Time, Speed &distance 1

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1. By walking at of his usual speed, a man reaches his

and the last one third with a speed of 60m/s. Find the

office 20 minutes late than his usual time. Find his

average speed of the car.

usual time to reach office.

11. After traveling a distance of 180km, a train met with

2. If I walk at 4km/hr, I miss the bus by 10 minutes. If I

an accident and traveled with 3/4th of its original speed

walk at 5km/hr, I reach 6 minutes before the arrival of

and was late by one hour to reach the destination. If

the bus. How far I walk to reach the bus stand?

the accident had occurred after moving 60km more

3. Without stoppages, a train travels certain distance with

from the place of accident the delay would have been

an average speed of 80km/hr and with stoppages, it

30 minutes only. What is the total distance traveled by

covers the same distance with an average speed of

the train?

60km/hr. How many minutes per hour the train stops?

12. An escalator moves towards the top level at the rate

4. A thief is stopped by a policeman from a distance of

of 10ft/sec and its length is 12ft. If a person walks on

400 metres. When the policeman starts the chase, the

the moving escalator at the rate of two feet per second

thief also starts running. Assuming the speed of the

towards the top level, how much time does he take to

thief as 10km/hr and that of policeman as 15km/hr,

cover the entire length?

how far the thief would have run, before he is caught?

13. Two persons, Hari and Shyam, who are at a distance

5. A truck travels a distance of 840km at uniform speed.

of 100km from each other, move towards each other

If the speed of the truck is 10km/hr more, then it takes

from two places p and Q at speeds of 20km/hr and

2 hours less to cover the same distance. Find the

25km/hr respectively.

original speed of the truck.

immediately and meets Hari at R. What is the distance

6. A man takes 4h 30min in walking to a certain place

Shyam reaches P, returns

between Q & R?

and riding back. He would have gained 1h 45min. by

14. A and B are two stations 390km apart. A train starts

riding both ways. How long would he take to walk

from A at 10 am and travels towards B at 65km/hr.

both ways?

Another train starts from B at 11.am and travels

7. A man travels on a scooter from A to B at a speed of

towards A at 35 km/hr. At what time do they meet?

30km/hr and returns back from B to A at 20km/hr.

15. A goods train leaves a station at a certain time and at

The total journey was performed by him in 10 hours.

a fixed speed. After 6 hours, an express train leaves

Find the distance from A to B.

the same station and moves in the same direction at a

8. Normally it takes 3 hours to run from A to B. One

uniform speed of 90km/hr. The train catches up the

day, due to a minor trouble, the train had to reduce the

goods train in 4 hours. Find the speed of the goods

speed by 12 km/hr and so it took of an hour more


than usual. What is the distance from A to B.?

16. In a flight of 600km, an aircraft was slowed down

9. A car travels one half of certain distance with a speed

due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was

of 60km/hr and remaining half with speed of 40km/hr.

reduced by 200km/hr and the time of flight increased

What is the average speed of the car for the entire

by 30 minutes. The duration of the flight is


(a) 1 hour

(b) 2 hours

(c) 3 hours

(d) 4 hours

10.A car travels one third of a certain distance with a

17. A train has to reach a particular destination at 11 o

speed of 10m/s, next one third with a speed of 20m/s

clock. If it travels at a speed of 30mph it will reach

No.1, Second Floor, Royal Mansel, Hotel Pandiyas Upstairs, Balaji Nagar Bus Stop, Kattur,
Tiruchirappalli - 620019. Mob: 99 94 00 99 44

the destination 1 hour before the scheduled time. If it

train catches the cat exactly at the exit. What is the

travels at a speed of 20mph it will reach the destination

ratio of the speed of the train to the speed of the cat?

1 hour late. What is the distance the truck has to travel

(a) 3 :1

(b) 4:1

and with what speed it has to travel to reach the

(c) 5:1

(d) None of these

destination at the scheduled time?

(a) 60miles, 25 mph

(b) 60miles, 24 mph

120miles, 25mph

(d) 120 miles, 24 mph.

22. There are 20 poles with a constant distance between


each pole. If a car takes 12 seconds to reach the twelth

pole from the first, what is the time taken by the same

18. Two trains start at the same time from Mumbai and

car to reach the last pole from the first?

Pune and proceed towards each other at the rate of

(a) 19 seconds

(b) 20 seconds

60km/hr and 40km/hr respectively. When they meet, it

(c) 20.7 seconds

(d) 21.5 seconds.

is found that one train has travelled 20km more than

the other.

23. A bus covers four successive distances of 45 km each

Find the distance between Mumbai and

at speeds of 10 kmph, 20kmph, 30kmph and 60 kmph


respectively. What is the average speed of the bus?

(a) 150km

(b) 100km

(a) 20 kmph

(b) 30 kmph

(c) 230km

(d) None of these


(d) 50kmph


19. A motorcyclist goes from Mumbai to Pune, distance

24. Two trains A and B, initially separated by a distance

of 192 km, at an average speed of 32km/hr. Another

of 270km, start moving towards each other with speeds

man starts from Mumbai by car 2 hours after the

of 40km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively, on the same

first and reaches Pune half an hour earlier. What is the

track. There is fly in the train A. It also started flying

ratio of the speed of the motorcycle and the car?

towards the train B at a speed of 90km/hr. It touches

(a) 1:2

(b) 1:3

the train B, turns towards the train A and keep on

(c) 10 : 27

(d) 5 :4

flying between the two trains in this way till the two

20. A monkey could climb 6m of a round pole in one

trains collide. As the trains collide, the fly dies. What

minute but slipped 3m in the next minute. What time

is the total distance traveled by the fly?

will it take to reach the top of the pole which is 21m


(b) 340km



(d) 350km

(a) 14 2/3 minutes

(b) 14 minutes

11 minutes

(d) 9 minutes


25. A tourist covered a journey partly by foot and partly

by tonga. He walked for 90km and rode the tonga for

21. A train approaches a tunnel AB. Inside the tunnel a

10km. He spent 4 hours less on the tonga than on

cat is located at a point that is 3/8 of the distance AB


If the tourist had reversed the times he

measured from the entrance A. When the train

traveled by foot and on tonga, the distance traveled on

whistles, the cat runs. If the cat moves to the entrance

each part of the journey would be equal. How long did

A of the tunnel, the train catches the cat exactly at the

he ride the tonga?

entrance. If the cat moves to the exit B, then also the

No.1, Second Floor, Royal Mansel, Hotel Pandiyas Upstairs, Balaji Nagar Bus Stop, Kattur,
Tiruchirappalli - 620019. Mob: 99 94 00 99 44

(a) 6hrs

(b) 4hrs

(c) 2 hrs

(d) None of these


A train 120 metres long, travelling at 45 km/h, overtakes

another train traveling in the same direction at 36 km/h
and passes it completely in 80 seconds. The length of the
second train is


a) 100 metres

b) 75 metres

c) 80 metres

d) 120 metres

A train of unknown length crosses a platform L 1 metres in t1

seconds and also crosses a telegraph post in t0 seconds.





A 120 metres long train speeds past a pole in 10 seconds.

Then speed of train Vt is

What is the speed in km/h?

a) L1(t1-t0)

b) L1 / t1-t0

a) 60 km/h

b) 75 km/h

c) L1t1 / t02

d) L1t1 / t1 + t0

c) 50 km/h

d) None of these.


If a train running at 72 km/h crosses a coconut tree

t1 seconds and t2 seconds Respectively. If the length of

standing by the side of the track in 7 seconds, the length

train is Lt, then

of train is

a) Lt / L1 + L2 = t1 + t2

b) L1(L1 L2) = t1 * t2 c)

Lt + L1 / t1 = Lt + L2 / t2

d) Lt L1 L2 = t1 t2

a) 104 metres

b) 140 metres

c) 504 metres

d) 540 metres

10. A train consists of 12 boggies, each boggy 15 metres long.

A man running at 18 km/h crosses a bridge in 2 min. The

The train crosses a Telegraph post in 18 seconds. Due to

length of the bridge is

some problem, two boggies were detached. The train now

a) 1.2 km

b) 0.6 km

crosses a telegraph post in

c) 1 km

d) 3.6 km

a) 18 s

b) 12 s

A train 110 metres long passes a telegraph pole in 3

c) 15 s

d) 20 s

seconds. How long will it take to Cross a railway



A train crosses two platforms of L 1 metres and L2 metresin

11. A train of unknown length crosses two platforms of L 1

a) 4 s

b) 10 s

metres and L2 metres in t1 Seconds and t2 seconds

c) 5 s

d) 7.5 s

respectively. Then the speed of the train Vt is

A train 100 metres long running at 36 km/h can cross a

a) L1 L2 / Vt = t1 + t2

b) 1/L1 + 1 /L2 = [ 1/t1 + 1/t2 ] Vt

bridge 150 metres long in,

c) L1t1 + L2t2 = Vt d) Vt = L1 L2 / t1 t2

a) 20 s

b) 25 s

12. A train of length Lt croses a man moving in opposite

c) 15 s

d) 22 s

direction at Vm metre/s in tm seconds. If the speed of train

In how many seconds will a train 105 metres long, running

is Vt m/s, then

at 51 km/h, cross a man walking at 3 km/h in opposite

a) tm = Lt / Vt + Vm

b) tm= Lt / Vt-Vm


c) V1Vm = Lt / tm

d) vt= Lt/ tm + Vm Vt

a) 12 s

b) 2.75 s

c) 5 s

d) 7 s

No.1, Second Floor, Royal Mansel, Hotel Pandiyas Upstairs, Balaji Nagar Bus Stop, Kattur,
Tiruchirappalli - 620019. Mob: 99 94 00 99 44

13. Two trains running at V1 m/s and V2 m/s crosses the same

20. A train 100 metres long meets a man going in opposite

tunnel in t1 seconds and t2 seconds respectively. If the

direction at 5 km/h and passes him in 7.5 seconds. The

difference of lengths of two trains is x metres then

speed of the train is

a) x=V1t1 V2t2

b) 1/x = 1/V1t1 + 1/ V2t2

a) 40 km/h

b) 45 km/h

c) x=V1t1 + v2t2

d) x/V1t1 = V2t2 + 1

c) 36 km/h

d) 52 km/h

14. A train running at a speedof 84 km/h crosses a man

21. A passenger in train P travelling at 1 km/min uses his

running at a speed of 6 km/h in the opposite direction in 4

stop watch and finds that another train Q is 87.50 m .

seconds. The length of the train in metres is.

Find its speed (km/hr).

a) 180

b) 75

a) 36

b) 54

c) 200

d) None of these

c) 48

d) 45

15. Two trains 180 and 220 metres long are running in

22. Local trains leave from a station at an intervel of 15

opposite directions at 40 and 50 km/h respectively.

minutes at a speed of 16 km/hr. A man moving from

a) 16 s

b) 17 s

opposite side meets the trains at an interval of 12 minutes.

c) 18 s

d) 22 s

The speed of the man is

16. The driver of a maruti car driving at the speed of 68 km/h

locates a bus 40 metres Ahead of him.After10 seconds,
the bus is 60metres behind.The speed of the bus is

a) 5 km/hr

b) 4 km/hr

c) 5.5 km/hr

d) 3 km/hr

23. Two trains are traveling in opposite directions at uniform

a) 30 km/h

b) 32 km/h

speeds of 50 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively. They take 6

c) 25 km/h

d) 38 km/h

seconds to cross each other. If the two trains had traveled

17. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in

in the same direction, then a passenger sitting in the faster

the same direction at the rate of 65 and 44 km/h. The

train would have

overtaken the slower train in 27

faster train passes the slower traing in 48 seconds. The

seconds. The length of the faster train is more than the

length of each train is

slower train by

a) 120 metres

b) 150 metres

a) 108.33

b) 75 m

c) 100 metres

d) 140 metres

c) 150 m

d) 33.33 m

18. A train 150 metres long passes a tree in 12 seconds. It will

Directions(24 25).Answer the following questions on the basic

pass a tunnel 250 metres long in

of the following Information

a) 20 s

b) 25 s

(i). Trains A and B are traveling on the same route heading

c) 32 s

d) 26 s

towards the same destination. Train B has already covered a

19. Yercaud Express traveling at a uniform speed clears a

distance of 220 km before train A started.

platform 200 metres Long in 10 seconds and passes a

(ii). The two trains meet each other 11 hours after the start of

telegraph post in 6 seconds. The Speed of train is

train A.

a) 150 km/h

b) 180 km/h

(iii). Had the trains been traveling towards each other(from a

c) 200 km/h

d) 175 km/h

distance of 220 km), they would have met after an hour.

No.1, Second Floor, Royal Mansel, Hotel Pandiyas Upstairs, Balaji Nagar Bus Stop, Kattur,
Tiruchirappalli - 620019. Mob: 99 94 00 99 44

24. What is the speed of train A in Kmph?

a) 102

b) 118

c) 81

d) None.

25. What is speed of train B in Kmph?

a) 150
c) 100

b) 136
d) 120

No.1, Second Floor, Royal Mansel, Hotel Pandiyas Upstairs, Balaji Nagar Bus Stop, Kattur,
Tiruchirappalli - 620019. Mob: 99 94 00 99 44

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