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Teleport: Tutorial and Manual

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Tutorial and Manual

Congratulations! You have obtained the most powerful offline browsing, site mirroring, and file-retrieving
tool on the Internet.
Part Swiss Army knife, part chainsaw, Teleport is a fully automated, multithreaded, link-following, file-
retrieving webspider. It will retrieve all the files you want — and only the files you want — from any part
of the Internet. Teleport can also:
 Completely download a website, enabling you to “offline browse” the site at much greater speeds than
if you were to browse the site online
 Create an exact duplicate, or “mirror” of a website, complete with subdirectory structure and all
required files
 Search a website for files of a certain type (and size)
 Automatically download a list of files from the Internet
 Explore every website linked from a central website
 Search a website for keywords
 Make a list of all pages and files on a website
No more waiting for slow pages to download. No more clicking on links for hours, only to find garbage at
the end of your trail. Teleport can completely automate your website searching, mirroring, publishing, and
downloading tasks.

Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Using Teleport ................................................................................................................................................ 3
How Teleport Explores................................................................................................................................... 3
Address Properties .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Offline Browsing ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Opening and Working With Retrieved Files................................................................................................... 4
New Project Wizard ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Tutorial: Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Tutorial: Creating a New Project ................................................................................................................... 5
Tutorial: Saving the Project ........................................................................................................................... 6
Tutorial: Running the Project ........................................................................................................................ 6
Tutorial: Viewing the Results ........................................................................................................................ 7
Other Sample Projects .................................................................................................................................... 7
Project Summary Page .................................................................................................................................... 8

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.

Contents Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Retrieval Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Offline Browsing/Mirroring Options .............................................................................................................. 9
Exploration Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Netiquette Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Keywords and Exclusions ............................................................................................................................. 13
Using Relink Messages................................................................................................................................. 14
Project Automation ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Adding Starting Addresses ........................................................................................................................... 15
Using the Thread Bar.................................................................................................................................... 15
Setting a Minimum Free Space Limit ........................................................................................................... 16
Saving Files in a New Location .................................................................................................................... 16
Starting Address Properties .......................................................................................................................... 16
Scheduling a Project to Run at Certain Times .............................................................................................. 18
Automatic Connection/Disconnection .......................................................................................................... 18
Command-line Arguments ............................................................................................................................ 19
Proxy Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Opening an Existing Project ......................................................................................................................... 20
Running a Project ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Stopping a Running Project .......................................................................................................................... 21
Pausing a Running Project ............................................................................................................................ 21
Using the Delete and Disable Commands ..................................................................................................... 21
Retrieve Now and Update Now .................................................................................................................... 21
Finding New Files in the Project .................................................................................................................. 22
Finding Files ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Teleport Pro: How and Why to Register ..................................................................................................... 24
Teleport Ultra and VLX: Differences from Teleport Pro ............................................................................ 25
Copyright, Trademark, and License Agreement ........................................................................................... 27
Contact Us .................................................................................................................................................... 28

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Using Teleport

Using Teleport
To use Teleport, you create a project file that contains one or more addresses to files on the Internet. You
also give Teleport some rules that define what links it will follow and what files it will retrieve. You then
send the spider on its mission by selecting the Start command on the File menu, or by pressing the Start
button on the toolbar.
Once activated, the Teleport spider will read your project's starting addresses and retrieve any files that it
finds there. It then reads all of the links on that page, follows those links, gets the files on those pages, and
so on, and so on, and so on... until it runs out of places to go.
You can tell Teleport to retrieve only certain types of files, and to follow only certain types of links. For
example, you may direct it to retrieve only jpg and gif files, the usual types of graphics files on the World
Wide Web. You may also direct it to follow only links within the same domain as the starting address, and
even set its “depth” of search. Your "program" for the spider's behavior will determine how far it goes, how
long it takes, and what types of files it will get.
The Teleport spider is extremely flexible. It has many customizable exploration parameters for specifying
which types links to follow and which types of files to retrieve. Most of the time, however, you can let the
New Project Wizard set up your project’s exploration parameters for you. The New Project Wizard will
usually choose the best parameters for most common Teleport tasks.

How Teleport Explores

Teleport uses a special search algorithm to rapidly search web pages, identify and classify their links, and
then retrieve all files matching the file types you specify in the Project Properties sheet.
Teleport starts at the project's first starting address. The Teleport spider examines the page carefully,
extracting all of its links and all of its references to embedded data.
If you have set file type specifications, Teleport then retrieves every file linked from that page that matches
your requested file types. If you have not specified any types, Teleport simply retrieves every file. Each
retrieved file is stored in the project subdirectory, which is always named after your project. If you’ve
asked Teleport to get “embedded” files, such as graphics and sounds that appear on web pages, Teleport
will get those as well.
The Teleport spider then categorizes the page's links to other pages. If a link points to a page beyond the
project's Exploration Depth, or if it points to a page in an excluded domain, it is discarded. The spider then
visits the remaining pages in turn; examines them for links and files; retrieves their files; categorizes their
links… and so on.
If your project has more than one starting address, the Teleport spider will repeat the process above for each
starting address.
As the Teleport spider explores each new page, it inserts the page's address into the Project Map. You can
click on any page in the Project Map to select it. The files retrieved for that page will appear in the File
If your project directs the Teleport spider to follow links to external domains, the first link into each
external domain is represented in the Project Map as a gateway page. Gateway pages control the spider's
access into the external domain. For this reason, other pages in the external domain are listed below the
gateway page, and not below the starting address.
The Teleport spider remembers everywhere it has been! This means it will never visit the same place twice,
within the same project session. You can also prevent the Teleport spider from ever revisiting an address,
by disabling it.
The Teleport spider remembers everything it retrieves! This means it will never retrieve the same file
twice. You can, however, force the Teleport spider to retrieve files again by using the Retrieve Now

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Page 3

Address Properties Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Address Properties
The Teleport spider remembers the address of every file or html page that it reads. Each stored address also
has an enable/disable flag that tells Teleport whether it should explore that address again, when it becomes
out-of-date. You can view the address properties, and change the enable/disable flag, by using the
Properties, Enable, and Disable commands from the file context menu.
Note: When a page in the Project Map is disabled, all pages and files linked from that page are also
disabled. This allows you to disable an entire domain, for example, by disabling its gateway page.
Note: Teleport Pro can retrieve and explore only files with HTTP (World Wide Web) and FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) addresses, and files on a local or network drive. Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX can
also retrieve files from secure servers (those with HTTPS addresses).

Offline Browsing
You can use Teleport to create a local copy of a complete website on your hard drive, allowing you to
“offline browse” the site later at much greater speeds than if you were to browse the site online.
The easiest way to offline browse a site is to create a new project using the New Project Wizard, and select
the first type of project, “Create a browsable copy of a website on my hard drive.” The New Project
Wizard will ask you for the starting address of the website, and then whether you want to copy only text
(html) files, or also graphics and sound files. When you’ve finished creating and saving the new project,
just press the Start button on the toolbar to run the project.
When the project is complete, open the first web page by right-clicking it in the Project Map to display the
file context menu, then select the Open command. Teleport will open the page in your default browser, and
you can then browse the site offline.

Opening and Working With Retrieved Files

You can open and edit files using the ordinary operating system commands. The best way to browse a copy
of a website that Teleport has created is to Open your project’s Starting Address — which will launch your
default browser and open that page from your hard drive.
You can right-click files in either the Project Map or the File List to display the file context menu. Select
the appropriate commands to open, edit, or print the file.
Note: You can add or modify commands (also known as “file associations”) using the Windows Explorer
View+Options menu command. Select the File Types tab, then locate the type of file you want and edit its
list of associated programs.
Note: Some browsers, such as Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer, will set the default “open”
command association to themselves for html, gif, jpeg, and other Internet files, automatically when those
browsers are first run or installed. If you’d like to change the open command to use a particular browser,
you can do it by hand using the Windows Explorer View+Options command (see above), or you can just
reinstall or rerun the browser you want to use and, when asked, set it to be your default browser.
Double-clicking, or pressing the Enter key, will open files directly from the File List.

New Project Wizard

The New Project Wizard is designed to create Teleport projects for most common automated Internet tasks.
With just a few simple questions, the Wizard can fashion for you a project that will, in most cases, do
exactly what you need.
The Wizard’s first page describes the six categories of projects it can handle:
Create a browsable copy of a website on my hard drive will create a “flat” copy of a website’s files on
your hard drive, with all of the necessary files for the website located in the project folder. Generally, when
all you require is a browsable, offline copy of a website, this is the simplest and quickest project type to

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Tutorial: Overview

select. The project will initially contain one Starting Address (though you may of course add more later),
and the spider will be instructed to stay within the path of that address when exploring. Note that because
all of the files will be stored in a single folder on your hard drive, Teleport may rename some of them to
avoid filename collisions.
Duplicate a website, including directory structure is used for “site mirroring” and will create a “tiered”
copy of a website’s files on your hard drive, where every file is stored in a subfolder of your project’s main
folder, mirroring its storage location on the remote server. Use this project type if you would like to ensure
that the filenames Teleport uses are identical to those on the remote server, or if you just want to see or use
its directory structure. (When creating a “flat” copy of a website, as noted above, Teleport may rename
some files to avoid filename collisions.)
Search a website for files of a certain type is the project type of choice when you’re hunting for graphics
files, background images, sound files, or even ZIP files or programs! This option creates a project that
starts at a single Starting Address, then explores outward within the path of that address, looking for files of
a certain type. It will not create a browsable copy of the website, but if you don’t want web pages, this type
of project will run faster and fill your disk with only the types of files that you want.
Explore every site linked from a central site is the ideal project type if you want to just get an idea for
what types of files are contained in several sites that are linked from a “link page” or “link site,” such as a
Top 100 Websites list. This project does not retrieve files; it only retrieves their names, but it stores them
in the File List as if they were files. This type of project explores very rapidly because it does not need to
write any files to disk. You can easily change this, however, once you’ve determined that one or more of
the sites it’s explored have something you want. You can use the Retrieve Now function to grab individual
files, or disable the “Retrieve only file names” option on the Project Properties Retrieval page, and rerun the
Retrieve one or more files at known addresses is convenient if you have a list of addresses you would
like to poll for data, or if you’d like to just download a set of files. The Wizard will display a multiline text
box in which you can enter (or paste) a list of addresses, one per line. The Wizard will then create a project
containing each of these addresses as a Starting Address. The spider will be instructed to explore only the
starting address page, so it will not follow any links away from the pages or files you specify.
Search a website for keywords will create a project that is identical to Create a browsable copy of a
website on my hard drive (above), except that every web page the spider encounters will be tested to see if
it contains any one or more of a set of keywords. Web pages, and any files embedded in them, will be
retrieved only if they contain one or more of your keywords.

Tutorial: Overview
This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to create and run a Teleport project. The Internet site used for
this tutorial is The State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg, Russia. It is a beautiful website, but it can be
slow because it is so graphics-intensive. Teleporting it to your hard drive makes browsing it fast and fun.
The State Hermitage Museum website is located at www.hermitagemuseum.org.
There are four essential steps to creating and running a Teleport project:
1 Create a new project
2 Save the project
3 Run the project
4 View the results

Tutorial: Creating a New Project

To create a new project, select New Project Wizard from the File menu, or press the New Project Wizard
button on the toolbar. (Experienced users can also start a new project with the blank New Project button,

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Page 5

Tutorial: Saving the Project Teleport Tutorial and Manual

but then you will have to set your Project Properties manually.) The New Project Wizard will ask you a
series of questions to determine what you would like to do, and then create a project for you that will do it.
Page 1: Six of the most common Teleport tasks are presented in the Wizard’s first page.
 For this tutorial, choose “Create a browsable copy of a website on my hard drive.”
Page 2: The Wizard will next ask you to enter the Starting Address for this project. The Starting Address
is the first place Teleport will begin looking for files. It will then follow links away from the Starting
Address, retrieving files as it goes, until it has exhausted all possible links.
 For this tutorial, the starting address is www.hermitagemuseum.org and we want to set the depth
to 2 links from the starting point. The Hermitage Museum has a very large website, so even a depth of
two will take some time to run. Two is sufficient for this tutorial. If you are interested in the site, you
can simply change the depth later to three or more, and Teleport more of the site.
Note that Internet addresses are case-sensitive. Be sure that the address you type is exactly correct. A
mistyped letter or punctuation mark will invalidate the address. Copying and pasting an address out of your
browser is a good way to ensure you have a valid address. If Teleport doesn't retrieve any files or follow
any links for your starting address, an invalid address is the most common reason.
Note: Teleport can retrieve and explore only files with HTTP (World Wide Web) and FTP (File Transfer
Protocol) addresses, and files on a local or network drive. To use a file on a local or network drive, enter
the path to the file using ordinary Windows notation, e.g., “c:\temp\myfile.htm”.
You can also give your starting address an optional title.
Page 3: The Wizard will now ask you some basic questions about what you want your project to do. When
you want to “create a browsable copy of a website,” the Wizard will ask you what types of files you want to
retrieve for the website.
 For this tutorial, select the default, “Everything”. You do not need to enter an account or password.
When you finally press the Next button to confirm your answers to the Wizard’s questions, the Wizard will
create a fully configured project for you.
Page 4: You must now press the Finish button to display the Save As dialog box, and save the project.

Tutorial: Saving the Project

If you are using the New Project Wizard, the Save As dialog box will now be displayed for you. If you are
not using the Wizard, you must select Save Project from the File Menu, or press the Save Project button on
the toolbar. Teleport will then display the Save As dialog box.
Enter the name of your project in the File name box. You may use the list box and buttons at the top of the
box to move into folder where your project will be saved.
 For this tutorial, enter “Hermitage” into the File name box, then click the Save button to confirm the
project name and close the Save As dialog box.
Note: Teleport will create a subdirectory named after your project in which to store the files it retrieves.
After you have saved the project, you may run it.

Tutorial: Running the Project

To run your project, select Start from the Project menu, or press the Start button on the toolbar.
Teleport will then build an internal queue of files it wants, usually beginning with the project’s first Starting
Address. The spider will then connect to the Internet and then begin retrieving files. See How Teleport
Explores for more details on its search process.
As the spider works, the Thread Bar indicators will light up to tell you what stage each thread is in.

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Tutorial: Viewing the Results

At this point, you may minimize the program window, and simply let it run in the background.
Note: You might like to observe the tutorial project as it runs. The project will typically retrieve about 200
After the project has run (and also while it's running), you can view the results in the project window.

Tutorial: Viewing the Results

The left-hand pane of the project window is the Project Map. Here, Teleport shows you the pages it has
explored for the project. The right hand pane of the project window is the File List. Here, Teleport shows
you the files retrieved at each page of the project.
You may view retrieved files as a list of filenames, or as a report containing full file details. Use the view
type buttons on the toolbar to switch between the two view types.
The retrieved files themselves are stored in the project folder, which is created by Teleport the first time the
project is saved, and is given the same name as the project. By default, the folder is stored in the same
folder as the project file (which is, by default, in the same folder as the Teleport program files).
You can right click on any file in either the Project Map or the File List to get a context menu which allows
you to work with files, or delete them (sending them to the Windows Recycle Bin).
You can also click the Open Project Folder button on the Toolbar, to open the current project folder using
the Windows Explorer. This gives you immediate access to the files that Teleport has retrieved.
Note: You can do whatever you like with the retrieved files — you can rename them, delete them, or move
them freely. Teleport retains complete information about the files in the project database (.tpp) file. The
only consequence of moving, renaming, or deleting files is that you will be unable to open them through
Teleport’s interface afterward.
Best of all, however, you can now browse the project files offline — directly from you hard disk — without
experiencing the typical delays of Internet-based browsing. To open the website now using your browser,
right click on any file in the Project Map, then select the Open command. Teleport will automatically
launch your default browser to that page.
Note: As you browse you will find many links to files that have not been copied. Most of the time, this is
because these files are too far from the starting point — they are beyond the “depth” of two that we set
when the project was started. If you increase the depth setting (right-click the starting address in the left-
hand pane, choose Starting Address Properties, and change the depth setting field to three or higher), then
these files will be retrieved if you start the project again.
Note: Some files may also be excluded by the site’s Robot Exclusions. Some websites will designate areas
that are “off limits” to automated crawlers. Sometimes this is done for good reason (such as to prevent
automated software from stumbling into areas for voting or performing e-commerce, or using too much of
the server’s resources); and sometimes this is done foolishly (some website administrators fear that spiders
might ferret out private information; in fact, a spider can only see what a browser can see). Teleport
complies with the site’s Robot Exclusions automatically, by default. This compliance can be disabled on
the Netiquette page of project properties, but you should only disable compliance for a very good reason,
and only with the website’s permission.

Other Sample Projects

To help you get started teleporting, we've included some sample projects with this copy of Teleport. We
encourage you to examine them, modify them, and run them, to learn more about using Teleport, and how it
can save you time and money when looking for files.
Open the sample projects using the Open Project command on the File menu. The sample project files are
located in the "Projects" folder.

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Project Summary Page Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Project Summary Page

The Project Properties Summary Page gives you a summary of the project’s database size, and allows you
to clear the project database and set the project’s Autosave options.
Clear Project Database empties the entire project database. This command causes Teleport to forget
everything it has learned in its explorations.
Note: Teleport will also send every file in the Project Folder to the Recycle Bin, if it is available — or
delete the files, if they cannot be recycled. Use this command to completely reset your project to its
starting state.
Autosave causes Teleport to save the project’s state (its database) at specified intervals. Enabling Autosave
will also automatically save your project whenever it is completed or otherwise stops running. This option
defaults to On with a value of 300 seconds (five minutes) and it is usually a good idea to leave it enabled.
Autosaving protects your project against crashes, power failures, and lost connections.

Retrieval Settings
The Project Properties File Retrieval Page lists a number of options that allow you to specify what types
and sizes the Teleport spider will retrieve, where it will store them, and whether it will modify them for
offline browsing. Click on the Project Properties button on the toolbar, or select Properties from the Project
menu, to bring up the Project Properties sheet. Select the File Retrieval tab to display that page.
Retrieve All Files (with a maximum size limitation): When this option is checked, Teleport will retrieve all
the files it encounters, regardless of name, type, or extension. For safety reasons, however, you can specify
a maximum file size that will prevent Teleport from trying to retrieve huge files.
Note: Setting the maximum size to zero disables the maximum size limitation.
Note: Teleport can only filter files based on size when the remote server transmits the file size. Some
servers do not send size information. In these cases, Teleport will continue retrieving the file until the
number of bytes received exceeds the size limitation, and then terminate the retrieval.
Retrieval Types: You can tell Teleport to retrieve only files of a specified type and size. When you select
Retrieval by Type and Size, use the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons to set the Retrieval Types list.
User Defined Types: The Add button menu has a preset list of the most common file types found on the
Internet. You can also create your own file type categories, by adding a “User Defined” file specification.
Teleport will display the Edit File Types dialog box. Enter a short description for your new category, and
then a list of DOS-style filename patterns separated by semicolons. There are two wildcard characters used
in DOS-style filename patterns:
An asterisk ( * ) matches zero or more of any characters. For example, the filename pattern *.cgi
matches any filename having the cgi extension, such as test.cgi, but not test.cgid.. The filename
pattern bob*.* matches any filename beginning with bob, such as boba.jpg or bob.gif or even bob or
A question mark ( ? ) matches any single character. For example, the filename pattern star???.jpg
matches any filename beginning with star and having three more letters, and then the extension jpg.
This would match star005.jpg or starting.jpg, but not star.jpg or starry.jpg.
You can also specify file size ranges (in kilobytes). This is often a good method of ensuring that Teleport
only retrieves, for example, high quality graphics files — just set the minimum file size at 16k. Or, if you
want to get only basic embedded graphics but not large image files, set the maximum file size to 8k.
Note: Setting the minimum or maximum size to zero disables that limit. So a minimum of 16, maximum of
zero, will allow Teleport to retrieve any files 16k or larger, no matter how big.
Note: Teleport can only filter files based on size when the remote server transmits the file size. Some
remote servers do not send size information. In these cases, Teleport will continue retrieving the file until
the number of bytes received exceeds the size limitation, and then terminates the retrieval.

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Offline Browsing/Mirroring Options

Retrieval Modes:
Retrieve Embedded Files tells the Teleport spider to get files that are embedded on web pages— that
is, graphics or video files that appear as part of the page. You will usually want this option on, but if
you are looking only for large files you may wish to turn it off.
Retrieve Background Files tells the Teleport spider to get embedded graphics and sound files that
appear in the “background” of a web page.
Retrieve Java Applets tells Teleport to retrieve embedded Java applets from web pages when it finds
them. Teleport does its best to locate all of the files an applet will need, but for security reasons,
Teleport does not the execute applets during the project session. Some Java applets will, unfortunately,
seek to load additional files from the server when they are run later (such as when browsing the site
offline). If these applets fail to locate the files they need, they may not run or will run incompletely.
For this reason, some Java applets cannot be completely loaded and viewed offline.
Retrieve Names Only tells the Teleport spider NOT to get the actual file, but only to determine if it
meets your other retrieval specifications, and, if so, to place its name in the File List. When this option
is on, Teleport will appear to work very quickly, because it is not actually retrieving files. You will not
be able to open the files it lists in the File List — but you can use the Retrieve Now command on the
file context menu to retrieve them later. This is usually a good option for rapidly exploring a large area
of the Internet.

Offline Browsing/Mirroring Options

The Offline Browsing/Mirroring Page lists a number of options that allow you to specify how Teleport will
store files on your hard disk, whether it will rewrite (or “localize”) the links inside HTML files it stores, and
how it will localize those links. Click on the Project Properties button on the toolbar, or select Properties
from the Project menu, to bring up the Project Properties sheet. Select the Offline Browsing/Mirroring tab
to display that page.
Always save HTML pages tells the Teleport spider to save HTML pages, even if your other retrieval
specifications don’t call for it. If you want to offline browse a site, you should enable this option, since
many HTML pages do not end in the “.htm” or “.html” extension.
Replicate the directory structure of remote servers causes all files to be saved in a directory tree that
looks like the directory structure on the remote website. This is a very useful option if you are “mirroring”
a website, because it allows you to make an exact duplicate of it. When this option is off, all of your files
will be stored “flat” in the Project folder — and some files may be renamed to avoid naming conflicts.
Use MSIE-compatible filenames is an option that compensates for the Microsoft Internet Explorer’s
inability to determine file types by content. The Microsoft Internet Explorer browser (and, to a lesser
extent, some other browsers), when it loads a file from disk, assumes that only files with the .htm and .html
extension are HTML files. However, many websites have HTML files that end in different extensions (such
as .shtml or .pl). Since the Microsoft Internet Explorer does not recognize these files as HTML, it will not
display them. Enabling this option causes Teleport to rename (and relink) HTML files so that they always
have a .htm or .html extension.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Add HTML and charset tags if necessary option controls
whether Teleport will add an <html> tag to HTML files that lack it; this is necessary for some older
browsers to display content correctly offline. In addition, Teleport will add a meta tag containing the
charset specification for the page, if the page uses a non-default character set but lacks a charset
specification. This is necessary for the page to display correctly, on all browsers. Default: On.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Add meta tags for the original URL and retrieved
date/time option directs Teleport to add meta tags to the document header, containing the page’s original
URL and the date/time it was retrieved. If this option is to be enabled, the option to add HTML and charset
tags to the document must also be enabled. Default: Off.

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Exploration Settings Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Accept HTML error pages as actual content option tells
Teleport to accept HTML error pages — that is, the content of pages sent with error codes 400 through 599
— as actual content to be read and stored. By default, Teleport ignores the content of error pages, as it
rarely contains valid or useful information, but in some rare cases it may be useful to keep this content in
the project. Default: Off.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Set file date to match server-reported file date option tells
Teleport to set the local file modification date to match the file modification date reported by the server
(where available). Not all servers report file modification dates, and many report them only for some files
(usually actual files, and not for dynamic web pages and other generated responses). Default: Off.
Localize links for retrieved files causes the links in saved HTML pages to be “localized,” or altered to
point to files in your project folder, if those files are retrieved by Teleport. If you want to offline browse a
site, you should enable this option.
Links for unretrieved files controls how Teleport rewrites links for files that it doesn’t retrieve. There are
three ways for Teleport to handle these links:
Link to a message tells Teleport to rewrite the link as a short message that explains why that file was not
retrieved. The message will also contain a link directly to the Internet, which you may use with your
browser to continue exploration out onto the Internet.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The content and format of these messages can be defined using the
Message Options command under the File menu.
Link to the Internet address for the file tells Teleport to rewrite the link so that it is “externalized” to
point back out to the Internet. This means that Teleport will rewrite the link as, for example,
Link to a place where the local file will be stored tells Teleport to “predictively” link to a blank location
where that file will be stored, by Teleport, when the file is retrieved later. Use this option when building a
local website incrementally; you will not need to relink later when new files are retrieved in the project.
Note: Teleport will always “predictively” localize the links for embedded files, such as sound and
graphics files, background graphics, and Java applets. These links are never externalized or rewritten as a
message, because you cannot click on them.
Link using 8.3 filenames tells Teleport to link localized files using the old DOS 8.3 filename system.
Teleport will continue to write files using their long filenames; however, the localized links it creates for
the web pages it writes will use the 8.3 filename. This ensures the local website copy is usable on both long
filename and short filename systems.
The Relink all files in the project now button can be used to immediately rewrite the links for all HTML
files in the project folder, using the current linkage system specifications.

Exploration Settings
The Project Properties Exploration Page lists a number of options that allow you to control how the
Teleport spider explores, how it asks for information, and how it updates files. Most of the time you will
not want to alter these settings. Advanced users, however, may find them useful. Click on the Project
Properties button on the toolbar, or select Properties from the Project menu, to bring up the Project
Properties sheet. Select the Exploration tab to display that page.
Explore server-side image maps tells the Teleport spider to “ping” server-side image maps to find their
links. Teleport will ping the entire image map at intervals that you can specify; usually a setting between 20
and 40 pixels is sufficiently accurate to pick up most links from a server-side map. Even though the
individual pings are very fast, pinging a map can take quite a while to complete. When localizing links,
Teleport will convert the server-side map into a client-side map, so that you can offline browse it. Default:

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Exploration Settings

Note: Because pinging a server-side map is a slow process, and because each “ping” query imposes only
a small burden on the server, Teleport will ignore the query delay setting in the project’s Netiquette
properties page, and will instead ping the server with all ten threads, as fast as possible.
Explore frames lets the Teleport spider explore frame links, such as those read by some browsers. Default:
Explore forms tells the Teleport spider to query forms as if it were the user. Because Teleport can’t know
your answer to most forms questions, exploring forms is usually ineffective except for simple forms that are
composed of only push buttons. However, Teleport can handle more complex forms if they contain only
hidden data. Default: On.
Process script and event code instructs Teleport to look for and process standard javascript commands
that can open new web pages or load images. When this option is enabled, Teleport will find commands
such as “window.open,” which can cause browsers to open new web pages. Teleport’s script handling
capabilities are, however, limited. The program can only find script links which require no interpretation
(that is, which do not require any processing of the script language to create). More complicated scripts,
such as those that create new links by manipulating string values, cannot be handled. Default: On.
Accept and return cookies lets Teleport accept and return “cookies,” which are small data tags that servers
use to identify and track clients (such as your browser, or Teleport). Teleport won’t store the cookies on
your computer -- it remembers the cookies only as long as it needs to explore the site. Some servers won’t
send data to a client unless the client send back the cookies, so this option is on by default. Turning it off
gains you a small measure of privacy and efficiency, but it can also mean that Teleport can’t fully explore
some sites.
Launch ___ retrieval threads tells Teleport how many simultaneous data requests it can make. Default:
10. Note that Server Overload Protection™ may sometimes reduce the number of simultaneous data
requests to avoid overloading remote servers. In addition, if Teleport is metering its requests to the same
server (see Project Properties, Netiquette page) often fewer than all 10 threads will be launched. You are
likely to see all ten threads operating simultaneously only when Teleport can query two or more servers at
the same time.
Abort threads that show no activity after ___ seconds causes Teleport to abandon a retrieval attempt if
the remote server does not respond after a certain time. Default: 360 seconds.
Retry denied requests ___ times tells the Teleport spider to re-query a server for files when the server
denies a request because it is too busy. During high traffic times, some servers may issue a curt
“unavailable” response. You can usually get such a file with your browser by repeatedly pressing the
Refresh or Reload button. Teleport does this for you automatically, really fast, until it gets the file or it
exceeds the number you set here. Default: 5.
Retry incomplete requests ___ times tells Teleport to verify each file that it retrieves, and if the file is
incomplete or corrupted, to re-request the file until it is correctly retrieved (or the maximum number of
requests is exceeded). This option is useful when dealing with a slow or stubborn server; such servers,
especially during peak traffic periods, will sometimes drop the Internet connection during large file transfers
(especially graphics files), causing the file that Teleport retrieves to be incomplete or corrupted. Enabling
this option will usually guarantee that every file Teleport loads is accurate and complete, but at the same
time it can significantly slow the spider’s progress, if a server is unresponsive. Default: 5.
Updating controls how Teleport updates files that it has previously retrieved. When Teleport updates a
file, it queries the remote server, asking whether the file has changed since the last time Teleport retrieved
it. If the file has changed, Teleport retrieves the new file — automatically overwriting the old one. If the
file hasn’t changed, Teleport does nothing.
Update only good/bad/both files causes Teleport to update only files that were correctly retrieved (e.g.,
they were properly linked and the server responded by sending the file); only those that were unavailable
(usually because of a bad link or a server error); or both. You probably don’t want Teleport to retry bad

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Netiquette Settings Teleport Tutorial and Manual

files unless you believe they were bad because of a temporary server error; most bad links are unlikely to
become good later. Default: Good files only.
Update HTML/embedded/server-side maps/all other files determines what types of files Teleport will
try to update. Most of the time, only the HTML files change on a site, except for those that have “picture of
the week” or “sound of the week” files that change, but keep the same name. However, you can tell
Teleport to update all files, and even to requery server-side image maps. Default: Update only HTML

Netiquette Settings
The Project Properties Netiquette Page lists a number of options that allow you to control how Teleport
behaves on the Internet. Netiquette (the practice of being polite on the Internet) is important not only for
human users, but also for automated agents like Teleport. Teleport is an extremely powerful tool, and can
impose a very large transaction burden on websites because of its querying speed and simultaneous retrieval
threads. Using the default netiquette settings on this page, however, prevents Teleport from overburdening
websites and intruding into areas marked as off-limits for robotic agents. For most projects, you should not
need to alter these settings, except for the Agent Identity setting. Advanced users and webmasters, however,
may find it useful to disable some of these features. Click on the Project Properties button on the toolbar,
or select Properties from the Project menu, to bring up the Project Properties sheet. Select the Netiquette
tab to display this page.
Domain Dispersed Querying™ is an important feature that, when enabled, causes the Teleport spider to
spread simultaneous requests as far apart as possible. This enables each retrieval thread to work to its
fullest potential, because if one server is slow in responding, other retrieval threads will be connecting to
different servers and will not be affected. Domain Dispersed Querying™ can often boost your overall
throughput by 20% to 50%, when Teleport has to visit more than one domain simultaneously. This setting
also prevents Teleport from jamming a single server with requests, when there are other servers that it can
query at the same time. Default: On.
Server Overload Protection™ is another important feature that, when enabled, prevents Teleport from
overloading intermediate webservers. Because Teleport can launch multiple retrieval threads, it can
sometimes ask for more data than your modem connection can handle! Server Overload Protection™ slows
down Teleport’s requests whenever a dangerous amount of data is already being transmitted. When this
option is turned off, you risk losing data and receiving corrupted files. Default: On.
Obey the Robot Exclusion Standard tells Teleport to abide by an ad-hoc system set up by the world’s
webmasters, for limiting access by automated agents. The Robot Exclusion Standard is a voluntary system
under which automated agents can allow themselves to be directed away from certain parts of a website.
Webmasters commonly use the Robot Exclusion Standard to keep robots and webspiders out of sensitive
areas and files, such as those that control hit counters, voting, and user feedback. Obeying the Robot
Exclusion Standard has no effect on retrieval speed, and in most cases is invisible to the user. In fact, if this
system is disabled, Teleport can waste time trying to access files that are inaccessible anyway. You should
disable this option only if you have a very good reason for doing so. Default: On.
Wait ____ seconds between requests to slow servers (or all servers) directs Teleport to delay between
sequential requests to the same webserver, if it is requesting more than two files at once. Without some
delay, Teleport can quickly overwhelm some sites’ ability to respond, impairing both Teleport’s efficiency
and the site’s performance for other users. Reducing this setting to zero seconds disables it, but will
produce only a marginal increase in performance. When “slow servers” are selected, the delay takes effect
only when the server responds slowly. Otherwise, the delay always takes effect. Note that Teleport may
still issue several requests at the same time, if it can issue them to different servers! Default: 1 second.
Use this domain as the “referrer” for all requests causes Teleport to use the domain you enter as the
“referrer” for all HTTP requests it makes. The “referrer” field in HTTP requests tells the server what page
linked to the one that you’re requesting. Normally, Teleport sets this field to the first page that links to the
URL it’s requesting. If you enter something in this box, however, Teleport will always use this field as the

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Keywords and Exclusions

referrer value. This can sometimes be useful in getting data from servers that require that you access certain
pages only when linked from another particular server. Default: Not set.
Agent Identity: Browsers, webspiders, and other Internet client programs can identify themselves when
making requests for files. Although it’s considered good netiquette to use your true identity, it can have
unwanted side effects. Sometimes a remote server will look at the agent identity to determine what type of
data to send it — or whether to send it data at all. For example, some websites will not send framed
versions of a site to older Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers, which were not capable of reading framed
sites. You may wish try using a different agent identity if a site appears to be unresponsive to Teleport, yet
works with your browser.
Anonymous sends no identity at all.
Teleport uses the string “Teleport TYPE/VERSION” where TYPE is Pro, Ultra, or VLX, and
VERSION is the current version number.
Impersonate Microsoft will cause Teleport to identify itself as a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
Impersonate Firefox will cause Teleport to identify itself as a Mozilla Firefox browser.
Custom allows you to specify your own identity string. You can use this option for testing or for
compatibility with other browsers, agents, or webservers.

Keywords and Exclusions

To set your project's keywords or exclusions, press the Project Properties button on the toolbar, or select the
Properties command from the Project menu. Teleport will display the Project Properties sheet. Select the
Exclusions tab.
Exclusions take priority over all other project settings. This means that when you exclude a certain type
of file, or a type of address, or pages based on keywords, no other project options can cause those files to be
You can specify a list of keywords which a web page must contain before its links are followed or its files
are retrieved. Enter any keywords or phrases that pages must contain in the first text box, separated by
semicolons. Once enabled, the Teleport spider will ignore web pages unless they contain one or more of
the keywords (in other words, the keywords are all treated as “or” alternatives).
Note: Teleport will find keywords even if they are hidden inside HTML codes or comments. This means
that if you are using Teleport to retrieve the HTML pages themselves, you may not find your keywords in
the “visible” text of the page, if you view it with your browser.
In the File Exclusions box you can specify a list of DOS-style filename patterns that Teleport should not
retrieve. Separate the patterns with semicolons. For example, if you want to prevent Teleport from getting
executable files, you can specify “*.exe; *.com; *.bin” in the File Exclusions box.
In the Path Exclusions box you can specify a list of partial Internet addresses that are off-limits for the
Teleport spider. Teleport will not load files whose addresses begin with any of the partial addresses listed
in this box. Be sure to include the http:// prefix if the address you want to block is an HTTP address.
You can use the DOS-style wildcards * and ? when forming the addresses. For example,
“http://www.*.com” will block nearly any address, except those like “http://home.mysite.com” and
Note: You can also use “range expressions” inside an Exclusion, to match a class of characters. For
example, you can use [a-z] to match any letter from a to z; [0-6] to match the digits zero to six (but not 7,
8, or 9); or [aeiou] to match a, e, i, o, or u. You can also use “negated ranges” to match characters NOT
in the range: [^a-z] will match any character except a letter from a to z, for example. Finally, you can use
\xNN, where NN are two hexadecimal digits, to match any character by its ordinal number. For example,
you can match a literal question mark (normally a reserved wildcard character) with the expression \x3F.

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Using Relink Messages Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Using Relink Messages

If you find that Teleport is not getting some files that you want it to, you can find out why those files were
not retrieved by setting up Teleport’s Linkage System so that it rewrites the links for unretrieved files so
that they pop up a message that explains why the files were not retrieved.
You can set this property on the Browsing/Mirroring page of the Project Properties dialog. If you set up
Teleport to link to messages before the project is run, Teleport will construct the messages dynamically as it
retrieves files for the project. Alternatively, you can set this property later and then use the Relink Now
command (from the button at the bottom of the Browsing/Mirroring page, or from the Project menu), to
relink all files in the project immediately.
Teleport does not create messages for embedded files, since you cannot click on them to see the message.

Project Automation
The Project Properties Advanced Page has a number of features that enable you, in conjunction to with an
external scheduling program such as the Windows System Agent or Task Scheduler, to set up your project
to start automatically, run for a certain time, and quit (terminate Teleport) when finished. You can also set
your project to run continuously, which can be useful for intermittently polling a site for new data. And, if
you set up Teleport automatically to connect and disconnect as necessary, you can schedule projects for
complete unattended operation.
You can also set up Teleport to run from a command-line or batch file, specifying many of these project
options as command-line parameters.
Automatically begin running on open will cause Teleport to begin running the project as soon as it is
opened. This feature is useful for scheduling a Teleport session using a program like the Windows System
Agent or Task Scheduler. Just specify the name of the project on the System Agent, Task Scheduler,
Windows shortcut, or DOS command line that runs Teleport, and the project will begin running
automatically when the program starts.
Run for no more than X minutes will cause Teleport to abort the project (as if you had pressed the Abort
button) after it has run for a certain number of minutes. Note that this option will stop running the project
even if it is set to Run continuously (see below).
Run continuously tells Teleport to continuously run the project. After the project is completed, Teleport
will wait for a specified interval, and then begin running again. On subsequent runs, it’s likely that Teleport
will be merely updating files, but if it finds new files in the process, it will retrieve them as well.
Exit program when project stops running terminates the Teleport program when the project is
completed, or when the Run for no more than X minutes time limit has been reached, whichever occurs
first. If you have no time limit, and the project is set to Run continuously, enabling this option has no
Note: the Autoexit feature terminates Teleport with no questions asked. Unless you have also enabled the
Autosave feature, Teleport will not save project information it has accumulated while running. If you want
your project state to remain up-to-date and you’ve enabled the Autoexit feature, be sure to enable
Autosaving as well.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Synchronize local site option, when enabled, will cause
Teleport to delete “dead” files from the project after exploration is complete. “Dead” files are those that
Teleport retrieved in an earlier project session, but which are now not available on the server. (Remember
that Teleport’s default mode is to “accumulate” files, meaning that it retains files even after they’re no
longer on the server. Enabling synchronization changes this behavior.) The dead files will be deleted from
the project folder, and links to them will be rewritten in the manner that Teleport normally rewrites dead
links (controlled by the project’s Browsing/Mirroring properties).
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Borrow cookies option instructs Teleport to use Internet
Explorer’s cookies when it communicate with webservers. (This feature is only compatible with Internet

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Adding Starting Addresses

Explorer.) To copy a site that requires form-based login or some other complex authentication procedure,
enable this option, and then log in or otherwise access the website with Internet Explorer. Once you’ve
completed the login using Internet Explorer, you can start the project. (You can sometimes close Internet
Explorer, but often it is best to leave it running, because some cookies will automatically expire when the
browser is closed.) Teleport will pick up whatever cookies it needs from Internet Explorer, and use them
when it crawls the site.
Note: For most sites, you will have to log in first with Internet Explorer each time you want to crawl them.
This is because the cookies Internet Explorer receives will expire. For this reason, projects that require
using Internet Explorer cookies are unlikely to work if scheduled for automatic execution.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Custom HTTP headers field can be used to alter the way that
Teleport crawls the website. Put additional HTTP headers in this field, one per line. A common use for
this field is adding cookies that you know to be useful for crawling the site. For example, you could add the
field “Cookie: SHOPPER%5FID=236570453” if you know that that’s the cookie that identifies you when
accessing a shopping website. (This is just an example, don’t use it in a real project.) You can also inject
other fields that may be necessary for communicating with a proxy, or for testing webserver capabilities.
You may use the following macros in any additional headers: $URL will be replaced by the requested
URL; $FILE will be replaced by the filename part of the requested URL (including query parameters); and
$HOST will be replaced by the domain name (host name) of the requested URL. So, for example, to set the
Referer field to the current URL, you can use the header “Referer: $URL”

Adding Starting Addresses

Your project can have more than one Starting Address. To add more starting addresses, press the New
Starting Address button on the toolbar, or choose the New Starting Address command from the Project
menu. Teleport will display a blank Starting Address Properties dialog box, where you can enter the item’s
URL and other information.
At this time, you can enter any World Wide Web (http) address, or the address of a file located on a local or
network drive. If you are entering a World Wide Web address, you do not need to enter the http:// prefix.
Examples of common WWW addresses are www.tenmax.com, www.microsoft.com/ie/, and
If you are entering the address of a file located on your hard drive or a network drive, enter the complete
path to the file including the drive letter and colon — for example, “c:\temp\myfile.htm”.
As of version 1.30, Teleport optionally adds a right-click context menu entry to the Internet Explorer
browser window, which enables you easily to add starting addresses to the most recently opened project.
Just right-click anywhere within the page you are browsing, or right-click on any link or image, and choose
“Add to Teleport.” The URL for that address will automatically be added to the most recently opened
Teleport project, as a new starting address. The new address will be given the same properties as the most
recently added starting address, or the default new address properties if no previous starting address was
added. You can control whether the context-menu entry is added using the “Add IE context menu
command” option under the File menu.

Using the Thread Bar

The Thread Bar is a row of button indicators that is usually to the right of the main toolbar. The Thread Bar
buttons will light up different colors (or become pie charts) to indicate what state each retrieval thread is in.
Red means that the thread is connecting to the server; green means it is requesting a file; and blue means it
is receiving a response.
You can hover over any button on the Thread Bar to display the thread’s exact state. You can also press
any Thread Bar button to get a small menu that allows you to abort that thread’s activity at any time. When
you abort a thread during file retrieval, it may take a while for the thread to release its data and return to the
idle state.

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Setting a Minimum Free Space Limit Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Like the main application toolbar, the Thread Bar can be moved, resized, floated, and docked along any
edge of the Teleport window.

Setting a Minimum Free Space Limit

Teleport periodically checks your hard drive to make sure that it doesn’t run out of free space. You can set
a minimum free space limit by selecting the Free Space Limit command from the File menu. When
Teleport detects that free space on your hard drive has dropped below that amount, it will stop running the

Saving Files in a New Location

Teleport saves the files that it retrieves in the project folder. The project folder is always created in the
same directory as the project file (the .tpp file), and is given the same name as the project file (but without
the .tpp extension).
To change the location where Teleport will save its files, simply resave the project file in the new location,
using the Save As command under the File menu.

Starting Address Properties

The Starting Address Properties dialog box lets you set a number of parameters for each Starting Address in
your project. You can display the Starting Address Properties dialog box by right-clicking on a starting
address in the Project Map, then selecting Properties from the file context menu.
URL is the Internet address for this item. When you are adding a new starting address, this field will be
blank, allowing you to enter the address. Once the address is entered, however, and the dialog box closed,
you can no longer edit the address directly. This is to preserve the integrity of the project database.
Note: Teleport Pro can retrieve and explore only files with HTTP (World Wide Web) and FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) addresses, and files on a local or network drive. Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX can
also retrieve files from secure servers (those with HTTPS addresses).
Title is an optional title you may assign to a starting address.
Exploration Depth and Boundaries controls how far away from that address the Teleport spider can
follow links. Please note that Exploration Depth has no effect on embedded file retrieval — Teleport will
retrieve files embedded on a page no matter how far away the files are really located. Exploration Depth
and Boundaries only affects the spider's link-following algorithm.
Explore up to ___ links away from this URL on the starting server keeps the Teleport spider within
a certain number of “levels” of links from the Starting Address. A page that is linked from the Starting
Address is one link away; a page that is linked from that page, in turn, is two links away. Usually you
won’t need to set the links at more than three or five, but to completely explore some larger sites, you
may want to enter a larger number. More often, however, you will want to rely on the following
boundary conditions to keep Teleport from wandering too far:
Teleport can stay within the “path” of the address, which is the first boundary setting in the Address
Properties box. The path of an address is its domain plus any local subdirectories. For the starting
address http://www.tenmax.com/news/index.html, for example, the path of the address is
http://www.tenmax.com/news/. When this boundary is selected, Teleport will not get files unless
their addresses begin with the path of the starting address.
Teleport can stay within the domain of the address, which is the second boundary setting in the
Address Properties box. This boundary setting is only enabled if the path and the domain of the
address are not the same. For the starting address http://www.tenmax.com/news/index.html, for
example, the domain of the address is http://www.tenmax.com. When this boundary is selected,
Teleport will not get files unless their addresses begin with the domain of the starting address.

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Teleport Tutorial and Manual Starting Address Properties

Within the path of links to other servers allows Teleport to go beyond the path or domain of the
starting address. This setting is most useful for "link sites," web pages that contain lists of links to
other web pages with similar content. In this mode, Teleport will follow links to any page linked from
within the starting domain. Once inside an external domain, Teleport will change into its "stay within
path" mode and explore all pages within the path of the external link. When it has finished exploring
the external site, it will return to the starting domain and continue following links, possibly into other
external domains.
Up to ___ links away from any page not on the starting server also allows Teleport to go beyond
the domain of the starting address, but keeps it within a specified number of levels of the external link.
For example, if the Starting Address is http://www.tenmax.com and Teleport locates a link to
http://java.sun.com/somepage.htm, it will explore somepage.htm on java.sun.com, and also up to the
specified number of links away from that page (but never straying outside java.sun.com).
Be careful! When following external links the Teleport spider can travel very far. It can also stay out
a long time, and bring back megabytes, even gigabytes of files. Unless the number of external
domains linked from the starting domain is small, projects that allow external domain exploration will
usually require more than a day to complete.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The final boundary option, anywhere else, but only with
URLs matching the Inclusions listed below, prevents Teleport from getting any pages, even pages on
the starting server, unless they match at least one of the Inclusions expressions specified for the starting
address. This option is often useful for sites that are organized by id numbers or strings instead of
directory names, such as forum sites and blogs — using this option you can tell Teleport to explore
only URLs containing a particular forum id number specified as an Inclusion.
The Authentication block allows you to specify any account name and password that may be required to
access this site.
Note that these fields provide authentication for the remote server only. If you use a proxy and your proxy
server requires authentication, use the Proxy Settings dialog to specify your proxy account and password.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Inclusions field allows you to specify one or more additional
areas of the website (or even of other websites) that are to be considered “in-bounds” when Teleport crawls
the site. Those areas will be crawled up as long as they are within the depth setting you specify (that is, so
long as they are N or more links away from your starting address, where N is the depth setting for that
address). You can specify inclusions using wildcard expressions that match the URLs you want to include.
For example, to start on “www.server.com/news/index.htm” and crawl everything in the /news/ folder and
also include any URLs in any server’s /sports/ subdirectory, you could enter */sports/* in the inclusions
field. If you’re worried about staying only on the main server, then enter http://ww.server.com*/sports/*.
You can enter more than one inclusion in the inclusions field; just separate them with semicolons. You can
use inclusions advantageously when a site has more than one server and you want to copy everything on
related servers. For example, if you want to make a copy of www.server.com and also any related servers
(say, shop.server.com and news.server.com), you could enter *.server.com in the inclusions field. Be sure
to make the depth setting high enough, though, to reach far enough onto each server.
Note: You can also use “range expressions” in an inclusion, to match a class of characters. For example,
you can use [a-z] to match any letter from a to z; [0-6] to match the digits zero to six (but not 7, 8, or 9);
or [aeiou] to match a, e, i, o, or u. You can also use “negated ranges” to match characters NOT in the
range: [^a-z] will match any character except a letter from a to z, for example. Finally, you can use \xNN,
where NN are two hexadecimal digits, to match any character by its ordinal number. For example, you
can match a literal question mark (normally a reserved wildcard character) with the expression \x3F.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: The Aliases field allows you to specify additional names by which
the primary server may be known. It is increasingly common for a website to go by both “www” and “non-
www” names — for example, server.com and www.server.com may point to the same website. Some older
“server farm” sites will also use variants such as “www1.server.com” and “www2.server.com”. If you know
these additional names, you can specify them in the aliases field. Teleport will then translate any URLs it

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Scheduling a Project to Run at Certain Times Teleport Tutorial and Manual

sees that point to the alias names, so that they point to the server for the starting address. This helps you to
copy more of the site (because if Teleport sees a link to “server.com” leading from a page on
“www.server.com” it will know that the link should be followed), and it has the added benefit that URLs are
more effectively de-duplicated, resulting in a smaller copied site size, a smaller project database, and faster

Scheduling a Project to Run at Certain Times

Running Projects with the Built-In Scheduler
Teleport has a built-in scheduling program, the Teleport Scheduler, that you can use to run projects
automatically. You can start the scheduler using the Schedule… command under the Project menu.
The Scheduler must be active in order for it to run projects automatically. You can activate and deactivate
the scheduler using the Activate button at the far left of the toolbar. When active, a small clock icon will
appear in the taskbar notification area at the far right of the Windows system taskbar.
Use the Add Project, Edit Project, and Remove Project buttons to add, edit, and remove projects from
the scheduler’s list of projects to run. You can set up projects to run one after the other, to run at certain
intervals, or to run at certain times.
Running Projects with an External Scheduler
You can also use the Windows System Agent or Task Scheduler, or any of a number of third-party
scheduling programs, to launch Teleport projects automatically.
To schedule a project using Windows System Agent or Task Scheduler, specify the following for the
“Command Line” parameter in System Agent:
Teleport Pro: "c:\program files\Teleport Pro\pro.exe" "myproject.tpp"
Teleport Ultra: "c:\program files\Teleport Ultra\ultra.exe" "myproject.tpu"
Teleport VLX: "c:\program files\Teleport VLX\vlx.exe" "myproject.tpx"

where the first quoted string is the complete path to the program, and the second quoted string is the
complete path to the project you wish to run. Be sure to enclose the paths within quotes, if they contain
You may also wish to use command-line switches to force Teleport to automatically connect to the Internet,
disconnect, and exit, as necessary. Alternatively, you can set up the project’s own Advanced Settings so
that it will run automatically when opened and/or terminate Teleport when it finishes.

Automatic Connection/Disconnection
Teleport can automatically connect to and disconnect from the Internet, as required to run and complete the
Teleport projects you create. You can set up the automatic connect, disconnect, and reconnect services
using the Connections… command under the File menu.
When you open the Connections dialog box, Teleport presents you with the following options:
Use your default Internet connection allows Teleport to request whatever default networking or dial-up
networking service you have installed for accessing the Internet. Under Windows, this is most often your
default Dial-Up Networking connection, which you can set up using the Internet device in the Windows
Control Panel.
Use the following connection ___ with these parameters tells Teleport to connect using any of the
connection services it locates in your operating system. Choose which connection service you want to use,
then set any of the following parameters, as necessary:
Account and password are the account and password to use when logging in. If you leave these boxes
blank, Teleport will use the default account and password set up for that connection service.

Page 18 Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.

Teleport Tutorial and Manual Command-line Arguments

Dial number is the telephone number Teleport will dial to access this service. If you leave this box
blank, Teleport will dial using whatever number is specified for that connection service.
Redial tries specifies the number of times Teleport will try to redial the service, if it can’t connect.
There is no default for this parameter, so be sure to enter something other than zero if you want
Teleport automatically to redial until connected.
Disconnect all other open connections… tells Teleport to hang up or disconnect any other connection
services before dialing this one. Use this parameter if you commonly use more than one connection
service, but have only one telephone line with which to dial out.
If the connection is closed prematurely, reconnect automatically allows Teleport to reconnect
automatically if the connection is shut down while a project is running.
You may also specify automatic disconnection services for Teleport.
Don’t disconnect disables automatic disconnection.
Disconnect whenever a project is completed or stopped tells Teleport automatically to hang up the open
connection whenever the project finishes, or is terminated using the Stop or Abort commands.
Disconnect when Teleport terminates tells Teleport automatically to hang up the open connection
whenever the program stops running — whether automatically, such as when your project is set up to
terminate the program on completion; or when you close the program or select the Exit command.

Command-line Arguments
Teleport can accept the name of any project file (.tpp file) as a command-line argument, which you may
specify on the DOS command line, in a batch file, or as the optional arguments in a Windows shortcut.
Teleport will automatically open the specified project file, and if that project’s properties require it to start
running, Teleport will begin running the project automatically.
Teleport has several command-line switches that you can specify, in addition to a project filename, to
control how Teleport will react when the project is opened. The switches are:
/r (run normally): this tells Teleport to begin running the project file as soon as it is opened. If the
project database contains unretrieved files, they will be retrieved automatically. If none of the files in
the project database are unretrieved, Teleport will switch into Update Mode and attempt to update all
eligible files in the project.
/c (run complete refresh): this tells Teleport to Clear the Project Database just before it runs the
project again. Use this to run your project over and over again from scratch. Note, however, that when
Teleport clears the project database, it will also delete all files in the project folder. If you are using a
batch file or other automated process, you can remove the project files before Teleport deletes them.
/u (run update only): this tells Teleport to begin running the project in Update Mode automatically.
Teleport will not queue any new files for retrieval, but will only update eligible files in the project
/n (do not run): this command is useful if your project’s properties require it to Autorun on open, but
you want to open the project temporarily, perhaps to change its configuration, and don’t want it to run.
This command negates the Autorun property of any opened project.
/a<connection_name>: if you specify /a on the command line, followed immediately by the full name
of a Dial-Up Networking connections entry, Teleport will autoconnect to the Internet using that
connection when the project is started. This is useful for running the project from a command-line,
batch file, or other program, when you don’t want to specify a default connection setup within Teleport
Note: if the connection name has spaces in it, you must enclose the entire switch in quotes, like this:
"/aConcentric Boston"

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Page 19

Proxy Settings Teleport Tutorial and Manual

/d (autodisconnect): tells Teleport to automatically disconnect from the Internet when the project is
finished running.
/e (autoexit): tells Teleport to exit as soon as the project is finished running.
/t<time_limit_in_minutes>: sets a project time limit, in minutes; if the project session lasts longer
than this limit, the project will stop automatically.
/l (relink project): This special command-line switch causes Teleport to perform the “Relink all files”
command on the specified project, and then exit immediately.

Proxy Settings
Teleport is fully compatible with proxy servers, firewalls, and most forms of corporate intranets.
If your Internet/Intranet system requires that you connect to a proxy server, select the Proxy Settings
command from the File menu to specify your proxy parameters. If you do not know your proxy settings,
contact your system administrator or service provider.
Most proxies do not require authentication. However, if your proxy server requires an account and
password, enter them in the Proxy Settings dialog box. Teleport will automatically handle proxy
authentication when it runs your project.

Opening an Existing Project

To open a project, simply click the Open Project button on the toolbar, or select Open Project from the File
menu. Opening a project will close (and ask you to save, if unsaved) any previously open project.
Teleport will display the Open Project dialog box. Select the project file you wish to open (use the file
navigation list box and buttons to change folders as necessary). Click OK to confirm your choice, dismiss
the dialog box, and open the project.
Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX only: Teleport Ultra and VLX can both read Teleport Pro project files
(.tpp files). They will automatically up-convert these projects to their own project file formats (.tpu for
Teleport Ultra, and .tpx for Teleport VLX). The original .tpp files will be left unchanged.

Running a Project
You can run a project by selecting the Start command from the Project menu, or pressing the Start button
(the solid arrow button) on the toolbar.
When the Start button is pressed, Teleport scans the project database, looking for files that match your
current project specifications. When Teleport finds such files, it then queues them —for retrieval, if they
have never been retrieved, or for updating, if they have been retrieved before. The program then connects
to the Internet, and begins retrieving and updating files. As it explores and encounters links to new files, it
similarly checks them against the project specifications, and if they are also required, it queues the new files
for retrieval, as well.
Note that there are additional limitations that you can set on which files Teleport will update. See the
Project Properties, Exploration page for instructions for setting up your project’s update specifications. By
default, every file in the project that meets your retrieval specifications (except server-side image maps) will
be updated, but you can restrict updates to, for example, only html files, if you wish.
When updating files, Teleport first queries the remote server, asking if the file has changed since the last
time Teleport retrieved it. If the file has changed, Teleport retrieves the new file — and overwrites the old
version in your project folder. It then checks the file for links to more files. If Teleport finds new links to
files that should be retrieved, it queues these for retrieval, as well.
Note that Teleport only attempts to retrieve (or update) those files that meet your current Project Properties
retrieval settings and exploration rules. In other words, if in a previous project session, you directed
Teleport to retrieve graphics and text files; and then you change your retrieval settings to retrieve only text

Page 20 Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.

Teleport Tutorial and Manual Stopping a Running Project

files, running the project will retrieve and update only text files — because graphics files no longer meet the
project’s retrieval settings.

Stopping a Running Project

You can stop a running project with either of two commands: Stop or Abort.
Stop (the hollow square button on the toolbar) will bring the Teleport spider to a gradual halt. It will not
allocate any new threads, but any retrieval threads already in progress will run to completion — which
means that any in-transit files will be completely retrieved before the project stops running. Use this option
when you want to stop Teleport, but you don’t want to lose files that are already partially retrieved.
Abort (the solid square button on the toolbar) brings Teleport to an immediate halt. All of its retrieval
threads will immediately shut down; any partially retrieved files will be lost. Use this option to stop the
spider immediately.
Note that in both cases, Teleport will remember where it has been and what files it has retrieved. This
information is stored in the Project database (the .tpp file), so when you reload the project and press Start,
the spider will resume retrieval exactly where it left off in the previous session.

Pausing a Running Project

You can pause a running project for a short time by pressing the Pause button on the toolbar, or by
selecting Pause from the File menu. The toolbar Pause button will remain depressed as long as the project
is paused.
Pausing a project is useful if, for example, you are trying to download a web page with your browser while
Teleport is running, and Teleport appears to be taking up all of your bandwidth. Pausing the project
immediately suspends Teleport's requests for more data, allowing your browser (or other Internet
application) to communicate more freely.
When you are ready to resume running the project, simply press the Pause button again. Teleport will begin
running exactly where it left off.

Using the Delete and Disable Commands

If you find that Teleport has retrieved files that you don’t care for, you can use the Delete command to
remove those files from the project. Be careful: Deleting files from within Teleport not only removes the
physical file, but also marks those files as off-limits permanently, so that Teleport will never get them
If you’d rather prevent Teleport from temporarily getting certain files, you can instead use the Disable
command. You can disable only HTML files, gateway pages, and starting addresses. When a file or
address is disabled, Teleport won’t get that file, or any files that are linked beneath it.
You can access the Delete and Disable commands by selecting and then right-clicking on one or more files
in either the Project Map or the File List, then selecting the appropriate command from the context menu
that will appear at your cursor.
Note: When you Delete a file that is displayed as a folder icon, you will delete all of the files that
the folder “contains” — i.e., all of the files that are linked beneath it. Because this is a more
extensive operation, Teleport will ask you for confirmation before deleting these files.

Retrieve Now and Update Now

You can use the context menu command Retrieve Now to immediately retrieve a file from the Internet. If
the project is not already running, it will begin automatically and terminate once the file has been retrieved.

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Page 21

Finding New Files in the Project Teleport Tutorial and Manual

If you’d like to just check whether the file has been updated since Teleport last retrieved it, use the Update
Now command, instead. Teleport will check the file, and retrieve it only if the server reports that the file
has changed.
When using either the Retrieve Now or Update Now commands, Teleport will automatically begin
retrieving any new files that it finds linked from the pages it is retrieving.
Note: The Retrieve Now and Update Now commands will automatically overwrite existing files.

Finding New Files in the Project

Teleport’s File List has a What’s New Button that displays only “new” files — those most recently
received in a project session — in the File List. You can also use the Show Only New Files command to
do the same thing. When in “What’s New” mode, Teleport’s File List will behave as normal, but will show
only those files just received in the last project session.

Finding Files
When in List mode, the File List displays files as a multi-columned list of names, in the order in which the
files were retrieved. If you want to search for a particular file in the File List, you can show file details by
clicking the Details View button on the toolbar. Once in Details view, you can press any of the column
headers in the list to sort the list by that column. Pressing the same column header a second time will
reverse the order of the sort.

Page 22 Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.

Teleport Tutorial and Manual Glossary

Domain: the file area contained within a server or a virtual server. The domain of the Internet address
"www.microsoft.com/home/software/" is "www.microsoft.com." Any Internet address beginning with
"www.microsoft.com" is located within that domain.
External domain: any domain that is not the same as the domain of the starting address.
Embedded graphics (also inline graphics): images (and movies) that appear within a web page, as opposed to those
that are linked from a web page (but do not appear on the page when you view it with a browser).
Toolbar: a row of buttons for frequently used commands, usually located a the top of the application window. The
toolbar is movable and dockable. To move it, grab it on the gray area between and around the buttons and drag it. To
dock it, drag it to any window edge until its shape changes to match the side.
Spider (also robot or agent): a program that travels unattended through a network. Most spiders perform a function at
each network location, such as verifying or reporting the location's contents.
Retrieval thread: one of the small subprograms launched by Teleport to retrieve files. Teleport can launch up to ten
of these mini-programs; each behaves independently as a running application, and terminates after it has retrieved (and
sometimes parsed) the file it was sent after. You can view the state of each thread using the Thread Bar.
Starting address: The Internet address at which the Teleport spider will begin its search. The starting address is
entered by the user. Usually, you will enter the address of an HTML page, but you can also enter the address of
programs, zip files, or anything else. All pages linked from a starting address, either directly or indirectly, "belong" to
the page and are indented below it in the Project Map.
Gateway Page: The first page that links into an external domain. The gateway page controls Teleport's access into the
external domain. If you disable a gateway page, all pages in the domain it controls are also disabled.
Project Map: the tree view showing web pages that the Teleport spider has visited for the project, displayed in the
left-hand pane of the project window. When you select pages in the Project Map, a list of files that were retrieved for
that page will appear in the File List. If the web page you select is contracted and it is a starting address or a gateway
page, you will see not only the files that were retrieved for that page, but also the files retrieved for any pages linked
from that page.
File List: the list view showing retrieved files for the project, displayed in the right-hand pane of the project window.
The File List can be switched between a list of names, and a details view, using the buttons on the toolbar.
Context menu: the short popup menu that appears when you press the right mouse button (left button for left-handed
users) on a page in the Project Map, or a file in the File List. The context menu has several file-specific commands.
When you’ve selected HTML files that are displayed as Folder icons, the context menu will display additional
commands (Disable, Enable, and Properties) that apply only to HTML files that “contain” other files.
Java applet: a small executable program that can be embedded in web pages. Java applets can run “inside” your
browser, and can produce interesting text or graphics effects, animations, or even perform calculations and display
Proxy server (or firewall): an computer that acts as an intermediary between your computer and the Internet. Proxy
servers typically control access from within a company’s network, or “intranet”, to the Internet — and vice versa.
Server-Side Image Map: a special type of image map that is handled by a program on the remote computer. The
server-side image map does not publish its links — instead, it keeps them hidden, and only releases them, one at a time,
when the client program (usually your browser) requests them (usually when you click on a part of the image). The
Teleport spider handles server-side image maps through a brute-force "pinging" technique. When it encounters such a
map, it sets up a grid across the map and "pings" the map, asking the server to release its link for each grid location.
You can enable this advanced feature on the Project Properties Exploration Page.

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Page 23

Teleport Pro: How and Why to Register Teleport Tutorial and Manual

Teleport Pro: How and Why to Register

This page applies only to Teleport Pro. The other Teleport spiders are not shareware.
Teleport Pro is shareware. You are granted a free license to use this software 40 times, after which the
license and the software both expire.
If you decide that you like Teleport Pro — and we hope that you do! — you can register it, keep it, and use
it as long as you like. Registering the program is just like buying it.
There are really two good reasons to register Teleport Pro:
1 The program, and your license to use it, expire after you have used it 40 times.
2 Until you register it, Teleport Pro will only retrieve up to 500 files per project. This may not seem
like a huge limitation at first. But if you’re like us — and we think that you are — you’ll get
hooked on the power of downloading huge chunks of the Web overnight. After a few days, you’ll
want to go beyond 500 files. We’re confident of that.
And here are some other things to keep in mind about registration:
3 Registration costs only $49.95 US. It’s also about as hassle-free as we can make it.
4 Your registration is valid for all upgrades of the Teleport product. This means that your
registration number will work on every update we release. In fact, if you send us your email
address when you register, we’ll notify you automatically every time we issue a major update.
5 We can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. We can also
accept Paypal, checks or money orders drawn on a United States bank, or on a foreign bank with a
United States clearing house.
6 Registration removes ALL limitations from the program, giving you free rein to teleport as many
files as you like, for as long as you wish.
Please note that registration is normally for a single-user license only. Please contact us for site license or
volume discount information.
To register Teleport Pro, simply visit our website at http://www.tenmax.com. You can place your order
there safely and securely.
Or, select Register from the Help menu (within the Teleport Pro program, not our website!). The program
will display a Registration dialog box. You can press the Secure Server button to launch your browser and
visit our website directly, or press the Mail/Email/Fax button to display an Order Form. Print it or save it
to disk, and then mail, email, or fax it to us. (Our address and fax number will appear on the form.) If you
send your order by mail, please enclose your check, money order, or credit card information with the order.
We will email your registration code the same day we receive your order.

Page 24 Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.

Teleport Tutorial and Manual Teleport Ultra and VLX: Differences from Teleport Pro

Teleport Ultra and VLX: Differences from Teleport Pro

Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX are enhanced versions of Teleport Pro. They have all of the same
functions and features as Teleport Pro, as well as many new features and abilities that Teleport Pro lacks,
and are useful for larger and more advanced spidering projects.
Teleport Ultra and VLX can both read Teleport Pro project files (.tpp files). They will automatically up-
convert these projects to their own project file formats (.tpu for Teleport Ultra, and .tpx for Teleport VLX).
The original .tpp files will be left unchanged.
Larger Project Database: Teleport Pro is limited to keeping up to 65,000 URLs in its project database.
Teleport Ultra extends this limit to 250,000 URLs, giving it the ability to copy much larger websites, or to
handle more sites in a single project simultaneously. Teleport VLX extends the limit to approximately
40 million URLs, giving it the ability to copy nearly anything in a single project.
Note: Teleport VLX uses an extremely efficient database, but it still requires considerable RAM memory in
order to run. Be sure you have enough available RAM to run the program. We recommend at least 64MB
of available RAM per 1 million addresses scanned, to avoid excessive disk usage. You can explore larger
areas with less RAM, but the program will operate more slowly and will use your disk drive more
HTTPS Capability: Teleport Ultra and Teleport VLX can both crawl secure servers.
Enhanced Starting Address Properties: Teleport Ultra and VLX have two additional starting address
properties, Inclusions and Aliases. These are described more fully in the Starting Address Properties
section, above. You can also set up a project to explore only included URLs, which can be useful for
dynamic sites organized primarily by id numbers or strings instead of directory names.
Enhanced Project Properties: Teleport Ultra and VLX have additional project properties, including the
ability to add meta tags to copied pages, synchronize its copy with the remote server, borrow browser
cookies, and use custom HTTP headers. These are described more fully in the Project Properties section,
The Import starting addresses command (in the Project menu) lets you import lists of starting addresses
from a text file listing of URLs, one per line. As of version 1.34, you can also specify the properties for
each starting address, using tab-delimited notation (i.e., each line can be the URL followed optionally by a
tab and then one or more of the following fields, in order, separated by tab characters: Title <tab>
Boundary <tab> Inner Depth <tab> Outer Depth <tab> Account <tab> Password. The Boundary option
should be a number from zero to 3 (for Teleport Pro) or 4 (for Teleport Ultra or VLX), corresponding to the
radio button choices in the Starting Address Properties dialog box — that is, zero means “stay within the
path of the starting URL,” one means “stay within the domain of the starting URL”, etc.
The Sort starting addresses command (in the Project menu) sorts the starting address list in the folder tree.
This is extremely useful in large projects where it can be difficult to find addresses in the folder tree. Note
that this command only sorts the starting addresses; it does not sort gateway addresses or subdirectories in
the folder tree.
The Run sequentially command (in the Project menu) instructs Teleport to ignore its normal “run
everything at once” rule, and instead to run the starting addresses one at a time. This is useful where you
want to constrain the spider to use only a small amount of bandwidth. It is also useful for those projects
where one site should be crawled before another one — to pick up cookies in the proper order, for example,
or to ensure that files are downloaded in a particular order.
Depth-first exploration mode can be set on the Project menu. This instructs Teleport to explore deeper
files first (instead of the default “breadth-first” exploration mode, in which all files closest to the starting
point are explored before any files further away are retrieved). Depth-first mode is a good diagnostic tool;
you can use it to explore a site quickly, modify the project’s settings appropriately, and then resume
breadth-first mode later after the project is set up.

Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Page 25

Teleport Ultra and VLX: Differences from Teleport Pro Teleport Tutorial and Manual

The Trim dead files command (in the Project menu) removes “dead” files from the project folder, rewrites
any links to them, and removes them from the project database. (This procedure is performed automatically
at the end of a project session if the Synchronize project property (see above) is enabled.)
The Export home page command creates a simple HTML “index” page, named after the project (but with
a .htm extension) and in the same place as the project file and the project folder. For projects with just one
starting address, this page will contain a redirection to the project’s home page, within the project folder.
For projects with multiple starting addresses, this page will contain a list of links to the home pages for each
starting address.
The Message Options command (under the File menu) can be used to specify how messages are written for
links to files that are not retrieved (when you’ve selected to write messages for unretrieved links, on the
Browsing/Mirroring properties page). This command brings up the Message Options dialog box, which lets
you select from a variety of methods for write these links:
Option 1 will write Javascript messages for each link to a file that Teleport did not retrieve. The
message for each link will give the full address of the file, and the reason why the file was not retrieved.
The message will be of the form, “This file was not retrieved by <product name>, because <reason>,”
where <product name> is the name you specify as the parameter for Option 1.
Option 2 will rewrite all links to files that Teleport does not retrieve, so that they point to a file located
at some absolute address. This page can be located on a local hard drive, on a CD-ROM, or on another
webserver. This table lists some versions of absolute links that you might use:

Link Effect
http://www.mysite.com/missing.htm Will link to “missing.htm” on the www.mysite.com server.
\missing.htm Will link to “missing.htm” on the root of the server, CD-ROM,
or hard drive where the HTML files are stored.
\special\missing.htm Will link to “missing.htm” in the “special” directory, located on
the root of the server, CDROM, or hard drive where the HTML
files are stored.
c:\files\missing.htm Will link to “missing.htm” on the c: drive. Use this type of link
only if users will browse the local website copy only from their c:
Option 3 will rewrite all links to files that Teleport does not retrieve, so that they point to a file that
you will place in the root of the project folder. Teleport will rewrite these links using a relative address
that always points to this file, so that users will always see this message, no matter where they browse
from, and no matter where the local website copy is stored. This option is the most robust because it
guarantees that your message is always properly linked. Its only restriction is that it requires you to
store your message page inside the project folder. Be careful to restore your message page linked with
Option 3, if you use the “Clear Project Database” command from within Teleport. This option will
delete all files in the project folder—including your message page. After clearing the database and re-
running the project, you will need to replace your custom message page inside the project folder.
Option 4 will rewrite all links to files that Teleport does not retrieve, so that they point to the message
that you specify. The user’s browser will display the message in a JavaScript confirmation dialog box,
so that the user can either open the file from the remote server, or can cancel and return to the page he
or she is browsing. You can use the string “$url” (without the quotes) to represent the URL of the link,
in the message.

Page 26 Copyright © 2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.

Teleport Tutorial and Manual Copyright, Trademark, and License Agreement

Copyright, Trademark, and License Agreement

All software and documentation is copyright © 1996-2015 Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Teleport, Teleport Pro, Teleport Ultra, Teleport VLX, Domain Dispersed Querying, and Server
Overload Protection are trademarks of Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. Java is a trademark
of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Your End User License To Use Teleport
IMPORTANT — READ CAREFULLY: This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between
you (either an individual or a single entity) and Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc. (“Tennyson”) for the
software product identified above, which includes computer software and associated media and printed materials, and
this online documentation (“SOFTWARE PRODUCT”). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA,
promptly dispose of this copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other
intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.
GRANT OF LICENSE: Teleport Pro Prior to Registration and Teleport Ultra Trial Version: This EULA grants
you the following rights: For up to 40 uses and up to 30 days from your first use, whichever occurs first, you may use
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT free of charge. During this period you may make and distribute copies of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT; provided that those copies are unmodified duplicates of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, and
provided that such copying and distribution is made free of charge, and never for profit or for any commercial purpose.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be distributed as part of another commercial product. Teleport Pro After
Registration, and Teleport Ultra Full Version: This EULA grants you the following rights: You, and only you, may
use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a single computer. This license DOES NOT convey a “site license” allowing
others to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, or allowing the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to be used on more than one
machine simultaneously . You may make and distribute copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; provided (1) that
those copies are unmodified duplicates of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, (2) that those copies DO NOT contain the
registration code (normal copying of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT files only will not duplicate the registration code);
and (3) that such copying and distribution is made free of charge, and never for profit or for any commercial purpose.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be distributed as part of another commercial product.
TERMINATION OF TRIAL LICENSE: Teleport Pro Prior to Registration and Teleport Ultra Trial Version:
After you have used the product 40 times, or 30 days from your first use, whichever occurs first, your right to use the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT under this EULA expires, unless you become a registered or licensed user. You may not use
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT beyond this expiration, although you may continue to make and distribute copies for
others, as described above.
DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or
disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by
applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Without
prejudice to any other rights, Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc., may terminate this EULA if you fail to
comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT and all of its component parts.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT and documentation are provided with
RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or
subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software—Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as
applicable. Manufacturer is Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc., PO Box 34, Garrison, NY 10524.
CUSTOMER REMEDIES. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is supplied “as is.” Tennyson Maxwell Information
Systems, Inc., disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the warranties of
merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Tennyson assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,
which may result from the use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

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Email: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.tenmax.com
Mail: Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.
PO Box 34
Garrison, NY 10524
Phone: +1 845-214-0633
Fax: +1 815-461-9518

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