Zippo Click Magazine 2 - 2005

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Volume 2, 2005

Letter from Zippo President /

Chief Executive Officer............................................Page 3
Letter from the Collectors Club Administrator .........Page 4
Zippo Barbour Street Commemorative ....................Page 5
Celebrating Mysteries of the Forest ..................... Page 6-7
Limited Member Offer.............................................Page 8
Artist Profile ..........................................................Page 9
Clicking Around the World ...............................Page 10-11
National Zippo Day 2005
Click Together..................................................Page 12-14
National Zippo Day 2005 .....................................Page 15
Clicking Around the World ....................................Page 16
Yukari Zippo Awards ............................................Page 16
Member Visits.......................................................Page 17
Tour de Amour .....................................................Page 18
2005 Zippo Hot Tour ............................................Page 19
Zippo Motorsports Lighters .............................Page 20-22
Travel Update .......................................................Page 23
Live Web Chat .................................................Page 24-25


On the cover of every volume of
Click magazine, there will be a hidden
Zippo flame. Can you find it?
2 / click / volume 2 2005

Collectors Club Administrator

Kathleen Jones
Patrick Grandy
Peggy Errera
Staff Writers
Andy Marsh
Marty Ours
Brent Tyler
Larry Visbisky
Art Director
Dale Ver Voort
Layout and Design
Jeff Bosworth
Amy DeGolier
April Lecceardone
Amber Bacha
Steve Mahon
Click magazine is published by:
Zippo Manufacturing Company
33 Barbour Street
Bradford, Pennsylvania 16701
(814) 368-2700
Fax: (814) 368- 2874
[email protected]
2005 Zippo Manufacturing Company
All rights reserved. No reproduction of this
publication in part or whole may occur without
written permission from Zippo
Manufacturing Company.
ZIPPO and ZIPPO CLICK are trademarks
of ZippMark, Inc. and Zippo Manufacturing
Company. The trademarks may not be used
without the express written permission
of ZippMark, Inc. and Zippo
Manufacturing Company.

Letter from the

It's impossible to imagine the heartbreak of losing everything you own. Regardless of our
location across the globe, all of us watched in horror as the devastation of Hurricane
Katrina took its toll. Many of us who were miles away - wondered how we could ever
help impact the lives of so many whose losses were so great. W hile we are acutely
aware that money can't replace memories or mementos, we hope that sharing our
resources can help people to begin to pick up the pieces of their lives and begin again.
Zippo Manufacturing Company owners Mrs. Sarah Dorn and Mr. George Duke, Zippo
and Case employees, our retailers, and you have provided more than $50,000 to the
Hurricane Katrina relief efforts through various fund-raisers and donations. We are proud
to be part of a caring community of those who are willing to reach out worldwide to
help this small part of the globe recover.
Funds were distributed to the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross,
and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). As those impacted
continue to come to terms with the devastating aftermath left by Hurricane Katrina, these
organizations continue to provide hope and material, physical, emotional, and spiritual
I'm so proud to represent such a caring family.

Gregory W. Booth
Zippo President and
Chief Executive Officer

George Duke, Chairman of the board of Zippo

and a member of the boards of W.R. Case and
Sons Cutlery Company and Zippo Fashion Italia
(left), Tom Arrowsmith, President and Chief
Executive Officer of , W.R. Case and Sons Cutlery
Company and Greg Booth, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Zippo and Chairman of the
board for W.R. Case and Sons Cutlery Company
present Captains Henry and Debbie Weigner, of
the Bradford Salvation Army a check to provide
assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

3 / Click magazine / Vol. 2, 2005

L et t erfr omt he A

d m i n i st r a t o r

From the huge attendance at our Click Togethers and Zippo events this year, its no mystery
the hobby of collecting Zippo lighters is growing every day.
Congratulations to all contest winners, especially Silke Hentschel who won the one-of-a-kind
Click Together lighter pictured in the last issue of Click magazine. Look for next years Click
Together schedule in the next issue.
This issue includes four special collectibles just right for your collection. As this magazine
goes to press, only a few remain of the club collectible of the year, the Barbour Street 50th
anniversary Zippo lighter set on page 5. Mysteries of the Forest 10th Anniversary
retrospective lighter, Iris PVD pilot run, and the new member lighter are available while
supplies last.
On page 10, we are pleased to present the first article written by a Click member - Dana
Baumgartner. If youd like to submit a story to be considered for inclusion in Click, e-mail it to
me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!

Kathy Jones
Collectors Club

Zippo Click Together collectible:

Silke Hentschel

Contest Winners
Watkins Glen Gran Prix Ticket winners:
Jamie Richardson
Alan Coupe
Zippo 200 Tickets:
Kevin Moore
Thomas Lenox
Daryl Malloy

Gregory Cohen
Bryan Erion Sr.

Collectible drawings:
Three Stooges William Huber
Red Sox Joel Hall
Remington Helen Plumb
Flame Collectible:
William Magers
Zippo Car Ride:
Charlotte Short

4 / click / volume 2 2005

Joshua Cather

Z ippo B arbour
Street B uilding



This com m em orative set is

available to Zippo Click
m em bers w hile supplies last.

In 1933, Zippo fo under, Geo rge G. Blaisdell, began

productio n of the w o rld fam o us Zippo lighter in the
second floor o f the R ickerso n and Pryde Garage in
Bradford Pennsylvania. Tw o buildings and 23 years
later, Mr. Blaisdell m o ved h is co rpo rate
headqu arters to a new ly co nstructed three-sto ry
office building at 33 Barbo ur Street. The buildin g is
still turning heads to day w h ile it serves as the glo bal
headqu arters fo r Zippo Man ufacturing Co m pany
and its subsidiaries.
T o honor the buildings lon gevity and tim eless
appeal, the Barbo ur Street building co m m em orative
is the 2005 Zippo Click club collectible.
T he bu ilding is replicated on a high po lish Arm or
case Zippo ligh ter w ith an exquisite deep carved
rendering of th e bu ilding. Adding to the
uniqueness of th e com m em o rative is the dram atic
red and black co lo r accent m atching the bu ildings

Product # 20083

Accom panying the Zippo lighter

is a book detailing the history of
the building and a Zippo flam e
cut from the genuine m aterial
used on the front surface of the
building. The set is packaged in
a black leatherette shadow box
featuring a photograph of the
historic building on the cover.

Zippo and the Zippo Shape are registered trademarks of Zippo

Manufacturing Company and ZippMark, Inc. All Rights Reserved

5 / click / volume 2 2005

O riginal

10 years

Mother and Cub

at Turtle Falls
(Companion lighter
to Mysteries of the

Mysteries of the
Forest 10th
Collector Edition

Companion piece to
1995 Collectible of
the Year

Individual lighter

process on high
polish brass

Color imaging
process on high
polish brass

Lighter design
reproduced from
original art by
Jon Robyn

Lighter design
reproduced from
original art by
Jon Robyn

Packaged in
companion tin

Packaged in
companion tin
reminiscent of

Quantity was not


Limited to 30,000

Ten years ago Zippo

introduced Mysteries of
the Forest. It was one of
Zippos most popular
Collectibles of the Year.
revolutionized Zippo
collectibles with a new
decorating process and
the utilization of graphic connections linking
sets of lighters.

Ce le b ra t ing
Zippo celebrates the innovative Mysteries of
the Forest series with a 10th Anniversary
retrospective lighter featuring an alternative
piece of art that was submitted, but not used,
for the 1995 Collectible of the Year. The
alternative art is featured on the cover of
this issue.
The original art was for the Collectibles
companion piece, Mother and Cub at Turtle
Falls. It depicted a mother jaguar and her cub
near the water, with a turtle on a rock in the
stream at the base of the falls. The alternate
art (now used for the 2005 retrospective)
shows the mother jaguar at the falls but

6 / click / volume 2 2005

without the cub and turtle. Both versions represent a zoom-in shot
from the scene created by the four-lighter Mysteries of the Forest
collectible set, see the graphic, below.
For the 10th Anniversary lighter, the color imaging process on a
classic high polish brass finish is used to capture the intricate details
that made the 1995 collectible so unique. The 10th Anniversary
lighter is limited to 30,000 consecutively numbered pieces worldwide
and packaged in a collectible tin reminiscent of the original Mysteries
tin. See the next page for an enhanced edition exclusively for
Click members.

Mys t e rie s
o f t h e Fo r e s t

The four lighters of the 1995 Mysteries of the

Forest set come together as a puzzle forming the
image of a jaguar. Zoom in on the left eye and a
mother jaguar at the falls is revealed. The two dots of the
mothers eye are barely visible in the larger image.
7 / click / volume 2 2005

Limited Member Offer

he first 200 of these collectibles

available for released have been
reserved for Zippo Click members!
Each collectible is accompanied by
a certificate of authenticity
autographed by Jon Robyn,
Mysteries of the Forest artist.
Available While Supplies Last.

Ex cl u si v e

(Use the order form accompanying this magazine.)

m em b er o ff er !



Order yours today!

Collectible of the Year FACTS

Zippo issued unique Collectible of the Year lighters from 1992 to 2002.
The first was the 60th Anniversary commemorative.
The last collectible in the series was Friends for a Lifetime.
The Mysteries of the Forest set and companion lighter was one of the most popular Collectibles of the Year.
Some of the Collectible of the Year commemoratives were individual lighters and some were sets, which
also included companion pieces.
8 / click / volume 2 2005

Artist Profile



Jon Robyn


Robyn Designs


It was no mystery to family and friends that Jon Robyn

loved creating art at an early age. He studied art
throughout high school. Following graduation, he worked
for seven years with custom shop master engraver, Ken
Hurst in Virginia.
Robyn has been a
master engraver for 24
years proficient in
every engraving style
from Germanic to
Bulino. Through his
engraving from guns,
knives, and jewelry, he
has become a custom
engraver to clientele
throughout the world.



Jon Robyn creates art for Zippo

lighters at his studio in New York.

He has been creating unique pieces of art for Zippo for 14

years. The most notable collectible was Mysteries of the
Forest. Many of his designs are included in the 2005
Zippo Complete Line Collection like Skull Industrial, Tribal
Madness, Primitive Tyrant, Jackpot, Pool Player, and
Lucky 7.
I really enjoy working on Zippo lighters with their worldrenowned status, stated Robyn. He continues
to create collectible art using Zippo
windproof lighters as a canvas.

Lucky 7


Jon visits with Rita Walters,

Zippo Design Center Manager
in the new center at corporate
headquarters in Bradford, PA.

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Clicking Around the World

Da na Ba um g a rtner
Zip p o Clic k M em b er

Ciao! Zippo Click members Dana and Robin Baumgartner, Bill Kolk, and Len and
Ruth Shorter were thrilled to travel from the United States to Modena Italy to attend
the Zippo Club Italia (ZCI) meeting May 27 - 28, 2005.
The thrill was not only to attend their meeting, but also to meet other Zippo Click
members and Zippo collectors, which before the meeting, had only been
communicating via e-mail and forums. There were Zippo Click
members from eight countries in attendance!
The ZCI weekend began Saturday at 4 p.m. at the fantastic Cassanova
Club. Complete with a swimming pool, restaurant, bar, and of course
good friendship with fellow collectors. The theme for the party was
country and western with a band, DJ, and even country and western
dance lessons.
ZCI and Zippo Italia provided various games and prizes. One game had
a chicken that was placed on a numbered board and prodded by
contestants to deposit on their number. The evening lasted into the wee hours of
the morning with more dancing and talk of Zippo lighters amongst the attendees.

Fritz & Frankie

Gabi, Robin, and Dana

Zippo Click and ZCI member Len

Shorter (pictured) and his wife Ruth
attended the event. Great weather
was the course for both days with
abundant sunshine and temperatures
in the eighties.
Photo courtesy of Zippo Italia

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Zippo Club Italia


The second day of the ZCI meeting started Sunday at 10 a.m. with more Zippo
lighter buying, conversation, and games. Other prizes were given for those
individuals guessing the number of Zippo lighters in a jar, the spinning number
wheel, and a lottery drawing.
The meeting ended that evening with everyone going his or her separate ways
with many memories of the event.
After the event, some members toured Venice, Florence, San Gimignano,
Verona, Modena, and Volterra. ZCI and Zippo Click members residing in
those villages graciously provided the guide service. This proved invaluable,
as those members knew where all the tobaconnia shops were located!
When a shop was spotted, a stampede of Zippo lovers always followed.
Thankfully, our guides had not purchased all the Zippo lighters before our
A special thank you, from the bottom of our inserts, to ZCI and Zippo Italia, for their
hospitality and the opportunity to attend the meet and visit their country. Also, thanks to
all the Zippo Click members who attended and made the trip a once in a lifetime
experience. Gra zie!

Of course, in the Italian custom,

there was plenty of food specific to
each area that provided a perfect
ending to each day. Vittorio
Moretto, salesperson for Zippo
Italia holds up Zippo Pizza Bread
and spread available at
the event.
Photo courtesy of Zippo Italia

The Zippothlon was a series of competitions between teams

(comprised of about 5 people each) that included the
assembly of a Zippo puzzle, questions of various Zippo
related trivia, matching photographs to events throughout the
Zippo timeline, and Zippo lighters in movies.

Claudio Mazzi was presented with a

delicious cake commemorating his 20
years as an airbrush artist during the
event. A Zippo by Mazzi was presented
to all ZCI members in attendance to
commemorate the occasion.
Photo courtesy of Zippo Italia

Photo courtesy of Robin and Dana Baumgartner

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National Zippo Day 2005 Click Together

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Zippo Around The World

Zippo/Case International Swap Meet
July 21 22
Zippo/Case Visitor Center
Bradford, Pennsylvania
Telephone: 814-368-2700
E-mail: [email protected]
If you would like to add your Zippo lighter collectors event to the list, please
e-mail: [email protected].

Cor rection:
On the Click Together page 8 in the last issue of Click magazine, the caption for the photo on the left side
centered should read, Robert Rhodes shows his Zippo lighter collection to fellow member Bill Wetherald.

National Zippo Day 2005

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Phasellus lorem tellus, ultricies a, elementum
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15 / click / volume 2 2005

Zippo Clicking Around the World

Lights up Atlanta
By Larry Visbisky

The Southern Lights Lighter Club hosted their annual summer Swap Meet
Saturday, August 27, igniting the passion and camaraderie of its club
members once again.
The club welcomed attendees from more than six states, as well as several
new faces to the event. Its exciting to see familiar faces as well as the new
collectors at the event, said SLLC President, Robin Baumgartner. With swap
meets usually being yearly events, members had plenty of stories and news to
share. At the event we had six months to a years worth of lighter stories to
catch up on. It was pretty kewl beans, concluded Baumgartner.

The SLLC event offered plenty to fellow collectors,

including story and lighter swapping, buying and
selling, and an auction.

Lighter talk, swapping, buying, and selling began Friday night for the
members, and opened up Saturday morning to the general public, with no charge for admission. Saturday afternoon
showcased the annual club auction featuring items donated by club members and Zippo.
The SLLC is already making plans for their next swap meet to be held in March 2006, where the club will celebrate
their 10th anniversary.
For more information on the SLLC visit or e-mail [email protected].

8th Yuka ri Zip p o Aw a rd s

Na g oya

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nec, urna. Donec eu leo. Pellentesque quam elit, rhoncus quis,
16 / click / volume 2 2005

Member Visits

Co r v e t t e Cl u b o f

We s t e r n P A


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam nec arcu. Nunc faucibus, lacus in
sollicitudin viverra, quam odio suscipit felis, vitae vehicula nibh augue at dui. Donec suscipit ante eget
dolor. Phasellus lorem tellus, ultricies a, elementum at, dignissim sed, eros. Nulla quis leo. Phasellus
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elit, rhoncus quis, commodo sed, ullamcorper in, ligula. Nam id turpis.
In nec dui. Sed orci purus, mollis vel, ultrices eleifend, rhoncus quis, nunc. Quisque pharetra ligula eu

17 / click / volume 2 2005

our d e Am our
by Brent Tyler

The love is spreading throughout France as

Zippo hits the nightclub scene. The Zippo
Love Tour is a program after the hearts and
minds of young French men and women. The
program, launched this year in collaboration
with French music and lifestyle website,
hosts 20 massive Zippo themed parties in
nightclubs around France and brings young
couples together through
At the events, the folks can party their tushes
off and register to win Zippo lighters, hats,
and a bevy of Zippo merchandise.
The interactive portion of the Zippo Love
Tour brings couples together for meet and
dates. Submitting personal photos and
information to qualifies the
young men and women to participate. Once
photos are submitted, wanton lovers flirt with
one another by clicking on the photos of those
that appeal to them. If the flirtee agrees,
the couples
meet at a Zippo
nightclub party
and the date is
filmed for the
m6 television
station (similar
to MTV). In
total, 1435
blind dates have
been accepted
and 7227 blind
dates have been
turned down.
Those that
accept the dates
met at one of
188 bars and
Love tour lighter
nightclubs that
Photo courtesy of
are part of the
Robin Baumgartner
meet and date
venue network.
To date, the program has sparked a lot of
interest, but only time will tell if there will be
a Zippo Love Connection.
18 / click / volume 2 2005

To Headline the 2005 Zippo Hot Tour

by Marty Ours

The 2005 edition of The Zippo Hot Tour began

earlier this summer with over 1,000 registered
bands and now 80 unsigned bands are left
standing competing to win some amazing prizes.
One part of the grand prize is that they will be
competing for the chance to open for Interscope
Recording Artists The All-American Rejects on
the Zippo Hot Tour this fall!
The new album by The All-American Rejects
titled: Move Along debuted at #6 on the Billboard
Top 200 Album chart upon its release this past
July. Move Along is the follow up to the bands
now platinum debut self titled album.
"We are really stoked to headline this years Zippo
Hot Tour, "commented lead singer Tyson Ritter.
"Whichever band wins, they better get ready
because this tour is gonna be HOT!"
Music fans in the ten regional cities will finally
have the opportunity to help push their favorite
band on tour with The All-American Rejects.
Showcases are scheduled to begin this week in
Austin, TX; Charlotte, NC; Cincinnati, OH; Denver,
CO; Memphis, TN; Orlando, FL; Philadelphia, PA;

Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; and Raleigh, NC. There

will be four shows in each market featuring two semifinalist bands each weekend as well as a regional
headliner. For a full listing of when and where
everyone is playing, log onto
Besides competing for a shot at touring with The AllAmerican Rejects, the winning band will showcase
their talent to Capitol Records and receive almost
$100,000 in prizes from the impressive lineup of
partners, and have their very own decked out tour
bus to ride on during their tour with The AllAmerican Rejects in November.
Emerging from the showcases, the winning band from
each city will be posted at
beginning in October. The winning band from the
finals round of online voting will be flown to
Hollywood, California to showcase for A&R
executives at Capitol Records at the conclusion of the
Some of the other great prizes the Grand Prize
winning band will receive include a five-piece TAMA
Drum set with 24-inch BD kit with hardware and a
full line accessories package, a collection of ESP
Guitars, feature placement on the
PureVolume homepage, one thousand
conventional audio-only CDs from
DiscFarm, 50 customized Zippo lighters
with band logos and more.
"The best present a fan ever gave me was
a KISS Zippo," remarked Nick Wheeler
(guitars/programming) of
The All-American Rejects.
19 / click / volume 2 2005

Evolution of
One of the fastest growing sports in the United States since the
early 90s is NASCAR and Zippo has been along for the ride. Now
strap in tight and follow us around the track from the starting line
in 1993 to where we are today as the hottest collectible on the

1993-94 Surfa c e Im p rint

The first motorsports collection included eight high polish chrome Zippo lighters. A
group of six famous NASCAR drivers was available: Jeff Gordon, Dale Jarrett,
Kenny Wallace, Morgan Shepard, Mark Martin, and Kyle Petty. These lighters
featured a surface imprint bust of each driver on the bottom of the lighter and
their autograph along the lid. Two Winston Cup lighters were also available, one
with the eagle logo and one without.
Later in 1994, a special black matte lighter with a brass emblem commemorated
Jeff Gordons win at the Inaugural Brickyard 400. The lighter was packaged in a
round collector tin. Buyers can expect to pay high dollar for this collectible.

Following the success of the first series of motorsports lighters, this
line greatly expanded in 1995. Five different series were available:
events, tracks, racing trademarks, drivers, and specific cars. The event
series included a lighter, money clip, key holder, and Zippo Cut About Lite
knife. The four events were the Daytona 500, Indy 500, and Brickyard
400. The track series included Daytona, Indianapolis, Talladega, Darlington,
and Watkins Glen. Both Daytona and Indianapolis included a companion
knife. The racing trademark series offered NASCAR, Winston Cup, and
Winston Cup Drag. One final catalog lighter featured the entire 1995
NASCAR race schedule. The NASCAR race schedule lighter would also be
offered in 1996.
But without a doubt, the most significant stride in the 1995 collection was
the introduction of the Technigraphic image reproduction technique. The
Technigraphic process made it possible to transfer an entire image, resulting
in a photographic quality reproduction. This process was used for the driver
series and car series. The driver series included: Rusty Wallace, Kyle Petty,
Morgan Shepherd, Bill Elliot, Jeff Gordon, and Mark Martin. The car series
included: Citgo #21, Valvoline #6, Miller Genuine Draft #2, and Dupont #24.

Many of the offerings in the new year were very similar to that of 1995.
The most significant addition was the Dale Earnhardt Signature Series. Five
lighters wore a facsimile of his autograph including the special edition
Brickyard 400 commemorating Earnhardts win at the 1995 event. These
lighters retailed from $23.95 on Black Matte up to $35.95 for the Brickyard
lighter. Buyers can expect to pay at least double the original retail price for the
Brickyard commemorative.

20 / click / volume 2 2005

Ra c ing Lig hters

Also available but not in the 1996 Zippo Complete Line Catalog (CLC) was the Jeff
Gordon Winston Cup 1995 NASCAR Champion lighter. This was the first of the
Gordon signature series that would join the motorsports line the following year. This
lighter is highly collectible and sells for high dollar.
Other changes from the previous year included the following: the event series included
the same events but changed in design, the track series was now limited to Indianapolis
and Daytona, the trademark series no longer included Winston Cup Drag, and the
Technigraphic car series now included the #42 Coors Light car.

This was a year of change. The Technigraphic designs were removed from the
catalog. A Jeff Gordon signature series was added to accompany the Dale
Earnhardt series. Each of these series offered four designs. Similar to the Earnhardt
and Gordon series was the Smokin Joes Racing series of four lighters. Caption:
Zippo was an associate sponsor of the Jimmy Spencer #23 Smokin Joes Winston Cup
Racing car and also sponsored Spencers Busch Series Car for a limited number of
races. Along with the sponsorship, Zippo produced two lighters, one with the #20 Zippo
car and one with a bust of Jimmy Spencer.
Zippo also introduced new Daytona 500, Indy 500, and Brickyard 400
designs with an accompanying key ring; as well as an Indy Racing League
lighter. Also available for the first time was a series of eight Formula One
racing lighters. Additionally, Benetton, a Formula One racing team, had their
own separate set known as the United Colors of Benetton. These lighters
were not in the Zippo CLC but were available in 1997-98.

Individual drivers were fazed out of production. Still available, were the Daytona
500, Brickyard 400, and Indy 500 lighters. A special Daytona 500 gift set with a
lighter and accompanying money clip was available for $51.95 retail. The Indy
Racing League offered two different lighters, plus a lighter/key ring set for
$30.95 retail.

The Indy 500 and Brickyard 400 lighters remained in the line. Two new Indy
Racing League lighters emerged including a Pep Boys Indy Racing League gift set
(lighter and key ring). And back by popular demand was a new line of four Dale
Earnhardt lighters each with a different design and on a different finish these
lighters would remain in the catalog the following year.

New Daytona 500, Indy 500, and Brickyard 400 designs emerged once again. Each
race had a series of three lighters each on a different finish. The Pep Boys Indy Racing
League also remained in the line with a series of three lighters.

The only racing lighters available were a red matte Zippo Motorsports logo, the Grand
American Road Racing, and the Zippo sponsored TF Racing #47 lighters. These lighters
remain in the catalog in 2005.

continued on next page............

21 / click / volume 2 2005

For the third time, a collection of Dale Earnhardt lighters joined the Zippo line,
but this time a trio of Dale Earnhardt Jr. lighters came along for the ride. Dale
Sr. signature lighters were available on Black Ice, Street Chrome, and Satin
Chrome. Dale Jr. with a Big #8 and his signature were available on Street
Chrome, Satin Chrome with a flaming background, and Brushed Chrome with
racing stripes.

The Zippo Motorsports line took a dynamic turn. Suddenly, more drivers
and dozens of hot designs were available. Not to mention limited edition
collectibles! Sam Bass, the official artist of NASCAR, who many of you met
at the 2004 Zippo/Case International Swap Meet, signed on to become the
designer/artist for this exciting line of collectibles.
Seven drivers are available: Jeff Gordon, Earnhardt Sr., Earnhardt Jr.,
Michael Waltrip, Kasey Kahne, Dave Blaney, and Kevin Harvick. In all, over
60 lighters are available and can be viewed and purchased on or at the Zippo/Case Visitors Center.

Zip p o 200
This past year, Zippo was the title sponsor of the NASCAR Busch Series event
at Watkins Glen during the Sirius Satellite Radio race weekend. Available
exclusively through the Watkins Glen gift shop, the Pyramid, were two
Inaugural Zippo 200 lighters black matte and street chrome and a
commemorative Zippo 200 pin.
Since 1993, Zippo has also been the title sponsor of the Zippo U.S.
Vintage Grand Prix at Watkins Glen. Throughout the 1990s, a limited
number of year specific commemorative lighters were given to special
guests at these events.



22 / click / volume 2 2005


Zippo tested the Iris PVD lighter in two separate pilot runs in
October 2003 and January 2004.
The Zippo lighter case was coated, using a physical vapor
deposition (PVD) process to produce the Iris finish. Failure to
achieve acceptable color during the pilot runs, resulted in
termination of the Iris process after a run of 3600 pieces.
The Iris Zippo lighters were never sold

Product# 21116

at retail or featured in any Zippo


catalog. The remaining 993 lighters

(Use the ord er form

a c c om p a nying this
m a g a zine).

were exclusively offered to Zippo

Click members.

Travel Update
This year, the rules have changed for air travelers
carrying lighters. While no lighters are allowed beyond the
airport security checkpoint, Zippo lighters can be packed in
checked luggage. Here is a recap of the regulations:

Previously filled Zippo lighters CAN BE PUT
in checked luggage.
In June 2005, the Department of Transportation
(DOT) issued and exemption for previously fueled
Zippo lighters in checked luggage.
The new ruling allows passengers to pack up to two
previously fueled Zippo pocket lighters - each placed
in an approved case - in checked luggage aboard all
commercial airlines.
The Zippo Cargo Case is an approved case.

Zippo Cargo Case

New, never fueled Zippo lighters CAN BE PUT
in checked luggage.
In May 2005, the DOT ruled that Zippo
lighters, which have never been fueled, can be
placed in checked luggage.

Lighters in the passenger cabin are prohibited.
In April 2005, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA)
implemented Section 4025 of the Intelligence Reform and
Terrorism Prevention Act, banning all lighters from passenger
cabins of commercial aircraft.

Zippo Cargo Case is available for

purchase at
23 / click / volume 2 2005

Live web chat
Guest: Shirley Evers
November 4, 2005
Eighteen members joined Shirley Evers, Zippo Consumer Relations
Manager, in a live one-hour web chat Friday, November 4 on Everss career has spanned over 19 years at Zippo,
with the past eight years overseeing the Consumer Relations

click: Hello! Please join me in welcoming Shirley Evers, Zippo Consumer Relations Manager
to our live chat. Shirley, will you please tell us about yourself and what you do at Zippo?
shirley_evers: Hi everyone. I'm so glad you could join us tonight. I've been at Zippo for
about 19 years and have been involved in many areas, promotional products, international
sales and now Consumer Relations. In Consumer Relations, we handle all kinds of consumer
gingersnap: hi Shirley, was any corinthian made in Canada?
shirley_evers: Hi gingersnap. I don't believe any Corinthian lighters were made in Canada.
gingersnap: Thanks Shirley, was any Moderne made in Canada?
shirley_evers: I don't believe any Modernes were made in Canada either. Most of the
Canadian production was geared towards plain and imprinted lighters.
pege: Didn't Canada also do non-lighter products; i.e. tape measure, pillbox, pocket knives?
zippocan: Are there any plans to compile a history of Zippo Canada?
shirley_evers: Zippo Canada did also sell tape measures, pillboxes, pocket knives, etc. Their
main product was, of course, the Zippo lighter.
zippyjim: why did the Canadian factory Close?
shirley_evers: We always try to include Zippo Canada in our historical information, but we
don't have any plans for a special book right now. That's a great idea - thanks for the
shirley_evers: Zippo opened the Canadian facility because of trade barriers that formerly
existed between the US and Canada. When NAFTA came into being, that need was no longer
robert19: what is the lowest number available? Is it 001 or does that go to the president?
The reason I asked is that I got a Case swivel clock with knife and it was 002
shirley_evers: Hi Robert, in most cases the lowest numbers are reserved for the owners and
the president.
rbdabberrb: Hi folks. Shirley, what do you deal with on a day-to-day basis, in general, of
shirley_evers: Many of the consumers like to know general facts about Zippo and our
products. They also like to know where they can buy a certain lighter. We get many interesting
and unusual calls. I probably talk to about 20 people every day - that's just me. My staff (5
people) talks to even more than that, plus they answer e-mail too.
kingpin86: Shirley, how did you end up working for Zippo, and what is your favorite part of
the job?
shirley_evers: I started at Zippo 19 years ago in the promotional products area (the division
that specializes in logo products).
kingpin86: Thanks Shirley...but why Zippo?
shirley_evers: I also worked with the Military and International divisions before I came to
Consumer Relations. My favorite part is getting to chat with all the Zippo fans! I came to work
at Zippo because of it's reputation and the quality products. I stayed because this company
treats their employees wonderfully and I'm really proud to work here.
kingpin86: That's a brilliant testament to the company, thanks for that insight
loweden: Us collectors are also proud of Zippo!
robert19: Shirley: I noticed at the 2004 Swap Meet that they (Zippo employees) treat guests
well, also.
robert19: It is good that Zippo looks forward to these events. I know it must be a lot of work.
countryron: I must also say that the ones in the store (Zippo/Case Visitors Center) have
always treated me with the utmost respect.
countryron: Being from Warren PA, I get to visit the store often. Perhaps too often. lol

24 / click / volume 2 2005

I think Click
members that sell
member only Zippo lighters
on eBay should be expelled. Whats
your idea on that?
shirley_evers: Once a click member buys their member-only product, it is their property
and they can do with it what they want.
rbdabberrb: Is there anything we, as collectors, can do to get the availability of Zippo
lighter fluid up in local establishments?
shirley_evers: The lighter fluid and other accessories are always in short supply, it
seems. I plan to share this information with our sales team.
rbdabberrb: Appreciate it BIG TIME Shirley
shirley_evers: Does everyone know about the retail locator on That's a
great resource to locate how/where to purchase our products.
loweden: I have used it
rbdabberrb: Yes, it is fantastic, as is the entire website.
rbdabberrb: Are the collector guides going to stay basically in the new, larger format?
shirley_evers: We just introduced the new, larger sized collectors guide to fit in a #10
envelope and to easily fit in brochure display racks. I hope you like it.
zippyjim: Too big.
loweden: I like it
rbdabberrb: I like it; the old ones were "too big" to carry in your pocket. The new ones
are easier and more colorful.
rbdabberrb: And, how is the feedback on the newer black cases being heard?
loweden: yes the black cases need attention
robert19: loweden: are you guys talking about the two piece cases, if so they may be
"collectable" someday...haha
pege: I do think the new box is a definite improvement over the old. But it's not quite
right yet.
shirley_evers: The only feedback I have heard on the black cases is that they are too
hard to stack. What do you all think?
kingpin86: I like the cases!
loweden: There is talk about the clip scratching the Zippo lighter.
zippyjim: I never leave my lighters in cases
loweden: I had one mar my terra cotta
loweden: I like the look of them but a few modifications would go a long way :pege: The scratch issue might be why matte lighters are no longer packed in black
ccadet: Shirley, What is the process to return a lighter for repairs?
shirley_evers: Here's how to return a lighter for repair.....Make sure no fluid is in the
lighter, package it securely in a padded mailer or cardboard box, place a note inside with
your name, address and phone number and insure your package when you send it. Here's
the address: Zippo Repair Clinic, 1932 Zippo Drive, Bradford PA 16701 USA
rbdabberrb: About how long does it take to "develop" something for the collector, i.e.
the Barbour Street, and how many Zippo employees does it involve?
click: The Barbour Street - 50 year anniversary collectible took about 9 months from start
to finish.

loweden: Wow!
rbdabberrb: Okay, yes, I think that's what we all forget to think about, ha!
loweden: Youre right Robin!
click: Gathering the history of the building from our resources was a lot of fun. The
Barbour Street project involved many employees both here in corporate headquarters and
the plant. Rita Walters, Design Center manager, Dale Ver Voort, Art Department manager,
and Mollie Shaffer, artist were instrumental in creating the lighter design.
rbdabberrb: Yes, please tell Mr. Ver Voort we said hey! What a great job he and the Art
Department did on the Click magazine cover with our sports series!
kingpin86: Shirley, forgive me if this is a redundant question, but do you (either
personally or Zippo staff) in general collect yourself? If so, whats the centerpiece of your
collection? Furthermore, would I be right in presuming the retail locator doesn't cover the
UK? :(
shirley_evers: I am a collector, and so is my husband. He has worked at Zippo for 42
years, so we have a lot of lighters! My favorites are the collectibles of the year and the
table lighters. The retail locator does not include the UK. For information on lighters
available in the UK, contact Zippo UK. Their website is
zippocan: Table lighters: Are there any plans to re-introduce a table lighter?
loweden: So will your love of table lighters influence a resurgence of them?
shirley_evers: There are not any plans to reintroduce the table lighter at this time.
kingpin86: Here I am, a young collector, and I'd love a table lighter in my collection...
rbdabberrb: Kingpin, put an ad in the classifieds on! I bet many folks
could help you ;-)
pege: Come to the Swap Meet, kingpin - you'll see table lighters like you never
rbdabberrb: We were lucky enough to meet Marie and her husband John from Zippo
UK at the last Swap Meet.
zippyjim: I like the quick reference year guide on the single card. (Zippo Collectors
Pocket Guide)
ccadet: Is the Zippo car the original?
loweden: Nope
ccadet: If it is not the original, are there any parts that are from the original car?
zippyjim: The original car disappeared
pege: The original Zippo Car was lost - can you imagine losing something that unique??
rbdabberrb: New Zippo Car was built in about 1998
gingersnap: Shirley, could you please give information for motor home parking for
2006 swap meet? How soon do we have to make reservations?
shirley_evers: While you are at the Swap Meet, you can park your motor home in the
parking area. For overnight, however, you need to reserve a spot in the campgrounds.
Click on for more information. Its a great site for information about Bradford
and the surrounding area.
robert19: Do you have any secrets about future products that you can tell us about?
Loved the John Wayne Tribute lighters.
shirley_evers: We are always working on new finishes - the Candy Apple Red will be
featured on the new member lighter. It's gorgeous. There are a few more being
introduced in the 2006 line.
rbdabberrb: The Candy Apple is gorgeous
zippyjim: Any hint on when the member lighter will be available?
pege: Wait until you see Cool Kiwi . . .
rbdabberrb: Oh THANKS.... the edge of my seat is already wearing thin, ha!
robert19: See you guys: the key word was secrets...
zippyjim: Would a reproduction of the Austrian lighter that started the whole thing be a
loweden: It would not be a Zippo lighter though.
zippyjim: It would if Zippo made it.
loweden: I am still saving up for the current ones :-)
rbdabberrb: Zippo makes Zippo lighters; I wonder if a replica of something different
would sell, let alone cover production costs. Think about it.
zippocan: How many lighters (just lighters) are expected to be produced and sold this

shirley_evers: We just passed our 425 million lighter milestone. loweden: Congrats!!!
countryron: I`m heading for the 100 mark in my collection of Zippo lighters. Now have
80 plus other Zippo products
rbdabberrb: Shirley, will there be a special booth set up for consumer relations at the
swap meet this coming July I reckon? If so, any plans in the works?
shirley_evers: Who is coming to Swap Meet in 2006? I'm looking for ideas for contests.
The hat contest was great fun in 2004!
rbdabberrb: The hat contest was a hoot! Will there be a display contest perhaps?
countryron: I will be there. I am only 35 miles from Zippo. Wont miss it!
tao2544: My hat is ready!!!!!
rbdabberrb: We're in North Carolina, but we'll be there; already have reservations, etc.
gingersnap: Im in western Mt. and I'll be there.
rbdabberrb: Contests.... best Zippo dressed?
click: Don't forget the Click Together will be held on July 19 during Swap Meet week.
shirley_evers: Robin, we did have a lighter display at last Swap Meet and it was great!
I would like to do that again. Our judges did a great job, going from table to table. I think
that's the safest way to protect your valuables....
rbdabberrb: Shirley, what is your part in the Zippo/Case International Swap Meet?
shirley_evers: The Consumer Relations booth is a "happening" place. We have a display
of lighters, play games, fix lighters, and answer questions. We have a great time.
loweden: I want to be the first to say thank you so much! We collectors enjoy this!
rbdabberrb: Your display is always outstanding, and we couldn't believe how many
games and fun stuff we got!
shirley_evers: It has really been more fun since the Click began. We are all having a
great time getting to know you all personally.
rbdabberrb: I saw Zippo underwear in Italy ;-)
countryron: Now thats just what I need. Zippo underwear lol
pege: I have silk Zippo boxers from a former anniversary year. Now that's a TMI.
shirley_evers: Does the underwear "click" when you put it on? lol
pege: I hope not!!
click: Tomorrow is the start of the Swap Meet in Japan. Maybe there will be some Zippo
underwear there?
rbdabberrb: No, they don't, but your dresser drawer does when you open it.
click: Maybe someone can bring some to the Swap Meet in Bradford next year?
loweden: This could be a dangerous topic!
shirley_evers: Sure could
robert19: baldguy wants some new Harley lighters, right bald guy?
bald_guy: Got 2 today robert.
shirley_evers: Hi bald guy - do you have a HD retailer near you? They have the best
selections of Harley lighters.
bald_guy: No, no retailer
bald_guy: Shirley, I have at present 493 different Harley lighters
kingpin86: Shirley/Click, I wanted to ask what are your views on the member
merchandise debates in the forums (clothes, member rings, dog tags, etc)...I like DeltaEcho's
hockey jersey design/idea, what do you guys think?
click: I think there are some great ideas. Our focus is producing Zippo lighters but we will
certainly consider all ideas whenever we can.
kingpin86: Thanks, I agree...but have you seen that jersey design? It is actually
click: Yes, I have seen the jersey , I will forward that idea to the Zippo/Case Visitor Center
store manager for consideration.
click: Thank you for joining us Shirley.
rbdabberrb: Thank you so much Shirley and Zippo and all of you members who joined in
this chat!
click: Shirley, if a member has a question or suggestion, how can they reach you?
shirley_evers: Just e-mail me at [email protected]
gingersnap: Thanks and really enjoyed my first visit to chat!
shirley_evers: My pleasure. Thanks to all of you for your great questions. Good night
These are excerpts from the live chat. For the full transcript, go to forums

25 / click / volume 2 2005

From the Archives, ad promoting the

original Mysteries of the Forest collectible, 1995

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