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Personal works



All the following works represent my personal development in the field of architecture.
Those last four years made me realize how important it is to take advantage of every occasion
to learn something new, not only in school, but
also from class mates, friends, strangers.
I also give a huge significance to my travels abroad which helped me to become a more
open-minded person as well as more curious
and eager to understand ones culture.
I hope this portfolio will draw your attention and convince you to be part of my training.



Bor n on December 3rd, 1993

French nationaly


Strada Vasile Lascar 23-25

Bucuresti, ROMANIA
[email protected]
+33 667 789 264


University of Architecture
and Urbanisme Ion Mincu
Bucuresti, ROMANIA


Ecole Nationale Suprieure

dArchitecture de Versailles
Versailles, FRANCE


S t Denis Inter national School

Loches, FRANCE
with honors

Sept. 2014

Employee in the kitchen

Amboise, FRANCE
Mc Donalds

July 2014

Volunteer jazz festival


Summer 2014,
2013, 2012
July 2013

Au pair with young kids

Annecy/Toulouse le Chteau/St Honor les Bains,
Architecture inter n


Organization of an experimental architecture festivalParis, FRANCE


Summer 2012,

Inter national camp couselorLoches, FRANCE

St Denis Inter national

Feb. 2012

Intership on a construction
Aubervilliers, FRANCE

Aug. 2011, 2010 Volunteer music festival

Chdigny, FRANCE

Feb. 2011, 2010 Counselor

Michigan city IN, USA

Marquette High School


Photography, drawings


Guitar, piano, open mics,

trombone in a brass band


Belgium, Netherlands,
France, United Kindgom,
United States, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria,
Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia


French - mother tongue

English - fluent
Chinese - notions


In Design
Rhino 3D
Adobe Flash







Master 1 - University of Ion Mincu, Bucuresti
Public building - Center of reinsertion for minors
with Oana Dulvara

This project was divided in two parts,

the first was to create a MASTERPLAN for
a site located in Bucharest in between a military camp and a cemetery and the second
part was to use this masterplan and do a
Concer ning the masterplan, the site
is in between an area of tall housing buildings and a pavillonaire zone. Both presented
a type of island that were around 45m large,
which we reused and divided our plot into
five. Each plot has its own surface area built
and minimum/maximum height.
About the project, we first did a brain-

storming about how it is possible to RECONDITION somebodys MIND and what would
the kids need to grow back their link to society. Then was a reflexion on the program
and the structure. We chose a GRID of 5x5m
to have CLEAR PARTITION so the residents
could understand the building easily and get
familiar with it quickly. Then we established
different elements of structure which allow to
have different TRANSPARENCIES and PERMEABILITIES with the surroundings and also
throughout the building. Using this principle,
we worked a more dense structure along the
street and a better transparence towards the

From the street to the park

One wing turned to the parc,

one to the canal

Sleeping/living division

Double oriented appartments


Vegetal strip

Bachelor 3 - Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Versailles

To approach this question of housing,

COLLAGE has been a first tool that helped
to define the global concept. My point of view
on housing is the need to have NO VIS VIS
when you are in the living space. This fact
settled, I decided to work with LOGGIAS to
get the light only from an undirect window.

bedrooms shows multiple openings.

Because the building is 12m large I

decided to have DOUBLE ORIENTED appartments.Then, I seperated the functions
into sleeping/living spaces so the loggias will
all be on the south and create a BLANK but
carved out FACADE while the north one with

There is a PARADOXE with the plans that

show a lot of openings and a low density
building and the section that has no openings
and seem like a very space-effective building.

To diversify the outdoor spaces, I use

the roof to install a VEGETAL STRIP that is
meant to be shared. This strip is accessible
from different part of the building and then
has it own circulation.

Bachelor 3 - Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Versailles
History essay


Everything is architecture. This quote from
Hans Hollein express the most striking change in the history of architecture. In fact, in the 1950s an avant-garde
movement started, called later radical architecture, in
response to a too dreary fonctionalism.
Even though till the time architecture was
mainly considered for its aesthetic qualities or technical achievements, the radical movement proposes an
opening, a new life.

The study of different fiels such as comics or

pop art turns upside down everything that was considered for granted and renews the imagination of architecture. The fundamentals are being re questioned : the
wall, mobility, continuity. Architecture is not thought as
a building or a symbol anymore but as a whole world.
A social and human dimension takes the lead over the
form and triggers a speech in an urban level as well as
Is being asked a series of questions : what is
architecture ? What is the finality of a project ? Which
future for architecture ?
In a modernist context where everything seems
well planned, the radical architects, often students in
the avant garde period, will make their own definition of
architecture which will set the rules for a succession of
utopias aiming to make the architecture die in profit for
human wellness.

Bachelor 2 - Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Versailles
with Alex Arnou, Hlne Battini, Jules Boucher, Agathe Doreau, Anas Maria, Cami Petre

In the same way as Xenakis with music, it is

about mixing MICROCOMPOSTION and MACROCOMPOSITION, and to take in consideration the
stitches as well as the global pattern of the urban fabric.
Pattern that becomes a SOCIAL AND PROGRAMMATIC MICROFABRIC, in which the density is always
miscellaneous. Starting from the small, uses such as
walking or neighbor life, to go towards the big, the urban, macroscopique scale. It is what brings us to draw
a pedestrian district where housing, shops, schools,
cultural and sports equipments, and parks mixes within
a repartition of the buildings that is organized according
to a rigid process : BUILT, VOID, BUILT, VOID, BUILT,

The public space spreads on the entire surface

of the plot and contradicts with the regular framework.
Also the shape of the building creates a LANDSCAPE
giving some relief to that linear plan. It is the URBAN
HABITS that will shape the image of the ground floor, a
BLANK PAGE where everybody can write its story.

Bachelor 2 - Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Versailles
with Eleonor Ferragu and Agathe Doreau

For this exercise we were given a construc- everything is organized.

tive figure with which we had to create a building.
We chose the program of a library as it
need space of lecture with lightning and some
We chose a plot in Paris that was ending darker spaces for storing the books.
on two different streets and this characteristic of
the site led to the project. We started with the
We also created an INTERIOR WALK
idea of a RIFT to connect the two streets on the around the different rifts which can also turn into a
ground floor.
reading space offering a direct experiment of the

This idea of rift repeat itself on every floor
which creates a CENTRAL VOID around which

Bachelor 1 - Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Versailles

First, a work on one appartment unit has established a form that has been used for the rest of the
project as a MODULE. The most significant has been
to work in line and mirror regarding the needs of the
programs in terms spaces.

at the first floor.

At the first floor are four units among which
three contains the six living units and one for the shared
spaces. The void in between provides an exterior circulation and terraces.

Moreover this creates a RHYTHM in the facades switching for straight walls to inflexions for the
The distance between the blocks upstairs alground floor and between built and void at the first floor. lows intimacy and optimal lightning.
The repartition of the program has been displayed such
as public spaces at the ground floor and housing units


Master 1 - University of Ion Mincu, Bucuresti
Web Design

For this class of web design, I had to create an online portfolio using the software Adobe
Flash. I learned some html functions and language
and also how to work with flash. I learned the basic functions with buttons and how to organize
globaly the layers.
The main part of the work was to design
the site and see how it should look and how intuitive it needs to be to provide a good overlook of
the work.

I decided to spread my work into categories and to be able to move from one project to
another in between one category by keeping the
list of projects on the side.

Bachelor 2 - Philippe Rizzotti Architecte

For this first mission in an architecture ofThis book had to communicate the main
fice, my task was to create a booklet to promote a features of the project very clearly so anybody
project called Factatory. The specificity of the proj- could understand it, even people that are not arect is that it can take different shapes and move to chitects.
different locations.

This project of book was adifferent way to
I had to think the general organization of experiment architectural conception, emphasizing
the book starting from all the documents that were on the conceptual part of it and the need to have
made since the beggining of the project and then a representation specific to the project.
to draw some that were missing to understand the
project better.

Vers la dsacralisation de larchitecture
Clara Pailler

Dans les annes 50 sopre un retour larchitecture futuriste en rponse

un fonctionnalisme trop monotone. Le modernisme, dans le cadre de la reconstruction, a propos un urbanisme certes efficace, mais dune technicit tellement
aboutie quelle en vient dshumaniser la ville. Laspect socital de la ville est dune
importance primordiale et les avant-gardistes vont essayer de le ramener en redfinissant ce quest larchitecture au sein de la modernit. Les fondamentaux sont
alors remis en question : le mur, la mobilit, la continuit. Des architectes tels que
Andrea Branzi, Peter Cook ou Yona Friedman, vont se constituer une nouvelle dfinition de larchitecture qui sera alors la base dune srie dutopies visant faire
mourir larchitecture au profit du bonheur humain.
Lessence mme des projets radicaux est de transmettre une ide forte
sur un futur prospectif architectural en tendant vers un idal social. Jusqualors,
larchitecture tait plutt une question de matrialit, de structure et de symbole.
Avec la vague radicale, la question de la place de lhomme dans larchitecture est remise au centre des proccupations ainsi que la place que doit prendre cette dernire
dans la conception du projet. Les architectes vont alors scarter de larchitecture en
tant que telle pour largir leur domaine de rflexion. La question de la reprsentation devient alors trs prsente et nait alors un nouveau langage emprunt au
Pop Art et la publicit. Les architectes sapproprient les outils de reprsentation

1. Couverture du numro

et les rfrences slargissent dautres domaines tels que la bande dessine. Des

4 de la srie de publica-

images semblables des publicits faisant la promotion dun monde meilleur o

tions Archigram

larchitecture est au second plan apparaissent. Ce nest pas une reprsentation fidle
du projet qui est recherche mais un renouveau de limaginaire. Limage du projet
par lhabiter, par lusage est bien plus importante que les questions structurelles ou
esthtiques. La capacit sapproprier lespace et linexistence de larchitecture au sein
du projet sont mis en avant. Larchitecture nest plus un volume, cest un flatscape,


du logement est prsent bien videmment car fondamentalement li aux besoins de

lhomme. Larchitecture se libre du programme pour se donner comme lexploration
dun langage, revendiquant la notion dvnement, de disjonction formelle et
temporelle. Archigram vient crer des cellules de vie qui visent lmancipation de
lhomme, Archizoom vient proposer une trame infinie qui par son absence de spatialit vient laisser place des happenings, Yona Friedman quant lui a longuement
tudi la faon de se dplacer de lhomme avant de penser la ville spatiale. De plus,
la mgastructure vient crer un mode de vie autarcique. Par le travail de couches
comme avec Friedman, on obtient une concentration et une densit des activits
qui favorisent les flux et les changes. Tout est regroup dans la mme structure
proposant une intensification de lurbain. On souhaite retourner une ville avec
une vie publique intense . Ce nouveau mode de vie propos par les groupes
radicaux permet aussi dchapper la condition humaine. En effet, dans ces utopies
2. Archizoom Associati,

une surface, une nappe, une image. L espace est tram par une grille o viennent

en grille, rien ne nous appartient, tout est neutre et clean. Vient alors prendre place

No Stop City, 1969

se poser de faon incontrle des vnements. On fait surgir lhumain par la trame.

la crativit de lhomme. Par exemple, linstallation dArchizoom lors dune de leurs

La radicalit vient crer des villes o la prolifration est la base de lurbanisme. Des

expositions, consistait dune pice grise vide o on nous conte ce qui se trouve dans

villes sans qualit qui sont alors pousses dans leurs retranchements et nexistent

la pice. Lillustration mme de limmatrialit que proposent les projets radicaux.

que par les actions de lhabitant. Yona Friedman, par exemple, pose des mgastruc-

Les utopies sont principalement construites sur un modle de monde imaginaire o

tures o lhomme possde toute la libert souhaite, larchitecture nest pas un ob-

les architectes nous invitent entrer avec eux en nous communiquant le projet de

stacle, elle subit les bons vouloirs de son rsident. De plus sinscrit la notion dchelle

faon allchante par le biais dimages qui nous laissent divaguer mentalement dans

4.Yona Friedman,

: la mgastructure peut se faire sur le gabarit dun immeuble ou alors stendre sur

cette dimension parallle irrelle. Cependant, larchitecture, rduite au ground

Paris spatial, 1958

une ville ou une rgion, pouvant aussi faire office dinfrastructure. En comparai-

zero et une radicalisation tellement exacerbe, impose une neutralit omnip-

son avec le contexte de reconstruction de lpoque bas sur le fonctionnalisme et

rsente proposant des lieux sans motion et sans lien linguistique prexistant qui

la perte des liens sociaux, on pourrait penser que la mgastructure vient rsoudre

vont faire tendre lutopie la dystopie.

3.Archizoom Associati,
No Stop City, 1969

5. Superstudio,
Life without objetcs,

tous les problmes alors quen fait elle ne propose aucune solution. Cest une structure autocritique qui vient questionner le statut du projet architectural.une nappe,
une image. Lespace est tram par une grille o viennent se poser de faon incontrle des vnements. Lhumain surgit par le biais de la grille. La radicalit vient
crer des villes o la prolifration est la base de lurbanisme. Des villes sans qualit
qui sont alors pousses dans leurs retranchements et nexistent que par les actions
de lhabitant. Yona Friedman, par exemple, pose des mgastructures o lhomme
possde toute la libert souhaite, larchitecture nest pas un obstacle, elle subit les
bons vouloirs de son rsident. De plus sinscrit la notion dchelle : la mgastructure
peut se faire sur le gabarit dun immeuble ou alors stendre sur une ville ou une
rgion, pouvant aussi faire office dinfrastructure. En comparaison avec le contexte
de reconstruction de lpoque bas sur le fonctionnalisme et la perte des liens so86

ciaux, on pourrait penser que la mgastructure vient rsoudre tous les problmes


chumi avec la prsence de la grille ponctue dvnements (ici les Folies).

Les utopies radicales ont su prendre place au cur de lhistoire architecturale et en sont des rfrences principales malgr leur tendance contre-architecturale . Elles sont le symbole dune libration et dune dcomplexion de
larchitecture dans un contexte rationnel. Par ailleurs, lutilisation du langage pop
pour de larchitecture et dune pense pluridisciplinaire alliant sociologie et urbanisme fait de ces utopies une des innovations les plus importantes de la fin du XXme
sicle. Encore aujourdhui, lorsque lon parle de progrs architectural, cest principalement dans une optique technique ou environnementale ; mais dun point de
vue de lhumain, larchitecture radicale propose des modles de socits qui sont
toujours aussi innovants notre poque.

6. OMA, projet pour le

parc de la Villette, 1982
7. Bernard Tschumi,

Larchitecture radicale a pouss bout ses ides jusqu un point

dexaspration, qui a au final conduit une critique optimale base sur une exprimentation continue. Cette raction au fonctionnalisme ne propose pas de modle

projet laurat pour le parc

de ville idale mais par ses divers projets, la phase radicale a aid la dsacralisa-

de la Villette, 1982

tion de larchitecture en proposant des solutions qui resteront sur papier. Les uto-

8. Rem Koolhaas, Exodus,


pies sociales ont t penses jusqu labsurde. Apparat alors dans le domaine de
larchitecture une nouvelle forme de pense qui diffre des grands enseignements
beaux-arts, se rapprochant de domaines comme lillustration ou le graphisme.
Larchitecture devient alors plus cheap et contemporaine, limage dune socit
de consommation naissante. Le travail des groupes radicaux va inspirer trs rapidement les gnrations futures darchitectes et les projets seront expliqus et analyss
dans des coles comme la AA School Londres seulement quelques annes aprs
leur conception. On verra alors une ligne darchitectes sinspirer de la mthode
des avant-gardistes pour concevoir, comme lExodus, le projet de diplme de Rem
Koolhaas qui est aussi un modle utopique dune ville plugge proposant un
mode de vie mtropolitain intense et dense. Mais aussi, les propositions de Rem
Koolhaas et de Bernard Tschumi pour le concours du Parc de La Villette : tous les


deux se sont questionns sur la rpartition du programme et notamment pour Ts-


Bachelor 3 - Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Versailles

As part of an in-depth history course, each

student had to write a short thesis on a subject
and in order to communicate those studies, we
all decided to create a book that gathers all of our

The final layout is basic and suitabe to all
subjects. It has been inspired from the ones used
in the architectural magazines Log and San Rocco. The thesis have been grouped by themes and
organize in a way to create a global reflexion fed
by the combination of all the themes discussed.

We splitted the tasks and I was in charge

of the design of the book. First it was about organizing the writings in categories so it makes sense
when you read the book, then to find a common
layout that could work for everybodys paper and
add some aesthetics to it.










Bachelor 2 - Association Bellastock, festival Greenwashing
Organization & scale 1:1 experimentation

During my second year I decided to volunteer in an association called Bellastock. Bellastock

organizes several festivals of experimental architecture every year and all around the world. The
goal of each festival is to create an ephemeral city
with approximately 1000 participants.
The year I volunteeered we organized a
festival in Maisse, Ile de France. The theme was
Greenwashing and the principle was to experiment vegetal architecture.
When the theme and materials are chosen

and ready, the role of a volunteer is to help conceiving infrastructures and to develop a masterplan for the repartition of the shelters on the site.
Then, during the event, each volunteer has different tasks to do like from cooking to architectural
discussions, performances and organisation of
activites to promoting the association to a larger


Student in Master 1 Architecture from Versailles, looking for an intership

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