CADmap Tutorials (Inglês)
CADmap Tutorials (Inglês)
CADmap Tutorials (Inglês)
April 2007
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Chapter 1
Status bars . . . . . . . . . . .
Layout tabs . . . . . . . . . .
Dynamic input . . . . . . . .
Shortcut menus . . . . . . . .
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a New Map . . . . .
Use Data Connect to Add Data
Style a Feature . . . . . . . . .
Where You Are Now . . . . . .
Chapter 2
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
to Your Map .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
vi | Contents
. 17
. 18
. 19
. 20
. 20
. 21
. 23
. 24
. 26
Chapter 3
. 30
. 30
. 30
. 32
. 33
. 35
. 37
. 39
. 40
. 40
. 41
. 43
. 46
. 46
. 47
. 50
. 51
. 51
. 53
. 54
. 54
. 55
. 56
. 56
. 58
. 58
. 59
. 59
. 60
. 61
. 62
. 63
Chapter 4
. 68
. 68
. 68
. 70
. 76
. 79
. 81
. . 82
. . 83
. . 85
. . 87
. . 88
. 88
. 90
. 92
. 94
. 95
. 95
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Contents | vii
Introducing AutoCAD
Map 3D 2008
In this chapter
Getting Started
Add spatial data by dragging and dropping file-based sources into your map,
or use the Data Connect window to connect to any non-DWG data source
and add the feature classes you want.
Add objects from AutoCAD drawings using a variety of techniques:
Use data-based queries to add objects from a drawing (find all objects on
a particular layer, all objects of a certain size, all objects with certain
Use the full set of AutoCAD editing tools and commands to add or change
map objects from different object sources without converting the data.
Edit attribute data values for objects. The changes are reflected in the
original data source.
Link database entries to the data already associated with drawing objects.
Create and manage attribute data within AutoCAD Map 3D using Data
Table and Data View.
Use special formatting options for raster images to show hillshade, contours,
and more.
Use Data Connect to create a new data store from within AutoCAD Map
Use Bulk Copy to copy data from one data store to another.
Sort, filter, and edit information about map items in a tabular format.
Temporarily join data from external data stores to features in your map
and use that data to theme the features.
Create buffer zones based on feature properties and select objects based
on their proximity to a buffer. Save the buffer as its own feature class, for
future re-use.
Publish maps
In addition to printing your maps on a plotter, you can create or do the
Map books divide a large map into tiles, which are rendered on separate
pages. You can include a legend, title, and other information on each page.
Autodesk MapGuide technology allows you to post maps and map books
on the Internet or an intranet. The way that you send maps to this platform
varies, depending on whether you use Autodesk MapGuide 2007, MapGuide
Open Source, or Autodesk MapGuide versions 6.5 and earlier.
Package all dependent files for a map for transmittal to another AutoCAD
Map 3D user.
The relationship between the sources and the map is dynamic. When you
change the objects in your map, you can save those changes back to their
original source files or databases. You can set an option so this happens
automatically, or you can work offline and update the feature source when
you finish editing. Check out a feature to lock it for other users (if the feature
source supports this) and check it back in to make it available again.
DWG objects
Adding features
Attaching source
DWG files
Data Table
Data View
DWG objects
Classifying Objects
Publish to
Autodesk MapGuide 2007
Export to
Autodesk MapGuide version
6.5 and earlier
Export data in
other formats
Quick View
Set up geometric relationships for GIS analysis functions, such as network tracing, buffer analysis, overlays,
and more.
Rubber Sheet,
Map Trim, and
DWG objects
Drawing Statistics
Drawing Maintenance
Getting started (page 20): Take a quick tour of the application. Create a
new map file, assign a coordinate system, connect to data, style features,
and save your work.
Building a map (page 29): Learn all the basics of creating a map from start
to finish. Use multiple sources, design themes and composite styles to
change the appearance of objects, create new features and edit them, and
publish your finished map.
Analyzing Data Using Styles, Joins, and Buffers (page 67): Add a surface
and style it using a theme and contour lines to show elevation. Join an
external database to a feature and create a stule usng both sets of data.
Create a buffer zone that highlights areas within 1000 feet of a river and
identify parcels that lie within that zone. Export comma-separated data
for use in a report to the owners of those parcels.
Managing Data From Different Sources (page 97): Export DWG data to
Autodesk SDF format, and then connect to the resulting SDF file to add it
as a layer in another map. Use Bulk Copy to copy the SDF data to SHP
format. Import the SDF data to convert it back to DWG layers.
Choosing a workspace
The tutorials assume that you are using the Map 3D for Geospatial workspace
unless otherwise noted. This is the default workspace. If you change to a
different workspace, switch to the Map 3D for Geospatial workspace for the
To change to the Map 3D for Geospatial workspace
1 Click View menu Menu/Toolbar Layout.
2 Choose the Map 3D for Geospatial workspace.
The sample data location is now mapped to your drive alias. After this,
you can open the sample data without defining any further aliases.
If you work mainly with spatial data, choose Map 3D For Geospatial.
The tutorials assume that you use the Map 3D For Geospatial
workspace unless otherwise noted.
There are two sets of toolbars in AutoCAD Map 3D:
AutoCAD drawing
Task Pane
The Task Pane gives you quick access to frequently used features, and groups
these features into task-related views.
Switch between Display Manager,
Map Explorer, andMap Books
Display Manager (page 122), where you manage features stored in data stores
(databases, spatial data files, and raster files), attach drawing files, and
change the appearance of objects.
Map Explorer (page 124), where you view the elements of your map project,
such as the files you connected to as sources, queries you used and saved,
templates for linking drawing objects to data, and so on. Use this view to
query in objects from attached drawings and view the data for any object.
map book (page 124), where you divide a large map into "tiles," which are
each rendered on a separate page. You can publish map books in a variety
of formats, both for printing and for online display.
Properties palette
View the properties of the selected drawing object in the Properties palette.
Properties palette | 15
To change the color for all roads, click Setup menu AutoCAD Layer.
Click in the Color field for layer 0, which contains the roads, select a
color, and click OK.
The styling information for the parcels does not appear on the Properties
palette because the parcels are stored in an SDF filethey are spatial
features, not DWG objects.
8 To change the color of the parcels, click the Style button in the Task Pane
(page 126) menu area.
Click in the Style field in the middle of the Style Editor window.
Close the Style Editor by clicking the X in its top right corner. The
changes are displayed in your map.
Status bars
The area at the bottom of the application window displays status information
and includes some controls for changing the view.
Whether you are working online or offline (connected to all data sources
or not)
Status bars | 17
AutoCAD commands
Model/layout buttons (View model and display space and add layouts.)
Instructions for the current command will replace some status bar items, and
some items will appear only while an operation is in progress, for example,
publishing or plotting.
Layout tabs
Most of the time you work in model space, where you create your map on a
1:1 scale. You can create multiple paper space layouts, where you can place a
title block, include several views of the same item, and include notes. Switch
between model space and layout spaces using the tabs at the bottom of the
Map window.
By default, each map has one Model tab and two Layout tabs. Create more
Layout tabs if you need them.
To display the tabs (if they do not appear)
1 Right-click the Model Space icon at the bottom of the application window.
2 Click Display Layout and Model Tabs.
Dynamic input
For experienced AutoCAD users, the command-line interface is a shortcut for
creating objects and specifying properties. In AutoCAD Map 3D, a version of
the command line (dynamic input) is available within the map area.
Some commands require that you specify vectors with your cursor. When
you finish doing this, press ESC.
Some commands require that you select an object. Click the object and
press Enter.
Some commands have multiple input fields. Press the Tab key to move
from one to another.
For the radius of the circle, enter 500 and press Enter.
Dynamic input | 19
Shortcut menus
Each item in AutoCAD Map 3D has a custom menu that contains commands
available for that item at the current time.
Getting Started
Use the Getting Started lesson to get an overview of creating maps.
Use the Display Manager to bring in a file containing road data, change the
way the roads are displayed, and then save your work. In about fifteen minutes,
you will have a complete map.
Choose map2d.dwt
For Current Drawing, enter CA-I as the Code. (Enter uppercase letters
CA, hyphen, uppercase letter I.)
Use the Data menu in the Task Pane to add any kind of
data to a map
7 Under Add Data To Map, select Roads and click Add to Map.
Select the item you want and examine its coordinate system
8 Close the Data Connect window by clicking the X at the top of the
Style a Feature
Change the appearance of the roads.
Style a Feature | 25
The Style Line dialog box lets you choose a thickness, color, and pattern for the lines
3 Click the X at the top of the Style Editor window to close it.
4 Save your work.
Click Save.
In this chapter
Start a map project by connecting to all the data stores needed by your
map. Data stores can include spatial databases, spatial data files, such as
Shape (SHP) and SDF files, AutoCAD drawings (DWG files), and raster
images. Connecting to a data store makes the information in that data
store available to your map.
Style the objects in your map so you can easily identify them. Styles can
help you provide complex information quickly and intuitively. For example,
themed styles can show population density, water depth, or the relative
height of geographic features.
Edit objects in your map. In AutoCAD Map 3D, you can check out and
edit any type of objectgeometry in a DWG file, a schema in a Shape file,
or spatial data stored in an Oracle databaseusing AutoCAD commands.
You can then save the changes back into their original format. You can
also use the Data Table to change the properties of spatial data.
Publish the resulting map for display on a Website. In this tutorial, you
publish to DWF format (for use with Autodesk Design Review). You can
also publish or export to Autodesk MapGuide, save your map as a static
Web page, or package all the files needed to edit the file and transmit them
to another AutoCAD Map 3D user.
Click Open.
Switch to Map Explorer (page 124) in the Task Pane (page 126).
4 Add the city boundaries to your map by dragging and dropping a source
file to Display Manager.
Resize the AutoCAD Map 3D window and your sample data folder
window so you can see both of them at the same time.
Drag and drop the City_Boundary.sdf file onto the lower area of the
Display Manager, just above the Map Base layer.
4 Click Attach.
5 Navigate to the folder in My Documents where you copied the sample files
and select Counties.dwg. Click Add and then click OK.
6 Click OK to attach the drawing file to your map.
When you attach a drawing, it is not listed in Display Manager (page 122)
and it does not appear in your map. You must query in objects from
the drawing to use in your map.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: Query in data from the drawing
(page 33).
NOTE This exercise uses the map you created with the map2d.dwt template, with
the modifications you made in the previous exercises.
To query in drawing data
1 In Display Manager (page 122), click Data Add Drawing Data Query
Source Drawing.
2 In the Define Query Of Attached Drawings dialog box, under Query Type,
click Data.
3 In the Data Condition window, select the Object Data option.
4 Leave the Tables setting as it is and select NAME in the Object Data Fields
5 Leave Operator set to = . For Value, enter Shasta.
In the Data Connect window, connect to a data provider and then select the feature
class you want.
The coordinate system for this feature class is displayed next to its name.
If this information was incorrect, you could click the current coordinate
system listing to see a down arrow and select a different coordinate system.
NOTE Do this only if you know the original coordinate system for the
featuredo not change the coordinate system to match your map. AutoCAD
Map 3D converts each feature from its own coordinate system into your
current maps coordinate system automatically. If you change the coordinate
system, the conversion may not be correct.
When you click Add To Map, a layer called Parcels is displayed in the list
in the Display Manager (page 122). A layer can be styled, saved, displayed,
or hidden, independent of other layers in your map.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 5: Add a raster image (page 37).
If your folder contains multiple images, select the ones you want.
Click OK in both dialog boxes, until you return to the Data Connect
window. All the images now show CA-I as their coordinate systems.
9 Select Combine into one layer, so you can style the raster images as a
single item in Display Manager. Enter a name for the layer.
10 Click Add To Map.
To see the results
1 Close the Data Connect window.
2 Drag the new raster layer just below the Parcels layer.
The list of layers is the draw order for your map. The item at the top of
the list is also at the top of the maps Z-order. Dragging the raster image
below the Parcels layer places it behind that layer in your map.
To see the raster layer behind the parcels, make the city boundary layer
white and make the parcels semi-transparent.
3 Select the City_Boundary layer in Display Manager.
4 Click Style to see the Style Editor.
NOTE If the Style Editor is docked, move your cursor over it to display it. It
may be docked at the left side of the application window.
5 In the Polygon Style For 0 - Infinity: Scale Range section of the Style
Editor, click the Style entry.
To add labels
1 Select Create Feature Labels and click the button labeled "" next to the
picture of the Label Ramp.
Enter 10000 in the field labeled Enter Scale Value and click OK.
In the map, the parcels are colored to represent their relative values, which
are displayed as labels on each parcel.
The Create Composite Lines link lets you combine line styles
4 For Thickness, select 0.2, and for Color select a dark gray.
5 Click New to create the second part of the line style.
The Build Up Composite Styles area displays the styles you added up
to now
6 Select a bright yellow for Color and a dotted option for Pattern. Click
Notice that the preview now displays a dark gray line with a dashed
yellow line inside it.
7 Click OK.
Now define scale ranges and assign styles to them.
8 In the Scale Ranges area at the top of the Style Editor, click the word
Infinity and enter 30000 to replace it.
The composite style you just created appears for this range.
9 Click Add A Scale Range and set the new range to go from 30000 to 50000.
Then, click the Style field in the bottom area of the Style Editor. Reset
the style to a single line, change the color to black, pick a solid pattern
(at the top of the list) and a narrower line width, and click OK.
10 Click Add A Scale Range again and set it to go from 50000 to infinity.
Then, click the Style field in the bottom area of the Style Editor. Clear
the Apply Styles To The Line check box at the top of the Style Line dialog
box and click OK.
The style for this scale range is now None.
11 Close the Style Editor.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: View styles at different zoom levels
(page 50).
2 In the same field, enter 40000. Thinner black lines are displayed for the
3 In the same field, enter 80000. The roads are not displayed.
4 Save your map.
In the map, the roads are themed to display appropriately at different zoom
You have added a new parcel and updated the parcel data to reflect your
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Filter the Data Table (page 55).
This button is a darker color when it is on; otherwise, it is the same color
as the window.
4 Click in a parcels Select field (the dark-gray, left-most field) to select that
NOTE You may need to scroll the Data Table to the left to see the Select
AutoCAD Map 3D scrolls to the selected parcel and displays it to the right
of the Data Table.
5 Make a note of the number in the Select field, because you will need to
use it again later.
6 Close the Data Table.
NOTE You can do a more sophisticated search by clicking Edit menu
Search. That option lets you query a layer with a Boolean conditionfor
example, ACRES > 1 to find parcels that are larger than an acre. The map
then shows only the objects that match your query.
7 Save your map.
When you check out a feature, that feature is locked for editing by anyone
else (if the data format supports such locking). Other people can view the
feature source, but they cannot change it until you check it back in.
NOTE This exercise uses the map you created with the map2d.dwt template, with
the modifications you made in the previous lesson (page 54).
To edit an object
1 To open your finished map from the previous lesson, click File Open.
2 Locate your map.
3 Select it, and click Open.
In the last lesson, you zoomed in to a parcel on Villa Drive. Now, edit
that parcel
4 To turn off the automatic update option, click Edit menu.
5 Make sure there is no check mark next to Update Edits Automatically.
6 Click Edit menu Check-Out.
7 Click inside the parcel you zoomed to.
8 Press Enter to see the grips for the parcel.
5 Change the area of the parcel and close the Data Table.
6 To update the information in the data source, Click Edit menu
The information is now available to other users.
7 Save your map.
6 In your map, pan the map to find a blank area for the legend.
7 Click where you want the legend to appear.
Notice that each layer listed in Display Manager (page 122) is displayed in
the legend automatically, with its identifying color. The items are listed
in the order in which they appear in Display Manager.
8 Save your map.
3 In Display Manager, clear the check box for the Map Base layer.
4 Click Tools Update Legend.
5 Save your map.
This format can include attribute data, as well as the graphical elements of
your map.
As long as you have assigned a coordinate system to all the maps in your DWF
file, the publishing operation will automatically convert the coordinate
information to latitude/longitude coordinates. Autodesk Design Review 2008
can automatically navigate to a specific location when you enter coordinates,
and displays coordinates of any location in the map when you move your
mouse over that location. When your computer is integrated with a GPS device
that uses the NMEA 0183 protocol, field workers can center the map to the
coordinates provided by the integrated GPS device on your system, and display
the my coordinates icon within the map.
Files in DWF format can be displayed using Autodesk Design Review. For
product information and a download link for this product, refer to the
Autodesk Design Review page on the Autodesk Website. Autodesk Design
Review is the latest version of the Autodesk DWF Viewer, and includes the
ability to measure, markup, stamp, review, convert, and aggregate DWF
To publish to DWF
1 Save your map.
You cannot plot or publish without saving first.
2 Click File menu Plot.
3 Select a Printer/Plotter.
4 Click Apply To Layout, and then click Cancel.
Printer/plotter settings are applied to your publishing job without sending
the job to a plotter or printer.
5 If Model and Layout tabs are not displayed just below your map,
right-click the Model Space button in the status area at the bottom of the
application window and click Display Model And Layout Tabs.
12 Specify a location and a name for the published file and click Select.
13 If you are prompted to save the sheet list, click No.
14 You may see a message telling you that the job is processing in the
background. Click OK to dismiss the message.
The files needed by Autodesk Design Review are published to the file you
specified. Monitor the progress of the publishing operation by holding
your cursor over the animated icon in the lower-right corner.
When the job is complete, you can click the link in the pop-up window
to view any warnings or errors.
Tutorial:Analyzing Data
Using Styles, Joins, and
In this chapter
you will color blue later on. All maps you create from now on will use the
new background color.
To create a new map file
1 If you have not already done so, copy the sample files for the tutorials
(page 10) to a directory on your hard drive.
2 Start AutoCAD Map 3D and create a new map using the map2d.dwt
3 Assign a coordinate system to the new map.
5 Click Connect.
6 Hold your cursor over the name of the surface file to see a pop-up window
that displays its coordinate system. In this case it is UTM27-10.
Hold your cursor over the surface file name to see its coordinate system
When you add data to your map, you must specify its original coordinate
system. AutoCAD Map 3D automatically converts the data from that
coordinate system to the one specified for your map.
7 Click Edit Coordinate Systems and, in the Edit Spatial Contexts dialog
box, click the entry and click Edit.
Select the entry and click Edit to specify the coordinate system for the surface
In the area under Raster Style For 0 - Infinity Scale Range, click the
down arrow in the first Style entry and select Theme (even if it is
already selected).
In the Theme dialog box, under Specify A Theme, click Palette and
select USGS National Map Palette.
Click OK and then click Apply and close the Style Editor.
Click the down arrow next to Vertical Exaggeration in the status bar
below your map.
In the Major Contour Every list, select 4. This makes every fourth
contour line bold.
Select Label The Elevation. This labels the major (bold) contour lines
Click OK.
NOTE To label the intervening contour lines, use the Style Editor to change the
style for the new contour layer (not the surface layer itself). Select the contour
layer in Display Manager and click Style. In the Style Editor, click the down arrow
next to the Feature Label entry for "IsMajor=False," select Elevation as the Property
for the label, and click OK. You can also use this method to change the color or
style for the contour lines.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: Drape a river layer on top of the
surface (page 76).
Your map now contains the styled surface and river layers
and made it translucent so you could evaluate its elevation based on the surface
9 Click OK in the Select Database, ODBC Microsoft Access Setup, and ODBC
Data Source Administrator dialog boxes.
10 Close the Administrative Tools control panel.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Connect to the Access database
(page 83).
You connect to the ODBC data source the same way you did to the surface and SDF
data sources
5 When you see the User Name & Password dialog box, click Login without
entering anything in the fields. (This database has not been set up for
user name and password protection.)
Do not add any layers to your map. AutoCAD Map 3D sees all non-spatial
data automatically after you connect to its source.
6 Click Connect.
7 Close the Data Connect window without adding anything to your map.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: Join the data from the ODBC source
to the layer containing the parcels (page 85).
Exercise 3: Join the data from the ODBC source to the layer containing the parcels | 85
Specify the data source to join and the common property that both
data sources contain
Exercise 1: Create a buffer representing the flood zone based on the river | 89
Click Select in the prompt, and then click the buffer to select it as the location
6 When you see the prompt "Select object," click the buffer polygon.
7 Click OK.
AutoCAD Map 3D filters the parcels that match the buffer query you just
Only the parcels that match the filter criteria appear in the
3 Make sure Autodesk SDF is the format for the exported file.
4 Specify a name and location for the file and click Save.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 4: Compare the two parcel layers (page
Click the Select column heading to select everything in the Data Table
3 Click Options (at the bottom of the table) and click Export.
4 Specify a name and location for the file and click Save.
In this chapter
Let people without access to AutoCAD Map 3D make changes to map data.
When you add DWG data to your map, you attach the drawing to your
map and then query in the objects you want to use. If you change those
objects, you can either update the original drawing or not.
When you connect to geospatial (FDO) data, you can maintain a live
connection to the data, or you can work offline and update your data store
when you finish.
When you import data into your map, you insert a "snapshot" of that data.
Use this option when you dont want to affect the original data store, and
you dont want changes in that data store to change your map. You can
import from a variety of geospatial sources. When you use the import
option, the imported material is added to your map as DWG data.
When you export data, you export only DWG objectsno geospatial
features are exported. However, you can save your map to AutoCAD DWG
format and then export it.
To move geospatial data to another format, you can either use Bulk Copy
or you can save individual layers to the Autodesk SDF format. To move
DWG data to another format, export it to SDF, SHP, or Oracle, and then
use Bulk Copy to move it to other formats.
In this tutorial, you will export DWG layers to new SDF files, so that they
become geospatial data. After adding the SDF files to a map as display layers
and adding aproperty to the SDF schema, you will use Bulk Copy to convert
the SDF data to SHP format. Finally, you will import the SDF files into a map
as DWG objects, making a round-trip journey from DWG to SDF and back
Style drawing layers in the Layer Properties Manager. Style Display Manager layers in
the Style Editor.
2 Specify a name and location for the new SDF file and click OK.
3 On the Selection tab, click Select All.
4 On the Data tab, click Select Attributes and, under Object Properties,
display the tree of attributes.
5 Select the General item under AcDbEntity.
Under Create, click Multiple Classes and, for Create Feature Class By,
select By Layer.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Connect to the New SDF Data (page
5 Click Connect.
Each layer from your original map is listed as a separate feature class,
including the base layer (layer 0).
6 Select all the feature classes except the one named "0."
If you had assigned other attributes to this drawing layer in your original
map, they would be displayed here.
2 Close the Data Table.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 4: Use Schema Editor to add properties
(page 110).
4 In the Schema Editor, expand the tree on the right side of the window
and select Roads.
5 Click New Property at the top of the window.
This creates a property that represents the number of lanes for a road.
The value must be a whole number between 1 and 5. There is no default
value for this property.
7 Click Apply.
The "Property1" entry on the left is updated to show the new name.
8 Click OK and close the Schema Editor.
To populate the new properties with data
1 Select the Roads entry in Map Explorer and click Table.
2 In the Data Table, scroll all the way to the right to see the new property.
3 Enter the number of lanes for a few roads.
If you enter a value that is outside the allowable range, a warning icon
is displayed.
The yellow warning triangle alerts you that a value of 7 is out of range for this
Click Connect and close the Data Connect window without adding
anything to your map.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Use Bulk Copy to move an SDF
layer to SHP format (page 114).
3 On the left side of the Bulk Copy dialog box, choose the SDF_1 connection
and check the Roads feature.
4 On the right side of the Bulk Copy window, choose the SHP_1 connection.
5 Check the Roads entry on the right.
6 Under Ignore The Following Errors During The Copy Process, select all
the items.
7 Click Copy Now.
NOTE If you see messages indicating that some property names are too long,
shorten them (as shown in the illustration below) and click Copy Now again.
Exercise 2: Use Bulk Copy to move an SDF layer to SHP format | 115
You may need to move the data back into DWG format. For example, if other
people change the data, you can re-import it so you have the latest version.
When you import SHP or SDF files, they are added to your map as drawing
objects, not as geospatial data. You can use that feature to complete the
roundtrip journey of the data back into DWG format.
NOTE This exercise uses a new map you create with the map2d.dwt template.
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Import the SDF layers (page 117).
When you import the SDF data, it becomes DWG objects on drawing layers
6 In the list at the top of the Properties window, choose Polyline to select
the Parcels objects.
7 Click in the Color entry and change it to By Layer (at the top of the list).
8 Close the Properties window and press Esc to deselect the objects and see
their new color.
attribute data Tabular data that describes the characteristics of a feature (page
123), for example, the number of lanes and pavement-type belonging to a road
feature. See also external data (page 122), object data (page 124), property (page
AutoCAD layer A layer in AutoCAD. An AutoCAD layer differs from a map
layer in Display Manager (page 122), such as a layer (page 124), drawing layer
(page 122), feature layer (page 123), or surface layer (page 126).
buffer A zone of a specific radius created around a selected feature. Used to
select features within a specific distance of another feature. In AutoCAD Map
3D, you can define buffers for drawing topologies and for features, but you
define them differently.
COGO Short for Coordinate Geometry. COGO inquiry commands extract
geometric information from drawing objects such as lines, curves, closed
polylines, and polygons. This information is useful if you want to verify the
accuracy of your data, or send the data to the field. Inquiry commands are
specific to drawing objects. They dont work on features.
contour lines A line that connects points of the same elevation or value
relative to a specified reference datum. The lines can help you determine the
elevation at a specific location on a surface, help clarify and analyze the 3D
surface terrain, and help with things like navigation.
coordinate system See global coordinate system (page 123).
Data Connect AutoCAD Map 3D window that allows you to access a data
store (page 121) and add specific data to your map. Display the Data Connect
window by clicking Data in Map Explorer (page 124)or Display Manager (page
122) (in the Task Pane (page 126)).
data provider Used by Data Connect to connect to geospatial data store (page
data store A collection of feature class (page 123)es contained in a single data
storage location. The data store contains feature classes defined within one
Glossary | 121
or more schemas. Data stores can be files, such as an SDF file, or databases,
such as an Oracle Spatial database.
Data Table In AutoCAD Map 3D, the feature (page 123)-based grid that allows
you to view and edit attributes of selected spatial features, perform searches,
and work with selection sets.
DEM Digital Elevation Model. A file that contains a representation of surface
terrain. The surface is stored as a grid in which each cell can have any one of
several different meanings, such as elevation, color, density, and so on.
digitize To convert existing data from paper maps, aerial photos, or raster
(page 125) images into digital form by tracing the maps on a digitizer. Object
locations are recorded as X,Y coordinates.
Display Manager A tab in the Task Pane (page 126) that handles the styling
and theming of feature (page 123)s in your map.
display map All the settings for a specific map, such as the data to include,
the appearance of each layer (page 124), and the legend definition. A display
map can include objects from attached drawings, raster (page 125) images, and
feature (page 123)s stored in data store (page 121)s, such as Oracle databases,
SDF or SHP files, and ArcSDE. One map can include multiple display maps.
draping The process of overlaying a set of feature (page 123) or a raster (page
125) image on a surface so that the features or the image reflect the underlying
drawing layer A layer in Display Manager (page 122) that contains drawing
objects from a DWG file. See also AutoCAD layer (page 121), feature layer (page
123), layer (page 124), or surface layer (page 126).
drawing set The set of source drawing (page 126)s attached to a map.
drawing source In Autodesk Map, a drawing (DWG) file and also its associated
information, such as attached drawing files, drawing-based feature class (page
123)es, linked template data, and topologies. Compare with feature source (page
DWF Design Web Format. An Autodesk file format for sharing
two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and spatially-enabled design data on
the Web.
external data The attribute data (page 121) linked to a map object but contained
in a database or file outside the map file. See also object data (page 124), property
(page 124).
122 | Glossary
FDO Feature Data Objects. An Autodesk software standard and general purpose
API for accessing feature (page 123)s and geospatial data regardless of the
underlying data store (page 121). See also feature class (page 123).
feature An abstraction of a natural or man-made real world object. A spatial
feature has one or more geometric properties. For example, a road feature
might be represented by a line, and a hydrant might be represented by a point.
A non-spatial feature does not have geometry, but can be related to a spatial
feature that does. For example, a road feature may contain a sidewalk feature
that is defined as not containing any geometry. See also attribute data (page
121), FDO (page 123).
feature class A schema element that describes a type of real-world object. It
includes a class name and property (page 124) definitions. Commonly used to
refer to a set of feature (page 123)s of a particular class, for example, the feature
class "roads" or the feature class "hydrants." See also FDO (page 123), schema
(page 125).
feature layer A layer in Display Manager (page 122) containing feature (page
123)s from a single feature class (page 123) in a spatial data source. Feature layers
are added to your map using Data Connect. See also AutoCAD layer (page 121),
drawing layer (page 122), layer (page 124), or surface layer (page 126).
feature source Any source of feature (page 123) data that has been connected
to a map. Compare with drawing source (page 122).
field A specific category of information in a data file, such as Address or
geometry (Oracle Spatial database) The representation of a spatial feature
(page 123).
GIS (Geographic Information System) A computerized decision support
system that integrates geographic data, attribute data (page 121), and other
spatially referenced data. A GIS is used to capture, store, retrieve, analyze, and
display spatial data (page 126).
global coordinate system A method that converts the earths spherical
coordinates representing latitude and longitude into an AutoCAD Map 3D
map Cartesian coordinate system, and accounts for the curvature of the earths
surface with a projection. A coordinate system is usually defined by a
projection, an ellipsoid definition, a datum definition, one or more standard
parallels, and a central meridian.
join A relationship that is established between attribute data and feature
sources for the purposes of creating a new view of the data or for ad-hoc
Glossary | 123
label Text placed on or near a map feature (page 123) that describes or identifies
layer A resource that references a feature class (page 123) or a drawing source
(page 122) that you add using Display Manager (page 122). The layer contains
styling and theming information, and optionally a collection of scale ranges.
See also AutoCAD layer (page 121), drawing layer (page 122), feature layer (page
123), or surface layer (page 126).
lock To make all or part of a disk file read-only so that it cannot be modified
by other users on a network. Object locking applies to objects that are being
edited by another user. File locking applies to entire files, for example when
an AutoCAD user wants to open a file while the file is being edited in AutoCAD
Map 3D.
logical operator A symbol such as And, Or, Not, =, >, >=, <, and <= used to
define logical relationships.
map A collection of layers displayed within a consistent coordinate system
and extents. See also layer (page 124).
map book A collection of map tiles that you publish as separate pages. You
can specify the layout and properties for your map book on the Map Book tab
of the Task Pane (page 126).
Map Explorer The Task Pane (page 126) tab where you manage your mapping
map query A set of conditions that specify the selection of drawing objects
from source drawing (page 126)s. These conditions can be based on the location
or properties of an object or on data stored in the drawing or in a linked
database table.
mpolygon A polygon object. A polygon differs from a closed polyline in that
it stores information about its inner and outer boundaries.
object data The attribute data (page 121) attached to an drawing object and
stored in the drawing file. Compare with external data (page 122).
polygon A closed area that stores information about its inner and outer
boundaries, and about other polygons nested in it or grouped with it. In a
polygon topology, the polygon can be enclosed by any lines or arcs in the
drawing. In addition, AutoCAD Map 3D supports a polygon object, sometimes
called an mpolygon (page 124) or mapping polygon.
property A single attribute of a feature class (page 123). A feature class is
described by one or more property definitions. For example, a Road feature
124 | Glossary
class may have properties called Name, NumberLanes, or Location. See also
attribute data (page 121), feature (page 123).
publish To generate output from a map.
query A set of criteria for specifying the selection of objects or records. For
example, a layer (page 124)-based query can display only the objects on the
layers that contain state and district boundaries.
raster Images containing individual dots (called pixels or cells) with color
values, arranged in a rectangular, evenly spaced array. Aerial photographs and
satellite images are examples of raster images used in mapping. Compare with
vector (page 127).
resolution In a raster (page 125) image, the density of pixels-per-inch (PPI) or
dots-per-inch (DPI).
save set Objects that were created or modified in the current drawing and are
marked to be saved back to source drawing (page 126)s.
scale The ratio of the distance on a paper map to the distance on the ground.
If a paper map has a scale of 1:100,000 (also represented as 1/100000), then
a distance of 1 unit on the paper map corresponds to 100,000 units on the
ground. On a digital map, scale represents the scale of the map from which
the digital map was derived.
scale threshold Levels at which a map display changes. You can define
different style (page 126)s at different scale thresholds. For example, turn on
the display of road names only when the drawing scale factor is below 1:5000.
schema The metadata that provides a logical description of multiple feature
class (page 123)es and the relationships between them.
SDF 2 A previous version of the SDF file format that was the native file format
for Autodesk MapGuide (the last release was Autodesk MapGuide 6.5). Each
SDF 2 file generally contained one feature (page 123) or type of data, for example
points, lines, polygons, or text.
SDF 3 Spatial Data File. The current version of the SDF format that is the
native format for the Autodesk MapGuide technology (Autodesk MapGuide
Enterprise 2007 and MapGuide Open Source). Each SDF 3 file can contain
multiple feature class (page 123)es or types of data stored in tables with attributes
and geometry.
sheet An individual named object in a sheet set (page 126) that can be
published. A sheet references a layout.
Glossary | 125
sheet set A named collection of sheets and sheet subset (page 126)s for
sheet subset A named collection of sheets within a sheet set (page 126). An
individual sheet can be a member of only a single subset.
sheet template A drawing file that defines a title block and a layout for use
in sheets. A sheet template can be specified for sheet set (page 126)s and sheet
subset (page 126)s.
source drawing A drawing file attached to another drawing. The set of all
source drawings attached to a drawing is called the drawing set. Use a query
to retrieve selected objects from multiple source drawings.
spatial A generic term used to reference the mathematical concept of
n-dimensional data.
spatial data Information about the location and shape of geographic feature
(page 123)s, and the relationships between those features.
spatial database A database containing information indexed by location.
style Settings that specify how to display the objects in a Display Manager
(page 122) layer. For example, you can style color, linetype, linewidth, and
surface layer A layer in Display Manager (page 122) containing feature (page
123)s from a raster (page 125) image that contains elevation information. Surface
layers are added to your map using Data Connect. See also See also AutoCAD
layer (page 121), drawing layer (page 122), feature layer (page 123).
table A set of data arranged in records (rows) and fields (columns). When a
table is displayed in a grid, records are displayed in horizontal rows and fields
are displayed in vertical columns. Each field value in the table is displayed in
a cell.
Task Pane AutoCAD Map 3D window that displays information about the
current drawing. The Task Pane contains three tabs: Map Explorer (page 124),
Display Manager (page 122), and map book (page 124). The Map Explorer tab
lists attached source drawing (page 126)s, databases, queries, and link templates.
The Display Manager (page 122) tab controls display layers and their style (page
126)s. The Map Book tab displays the map books available for publishing, and
lets you create new map books. You can resize the Task Pane and place it where
you want.
theme A style (page 126) that varies the appearance of an element in a layer
based on the value of a specific property (page 124). For example, instead of
coloring lakes blue, you could vary the shade of blue based on the depth of
126 | Glossary
the lake. Instead of choosing one line width for all roads, you could vary the
line width based on number of lanes.
vector A mathematical calculation of an object with precise direction and
length. Vector data is stored as X,Y coordinates that form points, lines, and
areas. Compare with raster (page 125).
viewport (paper space) A view of modelspace from a layout.
workspace Contains the commands and tools for specific tasks. The Map 3D
For Geospatial workspace is tailored for working with spatial feature (page 123)s
while Map 3D For Drawings is optimized for working with drawing objects.
To change your workspace, click View menu Menu/Toolbar Layout. Click
a workspace.
zoom To change the display magnification so that it focuses on progressively
smaller areas (when you zoom in) or larger areas (when you zoom out) of an
zoom extents To magnify a drawing based on its extents so that the view
shows the largest possible view of all spatial objects.
Glossary | 127
application window 11
attribute data 3
AutoCAD toolbars 13
Autodesk Map 3D 2008 11, 1315, 17
application window 11
dynamic input 19
menus 13
model and layout tabs 18
Properties palette 15
right-click menus 20
status bar 17
Task Pane 14
toolbars 13
automatic update 56
turn off while editing 56
background color 69
changing for maps
buffers 88, 90
creating 88
tutorial 88
using to filter data
Bulk Copy 113
tutorial 113
check in features 56
check out features 56
composite styles 47
connect to data 9, 30, 32, 35, 37, 46
add a raster image 37
difference from import data 9
drag and drop feature source 30, 46
DWG files 32
use Data Connect 35
95, 98
exporting to CSV 95
moving to different sources 98
Data Connect 35, 37
connect feature source to map 35
connect raster image to map 37
data stores 2, 68, 99
types 2, 68, 99
Data Table 5355, 58, 85, 95, 108
add information for features 53
display for layer 54
exporting data from 95
filter 55
undocking 108
update after editing features 58
use to zoom to feature 55
using for joins 85
Design Web Format 62
publish map as 62
set options 62
Display Manager 14, 30, 32, 40
attach DWG file to map 32
create theme 40
use for drag and drop 30
drag and drop feature source 30
DSNs 82
creating for use with maps 82
DWF 6263
choose sheets to publish 63
publish map as 62
set options 62
DWG 117
importing SDF data as 117
Index | 129
DWG data 99
exporting to SDF 99
DWG file 3233
attach to map 32
query objects into map 33
DWG objects and features 7
differences between 7
dynamic input 19
joins 81, 85, 87
and styling 81, 87
tutorial 85
edit features 58
elevation 68
showing with styling 68
exporting 92
filtered layer data 92
external data 81
joining to layers 81
features 51, 53, 56, 58
add data for 53
create for existing layer 51
edit with grips 58
lock while editing 56
update information after editing 58
filter the Data Table 55
georeferenced DWF 5
georeferenced DWFs 62
publishing 62
geospatial data 113
copying to a different format
import data 9
difference from connect to data
130 | Index
labels 43
add to theme 43
layers 54, 92, 94
comparing 94
display Data Table for 54
exporting 92
layout 63
set up for publishing 63
legend 5960
change order of items 60
create for map 59
exclude items from 60
insert as object 59
lock features while editing 56
map books 5
Map Books 14
Map Explorer 14
map files 6
and data stores 6
and maps 6
map2d.dwt 21
MapGuide 5
maps 69
changing background color for
menus 13
model and layout tabs 18
properties 110
adding to SDF features 110
Properties palette 15
proximity 88
using to analyze data in maps
Publish dialog box 63
publish map as DWF 62
publish maps 5
output choices 5
queries 90
using buffers with 90
query objects from DWG file into
map 33
raster image 37, 39
connect to map with Data
Connect 37
move behind other layers
right-click menus 20
sample files for tutorials 10
Scale field 43, 50
use for zooming 43
use to zoom 50
Schema Editor 110
tutorial 110
SDF 92, 99, 110, 117
adding properties to features 110
exporting DWG data to 99
exporting layers to 92
importing data as DWG objects 117
SDF file 30
drag and drop into map 30
sheet sets 63
choose for publishing 63
Shp file 35
connecting to 35
status bar 17
styles 47, 87
and joins 87
combine two line styles 47
composite 47
styling 68
to show elevation 68
surfaces 68, 70, 79
draping vector files on 79
styling to show elevation 68
theming 70
Task Pane 14
templates 21
for new maps 21
theme 4041, 43
add labels 43
define colors 41
use to show range of values 40
themes 70
for surfaces with elevation 70
toolbars 13
transparency 39, 79
and underlying surfaces 79
change for layer 39
tutorials 911, 6870, 79, 8183, 85, 87
88, 90, 9495, 9899, 108, 110,
113, 117
applying themes to surfaces 70
buffers 88
Bulk Copy 113
changing map background color 69
comparing layers 94
examining layer properties 108
exporting from DWG to SDF 99
exporting to CSV 95
filtering data with buffers 90
importing SDF data as DWG 117
joins 81, 85
joins and styling 87
making layers transparent 79
migrating data 98
Index | 131
ODBC connections 82
ODBC data sources 83
overview 9
resize window for 11
sample files for 10
Schema Editor 110
styling surfaces to show
elevation 68
work offline 56
workspaces 13
update features after editing
132 | Index
z-order 39
change 39
zoom 43, 55
use Scale field 43
with Data Table 55
zoom levels 47, 50
assign styles to 47
view with Scale field