Victoria No Magat vs. Medialdea (206 Phil 341)
Victoria No Magat vs. Medialdea (206 Phil 341)
Victoria No Magat vs. Medialdea (206 Phil 341)
substituted by heirs, OLIVIA the extent of which has now assumed the proportion
D. MAGAT, and minors MA. DULCE MAGAT, MA. of an actual war against our people and their
MAGNOLIA MAGAT, RONALD MAGAT and DENNIS legitimate Government, and pursuant to
MAGAT, petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and Proclamation No. 1081 dated September 21, 1972,
SANTIAGO A. GUERRERO, respondents.2000 Aug and in my capacity as commander in chief of all the
41st DivisionG.R. No. 124221D E C I S I O N armed forces of the Philippines and in order to
prevent the use of privately owned newspapers,
PARDO, J.: magazines, radio and television facilities and all
other media of communications, for propaganda
The case is an appeal[1] from the decision of the purposes against the government and its duly
Court of Appeals[2] reversing the decision of the constituted authorities or for any purpose that tend
Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila,[3] to undermine the faith and confidence of the people
ruling in favor of respondent Santiago A. Guerrero in our government and aggravate the present
and dismissing petitioners' complaint. national emergency, you are hereby ordered
forthwith to take over and control or cause the
First, the facts. taking over and control of all such newspapers,
magazines, radio and television facilities and all
Private respondent Santiago A. Guerrero other media of communications, wherever they are,
(hereinafter referred to as "Guerrero") was President for the duration of the present national emergency,
and Chairman of[4] "Guerrero Transport Services", a or until otherwise ordered by me or by my duly
single proprietorship.[5] designated representative.
Sometime in 1972, Guerrero Transport Services won "In carrying out the foregoing order you are hereby
a bid for the operation of a fleet of taxicabs within also directed to see to it that reasonable means are
the Subic Naval Base, in Olongapo. As highest employed by you and your men and that injury to
bidder, Guerrero was to "provide radio-controlled persons and property must be carefully avoided."
taxi service within the U. S. Naval Base, Subic Bay,
utilizing as demand requires... 160 operational taxis On September 25, 1972, pursuant to the
consisting of four wheel, four-door, four passenger, aforequoted Letter of Instruction, the Radio Control
radio controlled, meter controlled, sedans, not more Office issued Administrative Circular No. 4
than one year..."[6] (hereinafter referred to as "the Admin. Circular"),
herein quoted in full:
On September 22, 1972, with the advent of martial
law, President Ferdinand E. Marcos issued Letter of "SUBJECT: SUSPENDING THE ACCEPTANCE AND
Instruction No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as "the PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS FOR RADIO STATION
LOI"). We reproduce the text, as follows: CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND FOR PERMITS TO
"Letter of Instruction No. 1 TRANSCEIVERS.
"SUBJECT: SEIZURE AND CONTROL OF ALL "In view of the existence of a state of emergency
PRIVATELY OWNED NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, and the declaration by the President of martial law
RADIO AND TELEVISION FACILITIES AND ALL in the entire country under Proclamation No. 1081
OTHERMEDIA OF COMMUNICATION. dated September 21, 1972, effective immediately
the acceptance and processing by the radio control
"To: 1.The Press Secretary office of applications for radio stations constructions
permits and for permits to possess, own, transfer,
Office of the President purchase and sale of radio transmitters and
transreceivers as well as manufacturers and dealer's
Manila permits of said equipment is hereby suspended.
"Exempted from this circular are applications for
" 2. The Secretary radio station construction permits and for permits to
possess, own, transfer, purchase and sell radio
Department of National Defense transmitters and transceivers for the following radio
Camp E. Aguinaldo, Q.C.
"1. Aeronautical Stations;
"In view of the present national emergency which
has been brought about by the activities of those " 2. Aeronautical Fixed Stations;
who are actively engaged in a criminal conspiracy to
seize political and state power in the Philippines and " 3. Aircraft Stations;
to take over the Government by force and violence
"4. Coastal Stations; and an additional amount equivalent to 10% of the
contract price.[17]
"5. Ship Stations.
Unable to get a letter of credit from the Central
"This circular shall be strictly observed until lifted Bank due to the refusal of the Philippine
upon proper instructions from higher authorities." government[18] to issue a permit to import the
transceivers,[19] Guerrero commenced operation of
On September 25, 1972, Guerrero and Victorino D. the taxi cabs within Subic Naval Base, using radio
Magat (hereinafter referred to as Victorino), as units borrowed from the U.S. government (through
General Manager of Spectrum Electronic the Subic Naval Base authorities).[20] Victorino thus
Laboratories, a single proprietorship, executed a canceled his order with his Japanese supplier.
letter-contract for the purchase of transceivers at a
quoted price of US$77,620.59, FOB Yokohoma. On May 22, 1973, Victorino filed with the Regional
Victorino was to deliver the transceivers within 60 to Trial Court, Makati a complaint for damages arising
90 days after receiving notice from Guerrero of the from breach of contract against Guerrero.[21]
assigned radio frequency,[7] "taking note of
Government Regulations."[8] On June 7, 1973, Guerrero moved to dismiss the
complaint on the ground that it did not state a
The contract was signed and Victorino contacted his cause of action.[22]
Japanese supplier, Koide & Co., Ltd. and placed an
order for the transceivers. On June 16, 1973, the trial court[23] granted the
motion and dismissed the complaint.[24]
On September 29, 1972, Navy Exchange Officer, A.
G. Mason confirmed that Guerrero won the bid for On July 11, 1973, Victorino filed a petition for review
the commercial transportation contract.[9] on certiorari with this Court assailing the dismissal
of the complaint.[25]
On October 4, 1972, middle man and broker[10]
Isidro Q. Aligada of Reliance Group Engineers, Inc. On April 20, 1983, this Court[26] ruled that the
(hereinafter referred to as "Aligada"), wrote complaint sufficiently averred a cause of action. We
Victorino, informing him that a radio frequency was set aside the order of dismissal and remanded the
not yet assigned to Guerrero and that government case to the trial court for further proceedings, to wit:
regulations might complicate the importation of the [27]
transceivers. However, in the same letter, Victorino
was advised to advise his supplier "to proceed (with) "ACCORDINGLY, the questioned order of dismissal is
production pending frequency information." hereby set aside and the case ordered remanded to
Victorino was also assured of Guerrero's financial the court of origin for further proceedings. No costs.
capability to comply with the contract.[11]
On October 6, 1972, Guerrero informed Aligada of
the frequency number[12] assigned by Subic Naval On November 27, 1984, the trial court[28] ordered
Base authorities. Aligada was instructed to "proceed that the case be archived for failure of Victorino to
with the order thru Spectrum Electronics prosecute.[29]
On March 11, 1985, petitioners, Olivia, Dulce, Ma.
On October 7, 1972, Aligada informed Magat of the Magnolia, Ronald and Dennis Magat (hereinafter
assigned frequency number. Aligada also advised referred to as "heirs of Victorino"), moved to
Victorino to "proceed with the order upon receipt of reinstate the case and to substitute Victorino in its
letter of credit."[14] prosecution. Apparently, Victorino died on February
18, 1985.[30]
On January 10, 1973, Guerrero applied for a letter of
credit with the Metropolitan Bank and Trust On April 29, 1985, the trial court granted the
Company.[15] This application was not pursued.[16] motion.[31]
On March 27, 1973, Victorino, represented by his On July 12, 1991, the trial court decided in favor of
lawyer, Atty. Sinesio S. Vergara, informed Guererro the heirs of Victorino and ordered Guerrero to pay
that the order with the Japanese supplier has not temperate, moral and exemplary damages, and
been canceled. Should the contract be canceled, the attorney's fees, disposing of the case in this wise :
Japanese firm would forfeit 30% of the deposit and [32]
charge a cancellation fee in an amount not yet
known, Guerrero to bear the loss. Further, should "WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered for the
the contract be canceled, Victorino would demand substituted plaintiffs and against the defendant
"1. Ordering defendant to pay substituted plaintiffs We do not agree. The contract was not void ab
the sum of -P25,000.00 for temperate damages for initio. Nowhere in the LOI and Admin. Circular is
injury to plaintiff's business dealings with foreign there an express ban on the importation of
and local businessmen; transceivers.
"2. P50,000.00 as moral damages; The LOI and Administrative Circular did not render
"radios and transceivers" illegal per se. The
"3. P25,000.00 as exemplary damages; and Administrative Circular merely ordered the Radio
Control Office to suspend the "acceptance and
"4. P20,000.00 as attorney's fees. processing .... of applications... for permits to
possess, own, transfer, purchase and sell radio
"SO ORDERED." transmitters and transceivers..."[41] Therefore,
possession and importation of the radio transmitters
On August 21, 1991, Guerrero appealed to the Court and transceivers was legal provided one had the
of Appeals.[33] necessary license for it.[42] Transceivers were not
prohibited but merely regulated goods. The LOI and
On October 4, 1995, the Court of Appeals rendered Administrative Circular did not render the
the decision appealed from, disposing as follows: transceivers outside the commerce of man. They
[34] were valid objects of the contract.[43]
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered Affirming the validity of the contract, we next
DISMISSING the complaint. discuss whether the contract was breached.
The issue is whether the contract between Victorino The law provides that "[w]hen the service (required
and Guerrero for the purchase of radio transceivers by the contract) has become so manifestly beyond
was void. Stated differently, whether the the contemplation of the parties, the obligor may
transceivers subject of the contract were banned/ also be released therefrom, in whole or in part."[46]
contraband items prohibited by the LOI and the Here, Guerrero's inability to secure a letter of credit
Administrative Circular to import. and to comply with his obligation was a direct
consequence of the denial of the permit to import.
The contract was valid; the radio transceivers were For this, he cannot be faulted.
not contraband.
Even if we assume that there was a breach of
"Contraband" generally refers to "any property contract, damages cannot be awarded. Damnum
which is unlawful to produce or possess." It refers to absque injuria.
goods which are exported and imported into a
country against its laws.[38] There was no bad faith.[47] Bad faith does not
simply connote bad judgment or negligence. It
In declaring the contract void ab initio, the Court of imports a dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity
Appeals ruled that the importation of the and conscious doing of wrong. It means a breach of
transceivers meant the inevitable passing of such a known duty through some motive or interest or ill
goods through Philippine Ports, where the LOI and will that partakes of the nature of fraud.[48]
the Administrative Circular have to be observed and Guerrero honestly relied on the representations of
applied with full force and effect.[39] The Court of the Radio Control Office and the Office of the
Appeals declared that the proposed importation of President.
such goods was contrary to law, hence, the nullity of
the contract.[40]
True, Guerrero borrowed equipment from the Subic SO ORDERED.
Naval Base authorities at zero cost.[49] This does
not automatically translate to bad faith. Guerrero Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Puno, Kapunan, and
was faced with the danger of the cancellation of his Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur.
contract with Subic Naval Base. He borrowed
equipment as a prudent and swift alternative. There
was no proof that he resorted to this option with a
deliberate and malicious intent to dishonor his [1] Under Rule 45 of the 1964 Revised Rules of
contract with Victorino. An award of damages surely Court.
cannot be based on mere hypotheses, conjectures
and surmises. Good faith is presumed, the burden of [2] In CA- G. R. CV No. 34952, promulgated on
proving bad faith rests on the one alleging it.[50] October 4, 1995, Justice Corona Ibay-Somera,
Petitioners did not effectively discharge the burden ponente, concurred in by Justices Nathanael P. de
in this case. Pano, Jr. and Celia Lipanan-Reyes,+ sitting as
Special Eleventh Division.
To recover moral damages in an action for breach of
contract, the breach must be palpably wanton, [3] In Civil Case No. 17827, dated July 12, 1991,
reckless, malicious, in bad faith, oppressive or Judge Salvador S. Abad Santos, presiding.
abusive.[51] This is not the case here.
The decision was actually signed by Judge Cecilio F.
Exemplary damages also cannot be awarded. Balagot, as "assisting judge" citing Supreme Court
Guerrero did not act in a wanton, fraudulent, Adm. Order No. 65, dated September 25, 1989
reckless, oppressive or malevolent manner.[52] (Rollo, p. 94) as basis for his authority to sign (Rollo,
p. 111).
Neither can actual damages be awarded. True,
indemnification for damages contemplates not only [4] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 360.
actual loss suffered (damnum emergens) but
unrealized profits (lucrum cessans) as well.[53] [5] Ibid., p. 310.
However, to be entitled to adequate compensation
for pecuniary loss, the loss must be actually [6] Ibid., pp. 321-337.
suffered and duly proved.[54] To recover actual
damages, the amount of loss must not only be [7] The radio frequency to be assigned by Subic
capable of proof, but must be proven with a Naval Base.
reasonable degree of certainty. The claim must be
premised upon competent proof or upon the best [8] Regional Trial Court Record, pp. 9-10.
evidence obtainable,[55] such as receipts[56] or
other documentary proof. [9] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 338.
Only the testimony of Aligada was presented to [10] Ibid., pp. 377-378.
substantiate petitioners' claim for unrealized profits.
[57] Aligada testified that as a result of the [11] Ibid., p. 11.
cancellation of the contract, Victorino had to
suspend transactions with his Japanese supplier for [12] 34.2 MHz.
six (6) months. Aligada stated that the volume of
Victorino's business with Subic Naval Base also [13] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 12.
diminished significantly. Aligada approximated that
Victorino's unrealized business opportunities [14] Ibid., p. 13.
amounted to P400,000.00.[58] Being a witness for
Victorino's heirs and standing to gain from the [15] Ibid., p. 14.
contract's fulfillment, Aligada's testimony is self-
serving. It is also hearsay. We fail to see how this [16] Ibid., p. 150.
"evidence" proves actual damages with a
"reasonable degree of certainty."[59] If proof is [17] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 15.
"flimsy", we cannot award actual damages.[60]
[18] Through the Radio Regulation Office.
WHEREFORE, we AFFIRM the decision of the Court of
Appeals promulgated on October 11, 1995, in CA-G. [19] As per the unrebutted testimony of Guerrero, it
R. CV No. 34952, dismissing the complaint. was Aligada and Victorino who had the responsibility
of securing the required Letter of Credit from the
No costs. Central Bank (Regional Trial Court Record, p. 369).
[20] Regional Trial Court Record, pp. 373-374. the object of the contract. All rights which are not
intransmissible may also be the object of
[21] Ibid., pp. 1-8. contracts….xxx"
[22] Ibid., pp. 18-20. [44] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 371.
[23] Through then presiding Judge Leo D. Medialdea. [45] Ibid., p. 372.
[24] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 26. [46] Article 1267, Civil Code of the Philippines.
[25] Ibid., pp. 27-33. [47] Claiming unrealized profits in the amount of
P52,393.89, heirs of Victorino bank on Article 2201
[26] G.R. No. L-37120, 121 SCRA 418 (1983), Justice of the civil Code and aver that Guerrero acted in bad
Venicio Escolin, ponente, concurred in by Justices faith.
Felix V. Makasiar, Hermogenes Concepcion, Jr.,
Juvenal K. Guerrero, and Vicente Abad Santos. [48] Ford Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 267
Justice Ramon C. Aquino was on leave and Justice SCRA 320, 328 (1997); Priscilla L. Tan v. Northwest
Pacifico P. De Castro had no part (Second Division). Airlines, Inc. G.R. No. 135802, March 3, 2000.
[27] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 106. [49] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 430.
[28] Through presiding Judge Rosario R. Veloso. [50] AFP Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, G.R. Nos. 104769-135016, March 3, 2000.
[29] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 107.
[51] Far East Bank and Trust Company v. Court of
[30] Ibid., pp. 114-116. Appeals, 241 SCRA 671 (1995); Go v. Court of
Appeals, 272 SCRA 752 (1997).
[31] Regional Trial Court Record, p. 120.
[52] Philippine Air Lines v. Miano, 242 SCRA 235
[32] Rollo, p. 111. (1995).
[33] Docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 34952. [53] Integrated Packaging Corp. v. Court of Appeals,
G.R. No. 115117, June 8, 2000.
[34] Rollo, p. 23.
[54] Scott Consultants & Resource Development
[35] Rollo, p. 33. Corporation, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 242 SCRA 393
(1995); Kierulf v. Court of Appeals, 269 SCRA 433
[36] Rollo, p. 25. (1997).
[37] Filed on April 26, 1996. On February 10, 1997, [55] Bernardo v. Court of Appeals (Special Sixth
we resolved to give due course to the petition division), 275 SCRA 413 (1997).
(Rollo, p. 177).
[56] People of the Philippines v. Carlito Ereno, G.R.
[38] Black's Law dictionary, Abridged Fifth Edition, No. 124706, February 22, 2000.
p. 170.
[57] Aligada testified that, "In the usual course of
[39] Rollo, p. 56. events, Mr. Magat could have expected to net
approximately ten per cent of that amount (contract
[40] Rollo, pp. 56-57. price of $77,809.19) or $7,780.00 as his profits from
that transaction alone. (Regional Trial Court Record,
[41] Adm. Circular No. 4. p. 152)."
[42] A "license" is a right or permission granted by [58] Supra, Regional Trial Court Record, p. 152.
some competent authority to carry on a business or
to do an act which, without such license, would be [59] Del Mundo v. Court of Appeals, 240 SCRA 348
illegal (Corona v. United Harbor Pilots Association of (1995).
the Philippines, 283 SCRA 31 [1997]).
[60] Sulpicio Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 246
[43] Art. 1347 of the Civil Code of the Philippines SCRA 376 (1995); Central Bank of the Philippines v.
provides, "all things which are not outside the Spouses Alfonso, G.R. No. 131074, March 27, 2000.
commerce of men, including future things may be