Succession Notes Pt. 1
Succession Notes Pt. 1
Succession Notes Pt. 1
E-commerce act non discrimination rule
- contracts can now be in electronic form
- degree, quantity, nature, and extent which a person
has in real and personal properties
- should not be confused with inheritance because
estate pertains to real and personal properties while
inheritance also covers rights and obligations
- justifications why we have the law on succession
1. Pater Familias
- head of the family
- romans believed that if you are the head of the
family, it is your responsibility even until death to
provide for the family (amass wealth)
2. Extension of the right of ownership
- having a right to control the disposition of his
property because he worked hard for it
3. Act of love among family members
4. Promotes economic growth
- by preventing properties from being stagnant
useless upon the death of the owner
- degree of continuity of ownership
5. Satisfies a persons yearning for immortality
- for remembrance (to be remembered after death)
- to leave a legacy to family members
Legal definition of succession
Art. 774. Succession is a mode of acquisition by virtue
of which the property, rights, and obligations to the
extent of the value of the inheritance, of a person are
transmitted through his death to another or others
either by his will or by operation of law.
- succession is a mode of acquisition (process of
transmission of ownership and inheritance)
- sufficient to vest ownership to another person (it can
exist on its own without guidance of other mode of
Who will transmit the inheritance?
Art. 775. Decedent is the general term applied to the
person whose property is transmitted through
succession, whether or not he left a will. If he left a will,
he is also called the testator.
Decedent general term applied to the person whose
property is applied thru succession whether or not he
left a will
Testate succession with will (Testator)
Intestate succession without will (Intestate)
Who will receive the inheritance?
Heir term applies to both testate and intestate
succession (by will or by law)
Testate voluntary or testamentary heir
Testamentary Succession
1. Devises receiver of devise (devisee)
2. Legatis receiver of legacy (legatee)
Devise specific gift of real property
Legacy specific gift of personal property
Intestate Succession
Legal or Intestate heir specific person that can be
a party in both testate and intestate succession
Compulsory heirs law itself reserves a certain part
of inheritance for the receiver because of special
relationship with decadent
b. Intestate Intestate heir/legal heir
Compulsory heir
- entitled to the legitime
- those who succeed to a portion (legitime)
Legitime law provides a specific portion that cannot
be taken away or impaired by the decedent unless
there is disinheritance under valid causes
Dual State of an Heir
- applies only in testate succession (if there is a will)
A decedent (father)
B compulsory heir (son) only surviving heir
Estate 1 million pesos
How much will be inherited?
What kind of succession is involved? first thing to
> depending if there is a will:
If no will all will go to B (1 million will
represent the legitime of the son)
With will dependent on the provisions of the
will (the law will only reserve for the
compulsory heir)
B, as compulsory heir, is entitled to 500k, if his father
added 250k to his inheritance, he becomes a
compulsory heir as far as the 500k is concerned and a
voluntary/testamentary heir as far as the free portion is
concerned (dual status).
Legitimate children always reserve of the total
assets/ estate, the other half will be considered as the
free portion
Can you add to the legitime?
voluntary/testamentary heir to legatees and
Art. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or
all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether
living at the time of the execution of the will or born
after the death of the testator, shall annul the
institution of heir; but the devises and legacies shall be
valid insofar as they are not inofficious.
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the
testator, the institution shall be effectual, without
prejudice to the right of representation.
- omission of one of the compulsory heirs
- it will totally annul the institution of the heir
- considered valid as long as they are not inofficious
(impair inheritance/legitime of compulsory heirs)
I give my son, B, of my estate amounting to 1
million pesos universal but not valid since of the
estate impair the legitime
Intestate succession heir always succeeds by way
of universal title
Particular title specify the property (itemize)
> testate succession because it is the decedent who
will specify the property
- properties, rights, and obligations of the decedent
which are not extinguished by death
- can be transferred but is not an absolute rule
General Rule: All properties, rights, and obligations
are transferrable unless included in the exceptions
Exceptions: (Art. 1311)
1. Strictly personal acts
2. Rights and obligations that are not transmissible by
3. Rights and obligations that are not transmissible by
operation of law
Exceptions to the objects of succession:
1. Strictly personal acts
- eg. membership in the bar and right of consortium
with your wife
a. Matters relating to family relations
- parental authority
- right to institute an action for annulment
b. Public law
- right to vote
- right to run for public office
c. Personal skills or qualifications
d. Criminal responsibility
- extinguished upon death
Can civil liability be extinguished? If so, can
the heirs inherit civil liability?