Japanese Garden and Dutch Garden in The Clingendael Estate

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water basin


saint Jizo

The Clingendael estate is situated between The Hague

and Wassenaar. In 1818 the Van Brienen family
became the exclusive owner of Clingendael. The
Clingendael estate still offers a true glimpse of the
past. The vast, inclining lawns, the clumps of trees
and the unique water features are typical of the

During her travels in Japan Lady Daisy has tried to grasp the

garden art of this time period. In 1954 the estate

unrivalled character and the aesthetic beauty of the gardens

became the property of the city of The Hague who

opened it to the public. The Dutch and Japanese

she visited. Back in the Netherlands she created her own

interpretation of a Japanese style garden. The character of
the garden is very unique, augmented by the layers of moss.

Gardens are a precious part of the estate.

(Garden) ornaments

Japanese Garden and

Dutch Garden in
The Clingendael estate

There are many lanterns, in a variety of shapes, to be admired.

Several lanterns have an image of Buddha. There are also lanterns
with a deer, a holy animal in Japan. The garden also contains a

The Japanese Garden

turtle island and a crane-shaped stone setting. The turtle and

the crane are both symbolic of a long life.
On the foot of the typical lantern with the shape of a Japanese

The Japanese Garden has been created early 2Oth century by

fan a fish has been sculptured. Another lantern depicts the

the owner of the Clingendael estate, baroness Marguerite Mary

imperial chrysanthemum and paulownia. In the back of the

van Brienen (1871-1939), better known as Lady Daisy. She has

garden is a small statue of the Buddhist saint Jizo, patron of

visited Japan several times; her latest voyage took place in 1911.

children and travellers.

She shipped back to the Netherlands with several lanterns,

The garden also contains a small shrine with a sculpture of Jizo.

bridges, a water basin and probably some plants for use in her

The two water basins, one with the four Buddhas, the other in

Japanese Garden. It is the only Japanese Garden from around

the shape of a lotus flower, are also interesting artefacts.

1910 in the Netherlands and it is considered to be of great

The bamboo ladle on top is used for the ritual cleaning of mouth

historical importance.

and hands, for ritual purity is the highest commandment of

The Dutch Garden in Clingendael was created around 1915.

Shinto belief.

It was designed by duchess Marguerite Van Brienen (1871-1939).

The fascination for Japanese Gardens in Europe and the U.S.A.



The pavilion

design was based on the typical British Dutch Garden. This type

Japan opened its ports again around 1860. The Japanese style

The pavilion in the back of the garden is a very popular viewing

of garden consisted of a geometrical pattern of flower filled box

garden has evolved over several centuries, under influence of

point and a place for contemplation. Copies of the original

hedges, complemented by nicely shaped shrubbery. The terrace

paper sliding doors have been installed in 2008 to recreate the

steps were created in 1887, based on a design by L.A. Springer

authentic pavilion.

(1855-1940). The Dutch Garden was restored in 2009.

Gemeente Den Haag

Intern Dienstencentrum

Dienst Stadsbeheer


and Buddhism.

2500 DP Den Haag

Tigges, bureau voor strategie,
concept en ontwerp, Rijswijk
Peter van Oosterhout
Juriaan Brobbel



Her regular contact with British aristocracy influenced her and her

developed when, after two centuries of almost total isolation,

Japans isolation, the native Shinto religion and Chinese culture

Postbus 12651

The Dutch Garden

The Clingendael estate

General information

The Japanese Garden

The Japanese Garden is only open to the public for several


weeks each year because of the fragile state of the plants

and mosses. The Japanese Garden is open from April 30th
to mid-June. There is a separate entrance for wheelchairs.
The Dutch Garden is accessible to the public all year.

u t s ew

The Clingendael estate can be reached by car via the

van Alkemadelaan and the Wassenaarseweg. Under no
circumstance cars can be parked on the Clingendael

B eno o




the local municipality at 14 070 or visiting the website


Clingendael. More information can be acquired by calling

rd e n h o

estate! Bus lines 18 and 23 also provide a means to reach

main entrance

Wa s

na a r

s ew

entrance for wheelchairs

Den Haag Natuurlijk Groen!

The city of The Hague is a very green city. In the year 2009
special attention will be given to this element of The Hague

van Alk


through the slogan Den Haag Natuurlijk Groen (The Hague

Naturally Green). A variety of activities is planned to show
the inhabitants and visitors the importance of having green
in the city. For more information about planned activities
please visit the website: www.denhaag.nl/groen.

The Dutch Garden

main entrance
(garden) ornaments

De Japanse Tuin
little beach

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