 - 37 °C
HS8812 40 plates
Compact Dry VP HS8821 100 plates Vibrio 18 - 24 hours 35 - 37 °C
HS8822 40 plates parahaemolyticus
Compact Dry SL HS9401 100 plates Salmonella 20 - 24 hours 41 - 43 °C
HS9402 40 plates
Compact Dry ETB HS9431 100 plates Enterobacteriaceae 24 - 48 hours 35 - 37 °C
HS9432 40 plates
Compact Dry ETC HS9461 100 plates Enterococci 20 - 24 hours 35 ± 2 °C
HS9462 40 plates
Compact Dry X-SA HS9621 100 plates Staphylococcus aureus 24 hours 35 - 37 °C
HS9622 40 plates
Compact Dry X-BC HS9721 100 plates Bacillus cereus 24 hours 30 °C
HS9722 40 plates

* Please use the incubation temperature/time according to the legal specification of each country food analysis regulations.
Product name Validation (Ref. No.)
MicroVal NordVal AOAC-RI
Compact Dry TC RQA2007LR01 033 010404
Compact Dry EC MV0806-004LR 036 110402
Compact Dry CF MV0806-003LR 035 110401
Compact Dry YM RQA2008LR10 043 100401
Compact Dry LS --- --- ---
Compact Dry VP --- --- ---
Compact Dry SL --- --- ---
Compact Dry ETB MV0806-002LR 034 ---
Compact Dry XSA 2008LR14 042 081001
Compact Dry XBC 2011-LR41 045 ---
Compact Dry ETC --- --- ---
Compact Dry TCC --- --- ---

MicroVal and NordVal approvals are according to the international standard “Microbiology of food and animal feed –
Method validation”; EN ISO 16140.
Compact Dry TC also is approved by:
• Servico Publico Federal; Minsterio da agricultura, pecuaria e ae Astecimento;
Brazil No. AUP/CGI/DIPOA No. 0453/2006
• Microbiological Methods Committee; Microbiology Evaluation Division;
Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada; Ottawa,
Ontario K1A 0L2
Compact Dry plates are produced at an ISO 9001 certified production site.

Hasan Aycicek, Utku Oguz, Koray Karci ( 2006 ) Ellis P and Meldrum RJ ( 2001 )
Determination of total aerobic and indicator bacteria on some raw Evaluation of dryfilm methods for aerobic colony counts. Poster
eaten vegetables from wholesalers in Ankara, Turkey. Int. J. Hyg. presentation at PHLS 26th Scientific Conference, University of
Environ.-Health 209: 197 – 201 Warwick, September 2001

Nissui Pharmaceutical granted PTM status for Compact Dry TC, Inside Mizuochi, S. and Kodaka, H. (2000)
Laboratory Management; AOAC, July 2004: Evaluation of dry sheet medium culture plate ( Compact Dry TC )
19 – 22 method for determining numbers of bacteria in food samples. J. Food
Prot. 63: 665 – 667
Bachmann, B., Lüthi, M. ( 2003 )
Evaluation mikrobiologischer Methoden zur Prüfung von Trinkwasser Mizuochi, S., Kamiya, H., Kodaka, H., Sengoku, H., and Horigome, K.
im Feld für Katastropheneinsätze. Mitt. Compact Dry for the Enumeration of Bacteria in Food. ASM 1999
Lebensm. Hyg. 94: 579 – 593 General Meeting, Chicago 1999

Ellis P., Kirchhof G. and Meldrum R. ( 2003 ) Kodaka, H. and Ishikawa, M. ( 1995 )
Evaluation of the Compact Dry SL method for the detection of Evaluation of new medium with chromogenic substrates for members
Salmonella in spiked food samples. Poster presentation at HPA 1st of the family Entero-bacteriaceae in urine sample. J. Clin. Microbiol.
Scientific Conference, University of Warwick, September 2003. 33: 199 – 201.

Ellis, P. and Meldrum R. ( 2002 ) Curiale, M.S. and Sons, T., et. al ( 1991 )
Comparison of the Compact Dry TC and 3M Petrifilm ACP dry sheet Dry rehydratable film for enumeration of total coliforms and
media methods with the spiral plate method for the examination of escherichia coli in foods: Collaborative study. J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
randomly selected foods for aerobic colony count. J. Food Prot. 65: Chem. 74: 635 – 648
423 – 425

R-Biopharm AG, An der neuen Bergstraße 17, 64297 Darmstadt, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 61 51 - 81 02-0, Fax: +49 (0) 61 51 - 81 02-40
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