Testing Plan

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Test Planning Documentation

In order to make sure that our POS system has accomplished the objectives of the project as
expected and has all the required features and functionality, we have performed testing
effectively. "Hakubhi Restaurant Project" is developing POS System for the Restaurant wherein
testing scenarios have been considered to test the case like

Transactions should be secured (encrypted data using https protocol)

No caching or saving of username/password on magnetic card.

Automatically session out if idle for long time.

Limited allowed tries only, otherwise block account.

Transaction details should log.

Calculate tax on a ticket

To test the POS system we have focus on some of the following tests
1. Graphical User Interface Testing:
Graphical user interface testing is the process of testing a product's graphical user interface to
ensure it meets its written specifications. This is normally done through the use of a variety of
test cases.

The touch screen is scalable to the different users' finger is tested.

The User interface is made sure to be friendly and easy to learn.
The different language option is made sure working with a click of a button and is
comfortably read by the user.

2. Cashier activity testing:

This includes customer transactions such as ability to read a card, there are various types of
cards in the industry today. (Magnetic Stripe, CAV, etc) the entry of items, tender, Store Value
Cards. It also includes noncustomer transactions such as cash drawer loans, petty cash, totals
and closings.
Apart from this it also focuses on the

Sales (items, quantities and prices)

Manage exchanges
Apply discounts (line item and transaction)
Tenders (cash, credit, SVCs, etc.)
Layaway (creation and payments)
Returns (with and without receipt)
Cash drawer loans
Negative Scenarios - Various transaction declined scenarios (Invalid Card/PIN/Expired Card etc.)
3. Load Testing:
Load testing is the process of putting demand on a system or device and measuring its response.
Load testing is performed to determine a systems behavior under both normal and anticipated
peak load conditions.
- The system is tested under circumstances of busy business hours.
- The test has been made to make sure, the POS system doesn't get hanged at the multiple
4. Store Server and Back Office Integration
To verify POS interaction with store servers and back office systems. Register transactions can
be verified against the Electronic Journal for accuracy. We considered the system configuration
that works with internal or external credit authorization modules and services.
5. Platform check:
you can design the test cases to check the functionality on the all the platforms if it supports
multi platforms.
6. Connectivity Tests
Ability to read a card and sending the messages to Network.
If network fails system should be able to authenticate manually.
7. Performance TestSpeed or the time taken to send a request (read) and receive response and applying the
transaction based rules (ex Rebates/Discounts/Tax etc)
8. Security Testing:
This is testing is to be performed on POS to protect the data and maintains functionality as

The credit card transaction is fully encrypted is tested.

The transactions will be completely hacker-proof and customers' credit card details
are not compromised.

The system environment is protected by adequate firewall and security layers.

The system gives you detailed access-reports of all users, managers and anyone else
using the system. This will help us to track the activities of the employees regularly.

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