Jan. 1, 1952 F, J, Uprighete 2,580,864: Ea 6-) "?? (0 JUPE/GHT

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1, 1952





Filed Dec. 12, 1949




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Patented Jan. 1, 1952






Fred Joseph Upright, Grant, Nebr.

Application December 12, 1949, Serial hid-132,485

5. Claims (Cl. 31*20).

This invention relates to improvements in de

vices for dispensing cheese and similar food
products in measured quantities.
Several food products, including variouskinds
of cheeses, margarine and butter, are today sold
in paper packages of various. sizes;

Figure 6 is. a. section taken on lines 6--6,

Figure 3;

Figure 7' is a perspectiveview, a portion being

broken awayto better disclose the construction;

Figure 8 is a section taken on line 8-4,

Some of

Figure 3;

thesehproducts, and especially cheese, is sold in

Figure 9 is a section taken on line ' 9~-9,

quantities less than a whole package; the part

Figure 7; and
remaining must be kept in a refrigerator to as
Figure 10 is a diagram of the knife blade and
10 handle showing the position of the knife blade
sure that it will be kept from spoiling.
One brand of cheese that is popular and sold
relative to the handle.
in large quantities comes in a paperpackage of
In the drawing reference numeral. l2 desigi
parallelepipedal shape having a length of ' ape
hates the bottom of the box or container forming
proximatey 81/; inches, a thickness of 21/2 inches
the subject of this invention; numeral l3 repre~
and a width of about 2% inches. This inven 15 sents the vertical sides and numeral M the top;
tion has been designedfor use more particularly
while numeral I5 represents one end of the box.
with the sale of cheese from packages of the size
Atv this point it may be explained that the end
indicated, but it is to be understood that it is
15 is molded separately from the bottom, top and
not limited to that particular use.
sides, and is secured: in place by'suitable-cement.
It is the object of this invention to produce 20 if the material used is a-plastic, the end is usual~
a dispensing device of such design that it can
1y softened by asolventsuch as acetone and in
be molded from some suitable plastic, and of a
serted into the open end. of the box, and thus
size to receive cheese packaged in sizes above de
becomes integrally attached thereto. The top
of thebox'is provided along itsmedian line with
Another object is to produce a dispenser that is 25 an .upwardly convex portion l6 that is slightly
provided at one end with a hinged door adjacent
more than 180 in angular extent. Theend of
to which is operativeiy positioned a device for
the box toward the: right, when viewed as in
cutting pieces of any desired length from the
Figure 1, is providedv with. a lug l1. that. closes
cheese package.
the end of the groove; in the convexportion Hi.
A further object is to produce adispenser that 30 This lug is perforated so as to form a bearing
can be readily handled.
for the end I8 of: a threaded bar 20. Barv 20
Another object is to produce a dispenser hav

has a reduced portion 2!v that is journaled in

ing a screw carrying a pusher bar that extends

an opening in endv I5 and extends to the out

downwardly adjacent the inner end of the cheese

side thereof, where it is .provided'with a knurled

package for moving the cheese when the screw 35 wheel 22 by means of whichthe threaded bar or
is rotated.

screw is rotated. A nut 23 is operatively con

nected with screw 20/ and is provided with a

The above and other objects that may appear

as the description proceeds are attained by

downwai'dly'extending' knife blade 24'. It will be

means of a construction and a relation of parts

readily seen from Figure 11 that when screw 23
that will now be described in detail, for which 40 is rotated in one direction it will move the nut
purpose reference will be had to the accompany
234 toward the right, and if rotated in the op
ing drawing in which the invention has been
positedirection will move it toward the left, the
illustrated, and in which:
nut shown in its most extreme left position.
Figure 1 is a longitudinal vertical section of
Bottom I2 and sides l3 are provided with ribs
the dispensing device taken on lines l--l, 45 25 for the purpose of holding the cheese package
Figures 2 and 3;

away from the inner surfaces of the box, and

Figure 2 is a transverse section taken on lines thus. reduce friction. The cheese package has

2-4, Figure 1;

been indicated by means of dotted 1ines26.

Figure 3 is a top plan view looking downward

ly in Figure 1, portions being broken away to

Each side of the box is provided with a vertical

semi-circular projection. 21 that has, a central

more clearly disclose the construction;

opening 28 for the reception of the parallel sides

'29 of a,U-shaped metal handle to which refer
ence will be made; and which will be described

Figure 4 is a section taken on lines 4-4,

Figure 3;


Figure 5 is a. section taken on lines 6-5,

Figure 3;

in detail hereinafter; Openings 28 are con


nected with the insidepf; thebox through slots

30. Top 14 is provided with a slot 800. which
connects the two openings 28 in the manner
shown in Figure 7. The bottom is provided
with projecting spaced lugs 3| that are per
for-ated for the reception of a hinge pin 32. A

door 33 is provided with perforated hinge lugs

35 so positioned that they enter the spaces be

tween adjacent lugs 3|. Hinge pin 32 extends

through lugs 34 as well as through lugs 32, and

openings for parts 29 and for the hinge pin 32

can be formed at the time the box is molded.

The door and end 15 are formed in separate

molds. Due to the fact that end 15 is inserted
after the box is otherwise formed, threaded mem
ber 20 and nut 23 can be assembled in end l5
before the latter is attached to the open end of
the box.

Having described the invention, what I claim

forms a hinge in the usual manner. The door 10 as new is:

1. A device for dispensing cheese and the like
can be moved into closed position as shown in
in measured quantities comprising an elongated
Figure 7, or into extended open position as shown
box having one end open and the other end
in .Figures 3 and 8. When the door is in the
closed, a screw supported for rotation within the
position shown in Figure 7, it is held- in that
box near the top thereof, means accessible on
position by means of a spring 35 or any other
the outside of the box for turning the screw, a
suitable means.

The ends of side members 29 of the U-shaped

handle are connected by means of a steel knife

blade 36.

This knife blade is preferably posi

tioned as shown in Figure 9; that is, it is inclined

with respect to the axis or plane of the U-shaped

member. Knife blade 38 is also inclined with
respect to the handle in the manner shown in
Figure 10. This is for the purpose which will

nut operatively connected with the screw, the

under surface of the top of the box which the
screw and nut are positioned forming means

for limiting the rotation of the nut about the

axis of the screw, a blade secured to the nut,

projecting downwardly therefrom, vertical tubu

lar guides adjacent the open end of the box, a

U-shaped handle having parallel side arms slide

able in the guides, the inner wall of each tubu

lar guide having a slot extending down to a
Let us now assume that the dispensing device
point below the upper surface of the bottom
or box has been constructed in the manner de
communicating the guide openings with the in
scribed and shown, and that a package of cheese,
terior of the box, and a knife blade connecting
is positioned in the box. Door 33 is then opened
and screw 39 rotated by the end wheel 22 so as 30 the lower ends of the U-shaped handle, said
knife blade extending through the slots.
to project the right-hand end of the cheese
2. A device in accordance with claim 1 in which
package in the amount desired. While the
the upper surface of the bottom has longitudi
cheese is being projected, the cutting knife blade
nally extending ribs for slideably supporting a
36 occupies a position like that shown in Figure
1. When the desired length of cheese has been 35 food package.
3. A device in accordance with claim 1 in which
projected, the U-shaped handle is moved down
the bottom has a door pivoted thereto for move
wardly, whereupon the knife blade begins to cut
ment from an open position parallel with the
at one corner of the cheese package. It may be
bottom to a position perpendicular thereto form
explained at this point that said cheese comes in
a container made from quite heavy paper, which 40 ing a closure, and means for latching the door
in closed position.
has been shown in Figure 8 and designated by
4. A device for dispensing cheese or the like
reference numeral 31, and this would be difficult
in measured quantities, from an elongated pack~
to out if the blade were parallel to it. The knife
age, comprising, an elongated box of substan
blade has therefore been inclined as~ shown in
Figure 10. From Figure 4 it will be seen that 45 tially the same cross sectional shape as the food
package, the top of the box having a groove in
the knife blade slot 36 extends down below the
its under surface extending substantially the
top of ribs 25, thereby permitting the knife blade
entire length of the box, the front end of the
to cut entirely through the cheese and the bottom
box being normally open, and the rear end
layer of the covering. . Referring now more par
ticularly to Figure 8, it will be observed that 50 closed, a bearing block in the groove near the
front end, a screw positioned in the groove, the
due to the inclination of knife blade 36, the slice
front end of the screw being journaled in the
of cheese 38 that is being severed is inclined out
bearing block, the rear end of the box having
wardly. away from the knife blade, and therefore

presently appear.

a bearing for the rear end of the screw, a hand

the resistance is reduced over what it would be
if a thin blade in the plane of motion were em 55 wheel on the screw accessible from the outside of
the box, a nut operatively connected with the
screw, the nut having a downwardly extending
It is contemplated to provide the knurled wheel
blade for engaging the inner end of a food pack
22 with a pointer 39 in such a way that it will
age to move it toward the open end of the box,
indicate on a scale on the outer surface of end
ii the distance that the cheese is projected. 60 the box having vertically extending tubular

guides on the outside of the box sides near the

open end of the box, said box being provided with
quantity is directly proportional to the length of
slots interconnecting the guides and the inte
rior of the box, a U-shaped handle having its
the slice severed, and it is therefore possible to
correctly gage the thickness of the slice.
65 sides slideable in the guides, and a knife blade
connecting the ends of the handle, said blade
Attention is directed to the fact that the box
- being vertically movable in the slots for slicing
that has been shown on the drawing and de
sections from a food package.
scribed herein is so designed that it can be
'5. A device in accordance with claim 4 in
readily molded in one operation. End i5, as
which a door is hinged to the bottom at the
above explained, is inserted after the remainder
open end of the box movable from a closed verti
of the box has been molded; The parts at the
right-hand end of the box which is normally ' cal position to a horizontal position in which

Since cheese sold in packages of this kind always

comes in the same size package, the weight or

open have been designed in such a manner that

they will not interfere with the withdrawal of

th'e'molded box'from the mold, and so that the 75

it forms an extension of the bottom.


(References on following page)





of following
this patent:
references are of record in the





Brundin ________ __ July 25, 1893

Burks ____________ __ Nov. 7, 1905


Kunick ____ __"______ Oct. 26, 1900






Decker __________ __ Apr. 2, 1912

Keefer __________ __ Aug. 5, 1941.




Great Britain ____________ __ 1907

Sweden ; _______ __ May 26,1913


France __________ __ Mar. 19, 1934

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