20 Product Design and Development
20 Product Design and Development
20 Product Design and Development
Unit summary
Learning tools
The RADAR Questions
The 6-Point Structure
Set up the primary requirements for new product design and development.
Plan for the design and development of the new product
Implement the new design
Prepare for the development of the new product
Take a long-term perspective on design and development
Relationship with ISO
Unit summary
Product design and development is the process of creating a new product to be sold by a business
to its customers. It is a process of identifying a market need, creating a product to meet this need,
and testing and improving this product until it is ready for production. It consists of a series of
activities: research, analysis, design, engineering, building prototypes; and then testing,
modifying, and re-testing until the design is perfect. Design and development is usually carried
out by a project team, with members from both outside and inside the company. This unit presents
detailed procedures for managing the process of product design and development:
20.1 Set up the primary requirements for new-product design and development.
To design and develop new products your company will need to:
a. Have a good understanding on the part of the CEO of what design and development
b. Prepare written rules and procedures for managing design and development.
c. Prepare a new-product development project sheet.
d. Establish a standard for testing new products.
e. Calculate the costs of development.
20.2 Plan for the design and development of the new product
To plan for the design and development of a new-product:
a. Set up a unit to carry out the design work.
b. Establish design standards that will cover all the design requirements.
c. Make clear the responsibility and authority of the designers.
d. Find out how many problems related to design and development arise each year.
e. Plan how corrective action should be taken when problems arise.
f. Establish procedures for changing the design standards when the need arises.
20.3 Implement the new design
To implement the design of a new product your company will need to:
a. Set up an organization to carry out the work on design.
b. Establish procedures for starting production of the new product.
c. Document the quality characteristics of the manufacturing processes.
d. Control the design and development budget.
20.4 Prepare for the development of the new product
To prepare for the development of the new product:
a. Set up a new-product development system and establish standards.
b. Establish evaluation standards and criteria for reviewing the design and testing the product.
c. Design parts that meet common standards.
d. Check the process capability: make sure that the production process has the capability to
produce products with the required quality characteristics.
e. Carry out design reviews based on customer claims.
20.5 Take a long-term perspective on design and development
The design and development of a new product is normally a big investment. To bring a good
return on this investment the new product must hold its position in the market well into the future.
You therefore need to take a long-term perspective. This text highlights several actions that are
especially important in ensuring a long-term perspective. Some have been presented in this unit
but they are emphasized again here. You should:
Control the progress, quality and cost of design and development planning.
Make a continuous effort to reduce quality problems.
Base each phase of product planning on market research.
Take environmental trends into account.
Learning tools
The RADAR questions
As you read each text you will discuss how it could be applied in your company. The RADAR
questions will help you to focus this discussion:
R- Are these ideas relevant to my company?
A- How would I apply each of them in my company?
D- What difficulties might I meet and how would I overcome them?
A- Are there any additional actions that I might take that are not mentioned in the text?
R- What resources would be needed, what would these cost, and how could they be acquired?
There will of course be some discussion point where not all of these questions will be applicable.
Problems: Problems you have in your company in the area you have just discussed.
Include an implementation plan, with a time schedule and minimum and optimal
implementation Targets.
Refer to any forms, charts, tables etc. that you would use, and include samples in
an appendix.
20.1 Product
1. To design and develop new products your company will need to:
a. Have a good understanding on the part of the CEO of what design and development
b. Prepare written rules and procedures for managing design and development.
c. Prepare a new-product development project sheet.
d. Establish a standard for testing new products.
e. Calculate the costs of development.
The CEOs understandings of design and development
2. The CEO should understand what is involved in product design and development, especially
what it requires in manpower, capital, equipment and time. He has full responsibility for
providing the minimum resources that are needed. He should also participate actively in
planning right from the beginning, and should have an understanding of the basic research.
Prepare written rules and procedures for managing design and development
4. Different departments and staff must be able to work together in the design and development
of new products. This will require written rules and procedures. These should include the
work procedures, the conceptual criteria governing the design, and a checklist of anticipated
a. Prepare manuals for basic design, design calculation, design control points and
b. Establish a drawing standard, and a system of drawing control.
c. Establish standards for procurement and a range of standards for parts and materials.
d. Check that the rules and procedures are consistent with national safety and environment
The following questions ask you to think about your companys approach to the design and
development of new products, and how the ideas in the text could help to bring improvements.
Some of the ideas may not be relevant to you. Concentrate on what is relevant. Keep notes of
your conclusions - you will need them to prepare your Action Plan afterwards. Where appropriate
ask yourself the RADAR questions:
Note: Always include in your discussion any examples referred to in the text, if you feel these are
relevant to your company.
a. Parag. 2: Does the CEO in your company already take an active involvement in product
development? If so, how does he contribute to the success of this? If not, how could he
participate more actively, and what benefits would you expect this to bring?
b. Parag. 3 presents the important requirement of product development. Are these also
important in your company? Are there any others you would add to the list?
c. Parag. 4 describes the rules and procedures for managing design and development. Apply
the RADAR questions to these.
d. Parag. 5: Does your company always use standardised parts? Do you agree that they bring,
or should bring, the benefits mentioned here?
e. Parag. 6 specifies what a project sheet should include. Look also at Figure 20.1c. Take a
new product that your company is developing, or might possibly develop, and discuss what
you would include in a draft project sheet for this product.
f. Parag. 7 describes what a new-product testing standard should determine. Apply the
RADAR questions to establishing a testing standard for the product you have discussed in
the previous question.
g. Parag. 8 describes what to include in calculating the cost of development. How many of
these points would also apply in your company? Are there any others you would add? How
would you go about making these calculations?
Take the ideas you have found useful in the text, and in your discussion, and present them in a
well-structured action plan for introducing improvements in your company. You might like to
follow the 6-Point Structure.
20.2 Plan for the design and development of the new product
Figure 20.2a Chart for role and share of design work (air conditioning equipment design dept.)
In preparing these standards you should take into account the opinions not only of design
personnel but also of personnel from other sections: production, sales, after sales service, etc.
Finally, the standards should be:
a. Approved by the senior design manager or his immediate deputy.
b. Reviewed periodically and upgraded if necessary.
c. Kept in their latest version in all the departments that are involved.
Figure 20.2b. Constitutive elements for design standards and procedures for allocating those
Find out how many problems related to design and development arise each year
8. The design and development department should maintain data, on an annual basis, on the
problems for which it is responsible. Such problems may emerge in complaints from
customers, or they may be defects found in the manufacturing process or in the materials or
parts supplied by sub-contractors. To get a clear annual picture of these problems, both
inside and outside the company, take the following actions:
a. For customer complaints, get the number of major complaints and calculate the cost of
b. For manufacturing defects, get
i. The total percentage of defects: the total rate of defective and reworked units in
relation to the volume of products shipped.
ii. The line-direct rate: the rate of units shipped without being reworked in relation to
the volume going through the manufacturing lines).
c. For subcontracted items, get the percentage of defects: the rejection rate per inspection
lot, and the extent that they are behind with deliveries.
d. Find out the number of defects among supplied service parts.
e. Find out the number of design changes made to correct design defects during the first
flow of products after the commencement of mass-production.
f. Analyze each problem by item and classify it.
The following questions ask you to think about how the ideas in the text could be applied in your
company. Some of the ideas may not be relevant to you. Concentrate on those that are relevant.
Keep notes of your conclusions - you will need them to prepare your Action Plan afterwards.
Where appropriate ask yourself the RADAR questions:
Note: Always include in your discussion any examples referred to in the text, if you feel these are
relevant to your company.
a. Does your company already plan new-product design and development? If it does, where
do you feel there are shortcomings, and how might these be improved?
b. Parag. 1 lists five main actions that should be taken in planning the development of new
products. Which of these actions does your company already take?
c. Parag. 2 and 3: Apply the RADAR questions to these guidelines.
d. Parag 4. gives two reasons for having design standards. Would each of these also be true
of your company? Can you give one or two examples of things that have gone wrong, or
could go wrong in these areas, if there were no design standards?
e. Parag. 5: lists the procedures for establishing design standards. Apply the RADAR
questions to these.
f. Parag. 6: mentions three actions to take in preparing design standards. Apply the RADAR
questions to these.
g. Parag. 7: What problems can arise if the responsibility and authority of the designers are
not clearly defined and documented?
h. Parag. 8: Can you give some examples of problems that have arisen in the development
of new products in your company?
i. Parag. 8. suggests a number of actions to take to get a good grasp of such problems.
Apply the RADAR questions to these.
j. Parag. 9 suggests several further actions to take in relation to such problems. Again apply
the RADAR questions.
k. Parag 10: Apply the RADAR questions to the suggestions in this paragraph.
l. Parag 11 presents the procedures for changing the design standards. Give one or two
examples of when your company has had to change the design standards. Then apply the
RADAR questions to these proposed procedures.
Take the ideas you have found useful in the text, and in your discussion, and present them in a
well-structured plan for introducing improvements in your company. You might like to use the 6Point Structure,
The following questions ask you to think about how the ideas in the text could be applied in your
company. Some of the ideas may not be relevant to you. Concentrate on those that are relevant.
Keep notes of your conclusions - you will need them to prepare your Action Plan afterwards.
Where appropriate ask yourself the RADAR questions:
Note: Always include in your discussion any examples referred to in the text, if you feel these are
relevant to your company.
a. What is your companys experience of implementing the design of a new product? Where
do you feel are the main shortcomings, if any, in your companys way of doing this?
b. Parag 1 lists five primary actions that a company will need to take to implement the
design. Which of these actions does your company already take?
c. Parags. 2 describes the procedures for starting production. Apply the RADAR questions to these.
d. Parags. 3: What problems can arise if the quality characteristics of the production process are not
documented? What are the benefits of documenting them?
e. Parag. 3 describes what to include in a flow chart of the manufacturing processes. Apply the
RADAR questions in relation to a new product that you have started work on, or may start work
f. Parag. 4. suggests some additional steps to take. Again apply the RADAR questions to these.
g. Parag. 5: How successful is your company in controlling its design and development budget ?
What shortcomings, if any, do you think there are?
h. Parag. 5 presents a list of actions to take to control the budget. Apply the RADAR questions to
i. Parag. 6: Apply the RADAR questions to these suggestions for regulating the design and
development processes.
Take the ideas you have found useful in the text, and in your discussion, and present them in a
well-structured plan for introducing improvements in your company. You might like to use the 6Point Structure.
Establish evaluation standards and criteria for design review and product testing
3. To establish evaluation standards and criteria for reviewing the design and testing the
a. Decide on the design review procedures.
b. Decide on the test procedures for certification.
c. Decide on the prototype-testing standard.
d. Clarify the evaluation criteria.
Experts from other departments should participate in design review if necessary. The purpose
of this review is, of course, to ensure that the product meets users requirements.
(See Unit 11.1. for a more detailed description of carrying out a process capability study.)
Figure 20.4d Process capability research records.
The following questions ask you to reflect on your companys approach to preparing a new
product development system, and how the ideas in the text could be applied in your company.
Some of the ideas may not be relevant to you. Concentrate on those that are relevant. Keep notes
of your conclusions - you will need them to prepare your Action Plan afterwards. Where
appropriate ask yourself the RADAR questions:
Note: Always include in your discussion any examples referred to in the text, if you feel these are
relevant to your company.
a. Does your company already have a new product development system? In what ways do
you think it needs to be improved?
b. Parag 1 lists five primary actions to be taken to prepare a new-product development
system. Which of these actions does your company already take?
c. Parag. 2 presents a number of actions to take to organize the new-product development system.
Apply the RADAR questions to these.
d. Why is it important to have evaluation criteria for design review and product testing?
e. Parag. 3 presents a procedure for establishing evaluation criteria. Apply the RADAR questions.
f. Why is it important to design parts that meet common standards? To what extent does your
company do this? Could it do more?
g. Parag. 4: Apply the RADAR questions to these.
h. Give one or two examples of important quality characteristics in new products that your
company has developed, or might develop.
i. Parag. 5 suggests actions to take to make sure that the production process can deliver products
with the required quality characteristics. Apply the RADAR questions.
j. Does your company carry out design reviews often enough? How important do you think it is to
do so?
k. Parag. 6 describes what needs to be done to carry out design reviews. Apply the RADAR
Take the ideas you have found useful in the text, and in your discussion, and present them in a
well-structured plan for introducing improvements in your company. You might like to use the 6Point Structure.
f. Keep employees informed of the cost of quality problems so that they will become more
sensitive to them.
g. Communicate regularly with major customers about quality issues.
Base product planning on market research
5. If your new product is to establish itself successfully as a market leader, in both domestic and world
markets, its development must be based on thorough market research. The table in Figure 20.5c
shows how closely new-product development should be related to the market:
Create ideas
Evaluate and select
Do a field test.
Set up production
Introduce the new
product on the market.
product concept.
Decide on the specifications of the product, and then repeat trial
manufacture and decide on the detailed specifications. Review
detailed specifications for engineering and production points of view.
Carry out a field test, including the quality and shipping conditions.
Set up production facilities that correspond to market demand, keeping
the capital investment in mind.
Carry out a market trial, and prepare instruction manuals and sales
promotion materials.
Decide on a product
Gather all the information you can from both inside and outside the
company: information about consumers, competitive products and
sales dealers.
Evaluate and select ideas: take into account the development period,
development cost, price and production profit with reference to the
target market, and the competitive edge you want to achieve.
Make a comparative evaluation of consumers response, and decide
on the scale of production, and the sales method.
The following questions ask you to reflect on your companys approach to long-term design and
development, and how the ideas in the text could help to bring improvements. Some of the ideas
may not be relevant to you. Concentrate on those that are relevant. Keep notes of your
conclusions - you will need them to prepare your Action Plan afterwards. Where appropriate ask
yourself the RADAR questions:
Note: Always include in your discussion any examples referred to in the text, if you feel these are
relevant to your company.
a. Do you think that your company take a sufficiently long-term approach to design and
b. Parag 1 lists five primary actions that a company should take form a longer-term
perspective. Which of these actions does your company already take?
c. Parag. 2 describes how to organize a long-term development system. Apply the RADAR
d. Parag. 3: How successful is your company in controlling the progress, quality and cost of
design and development planning? What, if any, are the main shortcomings?
e. Parag. 3 suggests ways of controlling these. Apply the RADAR questions.
f. Parag. 4: What priority does your company give to reducing quality problems? How
successful is it?
g. Parag. 4 presents ways to reduce quality problems. Apply the RADAR questions.
h. Parag. 5: To what extent does your company base its product planning on market
research? How important is this?
i. Parag. 5 outlines the steps of product planning based on market research. Which of these
steps does your company already take? Should your company take all of them? Are there
any other steps you would add to this list?
j. To what extent does your company take environmental issues into account in designing a
new product? What more could it do? What risk is there of reducing performance by
giving attentions to environmental issues?
k. Parag. 6 suggests several ways to take trends in environmental protection into
consideration in designing a new product. Apply the RADAR questions to these.
Take the ideas you have found useful in the text, and in your discussion, and present them in a
well-structured plan for introducing improvements in your company. You might like to use the 6Point Structure. Alternatively you may wish to incorporate them in one of your earlier action
Answer these questions using only information given in the text. For each question one, two or
all three answers may be correct. Tick the answer or answers you think are correct for each
question. Each question carries 3 points you get one point for each correct answer that you tick,
and one point for each wrong answer that you do not tick.
20.1 Set up the primary requirements for new-product design and development
1. The CEO has full authority for providing needed for product
a. All the resources.
b. The minimum resources.
c. The optimum resources.
2. The CEO should be aware that successful product development requires that
development personnel participate in
a. Financial planning.
b. Purchase of technical equipment.
c. Market research.
3. The rules and procedures for managing design and development should be documented in
order to:
a. Reduce the costs of materials.
b. Ensure that the different departments and staff can work effectively together.
c. Improve the drawing methods.
4. The new-product development project sheet should include:
a. A complete description of the new product.
b. An estimate of sales volume.
c. The target quality level.
5. The new product testing standard should:
a. Ensure that the design parameters fully comply with the product-testing standard.
b. Clearly define the criteria for what is acceptable.
c. Make clear the design characteristics that ensure that the product is safe.
6. To work out the cost of development, calculate the time and cost of:
a. Changing over from the previous product type.
b. Improving the process capability.
c. Preparing a brochure for the sales team.
20.2 Plan for the design and development of the new product
7. The assignment of roles for the design work should be base on
a. The seniority of each person.
b. The qualification of each person.
c. The ability of each person.
8. The follow-up design work is the responsibility of:
a. The design staff.
b. The production staff.
c. The customer service staff.
9. Design standards should be established in order to:
a. Allow recurrence prevention measures to be taken when there are customer
b. Encourage designers to be creative in producing new designs.
Design and development validation
7.5.1 Control of production and service provision
Control the design and development budget
Management commitment
Regulate the design and development processes
7.2.1 Determination of requirements related to the product
7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product
7.3.1 Design and development planning
Prepare for the development of the new product
Set up a new-product development system
7.3.1 Design and development planning
Establish evaluation standards and criteria for design review and product testing
7.3.4 Design and development review
7.3.5 Design and development verification
7.3.6 Design and development validation
Design parts that meet common standards
Review of requirements related to the product
7.3.2 Design and development inputs
7.3.3 Design and development outputs
Check the process capability
Planning and product realization
7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product
8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes
Take a long-term perspective on design and development
Ensure that you have a long-term development system
Management commitment
Control the progress of design and development planning
7.3.1 Design and development planning
Make a continuous effort to reduce quality problems
Base product planning on market research
Customer focus
Customer-related processes
Take environmental issues into account in designing a new product
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work environment