Today'S News: New River Primary
Today'S News: New River Primary
Today'S News: New River Primary
On Wednesday night, after many practises, our school choir performed at the Civic Theatre. There were no individual
items this year, but the mass choir made up of various schools performed with Jacqui Clark. This is a huge event to
organise and we are very grateful to the Principals and teachers who do all the organising. Our choir looked great and
performed just as well and obviously had a great time. A big thank you to Mrs White for all the effort she has put into the
organisation of our own New River choir. We have had a lot of comments from teachers at other schools about how great
our children were. They made us feel very proud.
New River Primary
11 September 2015
School Photographs
Last Monday our school photographer turned up to do school photos, but forgot to tell us he was coming! Because of his
busy time schedule, we went ahead and did classroom and individual photos. He will be back to do family photos on
Monday 14 September 2.00 PM in the afternoon. For those parents with pre-schoolers, please be at school at 2.00pm.
You should have already received information about the family photos and returned a permission slip.
Koha Kai
The time is near, Koha Kai will start with us at the beginning of Term four. For a gold coin donation, your child can get a
home cooked meal on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. As we are only beginning, we will have to try out different
methods of ordering and organisation. Different aspects of organisation may change over the first couple of weeks. To start
with, we will try doing the ordering at the office. Class lists will be available to tick options and a container for the payment.
Air New Zealand Boeing 737
We had a really nice phone call last week inviting us to take 35 children to the airport to board and view a Boeing 737. It is
about to be taken out of commission and is doing a farewell tour around the country. Our school was lucky enough to be
chosen and Air New Zealand even paid for the bus.
Unfortunately because of choir commitments, some of the original children chosen couldnt go, but those that did were
amazing. They were all so well behaved, respectful, great listeners and asked lots of good questions. A big thank you to Air
New Zealand, we really appreciated that you thought about us.
Notices and ordering forms went home earlier this week. If you
didnt get one or have lost it, you can get another one from the
school office, where there is a box to put it in along with the
$1.00 payment. You are welcome to put in more money for a
donation toward the seat if you wish.
Dates to Remember
Board of Trustees Meeting - Wednesday 16 September
Writing Open Day - Wednesday 16 September
Last Day of Term 3 - Friday 25 September - First Day of Term 4 Monday 12 October
Ka Kite Ano
Elaine McCambridge
Telephone 03-2110035 Cell 027-2320427
Yesterday was the last day of swimming, which makes everyone give a sigh of relief. It is always a mixed up muddled up
time for school. Children have made great progress, and if you dont do it already, it would be great if you could continue to
take your child to the pool. The more often they go, the more confident they become. They may not always be the best
swimmer, but it is so important that if they end up in water, that they have enough confidence not to panic and have the
ability to stay afloat. A big thanks to Mrs Dallas for all her organisation, Mrs Simons for organising spare togs and towels,
all parents who helped out and our Teacher Aides.
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