February 2010 - Volume 4, No. 2
February 2010 - Volume 4, No. 2
February 2010 - Volume 4, No. 2
futures system p. 6 CHASING
the crude oil rebound
to option spreads p. 10 BULL CALL SPREAD
gets slaughtered p. 29
the butterfly effect p. 13 LATEST COT ANALYSIS
p. 16
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Trading Strategies
Weekly Keltner channel system . . . . . . . . .6
A longer-term trend-following system based on Options Trading System Lab
a 50-year-old indicator produces surprisingly The butterfly effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
robust results. Butterfly spreads soar when applied to a simple
By Dion Kurczek and Volker Knapp market timing system.
By Steve Lentz and Jim Graham
Option spreads:
The reinsurance approach . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Futures & Options Watch:
An analysis of the credit spread provides a COT extremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
departure point for investigating the balance A look at the relationship between
between risk, reward, and probability of profit commercials and large speculators in
in options trading. 45 futures markets.
By Don Fishback
Options Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Energy sector ETF components.
continued on p. 4
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WARNING: *Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade
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Please note, FXCM Micro, in its discretion, may or may not offset individual transactions unlike transactions in most FXCM Standard accounts.
Editor-in-chief: Mark Etzkorn player, coach of the Malaysian National Hockey team, and
[email protected]
president of VTAD (the German branch of the International Federation of
Managing editor: Molly Goad Technical Analysts). In 2001, he became a partner in Wealth-Lab Inc.
[email protected]
(www.wealth-lab.com), which he still runs.
Senior editor: David Bukey
[email protected]
Don Fishback has been a pioneer in the financial profes-
Contributing writers: Keith Schap,
sion for more than 25 years. After first developing several mar-
Chris Peters
[email protected] ket sentiment models in the 1980s, Fishback then devoted his
Editorial assistant and research to options, culminating in the Fishback Option Pricing
webmaster: Kesha Green Formula. That model is the first of its kind that takes into account actual mar-
[email protected]
ket movement, as opposed to theoretical probabilities. Fishback’s option
Art director: Laura Coyle
[email protected]
analysis software is available at www.oddsonline.com.
Ad sales
West Coast and Southwest only: Steve Lentz ([email protected]) is a well-estab-
Allison Chee
lished options educator and trader and has spoken all over the
[email protected]
U.S., Asia, and Australia on behalf of the CBOE’s Options
Classified ad sales: Mark Seger
[email protected] Institute, the Options Industry Council, and the Australian
Stock Exchange. As a mentor for DiscoverOptions.com, he teaches select stu-
Volume 4, Issue 2. Futures & Options Trader is pub- dents how to use complex options strategies and develop a consistent trading
lished monthly by TechInfo, Inc., 161 N. Clark St.,
Suite 4915, Chicago, IL 60601. Copyright © 2010 plan. Lentz is constantly developing new strategies on the use of options as
TechInfo, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this
publication may not be stored or reproduced in any
form without written permission from the publisher. part of a comprehensive profitable trading approach. He regularly speaks at
The information in Futures & Options Trader magazine special events, trade shows, and trading group organizations.
is intended for educational purposes only. It is not
meant to recommend, promote, or in any way imply
the effectiveness of any trading system, strategy, or
approach. Traders are advised to do their own
research and testing to determine the validity of a trad-
ing idea. Trading and investing carry a high level of
risk. Past performance does not guarantee future
Note: A version of this article originally appeared in move without generating numerous whipsaw signals.
the February 2004 issue of Active Trader magazine.
The rules are:
hester W. Keltner published his “Keltner 1. Enter long and exit short when price crosses above
Test results
The results reflect the Keltner system’s
trend-following nature. Trend-follow-
ing systems typically produce more
losing trades than winners, but a good
system will offset the smaller losses by
catching major trends. This implies a
good trend-following system should
hold winning trades longer than losing
trades. In this case, winning trades
were held for an average of 38.5 weeks
(more than nine months), while losing
trades lasted only 12.4 weeks (around
three months). As expected, the
Keltner channel system’s winning percentage was low cent and 8.11 percent. In comparison, the two best years had
(only 37.81 percent), but the average profit for winning returns of 59.21 and 40.10 percent.
trades (14.7 percent) is much higher than the average loss
for losing trades (6.92 percent). This is reflected in the favor- Daily vs. weekly
able 2.12 payoff ratio. A second test using the same system rules on the same time
By letting the profits run and cutting the losses short, the period, but using daily instead of weekly price data, result-
system delivered a very respectable annualized gain of ed in a net loss of 80.24 percent. Why such a dramatic dif-
18.78 percent during the 10-year test period. There were ference? To help answer this question, let’s examine one of
two losing years during the period, with losses of 3.4 per- continued on p. 8
FIGURE 4 — DAILY TIME FRAME the large winning trades on the weekly
Using daily price data on the same test period resulted in more frequent scale and compare it to system’s per-
whipsaw trades and negative returns. formance during the same period on
daily data.
Figure 3 shows the system held a long
trade in crude oil for 75 weeks. The con-
tract price during this period appreciat-
ed nearly 100 percent, and a one-contract
position returned nearly $12,500. On
daily data, however, the system traded a
total of 15 times (eight longs and seven
shorts) during the same period and only
five of the 15 trades were winners. One
contract would have netted $3,380 dur-
ing this period. By using a weekly time
frame, the system was able to catch a
long trend and avoid the noise and
whipsaws on the daily time frame.
Although it was published 50 years
ago, the Keltner system showed poten-
tial as a long-term trend-following sys-
tem on the weekly time frame. Consider
testing your systems on weekly data.
You will sometimes find this results in
less noise and better performance.
Profitability Trade statistics LEGEND: Net profit — Profit at end of test period, less commission •
Exposure — The area of the equity curve exposed to long or short positions,
Net profit: $1,866,139.00 No. trades: 439 as opposed to cash • Profit factor — Gross profit divided by gross loss •
Net profit: 373.23% Win/loss: 37.81% Payoff ratio — Average profit of winning trades divided by average loss of
losing trades • Recovery factor — Net profit divided by max. drawdown
Exposure: 62.72% Avg. gain/loss: 1.25% • Max. DD (%) — Largest percentage decline in equity • Longest flat
Profit factor: 1.36 Avg. hold time: 22.27 days — Longest period, in days, the system is between two equity highs •
No. trades — Number of trades generated by the system • Win/Loss (%)
Payoff ratio: 2.12 Avg. profit (winners): 14.70% — The percentage of trades that were profitable • Avg. trade — The aver-
Recovery factor: 3.01 Avg. hold time (winners): 38.50 age profit/loss for all trades • Avg. winner — The average profit for win-
ning trades • Avg. loser — The average loss for losing trades • Avg. hold
Drawdown Avg. loss (losers): -6.92% time — The average holding period for all trades • Avg. hold time (win-
ners) — The average holding time for winning trades • Avg. hold time
Max. DD: -33.39% Avg. hold time (losers): 12.40
(losers) — The average holding time for losing trades • Max. consec.
Longest flat days: 140 Max. consec. win/loss: 8/11 win/loss — The maximum number of consecutive winning and losing
LEGEND: Avg. return — The average percent-
age for the period • Sharpe ratio — Average
Avg. Sharpe Best Worst Percentage Max. Max.
return ratio return return profitable consec. consec. return divided by standard deviation of returns
periods profitable unprofitable (annualized) • Best return — Best return for the
period • Worst return — Worst return for the
Weekly 0.38% 0.86 10.72% -13.05% 56.14% 8 9 period • Percentage profitable periods — The
Monthly 1.63% 0.87 16.80% -13.23% 59.09% 5 4 percentage of periods that were profitable • Max.
consec. profitable — The largest number of con-
Quarterly 4.88% 0.86 27.38% -20.33% 56.76% 3 3
secutive profitable periods • Max. consec.
Annually 20.37% 0.94 59.21% -8.11% 77.78% 3 1 unprofitable — The largest number of consecu-
tive unprofitable periods
Option spreads:
The reinsurance approach
The probabilities of options trading are not so different from those in
the insurance and gaming industries. To make money, it helps to play the odds
the way insurers and casinos do. Credit spreads are one way to do it.
ne of the biggest advantages of options is For instance, a credit spread on stock ABC, which is trad-
their flexibility. With sufficient study, you can ing at 16, would consist of selling the June 12.50 put (bid at
create a strategy that meets your personal cri- 0.90) and simultaneously buying the June 10 put (offered at
teria for risk, reward, and probability of suc- 0.40). The June 12.50 put is more expensive than the June 10
cess. Understanding and managing the relationship put, so the position provides a net credit of $0.50.
between these three factors is one of the most important The maximum profit potential for this trade is the net
skills option traders must master. The following discussion credit received, or $50 per spread. The maximum loss is $200
illustrates this by analyzing a well-known option spread. per spread, which means the risk is quadruple the potential
reward. Why would anyone want to
take on risk four times the maximum
FIGURE 1 — SHORT PUT OR CREDIT SPREADS? possible reward? The answer is proba-
With the stock trading around $100 in June 2003, a trader could sell July 80 bility — how frequently you get to
puts because of the low probability of a 20-point drop in the next month. make the $50 profit vs. how frequently
However, the risk on such a trade is unlimited. By also purchasing July 75 puts, you take the $200 loss. In this case, the
the risk on the trade is dramatically reduced. prior historical price action of the stock
indicated the probability of keeping the
eBay (EBAY), daily
$50 — i.e., the strategy’s winning per-
centage — was nearly 90 percent.
Implementing high-probability
130 trades such as this is the opposite of
what the majority of beginning traders
120 do in the options market. When most
people speculate with options (as
110 opposed to using them to hedge a
Profit zone position in the underlying instrument)
they tend to buy cheap options, hop-
ing to hit a home run and make a huge
profit with relatively small risk.
90 The credit spread strategy is a sub-
stantially different approach. It’s not
80 that buying options outright is a bad
idea. But realistically, if you are simply
Loss zone
70 buying them hoping to hit the jackpot,
you should know your odds of win-
ning are about equal to playing the
tables at a casino. And casinos don’t go
24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 27 2 out of business too often because of
March April May June
gambling losses.
Source: Reuters Metastock
That’s because casinos (and even
Profit/loss ($)
manage the risk, reward, and proba-
bility of profit for the games of chance -20,000
they run. It’s similar to the insurance -40,000
business, although the risk, reward,
and probability model in this area is
far more complex. However, individ- -80,000
ual investors can use the same princi- -100,000
ples in the options market. -120,000
Risk and reward:
Naked options -160,000
9 39 69 99 129 159 189
In the insurance business, you make
EBAY share price
money when something does not hap-
pen. Insurance companies collect pre- Source: chart — Excel; data — oddsonline.com
miums, which they get to keep if you
don’t get sick, you don’t get into an FIGURE 3 — CREDIT SPREAD
automobile accident, your house does
not catch fire, etc. Adding long options to the short put position creates a credit spread, which has
Individual traders can replicate this a smaller potential profit than a naked put, but also limits downside risk.
concept with the credit spread, essen-
tially turning themselves into insur- Profit/loss of credit spread
ance companies, by selling an option, (at expiration)
collecting a premium and keeping it as 2,000
long as the stock does not move
adversely. 0
Let’s look at what happens when
Profit/loss ($)
Put sale The key to the success of this trade is
-40,000 probability. The probability of any loss
-50,000 is less than 7 percent, and the probabil-
-60,000 ity of reaching the maximum loss is
less than 3 percent. When you quanti-
tatively balance these probability num-
bers with risk and reward, you find the
-90,000 trade has a positive expected outcome.
39 59 79 99 119 139 159
EBAY share price (See “Gauging probability.”)
The butterfly effect Butterfly spreads have attractive risk-reward ratios. This trade could earn
up to $15,205 if the S&P 500 climbs to 1110 by Nov. 20. If not, losses are
capped at only $4,820.
Market: Options on the S&P 500 index (SPX).
Options Watch: Energy sector components (as of Jan. 29) Compiled by Tristan Yates
The following table summarizes the expiration months available for the 20 top holdings of the S&P 500 energy sector exchange-traded-fund
(XLE). It also shows each stock’s average bid-ask spread for at-the-money (ATM) February options. The information does NOT constitute trade
signals. It is intended only to provide a brief synopsis of potential slippage in each option market.
Bid-ask spreads
2010 2011 2012
spread as %
Stock of underlying
Stock Ticker price Call Put price
Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM X X X X X X 64.43 0.04 0.04 0.06%
Chevron Corp. CVX X X X X X X 72.12 0.03 0.06 0.06%
Schlumberger Ltd. SLB X X X X X X 63.46 0.05 0.04 0.07%
Conoco Philips COP X X X X X X 48.00 0.03 0.05 0.08%
Halliburton Co. HAL X X X X X 29.21 0.03 0.03 0.10%
Chesapeake Energy Corp. CHK X X X X X X 24.78 0.03 0.03 0.13%
Apache Corp. APA X X X X X X 98.77 0.16 0.19 0.18%
EOG Resources Inc. EOG X X X X X X 90.42 0.18 0.16 0.19%
Noble Energy Inc. NBL X X X X X X 73.94 0.16 0.13 0.19%
Occidental Petroleum Corp. OXY X X X X X X 78.34 0.15 0.18 0.21%
Devon Energy Corp. DVN X X X X X X 66.91 0.14 0.15 0.21%
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. APC X X X X X 63.78 0.11 0.18 0.23%
Hess Corp. HES X X X X X X 57.79 0.11 0.15 0.23%
Southwestern Energy Co. SWN X X X X X X 42.88 0.10 0.13 0.26%
Baker Hughes Inc. BHI X X X X X X 45.28 0.14 0.13 0.29%
National Oilwell Varco Inc. NOV X X X X X X 40.90 0.13 0.11 0.29%
XTO Energy Inc. XTO X X X X X X 44.57 0.13 0.14 0.29%
Marathon Oil Corp. MRO X X X X X X 29.81 0.10 0.11 0.36%
Williams Cos. WMB X X X X X X 20.84 0.08 0.08 0.36%
Spectra Energy Corp. SE X X X X 21.25 0.14 0.15 0.68%
Call: Four-day average difference between bid and ask prices for the front-month ATM call.
Put: Four-day average difference between bid and ask prices for the front-month ATM put.
Bid-ask spread as % of underlying price: Average difference between bid and ask prices for front-month, ATM call, and put divided by the underlying’s closing price.
day moves, 20-day moves, etc.) show the per- larger than all the past readings, while a read-
Volume: 30-day average daily volume, in thou- centile rank of the most recent move to a certain ing of 0 percent means the current reading is
sands (unless otherwise indicated). number of the previous moves of the same size smaller than the previous readings. These fig-
OI: Open interest, in thousands (unless other- and in the same direction. For example, the ures provide perspective for determining how
wise indicated). rank for 10-day move shows how the most relatively large or small the most recent price
10-day move: The percentage price move from recent 10-day move compares to the past twen- move is compared to past price moves.
the close 10 days ago to today’s close. ty 10-day moves; for the 20-day move, the rank Volatility ratio/rank: The ratio is the short-term
20-day move: The percentage price move from field shows how the most recent 20-day move volatility (10-day standard deviation of prices)
the close 20 days ago to today’s close. compares to the past sixty 20-day moves; for divided by the long-term volatility (100-day stan-
the 60-day move, the rank field shows how the dard deviation of prices). The rank is the per-
60-day move: The percentage price move from most recent 60-day move compares to the past
the close 60 days ago to today’s close. centile rank of the volatility ratio over the past
one-hundred-twenty 60-day moves. A reading 60 days.
The “rank” fields for each time window (10- of 100 percent means the current reading is
This information is for educational purposes only. Futures & Options Trader provides this data in good faith, but it cannot guarantee its accuracy or timeliness. Futures & Options
Trader assumes no responsibility for the use of this information. Futures & Options Trader does not recommend buying or selling any market, nor does it solicit orders to buy
or sell any market. There is a high level of risk in trading, especially for traders who use leverage. The reader assumes all responsibility for his or her actions in the market.
18 February 2010 • FUTURES & OPTIONS TRADER
OPTIONS RADAR (as of Jan. 29)
Indices Symbol Exchange Options Open 10-day move / 20-day move / IV / IV / SV ratio —
volume interest rank rank SV ratio 20 days ago
S&P 500 index SPX CBOE 161.6 1.30 M -6.49% / 100% -4.67% / 100% 21.5% / 13.1% 16.8% / 12.3%
S&P 500 volatility index VIX CBOE 137.5 2.25 M 39.65% / 57% 23.35% / 86% 86% / 87.1% 158.6% / 92%
Russell 2000 index RUT CBOE 46.0 402.1 -6.87% / 100% -4.95% / 76% 25% / 17.1% 22.9% / 17.7%
E-Mini S&P 500 futures ES CME 24.1 120.1 -5.56% / 86% -3.74% / 87% 21.7% / 14.9% 16.5% / 15%
Nasdaq 100 index NDX CBOE 20.3 193.3 -7.71% / 100% -7.32% / 100% 23% / 15.2% 17.7% / 15%
Citigroup C 165.3 7.43 M -5.41% / 22% 0.00% / 0% 45.1% / 46.4% 49.3% / 46.4%
Bank of America BAC 164.4 3.71 M -9.75% / 63% 0.73% / 0% 38.9% / 41.4% 36.8% / 30.4%
AT&&T Inc T 135.2 495.4 -3.17% / 7% -10.45% / 100% 23.6% / 20.1% 19.2% / 18.1%
Apple Inc AAPL 121.3 922.3 -8.29% / 100% -9.25% / 100% 36.4% / 26.1% 33.3% / 27.2%
Verizon Comm VZ 102.4 336.2 -5.77% / 63% -11.97% / 95% 22.3% / 20% 18.2% / 19.3%
Eurodollar ED CME 274.9 4.96 M 0.00% / 0% 0.07% / 30% 103.7% / 32.8% 107.2% / 57.8%
10-year T-notes TY CME 77.7 707.2 1.56% / 69% 2.41% / 96% 6% / 4.8% 6.8% / 4.9%
Corn C CME 39.1 497.6 -6.46% / 17% -13.83% / 95% 27.1% / 32.1% 33.1% / 34.4%
30-year T-bonds US CME 27.2 156.4 1.73% / 42% 2.59% / 88% 10.2% / 7.7% 11% / 8.5%
E-Mini S&P 500 futures ES CME 24.1 120.1 -5.56% / 86% -3.74% / 87% 21.7% / 14.9% 16.5% / 15%
Indices - High IV/SV ratio
S&P 500 index SPX CBOE 161.6 1.30 M -6.49% / 100% -4.67% / 100% 21.5% / 13.1% 16.8% / 12.3%
S&P 100 index OEX CBOE 11.6 80.5 -6.52% / 100% -4.59% / 100% 20.9% / 12.9% 15.9% / 11.5%
S&P 100 index XEO CBOE 4.0 36.4 -6.52% / 100% -4.59% / 100% 20.2% / 13% 15.3% / 12.1%
Nasdaq 100 index NDX CBOE 20.3 193.3 -7.71% / 100% -7.32% / 100% 23% / 15.2% 17.7% / 15%
Dow Jones index DJX CBOE 6.5 128.6 -6.01% / 100% -4.57% / 100% 18.8% / 12.5% 15.1% / 12.3%
Diagonal spread: A position consisting of options with You can approximate a particular SMA length for an EMA
different expiration dates and different strike prices — e.g., by using this formula to calculate the equivalent smoothing
a December 50 call and a January 60 call. constant:
Near the money: An option whose strike price is close Simple moving average: A simple moving average
to the underlying market’s price. (SMA) is the average price of a stock, future, or other mar-
ket over a certain time period. A five-day SMA is the sum of
Open interest: The number of options that have not the five most recent closing prices divided by five, which
been exercised in a specific contract that has not yet expired. means each day’s price is equally weighted in the calcula-
Out of the money (OTM): A call option with a strike
price above the price of the underlying instrument, or a put Stochastic oscillator: A technical tool designed to
option with a strike price below the underlying instru- highlight shorter-term momentum and “overbought” and
ment’s price. “oversold” levels (points at which a price move has, theo-
continued on p. 24
Parity: An option trading at its
intrinsic value.
retically at least, temporarily exhausted itself and is ripe for “fast” stochastics. Because it is very volatile, an additional-
a correction or reversal). ly smoothed version of the indicator — where the original
Calculation: The stochastic oscillator consists of two lines: %D line becomes a new %K line and a three-period average
%K and a moving average of %K called %D. The basic sto- of this line becomes the new %D line –– is more commonly
chastic calculation compares the most recent close to the used (and referred to as “slow” stochastics, or simply “sto-
price range (high of the range - low of the range) over a par- chastics”).
ticular period. Any of the parameters — either the number of periods
For example, a 10-day stochastic calculation (%K) would be used in the basic calculation or the length of the moving
the difference between today’s close and the lowest low of averages used to smooth the %K and %D lines — can be
the last 10 days divided by the difference between the high- adjusted to make the indicator more or less sensitive to
est high and the lowest low of the last 10 days; the result is price action.
multiplied by 100. Horizontal lines are used to mark overbought and over-
The formula is: sold stochastic readings. These levels are discretionary;
readings of 80 and 20 or 70 and 30 are common, but differ-
%K = 100*{(Ct-Ln)/(Hn-Ln)} ent market conditions and indicator lengths will dictate dif-
where: ferent levels.
Ct is today’s closing price
Hn is the highest price of the most recent n days Straddle: A non-directional option spread that typically
(the default value is five days) consists of an at-the-money call and at-the-money put with
Ln is the lowest price of the most recent n days the same expiration. For example, with the underlying
instrument trading at 25, a standard long straddle would
The second line, %D, is a three-period simple moving consist of buying a 25 call and a 25 put. Long straddles are
average of %K. The resulting indicator fluctuates between 0 designed to profit from an increase in volatility; short strad-
and 100. dles are intended to capitalize on declining volatility. The
Fast vs. slow: This formula is sometimes referred to as strangle is a related strategy.
10. LJM Partners (LJM Fund LP) 4.33% 28.70% 63.7 Time spread: Any type of spread
that contains short near-term options
and long options that expire later. Both
Source: Barclay Hedge (www.barclayhedge.com) Based on estimates of the composite of all
options can share a strike price (calen-
accounts or the fully funded subset method. Does not reflect the performance of any single account.
dar spread) or have different strikes
(diagonal spread).
CME Group is expanding its international electronic CQG now provides access to real-time market data
trading fee incentive programs to provide clients outside of through the BlackBerry wireless platform. Data from more
North America with greater access to COMEX metals than 100 exchanges worldwide is available to CQG Mobile
futures products. The programs include International users, bringing real-time quotes on futures, stocks, fixed
Incentive Program (IIP), the Asia Pacific Incentive Program income, options, indices, foreign exchange, and cash to
(AIP), the South American Incentive Program (SAIP), the traders on the go. CQG is an order execution, charting, and
Latin American Commercial Incentive Program (LACIP), analytics provider for global electronically traded futures
and the Latin American Fund Manager Incentive Program markets. CQG partners with more than 40 Futures
(FMIP). They will run through Dec. 31, 2010. The programs Commission Merchants and provides direct market access
provide traders at proprietary trading firms, arcades, banks, to more than 35 exchanges through its worldwide network
and fund managers outside of North America with fee of collocated CQG Hosted Exchange Gateways. For more
incentives for electronically traded COMEX futures. information about CQG, visit www.cqg.com.
Customers who participate in the international incentive
programs will be subject to minimum volume and applica- Alpari, a regulated foreign exchange company and
tion requirements. Additional details can be found at global provider of online forex trading, has introduced spot
www.cmegroup.com/incentives. trading of precious metals, gold and silver. These instru-
ments are available to Alpari (U.S.) retail account holders.
E*TRADE Securities has launched CNBC Plus on its Both the gold and silver trading instruments can be located
newly redesigned premier desktop trading software for in the Market Watch window at the top left of the Alpari
active traders, Power E*TRADE Pro. CNBC Plus offers MetaTrader 4 platform. Gold is represented by the symbol
commercial-free live streams of CNBC TV from the U.S., pair XAUUSD, while silver is represented by the symbol
Europe, and Asia. The CNBC Plus video-on-demand pair XAGUSD. Those interested in trading with Alpari are
archive provides the ultimate research library with more encouraged to test out the spot trading of gold and silver
than 150,000 interviews, analysis, and commentary, and through a demo account available on the company’s Web
more than 100 new clips added each day. In addition to site, www.alpari-us.com.
CNBC Plus, Power E*TRADE Pro now features a new look
and feel, new console header, improved windows manage- Note: The New Products and Services section is a forum for industry
ment, RSS feed capability, and redesigned stocks and businesses to announce new products and upgrades. Listings are adapted from
options order tickets. For more information about press releases and are not endorsements or recommendations from
E*TRADE Securities products, services and educational ini- the Active Trader Magazine Group. E-mail press releases to
tiatives, visit www.etrade.com. [email protected]. Publication is not guaranteed.
Event: International Traders Expo Event: The 11th Free Technical Analysis Expo
Date: Feb. 14-17 Date: March 26-27
Location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, N.Y. Location: Paris, France
For more information: www.tradersexpo.com For more information: Go to www.salonat.com
Event: 26th Annual Risk Management Conference Event: The World MoneyShow Vancouver 2010
Date: March 7-9 Date: April 6-8
Location: The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples, Fla. Location: Hyatt Regency Vancouver
For more information: Visit www.cboe.com/rmc For more information: Go to
Event: 35th Annual International
Futures Industry Conference Event: FIA/FOA International Derivatives Expo
Date: March 10-13 Date: June 8-9
Location: Boca Raton Resort & Club, Fla. Location: The Brewery, Chiswell Street, London
For more information: Go to www.futuresindustry.org For more information: Go to www.idw.org.uk
Event: The 17th Forbes Cruise for Investors Event: Los Angeles Traders Expo
Date: March 18-30 Date: June 9-12
Location: Crystal Symphony, Sydney to Auckland Location: Pasadena Convention Center, Los Angeles
For more information: Go to For more information: Go to
www.moneyshow.com/events/Investment_Cruises.asp www.moneyshow.com/caot/?scode=013721
Date Contract Entry price Initial stop Initial target IRR Exit Date Point % LOP LOL Length
12/17/09 CLG10 73.80 72.31 76.35 1.71 76.35 12/23/09 +2.55 3.5% -1.08 9.72 4 days
81.89 1/4/10 +8.09 11% 11 days
Legend: IRR — initial reward/risk ratio (initial target amount/initial stop amount); LOP — largest open profit (maximum available profit
during lifetime of trade); LOL — largest open loss (maximum potential loss during life of trade).
A bad signal and a lack of discipline wounds this bull call spread on SPY.
TRADE series, which is why we are bullish, not bearish. Black
clouds may be forming over Wall Street, but the decline has
Date: Friday, Jan. 22. been fairly mild so far, suggesting that buying the dip could
be profitable.
Market: Options on S&P 500 tracking stock (SPY). Although we typically buy in-the-money (ITM) calls to
exploit a potential rally, options prices are too expensive;
Entry: Buy two February 110-strike calls for $3.25 each. the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) has climbed 42 percent
Sell two February 115-strike calls for $0.75 each. within three days. To reduce costs and lower exposure to
swings in implied volatility, we will buy ITM calls and sell
Reasons for trade/setup: The S&P 500 index dropped higher-strike calls in the same expiration month — a bull
2 percent on Jan. 21 as President Obama revealed his plan to call spread.
reign in U.S. banks. The market then slid another 1 percent We bought February 110-115 bull call spreads for $2.50
the next morning as several U.S. senators announced their each when SPY traded at 111.36 at 12:40 p.m. ET. Figure 2
opposition to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s continued on p. 30
Was this drop a brief interruption in a 10-month bull mar- TRADE SUMMARY
ket, or did it signal a major reversal (Figure 1)? Historical
testing suggests the stock market has tended to bounce Entry date: Friday, Jan. 22
back from such dips since the early 1990s, a pattern that has Underlying security: S&P 500 tracking stock (SPY)
been explored in Active Trader’s ongoing System Design Position: Bull call spread
series. 2 long February 110 calls
After a three-day decline of 3.3 percent, the market is 2 short February 115 calls
poised to trigger the long pullback pattern discussed in this Initial capital required: $500
Initial stop: Exit after five days
TRADE STATISTICS Initial target: SPY jumps to 114 or momentum
signal triggers
Date Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Initial daily time decay: $2.77
Delta: 72.49 64.39 Trade length: 5 days
Gamma: -1.59 10.48 P/L: -$264 (-53%)
Theta: -2.77 -6.18 LOP: $0
Vega: 4.35 13.78 LOL: -$264
Probability of profit: 39% 14% LOP — largest open profit (maximum available profit during life of trade).
Breakeven point: 112.50 112.50 LOL — largest open loss (maximum potential loss during life of trade).