Recent Research in Science Teaching and Learning
Recent Research in Science Teaching and Learning
Recent Research in Science Teaching and Learning
Current Insights
and included majors and nonmajors as participants. The frequency of use and types of active-learning methodologies
described in the 225 eligible studies varied widely.
Quantitative analysis of the eligible studies focused on
comparison of two outcome variables: 1) scores on identical
or formally equivalent examinations and 2) failure rates (receipt of a D or F grade or withdrawal from the course).
Major findings were that student performance on exams and
other assessments (such as concept inventories) was nearly
half an SD higher in active-learning versus lecture courses,
with an effect size (standardized mean weighted difference)
of 0.47. Analyses also revealed that average failure rates were
55% higher for students in the lecture courses than in courses
with active learning. Heterogeneity analyses indicated that
1) there were no statistically significant differences in outcomes with respect to disciplines; 2) effect sizes were lower
when instructor-generated exams were used versus concept
inventories with both types of courses (perhaps because concept inventories tend to require more higher-order thinking
skills); 3) effect sizes were not significantly different in nonmajors versus majors courses or in lower versus upper-division courses; and 4) although active learning had the greatest positive effect in smaller-enrollment courses, effect sizes
were higher with active learning at all enrollment sizes. Two
types of analyses, calculation of fail-safe numbers and funnel plots, supported a lack of publication bias (tendency to
not publish studies with low effect sizes). Finally, the authors
demonstrated that there were no statistically significant differences in effect sizes despite variation in the quality of the
controls on instructor and student equivalence, supporting
the important conclusion that the differences in effectiveness
between the two methods were not instructor dependent.
In one of the more compelling sections of this meta-analysis, the authors translated the relatively dry numbers resulting from statistical comparisons to potential impacts on
the lives of the students taking STEM courses. For example,
for the 29,300 students reported for the lecture treatments
across all students, the average difference in failure rates
(21.8% in active learning vs. 33.8% with lecture) suggests
that 3516 fewer students would have failed if enrolled in an
active-learning course. This and other implications for the
more beneficial impact of active learning on STEM students
led the authors to state, If the experiments analyzed here
had been conducted as randomized controlled trials of medical interventions, they may have been stopped for benefit.
That is, the control group condition would have been halted
Current Insights
problem solving (so-called traditional questions) and ability to explain the concepts that were used (conceptual questions). This study design had the advantage that the same
students experienced both the baseline and treatment conditions twice. The authors describe in detail the pedagogical
approaches used in both sets of the A and B phases.
The quizzes were scored by independent raters (with high
interrater reliability) on a 03 scale; scores were analyzed using appropriate statistical methods. Survey items were analyzed using a principal-components factor analysis; composite scores were generated for a learning confidence factor
and an engagementconnections factor. Analyses revealed
that the two pedagogical approaches had similar outcomes
with respect to the traditional questions, but conceptual understanding scores (indicating better understanding of the
concepts that were applied to problem solving) were significantly higher for the case-based modules. Students reported
that they appreciated how cases were better than lecture in
helping them make connections to real-world concerns and
see the relevance of what they were learning, but there were
no significant differences in students perceptions of their
learning gains in the case-based versus the lecture modules.
The authors note that many studies have likewise demonstrated that students perceptions of their learning gains in
more learner-centered courses are often not accurate reflections of the actual learning outcomes.
The authors conclude that while these results are promising indications of the effectiveness of case-based instruction
in engineering curricula, the studies need to be replicated
across a number of semesters and in different engineering
disciplines and extended to assess the long-term effect of
case-based instruction on students ability to remember and
apply their knowledge.
Although this study was limited to an engineering context, the case-based methodologies and research design seem
well-suited for use in action research in other disciplines.
4. Heddy BC, Sinatra GM (2013). Transforming misconceptions: using transformative experience to promote positive affect and conceptual change in students learning
about biological evolution. Sci Educ 97, 723744.
[Abstract available:
Well-documented challenges to conceptual change faced
by students of evolution include the necessity of unseating
existing nave theories (such as natural selection having
purposiveness), having the ability to view the complex and
emergent nature of evolutionary processes through systems-type thinking, and being able to see the connections
between evolutionary content learned in the classroom and
everyday life events that can facilitate appreciation of its importance and motivate learning. To help students meet these
challenges, the authors adapted a pedagogical model called
Teaching for Transformative Experiences in Science (TTES)
in the course of instruction on six major concepts in evolutionary biology. This article reports on a comparison of the
effectiveness of TTES approaches in fostering conceptual
change and positive affect with that of instruction enhanced
with use of refutational texts (RT). Use of RTs to promote
conceptual change, a strategy with documented effectiveness, entails first stating a misconception (the term used by
the authors), then explicitly refuting it by elaborating on a
D. Allen
Bligh DA (2000). What's the Use of Lectures? San Francisco:
Broughton SH, Sinatra GM, Nussbaum EM (2011). Pluto has been
a planet my whole life! Emotions, attitudes, and conceptual change
in elementary students learning about Pluto's reclassification. Res
Sci Educ 42, 122.
Freeman S, Eddy SL, McDonough M, Smith MK, Okoroafor N, Jordt
H, Wenderoth MP (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA 111, 84108415.
Pugh KJ, Linnenbrink-Garcia EA, Koskey KLK, Stewart VC, Manzey
C (2010). Motivation, learning, and transformative experience: a
study of deep engagement in science. Sci Educ 94, 128.
Shulman A (2006). Qualitative differences between nave and
scientific theories of evolution. Cogn Psychol 52, 170194.