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The National Competency- Based Teacher Standards


What is NCBTS?

The NCBTS is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the

different dimensions of effective teaching, where effective teaching means being
able to help all types of students learn the different learning goals in the

Why Do We Need the NCBTS?

The NCBTS provides a single framework that shall define effective

teaching in all aspects of a teachers professional life and in all phases of
teacher development. The use of a single framework should minimize confusion
about what effective teaching is. The single framework should also provide a
better guide for all teacher development programs and projects from the schoollevel up to the national level.

Who Should Use the NCBTS?

Teacher education institutions shall use the NCBTS to design and

implement effective pre-service teacher education curricula.
The PRC shall refer the NCBTS in designing the Licensure Exam for
Organizations and agencies that implement in-service education for
teachers (INSET) shall refer to the NCBTS in developing their
Award-giving bodies shall refer to the NCBTS in defining their criteria
for outstanding teachers.
The DepEd shall use the NCBTS in formulating its hiring, promotion
supervision, and other policies related to the teaching profession.


Most important, individual teachers in all the public elementary and high
schools all over the country shall use the NCBTS for their professional
development activities.
How Should Teachers Use the NCBTS?
Teachers can use the NCBTS in many ways:
As a guide to reflect on their current teaching practices
As a framework for creating new teaching practices
As a guidepost for planning for professional development goals
As a common language for discussing teaching practices with other
Filipino teachers also share a common vocabulary for discussing their teaching
practice, for defining their ideals as teachers, for negotiating and creating
strategies to improve their practice, and for addressing their various
stakeholders regarding the improvement of the teaching profession.

What Does Competency-Based Mean?

Competency-based means that the standards or criteria for

characterizing good teaching are defined in terms of what the teacher is
competent to do.
In the NCBTS, good teaching is being defined in terms of those practices
that help students learn better. So the NCBTS is concerned with whether
teachers are competent in helping students learn.
What Are These Seven Domains?
The seven domains are:
(1) social regard for learning
(2) learning environment
(3) diversity of learners
(4) curriculum
(5) planning, assessing, and reporting
(6) community linkages
(7) personal growth and development


omain 1: Social Regard for Learning

The domain of Social Regard for Learning focuses on the ideal that teachers
serve as positive and powerful role models of the values of the pursuit of
learning and of the effort to learn, and that the teachers actions,
statements, and different types of social interactions with students exemplify this
Strand 1.1: Acts as a positive role model for students
Key Question for the Teacher: Can my students appreciate and model the
value of learning through my interactions with them?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Can my students see and appreciate the value of pursuing learning by

looking at my various actions and statements in the classroom?
2. Can my students see and appreciate the value of exerting effort to
learning by looking at my various actions and statements in the
3. Do I demonstrate and exemplify the values of learning and efforts in
the various actions and statements I make in front of my students?

Performance Indicators:


Implements school policies and procedures

demonstrate punctuality
Maintains appropriate appearance
Is careful about the effect of ones behavior on students
Shows respect for other persons and their ideas

omain 2: Learning Environment

The domain of Learning Environment focuses on the importance of

providing for a social and physical environment within which all students,
regardless of their individual differences in learning, can engage the
different learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of
Strand 2.1: Creates an environment that promotes fairness
Key Question for the Teacher: Do I create a social environment in my class
where my students feel that they are treated fairly?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do all my students feel respected in my class, regardless of their gender,

ability, religion, socio-economic background, ethnicity, and other
physical and social characteristics?
2. Do I make all my students feel that their individual strengths and
resources are recognized and appreciated in class?
3. Do all my students feel like they have as good a chance to learn and to
achieve in my class as their other classmates?
4. Do I create a social climate and organization in the classroom where all
my students can effectively engage the learning activities, regardless of
their diverse capacities and resources as individual learners?

Performance Indicators:

1. Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for different

2. Provides gender-fair opportunities for learning
3. Recognizes that every learner has strengths

Strand 2.2: Makes the physical environment safe and conducive to learning
Key Question for the Teacher: Do I create a physical environment in my class
where my students feel that they are safe and able to learn?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Is the physical environment in my classroom safe under the general

conditions of our school?
2. Is the physical environment in my classroom conducive to learning
under the general conditions of our school?
3. Are there ways of improving the physical environment in my classroom
that are within my means as a teacher?

Performance Indicators:

1. Arranges challenging activities given the physical environment

Strand 2.3: Communicates higher learning expectations to each learner

Key Question for the Teacher: Do I create a classroom atmosphere that
encourages students to attain high levels of learning and achievement?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do my students feel and understand that I want them all to attain high
levels of learning?
2. Do I encourage the students in my class to pursue their own learning
goals and aspirations?
3. Do I provide diverse opportunities for the different students in my class
to nurture their desire and aspirations for high levels of learning?

Performance Indicators:

1. Uses individual and cooperative learning activities to improve capacities

of learners for higher learning
2. Encourages learners to ask questions
3. Provides learners with a variety of learning experiences
4. Provides varied enrichment activities to nurture the desire for further
5. Communicates and maintains high standards of learning performance

Strand 2.4: Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learners

Key Question for the Teacher: Do I create a consistent and orderly social climate

and organization in the classroom for my students?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do I respond to learning and behavior problems quickly, appropriately,

respectfully, and consistently?
2. Do I provide all my students with timely, appropriate, and consistent
feedback on their learning behaviors?
3. Do I clearly communicate and consistently observe school and
classroom policies on appropriate classroom behaviors?

Performance Indicators:

1. Handles behavior problems quickly and with due respect to childrens

2. Gives timely feedback to reinforce appropriate learners behavior


3. Guides individual learners requiring development of appropriate social

and learning behavior
4. Communicates and enforces school policies and procedures for
appropriate learner behavior
5. Encourages free expression of ideas from the students
6. Creates stress-free environment
7. Arranges challenging activities given the physical environment

omain 3: Diversity of Learners

The domain of Diversity of Learners emphasizes the ideal that teachers can
facilitate the learning process in diverse types of learners, by first
recognizing and respecting individual differences, then using knowledge
about students differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure
that all students can attain appropriate learning goals.
Strand 3.1: Is familiar with learners background knowledge and
Key Question for the Teacher: Can I help my students learn whatever their

capabilities, learning styles, cultural heritage, socio-economic backgrounds, and

other differences are?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Can my students see that I recognize, accept, and respect the

differences in their backgrounds and capabilities?
2. Am I familiar with the different backgrounds, experiences, and
capacities of my students?
3. Do I consider the differences in backgrounds, experiences, and
capacities of my students in designing different learning activities for
4. Do I set diverse, appropriate, and challenging learning goals for
different students, in consideration of their differences in backgrounds
and capabilities?

Performance Indicators:

1. Obtains information on the learning styles, multiple intelligences and

needs of learners.

2. Designs or selects learning experiences suited to different kinds of

3. Establishes goals that define appropriate expectations for all learners
4. Paces lessons appropriate to needs and/or difficulties of learners
5. Initiates other learning approaches for learners whose needs have not
been met by usual approaches.

Strand 3.2: Demonstrates concern for holistic development of learners

Key Question for the Teacher: Do my students feel that I am trying to help them

learn, whatever their capabilities, learning styles, cultural heritage, socioeconomic backgrounds, and other differences are?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do I set clear, challenging, but achievable learning goals for all students
in my class, regardless of their individual differences?
2. Do I create diverse types of learning activities that would help all my
students develop in all aspects of the curriculum?
3. Am I sensitive to how individual students respond differently to the
different learning activities in my class?

Performance Indicators::

1. Recognizes multi-cultural background of learners when providing

learning opportunities
2. Adopts strategies to address needs o different-abled students
3. Makes appropriate adjustments for learners of different socio-economic

omain 4: Curriculum

The domain of Curriculum refers to all elements of the teaching-learning

process that work in convergence to help students attain high standards of
learning and understanding of the curricular goals and objectives. These
elements include the teachers knowledge of subject matter, teaching learning
approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources.
Strand 4.1: Demonstrates mastery of the subject


Key Question for the Teacher: Can I clearly and accurately explain the goals,

procedures, and content involved in the lessons?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Can I clearly and accurately explain the goals, procedures, and content
involved in the lessons?
2. Can I clearly and meaningfully show the relationships between the
different lessons in the subject?
3. Can I design learning activities and assessment procedures that are
truly aligned with the important objectives of the lessons?
4. Can I present the subject matter in meaningful and relevant ways that
engage the students interest and motivation to learn?

Performance Indicators:

1. Delivers accurate and updated content knowledge using appropriate

methodologies, approaches and strategies
2. Integrates language, literacy and quantitative skill development and
values in his/her subject area
3. Explain learning goals, instructional procedures and content clearly and
accurately to students
4. Links the current content with past and future lessons
5. Aligns with lesson objectives the teaching methods, learning activities
and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners
6. Creates situations that encourage learners to use high order thinking
7. Engages and sustains learners interest in the subject by making content
meaningful and relevant to them.
8. Integrates relevant scholarly works and ideas to enrich the lesson as
9. Integrates content of subject area with other discipline.

Strand 4.2: Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are
appropriate for learners

Key Question for the Teacher: Can my students see and appreciate the value of

the curricular goals and objectives I have set for the different lessons in my

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Am I clear about what my learning goals are for my different students?

2. Do my students understand the learning goals that I have set for them?
3. Do the students adopt the learning goals I have set for the lesson as
their own goals in my class?

Performance Indicators:

1. Sets appropriate learning goals.

2. Understands the learning goals.

Strand 4.3: Makes good use of allotted instructional time

Key Question for the Teacher: Am I able to help my students attain all the

curricular goals within the time provided in the school calendar?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do I design lessons that would allow various learning objectives to be

addressed in an efficient and meaningful fashion?
2. Do I establish routines and procedures to allow my students to engage
the different learning activities efficiently?
3. Do I plan lessons in ways that consider the amount of time students
need to effectively attain the learning goals of the lessons?

Performance Indicators:

1. Establishes routines and procedures to maximize

instructional time.
2. Plans lessons to fit within available instructional time.

Strand 4.4: Selects teaching methods, learning activities and

instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned
to the objectives of the lesson
Key Question for the Teacher: Do I use teaching-learning activities and learning
resources efficiently to challenge my students to meet high levels of mastery and
understanding of curricular objectives?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:


1. Do I plan for and implement a variety of appropriate teaching-learning

activities to help my diverse students attain the curricular goals?
2. Do I plan for and use varied instructional materials and learning
resources to help my diverse students attain the objectives of the
3. Am I able to align the activities and available learning resources with
my students learning styles, goals, and other differences?

Performance Indicators:

1. Translate learning competencies to instructional objectives.

2. Selects, prepares and utilizes instructional materials appropriate to the
learners and to the learning goals.
3. Provides activities and uses materials which fits the learners learning
styles, goals and culture.
4. Uses a variety of teaching approaches and techniques appropriate to the
subject matter and the learners.
5. Utilizes information derived from assessment to improve teaching and
6. Provides activities and uses materials which involves the students to
meaningful learning.

Strand 4.5. Teacher recognizes general learning processes as well as

unique processes of individual learners
Performance Indicators:

1. Design and utilizes teaching methods that take into account

learning process.

Strand 4.6. Teacher promotes purposive study


Performance Indicators:

1. Cultivates good study habits through appropriate

Strand 4.7. Teacher demonstrates skills in the use of information and
communication technology in teaching and learning.
Performance Indicators:


1. Utilizes Information and Communication

teaching and learning.




omain 5: Planning, Assessing and Reporting

The domain of Planning, Assessing and Reporting refers to the aligned use of
assessment and planning activities to ensure that the teaching-learning
activities are maximally appropriate to the students current knowledge and
learning levels. In particular, the domain focuses on the use of assessment data to
plan and revise teaching-learning plans, as well as the integration of formative
assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning
Strand 5.1: Communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents, and
superiors about the progress of learners.
Key Question for the Teacher: Do I provide my stakeholders (learners, parents

and superiors) timely and accurate information about my students learning

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do my students know about their own progress and attainment of the

learning goals in my class?
2. Do the parents of my students get regular and accurate feedback on
their childrens progress in my class?
3. Do my superiors in school know about the general progress of the
students in my class in relation to the curriculum goals?

Performance Indicators:

1. Shows proof of instructional planning.

2. Implements instruction as plan
3. Demonstrate ability to cope with varied teaching milieu

Strand 5.2: Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment

strategies to monitor and evaluate learning.
Key Question for the Teacher: Do I assess my students learning and knowledge

using appropriate educational assessment procedures, and use the information


from these assessment procedures in planning my teaching-learning activities

for the students?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do I use effective and appropriate educational assessment procedures

to determine whether my students are learning during the different
parts of the teaching-learning activities?
2. Do I use a variety of educational assessment procedures to determine
whether my students are learning?
3. Do I use the results of the various educational assessment procedures
to guide how I plan, implement, and revise the teaching-learning
activities I prepare for my students?

Performance Indicators:

1. Prepares formative and summative e test in line with the curriculum.

2. Employs non-traditional assessment techniques.
3. Interprets and uses assessment results to improve teaching and
4. Identifies teaching-learning difficulties and possible causes and takes
appropriate action to address them.
5. Uses tools for assessing authentic learning.

Strand 5.3: Monitors regularly and provides feedback on learners

understanding of content
Key Question for the Teacher: Do I provide regular feedback to each student

about their level of


Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do I have regular assessment procedures to track each students level of

2. Do I keep accurate records of each students progress and level of
3. Do I provide appropriate and timely feedback for students to help them
monitor their own learning?

Performance Indicators:


1. Provides timely and accurate feedback to learners to encourage them to

reflect on and monitor their own learning growth.
2. Keeps accurate records of grades/performance levels of learners.
3. Conducts regular meetings with learners and parents to report learners
4. Involves parents to participate in school activities that promotes

omain 6: Community Linkages

The domain of Community Linkages focuses on the ideal that school

activities are meaningfully linked to the experiences and aspirations of the
students in their homes and communities. Thus the domain focuses on
teachers efforts directed at
strengthening the links between school and community activities, particularly
as these links help in the attainment of the curricular objectives.
Strand 6.1: Establishes learning environments that respond to the
aspirations of the community
Key Question for the Teacher: Are the goals and characteristics of the teaching-

learning activities implement relevant to the experiences, values and aspirations

in my students communities?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Can my students see how the goals and activities in school relate to the
values and aspirations in their homes and communities?
2. Do I draw from resources, ideas, and activities from my students
communities in my teaching learning activities?
3. Do I try to involve members of the community in supporting the
learning goals of my classes?

Performance Indicators:

1. Involves community in sharing accountability for the learners

2. Uses community resources to support learning.
3. Uses the community as a laboratory for learning.
4. Participates in community activities that promote learning.


5. Uses community networks to publicize school events and achievements.

6. Encourages students to apply classroom learning to the community.

omain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

The domain of Personal Growth and Professional Development emphasizes

the ideal that teachers value having a high personal regard, concern for
professional development, and continuous improvement as teachers.

Strand 7.1: Takes pride in the nobility of teaching as a profession.

Key Question for the Teacher: Do my actions and statements indicate a high

regard for the teaching profession and for my continuous development as a

professional teacher?
Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Can my colleagues see in my actions and statements how I value my

profession as a teacher?
2. Do I take systematic steps to ensure that I continuously improve myself
as a professional teacher?
3. Am I enthusiastic about my responsibilities as a teacher?

Performance Indicators:s:

1. Maintains stature and behavior that upholds the dignity of teaching.

2. Allocates time for personal and professional developments through
participation in educational seminars and workshops, reading
educational materials regularly and engaging in educational research.
3. Manifest personal qualities such as enthusiasm, flexibility and caring.
4. Articulates and demonstrate ones personal philosophy of teaching.

Strand 7.2: Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching

Key Question for the Teacher: Do I try to learn from other colleagues in the

teaching profession to improve my teaching practice?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:


1. Do I engage other teachers in my school in discussions to improve our

teaching practices?
2. Do I participate in some professional teacher organizations that aim to
improve teaching practice?
3. Can I say that I am well-informed about recent developments in

Performance Indicators:

1. Keeps abreast with recent developments in education.

2. Links with other institutions, organizations for sharing best practices.

Strand 7.3: Reflects on the extent of the attainment of learning goals

Key Question for the Teacher: Am I aware of the extent to which my practices as

a teacher influence my students attainment of the learning goals?

Specific Questions for the Teacher:

1. Do I recognize the strong and weak aspects of my teaching that may or

may not help my students learning?
2. Do I feel responsible for the level of learning and achievement of my
3. Do I try to improve my teaching so that my students can learn more?

Performance Indicators:

1. Reflects on the quality of his/her own teaching.

2. Improves teaching performance based on feedback from students, peers
and superiors and cooperating teachers.
3. Accepts personal accountability to learners achievement and
4. Uses self-evaluation to recognize and enhance ones strengths and
correct ones weakness.



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