Cain and Abel Story Review

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and Abel Story Review

Opening prayer:

Our dear father in heaven, we thank you for leading us through another week of school and
work. Thank you for feeding us and keeping us warm.

We also want to thank you for your promise that when two or more of us come together to
worship you, you will be with us. Although we cannot see you, we can feel your presence
and we thank you for being here with us tonight.

We pray that you will open our hearts to your teachings and open our eyes to your glory
and grace. We pray all these in your sons precious name, amen.

What did we talk about last week?
Who are Cain and Abel?
What does Cain mean? What does Abel mean?
Show pictures of Cain and Abel

Story time:
Flashcard 1 - 2

Cain and Abel ask Adam and Eve Why cant we live in the garden anymore?
Adam and Eve said, Because when we were young, we were very foolish and we
disobeyed God. God was very mad at us because we committed a sin (explain:
anything we do that makes God angry or sad ask children to give some examples),
so he told us we could no longer live in the beautiful Garden of Eden that he made
for us and we must go outside and find food by ourselves. But God still loved us, so
He made clothing for us out of animal skin so that we wont feel cold. Because God
killed animals to make clothing for us to cover our sin, in return, we must sacrifice
animals to God (give gifts) if we want to thank him or ask for his forgiveness.

Flashcard 1 - 3

Cain = farmer; Abel = shepherd
They want to give thanks to God
Sacrifice = give your best to God

Ask for two volunteers to be Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel script

So they built their altar (point out stone thing) and offered their gifts to God.
Whos gift do you think God will like more? Why?

God was very pleased with Abels gift and he rejected Cains gift.
Point out two reasons (remembered what God said about animals + best
animal) for God liking Abels gift. Talk about ATTITUDE!!!
What do you think Cain must feel right now?

Flashcard 1 - 4

Cain was angry because God rejected his gift and he was jealous of Abel because God
liked his gift more.
God saw that Cain was angry, so he said, Why are you angry Cain? If you do what is
right, I will accept your gift (giving him a second chance Gods grace and mercy)
o Even though Cain didnt deserve it, God was willing to give him a second
chance. But he needed to obey God and do what he says.
What did Cain do?
He didnt listen to God and didnt obey him. He killed his brother Abel when no one
was watching, but God saw everything.
God asked Cain where is your brother?
o Why did God ask him this question if God knew what happened?
God wanted Cain to confess his own sin.
Cain lied and said I DONT KNOW! Am I my brothers keeper?
Flashcard 1 5

God punished Cain you must leave this place + small crops + no home.
Cain said Nooooooo!!! This punishment is too much!!! Its very dangerous out
God said, I will protect you but you must be punished because you sinned.

Attitude attitude activity
Gods love, mercy
People sin but we must ask for forgiveness and obey God

Closing prayer:

Dear God, thank you that you have been with us throughout this lesson. Thank you for
showing us mercy and love even though we make you angry again and again. Thank you for
letting your one and only son Jesus Christ die on the cross so that our sins can be forgiven.
Thank you for loving us this much. As we leave this place and begin our weekend and next
week, we pray that you will continue to watch over us and allow the Holy Spirit to guide
our actions so that we dont do anything that makes you upset. We pray this in Lord Jesus
Christs name, amen.

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