Number Interview Kit Report

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Student Number 212210385


On the 13th August 2013 two Year 2 students were interviewed on their understanding and
recognition of counting, place value, addition and subtraction. Through these interviews the
students were exposed to a set of questions in the Deakin University Number Interview Kit.
Each interview was conducted in around 30 minutes where the children answered questions
according to what they believed the answer would be, they were not told whether they were
right or wrong, this is because the record was to notice different principles and strategies
students when working out problems. During the interview they used counters to answer some
questions and also pen and paper in aid to writing the question down in a particular way. The
interview was then record in an A4 booklet, which the questions were sourced. For the rest of
this report the students will be referred to student A and student B.

Recognizing Counting Strategies:
During the interview many different strategies arose in how the students decided to work out a
particular answers. The two students showed similarities and differences to their working out
and also answers. This can be evident through part one and two of the interview where the
students tended to use a counting on or counting back method. With this strategy a child
should recognize the starting number and the previous number, (Reys et al., 2012, pg. 152)
Both student A and student B used this method when asked what the number was before and
after their favourite number (Appendix A, Q. 1.7). For student B this task was easy enough to
count backwards. Through part two the students were asked to find numbers between two
other numerals. With this task both used the counting on method, however, student A used
perceptual counting. A perceptual counter will demonstrate the one-to-one principle (New
South Wales Department of Education, 2012) by using his fingers to make sure he can count in
an order.

Alanah Bresnehan

Student Number 212210385


When being introduced to part 3 the students were encouraged to use the counters to figure out
the grouping of numbers. The difference between the two students is that student A tended to
use one-to-one correspondence when answering each of the questions. He used each object as
one place value and counted each counter individually. In contrast to his
strategy student B used subitising to recognize groups within groups.
When answering question 3.1 student B instantly answered 6, when
Image 1.1: Student Bs grouping
strategy, which can be seen as

asked how he managed to figure it out he replied with the explanation

that he recognized two groups of 3 which equal 6.

Student B also used the idea of skip counting when creating groups of counters. He managed to
take the counters from one group to the other by counting in twos, and then when exposed to an
odd number he would add on the remaining one.

In part 8 there was a different array of how the students came to forming answers to the
questions asked. For student A, he had to use a counting on method along with using
perceptual counting, as he had to use either his fingers or counters to assist him in seeing a
visual representation of the numbers. This is highlighted through student A answer to question
8.2 (Appendix A). Student B tended to form different understandings on how to answer the
questions. When asked the same question he responded he responded with
the right answer. Continually, he was asked how he managed to get the
answer. According to student B he was able to notice that 2+2 equaled four
and then he doubled it. Using the double idea he was able to notice the
formation of number groups witin the answer of eight.

Image 1.2: Student Bs use of

noticing doubles and also
recognizing groups within groups
of numbers.

Alanah Bresnehan

Student Number 212210385


Throughout the interviews the recognition of multiple strategies from each child are evident.
However student B seems to have an overall better understanding of numbers and the
different elements they can posses. Student A leaned to the particular strategy of one-to-one
correspondence, when answering the simultaneous questions. Student B juxtaposed studentA,
as the student used different methods according to what the question was asking and also how
the numbers were set out in the number sentences.

Alanah Bresnehan

Table 1.1

Student Number 212210385


Alanah Bresnehan

Student Number 212210385


Growth Points and Developing Learning in the Future:

The use of the Early Numeracy Research Project Growth Points (2013) in mathematics ensures
that each students understanding can be placed on a point in which they can be assessed and
also helped to improve them in mathematics. The Victorian Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development describe growth points as key "stepping stones" along paths to
mathematical understanding (2013). Though these growth points are made to show a students
progress most students may be able to touch on two or three of the points, however they may
have not completely understood the complete growth point. This can be highlighted through
student A as he manages to use strategies to aid him to the right answer he cannot complete
the growth points.

The difference between the students and growth points can be seen in table 1.1. This table
depicts that student B has a wider understanding on counting, place value, addition and
subtraction compared to student A. In the table the highlighted points are the spots which the
students excelled when answering questions. The reasoning behind Student A being placed
considerably lower compared to Student B. Under the heading of counting Student A mainly
only used a counting on, one-to-one correspondence to achieve an answer when asked how he
managed to find answer he communicated that he used his fingers in a form of perceptual
counting, as seen in parts 2, 3, 4, and 8 of the interview. Its hard to pin point on to a certain
growth point because the student uses part of each growth point 2, 3 and 4 (as highlighted in
Table 1.1). Though tends to disregard the other elements of the growth point. Student B is seen
to have grasped the idea of counting. This can be seen as he can begin at a non-zero-starting
point (Victorian Department of Education and Childhood Development, 2013). Question 1.8
asks the students to think of the smallest number they know, he recognizes that there are
numbers past zero and that they form negatives.

Alanah Bresnehan

Student Number 212210385


The students understanding of place value is a little simpler than trying to pin point their
counting growth points. During all the questions in part six the students were asked to say what
the number was on a designated flashcard. For Student B it was easy to recognize the place
values of four and five digit numbers which allowed him to be placed at growth point five of the
Early Numeracy Research Project Growth Points spectrum. On the other hand, Student B when
asked the same set of questions easily recognized the three digit numbers, however, when asked
the four and five digit number question he tended to try and break the numbers up into two
different numbers. For example instead of answering 3217 as 3 thousand, 2 hundred and
seventeen, he managed to see the number as 3 thousand seventy-teen (Question 6.3, Appendix
1). With this indication he was made to sit on growth point two.

Lastly, the understanding of addition and subtraction allowed the students to showcase the
different ways in which they saw the problems. Both students were evident to be on one end of
the spectrum to the other. Student A didnt show any strategies other than one-to-one
correspondence when answering questions. He didnt use any other strategy when
encountering harder questions to allow him a quicker response. In comparison, Student B
showed evidence of doubling, rounding, counting on and also perceptual counting. Through
part eight of the interview the student used doubling to find out how many more sheep there
were in the paddock buy recognizing that 5+5 equals ten, then used counting on to add on the
extra one (Question 8.3, Appendix 1). By the student using these strategies to form an answer
he was able to answer the question quicker and more effectively.

These two students were certainly on different ends of the growth point spectrum. For future
learning I believe that Student A, in particular, needs to work on their place value which will

Alanah Bresnehan

Student Number 212210385


then aid him when counting on past 100, particularly when skip counting. Exposing him to other
addition and subtraction strategies such as doubling and even using a number tree will help him
find how numbers can fit into each other. For Student B his growth points are all on the highest
side of the spectrum, with this in mind I believe that moving him onto new topics such as
multiplication and division, and also possibly measurement.

Through interviewing the two children I have learnt that students can have different notions on
what numbers are, what they are used for and how to work with them. With the Deakin
University NIK it has allowed me to witness physically and also through reflection how children
have different strategies to working numerical problems out, whether it be mentally or
perceptually. I have also found through this study that children can be on different paths to
learning mathematics according to how they go about using the number strategies. Comparing
these two students has also formed and idea of how teachers can evolve and mature a childs
mathematical ideas and concepts. With these interviews it has reiterated the idea that
mathematics aims to instill in students an appreciation of the elegance and power of
mathematical reasoning. (AusVELS, 2012) Which these two students are evolving and aiming
to become.

Alanah Bresnehan

Student Number 212210385



State Government of Victoria, 2012, Mathematics Rationale, AusVELS, 16th August

2013, <>

New South Wales Government, 2012, Perceptual Counters, Numeracy Continuum K-10,
17th August 2013, <

Victorian Government Department of Education and Early Childhood Development,

2013, Victorian Government, 17th August 2013, <

Reys, R, Lindquirst, M, Lambdin, D. V., Smith, N. L., Rogers, A, Falle, J, Frid, S, Bennett, S,
2012, Helping Children Learn Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, Milton

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