Infini Prayer
Infini Prayer
Infini Prayer
By Mahatria Ra
aligned to it. Yet, so much is going right for you in life. Yet, your life seems such a
blessing. Yet, more than 90% of your life is as you wanted it to be. If so much about
your life is right, isn't it obvious that there is a Hand above you that is carrying you
through! Isn't it evident that His grace is prevailing over you in every moment of
your existence! Isn't it obvious that His grace is protecting you like a spiritual fence
with every breath and in every heartbeat! It is His grace my dear, that your life is
flowing truly flowing.
So an infinitheist expresses his gratitude, Feeling thy grace
you. The heart of a seeker towards his teacher is more important than the heart of a
teacher towards his seeker. The blessing of your teacher unto you is more
dependent on how you see your teacher, rather than how your teacher sees you.
Hence, we sing Feeling thy radiance in the infiniprayer, to express our gratitude to
that radiant presence in our life, for bringing a teacher into our life at that point of
time and thus liberating us from the darkness of ignorance through the radiance of
So the third line in the infiniprayer - Feeling thy radiance.
Faith transforms an ordinary vibration of thought created by the finite mind of man
into a spiritual equivalent. Faith is the only gate through which the cosmic force of
Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man. Like ideas which are more
powerful than the mind that gave birth to them - for ideas have the power to live on
much after the mind that created them has turned to dust - faith too is more potent
than the 'object' on which the faith is directed.
With faith in faith, infinitheists too open the doors of miracles in their life by praying,
You are my source of faith and strength to their Source.
So the fourth line in the infiniprayer - You are my source of faith and strength
the message. The physical manifestation of the intention is the action and the
psychological source of action is the intention. Things are manifested thoughts and
thoughts are unmanifested things. The way to the picnic is not separate from the
picnic. The pilgrimage begins with the very devotion of the pilgrim, way before he
reaches the place of worship. The process is not separate from the results. One is
the cause and the other is the effect just a different manifestation. Ours is a
universe one united, all encompassing verse, and not a segmented multi verse.
The path is not different from the destination. The path is a series of steps and one
of those next steps will result in the destination. So, infinitheists pray, You are my
path and destination to their Source, expressing, I will carry you in every step in
the journey of my life, and my beloved Source, please carry me through life. An
infinitheist is not a part-time devotee or a partial seeker. An infinitheist feels Thy
Presence, Thy Grace and Thy radiance in every step of his path and in every step
to his destination. In essence, an infinitheist is never separate from his Source.
So the fifth line in the infiniprayer - You are my path and destination.
So, the Cosmic Presence is there always However, unless you are always
connected to that Cosmic Presence, you will deprive yourself of Feeling that
Presence always... Oxygen is always there but you need to inhale. Gravity is in
action always but you need to be aligned. God is always But, are you a devotee
always! If you are a part-time devotee, then you will only experience a part-time
God. It is in being a full-time devotee, you experience a full-time God. Hanuman, by
being always connected to his Lord, transformed from a monkey to personification
of divinity. That's why, "And I am always connected to you"
Simply put, to experience the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresence you've got
to be omniconnected always connected.
So the infinitheists pray, And I am always connected to you to their Source.
Someone asked, Where is God? An infinitheist asked in return, Where is He not?
Someone asked again, When are you with God? An infinitheist asked in return,
When am I not? In essence, an infinitheist is never separate from his Source
never away from the Source now, ever and always connected.
So the sixth line in the infiniprayer - And I am always connected to you.
Lead me Higher
in maturity
You are given life, to add something to life. When you live your life with heightened
awareness, you help humanity to gain a few years of maturity without having to live
those years. In effect, you fast forward humanity by a few years. You are an
evolving consciousness. You are continuously evolving. In each new moment, you
are different from what you were the previous moment. Your earlier self is
continuously getting outdated. In every moment, life is presenting a new version of
you. And, through the evolution of every man, collectively, humanity evolves.
In terms of maturity, metaphorically speaking, you have to keep climbing higher
and higher from the lower branches of maturity. With every higher branch you
climb, you have a broader view of life. What made you weep a year ago, if it still
makes you weep then you are not learning from your experiences. Then, you are
not growing. You are not scaling to the higher branches of maturity. You are
stagnating on the same branch. If what disturbed you a year ago still disturbs you,
then you have just aged by another year. If you did grow higher in maturity, then
you will have a more objective view of those experiences that disturbed you in the
It has taken thousands of years to evolve the modern way of looking at life. History
is not just about dates. History shows the evolution of thought... the evolution of
human thinking. Both as an individual and humanity as a whole, we are an evolving
species an evolving consciousness.
Many of your predecessors played their part in the evolution of human
consciousness, and you are enjoying the benefit of it. What part are you going to
play in this journey of the evolution of human consciousness? The rise and fall of
every human being has its effect on the overall human consciousness. Every human
being has this awesome responsibility of growing up to live life from a higher
pedestal from a higher branch of consciousness and this will be your contribution
to the ever evolving human consciousness. Every lesson learnt, every mistake
committed, every error corrected, every discovery, every invention, every insight,
every idea, every revelation, every talent unfolded, every limit redefined, every
thought released, every vibration experienced by every individual, paints yet
another stroke in the evolution of human consciousness. So to play your part too,
you pray, Lead me higher (in maturity)
So the infinitheists pray, Lead me Higher to their Source. This expression of
infinitheists essentially means, Help me to grow in maturity, so that in intellectually
lifting myself I can, in turn, lift the world.
So the eighth line in the infiniprayer-Lead me Higher
Lead me Deeper...
in spiritual alignment
The strength of the tree depends on the depth of the roots. Similarly, to evolve
Higher in maturity, you need to grow Deeper in faith. Above all other factors,
spiritual growth is growing deeper and deeper in faith. All the components of
spiritual development gain meaning and significance only on the pedestal of faith.
Faith is the ability to trust what you are not able to see, the ability to believe what is
not yet, the ability to 'accept as true' that, which cannot be proven. Faith is in
knowing that the Force that brought you to it will also carry you through it. Faith is
not subject to verification. And if you want to verify, then it is not faith. Faith is
beyond human judgement. Yet, faith works; faith alone works.
If great souls like Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha, Mahavira, Mahatma
Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Swami Vivekananda, APJ Abdul Kalam,
Albert Einstein, Rabindranath Tagore, etc., had faith in faith, then there must be
some substance in faith. After all, it is an illustrious list of the greatest of thinkers.
The United States of America, arguably one of the most scientifically advanced
nations, has this inscription on its coins: 'In God we Trust'. Faith is not anti-science; it
is just beyond the comprehension of science. Perhaps a day will come when science
may be able to explain faith. Faith is like electricity - you can't see it, but you can
see light. Faith may be beyond our comprehension, but the results of faith are there
for all of us to see.
Faith transforms an ordinary vibration of thought created by the finite mind of man
into a spiritual equivalent. Faith is the only gate through which the cosmic force of
Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man. Like ideas which are more
powerful than the mind that gave birth to them - for ideas have the power to live on
much after the mind that created them has turned to dust - faith too is more potent
than the 'object' on which the faith is directed.
It is not the 'object of faith', but 'faith' that creates miracles. The object of faith is
just incidental. It was 'Abba' to Jesus; it was 'Jesus' to Mother Teresa; it was 'Krishna'
to Draupadi; it was 'Allah' to Prophet; it was 'Drona' to Ekalavya; it was 'Ram' to
Hanuman, and it is 'Hanuman' to many of his devotees. Yet, all of them have
experienced the miraculous power of faith in their lives, which confirms that it is not
the 'object of faith' but 'faith' that creates miracles. The power of the object of your
faith is derived from the power of your faith in the object. So, the question isn't,
How powerful your 'god' is? The question is, How powerful your 'faith' is? Grow
deeper and deeper in faith, and you will reach higher and higher in life.
Pray, Lead me deeper (in faith)
So the infinitheists pray, Lead me Deeper... to their Source. This expression of
infinitheists essentially means, I surrender myself unto you my Lord. I am
transferring the responsibility of my life in Thee hands. Lead me through
So the ninth line in the infiniprayer - Lead me Deeper...
Lead me beyond
my perceived limitations
Even God cannot give you beyond your beliefs. Rain can only fill the size of the
vessel. Life can reward you only to the extent of your beliefs. Unless your beliefs
expand, your life cannot expand. There are no limits except those you acknowledge.
Expand your beliefs. Break your comfort zones. Dare to dream beyond what you
thought was possible. Life itself isn't secure. Then, where is the question of security
within life? In searching for security, don't get transfixed to your comfort zones. Your
comfort zones become your prison, a prison within which your potential stays locked
up. There is no inferiority about the man that Existence made. The only inferiority is
what you have put yourself into by staying transfixed to your comfort levels. Look
Beyond Seek Beyond Desire Beyond Go Beyond The horizons are awaiting
you So the tenth line in the infiniprayer, Lead me beyond
It is astonishing as to how the world makes way for a resolute soul and how
obstacles get out of the path of a determined man who believes in himself.
Transcendence is like taking the lantern in the hand knowing that you will always
have light enough for your next step, no matter how dark, for the light will move
along with you. One step is enough and then another step and then another... Go
beyond yourself and discover the bounties of abundance life holds. So the tenth line
in the infiniprayer, Lead me beyond The next rung of the ladder is always an
unknown factor. Throw yourself into the unknown. Do what you have never done
before. Do what you never thought you can. Make a rebellious move. Take a daring
plunge. Make the transcendental leap. Transcendence is sacred, for it is in
transcendence that life reveals the higher glories of man. The journey may not be
easy, but the destination will be worth it. You can go through anything in life, if you
can become, what you can become. So the tenth line in the infiniprayer, Lead me
Pray, Lead me beyond (my comfort zones)
Till a Roger Bannister happened, a four-minute-mile was still an unknown possibility.
Till an Edmund Hillary happened, standing on the top of Mount Everest was still an
unknown possibility. Till a Steve Jobs happened, from a garage to a world leader in
technology was still an unknown possibility. His entrepreneurship and enterprise
have changed man's way of life and the world has not been the same again - Bill
History is full of many such one-man armies, where one human being, in one
lifetime, by the way they lived their life they changed something about the world
forever. History suggests that one man is enough to be a turning point in this world.
At every point in history, a man has emerged to show the rest of us that one life at
that point in history will have a greater impact on the world than the billions who
survive during that period.
So the infinitheists pray, Lead me beyond to their Source.
Lead me to you.
However passionate I may be about my materialistic pursuits, I am not
complete without you. So, I need you
The drop of protoplasm, that's formed when the sperm enters the egg, grows into a
foetus in the womb of the mother, only when it comes in contact with that formless
source of life. In the womb of the mother, the form was with the formless in a state
of unison. Through the process of birth, in coming in contact with the world outside,
the inputs through the senses happened and thus the mind came into existence.
With the 'mind' coming into existence, the state of unison between the form and the
formless was lost, causing the pain of separation, which resulted in the emotional
personality coming into existence. To help the emotional personality to avoid the
pain, the intellect also came into existence. Which means, before the first stimulus,
there was unison between the form and the formless; man was with God. And with
the first sensual experience, the three intermediate personalities came into
existence, namely, mind, intellect and emotional, and the unison was lost.
Man's first desire and the only desire, is to re-experience that state of unison
between the form and the formless. However, since in coming in contact with the
world outside the unison was lost, human intelligence has been erroneously
searching for answers in the outside. Hence, all the intellectually projected desires
in the materialistic realm. All the other creations have only instinctive needs, and
that's why they don't have futuristic desires. Man alone has intellectually projected
desires and hence his desires are futuristic. As a result, at any given time, the
number of unfulfilled desires in man is greater than the number of fulfilled desires,
causing all the agitation in him. While there can be spiritual answers to your
materialistic needs, there are no materialistic answers to your spiritual needs. No
amount of fulfilment of extroverted desires, no extent of achieving your materialistic
ambitions is ever going to satiate your spiritual hunger for unison. So, when spiritual
masters always said, Transcend desire to transcend suffering, they were not
referring to your intellectually projected materialistic desires but speaking about
your spiritual desire for unison. And, the only way to transcend the spiritual desire
for unison is by experiencing the state of unison. And, the only way to experience
unison is by experiencing the state in which you drop and transcend your three
intermediate personalities of mind, intellect and emotions.
The very purpose of religion is to help you to drop and transcend the three
intermediate personalities of mind, intellect and emotions, and thus experience
unison between the form and the formless. So, religion is basically a means to
spirituality. It is all about converging from 'Many to one' and then from 'One to
none', the state of unison. The word 'religion' has its Latin roots: Re Ligare, that is,
Re (again) Ligare (to reconnect).
It is by transcending your identification with your mind, intellect and emotions, you
will annihilate your ego, and thus transcend the perceived duality, and for the first
time you experientially experience that God and you are always one, the state of
So the infinitheists pray, Lead me to you meaning, I will not be merely satisfied
with your kingdom alone, my Lord. I need you. I am not merely seeking yours, but I
am also seeking you. For a child, however dear the toys may be, the toys still don't
substitute a mother. Similarly, my Lord, however passionate I may be about my
materialistic pursuits, I am not complete without you. So, I need you. So, my Lord,
live in my heart and please my Lord, lead me into your heart
So the eleventh line in the infiniprayer, to complete the prayer - Lead me to you.